Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1912, Page 9, Image 9
0 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1912. OFFERED FOR RENT Haana and Cottages. RENT DIRECT FROM I' OWNER FIVB-ROOM cottags, newly papered lio splendid repair; never been rented 'alwsys used as home; new bath recently 'Installed. The rooms are all large and ;pleasnt. Gas stove and sideboard go with the house. Lot is 45x145. with nice lawn and shade trees. Barn can besed ;f or storage. This nice little home will noVbe vaoant Ions. Call and see It at N. loth, then phone Web. 3850 for tef-ms. PERSONAL 6-ROOM, part modern house. Til Ulck- ry St. 'Phone Red 7621. VACANT October 1. strirtlv madam 'house, 7 rooms, 610 8. 36th Ave..; rent . !:D. Mclver, Merriam Hotel. ! 674 S. 28th BT. 8 rooms comnletely mod ern. Hall, m Ramge. D. 7(: A-4406, EIGHT-ROCkM modern house, barn, corner lot No. 1102 S. 32d St, 3S. T'en-roora modern house; barn, cast . front No. 1122 S. Sid St., JSC . Nearly new; strictly modern 6-room ffaeuse. IK N. S7th St, 3Qi Five-room cottage. 1843 N. 21st St., SIS. Six-roam house, modern except bath. No. 1621 8. 29th St, 30. ... Six-room house; convenient to car line, 'Ko. 967 N. 27th St, $18. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. ? First National Bank Bldg. Doug. 722. OIAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Iipack, move, store and ship H. H. goods sua pianos; no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 1496 or B-248. TTrtiiooq In " Part of the city. iiUUirtJS crelgh. Sons 6 Co., Bee Bldg. t 3663 Pacific St., 9 rms., all mod., 35. 1128 So. Kth St., 7 r., all mod.. 3d. " .2M Capitol Ave., 7 r., all mod.. $27.50., S37 S. 26th Ave., 6 rms., all mod., 227.80. 2hZi Davenport, 6 rms., all mod., $27.50. 2S61 Bristol. 7 rms.. mod. x. heat. S26. ' 24 So. 20th, 6 r., city water. $20. , 546 S. 24th Ave., 7-r., mod. ex. heat, $22.50 544 6. 2th Ave., 7 rms., all mod., $22.50. 2420 a 16th, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $12.50. m .No, 37th, 5 r.. city water, $15. li'CAGCE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1506 Dodge St. I Doug. 415. 8-ROOM modern house; $25.00 per month. 3527 Charles St. Also S-room cot tage, 8532 Hamilton St, $10 per month. Tel. ID. 776 or D. 1017. 6-ROOM house, strictly modern, hot water heat, at 21st and Take. 7-room, $17. 2708 Seward St. Doug. 1598. TEN-ROOM, brick, modern. 2601 Capitol Afe, '408 S. 24TH ST., 8-r. modern flat, $50. f 410 8. 24th, 8-r. modern flat $50. f 2210 8. 32d Ave., 8-r.. modern, $35. 1812 N. 25th St., 5-r., modern except heat. $18. 2610 Seward St., 6-r., partly moderr, barn,- $15. ' 2915 Sherman Ave., 6-r., modern except fceat. $25. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO:, 310-312 Brandels Theater. EIGHT ROOM all modern houss, 4223 Douglas St., $25. 1 ,.708 S. 16th St., 3 rooms, $10. Four-room flats, 2815 Dewey Ave., modern except heat, $13.50. , Storeroom, 711 S. 27th St., $12.50. Two-room flat, 709 S. 27th St, $6. N. P. Dodge, Corner 15th and Harney. 2019 CALIFORNIA ST., 10-r., all mod., $45. S610 Jones St., 9-r., all mod.. $30. 842 S. 22d. 7-r all mod., $32.50. f 1131 N. 17th, S-r second floor, $12. I 1008 S. 22d, 5-r., upstairs, all mod., $1S. 1109 S. 27th. 8-r mod. ex. heat, $20. 2811 Charles, 7-r., city water, sewer and gas, $14. - - 3117 Ohio St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $17. 1608 Corby St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $17.50, BIRKETT & TEBBENS, V423 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4751. CATHEDRAL district, S6?3 Burt, 10-r., modern, $50. Creigh, Sons & Co. ' THREE blocks from court house, 6 iroom cottage, modern except furnace. 709 i. 19th. Douglas 7158. , stores aad Offices. FOR RENT Offices In Pullman Bldg,, next to Burlington station. Doug. 1616. : DESIRABLE OFFICES, in Continental olock. , Half suite on second floor, $22.50. V' Full suite on third floor, $30.00. , ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. M'CAGUE BLDG., 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive offices; moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. $20-4234 Hamilton. Doug. 1598. STORE ROOM or chop, IK Farnam; steam heated; fronting alley: merchan dise entrance; full glass front Hall, 43J Ramge D. 7406. Ind A-4406. OFFICE FOR RENT. Fine rooms on the 2d floor of the Wlthnell block. See us about these. N. P. DODGE, Corner 15th and Harney. Warehouses. WAREHOUSE or store, 1309 Howard St., 8 stores, steam heat freight elevator. N. P. DODGE, Corner 15th and Harney. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. Baseburner, hotel range, vurn. t3S N. 24, MASSAGE ratments. Fifteen years .uakwauu experience. Twelve years In Omaha. $2.00 hotels and resl'lcnces. $100 at the office. Call D. Stil Res. D 3427. I REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. WANTED The addresa or Charles Mc Coy and Wheeler McClure. who were em ployed by J. J. Hurt 52d and L St., South Omaha. Neb., in October, 1907. O 707, Bee. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Avs., where the will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look tot our travelers' aid at the Union station. FREE treatment, diseases of woman and children under professors' supervision 1 to 2:30 dally. Crelghton College of Medi cine. 14th and Davenport, 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. MASSEOTHERPY Allen of Chicago. 1C9 3. 17th. 1st fl. D. 7665. BATHS, Swedish massage, Mrs. Snyder, No. 3, The Dunsany. 10th & Pierce. li.m MAGNETIC hesling, over 710 a 16 1 a. MASSAGE Expert treatment. Mrs. aLaooauL 6teele 20s 8. Uth 8t. R. 3 POULTRY AND PET STOCK Screenings, $1.60 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 16 One Three-Room Bungalow One Equr-Room Bungalow - - v Both new and attractive Inside and out City water,' electric lights, cemented rbasement and cement walks. Each property has a good-slsed tot; also dandy chicken house and yard, enclosed with a high woven wire fence. Either property can be bought on small payment down, balance like rent. The four-room bungalow is $1,750, the three-room bungalow $1,500. They art both ready to move Into. Close to good car service, fine school, stores, etc. SCOTT & HILL, ENGLISH Toy Spaniel; beautiful house pet; reasonable. Address, Kennels, Waterloo, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. i. Wead, Wead Bldg., IStIt and Farnam. OARV fW RRHS Loans, $600 and up. "vuw imaha Nat vat' I Ban. 6?0 CITY LOANS. Bemls-Cai lberg Co., 810-$12 LrandeU Tneater Btuv LOANS on farms and improved city property, 6 pet. to 6 pet. ; no delay. 3. H. Dumont & Son, 1603 Farnam rft, Omaha. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull ttroi. OMAHA homes. East Nebrsska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Natl. Doug. 2151 MONKY to :aan on business or rei dence propertlw, $1,000 to "0,00it. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat'l bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co WANTEo City loans and warrants. Vv. Farnam Smith & Co., lS2u Farnam at. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Eighty acres in the best county in the state. What have you 7 Address Room 626, Little mag., Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE or trade. Newspaper and Job printing plant. Courier, Minden, Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR LAND Splendid general mercantile business in eastern Colorado; stock neariy new; will Invoice about $8,000; did $50,000 cash busi ness this year. Good live town and large territory to draw from, write " Omaha Daily Bee. FARM LAND FOR AUTOMOBILE. 320 acres, 5" miles from railroad, hi milt from school, good soil, worth $25 per acre, title clear. Will trade for gooa automooiie ana 3,&w in casn. uwner a criple and cannot farm, but wants a car. Loup Land Co., Seneca,' Neb. GOOD, new city property for running stock of merchandise. G 750, Bee. FOR EXCHANGE 75-barrel grist mill and large brick residence, both at Ash land, Neb.; will trade them together or singly; stock of merchandise or Lincoln property, preferred. Purchaser will have to furnish power tor mill, otherwise it is in good running order. J. H. Sneil, Lin coln. House phone 6379; office phone B- 3575. WANTED XO ltUY Household gds, clohes & shyes. Doug. 3371 T fYF second-liana Household goods. Tel. S. ,777. DOT.GOFF 2d-hd. store Days biggest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. W. 1607 REAL ESTATE WANTED TO sell your property list it with ths O'NEIL R. E. & INS.. AGENCY. -.- Tyler 1024. 1505 Farnam St REAL. ESTATE . ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Reed Abstract Co.,' oldest abstract ov ice in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE, P $500 CASH buys my modern home, oak finish, 4 bedrooms, Built-in DooKcase, fire place, paneled wans, large iiooreu muc, screens and storm windows, 50 ft, lot. TTnuRfi onlv 2 years old. Located 2 blocks to car. Dundee. Price $4,000. Call owner, Harney 4i46. BARGAINS FOR CASH. 6-ROOM. modern- bungalow; hot water heat; east front; large lot; all improve ments In; near school, owner, H 748. Bee. New Bungalow Price $2,300 $150 "Cash Balance like rent; has 5 rooms, all mod ern except heat; full basement fun lot and cement walks; one and one-half blocks from car. 1 ".TRAVER8 BROS., s Contractors and Builders. . 705 New Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 307 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1009. BUY a home, $1.00 down. Shopen Co. ON AND AFTER OCTOBER 1ST, 1912. THE RATE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS CLASSIFICATION WILL BE t CENTS A LINE EACH INSERTION. . v ACREAGK FOR SALE. A. R Tukey & Son 60 Acres Beautiful Land West of Elm wood Park' We offer for a few days only, 60 acres of land west of Elmwood Park and south of Leavenworth St. Th1i is a part of the late J. M. Woolworth homestead; 20 acres have never been broken. About 40 acres in alfalfa. Beautiful viewy overlooking Fair Acres, Dundee and the whole valley south of Elmwood Park. This would make one of the finest additions ever platted around Omaha, and the price at which we can sell it to an individual or syndicate Is only $275 per acre. The owner wishes to seit it )n tone body and wants practically all cash. A. P.iTukey & Son 444-5Bd. of Trade Bldg, Phone Doug. 2187. REAL ESTATE FARM RAKCH LAST!) FOR alb u4mla. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA. Traversed by the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC RAlLROAjJ. - Lands adapted to the widest rang of crop.. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat Ing with this coming country, Its soil, climate, cnuicli and school advantage, write . W. B. LEAHY DEPT. K.. General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. OA. Idaho, FOR ' SALE 20-acres of apples prunes at New Plymouth, " Idaho. This year's apple crop estimated at 3.000 boxes goes with land. Small payment down, long time on balance. w. E. Bail, Em mett, Idaho. 1 Ultnoia, FOR SALE 200 acres, 70 miles east of Chicago; good black land; 90 acres In crop, balance woods and meadow; corn growing now will make 60 bu. per acre; oats threshed 61 bu.; 20 acres of onions now growing will produce 700 bu. per tartr, new buildings; H mile .school, 2 miles town, 6 miles county seat; price, $60 per acre If taken at once; ft cash, balance to suit. No trade. I am owner. Lee M. Ransbottom, Knox, Ind. SALE of lease of 14 acres for 3 years near Benson, 4 acres in .corn, balance In hay. Also 2 head of horses, 2 wagons and a buggy, 1 set of work harness and 1 set driving and about 20 chickens. Phone Benson 714 W. , HOUSEHOLD goods and ptana. 4032 (Cuming St ' Typewriters. . TYPEWRITER for rent. 3 months $5. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. RENT from the manufacturers direct, ! No. S Oliver typewriter, 3 months,- $100. 'Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type . writer company. Musical Instruments. Electric pianos. Continental Nov. 119 N. IS. . FOR SALE Cheap, a $1,000 Windsor 'Electric Piano, orchestra attachment. Can be seen at 119 No. 15th St. Ulscellaneoaa. $5.00 COAL It's good; try a ton. Best for money. Web. 848. Harmon & Weeth. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and, bowling aueys ana accessories; oar nx , lures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-409 9. 