THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 3912. -WANT-ADS . Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper clasaificatioo mast be presented before 12 o'clock in. (or the evening edition and before 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ad received after aocii hours U1 bare their first insertion under tne heading "Too Late to CUaaiij.- CASH RATEsflFoR WANT AI)3. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Ont Insertion lh cent per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent consecutive insertion. Each inser tion nude on odd days 1 H cent per word; per line per ' mouth wUen ad i ran without change ot Deaths and funeral notices. RROADFIELD Mr. Emms, at E39 Park - avenue, September 2. funeral at the home Wednesday after noon at 4:45. Interment at Keokuk, la. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses hav been granted: Nanxa and .Residence. Age. James A. jiomn, umana ... 3u Hattio M. simonson, Omaha 25 Roy Stark, Omaha 22 KIie Anthriro, Omaha 22 tdward Aubry, Fort Crook. ............. 23 tei F. HoltUotis, Morse Bluffs 28 Alex I.TRck, Onmi.. 65 iuhiU Jelluska, Omaha, SO William H. TindaJl. Benson............. 21 Constance Fllegner, Omaha... oven 18 Wlliiim Dlneen, Omaha.. 26 Nora Hayes, Omaha............. 24 Warien Macjeorge, Omaha............. 23 Louisa Caspon, Omaha It Vno Nelson, South Omaha..., 24 Minnie Street, South Omaha.. .....17 Henry F. Vanderpool, Council Bluffs.. 21 Haxel Burdick, Council Bluffs,.'. 19 John Saker, Omaha 32 Eleanor Melton, Omaha 45 Gott fried Ebberson, Craig 27 Emm Hanson, Craig 21 3 HELP WASTED FEMALE lluaaekeeper anil Iloineatie. ', waitei Experienced whit woman WAN TED A neat, competent girl for general- housework; family of 2; good home. H. 2610. HELP WANTED FEMALE . ; Factory ana) Trade. GOOD capable stenographer, salary. 22S Uranden Theater Bide. food WANTED-Mangle girls. Model Laun WANTED-Apprentlce In millinery dept. Weinlander ft Smith, 317 S. Itith St 100 GIRLS to make men's shirts and overalls. Steady work at good wages. See Mrs. Dobeck, M. E. Bmltli & Co. h and Douglas bta. t- . ALTERATION hand wanted, on who thoroughly understand alterations on la ulca uuU aula akiiU. Also on men's garments. Prefer ons who can do sell ing. To such a ons w can offer a steady position the year round. Apply at once. Bsntley nothing Co., 153 Dodge St. Honsokseyers onel Uoutratlea, &Kl?-JSERVA,?,T om PROBLEM 80LVED-Tb Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to Tbi Bee office cr telephone Tyler louo. "WANTED No. 1912 Blnney Street, girl for general housework. .. , WANTED A girl for general house work. two In family, good wages. 2029 Dodge St. WANTED-Competent girl for general housework; no washing, 1UC4 N. 26th St 3. F. COAD, 2315 Fsrnam fit, wants a girl for general housework. Tel. Har. 4852. im FARNAM Wanted, a girl for gen art! housework. WANTED Two servants; cook and housemaid. Apply 149 N. 4lst it. COMPETENT girl for general house, work, small family. 1020 S, 36th Ave, Harney 2104. . WANTED-Competent girl for second work. Mrs. N. A. Spelsberger, 2612 Far nam St. ' A COMPETENT general housework girl; three In family. Mrs. E. A. Crelgh. top. 11 So, 34th 8t Phone Harney 291. WANTED Girl for general housework, family of three. , 1221 Lothrop. phone Webster 2304. WANTED EXPERIENCED QtRL FDR GENERAL HOUSEMAID, Mrs. H. W. Spalding. 108 South 88th Street. Harney id. - .. . WANTED Qlrj for general housework st once, small family. 023 8. SSd. WANTE1 Girl for general housework In family with baby, 24 a weeki -washwomen Employed. Apply Apartment T, Normandy,, Pacifjo. and Park Ave. Tet. ' Wanted a girio as;st with nous; work, good home. 1528 N. l$th. . Wbstr lad. . ' ( , . WANTED An axperlcnced girl for gen eral housework, no washing, good wages. Harney 2174. 2&21 Cuming. GIRL for general housework, two In family. Apply at once, 101 8, 28th St " WANTED Olrl' for general housework, 2617 Farnsm. Tel. Harney 4044 WANTED At once, girl for general housework,' family of three, 'phone Har- . WANTED Good gtrl to help with gen erkl housework; good wages and pernio nafit Position. . 1522 8. 28th. Tel H. 261. .; WANTE"D-Cbmpetent girl for genera) house jrk; two In lamily. Phone Har- hey 2fJ. .:-. ; y . , - WANTED A young girl to assist with light housework, small family, no wash 4ng or Ironing. Harney 25S3. GOOD olrl for general housework. iJA ' Biiermaa Ave. TeL. Webster 41i2. , -.. 1 WANTKD A girt for general house work; two In family. Harney 602. - GOOD girl for general housework. It44 N. lth gt Phone Webster 275. head laundress at Nebraska 8chool of th Desf, Omaha. . Apply at onfce. MRS. H. BUK8TLIN wants a girl for -general housework. Apply 2M9 Dodge Bt Phons Harney 2m MRS. H. KIAg.ME wants a girl for gen eral housewoik. Apply 2D01 Dodge 8t GIRL for general housework; must be good eook. 8S70 Dodg St. , , W ANTED Woman tor general house work on term 2 miles south of South SH?8-: pr wonth. Phone Bellevue 1222. P. O. South Omaha. Home near Gtfmore station. L. D. Livelv. WANTED Girl for general housework: small flat; two. in family. Good wages and good home. Phene Harney 1565 oi call 214 South 41at St. , WANTCD An experienced girl for genl eral housework. 