10 .THE BEE: OMAHA; THUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1912. 3 north. STjmc; No. 1 spribir. v3pu WW VAD77 GTrtW WIDFUT i-(f- wi4-c: durum. . - .. . ... ... ICorn: No. 1 TlteTHtc: No. 2 white. 730. Considerable . Enconrawnent for i7a': iMTai Visit of Treasury Official. Interest 72c: No. 4 yellow. 704r72c. ,OaU: No. i ai.ic; No. i while, 8&sf4,c; No. 3, Se; 32ic: standard. - 3i,iaS4c. . .Rye: No. a CSfe694e. Barley. 48730. Seeds: Tlrn- ,-jtny, s.,i.io; CiOVrr, i.QM.tft ; GRAIN AND PRODUCE MRKEI Bull Leaders in Wheat Market KO ' FROST IN THE COEN . BELT Oats Will Sorely Develop WMk" f j as 8oo a Tkere la Aay Aetloa la Otner Grain Markets of Coaatrf. - OMAHA, Sept IS, 113. Because the wheat bears htve not made the headway evpected In forcing prices lower, helped by the big run of sprint? m'hat h iat fw fiavs and because of the snap which develop occasionally on the buying Bide of the futures In north west markets, there has been consider able encouragement for bull leaders and their followers. There are those who ex pect to see some further upturn In prices. On the other hand It Is reason ably certain to expect thst heavy mar keting. Increasing stocks, sharp competi tion from Canadian exporters In supply ing foreign demands will work decidedly against any permanent advance In wheat priced. Cnsh heat w.ia Ke higher. Grain men have contended that the Belling side of December corn was . not Inviting or safe because of the great discount under September and o7d corn prices, because of the danger of . de layed offerings or marketing In case ot bad weather early In the winter, to say nothing of the chance which yet remains of frost accidents to the crop. Messages report no frost of any Importance In the com belt This may cause a return of selling pressure at the advance estab lished yesterday. Cash corn unchanged to fee higher. ... -. f . ' i ; Any market which showed so little Im provement when helped by both wheat and corn as . oats did yesterday surely will develop weakness as soon as there is any reaction In other, grain prices. Cash oats was unchanged. Clearances were none of corn, , MtfrK) '.bushels cf oats and wheat and flour equal to 130,000 bushels. Liverpool closed Vid lower on wheat and lower on corn. I - The following cash sales were reported: Wheat-No. 2 hard winter: I car, 86o; 9 cars, 85 He No. S hard winter: 3 ears, 8444c; 2 cars, 84V4c; 1 car, Uc. , No. 4 hard winter. 1 car, 84c; 1 car, 83c No. 4 hard and no grade: 1 bulkhead car, l4c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 84c. Oats Nr.. 1 white: cars. ITlVic; 17 cars. 8114c No, 4- white: 4 cars, 81c, No. grade: 1 car (hot), . tOHo. Corn No. 1 white: 3 ears, 694c, -, NO. I white: 1 cars, 6Sc; V, car, me. Nd. 4 white; 1 car, 66 No. 2 yellow: oar, (7c. No. 3 yellow: T cars, 67 He; lH cars, 7cJ No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 6fie, No, 3 mixed: 1 ear, 67c; 4 cars, 66c; ears, SVw. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 66c. Barley Rtjected: 1 car, 63c. ' " " r-' Primary wheat receipts were 2,449,000 bushels and shipments were 1,999,000 bush els, against receipts last year of 996,000 bushels and shipments of 438,000 bushels, Primary corn receipts were 1,020,000 bh!s and shipment wers JS3,S isush' els, against receipts last year of 487,000 bushels and shipments of 687,000 bushels.. Primary oats receipts Were 1,289,400 bushels and shipments were 1,030,000 bush els, against receipts last year -of 5S6.0O5 bushels and shipments of 309,000 bushels.' . , Osnaha Cash Price. WHEAT No. 3 hard, S5$S7c; ' No, 3 bard, 84.-8 SOc; Na 4 hard, twj.c. CORN-N. 2 white. 69ftc; No. i white, Or; No. 4 white, &c; No. 1 yellow, 87- p7V4cr No. 3 yellow, 677Hc; No. 4 yel low. mWc; No. '2, 66j7c; No. 3, 66ft Ues No. 4 MHfptitc. , K i , : OATS-No. 2 white. SWSSo; standard, 3lVri31c; No. 3 white, 3131; Not 4 white, 3v;31c; No. 3 yellow, S31). , to AxiLu.1 Malting, tXu.6ioi Ho, 1 feed, S!K4.'.c ' . i , RYE No. 1, 8537c; No. 3. C3Sc. Carlo Receipts. ? i Wheat Corn. Oats Chicago ,..200 , 267 , 356 Duiuth ..." , ... ... Minneapolis ............. .477 t ... . .... Omaha ,t ,: 24 Kansas City ; ....134 25 22 Bt Louis 103 ' I 4 Winnipeg 62 ... ... " ' - :; : CHICAGO GHAIM AND PROVISIONS Featarca f the Tradlna; auiA CloatsisT ; Prices Board f Trade. , . CHICAGO, Sept. 18.-l"rost northwest and drought southwest made corn the speculative leader today on Change. The price of the cereal made a net advance of $to to -Hie. " - Suspicion existed In the Corn ptt that a leading trader, who recently returned torn Liuope had a hand In lifting quo tations. Tnia noticeably added to tho flurry that existed because frost la the northwestern edge of the corn bolt turned out to bo of the killing sort. There was also a forectmt of frost tonight in Jowa. Simultaneously crop' experts Is sued" estimates to show that drought damage in Nebraska, Kansas and Ok la horns, had been more severe than prev iously reported. Leading longs competed strenuously with shorts for the meager offerings of corn and hoisted values almost in a siraight une. cash grades and the Sep-: tember delivery shared In the advance, tieptember at one time snowing an up turn of 21,4c. December swung from oTftc to mo and closed firm at toi3ttc Just lo a bushel higher than last night Wheat responded to the corn atrenath, although early in the session the feeling was bearish as a result of disappointing cobles. .Exporters and brokers declared there was no export business done today. Moderate cash sales were admitted to have been made to eastern export con cerns. Bulls received aid through ; pre diction of lighter marketings by Kansas farmers, pweniber closed firm, Ho net higher at iyc. . Oats tightened up as other cereais took on strength.. Outside limits reached for Xjecember were sayiattc and 320. . The close was at the last named figures, an advance of e net ' . 7 Packers supported the provision mar. ket whenever material declines were Imminent. In the end imrk ... to 10c, but lard and ribs averaged about the I same a twenty-four hours before, 1 he leading f uturtg closed as follows: Article! Open: j High.) Low. iClose.i feTy. STEW YORK GENKKAX. MARKET i . , -. .. (taotatloaa f the Dar.es tVrlM s : Cominedities. ''. . ..... ' NEW - TORK. Bcpt 18.-F LOURr Steady; sprii?g patents. w.nier straights, J4.4y4.i0; Winter patents, Hlv 5.1i; spring ciears, 24.2a4--&; eiira No. 1 winter, 4.mjki.f; extia Iso. I winter 4.tH 64. W; -haniuta straiata. 