Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1912, Page 2, Image 2
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEE 11, 1912. QBRELUl SHOWERS--RAIHCOAT STOHMQ Laugh at Whims of the Weather in Worthy Y Rain Coats or Protected by Sturdy Umbrellas U Women's English storm coat?, fine stripes in brown and tan, "also plain tan man nish coats of light. weight, at ; $10.00. $12.00 Mf dium weight Raglan mod els at .. ...... $13.50 Gray mohairs, changeable silks,' black Peau de Soie, at $12.50 to $22.50 Cravenette,; Capes. . $14.75 Girls R a i n Capes, gray stripes and plain navy and garnet.. $2.75 to $3.75 Men's English Slip-ons, in light or russet tans, for rainy days and motor wear, up from .$5.00 Army Serge Coats and Gab erdines $16.50 $18 $19 Boys' Slip-ons mannish coats for ages 6 to 16 years, at $4.00 and $4.50 Firemen's Coats for boys, hats to match, complete, at ........ . .....$2.50 Umbrellas sold on our close margin plan. TAFT MEN WIKTHEIR POINT President'! Friends in South Dakota Will Get to Vote for Him. ROOSEVELT MEW TO WITHDRAW They WlU'rile by Petition and Va cant Places la Repablleaa Col ' mi aad Will Be Pilled by Repablleaa. Men's Umbrellas Women's Umbrellas Children's Umbrellas TRt VOUM& PEOPLES WN .STORE 1518-20 FAENAM STREET. FIXES UYE MOCK MfflMDM towa State Railroad Commission Decides on Compromise, , SIXTEEN THOUSAND FOE HOGS Carload Oa Fat Cattle U Twenty Ta.uaaaa aad oa Stock Cattle Twenty-Two Tbonsana Poanda. , ' (From a Staff Correspondent). DT59' MOINES, la.", Sept. ' 10,-SpeclsJ Telegram.) The state railroad commis sion has decided the live stock minimum weight case which haa been twice heard before the commission, fixing a com promise between what the shippers de manded and what the railroad desired a the minimum weight for live stock car loads. The commission fixed upon 16.0W pounds as the proper weight for a ear load of hogs, though the railroads were contending for a higher figure. The carload on fat cattle is ' 20,000 and of stock cattle, . 22.0CO pounds. -t -; - - Par Milk Crusade. Six milk dealers In. Des Moines have pleaded .guilty to selling milk below standard and they have, paid fines the last few weeks for such violation of city ordinance. An active crusade has been carried on to secure pur milk for the people of the cfty. Ames Professor . :h Will Go to Lincoln ''-'' ". ,-; 1 ; , . : '." . AMES. la., Sept Speetal.Prof. R. K. Bliss wts"'for,th last six years has been head of the animal husbandry department of the Iowa State college4 at Ames, will go to the Nebraska State Agri cultural college at Lincoln as head of the animal husbandry department there. The election by, the Nebraska board of trustees is a necessary formality to con firm the appointment. Gaynor Criticises New York Aldermen - -- , : .-. .- NEW YORK. Sept. 10. -Mayor Gaynor late today withdrew his acceptance of the Invitation to appear tomorrow be fore the aldermanlo committee which Is Inquiring into the police department. In a caustic letter to Alderman H. H. Cur. ran,, chairman of the committee, the Mayor declined to appear unless sub- sinus 1 or notified to do so, adding that t 09814 not "enter Into any petty and partisan Inquiry" and asserting that In his efforts to lift government up he had never allied himself "with any one who was not himself above reproach." Strength and BANKERS MEET -AT DETROIT President Urges Association to Sun- . port AJdnch Kan. 0FFICEES MAKE THEIR REPORTS Robert W. Bonynce of Monetary Commission Makes Address on Banking an Carreney ' Reform. ; DETROIT. Sept. 10. The annual con vention of the American Bankers' .asso ciation ungaii here touy, . brought to Detroit between two and three thousand delegates' from the United States, its terrlor;es and Canada. Afer'the convention had heard several addresses of welcome at today's opening session, it was planned to dispose of a number of formal reports of the various officers and then listen to the address on "Banking and Currency Reform" by Robert W. Bonynge of Denver, member of the national monetary commission. ' , i Reports were scheduled for this after noon's session. The convention however, planned to break the routine by listen ing to an address from United States Senator Charles E. Townsend of Michi gan and considering proposed constitu tional amendments which have aroused some comment. The formal address of President Wil liam IJvlngstons of Detroit and Fred Ei. Farnsworth of New York, together with the report of the association's executive council, preceded Mr. Bonynge's speech. Much of the secretary's