3801 Farnam St. ' 1 WANTED-Conipetent laundress by the day. 20 Dodge. . : f . T? A WILLING g'.rl for general housa- yo-g;. goon wages, lei. Harney 4SSI. , , .... . mw IUI ICQ era! housework. Apply lit So. 42d. t WANTED-Houeekeeper for flv adults, no washing; one not afraid, to work Apply lis N. lttit 8t r- WANTED A youna srlrl to amdat m caring for child 2 years old. Its No. Jlst Ave. . GIRL for general housework;- German or Bohemian preferred. 34ffl Sherman Ave. , WANTED Girl to assist with house work. 110 8. 24th St. - . - ' WANTRD-Cfcambermald and scrub Iris-'.Millard hotel, , EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wages; no washing. 2821 Cum ing. H.. 3174. CHAMBERMAID work wanted by neat coiorea gin. h 3067. call Agnes. Mlsuvllaiieooa. TOTJNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invtted to visit the Toung XVomen's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise ssslsted. Look for our travelers' guide at che Union station. BARN 210 weekly addressing postcards at hnm Runrh nf rtrrfi nA natl,.iil, U)c E. B. Postcard Co., Station D4S2, urana napias, Mien. LADIES wanted, to demonstrate and Sell our vaaimm mauaen manhln- ArA. tlons given; pleasant work. Bergman Sup ply v.0., sio Ave. e, council Blurts, la. HELP WANTED MAiF. Agents, salesmen ana Solicitor. WlKtVtVlill.tmlii M .n nk.nrins ?um to dealers on commission; good job or the ri-ht man; don't answer unless fou mean Business, xjgck raras. Ml ma St., Denver, Colo. ? s AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO CARRY AS A SIDE LINE ON A LIBERAL. COMMISSION A TELESCOPE OF MEX ICAN, PORTO RICAN, PHILLIPPINE AND OTHER LEAF HATS, REPRE SENTING ONE OF THE LARGEST AND OLDEST IMPORTING HOUSES OF THE COUNTRY. STATE TERRI TORY COVERED. ADDRESS. BOX SO. NEW ORLEANS, LA, ANNOUNCEMENTS. . MONEY; TO LOAN-LOW rate. In sums to suit 310 Bee Bldg. Fhona Dousr. 2WL UAIU.-V LOAN CO. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's ALL will be forgiven. Mary. If von will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 18th and Douglas streets. That is where RRODEGAARi) sells those lucky wedding rings. Alfred C.Kermedy,-0 ,u0?: ance 20 First Nat. Bk. Bids;. Doug. TO. General contracting, painting and pa perhanglng. Baker 2107 Clark. Web. t&W. NOTICE The resignations of the local officers naving been accepted as of September 1, the Omaha Office of this company is closed. THE OMAHA WATER COMPANY. By THEODORE C. WOODBURY, September 2. 1912. ' President Stevenson, carpenter, cont. Both 'phonea Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Omaha. OMAHA POSTING SERVICE. Advertising "8unshine Biscuits." Plumes Renovated trSE Upholstering, piano, turn, rep. 2804 Far, KODAKS Eastern Oods, complete ix.yjvtxia itock Largest finishing department In the west . THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1S12 Farnam Street and HA 8. 18th Street S. H. Cole Sign Co. U. 37. Ult Farnaio. AGENTS wanted to handle remarkable money getter; easy to sell; repeat orders. Write at once. Made! Specialty Co., 706 oquui aunnonuia Ave., bioux rails,' H. V, SWIMMING - Learn now at the Metropolitan. No bet. ' ter pool in United States. Filtered run ning water. Classes and swimming parties for men, women and children. Telephone Douglas 417. " . . m . w- oainir, w ui) ny , work a couple of hours a day during fall; specialty that sells on sight; write. Dept E. F. L. Dunn Co.. iloblnson. I1L WANTED- --Experienced clothing and furnishing salesmen; references required. Raphael-Pred Co.. 12th and Farnam. WANTED Three live events to solicit health, accident Insurance among the farmers in Minnesu i;,d North Dakota. Bumper crops and plenty of money. BANKERS MUTUAL CAS. IN8. CO. 622 Met Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. AGENTS-COS ts 2c, sells 25o. Sign let- lera pui on wun roller, samples free. Embossed Co.. 2571 Milwaukee, Chicago. WANTED Three vacuum cleaner sales men. We sell wholesale to consumers. Jaeger Bros. Mfg.. 0T Brandeis Theater. A GOOD money making proposition for hustlers. For particulars Inquire at '12 8. irn Bt.. upstairs. work; leads furnished: no expense; money auvancea. lwi OTiofarnanj. :. Bays,,.-. . WANTED Flvs good reliable' boys. Good wages. W. V. Tel. Co., 212 8 12th St ' GOOD energetic boy for delivering; call at J. H. Uath, 17th and Harniy. m-Factory a4 TraUts. Drug store fsnsp) jobs. Knieat SeoBldg. WANTED Elevator constructor, com Detent to take charge of work, electric and automatic, Reply with references and experience. Address Y 122, Boo. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. '''"-. Get Into the automobile business; learn It complete in the largest, and best equipped training school in this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen are in demsnd. Write ur call for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, v 1416-17 DodBe 8t Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men to learn, the - barber trade. Light- clean work. An army of our graduates now running shops. Be ons of them-. - Wages while learning. Tools given. Call Or write. Moler Barber 110 9 lith B T FORTY unlun tlnnara nrf anrnlr. m.k. era wanted at once; 46 cents per hour; do not wlt to write, come' ahead. Wm. F6s- ter mrg. vjo., ppringrieio, in. WANTED An experienced rod man for a surveyor; must be a fair draftsman. Apply In own handwriting, giving refer, ence and specimen of draftsman woik. Salary to commence 12.00 per day. Ad dicts' I,' Omaha Bee, Council Blutfs, WANTED A meat cutter with some knowledge of groceries. 