Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Wives of.Rosevelt Politician! to
Boost Party.
fair Grond Inr Place on Sndr,
Where Band Coorert la Give for
AaiMafit o Vlaltora
Frostier Show U Hea4r.
(From a 8taff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Bept. l-(3pedl,)-"Lt the
.vornen do th work," or at least a part
of tt, will be the program of the bull
mooee party In Lancaster county If the
women,. rs have their way. Saturday
several women of the capital city who
have been watching with critical eyes the
manner in which their hatbands have
been running pall Ural thing, met and
formed an association with the object in
view of assisting Roosevelt in his effort
to carry Nebraska- The women were Mrs.
Frank M. Han, wife a protnlnen Ltnooln
attorney; Mrs. H. M. Bushneii, wife of
the editor of the Trad Review; Mr.
Will fl. Jay, wife of one of the governor'
oil Inspectors; and Mrs. J. W. Johnson,
wife of a former food , commissioner.
They were assisted In the schema by J.
L. McBrien, on of the leading bull mooe
educators of the state.
('' Regulars' Are Artlve.
That the regular republicans of Lan
caster county do not propose to let their
, organisation lapse just because Roosevelt
happened to capture the county conven
tion 1 evidenced by the fact that the
county central committee metl ast night
and perfected the organisation by the
election of J. Reld Green, former secre
tary of the county committee, chairman;
Ralph Moeely, secretary; and Dennis C.
Berry, treasurer. A resolution was
passed directing the scretary to Issue tha
usual statement and call for funis from
each candidate on the county and legisla
tive ticket.
The Roosevelt faction also had a meet
ing and George A. Adams, who had been
previously elected Chairman of the com
mittee, announced he bad aeleoted H. N.
Msttley, secretary.
Isapeet Power Cora pas r.
The Nemaha Valley Light and Power
company, which has notified the railway
commission that they desire to Incorpor
ate, waa paid a visit by Commissioner
Hall and Hears. Cates and Oerber of the
phylcal valuation department, . In order
that the commission may know the facts
In regard to the property owned by the
company. , The. gentlemen returned !!
Q.orge Aldiich, i:n of the governor, who
who has been out In the Dakota with a
surveying party, returned home yester
day and will continue his duties, at the
university when school opens.
To Held Rifle Camp.
A rifle camp will be held by the com
panies of the National Guard stationed
in Omaha some tlme during the present
month. The esmp win be under the In
struction o Lieutenant Teat of the regu
lar army, now Instructor for tha Ne
braska gtlard. ' " i
' Baay at Pair Grosada.
While today I unday, still tha fair
grounds Is a pretty busy place.' Oil ac
count of the heavy wind which b!ew down
several tents last night and the accom
panying rain, work on a great many of
kthe exhibits which were outside of the
pbulldtngs' was delayed," necessitating a
jsjeneral "get there" spirit this morning
In order to cava, things ready when the
rooming gun is fired Monday. Sunday
afternoon a band concert was hold for
the benefit of those on the grounds. It,
liad been advertised that Ltberati'i band
would be present, but a telegram to Pec
retary Meljor announced that the band
had missed connections over In 'Iowa
somewhere and would not arrive until
later. It was then arranged ta have the
band from the Boys' Industrial school,
who will be on the grounds ell the week,
fill the program until Llberatt and his
band arrives. Visitors at the grounds
this morning were especially Interested
in the Indiana who are eonnectid with
the Frontier shows. The warrlcr and
their squaws were having the generul
Sunday work, and meat of all kinds and
descriptions was hanging on tent ropes
or lying around on the giaxs. Xona of
the visitors Insisted on taking lunch with
the red people.
Governor to Issue
Reply to Morehead
'From a Staff Corespondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept l.-Spee!al.)-The pub.
hphed letter of Lieutenant Governor J. II.
Morehead, democratic candidate for gov
ernor, answering the challenge of Gover
nor Aldrlch to a series of joint debates,
was the subject of a few remarks' this
marnlng around the hotel lobbies.
