THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 191: 11 POULTRY AND PET STOCK BOSTON terrier pups, screw tail; sire By champion Tom Crtbb. Call Douglas lac. r020 Farnam. i BOSTON TERRIER PUPS from regis , tared stock. Call Doug SS5S. SKO Farnam.-. WANTED TO BUY Household g ds. clothes ft shoes. Doug. 39fl niW prices for furniture x a j uxgucoi dothes, shoes. W. 6144. DOLGOFF 2d-hd. store pays biggest prices tor furniture, clothes, shoes. W. iw. LOT second-hand Tel. 8. TX. household goods. REAL ESTATE WANTED. TO sell your property list it with Uis K. K. ft INS. AUENCX. , Tyler 1024. 1S06 Farnam -St. REAL ESTATE LOAN'S WANTED City loans. Peteie Trust Co WAJNTELi City loans aad warrants. "W. Farnam Smith & Co., Via Fa: nam St. aARVTMPPnS Loans, Sttv and viiu -a-n t'ww una ''a Jvafi Sank. COL CITY JLOAK3. ' Bemls-t-'ariberg Ki O , n.n.'il. T .. Hull: i tlOu to (lC.CkK mauo promptly.- t t, LOAN a on farms and Improved city i property. S pet. to , pet.; no oeiav. J.'. j jDumont & Son, l&a Farnam fit., Omali LARGE loans bus- spe.ia;ty. fctull tiro. ,i OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms t O-KEEFE REAL ESTATE CV 1018 Omaha Natl. Doug. 2151 Wanted f'rm l'ns. Kloke Inv. Co., Oirulia. MONET to loan on business I denes DroDertleti. tl.OOO to tJl.i THOMAS, m First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Co., UirUlia, ess or r- i.WIJ. W. i. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE . FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR LAND Splendid general mercantile business In 1 eastern Colorado; stock nearly new; will I Invoice about $8,000; did- o0,000 cash busl 1 nem this year. Good live town and large f territory to draw from. Write , T lo3, Omaha Dally Bee. i FOR SALE t6,0u atocK of hardware, furniture and undertaking In the best town in Boone Co. ; will consider some city property. Aitschuler Hdwe. Co. St Edwards, Neb. 16,000 STOCK merchandise for sale or exchange at Salix, Ia. Address 1812 N th St, Omaha, Neb. FOR EXCHANGE-A large modern residence, one block from car line, four blocks from Field club, an Ideal home. , Price SU.U00, will take an AUTOMOBILE .'as part pay, $1,500 in cash, balance easy - terms. Investigate this at once. ' CENTRAL REALTY COMPANY. 5S0 Brandeis Bide. ' ' CAN'T MAKE PAYMENTS. 118,500 ' completely -modern .spacious home; 11 rooms, complete in every way; oouoie pariors witn urepiace, large iiDrory with fireplace and lavatory In hall, dining room and two pantries; all downstairs finished in quarter-sawed white oak. Up' stairs has five bedrooms, besides linen room, servants' room on- third floor; quarter-tawed white oak floors with enamel finish; new-combination fixtures; excellent cellar, laundry;, good heating plant; lot 6&140, with driveway and alley approach; all paving paid. Present owner owe $6,500; must have $1,000 cash; 1,000 one year, $1,000 two years, balance In monthly payments of $38.50 per month. Will trade for clear western land good house or smaller -house. Address, H 678, care Bee. :7- MERCHANTS ATTENTION We have some good farms tt offer you for- your stock of mase. write us. Central Keait Company, 680 Brandeis Bldg. , .. FOR EXCHANGE A large, clean stock of general merchandise and good brick building In a western Iowa town, to trade for good, clear land.' Agents and every Doay answer. Central Realty Company, mo jwanaeia Bldg. REAL ESTATE L Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of 'tic In Nebraska. 204 Brandeis Theater. ClTy -PROPERTY FOR SALE. Kountze Place m 6-Room Hoiiie? ; 2005 Spencer " : We'll built, 8-room, strictly all modern, nearly new house, located on a nicely ter raced lot close to the Florence boulevard; has Vestibule entrance, reception hall, large living room, dining" room and well arranged kitchen on first floor; all fin ished in golden oak, including the floors; bedrooms and batn- on second floor; has first-class plumbing and heating through out; has garage large enough to hold two automobiles; look at this house today, but do not bother tenant Owner has made very. low. price of $4,250 for this property. ' ' -. HASTINGS' & HEYDEN, . :. . 1614 Harney St. .' Dundee Bungalow $4,600 -buys 7-room, 2-story, all modern bungalow, located on Mxl35 south front lot, one block to car line both ways. Liv ing room across front with fireplace; one bedroom on first floor and three on sec ond floor; oak finish first floor, with beam ceilings; two sets of plumbing. Built for a home and about two years old. Worth Investigating at onoe. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE. 121S-JJ City Nat'l. Douglas 396S. -i , 111 ' 1 "' " 1 .. HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE.'' :' . One of the choice homes in Omaha ', near 3Sth and Farnam Sts 10 rooms; every modern convenience; almost , new. It is one of the test as to equipment and location. For particular address W. T.. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG, BY. owner; new 8-r9om house, itrlctly .uiuuciiii aiiusL ain Hutu . iiii li'i n annirinn' 30O down, balance monthly. Web. 79L-; . MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, Indexed mailed free on. application. Charles Ei. Williamson Co.. Real Estate, . Insurance, Rentals, Care of City Property, Omaha. TO BUY, SELL Oil RENT, FIP.ST SEE JOHN W. RQBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. WANTED-To sell my eleven room house for cash or will rent for a long time; modern, good location, two blocks north from high school. Owner, address U 685. , . - . REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE 8-Rootn 1 Kountze Place Home 1903 Emmet Well built house of 8 rooms, on a larg-e corner lot,, with streets paved on both sides; house has reception hall, la rice living room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor; all finished in oak ex cepting kitchen; four large well arranged sleeping rooms and bath on 6econd floor. Large finished attic: first class plumbing and heating throughout. Owner has made very low price for this fine location. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. ' 1614 Harney St. West Farnam Lot East front 60x160; alley; all specials paid. $2,500. Terms. , WILL BUILD ON ABOVE $1,000 down on lot, balance $5 monthly, for home to suit you to cost $!,:) to $6,000. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1010 Omaha National. Douglas 2152. Evenings Harney 2153. HAXSCOM PARK HOMES " Eight rooms, modern, east front lot, 50x135 ft; paved street; new plumbing: houses newly papered. A snap at $3,00. 3424 Martha St., 7 rooms, all modern; nearly new; first floor and stairs are oak; lot 62xl02'. This is cheap at $3,200. We have listed two 8-room houses front ing east on 84th St., between Francis and Martha Sts. Price, $4,150 and $4,2rt. These houses are all modern on lots 50x110 ft., paved street; nice shade; Close to park car and school. POTTER-VALENTINE CO., 445-6-7 Omaha National Bank Bldg. J. W. Welch, Salesman. BOULEVARD BUNGALOW. On Florence Boulevard, splendid place; oak finished; fine "plumbing; hot water heat; ground 90xS50'feet. $5,750. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDG. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Crop Eeports Given Out in This Country Affects European Mart. C0EN CONDITIONS ARE PERFECT Considering the Enormoas Yield of Oats Prices Have Held Remark ably Stubborn la Both Cash aad Figures. LOT 44x155 for sale. 3454 So. 13th. Phone Douglas 7831. ACREAGE FOR SALE. 5 Acres Improved Near Benson Located 1 mile north nf th fro ? r line on the Orphanage road; has one room house, three chicken houses, fine cave, stable for four horses, good well With Dump: rich soil hi?h ammA In a district that Is bulling up all around, within a few blocks of the macadam road. Will sell for $2,500 and a cash payment of $500 down. If you want to get a fiva acre tract, this Is good bargain. Will be pleased to show it to you at any time. .ttAaniMUB & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. - ACKEAtift HA I'tiAl N. imr llrunL fmr K Mai-hII. MIS ntv Kit. Rank Bid. ORCHARD HEIGHTS 7 miles from Omaha Doxtnfflr . In Tnwa. 800 acres, subdivided into small tracts to ouii. ruu:, uu 10 i per acre, xne es tate must be sold soon. DAY HESS, 123 Pearl St.; Council Bluffs, will show you the land. Wood and posts for sale. KEAI KSTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE) California. CALIFORNIA BEARING ORCHARTX Famous Bldwell Orchards aro full har. Ing now In the most fertile section of the Sacramento Valley, Chico, Cal. This property lies directly adjacent to the largest city In Northern California. Crop failure unknown. Several varieties of fruit. Small payment handles' this dtodo- sltlon. r We' give you a guarantee money- naoK; contract untu you have Inspected your tract. ,. , - We give a credit on account of rail road fare to all buyers. . This year's crops are Tecora Dreaxers. (jome in and talk to man from Orchards. : BIDWELL ORCHARD, INCORPORATED. Charles , E. Williamson Co., Sole. Agents. California Homes , PERFECT IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 10. 20 and,40-acre tracts, ibest climato and soli on earth; our proposition is sec ond to none In United States. . Come to our office and let us explain fully. It costs nothing to know, . . BAKER & SEYMOUR, 82S Brandeis Theater Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA. Sept , 1912. . Ths crop figures given out on this side of the ocean yesterday had a bearish influence in the foreign markets. The weather conditions over the northwest are most favorable. There appears to be nothing in sight to prevent a heavy run of spring wheat Some of the experts are figuring that southern Minnesota and South Dakota will find it profitable to head some of their wheat towards Chi cago In the near future. If the weight of tho crop movement .falls on the north west entirely, they may go to a shipping discount under Chicago In the absence of any Important sales. The recent wet weather abroad tj going to make Europe want more wheat than was expected two months ago. It Is reasonable to suppose that from an export standpoint United States will, have to compete sharply with both Canada and Russia. This outlook Is creating a bearish feeling. Cash wheat unchanged to Vic lower. In the corn trade ti.e cash and Septem ber situation must cut quite a figure In keeping the other months unsettled for a time. The Weather conditions are almost perfect for a growing crop. There Is an offset to this in the December because conservative leaders beiieve that the country, even with the large crop, will be in no rush to contract for December shipments at the present great discount under old corn. . It is this situation which causes the December shorts to cover at every opportunity. It was claimed by pit traders after the close yesterday that tho house which sold corn most heavily during the morning bought back nearly as -much on the break. Cash corn Mo higher to lower. Considering the enormous crop, oats prices have hold remarkably stubborn. both cash and futures, but those who go Into the market for a long pull are in clined to look for a lower level later in the season under the constant heavy movement. Cash oat a unchanged to Mo lower. , ' Primary wheat receipts were 2.158.000 bu. and shipments 15,000 bu., against re ceipts of 1,074,000 bu. and shipments of 639,000 bu. last year. Corn receipts were 674,000 bu. and ship ments 512,000 bu., against receipts of 704.- 000 bu. and shipments of 371,000 bu. last year. Oats receipts were 1,099.000 bu. and shipments 911,000 bu. against receipts of 530,000 bu. and shipments of 314,0u0 bu. last year. , Clearances of wheat and flour were 4,600,000 bu.; corn, 45,000 bu. Wheat at Liverpool closed & lower and corn Kd higher to ftd lower. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat: No. 2 hard,s winter, 2 cars, Sdc; 3 cars, 85'4e; No. S hard, winter, 2 cars. 85?4c; 4 cars, $5c; No. 4 hard, winter, 1 car, 86Vc; 1 car, 85c; 1 car (rye mixed), 83ttc; no grade, hard, winter, 1 car, 81c; 1 car, 784c; rejected, hard, winter, 1 car, 78M(C; No. $ mixed, 1 car, 844c Oats: No. $ white,. 