Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1912, Image 1

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The Bee's Letter Box in
vites short contributions on our
rent, topics from Bes readers,
Lettish, ou, limit 300 words
Fair: Warmer v
Eleven . Contracts "With Supposed
Outside Companies Are Introduced
by Government in Suit.
Osborne Company Bought Two Years
Before Pact Was Anounced.
Record of Meeting of Voting Trust
Produced by Attorney.
Adjournment is Taken Until Today
to Enable Attorneys fdr Prose
entloa to Go. Over - the
CHICAGO, . Sept ll-Contracts and
. other documents by which the Inter
national Harvester company is alleged
to have formed and carried on a trust
were introduced by the government to
day In its anti-trust suit against that
'corporation. - '.
. One of the eleven contracts showed
that in the purchase of the D. M. Os
borne & Co., with a plant . al
. Auburn, N. Y., George W. Perkins had
signed for the Harvester' company. In
this instance, the government charged
"for two years the defendant concealed
and denied its' association with the Os-
' borne company, and represented the lat
ter as an Independent company. This
s . was In pursuance of the defendant's pol
icy, by denying ownership to use con
trolled companies, to break, down com
petition and secure for themselves the
benefit of public sentiment against com
binations." ; .
Minute In Evidence.
In response to a subpoena, attorneys
for the harvester company promised to
.Submit the minutes of the meetings of
the 'stockholders, the board of directors
and of the "voting trust," composed of
George W. Perkins, Cyrus II. McCormlck
and Charles Deerlng. It was announced
1 these minute would be scrutinized by the
.government before they were offered In
Referring to the testimony of R. C.
Haskins, 5 president of the International
Harvester company of America, Mr, Gros-
venor stated before the examiner that it
had been shown that the Minnesota state
prison had been a competitor in the man
ufacture of harvesting machinery and
had tended to reduce the prices, parties
terly In Minnesota.
Cardinal Gibbons
Helps Dedicate New
Wichita Cathedral
WICHITA, Kan., Sept 18.-Headed by
his Eminence Cardinal Gibbons, 'digni
taries of the Catholic church from all
parts of the United States were here to
day to attend the dedication ol St
Mary's cathedral, said to be the finest
church edifice in the southwest
-The ceremonies which began this morn
ing with Cardinal Gibbons as officiating
prelate. Bishop John J. Hennessy jf
Wichita, celebrant of the mass, and
Archbishop John J. Glennon of St Louis
as orator of the occasion, were to cover
two days.. ' , 5 .
Cardinal Gibbons was scheduled to re
view a church parade headed by a uni
formed body of Knights of Columbus this
afternoon. ' The program for tonight
calls for celebration of vespers by Bishop
J. M. Tihen of Lincoln, Neb., and a
lecture by Archbishop John Ireland of
St Paul. - .
The cathedral, which is In Romanesque
renaissance style, was erected at a cost
of $230,000 exclusive of furnishings.
Among the prominent clergy scheduled
to take part In the ceremonies were:
Archbishops J. J. Keane, Dubuque, la.;
S. G. Messmer, Milwaukee; . James H.
Blenk, New, Orleans; Bishops Austin
Dowllng, Des Moines, la. ; . Joseph P.
Lynch, Dallas, Tex.; John Ward, Leaven
worth, Kan.; Patrick F. Heffron, Winona,
Mtnn,; Edward M.' Dunne, Peoria, I1L;
C. Vandeven, Alexandria, La.; Peter J.
Muldoon, Rockford, 111.; D. J, O'Connell,
Richmond, Va-; James Davis, Davenport,
la.; Phillip Garrlgan, Sioux City, -la.;
B. J. Kelley, Savannah, Ga.; Edward P.
Allen, Mobile,. Ala.; James Schwebaoh,
La Crosse, Wis.; Theodore ,Meerschaert
Oklahoma City, Okl.; James MoGolrick,
Duluth,', Minn.; John Jannsen, Bellville,
111.: Richard Bcannell, Omaha; M. F.
Burke, St Joseph, Moi y .' '
Republican National Committee
TakesAction in Cases of Dis
loyal Members. . ,
Men from Minnesota, Oklah.,- and
Ohio Quit Their Jobs.