annual report dealt with the part which Detroit and Michigan has played In the ultimate for mation of the banker's organisation.' He traced the growth of the association Inck its inception In' 1875 and dwnlt upon the work accomplished during the last year. President Livingstone's speech was for the most part a compliment to the .work of the association and the affiliated as sociations. The A Id rich currency plan was warmly approved by , the president, Commenting on the favorable action to ward the Aldrlch suggestion taken by the convention at New Orleans last year, he urged the delegates to continue their efforts to secure Its adoption by f con gress. . . ' i; ' '".'' ' "The association should ,'siand by Its guns' ' In this Important matter In the fullest sense of the word,'' said Presi dent UvlngHtone, "and should continue to support the bill as previously recom mended and again go on record as fav oring Its adoption. . i Activity in Old Am (depend largely upon the care you take of yourself from middle age on-wnem-jer you" conserve and protect your vital forces or weaken them through the i neglect of the all-important function of digestion, ao common Ao those who are absorbed In their dally occupations. ! Duffy's Pure alt VJhiskcy is the best possible aid to Impaired di gestion and a weak stomach. It is invaluable In stimulating the dl eeetive processes and regulating the sto mach, liver and kidneys. , It is a aure remedy tor overworked men and women. . It stimulates, strengthens nd sustains the va-: it builds n-l hmei body ant irilj.' " ' . -.o to yo'ir neirvn .ruKKlKt, dealer o ktj'.lt today jlttd fcel a i.irjo ! o 1 1 1 e for 11.00. and take it regtil.Vr .jr ns- directed. BE SttKti YOU GET-Dl'FFY'S " Doctor's advice, and : medical booklet containing testimonials and rulea ' for health free on application to , ; ; j Zu Wj Halt Vs-skti C., RxWtttr, H. T.' ri v S Xotes from Yankton, YANKTON, 8. D., fiept. 10.-(SpeclaI.) Yankton college opened Monday with by far the brightest prospects for the coming year In any year In the school's history. A number of changes on the faculty ere announced and college folks are greeting again Prof. Q. H. Durand. who returns tn the college, after several years' ab sence, A the result of two Jail deliveries within a month, both daring and success ful attempts at liberty, a shakeup has resulted tn the office of Sheriff Rath gaber, who called for the resignation of Deputy August Moses and has appointed A. P. Johnson, formerly of the? city po lice, to the vacated position. A deal was closed Monday with F. It. Perry, of Hot Springs, by which that cltlsen will at once erect tn this city a pressed brick plant for the manufacture of the new silicate lime brick. The plant will cost $100,000 to Install. Myron Jenftks, younger brother of Thea trical Manager M. W. Jencks, of Sioux City, was recently very badly burned In the legs by stepping Into a pan of hot lard. It will be months before he will be able to get about. HURON, R D., Sept 10,-(Speclal Tel egram.) That .Taft men tn South Da kota have succeeded In forcing their points was Indicated bere today when it became known that the Roosevelt state leaders now plan two electoral tickets. State Chairman Sherwood has called a special meeting of the republican state central committee and candidates here Thursday, at which the change will be made. It Is proposed to have the pres ent set of electors withdraw and file as distinctly Roosevelt electors and then let the Taft men name their own electors. First Primary In Colorado. , DENVER, Colo., Sept. lO.-Colorada awaits with - keen interest the state s ! first primary election today. The cam palgn for votes ended last night with a big republican rally at one theater and a debate ai another between Governor John F. Shafroth and Thomas G. O'Don- nell, candidates for the democratic nomination for the long term -to the United States senate. Nominations will be made for president ial electors, two Unltod States senators. four congressmen ' and complete state and county tickets. The progressive party will not participate In the pri mary. It has nominated its state candi dates by convention and It plans to place Its electoral candidates on the ballot by petition. Weather conditions were favorable and early reports from cities throughout the state Indicated a heavy vote. While women are candidates for many state and county offices, Mrs. Katharine Williamson Is the only woman' candidate for a place In the national house of rep resentatives. She Is opposing Edward T. Taylor, incumbent also William L, Clay ton and Edward Keating for the demo cratic nomination for congressman-at- large.