10th street WE WILL deliver during month of Sep tember only, large load kindling wood, $3.00. National Box Co. Harney 1476. ARAT?AATM 'or some young law-CAIW-aAil yer; 1 series of law books of 12 volumes, 1 of 10 volumes. Law Dictionary, Hale on Torts, Cooley on Torts, Clark's Criminal Law Book; will sell for $20, worth $45; good as new. A. J. Knott, 4016 N. 26th St. web. An Ideal Six-Room Bungalow We have two of these, one at 18th and Laird, the other at 22d and Fowler, both being In fine locations. Downstairs fin ished in oak, except kitchen; upstairs In pine, with two panel birch doors. Both bungalows are entirely modern, Just re cently finished and are now ready to oc cupy. The floor plan is excellent, having good-sized vestibule, a fine den (or bed room), large parlor, dining room and kitchen, with pantry and entry-way downstairs, two splendid sleeping rooms and a very complete bathroom upstairs. Fine cemented basement with coal bin, laundry facilities and Al guaranteed fur nace. The 18th and Laird St. bungalow has beam celling, panelled walls and plate rail, also built-in buffet In dining room, with china cupboard and bookcase in the pedestals between the dining room and parlor. We are positive these bunga lows will suit. They are offered for $3,5)0 Leach, on a small payment down, balance about the same as rent. SCOTT & HILL, R307 McCague Bldg. CADET suit, large size, good condition. jtarney tafes: - all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. 1102-04 Farnam. DESKS, safes, scales, show cases, shelv. ing. etc.; see us first Omaha Fixture and supply Co.. 414-16-1$ S. 12th. Doug. UH 1 11 I PERSONAL Massage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse 308 Bostoa Bid. VT A Q3 A rrPSwedisn movement Ap t MABOAUi 1 Farnam. D. iNNAH. MARKS "wfi f& nam. Davidge Block' Apt 3: DotK. 862L VITAL massage, vital bath. Uit. Anna D. Fisher, 401 Ware block, 9 S,; 15th. THE SALVATION ARMY soudts cost oif clothing; in fact anything yxsri do no; need. We collect repair and s!il at 13i N. Uth St for cost of coUectsm, to the worthy poor. 'Phone Douglas 4l2i an J wagon will call. Af SSAGE Expert treatment. Mrs. MUSIC ART LANGUAGE; PUT AT top of CLASSIFICATIONS .'. ... ETAON DENTAL WORK under supervision of proff3or. No charge except fkr material. ureignton uouege 01 uenttstryv 210 8. 18th. YW,lr 17 I was a hcaw Arinitr- ajuukm-mul averaging . over quart of whisky dally. Tried m.eny wavs to leform, but without success Xintll I found a certain easy method and "was cured in three days. , Have since sa sd thousands of other victims of liquor "habit. It can b.) overcome with or wit out drinker's knowledge. Interesting bork (tells how) mailed, plain wrapper, frje, if you cut tl 1 out and write to Edrpird Woods, 534 Slh Ave.. 153 A. New J York. . TO BUY. SWLL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. Douglas 1009. UNUSUAL BARGAIN 320 acres In Edmunds county, South Dakota. ' CUNNINGHAM GARMAN COMPANY 712 Omaha National Bank Building A most beautiful strictly modern home In Hanscom Park 'v 1 most fashionable part, at a sacrifice. Party going to California. $4,200, terms. DR. WARD. Douglas 33. ,P. S. This place is marvelouslv m-ettv. with ground in keeping with beauty of bouse. . j ' . ' West Farnam Lot East front. 50x160, alley, all specials paid. $2,500. Terms. WILL BUILD ON ABOV $1,000 down on lot, balance $65 monthly, for home to suit you to cost $4,500 to 4,000. 0'Keefe Real Estate Co., 101S Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715. Evening: Harney 6134 or Harney 2842. $500 Cash, - balance ' on payments; 9-room house, furnace, stationary tubs In laun dry, cellar, modern, lot 40x124, located In Field Club district. Price only $3,600. Big bargain. , BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. v 310 312 Brandels Theater. Iovra. THE eaairst way to find a buyer rot your farm is to Insert a small' want ad in the Dea Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the state of Iowa, 48.000 dally. The Capital Is read by and believed la by tue standpatters of Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper In their homes. Kates, 1 cent a word a day; $1.21 per line per month; count six ordinary words to the line. Address Dea Motuot Capital. Des Moines, la. 33 ACRES, 24 miles from postoff ice, main road. 7-room house, shed barn; well, spring and timber. Cheap for cash, terms if wanted. W. F. Patton, R. F. D. No. fi. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE 2t8-cre form, Big Sioux Valley, northwest Iowa, 3 miles from town. Fine buildings. ' Prize home place. $130 per acre, Address, F. A. Keen. Beloit, Iowa. Soath Dakota.- FOR 8ALE160 acres good tarm land: 40 acres broke, balance ail tillable; I miles from Dallas and $ miles from Coiome. Price, $10 per acre, payable $1,500 cash.' $.',509 March 1. 