Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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stock ot
OA ele
Odds and Ends and Samples of ,
Women's Fall Neckwear
Made to Sell Regularly at 1ffn
25c and 35c each, at, ea. IOC
The biggest bargain in neckwear that
has been offered in years. Beaded
! silk and satin stocks, the fashionable
new Robespierre collars', side frills,
s lace jabots, Dutch collars, fancy cro
chet and ribbon bows,
- hundreds
ues up
v floor,
at, each ..............
Mansfactcrer's Sample Handkerchiefs at 5c .
Women's and men's plain and fancy bordered cotton and linen
1 'handkerchiefs some colored bordered others
mercerized with Bilk finish worth 10c and 15c
each. at. . t ....... .'
jaDots, uutcn collars, lancy cro
and ribbon bows, j
Ireds of styles; val- j f if)
up to 35c, on main I
r, bargain square;
ch all Silk Taffeta Ribbons, all the popu
lar shades, at, a yard.................. ......
1-inch all silk Dresdi
patterns, at, a yard.
5-inch all Silk Taffeta Ribbons, all the popu- AA
4-inch all silk Dresden Ribbons, pretty floral 4ra
. LOtj
Femnints of Plain and Fancy Silks, 25c & 35c Yard
Nearly every weave manufactured come and get
atsy" and. 35c
3,003 Silk Pieces at 15c and 25c Each
House and travelers' samples over 100 different
styles to select from.
27-lnch All Silk Yarn Dyed
Dress MessallneB In evening
and street shades, Including
black limit of 10 yards to a
customer; at, yard. .... 50
50c: Silk Poplins - full
range of colors black
and light shades, at
yard ...... ...29c
Dress Goods Reanaats at 39c & 50a Yd
Fine Dress goods in mill ends of serges, whipcords,
diagonals, broadcloths and novelty weave suitings,
lengths from 3 to 8 yards-up to OA' ("A.
54 inches wide, at yard.. . . .......... .oJL'dUL
36 to 64-inch Dress Ooods for
women's and misses' suits,
children's dresses, boys' suits,
separate skirts, etc. worth
from SOc to 75c; on base- 9Q
ment bargain sq.. yard.
Wool Challles in remnants
borders, allover patterns,
dots, etc. on main
etc. on main iZn
at, yard... I8C
Matched pieces of All Wool
Imported Dress Ooods - as
many as 10 of a kind match
up of a yard , In each
length will go on
sale at, each piece. .
Sample pieces of Imported
Dress Goods in basement
on sale at, each F
piece ................ . ,wC
. 35c
Manufacturer's Sampb Pieces and Remnants
Allover Laces, Bands and Edges
Thousands of fine yoke pieces, festoons, medallions, ap
pliques, in Venise and crochet effects, fl Cf 9f
one-half to one yard in each piece, ea. . .:.LdLmudt
9 Special Basement Bargains
Best grade light and
dark Outing Flan
nel, In stripes and
White Baby Flan
nel perfect mill
lengths of the lOe
quality, U
at. yard....2v
Warm Duckling
Fleece Flannels
. for kimonos, new
pretty styles and
at, yard
Standard grade, 38
inch Unbleached
Muslin; deBirable
' lengths, . M.
at, yard. . . . 2v
Yard wide light and
dark Dress Per-
, calea In perfect
lengths for aprons,
dresses and waists
yard, .
Various grades and
lengths of all kind
of Cotton Ooods
in forenoon
only at, yd.... C
In all the world. No Store Will Strire to Serve You Better.
i i . . t ir
waf.pgBHie!'i' i -u ii i,?r,-iri
Formerly The Bennett Company.
Dress Flannelettes;
thousands of yards
in fancy figured,
striped and check
ed designs, r
at, yard.-. . . . ,3L
Bleached, yard wide
Muslin and Cam
bric perfect mill
lengths; i
at, yard. . . .. .DC
In the afternoon
beginning at 1:30
dark styles, yd.
wide Dress Per
cales in short
at, , yd. .