Governor Aldrlch said: "I will prepare
a statement for publication tomorrow. I
rather think the gentleman Tias evaded
the ltsue and I will cover the matter
I think satisfactorily. I know what he is
fishing for, but he wil be using the wrong
kind of bait"
Senator Dixon passed through Lincoln
yesterday and Jasper C. McBrien and
others met htm at the train and a a re
sult Mr. McBrien now comes out as chief
forecaster of the bull moose campaign.
He began h's onerous duties tills morning
by making the announcement that the
vote In Nebraska on presidential candi
dates ,wll stand as fololws:
Roosevelt.; lflo.OOO
Taft , 60,000
Furniture Stock
i Damaged by Fire
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Sept. l.-(Spe-Qlal
Telegram.)Flre today did damage to
the extent of ICOOO to the furniture stock
of J. E. Bennstaon & Co., and some darn,
age to the building owned by Father
Th flames originated in the basement
and their origin Is unknown. The grocery
Stock of The .Louis Veit company next
door was damaged to the extent that
It was necessary to discontinue business
for a few days. 1 v (
The department wa again called out
later this afternoon, workmen bringing a
burning candle near an open 'gas pipe,
at which a connection was being made,
William Mailing was compelled to dash
through the flame to escape from the
fir. The flame was extinguished without
damage. .
BRIDGEPORT, Neb., Sept. I.-(8peolal.)
Hon. W. V. Hoagland of North Platte,
referee In bankruptcy for this district,
was in town yesterday and passed upon
the loans of several creditor of W. H.
Tracy, who has been adjudged a bank
rupt by Involuntary ptl"on. The names
of the creditors whose accounts were
allowed at the first sitting are:
O. Bommers Co., fit. Paul; Farmers'
National bank, Vinton, la.; M. J. Tobin,
Vinton, Ia. Urst National Bank, Bridge
port; Carter and Deefenderter, Wood
River, Neb.; H. P. Lan Cp., Lincoln,
Neb.; Chase & Sanborn, Boston, Mas.;
Sets A Schwab Co., Chicago, III.;
Lawrence Henaley Fruit company, Den
ver, Colo.; Colorado Coffee Roasting com
pany, Denver, Colo.; Ishmael ft Zimmer
man, Bridgeport.
The total amount of the claims allowed
It M.791.C. A, T. Beybolt. was appointed
trustee, his bond being fixed' at ' 17,500.
and he will at once take possession of
fthe asset and proceed to collect Ue in
surance on the property destroyed by
fire last winter, ' ; , . . '
y ' ; ' , vM"
Good Prlee for Franklin Farm.
BLOOMINGTON, Neb., Sept l-8pe-clal.)
The fine 800-acr Hamilton farm
southeast of Franklin was sold this week
to a buyer from Red Cloud. Mr. Hani
ilton' bought the farm two years ago
tor $G0 per acre. , He sold it for 175 per
acre and the new owner expects to sell
It for a considerable advance In price in
the near future.
Injared Brakemsua Dies.
NORFOLK, Neb.; Bept. WSpielal Tel
egram.) Northwestern Brakeman Charles
Ryan died here today following Injuries
sustained at Meadow Grove yesterday
when he wa crushed between two car
whllo making a coupling.
In the Shenandoah
;This Campaign Was One of the Most Brilliant of the War.
' Sheridan Lost 17,000 Men. But Destroyed Early's
Army and Saved Washington.
1 'Villkig Aceomt of the Battle at Winchester a no! FUcher't KSj. Wkt th Cos
federal Woro Defeated; Early' Sorprissj Attack at Cedar Crook)
; SkorkWs Kldo from Winchester and Mont of tfa Coofeoaretea .