222 Douglas St , GOVERNMENT Jobs open. Write fot list Franklin Institute, Dept -214 - R, Rochester, N. Y, , . . A BTARf IN LIFEL-Enllstment In the Navy gives a young man a good start In II fo by teaching him a trade with good pay while learning, and plenty of chance for promotion. The Navy em ploys 60 trades. Men having Navy train ing can earn exceptional wages ashore. Navy life is not all work, nor all play, but plenty of both. All outdoor sports and indoor amusements aboard ship. You see the world; summer on the North Atlantic, winter In the tropics. Average pay 1 35 per month.' No living expenses. Apply to Navy Recruiting station Post office Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ; Open daily except Sunday. . , IF out of a position call st National Theater Cor., Jtj floor 1312 Farnam. WANTED Men; who want to . make good money; essy proposition. Apply 872 Brandeis Bldg. . . . YOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY In the automobile businessi chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are In big as nand and command larg salaries; pre pare yourself in our large training shop, where you learn bow to operate, repair and sell all makes of cars. National Auto Training. "Assn. ": 2W4 N. 20th fit; Omaha. Neb, TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroad if you gain your training in our school. Practice on R R. wires. Ad dress for particulars. H. B. Boyle, Prea Bo vies College. Omaha. Neb. HELP'Call Omaha Em. Bureau. D UiJ. WANTED Five laborers fir bridge Plant at Atlantic, Iowa, inquire 1202 City Nat l, bank Bldg, . HEIP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. ' CAPABLE stenographer, male or fe male, tor one month, one experienced as private secretary and who knows how to meet people. Aply office J. L. Brandeis Sons Thursday morning between ft and 11 o'clock. ... MEN and women wanted tor guvem ment positions, o monih. Write for list of positions open.- Franklin lnstltuts, Dept. 217 R.. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS WORK of any kind wanted by uni versity student for Satutoays and Sun days. Address J (J77.. Bee. ' , . i. AN educated lady want any position. Tel. Red 2634. RtTTTJITTfW WIVTrrv-ih. i j Chauffeur, e'eht years xptr!enoe, city ieirm.s. rcrmaneni nome fleaired. Not afraid to work. Rensonanle wages Con sidered. Address L H75. care Bee. . iCARPENTER brick, cement, Stone by contract Harney 6652. . . ' LADY wishes position as private sec retary; thoroughly experienced . and competent. Address i s79, Bee. YOL'NG Oerman (irl winii nnalttnn tn tach children German and assist with nouseworK. a tl, Bee. . ANNOUNCEMENTS I MAKE flowers for the Ak-Sr-Ben floral parade; prices right. 1C12 Cass D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr 13 Frenzer Blk. N. P. Swanson, lndertaker We are now in. our new bulldlni; and have one of the most up-to-date under taking establishments In the city. iSt Cuming. D. lOott. Largs chaoei in connection. EAT KOSHfciR HOME COOKING. ARKINS, 218 S. 16TH, UPSTAIRS. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 832. Guanantee Laundry. Fine work, D. 8373. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR Box 60, postpaid, 22.76; try halt dozen: It hue satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON DRUG CO.. 1503 Farnsm. Omaha. CHESAPEAKE CAFE and lunch room now open. J. G. Dennis, Manager, MOORFIELD'B PATENT. STJLPHER STEAM BATHS ' SUPERIOR TO TURKISH BATH 8. We treat successfully Gout, Rheuma tism, Lumbago, Kidney and Stomach trouble; Dropsy and Catarrh. Massage vibration, tlieropatic, lamp and electrio treatment Lady attendant for ladlet, 507 N. 24th St., South Omaha. Tel. South iiH2. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. BUSirESS PERSONALS Creameries, Dairies and. SnppUe. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. Coins. ni1 Pnri a stamps bought sold, ex- chengedr Omaha Coin Stamp Co.. 619 N. 16th. and Coralce and Steel Cetllwgs. CARTER 8heet Metal Works. Omaha Detective. ' JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk. Evl dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1126. Omaha Secret Serv. 42 Paxton Blk D. 1312. L. W. LONGNECKER M7 Karbaeh Blk. Dentists. Much & Mach. 3d floor Paton. D. 1085. Taft's dental rooms. 1517 Doug. D. 2126. . Dressmaking. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th At Far, Anna Sistek, suits, cloaks, dresses, altera tions, repairs, 2l5- City Nat Bk. u. sm. SEWING by day In families. Good wont guaranteed. wet. 4843. H. 0. HallerHfAear, S2 paired A overhauled before cold weather rush comes. 1764 Leavenworth. Tyler 1597. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. 