4 cars, 31V4c; 2 cars. Sic; No. 4 white, 1 car, 81c; 3 cars, 80c; 9 cars, SO&c. Rye: No. 4, 1 car, 66c. Corn: No. 2 white, 2 cars, 75c; No. 3 white, 1 car, 76e; 1 car, 7Cc; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 73c; 4V cars, 73c; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 72c; 2 cars, 72Hec; 1 car, 72c; No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 73c; No. 3 mixed, 8 cars, 73c; 1 ear, 72tc; No. 4 mixed, 8 cars, 7214c; 2 cars, 724c; ( cars, 72c; 1 car, 71c; no grade, 1 car, 69c. Omaha Cash lrtce. - WHEAT No. 2 hard, 8587o; No. 3 hard, S486c; No. 4 hard, S0yVc CORN-No. 2 white, Joc: No. 1 white, Vo&l&c; No. 4 white, 72M74c; No. 2 yellow, 78?i74c; No. 3 yellow, 7373o; No. 4 yellow, 72&T2?4c; No. 2, 73c; No. 3, 72Vi73c; No. 4, 7JgT2V4c; no grade, 68c. OATS-No. 2 white, 3U4Sic; standard, 31ViS31Hc; No. 3 white, 3131Hc; No. 4 .white, 80V431c; No. 3 yellow, $0Vi31c. ' BARLEY-Malting,' 60065c; No. 1 feed, 8545c. . : 1 RYE No. 2, 63W64Vic; No. S, 62V4WV4C. . ' -. Carlo Receipts.' Wlieat Corn. Oats. room tor sixty, more loads failed to bring about more thnn feeble rallies. De cember closed at off at 90V(90Sc. Numerous reports of corn firing In dry, hot sections In the northwest Influenced some heavy buying. Many speculators sold, however, on account of general good prospects. December closed unchanged at 64c; No. 2 yellow. 79(S'79e. Oats held comparatively steady In con sequence of fair export sales. Outside limits touched by December were 3ic and 32Vtii32c. with final sales the same as last night at S2Vc. In provisions the average of prices was maintained owing to a light run of hogs here and west. The greatest net ! change did not exceed 5c either way. The leading futures closed as follows: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Quotations on Cattle Slightly Higher ,' Than a Week Ago. . HOGS ADVANCE. FIVE CENTS lifM described as generally steady to a nickel higher. A load of shipping hogs brought $8.50. top for the day and ic higher than yesterday's top. Receipts footed up .about seventy-one loads, or around 4.800 head, as against 5.K4 a week tfto. 4,574 two weeks ago and 4,238 head on the corresponding day last year. Representative sales: No. 11... Shippers and Speculators Boy Morel?'-- Heartly Than on Thorsday Sheep and l ambs are Also Higher. Artlclei Open. High.' Low. Wheat' 8ept.m Dec..l- May.iSoSWVsl Corn, i I Sept. Dec..54Sft4i, May.3itr53V9j Oats. Sept.l31iffi'; Dec. 't';J2V4tl'Mi May.34t W 73i Clo8, Ye V I I 90S! 90; 90H SOsttpH! 72H1, 73 32 j 32 5414 31 Sept. Oct.. Jan. Lard. Sept. Oct.. I Dec. Jan. Ribs. Sept. Oct.. Jan. 17 22U, 17 35 1 m? 4-1 19 05 i 91i ttVs 7!S 54V 31H 32" 17 22 17 3714i 17 47i G60I 19 Ob 18 7H! 4,34SW 17 22V4 17 40 17 22-J 17 37 J I 11 12(4 11 WW a ni 10 80 10 73V 10 90 11 17S 20, IV so 10 724 t a 10 a 12M 10 7714 10 70 10 92V 10 90 10 95 J 10 97V 10 15 10 17V IV lTVij 10 92V, W 121 19 00 a 10 a 1211 10T7V4 10 70 10 90 18 95 11 07V a u 1075 10 70 10 ss-g- 10 87V 10 92V 10 95 10 12) 10 16 $! 16 Chicago Minneapolis ., Duluth Omaha Kansas City.. St Louis Winnipeg ..1. 270 489 149 66 .311 ITS 63 332 35 S3 41 425 Cash Quotations were as follows. FLOCR-Steady. RYE No. 3, 68c. BARLEY Keed or mixing, 4552c; fair to choice malting, 6J72c. SEBDS-Timotny, $3.0084.50. Clover, $1S.00JC19.0. PROVISIONS - Pork. mess. $17.2.' 17.87V. Lard (In tierces), a.lJV. Short ribs (loose). $lo.ttfV-S11.00. The clearances of. wheat and flour were equal to 27,000 bu. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreet's, were equal to 4.482,000 bu. Primary receiDts were S.15S. 000 bu.,: compared with l.oU.OOU bu. tue corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts tor tomorrow: W heat, 181 cars: corn. 350 cars: oats. 384 cars; hogs, 7,100 head. Chicago cash r-rices Wheat: No. 2 red, $l.v4(&1.05; No. 3 red, 4c&L.04: No. I hard, 92V'03c; No. 3 hard, SlitfWc; No, 1 nortnern, !&55c; No. 2 northern. 90lc; No. 3 northern, k&SaOoc; No. 2 spring. 9? 9Sc; No. 3 spring, 690c; No. 4 spring, 83487c; velvet cnaff, oft:V4c; durum. WKa 5c. Corn: No, 3, 78Vil'i9V4i'; No- white, eOltQSlc; No. 2 yellow, TVc; No. 3, iS"4B8e: No. 3 white, 7st6OVc; No. i yeJow. 74a;c; No. 4, 77ig;7lSV4c; No. 4 white, 79(SjjiV4c; No. 4 yellow, t8V4G7!o. Oats: No. 2 white, 324tp4c; No. 2 white, 31iy(!2V: No- white, Jtl$lic; standard, 32V(&wIc. RlE-No. X 680. -Barley 4572e. v SEED-Ttmothy, I3.004.50; clover, $10.00 flH.OO. BUTTER-flteady; creameries, 242fiVc; dairies, 2lV231o. EOOS-Klrm; receipts, 6,924 cases; at mark, cases Included, 17V18Vc; ordinary lirsts, 19c; firsts, 21c CHEESE Steady; daisies, 151ilc; twins, 161ldic; younc Americas, 16c; long horns, 15fjH6c, POTATOES Easy: receipts, 45 cars; Michigan, 46if0c; Minnesota, 45eoc; Wis consin, 4060c. POULTKY-Alivo. easy; chickemi, 151c; springs. 16ViC. ViiAL-Steady. Srl4VC ' NEW YORK GEXBRAL MARKET SOUTH OMAHA, Sept . 1912. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 7.713 2.744 26,M Official Tuesday ...... 8.5 TiW Official Wednesday..'.. 4.ti22 8.70'. Estimate Friday 1,339 4.600 Five days this week. Same day last week... 8a mo day 2 wka ago. Same day S wks ago. Same day 4 wks ago. Same day last year. 19.. 44.. .. 17.. ii.. 47.. M . to U fc.Jol M 8;,4."St 34 ito,66l ( 44 2J.872 10 528 4J.7M 35.214 28.3.4 21,084 2U.244 29.8. 21, US 85.4S9 16. TM 34.388 a.201 23.587 The following table shows the 'e;:)ts" of cattle, hogs and sheep at Soutn Uin iia) " for the year to date as compiivd with M ' "' last year: IDU iMi. Inc. Dc. Cattle , 579,679 727,St 47,690! Hogs ...i...3,2B2,Jta 1.795,1169 467.093 M. .. Sheep 1.415,5o 1,333,373 81.652 The following taole shows tne range of prices for hogs at South Omaha for tac last few days with comparisons: at. sh. Pr. ..jr; ... 1 w ..; ... 1 it) . .825 i: 10 44 toe &o 1 10 v :i s iu m m ... in is v it t it is soo k 1 u . 120 t u .m ... t u .m M t 44 1 to . ... 1 to 161 ... I t0 r: m v ta n in !M ... I JO 144 ... IM I I SO ..141 t4 I 0 Date. Aug. . Aug. 9. Aug. 90. Aug. SI. Sept. 1. Sept 2. Sept. 8.1 Sept 4. 1 Bept ( 190. 1 1908. 1 1907. 1 19K0. I 1 69. 