1913; March 1, 1917. Address Box U.. Daila4 a. D. Kansas. FOR SALE Welt improved 160-acre creek bottom farm; one mile Coffeyvllle; population 13,000: $75 acre. List free. J. K. Beatty, Coffeyvllle, Kan. REAL ESTATE I FAR M A KACH I.4NDS FOR SAI.Ej Nebraska. 686 ACRE farm for sale In Knox Co. Neb. Owner of said farm operating It himself, but living in Iowa, therfore desires to sell said farm. Can be sold as one or can be divided In two good farms, one consisting of 326 acres, 10 acres in cultivation, balance ' In pasture, all well fenced and an abundance of water the year round; balance of St acres, good set of Improvement, splendid feed lots, 140 acres In cultivation. SO acres of tame grass, balance In pasture and hay land. win an grow airaira; all well fenced an abundance of running water the year round. Purchaser can buy 150 head of high grade cattle, the same amount of nogs, complete set of horses and Imple ments if they so desire, or can buy the pisce wunout. will carry i2,tw on lanu at the rate of 6 per cent for five or ten years. This place In considered to be the best farm of Its site In that country. For further information apply to owner, Soren Olesen. Route 3, Walnut la. 219 ACRES In Douglas , Co., 14 miles from Omaha, 9 miles from Irvlngtonr gently rolling and bottom land, well Im proved. W. H. Thomas. 508 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. 40-BL'SHEL WHEAT LAND, $25 TO $35 PER ACRES. Wt have for sale over 90,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest (arm land, where the crop yields for 12 years, including 1910 and 1911 average with the best In the state. Alfalfa, also a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full Information. Agents wanted everywhere. FL'NDiNOSLAND INVESTMENT CO., SIDNEY, NEB. AM going to Germany and will sell my 80-acre farm; good, Improved; with nice grove, adjoining Gothenburg, Neb.; fine town, with German Lutheran, Eng lish churches and high school; on the U. P. railroad; all level land; best deep black alfalfa soli; cheap at $125 per acre. Want offer; easy terms; encumbrance, $6,000. Write soon for description or come and see the farm. This farm is leased to March 1, 1913. Address Box 144, Emerson, Neb. 830 ACRES hay land on Elkhorn river. Depot in center of land. Can be used for general purposes. Well Improved Posses sion this fall. Must sell In ten days. Price $G0 per acre one-third cash, five and ten years on deferred payments at 5 per vent. Apply to M. Lyons, Emmet Neb. Miscellaneous. OKLAHOMA, ARKANSAS AND LOUISIANA FARMS FOR SAIJS. Farms for sale in 40-acre tracts and up; easy terms; write for literature, on statt desired: we are owners, not agents; we have 15.000 acres in Oklahoma, 10,000 acres In Arkansas and 4.000 acres of rich Red river bottom land In Louisiana; tenants wanted who can farm 820 acres or more of our lunds In Louisiana; agents wanted Address Alien St Hart, 308 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. A CHOICE quarter section, two and one-half miles from county seat; lays 1'ivel, Is good soli and has large grove: ninety acres In cultivation. This culti vated land Is all sown to winter wheat and will let the crop go with the place If nld within the next thirty days. Price. $66.00 per acre; easy terms. F. J. Dishner, O'Neill, Neo. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live tock to South Omaha, Save nlleafe and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten .ton. Live Stock Commission Merchants, BYERS BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co . SfJ Exchange Bldg. Knyder-Malone-Coffman Co.. 16 Ex. BldgT LAVERTY BROS.. 139 Sxcuang Bldg. Martin Bros, ft Co., Exchange Bldg. TAFT BUCKING TREACHERY Chautauqua Speaker Sayi President's Fight is Against Prejudice Only. ROOSEVELT THE CAUSE OF IT .i 1 , ., " People. Know Situation Better Xorv and Roosevelt Followers Go Back to Republican Standard . Bearer. Minnesota. MINNESOTA. Write for our Minnesota booklet "C;" special rates. DAY & NIGHT REALTY CO.. 103 Bankers Life Bldg., v Lincoln. Neb. IfflU 141 U.. fin. grazing land', fenced three wires; dwell- nir fl ml il 1 1 hll i 1 1 f I T. tra 1 , M ( naAa ...... U ' . w.