0 u;lM ' Motion picture machine and film bargains SECOND annual Rosebud stock, grain and corn show, Dallas, S, D., October 1, i and 4. Aviation meet In connection, Writs secretary for concessions and Other Information. AUTOMOBILES. ONE body only, in A-l condition, for f-passenger touring Car. BJack silk mohair top and sest covers. Inquire at office of Arthur D. Brandeis, Brandeis Stores. MOVED ' i '. TO ' ' ' 26TH AND FARNAM. Oome and see ua. Drummond Motor Co. ; M 1 ' TM J 1 J. REPAIRING. FOR 8ALE-"WSLCH" SO-horsepower 7-passenger touring car with the follow ing equipment: Mohair top, windshield, Jones' speedometer, demountable rims, Klaxon horn and Presto-O-Llte tank. The car Is In first class condition and a bar gain. First eash offer of 21,200 takes It Address Van Brunt Auto Co., Council Bluffs, la. ? ALBERT E. RIHLER, AUTO REPAIRING. 2030 FARNAM. , D0UOLA8 8395. TIRE REPAIRING youhrroTd tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. ' All work guaranteed. Arthur Stors Auto Supply Con ma Farnam. WANTED Youp IovhI mh ni(- A scribe your auto, give make, time used, vie s uu, nee. AUTOMOBILE SNAP. Wavarly electrio coupe in fins condition, nearly new; will trade for real estate. Call 210 Bee Bldg. Morrison's Taxi w ebster 2016. v.." , . Moturcyctva. Yale, Harley-Davldson and used motor cycles. Victor H. Roos, 270 Leavenworth. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES ATTIYi rtiAtrir4 M.hflnA mm hmicrH and no&. MofrUop Ttxt, 40tM SECOND-HAND Auburn car, A 1 conui tlon. Evana. Phone D. 1311. BUSINESS CHANCER TO got in or out of business call on GANGtsiTA D, 404 beo BldK. Tel. 1. 24.1. m A thorough, practical course In CI I saieiunanshlp, complete in one I volume, endorsed by business JJ I men of NATION-WIDE REPU TE 'I'ATmv tn ovm nnit.iD Certificate to those passing examination. ent postpaid for 21 currency, check or post order. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, 2MU Michigan Ave., CM cago. Circular and endorsement sent on request - WANTEI-Partm)r, silent or active to to In on an opton on large tract of land t arty must have from 21O.U40 to 23,000 and Share equally in from 2100.000 to 12i,iW0 profit. Deal will only require a few montha Address J 624, Bee. WVO HkVIt ftiwfR nruir nnuiiui'o OPPORTUNITIES. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A GOOD BUSINESS. 8KB ITS AT ONCE. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 Bee Bldg. PLUMBING office In country town. What have you to trade for it? Address 206 N. 19th St CHANQINO business and must sell at onoe; the only oafs and short order house in a live town ot l.iw located in central Nebraska, Oood paying business. cash. Address Y 151, Bee. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 2992. everything for Women. Upholstering, polinniha and reflntshlnr, resetting and mending springs, matrasses worKeq over. A. Aaklns, ll! Podge. WILLOW plumes made from old and new learners, z&s a. izth st Doug, me. Heavy blankets and light aullts cleaned ror ran: reaucea rates to noteis. V- WE rent, repair, sell needles. Darts of an sewing macnines. xseD. cycie uo., loth and riarney streets, fnone uoug. lbta, L. LJEFF. ladies' tailor: tailored suits and fancy gowns. Room 4S6 We ad Bldg, EXCELLENT dressmaking done by day or week. 2025 Howard St. Western Millinery School.. 627-628-629 Paxton Block. Bring material. Make your hats. One lesson, si.ou. s lessons, -la.uo. - LOHRMAN rHable ld!e' tailor. It iJWXXXVlUAi, located 433.35 paxton Dlk. Latest styles, materials, popular prices I make flowers for the Ak-Sar-Ben norai paraae. mcu right, itiis Cass. MRS. OLSEN. first -class carnnt wo v. Ing. W. 6016. Everrthins; Electrical. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail punwufiman ipjj nown ru. iJ, Wl. All ktnda electrical apparatus, new and 2d hand, and electrical repairs. Lo Bron Electrical Wks.. 213 8. 13th. Omaha. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-10OL HESS & 8WOBODA, 1416 Famam St L. HENDERSON. 1612 Farnam. D. 1252. fenrnacea aud Repairs. MUNR0E, tffint.f!?r. Estimates gladly given.. D. 4 MS. 40$ 8. ISth.' A ' REPAIRS In stock to fit your stove, furnace, steam or hot water heater: new furnaces, wrought iron and cast. Let us figure with you. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-1208 Douglas St. Tyler 20. . Foundries, McDonald ' brass and bronse foundry, aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. . Ilovlnjc, ktoraao ud CleaninM. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. Office 216 S. 17th St. Doua. 3M. FERRIN'S Van & Storage. Tyler 1200. W-2747. ' Mcl.aud & Son Van & A.. 2-horse van, 2 men. $1.26 nr., 2 hrs, $1 hr. D. 4338. W. 541 FERRIN'S Auto tor baggage. T. 1200; W. 2747. Furn. Moving; 2 men, $1 per hr. "V 2748. OBNF.RAI, mrphanllM tr,i-a fnr ,.u Arlnar Villain... 11 lino nr mnmh n.ih Knel' nesa; good reasons for selling. Address rw bio, vere-oee. WANTED Partner, good hustler, in take ca:e of my outside work. Address D. 682, Bee. COMPLETE stock groceries; must go at a sacrifice. Price 2300. Owner leaving city. 1201 Cass. Uounilaac aionaee (ur !. FOR 8ALE Paying boarding house, 2206 Lake. Web. 4766. Mrs. William Peterson. "TTMSinPERSONAia' Unsitf, Art antt t-anKuases. Miss Peters, piano teacher, ' Webster 1034. PROGRESSIVE MUSIC TEACHER Wanted 80 publls already orffanlsed Location and - informat.