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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1912)
.2 THE BEE: OMAHA, HUDAY, SEPTEMBEE 20, 1912. 3 3 PECIALWES IN MEN'S WEAR The Men's Section in the west aisle meets the demand for' men's goods that are uncommon-' -a few prominent items are MEN'S CAPS English and conservative styles, .$1 to $2 MEN'S HATSImperials. . '. .$3; Stetson,. . . .$3.50 to $6 MEN'S COLLARS Arro or Barker brands, 15c each; or two for........... 25c MEN'S NECKWEAR Cheney Ties, Kaiser Ties, broad end ties ...50c Up MEN'S GLOVES Cross English Gloves, tan cape, hand sewed, at $1.50 MEN'S SHIRTS-Columbia Shirts with attached revers - '' ible cuffs, at. .$1.50 Gray flannel Shirts, at . $2.00 MEN'S UNIONS Mentor Union Suits, 'closed crotch, at;.......' .$1.00 to $3.50 MEN'S HOSE Wayne Knit and Interwoven silk lisles, at......... ...25c, 35c, 50c v Pure Silk Sox, lisle sole, at ..... .50c MEN'S CLOTHING-Suits and Topcoats for Doctor or Lawyer, Clerk or Banker. Motorists1 Coats, Suits, Gloves, Caps. TEE VCTUN6 PEOPLES mm 1518-20 FARNAM STREET. ' state from placing the names of the bull moose party upon the ballot until aucb ' time ts the court have decided the legal 'tty of the law. s 1 , ; '' "In carrying the cua up to the district court." said Mr. Morrlssey, "we will have the power to doTnany things which the secretary of state, had not the right to do. For Instance we will have the right . to bring In witnesses, something we could not do In a hearing before the secretary of state. We had the names of, thirty four men whom we wouid iike to have ' had j appear, at the hearing. .We can , reach them by , court . process. Among ; that number were O. Q. VanMeter, th , man who claims to have secured the slg. . natures to the bull moose petition. Dr. t B, P. Williams, superintendent of the In. sane asylum who It Is said claimed he -did not sign the petition; L. B. Fuller, private secretary to Governor Aldrlch, who circulated the petition at the asylum and the penitentiary; E. E. Bennett, who assisted Mr. Fuller In the circulation of the petition; H. H. Antles, deputy warden at the penetentlary, and many others whose names appear on the petition, but ; who it Is claimed were not at the con ventlon. .. - - ' ; -'. Kills Primary ! "I contend," said Mr. Morrlssey, "that 1 when the law says that nominations shall be made at a rlmary held In April, and then any bunch of men can come In later and hold an old style convention and also nominate officer,- that It practically kills the effect of the primary law. Our ' primary la was passed especially to ; kill off the old convention system. Now in cornea a lot of fellows and hold an old time convention and put up a set of .'officers to contest with those who have been legally nominated by the people at a regularly called and-legal primary. In short. If an old time convention can be held any old time after the primary, .what Is the use of the state spending ' thousands of "dollars for the purpose of ' holding a primary." -'.'. Views of Martin. 'Attorney General Martin, who waa present at the hearing yesterday, but 'did not take part, has this to say re- garding the controversy : . ; "I was asked this question some time before there was any attempt made to organise a new party In this state. I .made, a. casual . Investigation, of the law .and found that section Nil of Cobbey's i statutes expressly authorises the forma Hon of a new party When 200 electors iaesemble and participate tn ft state con tention, and, upon complying with the .provisions of that section, such new party .la entitled to file its nominations with ;thc secretary of state and secure a place ,on the ballot at the general election. "I also found that section, 906 of Cobbey'a statutes, relating to the primary Jaw, authorizes the formation of a new uarty when WO electors assemble In a ' state convention, and, upon complying . twlth its provisions, such