' Fully Dosoribod sd IHustratad ia
Irady ? ar Photographs
(Complete With EWb New History of The Cml War)
A Beautifully Colored Frontia-
pieceKcar' for Framing
Cut out War Souvenir Coumtn whl
Besides this Interesting and thrilling
narrative of the last conflicts In the Shen
andoah Villey, Section 1 also contains
the complete story of the -
Attack On Petersburg
and the tailor of a plan by wMeh Grant
expected l captors the city, lb
iiiotojraphs arc unusually iaie rest tag.
a them, we see
Cao. MwlA.Earty. Um CaMmN SjAWt
The Capitol at Wotaiactaa, m it boko at IMSj
Tacee Sotaes laaida Fart Tattoe
Tha Portrait af Six SaUJanta lite Chi Ww
WWUtar Bee U. 3. rwnieeoUt
Vhat Eight TbaauMHtd Powds of Powder DU
SttiU.rUUokil 18M( v
CwKrsl MafcoB, "ta Here of & CnUr
Lraiw M. Aloott, a a None and Hup Mare
Cut out War Souvenir Coupon which
ppesrs ery Aeek snd bring or send It
to this ofBcaAith 10 eats to cover neces
sary eipees such t cost of material,'
asndllnr clerk hire, eto., and get your
copy o Section 14 er any one other sec
tion yr6 desire. ,
Weihave secured ex elusive rithtsfor
our tefrllory to distribute these long-lost
Brany'Wsr Pictures, illustrating EIsod's
Histoifr of the Civil Wr. and take this
nethftl f piaclsf the full set odd sections
in reh ot every home,, no matter hot
limited i be means,
. TkeoMkaaaeonnr hhm wnh Ball Ka
tnu tint f rt mom
the North and Soeth.
h aaa SwMk. If van ban mm racal
cut eat tfee eaaooo thi waah aad we'll wetr
: jraa with aithar er all af tba Aral f rlaia mo
taasw far 10 caata aack m4 ibe eo mv. ,
1 "-"Wiytf1
Tb Gril Yar ThrbagH the Cassra
i Cotatadnin . .
Brad jr Fraou Chril War Photo graph
And Professor Ebon's Nowly Written
lilstory of the Civil War
i - Tf -
(Continued from Fim Page.)
his removal. 1 suppose you won't" like
this, and I am awfully sorry, but I
beg you to believe that If it were feas
ible for me to act in any other way, I
would do so; and it is only because I
have no other alternative . that I must
relieve Bunn." ,
Itefrrs to Parker.
Here Colonel Koosei'eit replies to an
allusion lri the recant. Washington tes
timony to Alton iS. 4arker's charges In
1904, In reply to tlus charge that big
corporations had contributed liberally
to the republican campaign fund through
the solicitation ot Mr. Cortelyou. Also
Colonel Roosevelt Includes the letter
he wrote to James 8. Sherman, now vice
president, on October $, ItOS, in which
he reviewed at length the , Roosevelt
Harrlmari ' controversy over the J28O,O0O
contribution of the late B. H. Mariiman
In 1504. ...
This letter, whlah was published shortly
after It was written, ' contained ; cor
respondence between Messrs. Roosevelt
and' Harrlman and Characterised Mr.
Harrlman's statement that Roosevelt re
quested him to raise tffiO.OOO as "a de
liberate and wilful untruth by rights
It .should be cbaradlerlsed by an even
shorter and more ugly word." It also
Includes the letter written by Colonel
Roosevelt then president to Mr. 'Har
rlman on October 14, 1964, In which Colo
nel Roosevelt said, "Now, my" dear sir,
you and Iare practical- men" a well
as several other men bearing closely on
the issue. Colonel Roosevelt' letter to
8entor Clapp then continue a follows:
As to Harrlman Case.'
"This letter was written In Mr. . Har
rlman's lifetime and, neither was con
tradicted then nor can be contradicted
now. Mr. Loeb, then my private secre
tary, heard my conversation with Mr.
Harrlman and can testify about It. Mr.
Harrlman never even discussed with me
giving anything to 'the national com
emlttee and I. never spoke to him about
It or requested a dollar .from him.. Ho
asked me to intercede with Mr, Bliss
and Mr '.Cortelyou to get money for hip
and Mr. Odell In their state campaign.
Mr.. Loeb. heard him make the request,
and by my election transmitted the re
quest to Mr. Bllsa. and Mf .Cortelyou
over the telephone, a I did myself later.