-on free. Music Teachens' Training School, 613 Paxton Rloek. I .. . Francis Potter, teach of guitar, mando 11 n and banjo. 192QH Farnam. Doug. 2853. . . .Nurseries aud Weeds., STEWART'S BEEDMAN. 119 N.' 16tb. , Osteopath r, Alice Johnson, 302-9 Brandeis The. Bldg. . ; i i ; : Unticlans. B. F. Wurn, fitting snd rep'g. 442 Brandeis D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. STURGIS registered attorney. United States and foreign patents. 646 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Phone D. 2462. 7 Photographers. Rinehart, photographer. 13th ft Farnam. Plumbers.- W. Thatcher, plumbing & heattng.813 N. 40tM 8t. Office: H. 2107. Res. H. 1638. L. F. Van Valkenberg11 plku!mdb! Ing repairs. W. 167 or W. 6126, 1702 N. 24th. . frlntinc , Lew tV. RaberTPrinter, Sorts BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Reis-Hall Ptsr. Co., 102 S. 14th. Ind. A-3624 JOHN C. THOMPSON. Webster 2197. Stenograpbera and Court Reporters. Myrtls A. Kelly, 748 Bran. The. D. 5682. Corlnne Miller. 222 Brand. Then. Doug. 96. Steel Tank and Culvert Companies. NEBRASKA anrt Inv Rtl Tmb rnm. pany. 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 286. store and Offica rixtnres. WE BUT and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and SudoIv Co., 12th and Howard. D. 2724. See us first. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures, bought, sold. Levy, 3610 N, So. Omaha. LOST AND FOUND PERSOX'S having .st aome article would do Veil to call up the office of tht Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rallwaj company to ascertain whether they lefl it in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company ia anxious to restore them to tnerigntlui owner. Call Doug 1SS 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TREET RAILWAY COMPANY. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R Tarry cures Piles. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. PR E. R TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 4l Doug Blk. Ladles gua'.anteed remedies. 401 Ware Blk. KfiV ikk u ami: ui hd rn Chinese herbs and herbal remedies for sll troubles ot the human system; cures rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart, dropsy and female trouble. Tel. D. 6793. 202 N. lth. MEN who are ill, send for free booklet of chronic diseases; write fully and con fidentially; 50 years' experience. Old German Doctor, 1712 SpriuggardeB Street. Philadelphia. Pa. i MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattel. YOU have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, your children, yourself. Here is your chance to ob tain it : In An Easy Way on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts in fact anything of value or on your Plain note If tvariilv amnloVMl. Tumi to suit Confidential. Reliable Credit Co. Third floor, 302 Paxton block, 217 8. 16U. x-none uougias mi an" A-i-tis. Vff on furniture, pianos and I'lOlKSV real estate at a very low v7 rate of Interest Nebraska Loan Co., Dou'aa 1356. 220 Bee Bldg A-1336. . HOME LOAN CO. Most reasonable rates In th t-ltv Writs or phone Douglas 1236. i&3 Farnam, Room 8, Patterson Blk. MONEY loaned salaried DeoDla and Others on their own name: cheaD rates: easy pay menu; confidential. D. H. Toi- man. Mew umaha National Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS at 2H and ft per cent FLAUTAU, 1514 Dodge bt Tel. , Red 5619, CHATTEL LOANS. 25 to 1100. SALARY LOANS. You can get it today of pTAR LOAN CO., 601 Paxton Block ' OFFERBil FOR BENT Board and Room. - O. M. E. baiiis trunks. D. Cll. A-26U. 618 8. 19TH ST. Full v modern: xoellnt board; close in. . DOUGLAS STREET. 2103. THE GRANADA AND ANNEX. EXCELLENT ROOM8 AND BOARD. 2824 FARNAM Riorantlv fnrrl.h.j , .wm., noma vuuiviiig. OFFER Li) FOR RENT Hocses and Cettag-es. 2S18 N 19TH AVENE. I rooms, modern, newly painted and decorated, good shade; rent Ko- McEACHRON R E. CO.. Lake and 20th Sts. Webster 1651. MOVING, packing and storing of house hnl.l roods and Dianoa is oor business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storase. stNi 8. 16th. by the viaduct Branch office. 302 8. 17tb St TeL D. 4li; A-lao. BRICK apartment house at 2712 Jack nn C k' .v nv. Annr' In fina COn dition. Inquire of owner at 401 City national nariK. xei. uoug. im. EIGHT-ROOM modern house. 3023 Marcy bt, for rent; one block from Park .... - j . i? ,T.t .Itt Ave, ana Leivsnwgrin ci. ici. streets paved, between east siae parx a" cross-town car lines, at N. W. corne 27th and Hickory Sts., 225. L. D. Spa. ding, 1614 Farnam. Tyler 100. WEST FARNAM New brick. S bed rooms and 2 baths. 315 N. 2Sth Ave. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for' return urlve to oftice. uoug. 1498 or u-jmzs. 274 8. 28th ST. 2 rooms completely mod' em. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A-4406. S-ROOM modern house, born, corner lot; No. 1102 S. 32d St: S35. 10-room modern house, barn; east front; No. 1122 8. 32d St: m. Nearly new; strictly modern 6-room house; 136 N. 37th St.; 230. 7-room modern hoi'sr,, hot 'water heat; No. 2013 Grace St; 22ti. 6-room house, modern except bath; No. 1521 S. 29th St.; 220. 6-room house, convenient to car line; NO. 967 N. 27th St; H8. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 722. TTnnstxj n all parts ot the city. lxu uoeacrelgh. Sons ft Co.. Bee Bldg. t-ROOM modern house; 225.00 per month. 2527 Charles St Also 2-room cot tage, 2o33 Hamilton St., 210 per month. Tel. D. 776 or D. 1017. FiVE-ROOM cottage, 829 8. 24th St MODERN 7-room house, 1507 8. 2sth. Ui. K-HnriM hnmralnm 9WU Qlnn.u . . eomnltlv modern. Kail Dielrlhnfnp v.u., ua xvins xiuk. J. 4U COTTAGE for rent 1S06 Burt St NEARLY new. detached, east front large native trees. 830 Georgia Ave.: near Mason; possession October l; family only; polished floors; four bedrooms .and bath upstairs. Tel. Douglas 227. A real home, pretty lawn, electric light nu nuiuern, -r.. tu. is o. iiin. w. Z.HW, 1 SIX-ROOM house, strictly modern, hot water heat; also 9-room strictly modern house, first-class condition. Both at Lakelawn, 21st and Lake Sts. ' i FOR RENT.i , Rear, 1537 N. ?9th St, 4-room, modern ex cept furnace, man and wife 211. 1609 Grace ft., 6-room, modern house ex cept furnace 120. - ' . .- 2016 N. 22d St, 7-room, strictly mo4., 220. 2022 s. 19th 8t, 5-rooro, modern except Dam ana rurnaca. . W. G. SHRIVER 1 -' ' 1047 Omaha Nat'l Btjik Bldg. : ' S NORTH f!KVTR4I. Hrkm fn i r nice cool room, suitable for two. gentle men preferred. With board, Tyltr 1207. 1440 Westerfield, 6-r., Cstern. 29. ' ' 2815 Charles, 2-r.. modern, 239. : ' 2431 8. 16th St, rr., 224.00. - 24U Capitol Ave., T-r., mod. ex. heat $25. 4719 N. 40th Ave., 7-r. city water U. CREIGH 80NS ft COMPANY. Douglas 200. - 808 Bee Bldg. 1931 R ldwTjirv. frftnt nnm and breakfast in modern home, rates reasonable. 2343 HOWARD Modern front room: m. cellent board. 35 - N. Central Rlvrf Wnnm mil iu.i suitable for two, gentlemen preferred! Phone Tyler 1207. 618 South 28th Modern fnrnlnhod- Kn.r.l if desired. TWd laHUa .nnlnvl i . .W... I front room; 2 dressers', beaui .fully fur nished; breakfast and dinner privilege; strictly private home, close in; references mtuoiiiiBj, give jmone numDer in reply. K 676, Bee. - Famished Rooms. . TWO neat furnished roomaf mod nelrh. borhood, modern. 2127 Mason St. FURNISHED room. fnllv mnA am Dundee home, near car line; ' business woman or mar. preferred. , Phone Har ney JJfcH, 9-ROOM house, good condition, newly papered and painted; barn in rear. Web. 672. (.-.: ..... t. . -, . DUNDEE. SPLENDID HOME. Eight-room all modern house, good con dition, beautiful - yard, trees, paved streets, etc., one-half hjock from car line, 235 per month. 4B27 Davenport St. ; BARNES ft WILSON. ' Douglas 1531 ' 604 Bee Bldg. 25 per mo.. 2 to 4 rooms. Tel. D, 2107. - WEST FARNAM ; t-r.' hot water heat, $40. ' . O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO." CALL. Douelaa S2SS nln. nnri.n, reasonable. NICP room. rnrwiArn. In nrlvnto family 2U6 Spencer. ' ' ' ' " ' 2708 Farnam Neat modern front rooms reasonable. 218 8- 26th Nice clean modern rooms. 8. 26th Ave. Nice modern rooms. 146 8. 28th Nice clean rooms, reasonable, 2550 JONES Modern. Drlv&t rumllv uougias iuw. 9036 FARNAM Dun mnnarn ..fl luiuiEiicu, reasonaDie. 2405 HARNEY Modern fnrnUh.H suitable for two. ' ' 111 8. TH. clean mivltrn mnmi n. dint preferred. 2225 DODGE, neat. olean room for housekeeping. , . . 2702 FARNAM. modern rooms: students preferred. 1401 JACKSON Neat, modern furniahed room; reaaonaoie. SOTXTH 20th. 508-Front rooms, board if desired. NEWLY furnished rooms with or with out board. 2406 Harney. 2224 HOWARD, modern furnished room In quiet reserved family. TWO lovely modern furnished rooms. private family; very nice. 626 South 17th Ave. . FLOMAR hotel. 17th and Capitol. New. modern rooms, 60c up. ROOM for tralnad nurse or mntl.m Harney 406L , . . Tent and Awning. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 821. .. Xrnnks and Salt Cne. Frellng A Steinle, 1803 Farnam St. Wine and Lienors. WILLOW Sprlntrs beer. liauor. elarars. randwlchew. Alix Jetes. 502-3 8. 13th St. VlUGlNA DARE wine 63c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House, 622 N. 16th St. - EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL FALL TERM SEPT. 2. Complete courses In Business.' Book- keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the ssking. Call, write or phone for it at once. Address H. R Boyles. President Boyies - College. Omaha. Nebraska. Mosher-Lampman College. Unsurpassed courses. Finest auartera Graduates are guaranteed good positions. v orit lor ooaro. Aauress, MosUer-Lamp-man, 115 Farnim St.. Omaha. Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. ChlrwpodUta. DR. ROY, 1505 Famam. DourIss 6497, . Civil Engiueer. E. E. Moore. 620 Paxton Blk. Doug, 3038. Clethtuz Munniactutvn, Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. liorar nnd Vehicles. Fox Staples New location. flrst-cln livery ond boarding. 1814 Cumins;. D. 1SJ7 BUGGIES, aurries and runabouts ai less than wholesale price to close out. JOHNSONrDANFORTH CO.. ; 10th and Jons Sts. - 1ST class livery. Sherman. 24th ft Clary The ' Persistent and . Judicious Use i Newspaper Advertising ts the Road U Business Succe 1 to one or two students; would give break. iasi. u uesirea; moqern cottage, nicely ioeated. 1329 So. 2th St Phone Harney S2S. 624 SO. 20TH-Modern, clean furnished rooms; reasonable. Famished Hun. 6-ROOM cottage, all modern, con venlences. 