4 46 t 75 6 SO I 41 O CS V 7 731 I 5 71 6 66 7 77 6 531 5 73 5 78 7 821 6 45! 5 85 I 81V! 7 121 8 85 7 80 ( 43 S 67 1 17UI I 7 871 I 531 5 66 i Sft I 23V 7 17 J 7 851 4 57 6.69J 5 76 I 28T 7 08 1 1 ll!il.tUflvJ.i. I 31 7 13 ( 8--HI T 16 I 91 I l 7 11 VI S 29 I 7 021 8 4 7 0; 8 79 K1S it W S0 I M 41.115! ,M 131.614! ' " ,,.,..1Z fl .171 ... I .ki m 1 .I4 10 I t8 .m Mis .li -it I ii .t4& ISO .SU N IK M tS IM I IS 44 I W ... 1 n ... its 44 I W j 6 1 ( 7S t 7 Sept. . 3 26HI W 17 T 87j ' 1 i 811 t 7 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle.Hogs.Shep.uri. C. M. & St P. Ry.. 1 Wabaah R. R. Mo. rac. Ry U. P.'R. R W C. N, W. east.. 1 C. & N. W. west.. I C. St. P. M. & O.... 1 C. B. & Q. east.... 1 C. B. & Q west.... 34 C. R. 1. & P. east.. .. C. R. I. 4t P. west.. .. Illinois Central Ry.. .. C. O. W. Ry Total Receipts. 59 17 20 " 22 . " I v 74 26 , 1 41 0 41 l M Sl MS n 7 H.......MI No. At. 8h. Fr. 7 H IU 111 1 U4 80 IS (1. 2.M1 ... IM 2 133 40 S 10 no so 1 jo ? zn s iu 1 141 13 I 10 4 SIS ... tO. ......144 10 I 30 17 174 ... I 10 It SOI ... 410 7 107 40 I SO 74 Ml M I 10 li.. ?1 ... I JO (t m w 1 10 71 117 IM I M SO 104 ... I ll 70 KM ... IS 0 IM ... 8 0 MT 40 I M 14 4 144 140 t 80 12 14 lt I 10 4 M4 4 S 41 Ill ... I 10 70 t ... 4 IS 4S HI (1 44 144 N I 13 tl S0 ... I 4 0 Ill ... 40 40 I 44 M.....,.Ut 140 8 ..Ml 40 I 40 71 Ill .... I4S U,.,..'..1M 114 I 44 II 101 SO 4 41 Tt 123 44 I M NEW YORK STtDCK MARKET Movement Emu Largely to Special ties, with Most Issues Quiet. RAILWAY SEAKS NOT ACTIYE More .Than Fifty Per Cent of Dn'y's Light Dosinesa Transacted in First llonr, Remnloder of Session Being: Doll. ' " I 40 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co Swift & Co. Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour A Co Schwarta & Co... Murphy Armour from Denver.. Cudahy from Denver., W. B. Vansant Co.... Benton Vans' t & Lush Hill & Son J. B. Root Co... J. H. Bulla .' L. F. Husi L. Wolf. Wertheimer & Pegen.. Lee Rothschild Mo. Kans.-Cal. Co.. Clin & Christie.. ...... Other buyers 43 461" 300 55 23 104 168 87 30 1 17 S 24 3 64 101 t 10 173 629 1,076 941 2.304 1,0-0 955 1.4h0 560 105 - 3,010 CHICAGO GRALV AND PROVISIONS 6RTDLET Irrigated colony land at 173 to . 3154, per acre; good land, plenty of water: thickly settled district, with good schools, adjoining town of 2,000. Easy terms, write ror illustrated booklet. Homeseekers' Irrigated Land . Co., Grid ley, California. s.-, Colorado. " FOR SALE 180-acre rellnauishment. 18 mues or oternng, gooa sou, well fenced with new wire fence. 110 -acres broken and farmed. Good crop this year; 30 acres oats, 40 acres fine wheat, 50 acres splendid corn. Land level. Reserve croD and sell for 3975 cash; 7 months' residence for 3 years is all that is required to get ceea irom government. Morton & Waldo, acerung, 1010.- UOorgtat GREAT SQUTH GEORGIA. Traversed bv th ATLANTIC. BIRMI.VOHAM-ATLANTIC KAiLfXtOAiJ, Lands adapted to the widest range of crop. All tne money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this Coming country, its soil, climate, church and school advantages, wme , W. B. LEAHY, DEPT. K. General Pnsrenger Agent, ATLANTA. OA. SIX-ROOM., house; thoroughly modern; located right;, built right: priced right; 32,700, terms.. Come see it. Corner 23d and Saratoga Sts. Web. 5622. FOR, SALE--Sy tho owner, a news room bouse, all modern. Come and see Jt It can't be' beat, neither the price. 105 North 30th St . FOR SALE 257Y Evans St.. 4-room, new, -modern, oak finish,- sleeping porch. Call Owner. Webster 73L J Mr HOME for sale. 9 rooms and bath, .In perfect repair. Built by day labor. Price 34,400... 1818 Webster St BICK3EST SNAP EVER OFFERED. If you need a home or want to buy for pecuiauon, iook at tnis new, all mod' ern 9-room house. Will be sold for less than, worth. -Small payment, balanco .line rent tome ana see. an N. 29th St. 33,800 will buy a 7-room house and 2 lots at 88th and Seward Sts. . A bargain. Nordquirt, 322 Neville Blk. . A SNAP For Sale A large 7-room house, mod ern in every respect one block from, car line This house cost $4.BO); for a quick sale we will accept $4,500 for the place, . with 31,000 down, balance on easy pay- ., stents. Douglas 4908. LARGE SU3URBAN HOME. Northwest part of city; modern house; 10-roomr; 8 b'g lots; fruit, good barn; : one block to street car. Ready for occu fpancy. Splendid place for children. Price I $4,750.00. , , W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG. lovra. t . WILL PAT . FOR ITSELF. Fine country home and paying orono- sition; 23 acres adjoining Council Bluffs. The city Is growing up . around it. It is growing in value and will be in de mand for city lots within a few years. This Is a beautiful place, commanding an extensive view up and down the entire valley, but easily accessible and only V mile from the street car line. The lm provments are excellent, consisting of a good 8-room house, good barns, large, warm chicken bouse, good cave, cellar, etc.; 8 acres in grapes, 300 cherry trees, several acres berries, small apple and peach orchard. Fruit nearly nil young and In prime condition. Wiii bring In a nice Income from the start, and If cared tor will pay for Itself In a few years. , Owner's health compels him to make a change. Can use house and lot or few acres near city, part payment. This Is not overdone and you will miss something worth while if you fail to see this place. OHIO KNOX CO., 41 Pearl Street, Opposite Grand Hotel, Council Bluffs, Ia. , THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to insert a small want d In the Des Moines Capital, Largest cir culation in th state of Iowa, 43,000 dally. The Capital Is read ty and believed In by the standpottera of .Iowa, who simply r fuse to permit an otnr paper in their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day: $1.35 per Una per month; count sis ordinary words to the line. Ad iresi Des Moines Capital. Des Moines. Ia. IOWA FARM. 120 ACRES Guthrie County, Iowa land, part rolling, improvements fair, throe miles front town. 80 acres under cultiva tion, 80 in pasture, 10 In good timber. Two