L. . Good, heavy, fine weave, ' brown linen
IQen UaSn crash 17 inches wide 8c quality: on
t Am . V .' ; a table In bargain linen aisle; J ' '
at 4c a i r j at, a yard. .4c ,
Mill EncL of Huck Towels at 6Jc Each
Best lot of factory mill end Towels ever offered at such
a small cost; plenty of huck towels, actually 1 p
worth J.2V2C and 15c a piece, your choice, ea. . .0 2 v
Hill Ends In Table Padding at ISc Yard
Good, heavy weight, double fleece Table Padding, 54
inches wide, 1 to 4 yard lengths, 4 r
a 29c value, at, yard ........................I 3 v
; YORK PATTERN HATS at . . . . W l O
; These are stunning new fall pattern hats that were
Bent to us for our opening. The shipment was delayed until
one day ago and rather than have the hats sent back the
shipper accepted a loss on the hats and we are able to sell
them for $15.00. They were all made to sell for $25.00.
Ail new shapes with fancy ostrich trimming. ;
v II
Our First Great Challenge
Friday Bargain Day
Presents a Solid Front of Most Wonderful SPECIAL BARGAINS.
Bear in mind Friday Bargains on sale Friday only no mail or phone orders accepted,
except in the Pure Food Departments. We advise prompt attendance. Sale starts
promptly when the doors open at 8 o'clock Friday morning. '
A Host Sensational Friday Challenge Sale
. ing we place on sale 300 high grade wash dresses, lingeries, ging7
' hams, cambrics, percales, lawns, many different styles, all sizes
wide range of colors and white dresses. $3.95 to $10.00 Dresses Go in
.The Great Friday Challenge Sale Promptly at 8 O'clock at .only.
Coat Sale.
VP TO $35.00 Spring Coats
k. small lot of cream serges
and pongees, worth $15 to $35
They go in Friday's HQ ng
Challenge at ..... VO
Suit Sale
UP TO $23.00 Tailored Suits
A small lot of .suits worth
$15.00 to $25.00. They go in
Friday's Challenge d6 QC
at, each ......... $O.V&
Linen Suits
$7.50 TO $15.00 Norfolk, plain
and cutaway linen, suits, tan
and white. $15.00 to $25.00
Suits, Friday's d1 QC
Challenge at . V
Challengo Sale Domestic
6 He Calico Remnants Best Calicoes, AJ
6 to 10 yard lengths, Friday Chal- fB J
lenge Sale, per yard & I f
6 He Unbleached Crash 17 inch, our Inf.
regular 6c Crash, 10 yard limit, ft? VU
Friday Challenge f rice ............
Blanket Challenge I Bed Comfort' Challenge
89c Blankets, SOc Ex
tra good weight cot'
ton blankets; gray
only; blue ; or pink
border. 89c Blankets,
Friday Bar-
gain Sale
? 69c
$1.25 and $1.89 Com
forts, 98c Extra good
weight and size. Filled
with good cotton. Very
special $1.25 & $1.39
Comforts, Frl.
Challenge Sale
$1.25 Hemstitched Pattern Table Cloths
Friday Challenge Sale Special, at, each
Jewelry Challenge
SOc to ' $1.00 Sterling Silver
Manicure Articles and novelties,
worth up to $1.00;
CSallenge Friday
at . ?.
1.80 to $3.00 racy Kanntad Bat.
ttU U BMk Oombs, fine m f
quaJlty stones, 22k gold In- I I f
laid, worth to $3, Friday., ww
Glove Challenge
l.OO. $130, 11.75 Kid OlOTti, 490
Women's kid gloves, 2-clasp styles,
all colors and black and white, most
vary size, values up to $1.7, none
worth leas that Jl, many M g
art l,60 values, Friday L3C.
Challenge Sals Price, pair,. '
Challenge .Wash Goods
25c -Wash Goods, 5c All short lengths
of high grade wash goods go in Fri
day's great Challenge Remnant Sale,
. 2 to 10 yard lengths. While they last,
Wash Goods, Worth up to 25c per
yard . . ........
Ire ss Goods Remnants
$1.00 Dress Goods, 39c
1 to 10 yards, suit
able for children's
dresses, Bklrts and
suits Drees Goods
Remnants Worth up to
$1.00, Friday
per yard ;.
' Friday Silk Remnants
$1.00 Silks, 29c A
great variety. Chal
lenge Sale, Bhort
length!, 1 to 10 yard3,
Fine Silk Remnants
", Worth ,up to $1.00,
Friday, at 'OQg.