"In my letters to Mr. , Cortelyou during-the
campaign the -only allusion that
I can find to campaign contributions 1
In one In which I tell him that I have
heard a rumor that Senator Dick of
Ohio, has been collecting money, from
office-holders, and that If so, he must
be warned to stop or he will get Into
trouble. - s "
Often Talked to Bits. '
"I communicated with Mr. Bliss very
Infrequently, and never made any al
lusion to contribution In any letter that
I wrote him or any conversation I had
with him. From Mr. Bllsa, as from Mr,
CprtelyCu, I received the explicit state
ment that no promise had been made
and ho -obligation 'entered Into directly
or Indirectly vl connection with any con-
trtbutlori that , had "been ;. received,' or
would be entered, Into" lri connection with
any contribution that ' might b received
in' 'the future.
'I have neverrdlseuasedf the -qaiotron
of contributions with Mr. Perkins save
In connection with discussing tho aecu-eMoh.--bftiJght
before, your committee.
I have never, directly or Indirectly,
asked htm for a contribution, nJ I fid
not so far as I can remember ash any
human being for a contribution either
while I was running for prIdent or for
vlee-presldenHor" during the recent, pri
mary or since the ;ecnt primary.'
i "Mr. Archbofd ha alluded to hla Visit
made a year or so after the election to
me In company with Mr. Roger, Mr.
Roger and Mr. Archbold mad? an ap
pointment to ee me through Mr. 'Root,
who wa then in my cabinet 1 He was
not present at the interview. The sub
ject ot campaign contribution waa not
alluded to.
Referred 'to Garfield.
"Messrs. Archbold and Rogers, the for
mer doing almost alt tl talking, stated
they had come down In connection with
the accusations made against the Stand
ard Oil company regarding rebate. I in
formed them that Mr. Garfield had in
formed me that he was about to report
very strongly against the Standard Oil
company on this natter:' and I referred
thent to Mr. Garfield, uggertlng that
they see him or H. K. Smith and go over
the matter with them " before coining
tome.. ''.. 1 .';.' . ..
"Mr. Sibley, then a congressman from
Pennsylvania, called upon me once or
twice to speak on behalf pf the Standard
Oil people, and urged upon me that they
were very good men, and that their ac
cusers were unworthy and misguided
creatures; but he did not make any ape
clflo request about the mas far a I re
member, nor arrange an Interview' for
them. The only reason I remember any
thing about what he aatd waa because as
he had been a populist, and I had sup
posed that he was an antl -corporation
man In his feeling, I was a little sur
prised at his turning on behalf of the
Standard Oil
"A couple ot years later when the De
partment of Justice was taking the pre
liminary tep for bringing suit to dis
solve the Standard Oil company, Senator
Jonathan Bourne, on three or four oc
casion broughtf Mr, Archbold In to see
me. Two letters to Senator Bourne were
written by me after the first and the
last of these Interviews, snd explain
themselves" ' -
v Stastos Tctela Force. .
STANTON, Neb., Sept. l.SpeclI.)
The Stanton city school! will open Sep
tember 2 with the following teacher In
charge of the work. 3. H. Welch, su
perintendent; K. O. . Blackstone. princi
pal; Mlna . Anna DanleB, mathematics
and history; Charles E. Kellogg, English
and normal training; Mia lilu Currln,
German and Latin; Miss Harriett Tern
pun and Miss Grace Telch, grammar de
partment; Mrs. J. P.' Elmore-and Miss
Alice Hicks, fourth and, fifth grades;
Miss Edna Fucha, second and third
grides; 'Miss Ora, first and second
grades; Miss Esther Raabe, primary,,
Manual training and domestic art will
be,, introduced this year In the grammar
department .
aariai - - vr, Awnvrvifa, ,
SEWARD,. NeK. Jept 1. (Spedal.)
The body of Dr. Glen Rosborough will he
sent to Seward from Cheyenne, Wyo.,
tonight Dr. Rosborough died at Cheyenne
from the effects of a carbuncle. The
funeral will take place at the home to
morrow under the auspices of the Maaonta
fraternity.'1 . " ' ;.;
Persistent Advertising 1 the Road to
Slg Returns; ; - .