New Jersey, West Virginia and North
j North Carolina on List
Is afternoon. 'the hearing was adjinirne""- Tt! ."Z!: 1
uhti); tomorrow to enable the government
attorneys to examine those or the har
vester companies' dooks wnion are h oe
Introduced as evidence.
' . i . ,A .
Firm Is Selllnar Aa-ent.
Although It sold . 8100,000,000 worth of
farm Implements, the international Har
vester Company of America last year
made only $150,000 in profits, or fiftecn
hundredths of 1 per cent, according to It
C. Haskins, the president, who testified
yesterday. . .. " .
Questions were asked by the govern
ment attorneys to show that the Interna
tional Harvester Company of America
was merely the selling agent of the In
ternational Harvester Company of New
Jersey and that the latter company was
to make all the money.
"Is It not your object to buy from the
New Jersey .company at such a price as
will enable you to sell so that you will
have neither a loss nor a profit?'4, asked
Edwin P, Grosvenor, special assistant at
torney general. : '
: "Our object is to buy as cheaply as we
can and to make as much as possible.
We try to buy from the New, Jersey com
pany at prices we -would get from any
other company," replied Mr. Haskins. ;
"But you never have paid a dividend?"
"No, we never have."
' Methods of Sale.
Most of today's session was devoted .to
describing technical features of farm im
plements. Mr. Haskins related the
methods of sale to farmers in answer to
the government's charge that as a trust
the harvester company maintained prices
"to the serious injury of the farmer." .
The witness said the company sold to
agents with a 5 per cent discount for cash
and the 'agent, by adding his profit de
termined the price which the farmer was
- to pay. '
One reason, Mr. Haskins explained, why
the sale company made only $150,000 while
it sold $100,000,000 worth of Implements
' was that it was constantly expanding its
business and expending large sums for
advertising. .,
Hungarian Minister
Attacked by Deputies
on Parliament Floor
BUDAPEST, Hungary, . Sept. XS.-The
riotous scenes which occurred at the
opening of the - Hungarian ..'parliament
yesterday were re-enacted again today,
when the sitting of the Chamber of
Deputies was resumed. The opposition
members' concentrated their attack upon
Herr Beeothy, the minister of commerce
who was struck In the face several times
and knocked down.
As soon as the government deputies be
gan to come into the chamber the uproar
began. An opposition member shouted
"scoundrel" at Minister- Beeothy, . who
made a step toward his adversary and
asked: . " " ''
"What did, you say?" Immediately the
oppos tlonists . ; rushed tat,. G?e minister,
striking him with their firsts' until he fell
to the . floor. After some struggle" the
When tfiifpesiht 6f the lower house
Count Stephen Tissa. took the chair, ths
tumult was resumed. .
Duluth Carmen Say
, Victory is in Sight; -Cars
Are Running
DULUTH, Sept 18.-After Mayor . Mc
Cuen and Chief of Police-Troy er had tes
tified before Judge DiebeU : in Duluth's
public ownership suit against the Duluth
Street ' Railway ' company, ' adjournment
was taken about midnight until this even
ing. . A "'. '
The Strike Is still on and the union car
men claim . a victory is in sight Car
service 'was greatly Improved yesterday
and this morning appeared to be normal.
Last night some minor disturbances oc
curred. , ' . .
In Superior dynamite was placed on the
track, but was discovered by the crews.
la California Different Situation
Exists and Unas Avery Is Not
. Removed from His
' ' Place.' -
NEW YORK, Sept 18,-The republican
national committee today accepted the
resignations of Its members from Min
nesota, Oklahoma snd Ohio and declared
vacant seats held by members of
New Jersey, West Virginia and North
Carolina, who are Roosevelt supporters
Successors were named to retiring mem
bers from Oklahoma, Ohio, New Jersey
and North Carolina.
Chairman Hilles said that in New Jersey
Borden B. Whiting, a .Roosevelt follower
had notified the committee of his re-
rusai to resign his membership. The
committee, Mr. Wiles said, would prob
ably fill the seat with Franklin Mur-
phy, a former committeeman. The 'same
situation obtained in California, the
chairman said, where Russ Avery, a
Roosevelt man has not resigned. In this
case, however, Mr. Hilles thought a sub
committee of the national committee
would be asked to recommend a succes
sor to Mr. Avery.
