THE BEE: OMAHA, SATUEDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1912. t".. ..i.l.r-'.a r r.Jlt,BI".i.A).Wi-.IJr ' -V- V'-ni1- 1 SV, V J U ; 200 handsome new, fall Suits, comprising the sample lines of several prominent manufacturers, go on sale Saturday af one-third regular prices, Hardly any two alike. All feature the latesl.and prettiest new fall models, many in the cutaway designs,' fcome prettily trimmed, others plain tailored. The fabrics are the newest whipcords, wide wale serges, two-tones, .fancies, v All sizes. , , These Splendidly Tailored Suits Saturday at 12.50, $15.00 and 19;50 Worth regularly up to $32.50. ' ' " 1 Women's $12.50 Ssrge Dresses all $6.98 Special for Saturday. Mad. of splendid French' serge,' handsomely trimmed, all colors and sizes. ' .' '' MILLinEBY SPECIAL Felt and Velvet Shapes and neat Street Hats, ' ; worth $3.50, at. . . . 1.89 TRIMMED HATS We feature handsomely trimmed hats in all the leading . new., fall styles at ' , ' $2.98 and 54. S 8 $1.50 Embroidered White Muslin Un derskirts at. 69c ip- 0 JB3B 1 'UE NOVELTY. No 6gJf OMAHA m I Ladies Splendid Tailored Suits, made to order. 25 SSSt!?sS5S33sSESSS FANNING BACKS THE RAID Contractor Fayi Sleuth to ferret Out ' Law Violators. . . (WOODS HELD TO AWAIT TRIAL Five Others Arrested la Spectacular Movement of Sheriff Dismissed . j PolUe Judge Foster , ok Hearing;- 4 Charles Woods, arrested Thursday aft- Sernoon In a raid at 1819 Famam street on the oharge of conducting a gambling house, waa bound . over to the district jfcourt by Police Magistrate Foster under it 500 bondsl Tom Jones, Harvey Thomas, Jacob Wryder. W, Berg and J. Cosgrove. ho were In Woods' apartments at the time, were discharged. " ;; Testimony against Woods was fur nished by John gcheff, a special deputy 'sheriff, who says he Is employed by Eharlle Fanning, who is carrying on a idespread anti-graft and anti-vice cru- ade. : ' X Entrance waa effected by breaking In door leading to the suite of rooms oc- upled by Woods on the third floor. All hough there were no games in progress hen the deputies entered there were everal decks of cards and poker chips cattered on the table and floor. Woods testified that all the gambling arapherhalia belongs to J. " Haley, a 35 arc bier,. wtuj.ocauples the room adjoin 3ng his suite and that It bad been kit In is care while Haley- waa In Denver. From Our Near Neighbors , Springfield. Roy and Ross Whitney have gone to Illinois on a visit... . N. J. 'Christiansen ;'lft ' Tuesday for South Dakota and Iowa. . . ' ! ; . W. E. and J, C. Miller attended the Masonic lodge Monday night. ' ' Merle Schaal Is .moving from, Louis vlilo Into' the Rlshllng residence, Alfred Ball of Fremont .was here Mon day vl<lng his brother, Lester. Miss Lottie McHenry of Omaha was a guest of Miss Llllie Graham this week. Mrs. Frank - Comu and daughter, Nascy. are visiting Albert Comte in Custer county. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jarmen of Nellgh ars visiting their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Jarmanv The cerebro .spinal epldernloj Is in this Vicinity,- A horse ownsd by C. B. Lefler has the disease. j . W. H. Davidson returned from Bosc' man; Mont.., where he went month ago with his family. ; , Mlssfs Ada Brawner and Mary Ho-i garth departed Monday for) Peru to at tend the State Normal. t t ! The county commissioners st their Tuesday meeting leased the county poor larm to M. O.. Christian. ....... t 8. P. fflcholson will leave next Monday with his family for. Custer oounty, where he has taken a homestead, A'ga&e of hue bsll for a $50 .purse is to he flayed here Saturday, September 21, between Papllllort and Oreeriood. , ' Mrs. D O, Brnwfter while at the depot was struck by , th,e n,cpmng passenger train and sustained painful, serious Injuries, though not Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Matthtesen autoed to Clarkson, Neb., last week. . Miss Winifred Unruh Is spending the week with Omaha friends. Mr. O. C. Thompson was on a business trip to Scott's Bluff, Neb., last week. Miss Anna Cook will visit her