4.i&64.iA. Kye Hour, quiet; fair to good, $4.M4.Ub; choice to fan.:, 44.Utrtf4.lo. .,- . - ' C'OltNMEAtr-wulJt; fine -whit, and yel low,. li.65jjH.JO; coarse. iL6vyi.se; klin dried. MA. . " . : , "' - KrEbteady; No. 2 west, 69c c-1. t Buffalo., 1 BAKLEt-Qulet; malting. tfSTCo. ' ' WHKAT Spot market strong; new Na 2 red, l.tfc'A, c. 1. f. track and f. o. b. afloat;, No. 1 northern Duluth, JL0tH4. f. o. b. afloat Close, c. net higher; etsp tember,'3L03U; -December, 99 D-lui; May, 21.03. V. ' i COHNSpot market, strong; export, 68Hc, f. o. b. - ailoat, December -t to March. ' .. '. . ' ; : . OATS-8pot market,, irregular; Nd.'2, nominal; No. 3, No. 4,. acgjsv&o; natural white, 33'iiSfSc oil track;- jiew white clipped, tHw4IHe."- .'- f t'KEXv-Barely tteady; standard mid dling,. 100 pound . sacks, . t&36&26.$0. .: ', '. ? HAY New, cteady; No. 2, L20; No. 2, 21.10; No. 3, 90C321.00. HIDWJ-Flrm; BogoU,' 2826; Cen tral AVnerlca, 26c.. v. , .. s, LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts. 26 27c; seconds, 26ific;- thirds, 22(S23c; re jects, 15c. . v . . t ' :" i FftOVISIONS-Pork steady; mess, 319.75 i.00; family, 221.622.60; v short ..clears, 21.0C3"2S.00. IHtt, flrnv mess. $i.3Cii 17.00: family, 319 beef hams, 128.40 &31.50. Cut meau. dull ; pickled bellies, W to 14 lbs., 313.tM3U4.00. Lard, steady,; middle west, tll.10ll.20; refined, steady; continental, tll.Oo; South American, 112.46; compound, 28. 00ft&25., . , ,. . BLTTEIl Firm; receipts, 7,2 tdbs; creamery, extras. c; firsts, 2828V4c; ttate. dairy, finest, isaSc;' process; extras, 2tsc; factory, current make, firsts, EK&Mo; packing stock, current maks No. 2, 211&214C, v.- . -i -. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 1,830 boxes; state whole milk, colored specials, 16$ lKc; state whole milk, whits special U4laf state whole milk, under grades, 14ili4e; akim. 4fil3iv . ' , BOOS Firm; receipts, 10,786 cases.; fresh gathered, extras, 29jpic; extra firsts, Hud 28ci ..firsts, 2f(a2Cc; refrigerator- firsu, seaton's . storage charges paid, 2324ct western gaihered, whites,, 27&32c , POULTHY-Dressed steady; fresh kilted western chickens, , 1824c; fowls, 1&317V4C; turkeys,-1517c f - . . ; " : Coma 'swd Wktat Rcarlon llalletla. - t'r.ltsi Statri . Eipirt.-nnt of AaiioUt ture, weather bureAU, for the twenty-fouf hours ending at 8 a. m.,. 75th meridian time, Wednesday,' September 18, . 1912; . f- -A OMAHA DISTRICT. ' . '; .'A Temp.-Rain- v V stations. High. Low. fail. 41 .w 42 Ashland, Neb.. (8 Auburn. Neb... 68 Broker) Bow... 14 33 CofUmbtis, Nb. 62 : 40 Culbertson, Nb. 63 . 34 Falrbury, Neb. 17 81 Fairmont.; Nsb. 83 t Ob. Inland, Nb. 6S 31 Hartingtoh. NbS7 ' 41 Hastings, Neb.. 61 28 Holdrege, ' Neb. 61 22 Lincoln. Neb... (8 ,48 No. Plfttte, Nb 68 . 34 Otkdale, Neb.. 66 . 41 Omaha, Neb.... 8 43 Tekomah, Neb. 68 ' 42 Valentine, Nb. 48 ' M Alta. la....:.... 59 41 Carroll, la...... 90 . 38 Clarlnda, la.... 68 38 Sibley, I la....... (4 41. Bloux City. la. 54 42 .00 .00 .00 .00 .09 .00 - .0 .04 .00 : .oo : .10 .02 . ' .w .02 to , . .08. .-Sky;: Pt. oloudy Clear . "Clear -Cloudy ; Clear '7 Clean Cloudy -Clear Cloudy ' Pt: cloudy Clear Oleaf ' 'Clear " Cloudy -1 Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear s. Pt, cloudy Cloudy Cloudy ; Minimum Wheat! Sept.lf , 824 81H vorn. ept. Jec May. Outs. Sept. Dee.. May. Pork. Sept. Oct. Jan.. Lard. Sept. Oct. , Dec 7aa Rlbi. , Ort.. TH4 6Til 61a 16 75 16SJ-90I 10 00-ltM 10 T7t lOSSVii 187 16 24 18 16 10 824 10 67W ii 10 tiOi U 87 W 10 42-4 It) 45 10 45 I 980 10 62! its 82 32 t 16 75 j 17 97 10 75 10 63H iorM,1 10 45 8 75 32rw It 80 1 S5 18 10 10 77W 10 83(1,1 10 RH J7 32 ; 3H iM 16 ii'i 1115 1 7714 1 m rtsinl In kVArfekaS. ttmperatur for twelve-hour period end ing at 8 a. til. V DISTRICT AViSHAQti ; ' ' l,' X . No.' -Tmfa.i ;ttis 'Central;.. Stations. High. Low., fall.. Columbus. O..... IS 72 . M Louisville,, Ky... 22 SJ 2 india'psi!, lnd. 18 71 tt -.80 Chlcgo' 111'......' J4 ' J4 ;6t 0 Bt Louia, Mo... 1 ' . 5? ' ' Des Moines, la. 82 ' 44 MinneatiollS 61 Kan. City. Mo.. ; -W 41 M Omaha, Neb.....: 17 , 0; SS ' , '.? Freestng temperaturet occurred last night In northweStMH Nebraska and the Dakota, and Unseasonably cool weather stiil prevails over the earn and wheat rerlon. Showers bccUrred In the western districts and heavy ralhs were general (n the districts sast of the Mlssisaippl river, Falls of one ltich or tnor ocourred at the follow inc. stations: .in sisouriroiisiu 1.10. ilUnols-Cbsoisn ; 1.10; ' Citro and Mount Vernon. 1 00; Parti. 1.80. lndiana Btoornlngton. 1.20; Cambridge City, .1.40; Madison; 1.70. ; ICent.ocK-Eutofe.W. Local Forecaster. VVther Bureau. St. I.ats terU Market. . ' , ? ST. LOUI, 8Pt .1.-WHEAT-Cah higher; track. No. I.. $1.016t01Hi No. 8 hard, OP6c. - . t . w.,:., CORN-Hlgher; track, No.ii, 7070tte; NO. 2 white, 7f4i76c.-; ' OAT8-Hlgheri , track, No. 4 2S33Hdi No. 2 white, S6C. " " ' ' Closing prices ot futures; , . , WliH-AT Higher; uecemoer, u, ,eortN-Hlghr December, 6o; May. OATS-Hlgheri December, 8tt4eS May. 34H,0, - "' "" ' : ' ': ' "" :" RtE-Bteady 4t eSH!P!)e.' rrX 'FLOUK Quiet; red winter Pwtents. 34.66 54.J5T extra fancy and stralglits, M1& 4,85; hard wlntwcioars.. ea-Wwue. . ; CORNMBALr4t.70. , . i. L BllAN-8tady; sacked, east track. Sso PROVlSlOXi-Pork, . unchanged; Job bing, . 316 25.; Lard, unchanged; prime swam, 10.16.X Dry salt meats, un changed; boxed, extra shorts. U.t)0; dear ... . A. -I Jll a A lite (19 7R HOT.- Sls.w.'J Brim "'" - - POULTKI r irm; . cnitaen. - uu, springs, loo; ; turkeys,' i6o; ducks, , 12c; BUTTWK mgner; crettoiery, wyuw. rEUQS-Steady at 20c. ; ;. , . ueceipTs. siupTiiriuB, Financial Community. LOOKS INTO . MONEY SITUATION Tradlnar la Stocks Begins With Some Indlcatloas of ReanmptioB of . PreTlona Day's Active . Movement. NETW YORK, . Sept. 18. The financial community was rather more Interested today In the visit to this city of a rep resentative of the treasury department than In the movement of stocks. It is Understood that the treasury officials con tutted ' with banking .nterests regarding a possible money stringency for the pur pose of laying exact facta before Secre tary McVeagh. i lidhks suffered a further loss of cacJ. and .call money, which opened at 6 per Cent,' hovered around that point for the greater part' of the day. Time rates Were unchanged from yesterday, but the supply , was decidedly mora scanty. Re ports that some of the banks were de manding better collateral In loans were discredited. , . ' ' The stock market opened with some lri dicat ona of a resumption of yesterday's Active and firm movement. Most of the leading Issues, particularly the anthracite shares.. Hani man and Hill Issues and numerous industrials and special stocks wera ud from a substantial fractions to a po'nt, some of the gains being extended In the very busy forenoon. ; Realising sales and short selling wiped out a, large part of the rise in the early afternoon . and tit the final hour 'few, if any, important advances remained. Read ing, was weakest of the leaders, w th con siderable pressure against united states Steel end some of the ooppers, none of which had participated materially tn ths early upward movement Shares of somt of the. Independent steel companies were In demand during the flay to accompani ment 'of dlvldent rumors. '' Bonds were at first Inclined to harden, but, became Irregular with later e action It stocks. Total sales, par value, 82,6f,- 000. United States government bonds were unchanged on call. - i Number ot aies ane leading quotations on Stocks were as follows: S1. W. VI"" 11.000 I8V4 17 11,100 Hfk' 78 76 I M.BO0 42 41 4t4 - 700 111 . 