From North Carolina, - Mr. Hilles con
tinued, E. C. ' Duncan would probably
replace Richmond; Pearson.' .
One of the absent members, Thomas A.
Marldw, of Montana, was represented by
Gus Karger. '
La Follrtte Aids Democrats.
CHICAGO. Sept lS.-Roy West, chair
man of the ; Illinois State Republican
committee, today declared that La Fol
lette men controlled the progressive party
machinery in Illinois and because of ob
ligations to the: head of the democratic
State ticket , were throwing strength to
the democratic cause. Mr. , West named
State Senator Walter Clyde Jones of
Chicago and Charles - E. Merriam, one
time candidate . for mayor of Chicago,
as progressive leaders who were In sym
pathy with Senator La Follette and in
directly, to ..the .democrats. .
. Taft Talks Polities.
BEVERLY, Mass., Sept 18,-New York
and Massachusetts politics today, occu
pied .muchf.pftosidanjUraItUit5intion.
Eberhardt and Nelson
Are Renominated
BUFFALO, N, Y., Sept 18.-The six
teenth annual convention of the League
of American Municipalities opened here
today. Mayor Fuhrmann welcomed the
delegates on behalf of the city and John
McVlckar, pres'dent of the league and
former mayor of Des Moines, responded.
Today's program Includes addresses oh
"Civil Awakening" by Alfred C. Mueller,
mayor of Davenport la., and John J.
Rj der, police and sanitation commissioner
Of Omaha.
The Weather;
For Nebraska Fair and warmer.
For Iowa Fair and slightly warmer.
E a. m. .......
. 6 a. m...
7 a. m...
- 8 a. m........
t a. m
10 a. m ..
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
t p. ra
t p. m
4 p. m
8 p. m
p. m
. 7 p. m
8 p. m
... 43
ST. PAUL, Sept 18.-Electien Judges
and clerks worked all night counting the
ballots cast at yesterday's first state wide
primary. . .While the returns will not be
finished before tonight, the Indications
are that tin following have been nomi
nated: . .
United Slates senator, Knute Nelson,
Congressman-at-large, James Manahan,
St Paul.
Governor, A. O. Eberhardt, Mankato.
Lieutenant governor. J. A. A. Burn-
quist, St. Paul. '
Secretary of state, Julius Schmahl, Red
Wood Falls. -
Attorney general, Lyndon A. Smith,
Montevideo. ,
State treasurer, Walter' -J. Smith, Eve
leth. Railroad commissimters. Ira B. Mills,
Moorehead and C. E. Clemqulst, Rush
City. .
States senator, Daniel W. Law-
ler, St. Paul.
Congressnuin-at-large, C. J. Buell, St
Governor, P. M. RingdaL Crookston.
r Senator Knute Nelson retained a lead
in late returns, but apparently was given
a close race by James Paterson of Minne
apolis. Lyndon A. Smith of Montevideo
for attorney general, also, In available
returns was closely pressed by J. H.
Fraser of Rochester.
Election Judges declare that not more
than one-tenth of the voters used the
second choice privilege, which probably
means that Governor Adolph Eberhart
has been renominated.
It appears that Clint Robinson of St
Charles won the democratic nomination
for congressman from the First district
Greiner, postmaster at Buffalo, and one
of the up-state republican ; leaders lit
New York; Samuel, J.. Elder, a Boston
attorney, prominent rln republican coun
cils, and Congressman Robert O. Harris
of Massachusetts. '
President Taft ,today denied published
reports that he is taking , any part in
the contest In New York state for the
republican gubernatorial nomination. The
president made it known that he favors
no candidate and he expressed the hope
that the convention would be an open
one. - . ' ., . ; . .
Cattle in Phelps
: Take New Disease
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Sept 18.-(Speclal.)-Governor
' Aldrlch received a message
from .ex-Mayor McConaughay of Hoi
drege this afternoon that eight head of
cattle had died a few miles from that
place with a disease which had all the
symptoms of the horse disease that Is
raging In Nebraska. Dr. Bwstrom was at
once notified and left on the first train
to investigate the matter.