Toilet Department
- Challenge
Friday Bargains
$1JS5, 2-Qnart Hot Water Bottle
Guaranteed, Challenge "70
Friday Special, at . . . I 7V
$1.00 Value Two Quart Fountain
Syringes Rapid flow tubing,
two pipes. Challenge v CQ"
Price, Friday Oiv C
SOc Hind's Honey and Almond
Creams Challenge Sale Q A
Price Friday ......... C
50c Sodium rhosphate Efferves
.cent, 4-os hot ties, OQf
; Challenge Friday Spec. SC
Friday Bargains
50c Swiss and Cambric 22 Inch
Allover Embroidery 50 cent
- values, Challenge, OC-,
Friday, per yard . . . .auOC
$1.50 Swiss Embroidery Floun
cing Showy repeat patterns,
$1.25 to $1.50 valuea nn
Challenge Friday, yd. 07 C
15c to 20c Linen Lace and In
sertion Cluny patterns, reg-
ular 15c to 20c val.-, 4 -t
Challenge Friday,, yi. 1 1C
Ribbons and Collars
15c Women's Laundered Col
lars Big range styles and
sizes, slightly railed from
handling, 15c valus, f
Challenge Friday, each OC
29c Fancy Taffeta Ribbon -5
Inch width; desirable shades,
29c values, Friday n
Challenge, at, yard . . LuC
Notion Challenge
Friday Bargains
Couquette Invisible Hair Nets
' in all .wanted shades, 1 C
. Challenge Friday, dcz. IOC
10c Quality Feather Stitched
-Braid Three widths, white
and colors, . Challenge
Friday, piece . ... . . , .
20c Hair" PiM Assorted, 200
in box, regular 20c grade,
Challenge Friday,
, per dua ........
15c and 20c Kid Cnrlera
Two brown shades, three
sizes, Special Friday f
'Challenge, at ...... luC
100 BrM BlilcUs Two
lies, on sale Friday,
Clearance . Sale, choice,
per pair
Be Steel Safety Fine"!
Three alses, 13 on a
card, Co Challenge Fri
day, per card ........
Be Hooka and Byes
Three siMS, non-rust-able.
24, to card. Chal
lenge Friday, per card
O www,
i ' ' 1
Hosiery Challenge
Friday Bargatns
10c, 15c Odd Lota W omen's
and Children's Hose Friday
Challenge Sale Price C
per pair . . . ...... iJ C
Women's 25c Plain and Fancy
Cotton Hose Friday. Chal
lenge Sale Price, 1 f
per pair . . . , ...... XUC
Women's 65c Regular and Ex-
, tra'size AVhite Cotton Fleeced
Union Suits Chal- All
lenge Friday, at .... TrO C
Women's and Children's Fleet--
. ed Vests and Pants Chil
dren's fleeced nnion ng -suits,
Challenge Fri. fauC
Men's 85c Black Oxford Nat
ural Fine cashmere Ag
hose, Challenge Fri. faOC
Men's $1.00 Early Fall Weigat
Ribbed Balbriggan Union
Suits Challenge QA
Friday .....OivC
Men's 89c Heavy Ribbed Shirts
and ; Drawers Chal- g
Friday Special at . . . OOC
Challenge Friday Lingerie Bargains
Women'sv $1.50 Gowns,
Petticoats, Drawers and
Combination Garments
Made of good quality
nainsook and muslin,
elaborately trimmed
medallions and tucks,
skirts have deep em
broidery flounces, fg
1.50 values, hHC
Challenge Friday
Infants' $1.50 Long and
Short Sllps Made of
fine, quality . nainsook,
Bishop and square yoke
effects, daintily trim
med with lace embroid
ery and tiny tucKs,
regular $1.50 valuea,
Challenge Fri
day special . . .