living sprtnss; farm all fenced hog tlicht. $10D ier acrO for immediate sale, will sell on eay terms. Land around this sells for 3151 and 5200 per acrr. Address owner, P. J. Clancy, 721 Flem ing Flog., Des Moines. Ia. Persistent Advertising Is tne Road to Big Returns. . Feature of the Trading and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept 6. Wheat prices today made a new low record for the season 90c a bushel, December delivery, The market suffered from the pressure of big receipts northwest. Latest sales showed a decline of Vo to Vc. Wheat longs kept up. a steady fire of liquidating sales as a result of word that 3,000,009 bushels of new wheat nad been hedged today In Minneapolis and 1.500 loaded cars were scheduled to ar rive at Duluth Monday. Seaboard Bales of ' seventy-five boat loads of what and the engaging of vessel , - REAL ESTATE'1. FARM RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Minnesota.''. ' ; MINNESOTA LANDS. THE rush Is on for Clay county. We have over 20,000 aores of fine level prairie land improved and unimproved; heavy black soli; olay subsoil; 320 to 844 par acre; easy terms. Send for list .and map. Felland Realty Company, (33 Pal ace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. . MINNESOTA. Write for our Minnesota booklet "C;M special rates. DAY & NIGHT REALTY CO., 103 Bankers Life Bldg.. - Lincoln, Nab, Nebraska. Farms Farms Farms Driving distance of Omaha; farms. Let us show you the goods. All sizes, all prices, alt terms. - ORIN 8. MERRILL. Rooms 1213-1214 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Booth Dakota. . FOR SALE 160 aores good farm land; 40 acres broke, balance all tillable; J miles from Dallas and 6 miles from Colome. Price, 340 per acre, payabi,. $1,600 cash. 32,500 March 1. 1913; 32,40i) March 1, 1917. Address Box 184, Daila. si. D, LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live tock to South Omaha Savs xuleage and shrinkage. Your consign stents receive prompt and careful atwn .ion. ; : Live Stock Comaifnaloa Merchants. BTERS BROS. &CO. Strong, reliable Clay, Roblnon Co., 2Q.J Exchange Bldg. CLIFTON Com. Co . 322 Exchange Bldg. Mart n Bros. Co., Kxcnanno Bldg. Hnyrter-M alone-Coffman Co.. 16H Kx. Bid, LAVEUTlf BROS.. 138 Exchange Bldg. LEGAL NOTICES. PROPOSAL TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals Will be receive h k. town 0 erk of the tJwn tt Coleridge, Neb,, up iu u u uiuik v 011 me mil (lay of September, 112, for furnishing material and construotlng complete water works extension, town of Coleridge, Neb. Same to be in accordance with plans and speci fications on file in the offlco of the town clerk of Coleridge. Neb., and also in ths office of the engineers, Bruce ft Stand--ven, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb., each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check of five hundred 350O.0O) dollars. Any one desiring plans and speclflcutio 1 may obtain the nin- )v m -the engineers and a payment of 33.00 per set to cover cost. The town reserves tfc right to reject any and all bids. . ( C V.. 0a4a.o, i Chairman. A. E. SEVERANCE, . .. VUiaga Clark. 4) notations of the Day on Vnrtoaa ' Commodities. NEW 70RK. Scut. 6.-FLOUR Lower; spring patents, 5.005.46; winter straights, K.404.&0: winter natents. u.iom.w: spring clears, 34.404.70; Kansas straights. t4.20!4.80. WHEAT-Spot market easy; No. 2 red, new, 3104, 0. 1. f. track and f. o. b., afloat Futures closed V3o net lower. September, 11.0014; December, 99!4c; May, 31.0294. CORN Spot market easy; export, tOi,c, 1. o. d., afloat December and March. OATS Spot market easy; new standard wnite, 38Vc; No. z, 3Bc; No. 3. 38Vc on track; No. 4. 3aVt(fl6a, elevator; natural white, 3839o, track; white clipped, 4O042O, tiack, HAY Easy; prime, 31.36; Ko. L tl.JO; iso. z,; xso. s. vocvsi-w. HIDESFIrm; Central America, Bogota, 2425c. PROVlSlONS-fork, stead;: tl9.7520.25; family, - $20.0o1.0u; clears. 819.75ffl32.00. Beef, steady: 3l6.00gl.60; family, tl8.50$19.00; beef hams, I28.004j31.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bel lies, 10 to 14 pounds, tli-00314.00; piokled hams, tl8.50!14.00. Ird, firm; middle west, tU.46U.&6; refined, firm; oontinent, tll.80; South America, I12.2u; compound, 88.lft8.S7r ' TALLOW Firm ; prime city, , hhds., 6hc, country, 6$&c; special, 70. EGGS Firm; receipts, 11,647 cases; fresh gathered extras, 27fe28c; extra firsts, 26 26c; firsts, 2324o; refrigerator firsts, seaon's storage, charges paid, 22V liic; western gathered whites, 2ti2ic. CHEESE Easy;, receipts, 3,093 boxes; state whole milk, colored, specials, ldc; state whole milk, white lftfylSVic; skims, 413 18c. B UTTER Firm ; receipts! 7,186 tubs; creamery, , extras, 2829c; process, extras, 2SH02OC; firsts, 24H26c; seoonds, 226 23 Vic; factory, June make, firsts, 23c; current makes, firsts, 22 Vic; seconds, 21V 26V4e; mess, short mess, POULTRY Alive, steady; western chickens, ID 20c; fowls, 17c; turkeys, 15c. Dressed, quiet; fresh killed western chickens, 1423c; fowls, 1418o; turkeys 16017c. St. tools General Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Bept. 6. WHEAT Cash, lower; track No. 2 red, tl.011.04; No. 2 hard, 91tWVtc. CORN-Lower; track No. t, 79c: No. 2 hard, 9193Ve. OATS-No. 32Vo; No. 3 white, 5Vc. Cloning prices of future: WHEAT Lower; December. 9H4c; May. corn weak; December. 6ic: May. siytic oats weak; December, SlHisailic: May, 83Vio. . RYE-steaay, 71c, FLOUR-Steady; red wjnter patents. ti.75.00; extra fancy and straight, 4.15a' 4.65; hard winter clears, S3.503.75. KEED Timothy, 310.00. CORNMEAL-e3.70. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, tl.00&1.06. HAY - Lower; timothy, tU OO18.00; pralrte, HO.O014.0O. . PROV115IONS-Pork unchanged; Job bing, $16.60. Lard unchanged; prime steam, tl0.510.80. Dry salt meats, higher! boxed, extra shorts, 1194c ; clear ribs, llc; short clears, 12c. Bacon higher; boxed, .extra shorts, 12c; clear ribs, 12c; short clears, 13c. POULTRY Firm ; chickens, 18Vc; springs, 17c; turkeys, 17V4(glc; ducks, HV4&Httc; geese, 610c. E U TTER Firm ; creamery, 2426c. li.iUS-Flrm, 20c. Receipts. 