Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1912, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY,-SEPTEMBER 18, 1912, Oil ANDEI Are Showing the Widest Possible Varieties of d rfri Ira If Warmer Underwear for Women and Children Special showing and' sale of Munsing Underwear for women, misses, children and boys. Fall and winter weights. Women's Vests and, Pants Fine : cotton, . fleecy lined, part wool and all 'wool; at, a garment ............ 50c, 1.00, Sl;50 Women's Union Suits Fine cotton, fleecy lined, part wool and all wool; per suit, at.. $1.00, $1.50, $1.98 up to $3.00 Misses', Children's and Boys' Union Suits Fine cotton, fleecy lined, part wool and all wool; at, a suit. .. "SOc, 75c up to $2.00 Misses' and Children's Vests and Pants Fleecy lined cotton, part wool and all wool; at, a garment.... ...50c and 75c DRESS FORMS We show the complete line of Hall- v Brochert's Dress Forms. No woman should be without one. It is as necessary in trim ming and fitting a dress as the sewing ma chine is in sewing. Bust and StandThis fine jersey covered bust is perfectly shaped, with wood bot tom, high metal standard on casters; all sizes from 32 to 44-inch 0 Qfi bust, at.i,.iM.......M..VvO v Complete assortment of Hall-Borchert Adjust- ,l able Form. Red Cross Shoes For Women Ha,ye the famous "flexible soles that bend with the foot" and are known everywhere as the most comfortable shoes made for women. All the new fall styles are here in tan, calf skin, suede, gun metal calf, patent leather and cloth tops button and lace styles. All sites and widths; per pair, at.. Old 8tore Main Floor. $4.00 New York Manufacturer's Sample Handkerchiefs, 5c Each ie are fine 5 c; Hundreds of styles in women's and men's plain and fancy embroidered some are fine cotton some are linen some colored bordered--others are mercerized with silk finish. They are worth 10c to 15c each. All on big bargain square at, each The Style Show that is Captivating Omaha Women . BR ANDBIS FALL OPENING DISPLAY This fashion event is again demonstrating the Brandeis claim to originality and leadership. Through our own Paris buying office we have assembled a great , number of exquisite styles in Women's Apparel from the shops oftthe leading for eign designers. These costumes, gowns and suits are practical and adapted to the American woman's figure. They, are now on display and may be purchased out right. The styles in artistio Parisian millinery are here in greater variety than we have ever shown them in any previous opening. , , BRANDEIS STORES TO INVESTIGATE TAX SALES Pre Wants Council to Hire Han to Look Into Scavenger Sales. PARS WATER BILLS SEJECTES Acting on mm Opinio of City Attor jr Bills for Water ia the Parka Are Tamed Dowa by City Coaacll. City and County Treasurer Ure 'asks the city council to appropriate $400 or $500 to hire a man at $100 a month to Investigate tcavenger tax sales and find out if the city ia losing money thereon. The council haa the request under con sideration. , ( r Ure says ho wants to know just how the city stands in relation to these ales, money from which goes into the street Improvement district fund. ', With the data procured by a man paid io investigate scavenger sales the city treasurer would know how to handle the street Improvement fund. When taxes against a piece of property accumulate until they exceed the value of the property the property is sold and .the money received from the sale ap plied on these taxes. The new owner of the property then begins payment of taxes from the date 'of the sale. City Coanctl Notes. Mayor Dahlraan secured the passage of a resolution endorsing a back-to-the-land scheme being promoted