-k,od , .vv uvi w-i vail uq larmed: plenty water. Six miles north Ta,. J r- .. x it . . Also 51 higo grade Hereford cows and onlVMt tWn rsecistcytvwt ).VaBf.nli. Ki i , Cattie'not tor sale separately. For further jjtuuuui&rs auaresB v.. w, ttogera, fiu t LT O Xt 4Vt t n ml ' uoiv, iic.o., iuvn du ttentaHiksj CAREY LANDS OPEN TO ENTRY- Vis II or Mnntana nmift TPi payments. Irrigation system practically rnmrilMMl h'nrtv 1 nnu.anil ...p.. gated this year. Grain yields double dry tarm crops. Write (Jliuton, Hunt s Co., bo& i, vaiier, Montana. , Aorta Dakota. NORTH DAtfOTA T.vnM deeded quarters must be sold In SO days. ror xurtner information write Dakota Bauare Deal Land Co., Minot, N. D. boom Dakota. FOR SALE Eighty acres lolnlnar dlv nt Gregory; t5 acres broke, with growing crop; nigh school building two blocks from this land; this land grows fine al falfa; am moving away to take charge of an institute and will offer this at a bargain. Dr. E. T. Spencer Gregory, H. D. FOR HALE-160 acres of fine land lo. cated 4'4- miles from Holt, Minn., Mar shall Co.. destined to be the uxiltn arnt of Minnesota; along high graded road. m:iiuui jiuuse vii uliiu, bu acres DroKe, alt tillable, black loam clay subsoil. Prir WAX). Terms. Merchants State Bank. Texaa. CHEAP patented state school lands. South Texas, 1 an acre cash, balance ten years. For all particulars write F. A. Coonable, trustee, 484 Commercial Bank Bid),., Houston, Tex. - "Prejudice created by Theodore Roose velt's treacherous conduct is the only difficulty which must be faced by1 Presi dent Taft Just now," said Dr. 3. Everlst Cathell, Chautauqua lecturer, who has Just finished a seven-day western tour. Dr. Cathell for fifteen years was pastor of the St. Pau's Episcopal church at Des Moines. He is In Omaha waiting to start on another long tour. " ' , ' "This nation' can have nothing but hu man beings for presidential material, and there are no perfect men," continued Dr. Cathell. "However, in "my opinion, William Howard Taft more nearly fulfills the highest Ideal of American statesman ship than any other man tn public life today. He is merely in a political tangle made by Roosevelt, but he will surely ex tricate himself. Roosevelt had the world at his feet Just before the national con vention at Chicago, but he lost his mln1 and then his reputation, and when he found himself stripped he attempted to drag President Taft down with him. "My only objection to Woodrow Wilson as presidential material Is that he Is Inex perienced In public work, despite his term In the governor's office. "Any way the fight Is settled, however, I am sure that the American nation will survive the election. The prosperity of the country was never so indifferent to a presidential campaign as It is now, and with bumper crops staring us In the face from all parts of the country the political kettle's boiling causes but small worry. "I have traveled all over the west dur ing the last three months, and while at first I found a mad, Irrational "bully-boy' sentiment for Roosevelt, toward the latter part of my trip I discovered that a deep seated reaction had set In and both the people and press were turning from Roosevelt to Taft. The 'bull moosers,' I think, are already heartily sick of their adventure In politics, as the people now understand the real situation much better than they did when the convention at Chicago gave the nomination to Taft.' Persistent Advertising Is tne Road to Big Returns. The Persistent and Judicious L'se of Newspaper Advertising is the Road to Buuiness buccess. Iowa News Note. LENOX Work on the new Burlington depot at Len started the last week. The building will be of brick veneered with face brick and will be 64x22. PRESCOTT The Prescott Argus print ing plant has been old by Editor Booth to Earl Howard of Maryvllie,. Mo.,, who has moved to Prescott and will take charge of the plant. Mr. Booth expects to locate at Elliott. CRESTON Miss Beatrice Armitage and Ralph Deraluff of this city were united In marriage Friday evening by the Rev. George Kortelllng, pastor of the Presby terian church. Miss Armitage has been stenographer for her father, County At torney Armitage, for the last four years, CRESTON The August term of district court closed Saturday afternoon. Al Ballinger, charged with assault and bat tery on his wife, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year In the reformatory at Anamosa. This was the limit 'the law allows for this offense. In sentencing him Judge Maxwell told Mm he thought It ought to be for forty years, but as the law only allowed one year he was getting off cheap. CRESTON-J. M. Turner of this city has on exhibit in one of the business houses a stalk of corn twelve and one half feet tall after being cut off four Inches at the roots. The first ear is seven feet from the. ground and measures seventeen .inches in length. This stalk is one from a patch grown on a vacant lot in the city and Mr. Turner says the whole patch averages about the sumo height. The corn was planted aftor May 20. . 