7,500 174,00) 61,000 80,000 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oats, bu... Shipments. 1,200 99,090 40,000 54.000 Total '. 1.626 4,765 7,900 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were of very fair proportions for a Friday, but consisted almost entirely of western rangers that were not particularly at tractive from either a feeder or a killer standpoint The demand from all sources was pretty good, however, and the mar ket active and steady, as far as it went. For tho week receipts foot up nearly 25,000 head, or about 4.000 head more than a week ago, but that much less than a year ago. The trend to values has been upward most of the time for decent beeves and closing quotations are all of lorrfilRn hlaher than a week ago, So few cornfed cattle have been coming that a reliable line on prices la difficult. (ooa to choice beeves selling around 39 00 and above are very scarce and quotably about as high as any time, while the short fed and warmed-up cattle selling from $7.26 to 13.25 are not selling quite as well a a week ago, on account of the Increased competition from western rangers.. What few cows and heifers were of fered today sold readily at good strong prices and values are all of 10$ 15c higher than they were at tbe close of last week. The proportion of cows and heifers In the receipts or late nas Dean compara tively small and this fact has had a stim ulating effect on the demand aa well as on prices. Veal calves, bulls, stags, etc., have found a very good outlet all week and prices show no material change. Trading in stock cattle ana leeaers nas been reasonably brisk this week and the trend to values stronger from start to finish. Good light steers and stock heifers are fully a quarter higher for the week, while on the plainer and heavier kinds values show an advance of 10$16o and under the Influence of a vigorous country demand there ia every prospect that tbe supply will be well cleaned up before the close of the week. Quotations on Native CattleGood to choice beef steers, la.210.26; fair to good beef steers. 37.2o64.86; common to fair beef steers, t6.007.4; good to oiioloe heifers. t4.0O4M.75; good to choice cows. 36.0O6.0O; fair to good cows, t4.005.Ot; common to fair oows, J2.164.00; good to choice tockers and feeders, 36,uixt7.W; fair to good stockers and feeders. 86.0044 (.09; common to fair stocKers and feeder, (4.60&6.00; stock cows and heifers. M.25d 1.50; veal calves, I4.508.75; bulls, stags, eto., H.wao.ov. - Quotations on Range Cattle Good to choice beet steers, ti.2if9.0v; fair to good beet steers, ib.oow.25; commun to fair beet steers, to.00ft.0C. Representative sales; COWS. No. . Av. r. No. 1 til I 00 I Mi 4 St HEIFERS, t 720 I 71 11 1 141 H 4 17 Wl I M ( BULud. l....,..,...14::o 4 li l... 1 ...4320 4 I 1 n.o 4 :o 1 1 At. Tt, .1044 1 it . Ill I 14 . M7 t 10 . W I ."1 1. 1.. I.. Jl I J u .1140 4 tV 1 .1419 4 5 1 CALVES. 770 7J MO 4 M 710 III .474 I 00 110 I 00 100 I M 111 1 10 Wl 4 10 120 I 71 140 7 00 .1 M 7 21 1. 1.. I. 1.... I.... 1. til I 00 110 I w 110 I M 100 1 10 146 I M 110 I ,6 STOCKERS ANu FEEDERS. m 4 11 , 65! I 15 , IM i 60 ,114 I M 110 Hi I. 11... I... 7... I. NEBRASKA. W0 I 70 121 I 71 160 i 76 121 t It Ki IW No. 12 cows... 40 heifers 11 steers. Fr. 4 65 6 30 6 50 64 heifers.. .1031 6 15 10 feeders.. 1246 6 6S 12 feeders.. 668 6 10 heifers... 930 5 90 Av. 914 ..1047 650 Kansas City General Market. . KANSAS CITY, Sept. 6.-WHEAT-Un- changed to Ve lower; No. 2 hard, 87fl 88Vc; No. 8, 8.17Vc; No. 2 red, B8c(8 11.01 ; No. 3. 9098c. CORN Steady; No. 2 mixed, 7575Vc; No. 3, 7474Vc; No. 2 white, 76c: No. 3, 75c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white. 3434V4c: No. 2 mixed, 32(iVtc. . Closing prices of futures: WHEAT-Scptember. 8Cc: December. 85c; May, 89c. corn September, 70c December. 49Tic: May, 497ic. oats September, zzc: December. 32V4c; Msy, 84c. RYE 71c. HAY Steady and unchanged. BUTTER-Creamery, fims. 22c; sec onds, 20c; packing stock, 20V4c. . EGGS Extras, 23c; firsts, 21c; seconds. 16c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 310,000 146.000 r'orn. bu 33,nno 15,000 Oats, bu 18,000 8,000 (tils and Koaln. ' SAVANNAH. Oa.. Sept I. TURPEN TINE Firm, at 3838V4c ROSIN-Firtn; V and O, $6.5036.01'.. 11 heifers.. 572 80 feeders.. 790 5 50 t 60 No. Av. Pr. 44 Steers.. ..1219 6 9o 5 cows..... 876 '5 15 29 steers.... 815 4 80 36 steers.. ..1217 6 85 7 steers.. ,.1054 6 45 9 feeders. . 66 6 66 14 heifers... 972 ( 90 19 helfers...H53 6 65 19 feeder.. 6)1 5 76 10 calves... 400 4 25 COLORADO 2stoers,...102 too 23 steers.. ,.1186 SOUTH DAKOTA, 15 steers. ...1084 6 40 9 steers.... 985 14 heifers,., 871 ,5 40 4 heifers... 900 WYOMING. 15 cows 1040 6 63 10 steers.. ..1106 6 feeders. .1066 7 15 11 feeders.. 1076 Scows 1026 5 85 17 steers.. ..1137 Diamond C. Co.-rWyomlng.-3 steers.. ,.1010 t 60 126 feeders., W8 W calves... 992 6 65 29 cows 082 HOGS An active shipping demand paved the way for a nickel advance on good light hogs at the opening, shippers buying more freely than on yesterday. Speculators were larger buyers than of late. Early In the morning mixed and packing grades failed to show any Im provement ovor yesterday, but a little later on sales began to show some strength, especially on the medium weight hogs, the heavier kinds keeping pretty close to a steady basis. There were a few instances of heavy packers selling possibly a little easier.