aunt. Mrs. Joe Bayer, In Fremont for a few days. Miss Maud Dixon of tills city will go to Council Bluffs next Sunday to sing in the Episcopal church. Mr. Ed Cain and wife and Curtis Ed wards and wife of Omaha spent Sunday at the Joe Edwards home. , , Mrs. Edith Landers and children of Lincoln are visiting at the home of Mrs. Landers' mother, Mrs. H. L. Jones. Judge Walton, Attorney O'Hanlon and Ed Grimm returned last week from a ten days' outing at Wood Lake, Neb. Miss Vlneta Frahm of Chicago Is here on an extended visit with her grand, parents, Mr. A. F. Oarske. and wife. J?w-'5: C-WHIams, the new pastor of the Free Methodist church, and fam- L1.y..lirv,.d, ,Mt w,ek n now lo cated In the parsonage. J. Mueller and Karl Petersen, two of an " bu"lneM mh- are In Hot Springs, "'n wo.we repair lor hav fever and stomach trouble. eel Shky; Bilious HeaHachy, '( 'VprConstipaled? Take Gasearets . , . . ... .. . ...... ,t . . Sick headaches!. Always trace them to )aay liver, decayftf, , fermenting food in he bowels or a. Sick stomach, Poison- us, constipated, matur, gases and bile generated in the' howels, , instead of bo ring carried out of tht system, is reab sorbed into the Tblood. When this poison reaches the delicate' brain tissue U causes oongestloh and ' that "dull, sick fening headache. J.;;'X', I Cascareta remove ,th cause liy stlmu Flatlng the liver, making, 'tbs lbU't and jponstipatlon poison move an and out .of the. bowels. The effect Is almost in stantaneous. . Ladles ' whose ensative organisms are especially prone to sick headaches, need not suffer, for they can be quickly cured by Cancarets. One taken tonight will straighten you out by morning a 16-cent box will keep your head clear, stomach) sweet, liver and bowels regular, and n.ake you feel bright and cheerful, for mqnths. Chil dren need Cascareta, too they love them because they taste good and never gripe'or sicken., ' i X. f f rMsi. ' " ffHT TT 1e Tit fM . Look Into These Drug Prices at Beaton's Fifty cents or $1.00 saved is the same as that . much earned. If you have never read our ads for Saturdays,' it will pay you to read this. It will ' start you towards saving on drugs. t Here's the way we make prices: $1.00 Hyomel, for hay fever at ...... . ........ ,89s Anesthone Cream ... -50d Adrenolin Ointment ) .50 60e Pebecb Tooth Paste, '... 35 60c Graves' Tooth . Powder, treble size of, the 25c package ..h. ..,.,240 J 5c Woodbury's Facial Soap,:.... - -.104; 25c Ricksecker'g Skin Soap ...... .....igey 50c DeMar's Benzoin .. and Almond Lotion, guaran teed for tan an 1 sunburn, t . . . . . ...25t $1.00 D. D. D. 8Dd Perspi-no . . . .; , '. . .25s 10c Face Chamois .... .5 85c Ideal Brushes . . . ,39, ; $3 Arundel Automatic Razor - Stropper and Strop-.. .79 $1.00 Razor Stroii $1 Hone, $1.60 Razor, all three Saturday ....... .gl.00 25c Mennen'a and .Colgate's Talcum Powder, all odors; every day .. .. V...15,,.. 25c DeMars Talcum Powder . Saturday ..... .....10-' 60c Cassavera Greaseless , Cream, Saturday .,,.30J 75c Rubber Gloves' for tan' " household ... .394 26c Peroxide of Hydrogen tor .:7 ; 25o Packer's Tar Soap-lS&o. 25c Jersey Buttermilk Soap, ' 3 cakes in box. box... 10 ' -40c and 60c, Bath Sponges 1 . at ........ 25 '"Follow the Beaton Path'l .. Beaton' Drug-Co? . Farnarn and Fifteenth Streets S55-ftittI,MS!f. of.hl.i br.?.thr. E .., ,,..., ana win attend postmasters convention at Detroit. ur. k. A. Palmer, a former resident of Clair, .now. of Phlladephla. .Pa., who has vwtln hi. daughter; ikr7.MCuk Alien, left for his home on Wednesday. wMrr."".,.M' prl""eva sister of Judge W:.L-ftit0.n' wn(? h been lltlns here. v.l ? i.heJ hom ,n Edwardsvllle, reUtive 88turda-Jr. the death of a Attorney Dale H. St'nov. d Bow la In the city for a few days, having Just returned from Kansas City" Mo' wnere he accompanied the body of his Srandfather, George P. Blgelow, fo? bur! Mrs'' RdiMrt' Si C1rl(1f- Dr.' and Mrs. R, J Murdock and Editor Van &rn.?n,dK V wn ntsrtainid for dinner at the Happy Hollow club house In Omaha on Thursday by Mr. and Mrs J- B. Adams of Omaha. Jl' Mr,i ISW Sutherland of Chey S5Jk;JSrw "4 MMi WIU Sutherland of Suth!n!'Ve.h-ind Mr- Mrs. Wes Sutherland of Prague. Neb., are lnat- Qtgjtisu. Hart StAi&xt Maiz QLLEGE men seem to know all about good clothes withoiit m "' .': 1 J'L'lJ "1 "f . 