by ' 8. Arlon Lewis. Appraisement of the property fretween Cuming and Burt streets for the open tag of Twenty-seventh street was re jected on the ground that It was exoes ive and the property holders couldn't well pay It The sum returned by the appraisers was fHOSnA , Acting on an opinion of the city attor ney, bills for water in the parka were re jected. ;'; Purchase of $54,000 school bonds out of the street improvement district fund, was 'authorised. ,,;,v, - . An ordinance was passed calling a spe cial election for November 7 to vote $50,000 park bonds. . Bids for linoleum. 500 feet of fire hoee and other supplies for different depart ments were opened and read and referred to tn department of finances and ac counts. .' ;i ' . S. A. Houser Denies : I F, Warren's Charge General and specific denials of John F. "Warren's charges that he alienated Mrs. Warren's affections are made by Samuel A. Houser. president of the Omaha Taxi cab and Auto Livery company, In an an swer to Warren's $25,000 damage suit Warren alleges that when he was farm, tag near Manderton, la., four years ago, Houser worked for him and took advan tage of opportunities afforded to win the wife by blandishment, v. A Crael Hlatalc Js to neglect a cold or cough. Dr. King's New Dicovery cures them and may pre vent consumption. 50c and $1.00. For sale hy Beaton Drug Co Palimpsest Club to Open Soon with Dr. Claxton as Speaker The Palimpsest club will begin Its sea son at tha festal board Nevember 6, when the principal guest of the evening will be Philander priestly, Claxton, United States commissioner of education, who has accepted the Invitation extended to htm on behalf of tha club by President John Ia Webster, Dr. Claxton will be here at that time to attend the meeting of the Nebraska State Teachers' associa tion, invitations are out for speakers for some of the subsequent dinners of the Palimpsest, . for which announcements will not be made until later. Omaha State Bank Officials Are Named Directors and officers of the State Bank of Omaha have been elected and the In stitution will begin business October 15, in the new Omaha State Bank building, Seventeenth and .Harney street, which is to be completed by that. time. At a meeting of the stockholders these men were named directors: A. U Sonants, E. H. Westerfleld. A. & White, John D. Ware, J. L. Svoboda, Arthur Hoover and F. N. High of Omaha and District Judgt J. R. Hanna of Greeley, I. W. Norrls of 8tella, R. F. Btuckey of .Lexington and J.'Q. McPherrln. of Oakland," Ia. The directors named these officers: A. L. Schants, president; A. 8. ; White, vice president; J. L. Svoboda. cashier, and F.,N. High, assistant oasher. . f The new bank is capitalised at $300,000 and will be operated under the state guaranty law, the first of the kind in the city. All the stock has been sold and $100,000 over the capitalisation has been subscribed and refused by the promoters. Fixtures for the offices are now on the way and will be ready for Installation by the time tha building is finished. AMUSEMENTS. On Doiurlaa att ih aTTTOHS VAUDBT1LIJI Includes the js-uian les Quartet; Mantell's Marion ettes; wroom ft Lorella; Dave Vine: Prince A Deerie; Hippo- scope Pictures li.eoa PAT&GHg I.AST WEEK. some aaowura CHILD I WHAT? Continuous a to 6 7 to 11 p. a, Bally. TROCADEROS SXTBATAOAVSA AMD TAVDZTZUS Laughter an Epidemic In Funny Frank r uiiiey a jyunes. lively Minnie Burke. Dmll Sam Aitnmi IT ii.h... . ' 1 " V,UH Clean. Crlsn Fun. . , . ladles' Ptme Matinee Every Week Bay. Phones; Douglas 484; Ind. A-1494 at. Every Day, 2:15; Every Night, 8:lfi, ADVANCED TAVBSV1I.E This Week Madame Buuerflv: fitw. art Sisters and Escorts; Kaufman Broth ers; Fred Hamlil and Charley Abbate; Marry Atkinson; Tne Flying Martins: Tnth'm W tt - Ir I w 15-., t . ... . 