816 Reed St, Benson. Neb. Douglas 672 and ask for Mr- Berlo. Furnished Housekeeping Iluuiu. 2536 HAMILTON Modern, clean, front rooms. 2584 HARNEY Light housekeeping rooms; thoroughly modern; single or en- sulVu. . . .. Motels ana Apartments. . OXFORD snd Arcade, special wkly rata DODGE HOTEL, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at reasonable prices. Apartments and Fiat. STRICTLY modern 6-room hot water heated apartment 817 Pine St., near Brownell Hall. Phone Owner, Red 604a 5-ROOM flat, 20th and Burdett. Web. '235. . - - ROOMS, 1809 Farnam, moaern, suit able location for offices, studios, dental jr dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants .v.ahirig homes adjoining. Hall, 422 Ramgt Idh- U. 740S. .arge moving vans, 21.25 per hour. D. 294. 12-r., mod. ex. . heat US1 N. 235. 8-r., mod. ex. heat 2712 Caldwell, 22L50. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 1512 N. 21st St, $17. . . 4- r part mod., 838 S. 23d. 210. 6-r., mod. 2727 Charles, 216. 5- r part mod., 2707 S. 14th, 212.50. 6- r-, 2321 S. 20th. 218. . . ,5-r.. 2706 S. 14th, $12.50. RUSSELL ft M'KITRICK CO.. 432 Ramge Bldg. Ooug. 857. Store an o;:icts, STORE ROOM or shop, 1209 Farnam; steam heated; fronting alley; merchan dise entrance: full glass front Hall, 433 Ramge. . D. 7406, Ind A-4406. FOR RENT . Store room for rent, In splendid location; party has lease on his hands and will sublease at a bargain. Remington Type writer Co., 19th and Douglas Sts. . FOR RENT-Oftices n Pullman Bldg, next to Burlington station. Doug: 1616. OFFERED FOR SALE Micelinneou. SAFES Overstockea with second-hand safes; all sizes and makes; bargains. American supply t-o. rarnam au nrVO -.... .u. .hn r..M ahplV. ing, etc.; sea us firtt Omaha Fixture and Supply Co, 414-16-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2724. PERSONAL Children to board In country. D. 79834. Massage. Airs. Rittenhouse 308 Boston Bid. f A A frlil Swedish movement. Ap't JVLrt.OOii.Urj im Farnam. D. 6240. , VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Anna D. Fisher, 401 Ware block. 309 S. loth. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; in fact anything you do nor .need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St for cost of collection, to the worthy ' poor. 'Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon wilt call. - ANNA H. MARKS Ti cam. Davidgi Block. Apt 3. Doug. 6521. BATHS, Swedish masnage, Mrs. Snyder,. No. 3, The Dunsany. 10th ft Pierce. 13.4380. MAGNETIC healing, over 710 3. 16th. YOUNG women coming - to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association buildlnn at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. MASSEOTHERPY! gr Allen of Chicago. 109 S 17th. 1st fl. D. 76j 63-Day blood remedy. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. PIANO WANTED Young couple wish to care for piano for persons storing fur niture. Phoi,e H. 6545. WANTED-Children to board; near school. Tel.- South 3570. . POULTRY AND PET STOCK BOSTON terrier pups, screw tall; sir my champion Tom Cribb. Call Douglas 2866. 2030 Farnam. FOR SALE fZellerstrass strain Crystal White Orpingtons; stock cheap. Address, P. O. Box 184. Kimball. Neb BOSTON TERRIER PUPS from regis tered stock. Call Doug 3856. 2020 Farnam. WANTED TO BUY Household gds, clothes ft shoes. Doug. 3971 WWW -..... ,w. prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. W. 1607. T P,T second-hand Tl M 777 household goods. Pay Highest Prices '?rthLunL& Web. 5146.-- : REAL ESTATE WANTED TO sell your property list it with the O'NEIL. R E. & INS. AGENCY. t s Tyler 1024. 1505 Farnam St , CAN make cash payment of 2200. want good house. . D 668, Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans. Petera Trust Co WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1220 Farnam Bt OMAHA homes and eastern Nebraska farms.;. -- O KEMFE REAL ESTATE CO. " IQiq Omaha Nat. Douglas 2162. LARGE loans our specialty. . Stull Bros. CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlber? Co.; 210-212 Brandeis Tneater Bik, 6 110(1 fA llflAVI mail. nn,nv V r nu, rveaa ciog., wn ana arnam. w.. . ... Kim ,mivm 17 nrnnartv. R not tr. a ni , ha ri.i.. t w . Dumont ft Son, 1802 Farnam St, Omaha! "WANTED Farm loans. Klokc Inv. Co.. Omaha. . . GARVIN BROS h0&M- w vixj.iv v liVflftUO. aha Nat'l Bank. MONEY to loan on business or rei. dence properties. 21.000 to tiO.ixw. w. H THOMAS, 603 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE "" CAN'T MAKE PAYMENTS. "T . w...,... v-.. vf,-.vua .tunic. 11 room rnmnlAtA In av.rv wav nuMa parlors with fireplace, large library with ffronlA. a rA l&vatnnr In kail UU room and two pantries; all downstairs unianeu in quarter sawea wnite oaK. up stairs has five bedrooms, besides linen room. SHrvanta' room on thtrri Ann,. OUartpr UWmI wVlfta flntr. n.l.U enamel finish; new combination fixtures; cmeueni ceur, launary; gooa neating Dlant: lot AI!t140 with itrltiv nA oii,. aonroaoh: fi 1 1 na vi n tr nuiA p..Mnt AnmA owes 26,500; must have 31,000 cash; 11,00(1 duo year, i,uw two years, Balance In monthly payments of 338.50 per month. Will trade for clear western land, good house or smaller house. Address H 678, care oee. NEW, centrally located halt, well equipped. 