1M 111 400 0 M 00 .81 (7 Analsaniated Copper . Americas A art cultural AniMfcait Det Buar. Amarloaa On ......... AmertcSD Can pfi ... AineHcao C. F Aitiorlraa Cotton Oil... Int. Jr. Beeurttlea.... Amtrloao Uoaeed ..... American ' Looomotlyt , Amertoatt S. R A. . pta ...., Am. Butar Rfluln... AmfHcaa T. A T. ...... Amaiicai) Tobaoee .... Anaetw4a Mining Co.. AtchlS AUhlSoe. ptd Atltntle Coaat Una... itltlmor Ohio , DHhlf'timi 6twl Brooklrn Rapid Tr... CMadtaa Paclflo ..... Central iMthar Chitwake Ohio... Chioate O. w Chicago, If. Bt T. Chit N. W..,.j. Oolofmdo. F. I CnhaolMatel Oaa ..... Corn ProdocUi plart A Hudaon... tuaw. A Rio Orande. Pw A R O. ptd.. IMrtlllenf BecurlUas . 8Vle Srlltt PM. ltMptf.'.,'."( 0hrl . EIctr!o ....... 6rat yjortaoni nii... Owet Northern Ore ctta, llllhota Central .. IMUrboi'Ough Mat tstfr. . Mat. Ptd.. International Harvester .. 1.N0 IX 1M 7 14 41 ' .. 6 14 1 ., '400 44 43 .. LM K .. zw 104 1W4 -10 ., iw ia irr'm ., ' 100 144 144 144 .. mm 4 r .. W.800 4 46 4 .. . 800 101 108 108 .. 1W. , 141 .. 700 107 1 107 .. 4,700 - 4 41 41V .. l.M M N .. l.m 271 2T7 . 271 .. S.6 11 31 11 .. 1,100 10 ' tu . H .. 1,000 It 17 IT ,. ,,W W7 107: 107 ., 100 14 140 1M .. 1,160 14 t( W KO 14 146 14i .. 40 11 U 15 .. ' 100 1M M W. ........ .......... ! . r . a. iuMi VI Mfc .. 00 14 -24 11 .. 8,800 ' 17 U 14 .. ' POO ,64 S4 l ........ ..... ..... .. 1.700 18t 12 llt 4,100 14'Ut 1 700 44 4 46 ..... jwi ih lam I ..... 1.800 3 20 10 1.5O0 0 0 (0V6 1 17 , 17 1 7.5O0 lt 14t 148 1.000 1S ist ll t,O0 1U 151 li? 600 , 18 n 1,100 41 41 ' 41 100 111 1M ' lit I0 (0 5 69 -... ...... too nt in us 100 M Si M 1.W0 117 117 100 M 14 10 100 10 ISO 7 "l7 400 27 17 117, 84 1,404 1U 117 121 0 11 11 1.100 114 114 IntaKsUrlna ptd Int4rnainal FatMr tnttmational Pump ..... Kaon CltT Southm.... LtclMl Oaa UtilfD Valley fniltrtll A. Nashville... W.;.t, B.-a it.... JrIUw.Hi K. A T MHiour Pacific Jiatiana; Blacult ........ National baad .......... K. k. 21. of M. 14 tti i Na'York Cmtral....... .' ., 6. A W Kortolkt A Wattara.. HoKli Aaawrloan INoHhars Paottle Paelde Mall fciinayltanla ............. Hopia's Oaa ,. P., C.C. A St. V. PHtabutth Owl .......... PtmmmI Stosl Car... Pullman palaoe Car...... ttaaitlni ttpMI4 L A 8 RcpUbti 1. A B. ptd.... Kock Inland Co.. Rock Island Co. pfd...... 8t. L..A i. F. M pM... tkwboarrl Air Una BaatiAaM A. U pft BloM-8hmld 8. At I Soutnwn Paclflo 8uthern Railway .... o. Hallway ptd...... Tnnfa Cnppar tfllaa A Pacific.. Vnloo Pacina Union Paclflo pfd... tlnltod Btatcs RaaJtf..... United 8ata Rubbar.... t'nllad State Stoat V. 8. mel Sf4. ... Utah t?ppor Vt.-Caltna Chemloal .. 'a&aah ' Wabakh pM WtrB . Maryland ...... weatern Vnloa Vtinthoua Blectrta .. WlMsllnt U B) ..... Total aaiee for the aay, n,tes snares. 2U.176. In banks and Philippine treas ury, 333,320,427. The total of the general funds, . $146,630,428. . Receipts . yesterday were $2,060,144. Disbursements yesterday, $2,850,224. The deficit to date this fiscal year. $11,716,173. as against a deficit of $19,602,660 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama canal and pub lic debt transactions. . . . '.. - - Boston Stock' Market. BOSTON, Sept 18. Closing quotations on stock were as fottows: . ,f - Allsuaa V4Mohaw ( Amal. Copper l?VtXvala Con A. Z. 1 A 8 llNUtto Minoa Arliona Com. 4;North ButU B. A C. Calk 4,. North Lake .... Cal. A Axiwna-.... MUld Dominion .. Cal. A HecU 646 Oauwla Centennial - W-jQulncj. Cop. Rauae C. C... 67 Shannon Eaat Botta O. 11... Franklin .... Olroux Con. Granbr Con. Oreene Cananea 14 Superior . ' superior A B. M 6titunarack ........ MV. I . S. 9. R. A M K ; -. pM U .. IVi ... 14 ... 4 .. 40 ..111 -.87 .. U .. 44 .. 1 .. 40 .. 4i .. 50 s. 11 ...S .. 7t lala Royal Copper. 'A Ctab Cbn. Keif Lake S... copper Co. Laka Copper 3!';Wiuuna .......... La Salle Copper.... 6ViWolrertn Miami Coppe& 1 , v ' bondon Stock. Market. , ' LONDON, Sept. 14 American securities opened steady and about unchanged to uay. Prices advanced on fair buying dur ing the first hour. At noon values ranged irom K to above yesterday's New Xork closing. , .-. r ; . ..... .. , , t....; , v, ; ' ' Bank Clearlnga. ' '' i OMAHA, Sept. 17. BAnk clearings for today were ti,s2,074.76 and for the corre sponding day last year $2,62tlS5.24 ; , OMAHA GSSi tillAL MARKET. ; BUTTEIt-No. L'l-lb: cartons, 27c;" No. 1, in 60-lb. tubs, 27c: No. 2. 26c; packing. CHEEJ8E Imported Swiss. 33c: Ameri can Swiss, 86c; biock Swiss, 24a; twins, 17 c; daisies, ISc; triplets, 18c; Young Americae, 19c; blue label brick, tfftc; lim- oerger, 8-lb., 20c; l-lb., 22c. POULTKr Broilers, o40c . per - lb.; hens. 15c: cocks. Dftloc: ducks, lie; geese. lc;. turkeys, 2Hc; pigeons, per dos., 11.51. Aiiver nana, lmuc: roosters. e4c; stags, oho; old ducks, full featnered, 8c; geese, fun leathered, oc; turkeys, uc; pigeons, per doi.. 80c; homers. $2.60; squabs, No.-l. 1.60; No. 3, 60c. ., HUh- cuts The wholesale prices or beef cuts, effective September 16, are as follows:, Ribs, Mo. 1, 2ivio; No. 2, 15c; No. i, loic. Loins, No. 1. 24c; No. 2, 16c; No. 3, Uo. Chucks, No. 1, 10c; No. 3, 8c; iso. i, 10. itounas, no. t, law, ino. a, 11c; No. A 'tc. Plates, Nb. L 7vic; No. 1 Jte; No. i, Sko. -i- ' ' - FISH (frenii)-FtcitereV e; white, lie; pike, 16c; trout, 14c; large crapples, 124 loo: roe shad. Soc each: skid roe. .per uocks, ICo; flounders, lsw g.een catfuu, Uc; rose 'Shade, Hoc each; snad roe, per pair, 46c; saimon, loc; halibut,-8c; yellow perch, do ; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, inc. FKUIT8, ETO.