1 ? 'a....'. I ' '"l'-' ' -1 . 1- '" ' -v .'1 is- '' any special iinstructiori: they learn bv observation. One thin most college meji Know is that : Mart Sehaffner & Marx make the ;kind ofcelothes they want; the style they want, materials they want, the tailoring they want. These critical young men appreciate the shape-keeping qual ity of all-wool fabrics and careful tailoring; they know how to measure the value of clothes-ibythfrequency witn,which the suit goes to the presser; style thai keeps in shape counts to the college men . ;; The new Varsity Line . Hart, behaffner & Marx have reached the highest point of excellence in the new Varsity modeB for young meni Tliere's an artistic quality about these goods that cannot be found in any other clothes. ; J No ircalrish ideas are embodied in these Varsity models; they're clothes made for vouner eentlemen: vou'll look richt" w ij , w ' a in uny of these suits; a good many models to choose from. Many fine fabrics in grays, browns, blues, tans; many choice weaves serges, chevi- . . - . ots, tweeds, fine worsteds, Scotch and English weaves. Young men are especially invited to see them here. ; ; Suits, $18.00 and up. v ; 'i Overcoats, $16.50 and up. See our. opening display of the Hayden Wonder, "BltieSerge Suits you'll find no better suits in America priced under $18. 0. In them you'll find hand tailored workmanship, all wool fabrics, full weight, fast colors, perfect styles. ., S WONDER CLOTHES 11450 HAVDENs WONDER CLOTHES 41450 1 also here Sunday with a company of friends from the city. . , Mrs. W. H, Jacobson was taken sud denly 111 Sunday of appendicitis, and It S4 wa thought- bt to tafca Omaha Tuesday .morning for an operation. The operation was performed that evening, and though a serious case,' reports are favorable. I .. but a look at the condition of land and products in his old home county has convinced him that he not only does not want to sell, but that he really would like to bo living hero again.- ; Waterloo. .&o;.m. ; omaw vi,tM a uipVXg? hom SiaEv.K 1"' IWU' we" OmahHa StSSSsMT ab fW vas born 8aturday to Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Compton. reiumea Saturday even- wni ween at uncoin and Omaha. ..J' fcnd Mr- Thomas Applbv and children went to Omaha Saturday to o Mr.- Appleby's sister. v Mrs.. Jessie F. King of Des Moinoe, la., has been here the last week vlaitlnj her daughter, Mrs. John Graff. Max Herrington returned iast'Saturi day from a visit with hie brothen Noyes and famllv, at Newman Grove. H. B. Waldron left Saturday for Chi cago and other eastern potnts on a va catfon trip, of a couple of weeks. Ephrlam Sumner, father of S. T. Sum ner, who came home with Mra bumner about two weeks ago, is Improving since coming here. ; .'.. ' Mrs. Charles Todd " returned Tuesday evening from a visit of a Couple of days with her daughter, Mrs. Flor. In the city. ; Mrs. Glnter and daughter of Omaha Visited several days the last week with their relatives, the Bell families, ' in Waterloo. . The telephone company has a force, of men at work thl week setting new poles and chang'ng the wires of the system in Waterloo. , Mr. and Mrs. J. C Robinson murred Tuesday fom their trip to the i'alflc coast, where they have been for the last month or more, , ,, , Dee Brown of Lexington, brother of WlirBrown. was visiting the Fred Brown and Tucker families the Isst week. leav. ing for home the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney of South Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. a 3. Flor and Wll lard Flor of Omaha were here Saturday to attend the funeral of Mra Rebecca Todd; ...'' C. D. Bogue was at Omaha over Mon day night, after repairs for machinery at the Carlton Noyes farm and looking for help to work on the place. , . Mlsa Pearl Jenka waa called to Kansas this week on account of the Illness of a brother. She left Monday for Topeka, where the brother had gone for treat ment. Si.; , ... ,.,i.j.