,The governor says that Indications
point to a letting up of the disease among
horses and he urges all farmers to fol
low as nearly as possible the directions
given out heretofore. They should keep
the stock In as clean a place as possible
and feed them on dry food and hay cut
on high ground. The water tanks should
be kept clean and pure water given to
the animals,
ccpncTJiDv nrrmr
oLunciHni uroiHiL
Challenge of Morrisey Brings Matter
of Suficiency of Action to a
Slow Down. '
Voters Attended. '
Tvfo Men Circulate Petition and
Third Swears to It.
L. C. Moon, Republican Chairman of
Lonp Coanty, Refuses to Ar
Meetlns for Aldrlch la
' . Taylor.
.iasaE3!jsp "Madam, if you don't object, I should like very much to come out"
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. ' '
.V ' ' $
Governor Discusses Trust Plank ia
Moose Platform. "f
He Says Bnslnesa of the Steel Com
bine is Steadily Beerauin in
District Where It Haa
' Competition.
MINNEAPOLIS, - Sept. I8.-H0W the
United States Steel corporation inciden
tally would' benefit by the plank in the
third party platform proposing regulation
of trusts by a federal coxnralssion was
discussed by Governor Woodrow Wilson
in his speeches as he passed from Sioux
City, la,, to Minneapolis and St Paul
today. . : . ." , t
It was at 81oux Falls, S. D., that the
democratic nominee first drew attention
to the origin of the third party plank
for handling the trust problem. ,
"Where was the method now proposed
of regulating the trusts suggested?"
asked the governor; "it was suggested
in the Inquiry by the house of repre
f entatives Into the Steel trust and it was
suggested , by Mr. Gary and Mr. George
W. Perkins. They have thought this
thin OUt. ; , -
"1 am not Interested to question their
motives. It may be, for all I know, that
they think and honestly think that that
He had Invited as luncheon guests Fredfpraie wa Safeguard the business of
Horse Epidemic ;
is Not Contagious
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Sept. 18.-Dr. J.
M. Wright state veterinarian,' who was
sent to Kansas to Investigate the disease
that is killing thousands of hones and
mules In that state, today reported to
the state board of live stock commis
sioners ' that the disease Is not con
tagious. The board decided not to en
force a ' quarantine - against Kansas
horses and mules. .. : '.
WINNIPEG, Man., Sept ls.-'fhirtj
.thousand Odd Fellows from all parts of
America marched through Winnipeg
50 ' streets today while throngs looked orv
63 j The mayor had proclaimed a half holiday
a j In honor of the event The Los Angelet
60 . delegation In working hard to get the con
vent on of 1911
MADISON, Wis., Sept. !8.Nelther
President Taft nor Colonel Roosevelt was
mentioned In the platform adopted by the
republicans of Wisconsin here today.
Senator La Follette, however, was
praised as leaded in the progressive
movement In which "Wisconsin has been
the pioneer" and the platform said that
"No greater progress has been made In
any state In the same time than during,
the administration of Governor Mc
Govern', i '
Two Men Klled in Boxcar.
INDIANAPOLIS, Sept 18.-Two men
were killed and three ' others severely
crushed by a pile of lumber In. a box
car here today. .The dear are Edwin
Fooks of Columbus, O., and Roy R. Bur
ton, address not known. The five had
been employed by a circus and hsd
boarded the car at Charleston, III.,' to
make their way home.
this country. But whatever they think,
this they know, that It will' save the
United States Steel corporation from the
necessity' of doing its business better
than Its competitors. . '
Business of Trust Decreasing
"For, if you will look into 'the statis
tics of the business of the United States
Steel corporation, pu) will find that
wherever it has competitors, the amount
of the product which it controls Is de
decreasing, not increasing; In other words
that It Is less efficient than Its competi
tors, and its control - of the product Is
Increasing only In those, branches of the
business where by purchase and other
wise, it has a practical monopoly. -
"Moreover,- I have this to ' say to the
working man. Carry out the plan of Mr.
Gary and Mr. Perkins and you will have
given a control In the market for labor,
which will suit those gentlemen perfectly.