new party Is entitled to have a place on the primary .election ballot . . . "I observed that there waa ft question whether or. not the first section had not been repealed, Ilius ?Jea,vjns; section 6906, relating to the primary, a' the only law in the subject. It seemed to me there was grave doubt about the repeal of the first section, and this seems to have been the view taken by the compiler, because he has carried both sections Into the pub. llshed statutes. ' : ! , i "It appeared to me. that these two pro visions ought to be construed together, and when convention was called that complied with the provisions of both sec tions, and a party name was adopted, such party name and Its nominees should be entitled to a place upon the general election ballot.. t - . '. .. . . ,,. '-"In other words, when asked for an opinion on the question I state that I should advise the ! secretary of state to accept the filing papers of ft party which had compiled with these provisions of the law. Disputed questions of fact as to the formation of the new party , must be decided by , the secretary of state from tbe evidence before him. . ; "I recognize the fact that the -courts have always given a liberal construction to statutes which undertake to limit the 'rights of voters when exercising the elec tlve franchise. I believe that, under our constitution, which guarantees to the peo ple free elections, ft liberal construction ought to be given to all, laws which un dertake to restrict voters tn the exercise of those righto." ' CHICAGO DETECTIVES HUNT BANK BANDITS CHICAGO, Sept !. Detectives again searched Chicago today for two bank robbers, for whose arrest a reward of $25,000 la offered, and who escaped, with $Iu0,C00 In loot after beating Police Lieu tenant Burns Into unconsciousness when he attempted to arrest them single handed. . . , . ' ... -. The hunted men are wanted for a share In the daring robbery of the Bank of Montreal at Westminster, B. C. a year ago.. Five men dynamited the safe and got away with 1320,000. Three have been arrested. - . ALL VISITORS TO SNEED TRIAL WILL BE SEARCHED AMARILLO, Tex., Bept. 19. Judge J. N. Browning of the Forty-seventh dis trict, here today in granting ft hearing of habeas corpus, petition In the case of John B. Sneed, charged with killing Al a Boyce, ordered that every person en tering the court room Monday, Septem ber. 23 .btj searched for arms.',. ..".TJhsre will be no admlaaionW an arsenal,' said the court 'Search shall be made at the door and no Individual admitted without It first shall have been shown that he is not armed." STREET CAR SERVICE IN DULUTH IS NORMAL DtLUTH, Mich., Sept. 19.-The street car strikers marked time today and ap parently the publto has accepted a normal car service us an Indication of an end of the strike, and the cars continue well filled.'. However, many union men and certain walking clubs, formed during the heat of the controversy refuse to ride. Two cars were stoned last night In the west and a few ties placed on tracks In the east end. The stones did no damage and the ties were removed by the car crews... " . .- ; . . .. EUROPEAN GEOGRAPHERS 2 VISIT SAN FRANCISCO SAM FRANCISCO, Sept. 19.-The party of European geographers touring the United States, accompanied by members of the American Geological society, ar rived here today. " After a two days' visit they will depart for Salt Lake City. Ex tensive entertainments have been ar ranged here. The Europeans are guests of the American society, f t HAY LIFT FRATERNAL RATES Modern- Woodmen Suit Will Result in Increase for Many. TESTIMONY GIVEN Iff CASE City Council of Dee Moines Makes Investlft-attoft late) Reports that State Phone Company la Raising; Rates. DEATH RECORD ) ', Geora-e Weerts. FAIRBURY. Neb.. Bept W.-(Speclal.)