Women's 75e White
Outing Flannel Petti
coats Deep flounce fin
ished with tucks, and
pink and blue scalloped
edges, also pink, blue,
and gray etrlpes, 75c
petticoats, Friday Chal
lenge Price, Q n
Special at .. ..iC
Women's $1.25 Outing
Flannel Gowns AH
white, also pink and blue
stripes, square yokes,'
trimmed with braid,
with and without collar,
regular $1.25 values,
Friday Chal- QQ
lenge Special . kOvC;
Clothes Baskets. SOc
value, medium else,
Friday Chal- fr
Clothes Baskets, $1.00
value, large size, Fri
day Challenge 7Qn
at each JC
Basket Challenge Special Hardware Friday Bargains
. Special purchase of entirely new baskets, bought from an overstocked manufacturer, enables us
to offer some extremely nig vaiues in oasaeu:
Clothes Baskets, 65c
rvalue, small size, Frl
dav Challenge. Af
at each ...... 7 C I lenge, each
$2.50 Clothes Hampers, square $3.00 Clothes Hampers, square,
small, Challenge Frl-f -I 7C medium. Challenge COOK
day, each ......... V 1 J Friday, ach .;.... j) tO
$1.00 to $2.00 Waste Paper Baskets Over 600
divided into four price groups as follows: Friday
SITS. 50c,65c,75c,$1.00
Mrs. Potts' $1.23 Nickel Plated Irons 8 irons,
stand and handle Challenge Sale ""'7Q
Price, per set ..,.................. C
Clothes Baskets, $1.25
values, extra large size,
Friday Chal
lenge, each
$4.50 Clothes Hampers, square,
large, Challenge, &0 OC
Friday, . each . . . . . . OO e0
5c Japanese Tabic Mate Assorted shapes, two
sizes. Just the thing 'to keep the dishes from
scorching the table. Choice of any size
Challenge Friday only, each ............ OC
$1.23 to J51.50 Floor Brushes Long handle,
good quality bristles, Challenge Friday c ft
Special at...... DVC
Grocery and Fruit Challenge Friday Special Bargains
Bennett's Capitol Flour, 48 lb. sack
Plymouth Rock Red Salmon, 1 lb. can
. 1
,le J
10 bars Diamond C or Beat-'Em-AU
soap for ....... .......;.......5
Special Golden Coffe, lb. ........ S5o
Beet Coffee, regular 85c, Hbs. ..Oo
Beat quality Tea Slf tings, pkg. lac
Assorted Teas, any 68c quality... Me
iOU Sardines,: S cans .. .......... 10
New Seeded Ralslne,' pkg. . . . .TV4
Sweetheart Toilet Soap. ( cake ..B3o
Capitol Bauer Kraut, can ,.IOo
Queen Olives, Jar
Marsta Essence, bottle SOo
Batavia Asparagus Tips, 25o can. 80a
Sweet Corn, I cans .............25o
Elba Sifted Peas, 1 Jo can, 2 cans aSo
Diamond Crystal Shaker Salt, pack
age t or .......... . ...... 9e
Sour, Pickles, quart . . ... . ... .-lOo
OalUard'a Pure . Imported Olive . OlJ
pint can for'. 40o
Fine Quality Whole Japan Rice, per
pound ........................ 100
Premium Butterlne, I lb. roll . .4So
Domestic Swiss Cheese, lb. ...... 85e
Blue Grass Seed, per lb. ........ .350
Friday Fruits
Extra Fancy Utah Freestone Peachee,
crate for ,So
Concord Grapee, basket ........ 19 Vie
Extra Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoea.
per pound ..SHe
Hubbard 8quaah ....... .ISc and SOo
Genuine Italian Prunes, crate.... So
ORKLN BROTHERS ThJSSc 16th and Harney Sts.
mmmt intwwi ,WMTitimijMia:g'i!Lllll''l'lll'm -Minn i iiifM wiuii iiMaaBacai i iiiiiii iwnyiiialaaBaifni wai iijiiiiiiiiiiiM"Miiii'MftiawLuwiiii.Miai
Better Assortments At Less Prices
Friday Bargains of ' Exceptional Interest
See. Our
Trimmed Hats,
- Styles at '
- Less.
A Great Dnderpricinj
flew Fall Silks
5,000 Yards of New Silks 20
to 44 inches wide and includ
ing ' 3 6-In. Messallnes, Taffe-'
taa and Peau de Soles, 42-in.
Dress Satins, 44-ln! Poplins,
27-ln. Messallnee, India Silks,
etc.; values up to SI. 50 yard,
t.... 38 48 68t
$1.00 Corduroys at 78c 16
pieces of fine, firm quality
corduroy, 27 inches wide, in
navy,, brown, garnet, emer
ald, castor, Dawson, black or
white, $1.00 value at... 78
$1.25 All Silk Messallnes in 20
different shades, full 36 Ins.