They don't want competitors to come
Into the market of labor, because new
competitors will mean new wages and
new wage scales. These are the very
men and almost the only men who have
successfully opposed union labor in the
United States."
Wilson Pays Tribute to Taft.
Governor Wilson paid warm tribute to
the character of President Taft today.
"I want to pay my tribute of personal
respect to the president of the United
States," said f Governor Wilson in his
address at the parade grounds. "I don't
believe anyone who knows the facts can
question his Integrity or purposes. If
he has gotten into bad company, It Is
no fault of his. He did not choose the
company, it was made beforehand.
"If he has taken their advice, It was
because they were nearest to him and
Martial Law Zone
Extended and Mine
; Guards Arrested
, CHARLESTON, W. Va., Sept 18,-The
martial law tone in the strike country
was extended today to Include Fayette
county, where disturbances have been re
ported among the striking miners since
early In the week. The territory em
braces about twenty square miles.
Soon after the boundaries of the new
sone were announced two companies of
Infantry, commanded by Captain Cham
bers and Captain Jackson, captured fif
teen mine guards. It had been denied
that mine guards were on duty in this
section. They were started on the way to
military headquarters, 'Where they will
be tried.
Interest here today centered In a tele
gram received by President Thomas
Cairns of District No. 17, United Mine
Workers, from International President
John P. White, that he and other Interna
tional officers would arrive here In time
for the meeting called by Governor Glass
cock of miners, coal' operators and com
mercial bodies for next Saturday morning.
The mine guards were taken Into cus
tody within the extended, marital law ter-.
rltory, and the arrests resulted from the
guards being armed, a direct violation of
military law. ' 'fy sir: ';.; .
Bull Moosers Plan Novel Way to Get
Expense Money.
Efforts to RaUe Fonds by Subscrip
tion Fail anil Seats Will Be Put
on Sale to Reduce the.
Suspected Thief
is Shot to. Death r
: by a: Policeman
PITTSBURGH, Pa.; Sept.' 18.-Bruno
Flgureski was shot to death. In the .Al
legheny river while attempting to es
cape from a squad of policemen under
Lieutenant Thomas Carroll early today.
The body has not been recovered, Tho
police were searching for Flgureski and
a companled who were suspected of steal
ing copper from mills along the river,
and came upon them as they rowed to a
boat house. Flguerskl refused to surren
dne and, jumping from the boat swam
toward the shore. The police opened fire
and the man sank. His companion, who
gave his name as Adam Scbults, gave
himself up. .-..'
Nine Hundred Men
Reported Killed in
Battle in Tripoli
ROME, Sept. 18. The most sanguinary
engagement of the war In Tripoli was
fought yesterday near Dome, a town oil
the Mediterranean coast 140 miles north
east of Bengasi. The Italians lost sixty-
one men and 113 wounded. Tho Turks
and Arabs left more tijan 800 dead on tho
field. Forty-one prisoners, including an
Arab chief, fell Into the hands of the
Italians. .
Because mey were nearest 10 mm ana It i v T ' ' j w 1
he did not hear anyone else. That is ! I HSU UniOniStS MaKe
tne reason wny 1 should rather hear the
advice of a crowd like this than the ad
vice of a cabinet"
Jumps from Boof ;
of Masonic Temple
" ' - , . 5 .
CHICAGO, Sept . 18.-Prevented from
Jumping to his death in the Interior of
the Masonic Temple building by wire
nets, C. R. Rasmussen climbed to. the
roof of the twenty-two-story structure
and jumped . off. His body crashed
on the roof ." ef an adjoining building,
fourteen storlea", below, with such force
that he was ltantlytktlled.
Suicides by leaping into the interior
court of the Masonic temple were so fre
quent thatVire nets had been stretched.
Rasmussen was an Insurance solicitor
and was 22 years old. No reason for his
act is known. ".
May Try to Rescue ;
Alleged Lynchers
HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Sept. 18.-
Charles Smith was arrested here today,
charged with being among those who
lynched the negro, Walter Johnson of
Princeton, W. Va., September 5. Smith
was hurried out of the city as the offi
cers feared an attempt at rescue by his
friends. It Is Yeported that other ar
rests will be made here during the day
and excitement Is Intense.