-New appies in bblB., e9.tMf4.2o. : Spanish- onions, per case,' $1.60. liananas, fancy select, per buncn, ti.itmt i; Jumbo, per bunch, $2.76iti3.7&. Dates, Anchor brand, new, 30 l-lb. pkgs.' In box, vor box, $2.26; Dromedary brand,-new, 80 l-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, $3.00. . Figs. California, per case of 12 No. 12 pkgs., 66c; per case of 36 No. 13 pkgs., $2.60; per case of 60 No. 6 pkgs., 32.0V; bulk, In 26 and 60-lb. boxes, per lb., loc; new, Turk. ,n, 6-orown, in 20-1 b. boxes, per lb., 16o; o-crown, ' In 26-lb. boxes, per lb., - lc; -Crown, ... in 80-lb. boxes, per lb., 17c Lemons, Xdmonelra, selected brand, extra iancy,' UOO-itW sizes, per box, $6.60; Loma Ltmonelra, fancy, 300-360 sixes, per box, 0.26; 340-420 sizes, 60c per box less; Cali fornia, choice, 800-360 sixes, per box, $5.60. oranges. California Pansy brand, extra iancy, tHj-128 sizes, per box, $3.76; extia iancy, all sizes, per box, $4.(0. : Peaohes, California, 65c; Coioraoo, white and yel iow, freestone, tw&l&a. Cantaloupes, Cal ifornia, 46 size, lo.vO; Rocky Ford,- 46 size, pony,- 6t size, $2.50.- Watermelons, per lb.,.lc. :VEXiTABLES-Cabbage. borne grown: per lb., ic. - Celery, Michigan, per dot., M.. Cucumbers, hot house, per doc., 38 o, Hgg plant, fancy Florida, per dos., $1.60, aurllo, extra fancy, white, per dog., 16o Lettuce, extra fancy, white, per dot., 260. Unions, white, in crate, ll.oO; yellow, per crate,' 0o. Piffsiey, fancy southern, per dot. bunches,, &0i!f'7Sc. Potatoes, homo grown, per bu., 7ac. Tomatoes, homo rown, per 4-baaket carrier, 40o. Wax oeans, per basket, 76c; green beans, per uauket, 31.00. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET OMAHA UYMTOCK MARKET No Very material Change in Values , ' ' on Cattle. HOGS GEUHtAlLY TEN L0WEE Fat Sheep and Lambs Not So Aetlve, bat Price ' COBttnae Aboof Steady Feeder la Good De naad, Generally. Steady. SOLTH OMAHAi Sept 18, 1912. , Receipts were: ' "CatUe. Hogs. Sheep. utiidai Monday V.iaH a,M 2evu UI11CI4U Tuesday n,m Estimate Wednesday.. 7,0w 6.2U3 6.UU0 37,141 24.00b Three days this week..!4,i 14.SS7 Same day! last week ..28,b86- 14,840 7-l.tfc. Katne days 2 w ka ago..at.iiVS 16,sa3 Vi.SA tiaiiie days 3 w'ks ag0..17,372 lo.8o3 7,tt tame days 4 w kt agu..H6 U.ouo 7.t0 bauie aay last year ,.2i,771" 16.14 ll,5i li.e 'io.i)uig uio.e vuotvs tue receipt! ot cuttle, nogs and sueep at South Uuuuui iur tiie year to date as compared witn !t year: . m& Ml. Ino. Dec. Cattle. '633,831 .773,272 140i. bogs '..3.311,215 1,(SS,970 474,245 Bheep ...... .4,86,538 l,o),138 1M, The following table snows th range of pri tot hugs at south uniaaa lor tu Uiat tew duys with compariosns: .Date, j ma.. ljU.)lio.ilvu...,l.iliit;.ilao.. 19, $ Ji J 1 Ml IScpL slept. 1LI 8 37 ia! 7 it sin- la, a i 6 si, Kept Ui t 37, 8ul Sept. 14 6 ti Sept. 161 43 8eot lil...... Sept 171 I 21 Sept 18 681) sill 8 13j 2 681 tfiU 6 S2i a 8. 7'8S 661 84 6 87 $ 2i a .11 6 v a $ 161.'? Sp3 I 881 6 w 8 76 7 8s 6 86i 6 i 0. 6 So, 8 (to, Wl s . 4 o 8 W 8 08i ( $4 6 80 8 m A . 101 b M 6 (Hi 8 11 0 (HI U 82 6 78 S OS m 8 10 8 M I 93 8 ll 6 8o 1 8 11 6 82 'bunuay. . . , . .' ... ,. ,. ... . i- , Receipts and disposition of ltv stock at the Union Stock Yard. South Otoana, for the twenty-fottr hour ending at S p. in. yesteruay.. . ; , RJEIPTS-CARLOADS. r-' -Cattl. HotsiSheeD. C, M. & fit. P. Ry... ,13 . 1 Wabash .Ry.y. u... .. t .. Union Pacific Rjf ,.:, " 64 ot N.-W., east............: 1 ... 1 C & N.-W., west 104 23 .16 C, St P., M. & O. Ry...;.', 8 , 7 C, B. & Q.,ieast..., . ' $ - .. C, B. A Q; west ..122 .W 12 18 C, R. I. ft P., east.. 1 3 C, R. I. P., west... ' i lUlnois Central Ry..........:.. , 8 Total; receipts.........;. ...6 . 78 . 90 ' ' DlSPOSITION-HfiAb V CattlcHogs. Sheep. .. 73 1,07$ 2,227 .. 867 ..1.021 ,.1.141 Morris ft Co.. Swift and CO......... Cudahy Packing Co. Armour & Co..,..,..,. Schwartz &;.Co.,'.v... Murphy , .i i . ... . . i j Morrell ; 1J Cudahy, uUii Denver 243 Armour, .from Denver., 184 W. B. Vanaant Co...... lift Benton. V. S. ft Lush.. 113 Hill ft Son..... ........ F. B. Lewis........... Huston ft Co........... B. Root ft Co...... H. Bulla.............. L. F. Husz. Roeenstock,. .i McCreary ft. Kellogg.. Wertheimer ft Degen. H. F. Hamilton........ Lee Rothschild. ........ Ma ft Kan. -Calf Co.. Cline ft ChrieUft. Other buyers...;....... CHICAGO, Sept. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 15,0w) head; market, steady to 10c higher; beeves, $6.86(11.00;. Texas steers, $4.66Si.25; , western steers, $6.76il.J0i stockers and feeders, $4.207.1S; Cows and heifer $2.$v0.00; calves, $8.(ail.50. , HOGS Receipts, 26,000 head;, market, So It lower; ugnt is.owbuiv; mixea, (.me.w; 114 ' i hfeavy, 87.766.60; .rough. $7.7&7.K; pigs, 1714, . 25.00ffi'7.90: bulk of sales, t8.05fis.sa s too 110 104 10 BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ' 38,000 100 UMi H M14 ' head: market steady to lOo lower: ha- tlve, $3.5154.60; western. Vi.&W; year Hhgs, - $4.7O6'6.70; lambs, naUve, $4.66 7.86; western. $4.907.O. . . . mi i;h 17ta 17 i 400 m 1M 10$ ' 41.(00 170 m w l,tU9 , ZU'lt I m sou 3.100 17 1,60 81 to m 13 H M 18 1 Ms .'.l 'i,ioo iii ii n4 ... S.00 11 11 81 Ida n (CO M t -lK IS 6: 47 10 41 7S 9 7' 10 66-16 10 47 8 10 62H 46 V 7 plouis bbls.. AViheat," bu... Corn, buv.... Oats, bu ... 18,W ....W8.C0O .... 81,000 .... 83,000 12.0M 183,000 -71,000 ",th uuotatolna w?-)yf;StBdy; nter patents; 84.15?? .: winter stralehts. 84.004.80: spring i1:ienJf' J'-??i,Krins t,'J8hts. $ttS4.16; KYE No. 1 'JS'AffiUi A-ff ?p nin. 'm&ci fair eiST I1jnot!5y. .: Umirt. Clover, PROVasiONS-Pork, mess, $l.9r4si7.00. TT"1 wvre'- 810.88..; Short ribs (loose), C0.12kai0.62t4. . . Total ' clearances of wheat and flour 'Oats, bu. 10 liu.ww oti. iTimary reclrts were 3,449,000 bu.. compared with 8a6,0u0 bu. the correepondin day a year af o . Dstimated receipts for . tomorrow: W heat, SCI cam; corn, 318 cars; oat 26 cars; dobs, 18.00J bead. - . ' BUTTWl-Steady; creameries. eQ2Sc; dairies. 22Ve24itC ' ' . EOGS Steady; receinte. tteV cass;'t mark, case included, 171i3184c; Ordinary , xlrets, 114; first. 21Ha CHEESE-Firm; daJalcs. lif lfte; U-laa, 155li c; young America. 'isite; long bornsv 1&416c .. . POTATOES-iJtron, receipts 40 cars; jMinnesota, 45S4Sc; Wisconsin. 45S'5Jc. POCLTKY-Strong; turkeys, 14c; chick ens, heavy, LMc; light, 12'c; spring, 16c. .VE.AL-Steady at 9314c. .- . , f'tilcago Cash Price" Wheat: No.