Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1912, Image 1

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Right in The Bee day by day.
Full box scores of all big leagues.
Sport cartoons that hit the bullseye.
a Daily
Showers; Cooler
Zvidence of Struggle Disclosed and
Tuft of Woman's Hair Torn
from Head.
Envelope Bears Name of Business
Man of Yankton, S. D.
Prominent at Home and Accident or
Robbery Suggested.
Itreet Car Crew Discovers Papers,
Woman's Shopping; List and Hat
. May Have Been Thrown
Into River.
Little occurred yesterday to clear the
I mystery of the articles found Saturday
morning on the east end of the Douglas
; street bridge ' that indicated possible
murder of a woman. A mesage was re
ceived by The Bee from Yankton, S. D.,
explaining the identity of the parties
supposed to have been concerned in the
incident or or possible tragedy.
Among the loose papers found on the
fridge was an empty envelope addressed
from Kansas City to W. H. Luebke of
Yankton. Information from Yankton is
i that Henry Luebke, who Is a prominent
hide and fur dealer of that city, left
' there with his wife and son a week ago
ion an automobile trip for Omaha. His
own automobile was out of commission
and. he borrowed the machine of Dr. E.
Jf. Doyle for the trip. The dispatch sug
gested that Mr. Luegke wash so well
known at his home and his standing was
(Such that if anything untoward had taken
place it was either an accident or through
I robbery.
Mr. Luebke, wife and son while in
! Omaha roomed for a week at the home
. of Mrs. Maud Wheeler, 202 North Eigh
teenth street, which they left Saturaday
morning presumably for Yankton.
Unquestionable evidences of a struggle,
a woman's hat apparently of good quality
and "beehive" shape, scattered papers
and a tuft of woman's hair Indicate that
another murder or suicide may have been
done on the street railway bridge and
jthe body thrown into the river as was
' that of the murdered Horace Falters,
i bridge tolltaker, a year ago last July.
-Saturday morning when Motorman Gus
Williams reached the east end of the
bridge on his first trip for the day he
I noticed the hat lying by the side of the
! smith railing at the siding switch on the
(bridge, which Is. about sixty, feet from tha
'east bank of the river, where the water
J is about ten feet deep and moves with a
sluggish' current In the. cab with him
was Claim. Agent Fred Clausen. They
; were on the point of stopping the car and
, gathering up the hat and papers, but de
' cided not to do so until the return trip
'about twenty minutes later. When the
car returned the hat was gone, but the
I scattered papers were undisturbed".
Looking over the side of the bridge
they observed one of the swinging plat
forms used by linemen ror cable work.
It had been suspended several feet below
the level of the bridge floor by two ropes..
One of the ropes -had been broken and
the platform was suspended at a sharp
angle. Clinging to the . broken rope was
a tuft of long brown hair.
the men immediately telephoned the
facts to the police station and Detective
Callaghan made an Investigation. He
gathered up all of the papers that re
mained, although some had apparently
blown away. The hanging rope was pulled
up and the wisp of hair recovered. It
had unmistakably been torn, not cut,
from a woman's head. It Is of a light
brown color and had apparently come
from the head of a woman who had not
reached middle age.
' Rope Entangled Hair.
The rope Is of unusually rough texture
and appeared to have entangled, and held
the wisp of hair. Among the papers was
an empty envelope that had been ad
dressed to W. H. Luebke, Yankton, S. D..
and had been sent out by the Western
Auto Supply company at Kansas City.
On the back of a circular evidently con
tained in the envelope had been written
with pencil a shopping list comprising
women's articles. A number of tags
taken from articles corresponding to the
memorandum list, all purchased at th
Brandeis stores in Omaha, were also
Ormsby McHarg
Comes Out Openly
in Favor of Taft
NEW YORK. Sept l.-The republican
national committee has Issued a state
ment that Ormsby McHarg, who was In
charge of the Roosevelt contests at the
Chicago convention, will cast his presi
dential vote for President Taft. McHars
"I have always Deen a republican, and
always shall be one. Therefore, I In
tend to support my party In the comirur
elections, and I intend to cast my vote
for the re-election it President Tat.