--,v. ,; ' Mrs. Keefe went to Omaha Saturday morning and was accompanied by a friend, Mrs. SJmms of Benson, who had been visiting at .the farm a couple of weeks., . , ' i -i Commissioner John 'Lynch, and Mrs. Lynch and the children were visiting at the J. J. Mohatt home last week. Larry Dwyer, brother of Mr. Mohatt, waa -. !f . Bellevne.' "' Mies Helen Fletcher la visiting her sis ter at Long Pine, , ... . ,T , .. Mr. John Goes of California is here vis iting his father, John Goss, sr. Mrs. Marble Oliver of Plattsmouth vis ited Mrs. Sarah Patrick Tuesday. Martin Holbrook of North Omaha was down Sunday for a vjslt with Mrs. R.' E. Wood.' . : , , . Mrs. W. E. Os bourne of North Omaha, an old resident, was' visiting Mrs. Marie Martin last week. ...... Stanley Stookey left for Avoca, Neb., : Saturday, where he has been employed as principal of the high school. . v ,., ... . Mrs. Wllhelmlna Welters has returned from her vacation and will resume her duties as matron of Fontanelle hall.. Mra W. B. Leonard -shipped her goods to Austin, Tex., Tuesday, where she will Join Prof. Leonard in his new location.' C. C. Flater of Des Moines, 14.,- who is on his way- to New- Mexico in his car, stopped here Sunday for a brief visit on ooilec hill. Mrs. Frank ' Wilcox of North Omaha was down for a visit with Mrs. T. P. Fulcher Thursday and took her mother, Mrs. Meyers' home for a few days' visit. Miss McClure, , who has teen employed In the Fort Crobk anhnnla tnr m nnmW of years, has returned from her vacation and will make her home on the college MU' a .formerly: .- , Mrs. ' Belle CTark, accompanied by her son and daughter. Fielding and Vlnta, returned Wednesday from a six weeks" trip in the east, includinir The Great Lakes. Boston, New York, Rochester and Chicago. They were accompanied by Mrs. Clark's nephew, Allen Clark of Lincoln. - . A surprise party was given Mrs. B. R. Stouffer by a number of her old friends and neighbors last Friday afternoon. h.r?hScastin b'n;,her seventy-first birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Stouffer came SnTilieVU '? tt ,,rln" ' 1S8X- The re ceptlon was held at the home of her son" JDeWUsonW St?UfUf' " ttath..n4 1. J,vln s-esisitered in the first eight grades. The Bellevue Hiffh school ooeni tr etT.'v- AVMy an1 BoUevue d,. rA?iiJ1oV b'en ndated with the sc&" !h00i and e next Tekasaah. Mrs. Mary Coleman and Miss Charlotte fltTthwekStoU, C,ty. v",to" Hancock s relatives. i . . Harry . Hemolng has purchased a resi dence lot and soon expects to oegln the erection of a modern hQme. C. W. Cenkllng arrived from Denver ? Saturday. He will remain a few days looking after bunlness matters. . State Superintendent, of Public In. S',CinJ,S!rn ma" ,n 1wnh Thurs day Intervtewins voters and visiting tb schools. ; ' Arthur Xeablt Is home from several weeks engagemente . with a male quar tet. He has been .mostly in the east ern states. , . LT' T)ow W11n and family were tip from their home at Florence the last week visitlns; at the home of Mrs. Wil son's parents, Mr., and Mrs. Henry Gates. W. M. Bean went to Omaha last week to undergo an operation in one of the hospital there. He is getting . alone; nicety, his people are able to av, which la good news to his friends here Art Anderson. .01enr.. Honeyman.v John Crue. Thomas Elllotet and several gen tlemen from Illinois left hers an T,ic day afternoon for a ten-day Jaunt near Wood lake on the lookout for ducks and fish. . W. E." Chase antved' last 'week from his home at San Jose, Cal, to look after his farm west of town Mr. Chase hr.d decided to place his farm on the market. Valley.' ' A son was born to Mr. and Mrs,"', Ed Lewis Thursday. . 