- After ft five weeks' siege of typhoid fever, George Weerts died at ft hospital In this city. He was born In Gaber, Ger many, May 8, 1888. When quite young he came to America with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wee its, who located on a farm near Dlller, In this county. The deceased Is survived by his mother, two sisters and two brothers.. : Jndae-B. SV Thompson. KEWANKB. III., Sept M.-B. F. Thomp ton, county judge of Stark county, and prominent In Grand Army affairs of west era Illinois, died suddenly today at his home in Toulon, aged 75. His regiment, the 112th Illinois, was holding its annual reunion at Geneseo at the time. "There eould be no better medicine than Chamberlain's Cough ,Rmedy. My children were alt sick with whooping cough. One of them was tn bed. had a high fever and was coughing' up blood. Our doctor gave them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the first dose eased them, and three bottles cured them," says Mrs. R. A. Donaldson of Lexington, Miss. For sale by all dealers. (From a Staff Correspondent). DES MOINES, la., Sept .-Specia) Telegram.) Rates In all fraternal insur ance companies stand a good chance of being raised,, if the suit now pending 'In court Is decided In favor of the Modern Woodmen of American. ' The fact yester day was acknowledged by the chief coun sel for the defendant company. In . his arguments he stated that if the case Is decided in their favor It will be a fore runner for a raise in rates of a numbei of other companies. Testimony was given today to show that the increase in rates Is fully justified and that unless there Is a change in the plan of doing business much of the fraternal Insurance will. finally fail. Hlarfcer Phone Rates. The city council of Dea Moines has been making investigation into reports that the state telephone company is raising rates for telephone service In the city, but the officials today make strong denials of any intent to Increase ratea It Is declared however that contracts have been offered large users of tele phones which show a decided increase of rates, which Is declared to be violation of an agreement at-the time the absorp tion of the' Independent line was agreed to. ' ' 35 Hints of Thesfe Great Clothing Bargains Now on Display in Our ' Douglas Street Windows.- -A NATIONAL INSTITUTION' CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND HATS FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN , It Will Pay You to Buy Two or Three Suits When Such Un usual' Savings Are Available. WOMAN SHOT THROUGH . . HAND BY HER HUSBAND ELDQRA, ia., Sept. 19.-(SpecIal.)-In k quarrel on the station platform at Ab bott Crossing, north of here, last night Mrs. George Shlndell was wounded by her husband, she ' claims, wlHh a revolver with which he attempted to kill her. Shlndell, who Is joint agent at Abbott Crossing, was arrested at Grundy Center an hour later, His wife was' also de tained there and given medical attention. Shlndell and his wife have been estranged for a year or more, and during that me the husband has had the chil dren with him. Mrs. Shlndell came to see the children, and when she was about to leave her husband tried to Induce her to remain with htm. She refused, she says, and, according to her statement, ft quarrel followed, and when she was about to board the train her husband threatened to kill her with the revolver. She fought for possession of the weapon, and In the scuffle It waa discharged three times the bullets passing through her hands. Her wounds are not considered danger ous. ; ' SIXTY ACRES OF BEANS : ON CLEAR LAKE FARM CLEAR LAKE, Is,, Bept 19. -Special.) Building a bean crib Is certainly some thing new In Iowa. Oats bins, hay mows and corn cribs have all had their place In the language of Iowa, but a bean crib is new and novel. - Sam Kennedy Is build ing a crib of this kind, the dimensions being 20x22 feet, and he expects to- have at least 1,000 bushels of beans to store away In it. He will commence threshing out the crop just as soon as the weather dries. He has sixty acres of aa fine navy beans as were ever raised in any country, and he does not expect to sell them for less, than $3 per bushel. He ex pects that the crop will average him be tween fifteen or twenty bushel per acre. Such a large aoreage Is something en tirely new in this "section of Iowa. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER MARRIED ON SAME DAY IOWA FALLS, la., Sept 19.-(Special.)-The unusual occurrence of Issuing mar riage licenses to mother and daughter on the same day happened In Grundy county recently, the ladles who figured In the strange, transactions being Mrs. Effle A. Remlck and Miss Alice R Retpick. The mother had been divorced and was licensed to remarry jr. V. Cochran. Her age was given as 39 years. The daugh ter's age was given as 16, and she was legally authorised to wed Charles EX Dickson. The daughter was married at Grundy Center and the mother at Rein-bedk. Rf fort to Knd Life. CRESTON, la.. Sept 19.-(8pecial Tele gram.) Frank Averlll of Fontanelle, at tempted to commit suicide at the home of a brother-in-law, Scott Ewlng at Fon tanelle today, by stabbing himself above the heart and then cutting his throat No . cause Is given. He la still alive and It Is thought he may recover. Ions News Notes. ; SHENANDOAH -Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Mayall of Clarlnda are in the Page county Jail on a statutory charge. They were married two years ago in Clearmont. Mo. Now comes Clarence Spencer, former husband of the woman, and claims that they were never divorced, swear.'ng out a warrant for their arrest. The woman says she supposed she nad been divorced from Spencer. WILSON IS IN ANANIAS CLUB (Continued from Page One.) STAB' CSUYSSSl ' J Fori m "; If 11 SAVE THIS COUPON IT KELPS YOU GET, Tts Gvil War Through Its Camera Brady Famous CtvU War Photographs (MuWl fm'itiM t(h (. i. 1Wwi() And Professor Ebon's Newly Written History of tbe CrrH War ately to the western headquarters, where he talked to a gathering of business men and politicians before the time set for his departure to Detroit at 10:30 a. m. Besides the political side of' his visit to Detroit the governor looked forward to another incident his Introduction to Ty rus Cobb, the Detroit base ball player. The governor lived and practiced law in the same section In Georgia In which Cobb lived. Ralph Smith, the representa tive of the national committee, who comes from Atlanta, Ga., and who is traveling with the governor, planned "the Georgia reunion." - Rain for Bee Saaar iBdantry. LA JUNTA, Colo., Sept 19.-V-If the ! democratic tariff program is adopted it (will ruin every honest man engaged In I raising sugar beets," declared Colonel j Roosevelt here today in an appeal to the sugar beet growers of the country. HYMENEAL ' Brott-Klacfrtey-. TORK. Neb., Sept l-(Speclal.)-M,lss Helen Ktngsley and Raymond Brott were married yesterday afternoon at the home of the brlde'a mother near this city. Rev. (R. 8. Lindsay officiated. I . ; . i ' The Persistent ana Judicious fee of Newspaper Advertising la the Road to GREAT ALTERATION SALE Of Children's, Boys' . Youths' Suits'; Commences Friday Horning at 9:00 O'clock Friday and Saturday Only ALL OUR PREVIOUS EFF0RTS AT VALUE-GIVING arc SURPASSED in this REMARKABLE ALTERATION SALE? Carpenters and painters are now playing havoc in our great Children's Clothing Store on second floor. Depart- T ments are being changed about, odd lots and broken lines are being discovered at every turny until now, more than f 400 Suits all our own make for children, boys and youths have been collected together. These Suits must be sold, and sold at once. In order to effect the quickest possible clearance, we have divided this immense lot of suits into I six groups. ' , ' ' ' ' '-: ;' . ' I ) JUVENILE SUITS 40 Suits Russian and Sailor blouses, mixtures and, plain serges, regular $5.00, $6.00, $6.50 values, CA alteration sale price. . . . , . vViwU 65 Russian and Sailor Blouse Suits, sold from $7.50 to $10.00; your unre stricted choice Friday anddC A A BOYS SUITS 164 Boys' Double-Breasted and Nor folk Suits, 8 to. 17 years, splendid patterns, up to $8.50 values; 75 Friday and Saturday price . . V 62 Boys' Double-Breasted and Nor folk Suits, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 val ues; alteration sale price, only $7.75 YOUTHS SUITS 43 Youths' Long Pants Suits, fancy ; mixtures and blue Serges, $15.00 and $16.50 values; Friday and Saturday, choice.... 