"I supported Colonel Roosevelt as a
republican, having no notion at that time
that he was anything else. I was bit
terly disappointed to find later what his
real intentions were. I am under no ob
ligations to him, or anybody el. how
ever, to get out or the republican party,
and do not intend to do so.
"Furthermore, I believe that the pres
ent republican party is the real progres
sive party. It Is more progressive, in
my estimation, than the rank and file
of the people have been. I think this
will he appreciated when the majority
of the people get a better Idea of what
is really being done by the republicans
all over the country.1 Certainly the leg
islation now being passed in all parts
of the United States is quite as ad
vanced as any reasonable person has
"I believe there Is absolutely no future
for the new third party beyond Colonel
Roosevelt. If the new party expects to
live it will have to take out a life In
surance policy on the colonel's life.
Their cry of fighting the bosses Is al
ready being dissipated by the ' winds
of public opinion. I do not think that
Penrose Is a bit more dangerous than
Fllnn, and some of the other so-called
republican bosses have quite as good a
standing with the voters as has Mr.
Perkins." -
FiTe Thousand Men 6de and
Then Go t,& .e.lfor
Rev. D. Jenkins, Mayor Dahlman
and Howard Baldrige on List
Labor Day Eeverie
City Clerk C. D. Thompson to Tell of
Labor's Gaining Strength.
Central Labor Union to Head Col
umn, Bonding- Trades, Shop
Federation and Others
DENVER, Colo., Sept 1. Governor
(Hiram Johnson of California, progressive
vice presidential candidate, arrived In Den
ver last night and addressed an audience
that filled the big municipal theater.
During the day Governor Johnson spoke
to large crowds at Greeley and Platt
ville, Colo., while on his way here from
Cheyenne, Wyo. His reception In Colo
rado was marked by enthusiasm.
Governor Johnson" digressed from the
set speech which he has been delivering
on his tour to point out the likeness be
tween conditions In California, before the
progressives gained power, and conditions
In Colorado at. the present time. He
declared that both had been overrun by
bi-partisan bosses and that the only way
for Colorado to free Itself was to take
up the progressive banner.
The Weather
For Nebraska Showers.
For Iowa Showers,
temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
iiour. ueg.
. 5 a. m 74
Judge Reese Says
Taft Sentiment is
Growing in Nebraska
Judge Reese came down from Broken
Bow and spent Sunday at the Rome,
visiting a portion of the time with' Con
gressman Klnkald. The judge is some
what in touch with Custer county poll
tics and In discussing the situation, said:
'Two months ago, before the Chicago
convention, Custer county was pretty
strong for Roosevelt, but since the colo
nel has bolted the party, sentiment has
changed. For a time, after that con
vention, there were a good many bull
moosers with us, but new they seem to
be deserting the herd and getting back
into the republican fold.
Taft has gained wonderfully in
strength during the last couple of weeks
and if his gains continue In the same
proportion Until election, there will- not.
be many votes east for Roosevelt. The
.peop'ewerj , carried away , jMth , excite,
mini, but now theare giving politics
serious consideration, believing ths Taft
policies are safe and sound." . j,
i Relative to Custer county crops, Judge
Reese says small grain has been excep
tionally good arid that corn is coming
along nicely. There are some localities
where corn will not be a full crop, but
generally the yield promises to be up to,
if not above .the average. ' '
' "Owing to the good crops, land prices
are advancing and sales are becoming
frequent The people are prosperous and
we are well satisfied with the conditions."
Corrick to Dispense
Moose Cash in State
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Sept. l.-(Speclal.)-In re
sponse to a telegram from Senator Dixon,
manager of the Roosevelt campaign, State
Manager E. P. Corrick and I. L. Mc
Brlen met that gentleman at the Burling
ton station this morning and accompanied
him as far as Hastings, returning this
Mr. Corrick says the senator is very well
pleased with the situation In Nebraska.
He reports large gains In New York, es
pecially from the democrats.
The action of Senator Dixon in com
municating with Mr. Corrick indicates
that what favors the Eppersonlan com
mittee may expect from the bull moose
national headquarters will have to come
through Mr. Corrick.