- ., Democratic candidates for United States senator (long term) are Governor Shafroth, former Governor Alva A. Adams and Thomas J. O'Donnell. For the unexpired term, former Governor C. 8. Thomas has no opposition. Republi can candidates for the United States senate (long term) are C. C. Dawson and M. D. Vincent; unexpired term, Charles W. Waterman and James H, Brown. There are six republicans candidates for congreseman-at-large. Three : men seek the democratic gubernatorial nomination. There are two republican candidates, one from the progressive wing and one from the regular. ; R. W. Means has no opposition for the republican nomination for congress In the First congressional district There are four democratic candidates. Two Women Wast State Offices. SEATTLE, . Wash.. Sept. W.-Falr weather throughout the state welcomed the republican, democratic and socialist primaries today. State, congressional, legislative and county tickets will be nominated. , The governorship and the Seattle and Tacoma congressional seats . practically are uncontested. Governor Marlon E. Hay will be renominated as will Repre sentative Will E. Humphrey of Seattle. In the Second congressional district Representative Stanton War burton went ever to the progressive party and yielded the field to Albert Johnson of Hoqulam- Two women are republican candidates for land commissioner. Mrs. Tamblln's name appears on the ballot as "M. H. Tamblln." She. has expressed disappoint ment that the name . was not printed Maude H. Tamblln, fearing Leo! a May- blln, whose name appears In full, may get the women's vote. ,,.,. ..... There are seven democratic candidates for the gubernatorial nomination. Mooters Report on Fands. IflEW YORK, Sept. 10Total contribu tions to the Roosevelt and Johnson cam paign fund from July 1 to September 7 aggregate 172,052, . of which 163,372 were received here and 118,725 at the Chicago headquarters, according to a statement issued this afternoon by Elen H. Hooker, treasurer of the progressive national com mittee. ' The leading contributors were George W, Perkins and Frank A. Munsey, who gave $16,000 each. George Moore of New York gave $5,000 and .Mrs. Charles B. Wood, an aunt of Glfford Plnchot tho same amount. George A. Boden of Chi cago gave $2,000. The ll.OpO contributions were from Wil Ham Wrigley, Jr., of Chicago, W. Emlln Roosevelt, George. E. Roosevelt and the family of Charles H. Davis of South Yarmouth, Mas. DUI-UTH. Minn.. Sept M.-The street car strike situation here . remains strained, with sympathizers talking of further outbreaks against the car com pany and the imported ''strike break era" About 60 per cent of the cars are run ning under the direction of the strike breakers. One strike breaker was In jured sos seriously In last 'night's' riot that he was unable to report for work today. . - Charles Rivers, aged 16, charged with having thrown a club that struck Police man Fallen In the mouth, was among the thirteen persons arrested. There were no strikers among the prisoners, f and police say that so far as could be learned the strikers took no part in the violence. ' .. ' Street Car Strikers atDuluthKiotous Chief Barricades Himself in Prison COLUMBUa O., Sept. Itt-Fearlng that an effort will be made to dlBpossess him by force. Chief of Police Thomas O'Neil up to a late hour tonight maintained himself In his office In the city prison behind doors, secured by burglar proof locks, which ' were supplemented by a cordon of policemen chosen from the strongest men of the local force. . The tense situation in the . police de partment arose : today when . Mayor George Karb issued an' order deposing Charles E. Carter, suspended chief , of police, and appointing O'Neil In his place. O'Neil haa been acting chief of police for the last three weeks, while the charges that Mayor. Karb made against Carter were under Investigation by the civil servient .. . ROOSEVELT USES TRUST CASH Joseph L McBrien Tells Lincoln - , People About It SPEECH TO 'COMMERCIAL CLUB Boll Moose Manager Startles Poli ticians by Pointing; Oat Joint In Armor of Candidate He Is Backing; for President. TAFT RETURNS TO BEVERLY' PLEASED WITH ELECTION (From a Staff Correspondent) LINmt.N. SPDt 10, (KneClal.V-J. iWcBrien, chief lieutenant to F. P. Cor- rlck, Nebraska manager of the bull moose campaign, "In a speech at the Lincoln Ad club this noon admitted that trust money was used In the Roosevelt campaign. - "Taft has his Rockefeller