0R0ZC0 HAY BE PRISONER Six Insurrecto Leaders Held by 1 United States Troops. DRIVE REBELS FROM EL TIGRE Mndero Refers In Mesne ve to Con Kress to American Claims for Indemnity Followtaa the Battle of Jnarea. EL PASO. Tex., Sep 17. Six prisoners are held by I'nited States troops at Pre sidio, Tex., opposite OJlnaga. Mex., where General Trucy Aubert arrived today with 1.600 federal troops. ' Among the prisoners are si) et the ad visors and principal leaders of General Paecual Orosco, Jr., the rebel commander-in-chief. It Is suspected that the person glvlpg his name as Colonel Pablo G. Oroico, a distant relative of the rebel leader, Is the, rebel leader himself. Among the prisoners positively identi fied, according to reports to General E. ZSteever, are Colonel Pascual Orosoo, father of the. rebel general; Colonel Jose Cordova, General Oroico s private secre tary and chief adviser, and Colonel Cris tobal Caballero, an adviser to the rebel chief. The rebels routed by federal troops are moving from east and west along the border towards vJuars. Mex., opposite this point, according to advices received tonight by General Steever. Federate Rernntnr El Ttstre. DOUGLAS, Arls., Sept. 1T.-EI Tlgre one of the richest mining camps In north ern Mextao, was retaken' by federals at o'clock this afternoon after having been in the hands of the rebel band of Inez Salaxar for two days. , Telephone communication with the camp was restored Just as the federal troops were moving in and Superintendent L. H. Rudrow telephoned that the rebels were still in sight, going over the hills. Not a shot was fired In the recapture of the town. A hundred federwls, chiefly Yaqtil In dians, marched Into the town and the small band of rebels that had remained to await the reply to the demand for ilOO.000 ransom took to the hills. Several hundred additional federals are encamped in the vicinity of the town. The rebels are reported to have taken with them $J0,tl00 worth of gold and silver bullion. News of the relief of El Tlgre was re ceived here with much rejoicing. There had been disquieting rumors all day of mistreatment of Americans by rebels. . i Madera Heads Message. MEXICO CITY, Sept. lT.-But one re ference to relations between Mexico and the United Statps was made by . Presi dent Madero In his message tonight to congress and- that was In connection with the American claims for idemnlty grow ing out of the battle of J Hares in 1011 The reason for their remaining unsettled, lie . informed congress, lay In the exag gerated demands. Regarding the 120,000,000 war loan made In June he all that $18,000,000 of the loan already hnd been expended. The president declared the revolution practically was ended and ascribed the spread of the belief that the government was weak to a few persona whose ambitions were unsatisfied In the revolu tion against Diaz and to certain news papers which he alleged. had "given false and exaggerated news." 'Fire' In Glcnwood Store, GLEN WOOD, la., Sept. 17.-(8pecll ) The Johnson-Harding Jewelry store was damaged to the extent of It. 000 last evening during a hard rainstorm by fire resulting from the Ignition of gas from a leaking pipe between, the basement and first floor. Ine damage to fixtures, glass and stock Is fully covered by Insurance. Forage Poisoning , Said to Be Cause of . Horses' Deaths KANSAS CITY. Sept. 17.