- Toward the close of the market the medium weight grades became still better, quite a number of sales ruling 5c higher when compared with yesterday. Trade wss tn up and down affair oil the morning and could bo 4 60 6 40 6 60 7 IS 6 85 726 6 00 PIG3. w ,.. HiittMPA iki-v fair run of sheep and lambs arrived for a Friday. about twenty-six cars were reported. In against 1.867 head a week ago and t,277 two weeks ago. The receipts on the cor munnnttinr dv rear so were 8,914 head. Most of the offerings were com posed of lambs, though a fair proportion of the receipts consisted " of fat sheep, chiefly ewes and wethera. On the whole quality was not quite so good aa on yes terday, there being, however, a few loads of good killers available. There was ap psrently a. continuance of the strong tone to the trade In both sheep and lambs from yesterday and buyers seemed to be anxious for anything that would make desirable killers. Tha favorable condi tions surrounding the eastern mutton trade has a good effect on the market As compared with a week ago trade in good to choice lambs show an advance of fully tic, other kind selling very little, if any better. Choice killers were In good, active demand all the week. Up to today the market for fat sheep has also been In satisfactory shape, ewea, wethera and yearlings all showing an advance of 10315c, The advance on them has been pretty general aa the choice heavy grades Improved equally aa much as the prime handywelrtits. Bulk of the fat sheep coming to market of late has shown considerable weight, tbe handy, weight stuff being In small supply. Although a comparatively small supply of feeders were on sale trade was not sny too active, though a considerable volume of business was done on moat days and good clearances were the rule Feeding lambs are quotably 10fjl5e higher, while ewes and wethers and yearlings are little better than steady. It was a rood active market through out a clearance of the offerings be In made In fair season. Prices generally were steady to a dime higher on both sheep and lambs. Several curs of range lambs brought 17.10 and some western ewes sold aa high aa S4.25. As the total receipts were not very large the supply of feeders was limited. There was a good demand and most of the galea were steady with Tnursaay. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, t6.70gf7.10: lambs, fair to good, t6.46fi)6.70; lambs, feeders, S5.0f.40; yearlings, good to choice light, H.S5a5.10; yearlings, heavy, t4.6Of4.90; yearlings, feeders. S4.EOffiu.25; wethers, good to choice. t4.004 40: wethers, fair to food. S3.80 4.w; wetners, reeaers, n.MKQi.w; ewes, i ,A .i,nin. tl ItvaA on. . $3. lOg.3. 60;. ewes, yearling breeders, 34.60 6.00; ewes, aged, t-504.00; cull sheep and DUCKS, W.UUiaU.W. Representative sales: No. 728 Idaho Iambs, feeders.... 40 lambs, culls 1,861 Idaho lambs,,. 1.SU Idaho lambs... 663 Idaho lambs.... 4X0 Idaho lambs.... 222 Idaho ewer...... Ar. .. 65 .. 48 ....... 66 ....... 66 68 66 103 Pr. 140 (60 86 65 S3 76 3 90 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK f MARKET Demand fur Cattle and Sheep Strong) . Stoek la Slcht. ,. CHICAGO. Sent. fc-CATTLE-RuvolDta. 2,000 head; market steady, steng; beeves, $5.7a10.70; Texas steers, 34.7mci6.60; west ern steers. n,8MUU); stockers and feed ers, 34.$ot.1b; cows and heioers, 3.oixa 6.00; oelves, I8.60iQll2.00. HOOS-Recelpts, 9,000 head; market, active, 5M0c higher;- light, $8.359.10; mixed, V.Sim.Wr heavy. tf$8.76; rough 37.66(7x7.85; pigs, t5.76ftti.20; bulk of sales, t8.1O48.70. bhkkp and IjAMBS Receipts 12,000 head; market, steady to a shade higher; niliu, MttVMJ?&. w.iUn, tlUJVSjrC yearlings, $4.j0.fi6; lambs, native, 84.75 t7.26; western, t4.7u677.35. Kansas City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Sept. 6.-CA1TLM -Receipts, 1,500 head, including 1,000 southerns; market steady; southerns strong; dressed beef and export steers, t8.50)10.50; fair to good, 86.608.60; west ern steers, t6.604i8.5O; stockers and feed ers. t4.60t2f7.26: southern steers. t4.2C0TO5O: southern cows, t3.266.2S: native cows. t3.25f6.60; native heifers, $5.00431.60; bulls, H0$S.25; calves, tS.COf9.00. ... Hous-Receipts, l.swo neaa; market strong to 60 higher; bulk of sales, $8.85 $.70; heavy, $8.354.46; packers and butch ers. W.4O08.77M: lights. .wou&; pigs. $5.60.00. i HMUJHil' AND UAM&S KeceiptS, Z.WU head; market steady; lambs, M.2W7.10; yearlings, 14.7S5.S0: wethers, $4.004.60; ewes, $3,7534.26; stockers and feeders, $2.50 G4.28. , St. I-ools Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. 8ept 6.-CATTLE- Receipts. 2.700 head. Including 1.500 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $8.0010.00; dressed beef nd butcher steers,; stocaers and feeders, $4.007.26; cows and heifers, $400 ft.8.56; canners, t.7Cy4.25; bulls, $4.0.&; calves, $6.0010.50; Texas and Oklahoma steers. $4.25ib8.QO: cows and heifers. $3.00 nou Receipts, 4.wu neaa maraei steady; pigs and lights, $0,004$). 10; mixed butchers, u.awv.iu; gooa neavy. K.vm $.95. -, SHEPP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,800 head; market 6c higher; muttons, $3.t53 385; lambs, $5.5O7.O0; culls and bucks, $1.603.60; stockers, i2.75M.60. . , , - St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 6. CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; market, steady; steers, id.5u-ai0.i5: cows and heifers. 3.0oea.7O: calves, $o.004l.00. hogs Receipts. 3.ow neaa: market &c higher; top, $8.76; bulk of sales, S8.30ii 8.70. S IEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head; market, steady; lambs, t6.007.10. Hobs Active. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: cattie. tiogn. nep. South' Omaha. ...1,800 4,000 8,700 St. Joseph 500 8.000 1,0W Kansas City 1,500 1,900 , 2,000 St. Louis 2,700 4.000 8,800 Chicago .....;.2.000 9,000 12,000 Totals .....8,000 22,600 25,500 Minneapolis Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 6.- WHEAT September,- 83ic; December, 88&88Vic; May. V-mviW. casn. no, 1 hard. twc: No. 1 northern, mPe; No. 2 northern, rt'MWkc; NO. 3, WkHiW. CORN No. 3 yellow, 73(740. OATS-No. 3 white, 30c. RYE No. 2, 62Vi63VC. BRAN In 100-pound sacks, tl95020.00. FLOL'R-Flrst patents, t43ftw465: sec ond patents, $4.204.66; first clears, $3.30 i.'w, second clears, $2.02.0. Coffee Market. ' NEW YORK, Sept. 6. COFFEE Fu tures market closed steady, net un changed to & points lower. Spot coffee, firm; Rio, 7s. 14c; Santos 4s, 16 Vie. Mild, quiet: Cordova. 164jl8e. Sugar Iarket. NEW YORK, Sept. 6.