trust, Wilson his Ryan Tobacco trust and Roosevelt his Perkins of the Steel trust." Mr. Mc Brien said further in his 'address, which was listened to by men of all political beliefs, ."Mr. Wilson cannot stop the flow of tainted money, although' he may re fuse to accept any. His campaign is ! supported by money from Tammany Hall that is dripping with the blood of Rosen thal crying from his grave." The address caused something of a sen sation, as It was not supposed that any leader of the bull moose movement would admit the use of Steel trust funds in the Roosevelt cause. i Klnkald Visits Lincoln. Congressman Moses P. Kinkald of the "Big Sixth" today called at the different political' headquarters affiliating with the republican party. Mr. Klnkald would not discuss" the political situation at this time. ' ' , Fnrnltare Reaches Lincoln. ' Eppersonlan state headquarters Is a busy place, .the . furniture consignment having arrived from Omaha and volun teers are unpacking, and checking up the stuff. "You can say' said Chairman Ep person, ."that we are now happy, for every cuspidor Is here." BEVERLY. Mass., Sept lO.-President Taft returned to Beverly tonlgnt from a twenty hours' visit to his brother, C. i. Taft, who has a summer cottage at Biddeford Pool, Me. He was Just In time to get the early returns from the Mninn state election and was pleased wlh the apparent republican strength displayed. He had no comment to make. On the way from Biddeford the .presi dent picked up Mrs. Taft, who had been the guest of friends at York Harbor, Me. His automobile passed through many Maine towns and villages filled with elec tion crowds, which recognised and cheered him. v ' ' that he hoped to be able to resume his golf tomorrow.-. , ; .Tonight the president felt so refreshed WOMAN'S TELEPHONING ALARM FOILS ROBBERS FORT DODGE, la., Sept. W.-(Special Telegram.) One woman, Mrs. A. Arent, saved the Callender bank from a big robbery last night when she heard the report of the blasting of the first door of the safe and telephoned the alarm. The telephone on the line with hers tinkled alarming the workmen who es caped. ' Two Trainmen Killed In Wreck. PITTSBURGH, Pa., Sept. 10. Two rail road men were killed and six others, In cluding four passengers, ..were injured when a switch engine , collided with the first section of . Pennsylvania railroad train No. 2L near Derr, Pa., today. The passengers were hurt when they Were thrown from their berths. ' Madison Blaaka Lindsay. MADISON, Neb., Sept. 10.-(Speclal Telegram.) Senator Allen's " Giants de feated Lindsay this afternoon on the local diamond by a score or in to . waaison was. entirely too last ior me vinur and the game too one-sided to be Inter esting. Batteries: Madison, Zavadlii and Wlthrow; Lindsay, McKay ana koss. Umpire, George Phelps. Nebraskan Indicted ; For Deal in Cattle DEADWOOD, 8. D., Sept. 10.-(Special.) -rIn the United States court here today, John C. Jordan, a wealthy merchant of Gordon, Neb., was indicted for selling cattle which had been unlawfully re moved from the. Pine Ridge Indian reser vation by Louis Mousseau, a half-breed. LINCOLN MAN TALKS AT DAKOTA STATE FAIR HURON, S. f D Sept. 10.-(Speclal Tele gram.) State fair, gates were opened to day, admitting nearly 10,000 people, break ing all records for opening day. Exhibits never before equaled those now shown. Every department Is taxed to Its fullest capacity. Twenty-six counties have spe cial exhibits. George W. Berge of Lin coln spoke for the democrats this after noon to the thousands of people In the grandstand. A Sadden Collapse of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels is most surely prevented with Electric Bit ters. the safe regulator. SOo. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ' Yale Wins Golf Matches. MANCHESTER. Vt.. Sept. lO.-Yale won all three matches with Pennsyl vania, and Harvard was victorious in two J outtof the three matches with Prlnce- lim in utia tuicuuuit iu imvi- colleglate golf championship on the Ekwanok links.' The play was In four some and the same teams planned to compete In singles In the afternoon. Movements of Ocean Steamships. Port. ArrtvwL Salted. MONTRKAL... Bttirol( ..... QUEBEd. Psllaau HALIFAX NumidUs. IAN f R ANCISCO. . Nippon Utra.... Irtbmtsn, SAN rfUNTI SCO.. Lord Cnra..,.. BALTIMORE .,.BUi..o, - GIBRALTAR Pmnnoal , - Bl'B.VA VENTURA. ...i.. FrttUmouut. ? i i r 'i 1! . -II I m L ift J V2a SAVE THIS COUPON IT HELPS YOU GET Tfcs Cml War Through the Camera Containing Brady9 Famous Civil War Photograph , trB3W h Vai7M mf tkt U. 