. wide; on sale Friday, a yard,
at . ......... w.. ...... 88
Yard Wide Black Silks Messa
llnes, Peau- de Sole, satin
Duchess, oil boiled , taffetas,
valuea up to $1.25 a yard; on
sale at ......78
Crowd Bringing Bargains in
i'icol Dress Goods
$1.75 Whipcords $1.38 5 4 -in.
Illuminated whipcords in 7
different combinations; for
one day, the $1.75 quality
at $1.38
$1.00 Serges $1.1054 inches
wide black or blue, strictly
all wool and a good $1.50 ;
value, at . . . , . . . . . '.1,10
80-inch All Wool Serge; in full
range of colors; the best val-
. ues in America at our Bale
price ...... 88
$1.00 Scotch Suitings 48c 54
ins. wide, in plain and semi
rough weaves; regular $1.00
and $1.25 values 48
Wool Goods Remnants 2 to
6-yard lengths, in plain or
novelty weaves, from 38 to
48 inches wide, regular val
ues to 75c a yard, at. . .38
Friday's Wash Goods Specials
Samson Galatea In all the new
fall colors and styles, excellent
for children's wear; regular
price 20c; at, yard . . . f .15
Genuine .Superfine Flannel, a
full and complete line of pat
terns for fall; regular 19o cloth
: at . . . . . . . , . . . 15.
Flannelettes - in pretty Persian
designs and all new , colors
extra heavy quality; at, per
' yard ....... ........12 V6
Amoskeag Outing Flannels in
all styles and qualities, fast col
ors, good heavy weight; at, a
yard . . . 10 and 124
Lace Curtains
Big special purchase, valuea
up to $3.00 ; on sale Friday at
49 75 98 $1.45
$1.95 nJ325 ,
Heavy Rep Portieres Values.
VP to $8.00
at .$3.50 $3.95 $4.95
Couch Covers Values up to
$3.00; on sale -V
at. . . ::98 $1.45 $2.50
18c Dotted Swisses at. .12V4
18c Fish Nets at...... 12
Drapery Remnants--AU kinds,'
valuea up to SOc a yard; Fri
day to close, yard ..... .5
Friday's Liaen
Pure . Linen Hemmed Huck
.Towels, full size, 45c values,
each ...... 25
Heavy Double Twisted Thread
Oriental Turkish Towels, 29c
values, each 19
Large size Hemstitched Huck
-"Towela,; colored borders, 19c
values, each 12
Heavy Bound resisting Silence
Cloth, full 54 inches wide, 39c
values, yard 25
Excelsior Quilted Table Pads
54x54 Inches; $2.25 values,
each ..$1.50
Warm Underwear at Groatly
Under Worth
Opportunities right at the opening of the season that you'll
seldom find duplicated during Spring clearances.
Men's Fine Wool Shirts or Drap
ersGray or brown, made .
' sell to $2.50
at.... $1.25 98 and 75
Men's All Wool Union Suits
. Regular $3.00 quality, in all
Blsee, at ........... .$1.08
C h 1 1 d r e n's Fleeced .Vests or
Pants, values to " 50c .
' at. . . . . .30. 25 and 20
Children's Fleeced Union Suits;
white or grey, wtrth 1.00; on
sale at 49
Ladies' Fine Union Suits To
$3.50 quality, silk and wool,
all sizes, at ..... . . . .$1.08
Ladies' Union Suits Medium or
heavy weight; white or gray;
to $2.00, values
t.V. . .93 75 49
Ladles' Jersey Ribbed Shirts or
.Drawers; heavy weight.. 25
All the Summer Weight Under
wear at Lees Than Half Price.
In the Busy
Ream Friday
12 H c Fancy
O u t i n g "Flan
nels, at. .'S1
18c Flannelettes,'
new patterns ,
at .... 12tt
15c Sllkolines
36 inches wide,
at . . . . ..lOeV
10c Lonsdale
Muslin, 86 ins.
wide . . . 7
Fanners Choice
Bleached Mus
lin, 9o values, .
36 ins. wide,
at ... ..6tt
In the Domestic Rcom
Cloak Dspirtotcnt
Womea'a Xoaa; Ooata, .new fall
' styles, values to $12.60, Friday,
at, choice ................ $5.98
We w Vail Bulta All colors and
r black, made to sell at $10, Frl-
day, at ....... ...5.00
0Uk and Bar re Dresses One
. piece styles, made to sell to $12.