Big Demonstration
ENNISKILLIN, Ireland, Sept 18.
Twenty thousand persons participated
here today In the first of a series of dem
onstrations preliminary to Ulster day,
September 28, when Ulsterltes through
out the United Kingdom will sign a cove
nant pledging themselves not to submit
to home rule In Ireland. '
Sir Edward H. Carson, president of th
Ulster Orange association and formerly
solicitor-general for Ireland, in a speech
declared that home rule was not "a ques
tion of politics, but of the "very life of
the country."
. Other demonstrations, at which the un
ionist" leaders will make addresses, aM
being held throughout the province of
Ulster and will continue for ten days.
The Cork Free Press, a newspaper con
trolled by William O'Brien, says that the
speech delivered by Winston Spencer
Churchill, in which the first lord of the
admiralty favored the establishment of
parliaments In different sections of tho
United Kingdom, really means that he
will not join in the coercing of Ulster.
v (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept 18.- (Special. -The
hearing on the protest of A. M. Morrlssey,
democrat'c candidate for . attorney gen
eral, against the placing upon the offloial
ballot the candidates of the "progressive,"
or bull moose, party came up this after
noon before Secretary of State Wait.
The affidavit of Mr, Morrlssey set forth
that at the meeting for the formation of
the progressive party there were not suf
ficient voters necessary to organize the
party according to law, which calls for
600 voters, but that the meeting was com
posed mostly of men of other political be
liefs and f women and children, That at
the close of the address by Governor
Johnson most of the crowd left, and that
when the party was organised not over
260 voters were present.
How Petition Was Circulated.
Ellis E. Wolfe, a reporter for the Lin
coln Daily Star, made affidavit to the
t on and that 160 would be a large esti
mate as to the number who were present
at the meeting. He further set forth
that he had talked with Dr. B. F. Will
iams, superintendent of the Lincoln hos
pital for the Insane where many of the
signatures were secured, and that the
superintendent denied that he had signed
said petition and did not know how his
name could bo tahetreon,. as he was a
democrat and not Interested in polltlca
Mr. Wolfe also testified that he had
talked with E. B. Bennett Stewart at
the same Institution, and he said that ho
nd Mr. Fuller, private secretary to Gov
ernor Aldrlch, circulated the petition.
Henry C. Richmond, democratic candi
date 'for state auditor made affidavit
to substantiate the same facts as tffc
The affidavits wen? objected to by
Judge Root, one of the attorneys for th
buir moosers but they Were .admitted1 by
Secretary 0? State Walt.
The attorneys then took up the argu
ment of the case, Morning and Ledwlth
appearing for tyr. Morrtasey and Judge
Root and C. C. Flansburg for the bull
moosers. !
Ararnnient for Morrlssey.
Mr. Morning took up the legality of
the section of the statute relating to pri
maries and Mid that the law provided
that a primary should be held at a cer
tain time for the nomination of candi
dates for office. He . contended that &
new party, should not have any more,
rights than an old party, and that if a
new party could come in after the pri
mary, and call a convention to nominate
a ticket the old parties could do like
wise, and therefore the primary law
was Ineffective. He went further and
said that the primary law said plainly
that at the state convention a platform,
should be adopted, but that no candi
dates should be endorsed for any office.
"If an old party eould not endorse can
didates for office, what right has a new
party to hold a convention and endorse
candidates?" said Mr. Morning.
He also contended that when Mr. Van
Meter, secretary of the bull moose party.
certified that he saw the men place the.
signatures to the petition for the - new
party that he stated what was wrong, for
the affidavit of Mr. Wolf showed that
Mr. Bennett and Mr. Fuller circulated
the petition for the signatures at the
state asylum and the penitentiary.
FlnnMltnrn- for Dull Moose.
Mr. Flansburg, appearing for the bull'
moose petition, argued that it was not
necessary that tho same men who signed
the petition, should be the same who at
tended the convention. He read the law
of 1907 relating to how new part!fls should
be formed and showed that by that sec
tion of the primary law that the new;
convention was a legal convention." Mr.'
Morning called his attention to the fact
that the law he had read had been re
pealed In 1909, but Mr. Flansburg f de
clared that It had not been repealed.