3. War Dtmrtmtrt) And Proffsaaor Elton's Newly Written History of the Chril War Iowa News Xotre. SHELL ROCK-Whlle painting a barn nm a Man Hdder on the WH White head farm, near here, John Mullen, a painter aged 80 years, fell, fracturing his skull. Death was Instantaneous. His aged wife survives him. . FOKT ixjugb Watt Huffman, an Iowa pioneer, formerly a resident of the vicinity of Washington. Ia.. died very suddenly tn San Bernardino, Cal., where he was living with his daughter. Mrs Thomas ' D. Healy, recently of Port Dodge. , MARSHALLTOWN While visiting at the home, of her daughter, Mrs. Allen Lutes, at Ferguson, Mrs. Ellsa Brought aged 74, of Ottumwa fell down a flight (t stairs, alighting on the cement floor and receiving Injuries from which It la thought she cannot recover. NEVADA When Mr. and 'Mrs. Law. rence Purvis returned home from Ames last night where they had been visit Ing, they found that their little daugh ter, Agnes, aged 1 months, had died In her mother s arms while on the way home. Heart disease was given as the cause. Charles AT Schwab tells a story about a type of man be often meets, the sort he . calls the "other-people' s-buslness- man." ' 'H' .' ' " "I overheard a conversation between one of these men and a Urge, prosperous looking gentleman. It was In a smoking car. They were sitting together. "After a few puffs of his cigar the In quisitive man Inquired of his neighbor, 'How many people work In your officer ' ''The prosperous-looking gentleman slowly bit the end off a fresh cigar, and burled himself In his paper as he replied: 'At a rough estimate I should say about two-thirds ot thenv QUESTIONS PROGRESSIVES' ABILITY TO FILL PLEDGES NEW YORK, Sept lO.-Governor Wood row Wilson In ah address before . the New York Press club tonight questioned the ability of leaders of the progressive party, if elected) to carry out any part of the policies of Its platform. Much of the speech was devoted to an analysis of the progressive party plans, although he gave some attention to the record of the republican party and predicted a victory for united democracy. Dr. Connell Wins in; His Suit Brought to , Recover on Fees Dr. Ralph W. Connell, city health com missioner and local registrar, of vital statistics, yesterday won his legal fight with the ol ty over, fees paid . him for registering births and , deaths, totalirfg 13,7775.25. Judge Howard Kennedy found for the plaintiff in the city's suit against Dr. Connell. " . ' Last spring the county commissioners refused to pay Dr. Connell's . fees as local registrar, which' had accumulated for four years. Then the city started suit to have the 96,775.25 judgment paid to it instead of to the health commissioner. Judge Kennedy in ruling said that the Issues had been so clearly drawn and the law of the case was so plain that It was not necessary to take the matter under advisement. The office of city health commissioner and that of local registrar of " vital statistics under the state law are separate and distinct of fices and are no less so because they are held by a single individual. " :The city's contention was that under the charter the health commissioner Is paid a salary of $2,000 a year and all fees received by him must go to the olty. Dr; Connell admitted that fees re ceived by him -as health commissioner might-go' to the city, but his fees as local registrar belonged to him. ; sonable grazing fee for the. exclusive use ot' the land and prefer It to the free range conditions under which 'they are al now- practically unprotected and are technically trespassers. ...,. . - The .regulations are promulgated Jointly by the general land office and the Indian office and are so drawn as not to Inter fere with homestead settlement or sale . of the surplus lands, the settlement and sale of the lands being of primary Im portance, as the proceeds of. the. sales go to the Indians." - Bis; Jadaments Soaajht. . WATERLOO. Ia., Sept .-( Special Teli egram.) A fortune Is asked In judgments in petitions filed In district court against the estate of the late Thomas Caacaden, ir'., amounting to nearly $150,000. v INDIANS GAIN BY RULING Five Million Acres of Land Will - Bear Them Revenue. FIXES STATUS OF GRAZING LAND Order Becomes Effective First of ' September Made on Recommen dation of Assistant Conimia- . stoner Abbott. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising is the Road to Business Success. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Bept. 10.