34 Youths' Suits, splendid mixtures and blue serges, 15 to 19 year sizes, values to $25.00; Friday CM 75 and Saturday. 9"' $11.75 Saturday for only. THREE GREAT SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY'S BUYING Boys' Sweaters Broken lines boys' and children's sweaters, regular $1.50 and $2.00 values; fft choice Friday and Saturday. .. , $1 Blouses Broken lines boys' blouses, attached or detached .collars, $1.00 values; choice Friday and Saturday. :65c I L BROWNING, KING . COMPANY Geo. T. Wilson. Mgr. :: mmmmMmVW'' " 11 . 1 .11 JiJJiihi iiiiniil.i.i..T)gi, .mi .n.ji iu i hiul,.iih aim i minimi. Pennants-Limited number of soiled and inussed pennants, sold regularly -at 75c and $1.00; choice ' Friday and Saturday. . ...... w v C t 15th at Douglas Peck to Attend the Grain Dealers' Meet K. P. Peck of th Omaha Elevator company Is to be -on of 1,000 or more dele gates who will attend the sixteenth an nual convention of the Grain Dealers' National association at Norfolk, Va., October 1, I and 3 nest Mr. Peck has signified Ms intention to go to the convention, which Is to be one of the moat Important held In 'the country this year. The people of Norfolk have made elab orate arrangements for the entertainment of the visiting grain dealers. Special arrangements have been made for -the entertainment of the visiting ladles. The membership of the Oraln . Dealers' National association is made up of all the prominent grain brokers, commission men and elevator -.owners of the country. . v It la,-one of the. stronsst$.radeorganlxa- tftm m tne y nueo., states, , , , ... , . ---- . FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT v GETTING READY FOR WORK The trial calendar of the United States district court has just been Issued for the September term. It Is to begin Sep tember 23.' Motions, demurrers and the like scheduled for hearing will be heard the first day of the term. Jury trials are to commence October 1 at 9:30 a, m. The trial docket will be called and cases assigned on Monday morning, September 23, at 10 o'clock. Among the cases to come up are fifteen damage suits, twelve of which are against railroad companies. Chicago Fire Chief Drives Bearcat Here M. J. . Kavanaugh of the staff of the ohlef of the Chicago fire department, is in Omaha enroute to the west coast In his new automobile, the Midland Bearcat, a sixty-horse power, machine. He Is the guest, of F. W. Nelson of 1431 South Fifteenth street. The automobiUst has come thi distance of 603 miles from Chicago through mud almost hub deep in places. CUMING COUNTY SUPPORT IS L0STBY BULL MOOSE William A. Smith of Beemer, chairman of the democratic county central com mittee of Cuming County, called at the Woodrow Wilson headquarters this morning. He brought .the information that Roose velt had practically lost his support', In Cuming county. He said. there had been some bull moosers there before the Roose velt convention, but said since that time the colonel had steadily ' lost ground In Cuming county. ' ARE RECORD. 1 Grwrrr Store Barns. BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. I9.-8peclal Telegram.) Fire of unknown origin this morning destroyed the grocery store of J.v'W. Kuhl In, Glenover, a suburb of Beatrice. The loss will amount to $2,000, partially covered by insurance. Fatal Rare (tnarrel In Clrcns. R0CHEL.LE, 111., Sept M.