1 J Events; Orpheum Concert Orchestra. rnces juatmee, uailery 10c. Best Seats 26c Except Saturday and Sundav: Niarht. 10c, 26c, too and 75c . BASE BALL Experts Debate on How to Advertise Robert H., Manley and Penn P. Fodrea weighed' in; before the Ad club at tha Paxton Monday noon and went three rounds for no decision. The debate was: "Resolved, That the retail merchant with $009 annual advertMng appropriation should use the newspapers Instead of the mails." , Manley pointed out that newspapers reach the advertiser at the proper time, when he Is In a receptive mood, and de clared that the malls came to him at a time when he was too busy to read the advertising In it; that advertising In the guise of personal letters vexed the re cipient and consequently had not the de sired effect' ' " 'j Fodrea argued the other aide of the question. He declared Manley was talk ing of the department stores, which "could not exist longer than ninety days without newspaper advertising," while the question of debate naturally referred only to the small retailer. OMAHA vs. TOPEKA EOURKE PARK Sept. 16, 17, 18,19. TWO GAMES TOMORROW 1st Game Called at 2 P.M. B0AIIDE1S TUAETED Xatlnae and Eight, Sept 85th ansa vobobt raoM staexawd With QUT TAIL Beats Tomorrow Thursday, Sept, 99th 3 Bays. CSAVECET OLCOTT In THE XgXE O' J) REAMS Seats Tomorrow. TOJNICiHX jetAiIAJG WEDNESDAY HOLBROOK BLINN nr BOMABTCS OT THE VEBBEWOB1B Prloeai Mat. Wed, Beats gl.OO Thura Baby Boll Prices. 10, 20, JO, 60c KRUG THEATRE XATXXES TOD AT :30 EIGHT Si30 BEST SEATS 60c Yanksc Goodie Girls and Dashingf Dainty Marie X.ADXES' BAXXiT BXHB XATIEES J jj in All the World No Store Will Strive to Serve Yon Better. , ' ' . J r $ Formerly The Bennett Company. LAJ! jarrywjk. " - - , -r- isr Tt Formerly The Bennett Company. THE CHALLENGE -Yotir Greatest Opportunity To Buy , ' wew iall doods for Less Money ' Challenge Values Stand Urimatched. We Urge Comparison of Challenge Values LENGE show you the Orkin Bros idea of quick sales and small profits. This great Challenge Sale was prepared; and arranged for your comparison of values. Compare Challenge Sale Prices. "We urge comparison. '.The gain is yours. Our interest are identical; Again we say,.compare. The Challenge Sale is convincing thousands daily that Orkin Brothers are determined to serve the people bet ter. Let the CEIALLENGE save you money, on the new est of Fall Merchandise. Let the CHALLENGE prove our leadership in better quality goods for less. Let the CHAL- EyERY WOMAN NEEDS A SMART NEW FALL SUIT. THE CHALLENGE SALE POINTS THE WAY TO FUL VALUES-$27.50, $29.75, $35.00 AND $39. h r NEWEST FALL STYLES CHALLENGE PRICE aPJT, k. 8 ' PALL SUIT, fry fV 0 WONDER- j J .50 suits- I 50 $(D)50 All wool 64.1a. Bress Ooods; homespun pencil stripes ; j new novelty suitings; granite cloth; Boucbe effects and serge suitings. Worth 11.25. 'Special Wed nesday only...' 850 KXKOEO The Challenge links Orkin Brothers' style-prestige with a new Idea In exclusive suit selling extreme values at a low price. To make these suits the most remarkable value ever known, wo gave personal supervision to every manufacturing, detail. The Challenge was in our mind every minute of the tlme.The great suit values prove it. . All the popular fall fabrics, made up in a host 1 of most distinctive fall styles, n - For Wednesday's selling we have received 200 more of these un usually fine suits; beautiful braid bound effects; smart tailored novelties. Many of these suits are copies of fine imported models. . $27.50, $29.75, $35.00, $39.50 Hand Tailored Suits