-Forage poison ing and not cerehro-splnal meningitis is the disease that has caused such an enormous loss of horses in Kansas. Thin is Indicated by results obtuined Iy the research laboratory of the Kansas uni versity here. Forage poisoning is not contagious the experts my and the problem now becomes one of rational feeding and treatment..' ' . The university specialists say that , the symptoms of the diseases are similar, but post mortem examinations of thr spinal fluids of the horses that have died with the plague fall td show evidence of meningitis. j , . BURLINGTON. la.. Sept. ) horses have died near Burlington in Des Moines county of tho strange disease which has taken off thousands of anlmalf In Nebraska and Kansas. Kt'.ck raisers are much alarmed over the appearance of the disease. Brown Writes to Taft of Nebraska CONFERENCE SUSPENDS I PASTOR LYLES OF LOGAN BOON E. la., Sept. 17. (Special. )-Th e committee which has been investigating the case of Rev. C. S. Lyles, pastor" tt the Methodist Episcopal church at Logan, during the present session of the Des Moines annual conference, reported late this afternoon. Most of the charges are sustained and the defendant is found guilty of "high Imprudence and unmlnis terlal conduct." The accused minister has been suspended from the ministry fir one year, The committee was practically unanimous In its decision. The attorneys for- the defendant Imme diately served notice of appeal and Rev, Mr. Lyles will not receive appointment until the case Is cleared up. Ths trial cost the conference over 1135, and a col lection was taken to defray the expense. Maa-nolla Gets Meettas ' LOGAN, Ia., Sept.vlT. (Special.) Latter Day Saints' campmeeting closes at Ma nolta this evening, '.svt the business meet ing-yesterday afternoon It was decided to hold the reunion at Magnolia next year. the citizens, of Magnolia were voted a resolution of thanks for their co-operation In making the .meetings a success. Reso lutions were also passed thanking Joseph Smith, president of the church, for his kindly ' greetings "arid expressed a hope that his life ni ght be prolonged for enn tlnuous usefulness. "'BRICJS BEVERLY, Mass., Sept. 17,-Presldent Taft will discuss the political situation in New York state and the ticket the repub lican convention Is to name there at s conference of several hours tn New York City September S4. The president is not expected to deter mine upon a man to head the republican ticket in New York. There have been reports in Beverly that he favored Sec retary of War Henry L. Stlmaon. The president, it I known, would be pleased to see the name of his secretary of war at the head of the New York ticket. The president told visitors today there was no ground for the report that .Comp troller of the Treasury Lawrence O. Mur ray would be asked to. resign. Mr. 'Taft said he considered Mr. Murray an effi cient comptroller and did not believe that he had displayed any activity Ii politics, The president, received a letter from Senator Brown of Nebraska tonight an nouncing that the republican orgsntzatlon there Intended to resort to the courts to take antl-Tsit (lectors off .the state ticket ' Men Accaeed of Larceny. LOGAN, la., Sept. l7.-(8perlal.)-ln-dicted for larceny, In Jail here And await ing trial, with the district court of Harri son county In session, are, among the serious conditions now confronting ..Jo seph Moore, George Russell and Charles Wrinkle, charged with larceny. Moore and Russell are married men and the three are said to be over years of ags. About the middle of last month, these three men were up ' for beefing a fat steer In the pasture of John Young, a rich bachelor of Modale. Theye were let go on their own recognizance, but when the matter was brought up by county offictnls before the grand Jury Moore and Russell were taken into custody at Blair, Neb., and Wrlnkje at Corning, Mo., and) returned to Logan Sunday evening by j onenii ,. iwck , ana nis , oppuiy, - ,m. a. Myers, r- .;'''. ".- '.'.' u THIS HANDSOME; ' SUIT CASE And tattles ef HIGH CLASS LIQUoJl V.-s, j t i n iUH '.:?;' '' - - -If i 01 253 t IxpnA rwpsia3 . TW sesstlfst tstt Ottt, 14 ltd ksj. RM t 4 full qt. bottles Old Uncle Miki Wfclike) 1 . luK quirt choicest Blackberry j 1 bottle Superb Royal Favor Port Wine ' - C OC EXPRESS Cf ipDmdmO NEMO Old Uncle Milte Whiskey U the best whiskey tht can he produced by money nd brains. It's smooth and mellow and hat a most agree-, slits tante. It's absolutely purs, wholesome, stra.ght distilled and aged in bond. The Black berry and Port Wine are ths (inert to be had. 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