-(Spcial Tele gram.) The Indians -of several western states are to receive revenue from graz ing on approximately 5,000,000 acres of land which for years has borne them' no reve nue, as the result of an . order recom mended by Assistant Commissioner F. H. Abbott of the Indian office, and recently approved uy First Assistant Secretary Samuel Aaams of the Interior' depart ment. , ' ' i ; The order, which' became effective ' on September ' 1. will effect Indian lands which have been opened to white" settle ment by various acts" of congress since 1904, but which still remain unsettled or unsold. Indian lands on the Crow' and Flathead reservations in Montana; Round valley In California; Coeur D'Alene, Idaho; Fort Berthold and Standing Rock In North Dakota; Cheyenne river, Pine Ridge and Rosebud In South Dakota; Spokane, in Washington, and Wind river in Wyoming are included In this order which will benefit approximately 28,000 Indians. On the Wind 'river reservation the. order will not be effective until after September 19, on account of a sale of all the remaining ceded lands on this reservation advertised for that date by the general land office. .Those who took out permits for the balance- of the year will be given the preference for next year. ' 5 f ? '' ' 'i V; While this order wiy bring in a substantial-revenue fdr"the benefit of the Indians, the department believes that It will also bring about a more settled condition among white settlers and the Indians by establishing definite grasing areas under definite permits, which, will enable the - department to protect the rights of the Indians as well aa those of the.-whites. .' . ; i ' Stockmen who have written the Indian office do not object to paying a rea- nw .vum,uiwuwal If' 'vSi ; HI i A Sick Man ; man About.'. ,v Kld.ney ' Disease. A gentleman writes me; ?l . was greatly ; In- -) terested In your,-,t article descrlb- r Ing the Kautt-... man case of - ser-. - ious disease of . , ..the kidneys. The d e s c r iption . of. his case exactly outlines rny con- dition. I am sure ' if : Peruna ' cured him as you say, 9. B. Hartau 3, M. D. j fttn v ing flesh' rapidly and the doctors "say I have every syn.ptom of Bright's disease' of the kidneys. ' If you ttiintC I would be benefited y. Peruna I will certalriiy "try t some ' as the doctors have practically ' given me' up, the same as they did 'niih.''' ' In reply I wish, to say, firt 'that : I ;' ; never make any promises' as ''to : hat '" Peruna will cure. No physician can make ' positive statements of that sort I, can ay' this much," however, J wer in . your place I should, certainly' give. P.e-... that would be, so likely to be of use to . you In your present condition as Peruta. ... Take a tablespoonful before ach. meal .. and at bedtime.' .Continue this for two... - Ai fhhe. WAAlrd a nH than it ,h.M. a ni thing you wish to ask me further write? me and I will give your letter prompt . I., attention. - - -.-r; .v- , If I find that the Peruna la not help-.-r' ing you. I will be perfectly frank-and ' tell you so, for I would not have -you " take Peruna' unless it was really help- Ing you. But It- has rescued , bo many cases of kidney disease that I am quite confident you will find it exactly suited ' to your case. , ' Kidney disease begins with catarrh at the. kidneys,- )?eruna is 'a catarrh rem-: edy. tTnletsthe distructlon of thr kld- neys is . already too great Periina re- ' lie ves the catarrh and the cause of the . kidney .disease is removed. I shall anxiously await a report Jof ; your case. Rerr.ember, all fetters 'are aacredly" confidential., , I never jtiae'.any ' one's name or address wltnou t. his writ-. . ten consent. My correspondence ls .ab-..,. soiutieiy private. ,. - . . , , rn uni is ior snie at, an uruy aiorea. EFEOIAX WOTICE Many persons are making inqdlries for the .tid-time Pe- ! runa. Ta such would av. this formula is now put ou,t under the name of f6.A ': TAR-JfO, manufactured jiiy K.V-TAR-NO . Company,' columhus. ohiir Write then'", and they will be pleise l Dei send'you a r free-booklet. " . 'it '-', .-. mmmummmm''"nm'' u.w.i idwii iihihih mmiiiiinwiim.n .11 jiumb. iiMiimiiumiiuiwn. f I I I I f I I . If,, laX f ffi NOT YET BUT HE'S BUYING IT BY THE BOX! 1. 11 iiin.imr.rnii u i " I SOONl P 1 u It costs less that way." Every stick preserves teeth V sharpens appetite aids r digestion removes over-1 eaten feelings. - Every box contains twenty packages. Each package contains five sticks all full of the relrcshing. breath purifying mint leaf juice. A single stick benefits much the habit benefits more. Look for the spear The flavor l&sta ASS -, '. ' i SfcT '. -