for Women" Newest Fall styles. Challenge price............... ri. f mm m fm i no oiik vnauenge sale Answers the Call for Greater Values $l.SO BLACK and CO&OBXB SZLKS at 67o NE3WEST FALL SILKS. vThe season's most favored styles; smart fhalr line striped mea salines novelty waistings Persian silks Chameleon n.essallnes; silk serges; chevron, stripes; checks and Broche ef fecta Also a great variety of black silks. Every , woman with an eye for economy and mm for style should take m hand in this. 11 " ll-BO silks Clearance Sale price v wort up to I worth vr to $i.oo . rialn MessaUns, in fifty of the most beautiful, shades you can Imagine. Every iignt and dark shade. Also 25 pieces of pencil and hair-' line stripe effects. All width stripes in all colors. Worth to 1.00. Wed- . nesday only. . .'. . .....t't'C CBJBPB at 12Uo SCIll length Zlmona Crepe and genuine Serpentine Crepes in all the latest shades, Including beautiful bordered designs; worth 25c. From 2, to ' fl 10 yards. Wednesday only... ..; .ljC The Great Domestic Chal lenge Is Saving Money for Hundreds $1.65 and $1.75 12-4 Cotton Blankets, tan, gray, white an un usual bargain Wed nesday's Challenge Nprice, Pair . , .$X.S5 15c and 17c Mrtr heavy 42x36 Pillow Cases Extra good serviceable cases Wednesday's Challenge, each' i $2.75 and $2.50 Bed Comforts; best sllk oline covering .Wednesday's Chal lenge price each ..... si ns $1.25 and $1.39 Mer cerized' hemmed, nap kins, 20x20; choice patterns; extra values; Wednesday ..Challenge ?.?; tjMMtWAti; 89 $1.10 All Linen 72 inch damask; many good . patterns Wednesday's Chal lenge special; per, CHALLENGE WAIST SALE OF GREAT IMPORTANCE mngerte waists 7sc Fine quality nainsook and batiste; lace and embroidery medallion trimmed, lace insertion and tucks. Actual $1.95 waists Wednesday, great challange, special; choice. CHILDREN'S WEAR GETS Children's Up to 93.00 Sweaters 98o All wool dou ble breasted sweaters white red and gray high neck styles finished with pearl buttons sizes 1 to 5 years. Up to 12.00 sweaters Challenge , no price Wednesday special, choice , ,?OC i$a.9S langerte 'Waists $1.98 Extra quality batiste elaborately trimmed with fine lace and embroider insertion; also dainty lace designs Sizes 34 to 44 .Actual $2.95 waists Wednesday Chal- r ro . lenge Sale Price . . ' , $I.?0 A BIG CHALLENGE CUT Children's $1.00 Bussian BrassesLong .'and short !fclf00d !UU nalnsk and lawn-trimmed WiS tle7i n8er1ti'n-31Jn and hemstitched tuck& Regular $1.00 value Russian dresses trx .Wednesday Challenge Sale, Price..., ..4I7C WEDNESDAY'S GROCERY CHALLENGE SALE VALUES We are serving our grocery customers as we would demand to be served ourselves. You wanf i-w.ri. .L :. ' . them. Our tiromnt service la at vour command. Best' erocerles for less ia Orklnn' praonra tAa . wuou you want r w " " ' - - ' O" j UVM 2 -lb. can Breakfast Coffee 48c Assorted Teas 58c quality . ...48o Tea Slf tings, pkg. ........... 18o Cocoanut Bars, lb. . . ; lSo Swift's Borax Soap, 7 bars. . . . .85o Snlder's Pork and Beans, 2 cans SSo Assorted Pickles 3 bottles. ... .95o Premium Britannia, 2 lb. roll 4So Seeded Raisins, 12 V4c pkg..,...10o Capitol Sauer Kraut, can lOe Capitol Red Kidney Beans. .... .90 Batavia Asparagus Tips, 25c can SOo Capitol Sliced or Grated Pine apple can ,i6o 10 bars Diamond C or Beat-'Em- AU Soap , ..85o Excelsior Patent Flour, 48-Ib. .il.50 Pickling Spices, lb. .......... o. Special Pickling Vinegar, regular 35c special, gallon ....V.": a6o Toasto Corn Flakes. 2 pkgs SSo Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 pkga.aso Elba Sifted Peas, special, 2 cans 85o ...... Save a Dollar a Ton by Using Any of the Following Coal., No. 2 CHESTNUT ANTHRACITE, ner ton. flAPlTAT. i.itmd ivn r "o 1S $10.KK Best quality Scranton Anthracite slightly smaller in size than No. 1 Chestnut.