M T '' tr -
WKtT CHESTER. Pa.. Sept. t
Arthur Wood, president of the Builders
Supply company of Brooklyn, N. Y.. was
Instantly killed and five other persons
were Injured, two dangerously, when an
automoblie In which they were touring
the state turned turtle tonight at Glen
Ixck,' about three mile outside of this
city. .... '
Wood was crushed under the automo
bile, and his wife' leg was broken. Moies
K. Roundtree's Injuries Included Several
broken rlba one of which penetrated his
lung, hi wife was hurt Internally and
suffered a broken wrist, while Elisabeth
Roundtree's .forearm waa broken.
i .' i
ROME, Sept. L A profound smrotlon
was caused by the arrest today of two
prominent leaders of Roman society with
five accomplices on a charge of alleged
trafficking In counterfeit bank notes and
government stock certificates.
The chief accused are Count Falza
cappl and Count. Barblelllnl, who are
charged with having issued Illicit se
curities on an extensive,, scale. The
organization with, which .they are. said
to-be connected is believed to have wide
spread ramification.
All the arrested men protested they
were Innocent' but they' have been in
carcerated In ReglnacoelL ' : 1
SEATTLE, Wash., Sept 1. While the
police are searching for Lee Hang Chow,
the Chinese physician who was treating
Louis Potter, the sculptor, for. a dermal
ailment when the latter died here Thurs
day morning. Interest - centers about
Potter's companion. .
Although the woman was found last
night in the office of a physician who is
treating her, she has refused to disclose
her Identity, and Potter friends are
equally silent on this point. The Coroner
said he had no Information concerning
her, but that he had been assured that
she would be available If desired as a
The persistency with which those at
tending her are protecting her 'name,
lends color to rumor that she Is con
nected with a family of writers. At the
hotel where - Potter died hi companion
frequently referred to her experience as
a writer and led persona to believe that
she was a frequent contributor ., to ' New
Tork newspapers and magaslnes. - '
J go down and Jumped Into the creek to
' 1. 1 t- a . .
. c turn. xio iiinjiaifvu tu an ,iiuiauji
almost to the bank when he lost his hold
and the boy sank for the last time. The
body. was recovered an hour later.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept.. l.-SpeciaI
Telegram.) Arthur, the 18-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs,' Louis Johnson of Wyroore,
was drowned In Indian creek, two miles
west' of that place,' today at noon while
he was In bathing with some companions.
A tramp who was sitting on the rail
road tracks near the stream saw Johnson
ATLANTIC CITY. N. j., Sept. 1
There will be s 20 per cent reduction tn
the wage of operative Id the glass bottle
factories of the country, affecting more
than 1.009 men, as the result of a decision
reached her last night at the close of
a ten days' conference between repre
sentatives , of the Glass Blowers' associa
tion and . the National Association of
Olass Manufacturers. ' The manufacturers
wanted e. S per cent cut and the men in
sisted upon the maintenance of the pres
ent scale. A compromise was reached.
. CHICAGOt Sept: i.-Robert Wilson, 41
year 'of age,' -'believed from letters in-his
possession to be a 'special Investigator
frtm 'Xew York,-In the Rosenthal case,
was stabbed tonight In' a quarrel wKh an
unidentified "man In front of a hotel at
Twenty-first street and Wabash avenue.
He suffered a deep cut on his right cheek
and was taken to a hospital. Wilson re
fused to talk when questioned by the
police, except to say that he wa wounded
during an .argument with a man. - He
refused to reveal the Identity of his as
sailant and disappeared shortly after be
ing released from the hospital.
" . 3
Wakl-Heniua Institute of Fermcntology, Gkicago, writes:
'We Kavi tested beers refeateclly, lading tKe bottles ihtb
direct eunliglit, and testing tKe same after one, two, tkree and
' five minutes . extsure; found tW tKe beer wifk fKree and five
; " minutes exfxwure became -undrinkable on account of tbe peculiar
odor develted.Tne detrimental effect of ligkt upon beer can
' be successfully counteracted by tbe emrfoyment of brown, or
' darls .eolored; glass bottles." . . '
f- "fV'Scliiitz uses tKe Brown. Bottle to Protect 'its purity from
tbe brewery toyour
y lie
See that crown er cork
lis branded "SchUtzS
' Omaha Distributor
Vkoaes, Boof. issri Xnd, A-SttaV
Schllta Bottled Beer Depot,
rat losm wit
Cotureil Bhtfft Distribntor.