' choice ....... ...... ..... . 94.S8
CUldrea's Sample Ooats All eaih
; plea, 1 values to $4.50, on . sale
at ............. S1.88 and 9 80
Percale House Dresses $1.00 val
ues, at, choice ............ eso
7Bo Pettlooats Ginghams and
: black, on' sale 49o
Yew Xil Dress Bklrts Plain col
ors and fancy n.lxed fabrics, to
$4.00 values, Friday, at,
choice .... 2a
B9e Percale Dressing Baegnes 390
In the Busy
$323 . Cotton
Blankets 1 large
and heavy; In
brown and
gray . .$2.50
1.25 Cotton
Blankets; full
size, medium
weight ...95
$5.00 Beacon
, Blankets; large
site, good
weight, $3.95
85c Heather
bloom; at, per
yard 25
Boys' 2 Pint School Suits, $1.9S
Knickerbocker styles, au sues.
to $3.00 values.'
Come in' grays, blues, browns
and blacks, In all sizes and most
desirable, patterns.
Boy's Xnlokerbooker Pants Cordu
roy a, worm 10 i.u, on who,
choice : . i . . . 49o
Boys' Katekerltooker Pants Values
to $1.00, In all colors and sisea, at,
pair 450
notions at Half
Gold eye Needles, paper ........ lo
Cotton Tapes, all Bizes lo
Safety Pins, i doien for So
.fio-yd. Silk Thread, 3 spools for-Co
So Pearl Buttons, dozen ...... 84o
Be 400-count Pins 2 Ho
10c Metal Back Combs 4Vio
20c Dressing Combs .'...,.80
20c Tooth Brushes .Y. 9e
200 Taffeta Ribbons .., , lOo
Eead Hayden's Mammoth Grocery Sale for Friday. It Pays.
25 to 50 Per Cent is Worth Saving ,:
48 lb. sacks beat High Grade Diamond
. H' Family Flour, made from the
best selected wheat, nothing finer
for bread, cakes or pies, per sack,
at ... U5
t lbs. beet White or Yellow Cornmeal
for WVo
4 lbs. fancy Japan Head Rice .. B5o
4 lbs. fancy Pearl Tapioca or Sago
for 860
16-os. pkg. best Donveetic Macaroni or
I cans oil or mustard Sardines . . lOo
Jello or Jellycon, pkg. 7Ho
g cakes Silico Scouring Boap .... 8 Be
Large bottles Worcester Sauce, pure
Tomato Cateup, Pickles or Horse
radish, bottle , .
1-lb. cans Aeaorted Soupe, .... Tio
10 bars Beat 'JBm All,, Diamond C or
Lenox Soap 85o
K-oa cans Condensed Milk .... OViO
The beet Cider or White Wine Vine
gar, gallon ae
The best Mixed Pickling Spices, lb..
at 0o
Tall cans fancy Pink Salmon .... lOo
The beet Tea Sif tings, lb.f..e-10
Golden Santos Coffee, lb..-. v8S
The best io, 1 Creamery Butter, ear
ton or bulk, lb., aao
The beet No. 1 Country Creamery
Butter, U. ... .; i .
Fancy No. 1. Dairy Butter, lb. . ..aflo
Neuf chatel Cheese, each 3o
Full Cream Cheeae, Brick or Llmbur-
ger, lb. -v
The best fresh Country Egs, dosen,
at 830
Bushel boxes fancy Bartlett P
i-bMket" crates' itaiian Blue iluma.
at 900
Tne Greatest Vegetable and Pratt
Karket In tie West. .
15 lba New Potatoes to the peck 80o
1 heads Cabbage ,
Fancy 8weet Corn, per dozen .. 7Mi0
4 Summer Squash ...... "
4 bunches fresh Parsley
bunches fresh Radishes or Onions,
t large Egg Plantr for ........ Wo
Wax or Green Beans, lb, rfc
Beets. Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips or
Sweet Poutoes, lb. H.
Cape Cod Cranberries, quart. . . t . -1W
Uma Beans, auart
J etalka freeh Celery so
Green Peppers for pickling, market
Fancy Tokay Grapes, lb.
Fancy Blue Plums or Red Plums. pe
; basket 850
jU Try HyJ's First ,