- Preferred by many for base burners mixed with Egg, Stove or No. 1 Chestnut. It's economy to use this size.. . s CAPITAL LUMP AND NUT. n f -r nn Capitol Coal is equal if not superior to any coal selling up to $8.00. From the famous zeigler Mines.' The coal you know so .favorably and so well. Special, per ORKIN! BROTHERS, .bJSKS;-16th r and Harney Sts. 3 The"Qrad" ffl im?yjr i til z: " I An Exceptionally Clever New Fall Boot for, Women Just one of about fifty styles of new Fall Boots for women that are smart and clever and moderately prioed. Made of - tan .calf, button model, high , cut, fancy tip, stage last, in au wiatns ana sues -a spienam dooi xor Mail Orders , Filltd. 16H 5t DOUGLAS. Attention j Grocers and Butchers! COLD WBATaSR ; SXeMUPXKS THB X&AUT XATSBY APTSTXTS '.,V CHEER UP;,'. ' - Our first ear of the finest long- cut, German eared Kraut has arrlvsa from on of our northern kraut Xaotortsa and tha sacoad ear la Is tows. Vbona Ztouglas 460, v - KAAQMAIHI VIHEQAR & PICKLE COHPAHY J DRS. IIACH a IIACH DXVTXSTS aeosMors to BaOoy ft Kaoh Tha larvost and baat aqulppod dental ' offico In Omaha. Exyorta tn oharyo of all work, modarato price. Porcelain rliunrs Just like th tooth. All lnetm moata atorUlsed attef ualnf. 3d floor raztoa Slook, Omaha, Veb. A little Bee want ad does the business. Everybody reads Bee want ads Low Price Plus Quality of the Work Pone Has Made This Business i- It has taken us 15 years this business to its present size, by doing BETTER WORK at fair prices. We guarantee our work' to , be satisfactory read the prices below and phone for a Pantorium Auto , LADIES' PRICE UST: Waists, plain Waists, silk or fancy Bklrts, plain, ........ Skirts, pleated Skirts, with drop ... Jackets, short Jackets, unllned '., Jackets, lined Opera Coats. iravenettes . Tailor Suits- i One-Plece Dress, plain.... One-Plece Dress, fancy ; . Wrappers or Kimonos .... Plumes, per Inch , Willows, per Inch nam liooes ....... .Gloves, kid, short ' Gloves, medium . Gloves, lony . Slippers .. Velvet Jackets Velvet Suits ' Cleaning;, and Presslnsr.." : .60 ; .75 to- 1.00 to 1.25 to 1.00 1.60 1.50 to 2-00 to 1.50 1.75 to 1.25 to 2.00 to 1.00 to 1.00 to 25 to 2.00 2.00 to 1.23 1.25; 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.60 1.75', 4.00 2.00 . .06 20 ' 1.25 :..10 .15 ' .25 2.50 Cleanlnflr, Dyeina- and. Presingr. fl.00 to $1.25 1.00 to 1.75 1.60 2.00 to 2.00 to 1.50 2.00 to 2.25 to 2.50. to 2.60 3.00 to 2.00 to 8.00 to 1.60 to 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.75 3.00 1.75 to 4.00 2.75 6.00 2.60 .0$ .25 2.00 .50 to 1.00 MEN'S PRICE LIST: Suits, full dress or P. A... 12.00 Suits, cutaway, frock .... 1.75 Suits, S-piece 1.60 Suits. 2-pleco 1.25 Vests .50 Trousers .50 Overcoats, light 1.15 : Cleaning, and Pressing i Cleaning:, Dyeing- and Pressing.- r4.00 S 3.75 3.50 3.00 .75 , 1.00 2.25 2.60 to 2.00 8.00 to 1.00 3.00 i 3.60 Overcoats, heavy 1.60 to - 2.00 Coats .75 Ulsters 1.75 to 2.25 Sweaters ,60 to .75 . Gloves .10 Neckties , ! ,10 We also clean drap tries, portiers, table and stand , eoTora, doUlos, curtains, pillows, chair cushions, oriental rufs aad carpets; anj-thins; that rMnlrac cars and ' - - skill la hattdUn?. . , . THE PANTORIUM ' "Good Cleaners and Dyers" 1515-17 Jones St. GUY LIGGETT, Pres. Phone D. 963. Watictafld Qbck;Repainnjv Tour iwatch or clock should be repaired by a care rful,' expert workman.- That's the kind we have. We always have bad tne very nest. - Lt uado your work. LOOK FOB THE NAME LINDSAY THE JEWELER' . -c.ytttU . ltH ttreet v , Pi i -.