Hy Oerber, .
iOi . Kai. it Pbea 494,
COLtMBCS, O.. Septl'.-Eight candi
date on the republican state ticket early
this morning lgned a statement agreeing
to support faithfully the republican ticket
This action was taken after a meeting
with State Chairman Daugberty and
members of the state executive committee
lasting nearly six hours. Following the
meeting Chairman Daugherty announced
that the action of the candidates, some
of whom It, was thought were wavering
In the nt-CcrnnlVM waa entlmlv aallxfao
tofy to tbe organisation. i
.' -rrr " ' , . .4
(ordrrer la Hansred,
CANON CITY. Colo.. Sept. l.In a
"eebtT was banged at the penitentiary,
tonight for the murder-of Clifford Bur-,
rows of Denver.- Burrows-was shot dur--
lug a fight in a cafe which Wechter at
tempted to rob. -- . .
. Keep the Complexion Beautiful
Nadihe Face 'Powder
tn Ormm Boat Ctafe) '
Produces a soft, velvety
appearance so much ad
mired, and remains until
washed off. Purified by
a new process. Will not
clog the pores. Harmless.
Prevents (unburn anf!
return of discolorations.
By toilet counters or mall, . 50c. Mtnef
aci if not tnttnly pleaitd. ;
Sold by Shcraun-MaCoBMli Drag C Owl Drus.
Co., Loyl Fharoucir. Htrvart Pbumacr, otherm..
1 1 - " v
X 1
ivo more
dirty " '
water-closet bowls
mnd no mors unplttuant writ
kteping thtm cean. For Sani
Flaeh will qaickfy malt them
white as nets without tcmbbing
or touching the bu)i with the
, Nonas.
Water-Closet Bowls
Smnl-Ftmthii m powdmJ ehmmeml
cmrnpomndditinfKtmnt mnd 4mm
dormmtweiy lm m mnd harmhu
. : tm boat mmd ntmmUng, -' Cmt m emu "
tm-Jay mnd hm wrri4 mm mare
rfiMeVafW tmmtnclmt taiat
i- fe-i. '...:': -'l-St-A "'4'-
20 cents can at your
grocer's or druggist's.
Men - ' :
.. . 0 -
la search of opportunity will
do well to read the "Help
Wanted" columns In The
Bee every day. Many a man
has found his chance
through the want ad col
umns of this paper.
Read Bee
Want Ads.
1:.,.. . ;:this.week
&' Faiir
95 -
Day Ii
Governor Hiram Johnson of California
Candidate for Vice President
; Goyortlpr Chootcr K. Aldrlch ;
; : Spoait at 2:00 P. "
In addition to the best exhibits on earth there will he good races, Aeroplane Flights, Wild
West Show,, Liberati's Concert Band and Grand Opera Company in full prograp. (
ana Pay;
"40 Blinutes from Omaha.
And Many Other Attractions
Formal Closing of Park
Labor Day, Sept. 2.
Dancing During September
Wednesday, Saturday and
: Sunday Evenings
Vboass '''.'
Dour. 4S4.
Matinee Dally 3:15 Every Night :15.
Joseph Hart's "DlnkeUpeU's Christmas"
Etein. Hum. Thomas: Robert and Law
rence Ward: Ormaa Trio: Reba and
Ines Kaufman; Lockhart and Leddy.
Animated Photography.
1 Orpheum .Concert Orchestra,
Vrlooai VinV 10t B5. ouo, foe. KV
BaL 10a Vast -sost aso, ss. fist. Bon.
Base Ball -
Rourke Park ' '
Angsst 31, iapteasb 1 and s , v
V?t teptambsr 3, Tare Games
aolrt Oasss Callsd IML