- S red, $1.H1.; No. 8 red, 86o!il.01; No. I hard. K"iWc: No. 3 I'ard, 87Jc; No.' 1 north. U4 Xpc; No. 3 northern, tlfiWic; Na Kaaan Ctt Grata and Provisions. : KANSAS CIT?, Sept lWKKAT t'nchsnned to higherr.o. 1 hard, 87 (.890; No. 3, 83t(S7c; No. Z red. oBWCi no. 67c. - -!. COKN-Weaki No. $ mixed. ?70c; NO OATS-Unehanged; No. 3 white, S4S3ic; o. 2 -mixed, S3i4A. ' rlfwlnir nriuea of futures: WHBAT-Scptembar, - &3c; December. SfcSS-'Hc;. May, 8Vtf!WVi.C. ' i CORN-Septehiber, 67f Hc; December, S3e; May, 84o. . v-; ; h'..-.- .. .. RTEv-VnetiangM. ' ' r ; HAV-Unchanged. ' ' . : iPOl'LTRT- Firmer! chicken, 12c springs, 14'ic; turkey,- 16c; . ducks teprinps), 12c; geese, VWHc. .; .BUTTER Firm: .creemery. loSSa. " " ' ' : Receipt--Shipment. Whtfttt. bU. .1H.0W , , 24I.W Oirn. bu......i..... - 9m ............. . 10.UW MinnradUs Oral Market. MINNEAPOUS,; Sept 18.-WHFJIT-Boptember, S7Vc; December, 89e; May M'ac.' Cah: No. 1 hard, tOVoi-. Ko. horthern, 86V4OOHe; No. northern, 85H5S $fWr: a. 8. SSWaHe.' CORN-No. 3 yellow. 7PW710. OATS-No. 3 'white, SDlc V Ry&-No.,. 58'OlHc. .; v . " BRAN In lW-lb. sacks, . $30. FLOUaFii t p-itJ-n'n .M.8V4.I3; sec ond patent. 4.2C!3l.r5: nrt clears. 83.2lXti 3.50: seeord clear. K-ffi.. SEF.l-F(ax, $1.79. BARLEY-SStS7c. . ' . . . . . Coffee Market. NFW TORK. Seot. 18. COFFKB Fi' tures market clowd atady, V$ft points net higher.- Sales, 72,!W bags. Spot coffee, ,u et; Rio 7s. J4'c; Santos 4s,.lti&o; mild, quiet; Cordova, luifAoo N . St. Lonla Live Stock Market; , v ST. LOUIS, Sept. - 18.-CA'TTLB:-Re-oeipts.- 6.000 bead,, including, 3.206 Xeiansl market, strong to 15o higher; - native shipping and export steers, , $s.00S)Q.7t); dressed and . butcher, tteerr, r 86.0C(ffi8.50; i atockers and feeders.,. $8.75117.251, cow and 1.000 8t 154 H hlfr. ' I4.0utii8.!0! , cannwra ULlSfiAM: '"'.K! ii US 1' bull, $4.06.60; calve. $6.ini.5u; Texas ..w - ok ahtma tr I4.aoffi8.fl0: eowa and heifers, $3.767.25. ' - ' . - HOOS Receipts, 7.100 head; market. 510c lower; pigs and lights. . $6.0Q8.76; mixed and butchers, - $8v363.70; good heavv.;.$8.46tfJ8.60, . , . ... SHEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 'E.tOO head; market, steady: mutton.. 33.7&S4.0O lambs. 85.60ifp7.S6; culls and bucks. $1,603 $.25; stockers, $2.733.60. ,- 14 n.80 171 170 170 - 0 , W , 81 , M i 81 l.M (1 81 11 11,500 74 74 74 too 111 113 in.; M.SOt UV, 4 ' 44 l.0 4 100 4 100 14 400 400 111 ' 1.600 16 4t 4 .4 14 14 K Wk tt . 11 84' 14 1 m , M. . U . w , 71 New York Money Market. ' NEW TORK. Bept 18.-MONET-OH call, Strong, at iKIj&ii per cent; ruling fftte, 5 per cent; closing bid, 44 per cent; sttly days, i'-i per cent; ninety days, m W per cent; six montn. 6 per cent. - PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-66 per cent. , BTBRLINQ KJtUliAN UK steady at do- cline, : with actual business In bankers' bill At 34.8250 for slxtv-day bills and at $.(& for demapd. Commercial bills, S4.S2. . silver nar, 3c; Mexican aoitars, BONUS uovernment, steaoj, raiiroao, rrekular. , Closing quotations on bonds today wer k follows: ' ;- - . 8. re', la. rag.. .101 K. C. So. rat. (a., Co coapes Ml U 8. ten. 4a lm tl. 8. i. re... 102HL. K. nL 4a... io coupon 1UVM. k. t lit 4s. IT, . 4a, ro. ll 4o tea. 4s...... 4o muooo ....... .UlHHo. Paclflo 4a.. rana'na tv coupon. .191 Us cobt.-4a....... A.-C. tat ta ctfa... U N R R of M 4a. Am, at. M. t. c. . Ia... A T. T. ct. 4a.. 111 do -eeb. 4a S aHl. .Tobacco ta...tU W. y, -i H. H. ' aroour ft Co. 4a.. w av. ta to , Atclilaea tw. 4a.... MHN. ft W. let a. 4a. 7', 4o t, 4a uv..i;.ivt. do cv. 4s U7 rr. ta..... 10SKo. Paclfla a 4 X. C. ta lt 4a H a0 j, " nu Bal. 'Ohlo 4a...... 0. B. L. rH(. 4a... M iji-l ....... 0 pna. tr.,tt im.. Kl Tlrftott.-Tr. cv. 4a... W o coo. 4e.... 10 Ceo. of Oa. Sa......iei"4ltdlnf mo. 4..... M rro, 'Leathar-te 148. U 4 8. P. fg 4 71 CtiK' Obk 4.. H 4o . s,.,....,. M (to enne. 4M,e...... anust. IN 8. W. e. 4a. t Cllcaio ft A. la..4ea x. j,,.. fa... n C. a Q. I. 4a... WSgo. Pag. col. 4a t8 80 gam, 4a 4 do ct. 4a M Clllrtf 40 let ref. 4a...... 11 C. R. 1. P. 4a. WH8o. Rallwaj .,. .1114. d. rft, 4 ' do sea. 4t 7 C r a 4a. 4Vnlon Paotflo t a ft H. cv. ta i do ev. 4a D. R. O. ret te. W Ao 1st a rf. 4.. iwu pwtuierr oa ....... "r. s. Rubber e....ifi Brie p,.L .....-... g. Btert id S....11t'4 in a. ta.... ...... i"iv.-V. Oiam. S.. fr do ct. 4a. aer. B. 77H Watiash lt ex. 4a 111. van. ik m. w. F.,-.wt,, M j-. ... aa inter. Met. 44e wwt. Rleo. rv. ia.. ltl Inter. . Ja. M. 4Ha... Wla Ontral 4a.... ll . ... . -JiniB IH ...... 19 Bla. "Oftere. . , VrV Mtnrnar tmtra. : NEW TORK. Sept' li-Closing quota tlf rtf -rn mining PtocKn were: Com. Tunnel it oca,.. tittle Cnlot eda Wmi Oon. rel. ft Va. Tton Silrer li(lTiMo Ton. . Yellow jacket ... . U Moxloea . 4 Outartc .... .1 Ophtr ...... ,. 1 'ttaodard .. ,. 1 Ottered.. .'...t8 ....IMI .... (4 .....10 .. Condition a? Trenanry. I' : WASHINGTON, Sept 18. At the be ginning of bualnem today the condition of - the United , States ' treasury was: working balance In treasury offices, $S4,- Kaasna Ctty Live Stock Market. KANSAS "CITY, Sept. 11 CATTLE Re ceipts,' 16,000 head, Including 1,009 south erns;' market, , steady; dressed beet and export steers, $8.5010.76; fair to Rood, K.OW.&C: . western Steers,- $B.2010.10; stovxers, and feeders, 84.Si7.flO: southern steers. 84.50iS6.25i southern cows, $3.50 6.25; native cows, 33.l&s.50; native heif ers. SS.Xgu&0; bulls. . 83.76(36. to; caives, $a.O(MS9.50.- . . "'. HOU3 Receipts, twoo neaa; marKflt.'iu tf20o . lower; bulk of sales, $S.S5fS.50; heaw. IS.20fiS.40: packers and butchers, $8.IB'8.5B.i. lights, $8.308.55; pigs, $6.00 con : , : . SHEEP AND LAMH Receipts, ,0W head: market steady; lambs,. 88.ore7.iS.; rearllnsrs. 34.&TOu.'50; Wethera itooaM.eo; ewes, $3.60110; stockers and feed era, $2.50 St. ,Toeth lire Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH.- Sept. W.-CATTLK-Re- cetpts. 2.200 bead; market slow: fttcers, ta.Zmv.fi: cows and heifers, $3.25(89.00; calves. t4.5OH8.00. - . - ' IIOOS Receipts. 5.000 head; market, we lower! too. 88 60: bulk rf sale. 88.26S.flS. SHEEP AND LAM B! Receipts S.OOO head; market slow; lambs, $6,ts7.60..v --''. ".y' Stock in Stgbt. ' Receipts of live stock at the five nrin- ol pal western markets yesterday:. -v .-; cattle. Hoax. Btien. South Omaha.......... 7.0W 6,6r,0 S.(r0 St Joseth............. 3.200 f-S.0O-', 8,000 Kansas Cltjr.......,.. 15.000 ,6O0 00 ft. Louis......... 8.SX) 7,100 6..00 Chicago f.. .......13,000 ' 25,000 36,000 Totals .::.45.700 49,200 TO.SOO i NKW TORK. Sept. 18.-s-MET.l7S-TVr)- per. ouiet; standard spot to Novemoer, 17 KM7.75: electrolvtlc. 17,60rl7.76: lVe. $t7.2W17.75; csstlnar: 817 12tJ7.2S. Tin, firm:- unot - $4t.2TM-.S7U: September, Ste.SOffl RO: October. 