0 ; Miss Hazel Smith went to Wahoo Mon day to be the guest of her cousins. Mrs. Ed Bailer Is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Seney ofw Sioux City, la. Mrs. J. J. Miller of Omaha is spending a week at the home farm with Mr, and Mrs. WIU Miller. . , ... , ,,. , Miss OlWe Caldwell Is back at her place In N. E. Johnson's confectionery after; a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. John Lentil! went to Walthill Tuesday to Visit Rev. and Mrs. Zimmerman. president; Mrs. W. G. Whitmore, vice president; Mrs. George Fouts. secretary, and Mrs. Simon Rice, treasurer. Trouble with the engine at the electric light plant caused Valley to be without light Monday and Tuesday nights. Rev. Carlson left Tuesday for a trip to Chicago. Mrs. Carlson and Nellie left the same day for a visit in Minnesota. The Women's Christian Temperance union of Valley held its annual election of officers recently at the home of Mrs. F. M. Butts. The following are the officers elected: Mrs. C. B. Nichols, The Busy Bees held their regular monthly meeting on the Jswn at the Some of Mr. end V ,J'--.,-. Mrs. C. B. .; Nichols, .Mrs, John Hull MW A- R. Dodson and Mrs. Will Miller were the hostesses anfl served an un usually large number of members and guests. - The Valley, schools opened Monday with the largest enrollment It has ever had at the opening," 251. The following Is the corps of teachers: Superintendent, Frank F. Adams; principal, Anna Fell man; assistant principal, Cordelia Link art; grade teachers, Pearl McLean, Leila Garwood, Martha Goehry, Edna Weekly and Pearl Hanna. Weeping; Water.- ' J. L' Fowler, & real estate man here, will move to Lincoln to educate his chil dren, .v . . ' ... I .- ' ' K. D.' Clark, general merchant, has moved into larger quarters, the Odd Fel lows' building. O. T. Leyda and family of . Imperial, Chase county, visited 1 relatives in this vicinity ' several days, returning home Thursday. - V 1 The Riverside hotel, ; now operated by Mrs. Throne, will Boon be under the man agement, of J. O. Lindsay , and Mrs. Throne in partnership. Tho funeral of Miss Elsie Daly, who died at Alliance last Sunday, was held .n tnei congregational church here Tnurs v afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. J. H. .-.ndress presiding. - ' . ' . . X small twister visited the farm of John Pankonln this week and turned his barn on the foundation, blew outbuildings in the field and trees and buildings were blown down on adjoining farms. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dudley are here on a elt with his parents. Thev motored jln their car from Pueblo, Colo., where Mr. Dudley conducted a theatrical stock com pany. They leave for New York Monday and will organize a company for the win-, ter'a play at Galveston, Tex.. ' . J ; i,V C. It. Harmer, a farmer! living south west of town, untied his horse last night and -started to drive heme. Ke-forgot that 'he had unsnapped the lines and the spirited colt ran away. In turning a cor ner' It ran into a ditch several feet deep and Mr. Harmer was thrown on his head. He was able to drive home later, but was In a dased condition.' v Papillion. , John A. Davies of. Butte, Neb., was in town Thursday. , Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Chase have been quite sick for . several days. v Miss Maude' Welsh returned from a two weeks' visit at North Bend .Wednesday;' , Mrs. Frank Empey and baby of Kear ney are guests of Mrs. A. F. Emcev this week. ... sh Lillie Rahn, who has been quite sick with scarlet fever, is reported to be im- ' proving. ., . v , Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Caldwell left Mon day for Saint Cloud, Fla., where they will spend the winter. - ' P. J. Langdon and Hans Peters of -Gretna were transacting business at the court house Wednesday. , Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Wedgwood of Enid, Okl., are visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Wedgwood will remain several weeks. v. Missess Margaret and Emma Roberts and Elsie Fisher of Omaha and Grace Warren of Gretna were quests of the ' Misses Wilson Sunday. . - ... t - . jouaw eiser - The World's Favorite Bottled Beer W '-.'''.'... ... 1 , What made it so? QUALITY and PURITY. 173,184,600 Bottles sold in 1911. BottkJ witli crowns or corks only at the Home Plant ia St Louis Antecser-Bosch Brewery X: !"s ' St Louis, Mo. 7 .. Anheuser-Busch of Nebraska V. Theo. H. Conradcs, Mgr. Omaha. Nek-'. r-