-Jose Ra- mlnas, San Antonio, Tex., was shot and killed and Francisco Basques was se riously wounded as the result of a race quarrel among circus employes here today. Police nre searching for a negro who Is said to have done the shooting. Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. Boy Bitten by Pet Cat. VIRGINIA. Minn.; Bept. ls.-Bitten by a pet cat sunering witn raoies Harry Hanson of Mountain Iron may be a vic tim of hydrophobia. The boy was taken to St. Paul toaay ror tne rasieur treat ment. The cat was Killed and its neafl sent to the State Board of Health for ex amination. Word was received nere to day that the animal was infected ; by rabies. Two Beauty Hints Every Woman Should Know Business Success. ComDlexlon blemishes rapidly vanish after a few applications of a simple lotion, made by dissolving 4 ounces spurmax In H pint witch hazel or hot water and adding S teaspoon fuls glycerine. This lotion la invisible when on, clears the skin of all eruptions or blemishes and gives to It a soft, velvety finish. It Is fine for dispelling the oily shiny condition and offers complete pro tection to the complexion during the try ing weather of fall. Cleansing the hair and scalp with canthrox Is invigorating ' and adds greatly to the hair's beauty, a tea spoonful of canthrox dissolved in a cup hot water is ample for shampooing the heaviest head of hair, and when used on dull, "stringy,' faded hair makes it bright and fluffy and gives to it a rich, even color. No danger of catching cold follows the use of canthrox. Adv. NEBRASKANS INCLUDED IN PRISON CONGRESS ROSTER The preliminary program of the Ameri-' can Prison association's annual meeting, which was held In Omaha lat year, and which this year Is to be held In Baltl 'trfore in November, Is out. The list does not ;lnclude any.'. Nebraska' speakers, but the official roster, carries the names of A. W. Clark of Omaha as assistant sec retary, and of both Mr. Clark and' Judge Lee.Bstelle as members of the board of directors. ' Judge Bstelle ' Is also on" the committee on prevention and probation, and J. A. Piper, secretary of the State Board of Charities at Lincoln, Is on tho special committee of Jails, lockups and police stations. r Auto Gloves $3 and $4 values Best Quality Cape and Buckskin, made with Ex tra Wide Gauntlets On Sale Saturday- $145 On Sale Saturday Bis; Tim Salllvan is 111. ; NEW YORK, Sept. 19.--State Senator Timothy D. ("Big Tim") Sullivan, who has been In 111 healtlu.for some time, is said to have collapsed . at his wife's funeral yesterday and Is reported today to be In a serious condition. The senator has been suffering from a nervous breakdown and diabetes. . X A Dansrerons Wound Is rendered antiseptic by ' Bucklen's Ar niua Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns, piles, eczema and salt rheum. JSc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. 'V ' The Keynote of Health , U the Liver,'. Scientists have definitely' learned that the Liver is one of the most important organs of the human system. It is the sieve which separates the good from the bad, the nutriment from the poison. .Allow the Liver to become torpid or in active, the poison Is sent through the system and disease Is the result. First you become bilious and constipated and later the consequences are more serious. Nobody can live as regular as a clock. In order to enjoy life we subject our seleves to dietary indiscretion. If the proper remedy is then used the trouble is quickly ended. A remedy which comes nearest to the heart of the people la a natural remedy. The natural remedy most widely used Is Hunyadi Janos Water, the sTatural Laxative. Its natural combination is wonderfully effective In Biliousness, Torpid Liver and Constipa tion tumblerful cleanses the Liver, flushes the Intestines, purifies the sys tem and Is gentle, speedy and sure. Don't take substitutes; they are worth less imitations and may be harmful.. AUDITORIUM OMAHA FRIDAY, Sept. 20, 8 P.M. ; Everybody Welcome -""--'- t - I, ,, - 20c This Coupon and good for the next number ot ALL the following magazines: 8TJWSET HAOAKirlS McCX. XXBB's KAOASXirS TBI X,ASXBS WOmiD WATIOWAI. OUtXOATJOir V joint ii Ax. Address, Magazine Coupon Dept., Twentieth Century Farmer. Omaha. Neb. Every Pair Guaranteed A Big Factory Stock Pur chase enables us to offer this ( most -i extraordinary, bargain. - a See Them Saturday "NIGHT SHIFTS" REQUIRED HERE Dresner Brothers Cleaners, Enter Into Remarkable ' Period of Activity. A REWARD OF MERIT "We all get Just what Is coming to us!" This may be In the language of the streets, but, it's forceful just the same, and aptly expresses the sit uation at Dresner Bros. extremely modern dry cleaning and dyeing es ishment at 2211. 2213 Farnam street. ,.h " .: ; ' '.' Dreehers. are bo busy cleaning, altering, and repairing fall clothes, etc., that a night shift has become necessary, and it is nothing to hear sounds of life and activity at the Dresher plant at 2 a. m. to 4 a. m., or thereabouts. v Now then, this must be a sort of reward of merit for faithful work and ardous efforts to please, don't you think? The Dresher boys "sit up nights" to plan improvements on their plant; they will go a mile out of their way to please a customer; they are turning out a grade of work unexcelled anywhere throughout the whole United States and THIS is the reason they are dong such an over whelming business at the present moment. But never mind the rush! YOUR work will be, .taken care of better than ever; the force is a large and able one; send In every bit of fall and winter clothing for an Immediate overhauling and thorough cleansing. Just phone Tyler 1300 for a wagon; or bring your work to the plant, or to Dresher The Tailor at 1515 Farnam street, or to tbe Dresher branch agency in The Pompelan Room of tho Brandeis Stores. And always remember that Dresn ers pay express one way wherethe work amounts to 1 3 or over. " ... J TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED : B. & D. COCKROACH POWDER IS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED $1 lb. or 6 lbs. for V See D. Feblowitz, Omaha Bee, for Orders .3 LAST GElArJGE Y. M. C. A. Campaign Closes Saturday, Sept. 21st J O INNO W ! TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Best Farm Paper. AMUSEMENTS. DUy Mat. IOoi Errs. B-lO-sOa, Oa Soturlas Straat. it lfitli. WTSVKTl VAUDEVILLE Includes the Eulah Lee Quartet; Mantell's Marlon- LAST WEES. SOME OBOWIirO CHILD I WHAT? Lorella; Dave Vine; Prince & Deerte; Hippo scope Pictures. - OonUanous a to 0; 7 to 11 p. a, Sally. "OMAHA'S r5i CEITXE.- " ... i3BrHUTit -XMat.lS.a5-SOo y-3fv' Evrs, 15-88-50-750 wS, TROCADEROS EZTHAVAOAHZA A3TD VAUDBTILLB Laughter an Epidemic in Funny Frank Finney's "3 Dukes." Lively Minnie Burke. Droll 8am Adams, 47 Others. Clean, Crisp Fun. t - Ladles' Dime Matinee Every Week Day. BA SE BALL Omaha vs. Des Moines ROURKE PARK ; September 80, 21, 22, 22. Friday, Sept. 20 Ladles'. Day. Sun Sept. 22; 2 games; 1st, 2 P. M. Games Called 3:30. Put Your Want Ad In THE BEE IT WILL BEACH TWICE AM UAtTt HOMES. Phones; Douglas 494; Ind. A-1491 Mat Every Day, 2:15; Every Night,' 8:15. ADVANCED VATJDEVILE This Week Madame Butterfly; Stew art Sisters and Escorts; Kaufman Broth ers; Fred Hamill and Charley Abbate; Harry Atkinson; The Flying Martins; Pathe's Weekly. Review of World Events; Orpheum Concert Orchestra. Prices Matinee, Gallery 10c, Best Seats 25c Except Saturday and Sunday; Night, 10c, 25c, 60c and T5c BRANDEIS THEATER Wednesday Matinee and Wight. lOSS NOBODY FBOM STABLAVD With OLITB VAIL Seats How 3 DaysStarting Thursday, Sept. 98 CKATrWCEY OLCOTT In THE ISLB O'DBZAMS -Beats How Heady Matinee Satntday. 3 Days, Commencing Matiae Today BABY DOLL Prloes: 10, 80, 30, 50c Mats. 10, SO, 30o 4 Days, Commencing Bandar HEADY MO STET Seats How. . KRUG THEATRE MATIHSH TODAY H30 Xti SJiSI IUII 600. I Girls and Dashing Dainty Mario LADIES' DAILT DIMS MATXHEB