84OW.? .... firm, .1M.20. visiter. stad. J74 1JR. Antimony, firm: Cookson's. 88.66. Iron, firm and linens wrert. (WW r- -i'-olB were ff tons; exports this month, !.K24 t"is. Jvinion eonoer. xlrrn: spot. 7 7 Sn: rutxiren. T 1" W.'; Local ex chanr sales of tin were SO tons. London tin. nrm: snot. 4 ivs: rutures, xzn. focal exchanre tle rt lead wre'8fl00 tons. London leed. 21 10s. London sbel ter waa ounteri at 77 5 Iron, Cleveland --Tiin n d 4n Lrmdon. - - PT. ' TTTtS. Per.t. 18.-MBTAI.S-Lead( Arm Ut 85.00. Bpelter, strong at (.io. . ,. v: ' . . ( t , ' Cotton Market.'.' ' :' NEW YORK, Sept.. 18.-COTTON-Shot closM quiet: middling . opiancs, U.c micMttne mlf. 11.15c. ?tes 868 taJs. .. Of.frn futures elosed steady. Closing Mas: STtfnber. Jl.Sc;- Octotier. 11. Wc Noveml'r U.46c: December. U.6c: Jan, njv li.E!c: Febnary. 1i:63e: Msrrh lL73c; May. lLJOc; June, 1179c; July, ILSOo, 1.364 1,696 ,1.821 128 3,0ti0 3.33U 4,280 207 187 67 -89 .232 .428 .180 ' . 114 . 29 ,279 18,904 Total. .f.,..v..-.A....... J,2 ,,S44' 29.847 CATTLE Receipt , or cattle Were lib eral Uiis mornings making th total tor the three ,ttay .4,,6 nead, the largest run tnus lar since the opening of the range season ano ,onty. about 1,000 head short of the - corresponding oays of last year.. . . ; : . , . liter steers were in lair demand this morning, although, the market opened a llttln hit altflVr (.till it Ivan .uln.it. pickers wanted .th, cattle;. and desirable ainda wexa generany steady with., yeaiei day. RoUgh-hernsa oat tie that the feed ers wouia not mor on and that were not especially desirable fur kilters' were a little glowi-'c.- ! i : . Tue supply of .cows and heifer was not overiy larare and the markeb on the desirabiw kinds was. generally steady and in some cases salesmen tuought they se cured strong prioeii a compared With yes- leraay. ' . , i '-a . . w . cood feeders were aotlva sellers at firm prices, but roughhorned cattte and light auicitere were a utile slow. . Quotations ; on' native cattl: Good to Choice beet ktter, $.23j)18.26; fair to good beef . steers, $i.2e8.26; common ' to fair beet steer, I itMW.n: good - to choice neifeia, tt.264o.26: , good to choice cows. 6.266.26; fair to tood oows, 84.355.25; common lo fair cows, $3.004.36; good to choice stockers - and - feeders, $6.u0p7.7&; fair to good atocker' and feeders, So.ca loo; common to rair stockers and feeders, $4.76&i6.si;' stock" cow and heifers. 84.504 5.75; veAl ' calve, i $4.$0i$8.7S; bUlls, stags, eic , 4.vjv,o.oU- - 1 Repre&enutive. saiee: ' . No. -.' -A. Pr.. N., ' At. Pr.. 17..... ..110 , 7 10 47...A UU' 8 Zi It til I IS ' . : COWS. uoo I ft t....... 8 !...... 8. 1... 1 1 7 .... 1.... .... It.... 1.... 1.". 10.... 1.... it, I to. .100 I t .114 t M . lit 4 40 . . Ml 4 to . H HJ ITERS. ; I... I. .. II. . . "V tit t 0 774 i 10 . Utt I 16 ..1W It . .11116 6 4i . I... 4 U ,740. 4 H ' 4............ 40 6 10 tit, 4 to ... ....... 00 I ,.tl4: 4 H. i t...... tot f M 441.4 16 , 1.. .......... tit t 60 - tit f It 4...:........ IH I 71 , BUL1.S, - . -. ; -. ....... .14 46 l...iw...... 68S 4 7t ........ 700-4 7- - 1,........;.. I7t .7t 4TO"t i........;....ao .4 M t4 $ U i7 t 141 i tt 160 I 7S 117 - 7 tt.a I.,..'...;.. 164 t 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ' .. 7o6 I .' . I....:. Tit a no ' 747 ' I oy ; IX,.;....'..... HI I ot 77 W- 177 : NEBRASKA, j - - i;; r No. . Av.. Pr -No. r, - ' Xv. Pr. & heifers... 82 4 73 16 feeders.. 666 I 70 10 cows..,.. 817 8 8 calves... 473 6 60 10 sts&hfn 872 5 76 .18 feeders..liC2 75 7COWS...,. DM 5 20 calves... 206 6 00 10 feeder.. 760 6 46 32 feeders.. SOT 26 18 feeders.. 133 6 36 . 8 feeder.. $35 8 65 10 cows..... 860 4 65 10 feeders.. 6SS 6 65 7 feeders.., 623 6 30 $ cow:.;.. 906 460 !9 cows,... .1008 I 26 9 belfers.. 460 4 75 16 feeder.. 450 5 40 It cow..... 800 3 66 41 steers. ...1176 . 80 . 26 feeders.. 97$ 8 80 10 feeders.. '781 too 13 cow 978 8 60 11 calves... 234 7 75 63 feeders.. 861 6 86 13 steers. ...1194 7 10 19 feeder.. 814 6 80 148 feeders., J4 S 85 13 cows 783 4 76 16 cows...,. 876 5 23 9 COWS.....1086 6 60 IT feeder.. 841 4 SO r , IS feeders.. 1x74 7 76 34 feeders. .1460. 8 06 U feeders. .1468 7 90 steers.. ..12S7 7 75 , , Phiipot Ranch Co. Neb. 48 cows..... t4 $ 10 . 28 heifer.. 805 6 05 6 steers.... 7w 8 so , - -Sand Hillt L. A C. Co.-Neb. U feeder.. 1302 7 65 76 feeders.. 1257 7 86 S3 spayed heifers. ......... .........1093 8 35 , TV . ; Becx -N eo. $7 feeder.. 1335 7 75 . 43 heifers.. 1006 S 40 15 cows. ....1057 6 80 ; -. ' .Howtrd, Beok-Neb. v W feeder. .1226 7 75 11 feeder.. 1050 -75 8 heifers... 831 I 40 7 Cows 1076 5 30 ,; . W. 4- Coker-Neb 24 feeders.." $00 To 17 stockers. 691 t 26 1 bUr....-8M 7 r: - i ' &. A. Waggoner Neb. :. 15 heifers... 668 6 10 cows 872 6 00 8 belter... 678 t 40 4 calves... 303 75 Alee Underwood Neb. . 6 feeders.. 1975 I 40 . 4 cows 1055 S 2S 6 cows..... S3 $ 40 4 cows 1063 S 26 J. W. Hartneff Neb. s 16 heifers... $11 8 76 12 feeders.. 9C4 6 00 46 feeders..ms t 95 . -,- 4 Cokr-Bros. Neb.' I 1 6 steers.... 964 t 60 46 steers.... 955 60 47 steers.... S98 160 83 steers.. ..1015 C 60 ... Brogait Bros. Neb. 25 Steer... .1016 t 86 - .;. . - WYOMING. -' Si feeder.. 967 f 25 6 cows.. ...1104 S 60 B feeder.. 900 7 00 20 feeder.. 830 90 17 feeder.. 84 t 90 , ., t cows 1000 8 30 14 feeder.. 1067 1 60 31 feeder. .1052 26 9 steers.. ..MS 05 8 feeders.. twS 6 35 7 steers. ...1014 t 06 11 cows 1074 6 66 16 feeders.. 02 6 DO , 34 steers.. ..10S6 6 40 10 steere.... 70 60 9 heifers.. ! ll J. Sterling-Wye It steer.-.120t 6 86 " ' , Davis A D. Wya. 19 steers 4t 1 10 HOGS Yesterday's big slump In hog value was. followed by a further decline today of 10c. The market was not very active at the decline, and the morning was well advanced - before , a clearance was effected, the close being at th- low point of the day. Packers again had things entirely In their own hands and they made the most of . the opportunity. Strictly good hogs sold as high as $8.25. which -was the top, as against $8.35 yes terday. This price was paid for choice heavy as .well as light and butcher weights. , A 'large- proportion of all the hoas sold at .06fiil.l5. with quite ; a sprinkling at $$.20, whereas ye.terday the bulk of the bogs moved at ts.i;x.;so. The break yesterday and .today leaves the ton of tliei market the lowest of any month since July, when. the best hogs did not sell above' $8. The averages marxet on the other hand i tne lowest toaay that it has been any .time since the third week in August. . - . Repre.-.t'raw.t.'p ler No. n... 44... ti... it... 41. At. ...151 ... iu ....111 ....161 ...Ml 44 42 ...181 .1 .; 2t.. tt.. ti.. it.. 14.. II.. .. TO.. 17.. It.. 14.. 