Headquarters for the Roosevelt cam
paign have been opened In a fine suite
Of office rooms adjoining Mr. Corrlck's
private office, and Indicates that there
will be money in plenty to keep the cause
going In the state. The offices are on
the second floor of the Fraternity build
ing in rooms 204 and 305.
Congressman Norrls has notified . Mr.
Corrick that he will not be able to reach
Lincoln In time for the state fair.
WASHINGTON. Sept L An historic
old cottonwood tree that had adorned
the president's front yard the north
lawn of the White House since it was
planted In 1832 , by President , Andrew
Jackson and several of his cabinet offi
cers, was removed today, having suc
cumbed to unknown causes?" It was pre
sented to President Jackson ty the
Creek Indian Chief Alpataca, just before
the signing of the treaty, by which the
Creek nation was removed from Florida.
An Indian prophecy connected with the
tree was that as long as it should live
Its shade would typify the protection and
good will which the mysterious "visible
God" of the Creek Indians would spread
upon the white government. ,
Labor organizations will celebrate Labor
day today when at least 6,000 work
ing men, representing fifty-five unions,
will form a line of parade at Thirteenth
and Douglas and march to Courtland
Beach, where probably 10,000 will partici
pate In a big picnic.
Governor Aid rich will deliver an ad
dress In the evening and during the aft
ernoon speeches will be made by C. D.
Thompson, city clerk of Milwaukee;
Mayor Dahlman, Howard Baldrige, B. F.
McCaffery, H. B. Fleharty, Rev. D. E.
Jenkins and John E. Reagan.
The parade will form at 10:30 o'clock
and will pass through the business sec
tion of the city, concluding at Eighteenth
and California streets. It will be lead
by the Central Labor union, followed by
the building trades, miscellaneous trades
and the Union Pacific shop federation
and unions of Omaha, South Omaha and
Council Bluffs.
A program of sports will precede the
speaking. .
J. L. Kerrigan Is general ch.Vrtnan of
the committee arranging for the program.
W. E. Bryan Is secretary and W. J.
Marks, treasurer. Other committees are:
Grounds and concessions, J. W. Light
W. E. Bryan, J. M. Flynn, W. J. Marks,
P. Sorenson, J. C. Stockwell; sports, W.
J. Turner, P. R. Cummins, D. F. Hegarty,
H. H. Howke, Henry Kefst, jr., N. Nor
man, C. E. Woodward; speakers, H. F.
Sornian, George Norman, W. J. Turner;
law and order, Frank McNulty, H. Gas
ser, Theodore Jensen, A. C Johnson, H.
B. Hyland.
Many Sports Events.
Following Is the program of sports:
Sack race, card men only. First prize.
$2; second prise, 11. j
76-yard egg race, young ladies. First l
prize, parasol; second prize, pair gloves, j
Boys- cracker eating contest under 14
years. , First prize, 11; second prize, 0
cents. -
7&-yard running race, card men only.
200 pounds or over. First prize, box of
Jiiiy. cigars second prize, -box of twenty -rive
cigars. .. v ..:';
60-yard running hobble skirt race, younr
ladles U to 26 years. First prize, two
pound box candy; second prize, one-pound.
100-yard running race, girls ' Under ' 16
years. First prize, two-pound box candy;
second prize, one and one-half-pound box.
candy. - -
High jumping contest, card men only.
Prize, fifty cigars.
50-yard three-legged race, card men only.
First prize, fifty cigars; second prize,
twenty-five cigars.
100-yard running race, single card men
only. Fjrst prise, fifty cigars; second
prize, twenty-five cigars:
100-yard race, bachelors. , First prize,
umbrella; second prize, pipe.
75-yard running race, spinster ladles over
36 years. First prize, . house slippers;
second prize, two-pound box candy.
100-yard running race, married card men
only. First prize, box of fifty cigars;
second prize, pipe.
75-yard running race, married women
under 160 pounds, First prize, pair lady's
shoes; second prize, pair lady's shoes. -
50-yard three-legged race, boys under
16 years. First prize, $1.50; second prize, tt.
60-yard running race, women 176 pounds
pr over. First prize, rocking chair; sec
ond prize, granite tea kettle. , 4
Line of March.