At the close of his argument Flansburg
read affidavits by Van Meter, chairman
of 'the committee which secured signa
tures; W, J. Wells. C. B. Manuel and B,
F. Bothwell, his assistants. Van Metel
swore that he witnessed as near as ha
could the signing of all the names, and
ithat none of them were taken on the
NEW YORK, Sept. 18.-Harry Horlwlts, j streets, but at headquarters in the Lln
al las "Gpy the Blood," and Louis Rosens- dell hotel or In the Auditorium, where
o, w-.j uvuia,.-vmiscu wiiu j (qq convention was neiu, ana uiai uiem
being two of the four men irho fired the
Those who have seats on the platform
when Colonel Roosevelt speaks in the
Auditorium Friday night, ', will have to
pay a dollar for that privilege.
Tickets are being sold at that figure
for .the platform seats and Dr. W. O.
Henry, president of the local bull moose
club says the tickets are going fast
Other seats In the house will be free
and getting a good seat will be a matter
of first come, first served. The platform
has a seating capacity of 700. The local
organisation hopes to sell tickets for "all
these seats. .The money will be used to
pay the rent of the halt
Henry Will Preside.
President Henry : will preside at the
meeting and will Introduce the speaker.
At a' meeting of the bull moosers last
night he urged that all the bull moosers
bring red bandana In order tht they
may give the colonel a rousing cheer
When he gets up to spoak. '
fTXecordlng to present plans Roosevelt
is to oegin speaking about 8:15. He is
to arrive In Omaha from Lincoln at
p. m. A committee headed by Charles A.
Goss 1 to receive the colonel and see
him to the Auditorium.
Three D peer has in Nebraska.
WINSLOW, Arts., Sept 18,-On his way
to New Mexico, where he Is to make his
appeal for the progressive party before
turning north to Colorado. Colonel Roose
velt passed through eastern Arlsona today.
Colnel Roosevelt's physician, who Is
making ,the trip with him,, largely for
the purpose of treating his. throat, told
hitn that he must be more careful In the
us of his voice.
The strain of the long campaign has
told on' Colonel Roosevelt and his voice
was slightly husky, although he said that
he felt "bully." ,
. Colonel Roosevelt's tour from Denver
onward, which was still undecided when
be left New York, was settled upon to
day. He Is to leave Denver . Thursday
night and go Into Nebraska, speaking In
Hastings, Lincoln and Omaha on Fri
day. On the following day he will go Into
Kansas with speeches at Atchison and
Topeka. He will remain over Sunday In
Topeka and then go into Oklahoma and
Arkansas. He Is due In New York Oc
tober J.
Roosevelt Will
Appear Before the
Committee Oct, 1
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18. - Colonel
Roosevelt will reach, Washington at 2:30
o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, October 1
according to a telegram received from
the colonel's train today by Frank J.
Hogan, progressive kader In the District
of Columbia. Chairman Clapp of , tht
senate campaign expenditure committee
w ll arrange for Colonel Roosevelt to be
heard that afternoon, regarding the al
leged contribution of $100,000 by the Stand
ard Oil company to his 1904 campaign
fund. ,
Two Gunmen Enter
Pleas of Not Guilty
PIERRE. S. D., Sept. 18.-(Speclal.-
The first killing frost of the season oc
cured here last night following a week
of rainy and chilly weather. Practically
all the corn was out of the way of dam
age and thA loss 1s principally to late
garden Stuff.
shots that ended the life of the gambler,
Herman Rosenthal, 'entered pleas of not
guilty to indictments of murder in the
first degree, when arraigned before Su
preme Court Justice Goff today. The
plea was made through their attorney.
The accused men were remanded pend
ing the naming of a date for their trial.
(Continued on Second Page. )
EVANSTON, Wyo., Sept 18.-(Speclal.) j
Van H., Forsen, convicted of slaughtering
game in the Jackson's Hole country, war
today sentenced to four years in the peni
tent ary. This Is the severest seotenc
ever Imposed for a violation of the stat
game laws. Forsen has been a notorious
tusk punter for years. ' '
With The Bee Next Sunday Our New Literary Magazine The Very Best of All
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