61.. 17.. 10.. 16.. II.. It th. 10 lis lie 108 1 4 lit ....Ml ....tti ....141 -'...tot ;...IH :.i.m ,...in ....W7 ....i4j ...tH 11.... ....i 61. ..j... .113 .... ...K9 I7......l6 i.....,..rs tl ..7115 14....;.. Jil 4........JS3 14....... .810 Ui .I....M1 '.r..!t4t ta 171 40 57. tl. 4... T7... tl... Tt... .:. .;. 1U.. tt... 11... It... t7... Pr. 1 to ti 7 75 7 W 7 716 I M 1 00 too I 00' I Ol) -t 0 tot t w lot 101 .1 IS tot tw to; I M t. In 01 $ M . t07 t It : 1 I 10 SO;' t JO to t it .'. 110 n t it 4ft t 14 ,. t tt : , I :t . t io No. a... ii..". tt... 71. At. ....Ill ..,..$34 ....141 lU..,..Jit 44..:... ..i87 i MO lift 19.. it.,.. .... 15. . 4t 10.. t 40.... 70.... 41.... 12.... M 10.... 41.... ... V..t4t .-.M ...111 A ...Ml ...174 ...lit ...171 ...lit ...ttl ...15$ ...4T ...in ...22t II.. 1st 44....... 74. Tt.; 44........ fit 4t. .109 14. ti. 64. ..ho 1st .144 .t4 74.... ...m S4t 40 to 110 too ii 'it to 140 1 10 to no 40 .lit iso t it ..16 ISO I 10 -.166 . ... lit 1M 40 ...156 .171 .ill I It t 10 10 1 it- a. 74. tt. 7T. Tt. t. 44. IT. 6i. . 43, .107 ......114 :oi ......74J ......tot. ......is ......lt4 ......tot KO M.........19I I1........1M it... M...'.,.i.lli t tt i .... .;..! ... T 00 41....A...111 7 10 . tl....i...l0l 7 00 SHEEP Receipts ot nej were the smallest Ot ally, day thus far this week, making the total for the three days 65,800 head, a falling oft or over 6,000 head as compared with the same days last week and Of over 44, tW head a compared with the corresponding period a year ago. As noted jn. yesterday paper, everything was cleaned up before th close, so that there were . only.- the . fresh I receipts on sale, this morning. --v ? . The feeling on the part of -packers was Very eak ii . the. opening tnis morning. They had already made heavy purchases yesterday And. day before and most buy ers had orders to secure killers tit less money today or leave them , alone. As a result the market opened rather dull, but It warmed .up a little later oh and in the end became Just about steady on all de sirable kinds bf killers, both- sheep and lambs.. ,. j . ,i. ; ;.. . r . v . , While' there were a good many country buyers on the market looking for feeding sheep and lamb there- were not as many as yesterday, but on the other band com mission men bad a good many orders in hand, , so tiiatthere was. a good demand for feeders right from th opening. The trade was reasoaably active though pos sibly not quite so brisk a yesterday and prlcer " continued in- about the same notches a yesterday,; there' . being little or no, change in elthef. direction. The big . bulk of ' the receipts changed hands in.teryifalr season. .-" . : .' ' .. (Juotatlons on fiheen-and-Llmbs Lambs, a-nnfl la chdli. 17 1C SI. 40V Itmha fair to good," $4.6o7.O0;"lambs, feeders, $6.00W.75; vari:ngs, . upnt, ta.2au.ot yearling, heavy, M.Tog&.lO; yaaritngB,- feeder, $5.00 6.60; wethers, good to choice, $4.154.76, wethers, fair to good,. $4.0O4.16; wethers, feeders, $3.90f4.40v ewe, kood to choice, $3.7584. SE; ewes, feeder, - $3.103.75; ewes yearling breeders, $4.a04-00;-ewes, sged, $3.504.60; culls,; sheep and bucks, $iU0 8.00. ' -'-.v . v ,- " 'Representative sales :- No.i - y '' !,' - ' 63 Wyoming .yearling,' 48 jaano ewe 31 Idaho ewe ... ......... 171 Wyoming owes. ........ 153 Wyoming ewes 168 Idaho ew,- feeders. 20 Idaho ewei. -fdrs,, culls iw laano ewes,? ifeaer. ....... 100 Idaho ewes,- feeder...!.... 611 Wyoming Wee,, feeder.... 173 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 240 Wyoming ewe,' feeder.... 603 Idaho lambs, feeder.; ;., 608 Idaho' lambs, ;feedair.:.J.. SSldtho lambs, feeder.. 365 Wyoming lambs, , feeders.. 366 Wyoming lamb, feeder.. 188 Wyoming lambs,' feeder.. 161 Wyo. latnbAt fdrs., cull. . 188 Idaho Huitbs . Lfl iaaho lamb 177 Coirado, lamb, ,idr...,.. 010 Mbitva arnfl.ta , 223 Wydmina wethers ; 4of Wyoming .wether 48 Idaho lambs, , feeders. . . 581 Idaho lamb .. 14$ Idaho lambs '....iv:..; 6H0 Idaho lambs I......;....;.;. 131 Idaho we; feedert....... 61 ldaoo yearling, feeder. 54 Idaho ltttnbs; leeder......:.' 569 Idaho lambs, : feeder....-. 802 Idaho lambs, feeders....'. 360 Idaho lamb,- feeders....... ob2 iaatio lamb, .feeder...... 116 Idaho lamb, i feeders..... i;H Idaho lambs, feeders.., ...4 861 Idaho lembs, feeder!..,. ... 16S Idaho lambs,, feeder..,.... 100 Idaho lamb, feeders....... 536 Idaho iambs,ifeedefs....... 666 Idaho lambs, feeder..,.... St Idaho ewes. .'.'.....i.. 165 Idaho ewe...:.. 194 Idaho yearling...... 144 Idaho yearlings.-:.. 28 Idaho lamb, feeders....... itt Triahn iambs, feeders....... 143 Wyoming Ikinbs, ;feeder. . 51 Wyoming tamos, leeaera.. eftt wvomlrm lambs, "feeders.. 239 Wyoming lambo,. feeders.. iss Idaho lambs, feeders. .....i 61 Idaho lambs, leeaers . s7 Wvoming ewes 431 Wyoming ewes 695 WydiviHif lutnl,' ft-".. 49 Wyoming mmDS, -leeaers... s,2 Wv.mil.:ii ..t's. fe'U;.4 101 Wyoming luiri), ifafler.;. 186 Wyoming ewes, feeder..;. 1V Wyoming ewes, ieege.... 201 Idaho lamps tot 40 Pr. ' 1 10 I 10 10 I It I It I 10 I 10 . I It 1 1 " I 10 t 10 1 11 1 11 I 12 I 16 I It t It I 16 I 16 I II ., I 16 I II , I ii t 16 I 15 -1 it 1 II I 10 - f :t ' I s t IS 4 .1 1 18 " I IS 1 17 I 10 12t 1 to 1 , . IN I tt lit. I It ' 1 It S16 ' - K AV. wetb 91 , ..;.... 105 ....... 109 ....... 98 ....;...106 - :,..... 96 96 99 . ISO 98 97 W 64 66 . 65 57 68 68 42 69 , 69 - 44 74 US' , 116 . 64 71 70 , 70 94 , 86 ;. 63 . . 64 .. 66 .. 65 . .. 66 ,. 61 .. 60 .. 53 . . 66 .. 62 ..' 64 .. 101 .. 1U .. 82 ..83 . . 55 .. 60 . . 66 ;. 47 ..69 .v 69 . ,. 46 55 .. W 100 66 , 60 ti 6 0 96 61 332 Wyoming lambs ... 68 Wyoming- lamb . 136 Wyoming tamos-. m Wyoming lamb . 670 laano tamos 4SS Idaho lambs-..... 247 Idaho lambs '..............v. 57 native ewes .....;.... 10 native ewes ........"..'..v.'....: 26 native ewes ..;... ....' 166 Idaho wethert, yearlings 142 Idaho wethers, yearlings.. 68 60 69 116 108 130 93 90 Pr. 640 4 26 426 366 400 380 2 25 3 60 860 3 66 3 70 316 6 65 666 6 70 640 640 640 5 80 7 25 725 680 800 4 30 480 6 ba 7 10 7 10 7 10 330 6 26 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 60 6 65 665 626 6 65 6 66 675 8 75 673 400 400 600 6 26 660 626 625 660 6 80 6 80 10 6 65 4 16 420 666 600 6 i& 125 8 86 886 6 65 6 75 7 25 7 26 660 7 26 7 25 7 25 400 3 40 4 16 6 60 536 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Decision of Referee Ousting Conimis . , sioners May Mean Shakeap. E0CT0R MAY PICK NEW -OSES Qaeetlon Whether rr Citr Offi cials' Are to Be Replaced by, Old Ones, Soon to Be Drtermiut'd.' TTiU Also Enter Tit. - - : ' Milwaakee Grain. Market. ; MILWAUKEE, -Sept. I8.