1508-10 Harney, id Floor at 1506 Harney 8t (new). Offices at 1517 Harney St., 2d floor. Store at 1411 Harney St. Store at 935 N. 24th St .' ' Store at 336 N. 2th St., So. Omaha. - O. C. REDICK, Atty., : 1517 Farnam St M'CAGUE BLDG., 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive offices: moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. . DESIRABLE OFFICES In Continental block. - Half suite on second floor, 122.50. Full suite on third floor, 330.00. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. ' 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. AT 24TH and Farnam Sts., we want to build 3 or 4 good stores right away. Have some applicants now, but have room for 2 more live ones. HARRISON ft MORTON, 91C Omaha Nat OFFERED FOR 8 ALB Farnltar. Baseburner, hotel range, furn. 939 N. 21 FOR SALE Oak sanitary roller top dean, also roller top typewriter desk. In quire 503 Bee Bldg. FURNITURE for sale, good, all kinds, cneap, rta nw. GOOD 4 hole steel range, 7.00. 2311 N. rath Ave, ON account of moving will sell ranres. heaters, baseburners; great reduction of prices. 1919 Clark. . . Moaical Instruments. . FOR SALE A new Edison opera phono graph with 34 Amberol records: good deal if taken at once; need the money for other purposes. F. D. Clark, 2512 Ave. C, Coun cil Bluffs. . . Electric pianos. Continental Nov. 119 N. 15. -. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS "foTrent t months $5. Central Typewriter . Exchange, i RENT from the manufacturers direct No. 2 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, 34 00. 'Phone Douglas 2919. ' The OJver Type writer company. "., . Mlaorlinneon. FOR SALE New and " second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments.- The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-40 8. 19th street - '- - FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT At lu44 Georgia Ave., l.i "Tne Georgia." ianitor service all modern conveniences, .40.00. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, ' 1822 Fsrnam St - Moaac and Cottage. HOUSEHOLD goods packed and tor warded; cheap freight rates; Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. TeL Ooug. 294; office 216 S. 17th St TO UNDERTAKERS. FOR SALE At a large discount one new Bomcardner lowertntr - device, one grave liner, one cooling b"rd, one ehurcn truck, one set of embalming tooia and case, one set casket stools. John Oliver, Randolph, Neb. HOME-MADE preserves.-Jellies; reas onable. Harney 3954. ' AB RGAJN lor ome young law-D-axv,u-"-LW yer; 1 scries of law books of 12 volumes, 1 of 10 volumes. Law Dictionary, Hale on Torts. Cooley on Torts, Clark's Criminal Law Book; will stll cheap; make m an offer; good as new. A. J. Knott 4616 N. 26'h. t Web. 6556. ' FOR 8AT.P1 OR TB1IW! swn T.ivr, . Splendid general mercantile business In eastern Colorado: stork neaplv nan. mm invoice about 88,000; did 260,000 cash 'busi ness uus year. , irooa live town and largo icmnji io urw xrom, write I 153. FOR BAT.tJ- tROno i j furniture and undertaking In the best town in Boone Co.; will consider some city property. Altsohuler Hdw. Co. St Edwards, Neb. TO EXCHANGE For smaller home, a 7-room house; largo reception hall; bath; thoroughly modern; full cement base ment; furnace heat; lot 60x125; splendid neighborhood and surroundings; fine lawn and flowers; price 23,650; will trade 21.960 eouttv fnr lurnnm .ah,.. n neighborhood; need not be fully modern mv uii var line. DEUEL A HANKINSON, 201 Paxton Block. . r. 2877. A GOOD, well Improved farm near Omaha, for sale cheap. Address 806 N 19th St Douglas 4147. 26.000 RTor.xr m.h.ii..ii ..i. exchange, at Salix, la. Address 1212 N. 26th St, Omaha, Neb. . , REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE). Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater. tlTV PROPERTV FOR SALE. Thinkof It Fin ifridtnrja Tnt-t .iia ai 18th and Farnam St, having paved streets, city water, gas and sewer for from 2900.00 to $1,100.00. Can bo bought on payments of 2300.00 cash and the bal ance in three equal annual payments. oeuer gei one oi tne oargaln lots now. Southwest mm 11A . A . . - -u attu otDniu. St Owner wants an offer for this fine lot Clalrmont 4?th Av anil nnA lot and on easy payments for $500. ' - - - ... North WAst Mrn.! !Ul1 mriA TtfwA (k... flno east front lots with sewer, city water and sidewalks. $1,100. Northeast corner 29th and Burdette. two fine lots 100x127, for 2900 on easy pay ments. 39th and Wirt, two good buildins- alters. each 44x132 on payments at $450. t - ul. vviurAll J,, Phone Douglas 200. sos Bee Bldt. LOOK THESE UP SOUTH SIDE BARGAINS: 1 Five- rooms on 9. ish nr u.rt.a Six rooms on ft 12th r...n.. , ------ --- -- MV", VMUll, modern, $2,600. Seven rooms on 6. 10 and Martha, large corner lot navlncr n n.M ..... ... somo one, $3,250. Five rooms on Elm, between 14th and loth, $1,809. Two large lots. 21st and Bancroft tr-M each. ,i , ' ' ' NORTH SIDE, fix rooms at 2064 Evans St trnnA hern J2W cash. . -- Five rooms at 43d and Corby Bts., new bungalow, $200 cash. Seven-room bumralow. on Amoa iv. modern, $8.50 cash. - 1 Eight rooms on Emmet St.. modern. Inquire 411 Karbaeh Block. Phono D. 8607.