-SUGAR-Raw. firm; muscovado, 8S test 3.86c; cen trifugal, 96 test, 4.36c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 3.61c. Refined, steady. NEW YORK nf flTl, ,..,.. of stocks today ran largely to specialties, with virtually no change In most other securities of speculative Importance, fcut at times rntt some pressure upon Lehigii high grade railway shares failed to move beyond fractional limits and United Stat Steel and tho coppers were Utile more than steady. Ji , . ' """ "in nKin nirnisnea iy the Tobaxo group because of their ex tensive gains on relatively large dealings, but the durations of these Issues failed to excite more than passing attention. The fertiliser storks, notably American Cotton Oil, made smart advances larglv T. ,'""V 01 couon crop prospects, while Kethlehi'm Steel and Republic Iron wore strong to the accompar.lment of another upward revision In the schedule of fin ished Iron and ateol. Over 50 per cent of tho day's light busi ness was transacted In the first hour, the balance of the session, especially the last tWO hmlnt Ka( n a. i.h,M.t.ri.u K. - v. lutely Inertia and another advance . In s money to 4 per cent, the high price of the previous two days. The tone of tbe market at the close waa heavy. Forecasts point to a cash loss by thl banks of only $2,300,000, as asrainst yw terday s estimate of almost double that amount. Cables from London and aPrla Intimating the probability of gold exports to this country, were scouted in authori tative quarters. New York quarter bonds again sold be 1? Pa. Total sales par value were $3, 060,000. I nlted States government bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: . , 8l. Hlh. Low. Clot. Amalgamated Copper. ... 14,100 . 17 n 17 American Agricultural ., 1.800 M tl II Bwt guxar.... MO 741. 74 741 1.4M t ! 3 00 118 li4 114 too 1.100 700 1,100 100 1,700 II 14' 144, 44 -, MO 1JT W4 ' MM, 24. 14 '4 44 101 1244 lWt 0 MH 13 H MH 44 16 400 1444 144t 1444 l.ton 174 7,100 454 170 464 171 no vs m ios4 100 101 . 101 Ml i 1 100 10714 10 1M 1.100 40 1.000 114 1.100 1T 1 wo - iii 1,404 II II W4 ..... 1,104 10744 10614 1M4 171 4714' in 104 M0 . U4 104 144 100 11 100 114 100 11 89 IM. 4 1444 14441 15 400 too 4,004 404 M 14 U4 14 400 1U 700 111 141 88 114 It 11 44 114 M14 IM 11 81 11 14 II V SO0 4S too IS04 110 11 11 Ml 1S 134 44 44 - no 1,104 6 4 100 104 1 SI4 11 M4 lot 10 104 1S 11 484 121 114 14 !0t4 T.M4 114 1S74 141 100 iw i: m 100 141 1 Amarlcaa Caa Amwloas Can pt ., American C. A F ' Amarloaa Oat ton oil...,. Am. lea Seenrltlea American Llnteed ....... American locomotive ... American S. ft R. ....... Am. 8. R. ptd Am. susar Retlnlnf ...... American T. a T American Tobaceo Anaconda ailnlns Co...,. Atchtmn ,, Atchlaon pli Attantlo Ooaat Una Baltimore A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paolrio Central Leather Cheaapeaka Ohio Chlcaso O. W. Oilcan, M. A St. P.... Chloato N. W... Colorado F. 4 I Onnaelldated Oaa , Corn Produeta lieiaware Hudaon . . . . Denver A Rio Oranda.... D. A R. Q. pfd PHtlllere- Secnrltlea .... Erie Brit let pfd Brie id pfd.. General Blectrlo ........ Oreat Northern P'd Great Northern Ore ctfa.J Illlnola Ontral Interborough Mett ....... Inter. Met, ptd...... International Harvaater .. Inter-Marine pfd ........ Inqmtatlonal Paper International Pump Kanaka City Southern.... Laclede Oaa Lehlih Valley Loulerllla Nnhrllle... H., St. r. H. S. M... Hlaaourl, K. T Mlaaourl Paclflo National Dlacult .... National Lead N. R. n. of M. Id ptd.. New York Central N. T O. W Norfolk A WeateTB....... North American ......... Northern Paclflo ........ Paoltla Mall PennayWanla People's Oaa P., C, C. St. L....... Plttabunh Coal Preeeed Steal Car Pullman Palace Car Readlns Republic I. 4.......... Republlo I. & pfd..,. Rock laland Co . Rock laland Oo. pfd .J.. It. Ii. A 8. Id pfd.... seaboard Air Una Seaboard A. L- P'd gloee-Bheffletd 8. Southern Paclflo Southern Railway ....... lo. Railway pfd Tanneeaea Chopper Texas ft Paolfle.. Union Paclflo .... Union Paclflo pfd United Sutaa Realty.. United State Rubber. United Statea Steel... U. 8. Steel pfd........ Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Cbemloal Wabaah . Wabaah pfd Weatarn Maryland ... Waatarn Union ....... Weatlnahouta Blectrlo Tnul aale tor the day. 151,000 eiures. Ex-dlvldend, . ' : Boston Stock Market. BOSTON, Bept 1-Ctoslng quotaUoni on stocks were as 1.800 41 41 14 , 138 l4 ..... 4 ...... iiii 3 km 1114 inn ijey i,M 128"'i274 1214 It 1,000 1144 111 IW 100 117 117 U 104 14 14 17 IT . 500 1M 10 ,Mfl 11 100 174 104 1M4 14 11,104 170 194 ll 100 H HJ 704 KM 174 II , 14 4 too 400 100 15 SI 12 1,104 111 too S04 100 10 1,100 . 44 100 13 11 8 Si : 13 41 II 111 114 H SO 4 4W ' 10 444 41 88 15 II U4 .... 7,800 17S4 171 'IM MO 11 , 114 T 100 ' ITtt S74 ,4fl0 79 74 too 1114 1" 1,100 1,700 100 1,700 M . 4i4 47 , 44 4 4 11 14 81 414 47' 714 11 et4 44 44 14 474 414 44 6 alloues Amal. Cooper . 1. t. ft a.-. Arliona Com. ... B. C. C. ft Cal. ft Arliona.. 1 Cal. ft Hecla Centennial , 4 , tt .a. u.k.Bb . frrtt I WTlwww ,,... j ,,. 17 Nevada Con 1 i ... 04Nlplaaln Mints ... 1 j .. I North Butte ........ I 1 II. 1 North Lke 4 I ... eoOld Domlsloo 49 I ...310 Oeceola ! ... II Oulncr .............. M I X- B.n f!. C... tSHShannon . t4 tut Butt C. M.... 3Superlor I Franklin A.2?trtolk ' W " a I Olrou. Con. -:-,. StSn31:::: R:..11::: l' ?.rAorsl. Copper. Oo. Vmbb I kai ....... 1 ll'ivutau vwk 't-- w Uke Copper '. H Wnons La Salle Copper lWolvrina Miami Copper ...... WA Itrw York Sf tntnir Stocks. NEW YORK. Sept. 8,-ClosIng quota tions on mining stofk were: -Com. Tunnel stock.. M Mexican WJ edo bonda Ontario IM Don. Cal. ft Va 41 Ophlr Iron Silver IM "Standard W lieadvllle Con Tallow Jacket 35 Little Chief 4 , ' - eoifered. , ( ' . Imports at New Tork. NKW YORK, Sept. 6.-Imports of mer rhandlse and drygoods at the port tof New York for the wk ending August 31 were valued at 117.538.906. What Makes a Safe Industrial : Bond? ? A first mortgage on a valu able property, In charge of capable business men whi are continually conducting the business in such a way as to make It grow steadily. We Offer You h Such a Bond and Pay 7 Interest. . " Call or Write v ? 1126-27 City Nat'l Bank . Omaha, Neb. . gL - tbt5 j