-WHEAT-N0. 1 northern,- 3H94o; No.; 3 northern, 91V92c; No. 2 haid wlnterp 934c; De cember, 89c;May, c. , - CORN-No. $ yellow, Tie: ,No. S white. 73c; No. 3, 69Vc; December, 6252vic; May, 62Tie.' s- ' '' : . OATS-Ktandard, 83M34a' - BARLET Malting; 5&375C ; Persistent' Advertising U ttbe Road to Big Return.-!, Cv-: -;. With the recommendation of Refer"! Silas Holcomb that Police and Fire Com missioners John J. Ryan and Joseph Pivonka be ousted from office for al leged misconduct comes the general ad mission that the case is closed except fur the approval of ' the findings of the rr-fereei by the supreme court Th s it is expected wlll not Jong be delayed artl when It does come 'the general belief it that the court will not waste much time In the disposition of the case. This was the feeling in town yesterday and the talk generally ran to the question of the probable successors of. the two accused officials. That Mayor Hoctor will have the control of who, shall sit with him in the event ; the supreme court should approve the f:ndlngs of the referee is admitted under the law. The question now arises, how ever, whether Hoctor shall be permitted to-held his seat long enough to appoint new -commissioners or having appointed them whether the appointment should hold valid against appointments made by P. J. Trainor,-former mayor and present claimant of the mayoralty. If Hoctor ap points the board will probably be all democrats while if Trainor should ap point at least two would be republicans. The whole question w'll be settled by the supreme court in deciding the appeal of Trainor and his clerk, "Frank Good for reinstatement In office against Hoctor and Clerk Wheeler now holding by virtue of last, spring's election. "The election was held by court order on the grounds 4hat the three-year term of office was Illegal. The supreme court In another case has since held that the three-year term of office was constitutional Trainor has appealed to the court to oust his suc cessors and It Is expected that the case will be heard In a short time. , Many claim that when the Union Stock Yards shall have settled Its fight with the Omaha water board annexation will be a matter of short shrift '.' ' - a Call for Shamrocks. President William Corrlgan of the Shamrocks foot ball team and Captain Harry Callanan have issued a practice; call for the team, which will meet Fri day 'evening at the campus1 on Twenty fourth and O streets. Among the Una up 'appear the names of the following old players of the team: Callanan, Gillan, Tost" Pearson, Hyatt, the two Cavan aughs. O'Brien, Tuttle and some new material for which the coaches prog nosticate great things. S Gambling Joint Italded. .. In a raid upon a gambling Joint at 2407 N street last night the police arrested nine men and charged them with gam bling. Besides the whole , Doe family which was represented on the police blot ter, the name of Fred Baker appears as proprietor. Captain John Dvorak. Cap tain Sheahan, Officers Potach, Smith and Small made the raid. Although Jawn J. and his own private Woodrow Wilson dub have changed their headcftuvrters from the law office of Countys Attorney. Jamleson of Sarpy and Eugene O Sulllvan of Omaha, the un terrified democracy ,of South Omaha seems equally oblivious of the change. At a committee meeting held at the new headquarters last night there was, as usual, a great gathering of empty chairs. A number of democrats who do not "be long" called at the headquarters, but were received with a courtesy that was pain ful. Business .seemed at a standstill while the were present It is understood that violent effort is . on foot to have Woodrow Wilson choose some local democratic knight without re- nrnanh a his chamDlon.- At present tne Toung Men's Democratic Wilson-Marshall club seems to have the bulge on the gang. . Colored Republicans Meet. JU republican headquarters last night the OoloVed Republican club held its regu- lar weekly meeting. President Graves was in the chair. The meeting was en thusiastic and adopted strong resolutions tn favor of President Taft and the whole republican ticket. In the near future the colored club will hold a Joint meeting with the republican elub of South Omaha, at which a -number of candidates will be present - , Magic City Gossia. FOR SALE Modern 6-room cottage, near Highland Park. Phone South 1117. The women of the First Christian church will serve a harvest home dinner at the church Thursday evening. The Presbyterian King's Daughters will serve dinner at the church, Twenty-third and 1 streets, from 11:30 to 1 o'clock to day. . .".'..-. -' - " . Call National Wine and Liquor Co., 106 108 No. 24th St. for Stors Triumph beer; also wines and liquors delivered. Phone So. 871 - .; w,. TMHh S Traveri a former Chinese missionary, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bednar at their home, 519 North Eight eenth street, .rw... win h mMtlni of the Ancient Order of Hibernians held Thursday even ing at WorKman xeropie. n memutu are requested to attend. The Eastern Star kensington win meet with Mrs. B. Brayton. 1118 North Twenty third street Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Farrell will be assistant hostess. ' Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Sept 18.-WHEAT-Spot, steady; No. 8 Manitoba, Ss 3d.. Futures, easier; October. 7s 8d; . December, 7s 6Kd; March. 7s 44d. -.' . . ' CORN Spot quiet; new American, kiln dried, 7s 2dL Futures, easy; Sep tember, 6s 4Vid; December, 6s 6Vd. :. Peoria Market. PEORIA. . 111., Sept m-CORN-J4c higher; No. 2 yellow, 70W71c; No. 3 yellow, -me; No. 4 yellow. 69c; No.; 3 mixed. 70c; No. 4 mixed, 69c; sample, OATS-Steady; standard, 3333c; No. 3 white, S2V40. - - ' Try Goods Murtret. , NEW TORK, Sent. 18.-DRT GOODS Tbe cotton goods markets are steady with trading of fair volume. Jobbers are doimt a steady - business. Worsted yarns are active, y .. DRITIGH COLUMBIA FARMS EASY TERMS 4 The provlbco of. British Columbia offers tjreat inducements to tne era all farmer. TM country is young and growing. The marfceU are big and pay high prices. v - -. ". . We are placing on the market a number of 4 0-acre farms In a good district within 3 miles of a railway . under construction. These farms are sold tit J640 In terms of $30 csh,and $15 per tnontlt. -...' ": Writb today, for -Illustrated booklet,' F. I. This is a splendid o?-, portunity. - . s. - " NATIONAL FIX' A CO. (Limited. . ,: , Had .Office:. Y'ancouvcr, Cam da. Reliable AttntM Wanted. . Liberal CommUslon,