This will be the route of the parade:
Leave Labor temple at 10:30, east on
Douglas, south to Eleventh, west on Far
nam, south on Sixteenth to Leavenworth,
countermarch on Sixteenth north to Har
ney, west on Harney, north on Eight
eenth, east on Farnam, north on Six
teenth, west on California to Eighteenth
and disband.
George E. Norman will be marshal and
H. Wilson and H. F. Sarman will be
After 1 o'clock in the afternoon there
will be through street car service to
Courtland Beach from Fourteenth and
Howard streets, In addition to the regular
service from Locust street. The beach
may be reached from any car transfer
ring to the Sherman avenue line, a sec
ond transfer being necessary at Sixteenth
and Locust streets.
Political Leaders
Report at Panama Says Two Are
Slain in Nicaragua.
SAN LUIS POTOSI,' Me.-, Sept. 1. The
t a. m 75 jrancn uciuhr iig 10 American vice consul
7 a. m 7 j Frank A. Dickinson of this city, known
m f j as Peralta in this district of Absolo,
10 a! m.."!!!!!!!I 84 Juanajuato. was assaulted by rebels foi
tne mira time on tne nignt or August 28,
according to advices received today. The
ra'ders numbered more than 300 and
entered the ranch with "vlvns" fot
Zapata. No resistance was offered and
they took away everything of value on
the place.
11 a. m .
12 m S8
1 p. ro 90
2 p. m 94
3 p. m 95
- 4 p. m 96
5 p. m. 95
6 p. m 80
7 D. m.. 77
Hundreds of Bodies
in Sea After Typhoon
AMOY, Sept h A violent typhoon
swept Fuchow Thursday night and caused
great loss of life and damage to property.
Steamers from the north report the sea
off the mouth of Min river strewn with
hundreds of bodies..
SPARTANBURG. 8. C. Sept t-In an
open letter to Governor Cole L. Blease,
Senator B. R. Tillman, in characteristic
language resents the assertion made
recently In this r.tate that "Bleaselsm"
Is Tillmanlsm." '
The senator asks Blease to meet the
criminal charges that have been brought
gainst him, denounces hi methods and
urges him to try to be a "decent gov
ernor." j
, "Tillmanlsm means genuine democracy."
says Senator Tillman in his letter,- "the
rule 'of the people of all the white
people rich and poor alike with special
privileges and favor to none, with equal
ity of opportunity and equality of bur
den to all. Bleaselsm, on the contrary,
means personal ambition and greed for
office the office to be used, not for the
welfare of all people and of the state,
but for Blease and his friends; none
others need apply.'." '
The letter accuses Blease 6f untruth
fulness and characterizes Blease as
"selfish, low, dirty and revengeful." ...
Woman In Granada Writes to Hus
band Begging that Food Be Got
to Town, bnt Plea Is
In Vatn.
PANAMA, Sept 1. Reliable Information
from Nicaragua received here today
Is to the effect that two American ma
rines have been killed there. ,
The 800 marines sent from Philadelphia
on board the transport Prairie for service
lit Nicaragua " arrived Balboa" from
Colon this afternoon, arid tonight are
camping on the docks there. They will
transfer their equipment to the cruiser
California by tug and lighters tomorrow.
Towns in Dire Straits.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Sept l-(De-layed
in ' transmission.) Managua, Gra
nada and Masaya are still beleaguered
and the Inhabitants, of the two latter
towns must be . neartng the point of
In a letter which was smuggled out of
Granada a woman writes to her husband
here begging that food be got to the town.
She reported conditions In Granada as
terrible. There Is, however, no prospect
of sending food to the Invested towns
until the American marines open the
All communication between Menc Co-
rlnto, and Managua and Leon Is cut off
and It is not known here what Is hap
pening In the north.' In Managua the
situation is critical and if assistance does
not come quickly a crisis soon will be
reached. Europeans here are making ap
peals to their home governments for help
and protection.
Mesage from Commander.
SAN JUAN DEL-BUR, Nicaragua, Sept.
1. Commander 'Thomas Washington,
commanding the United States cruiser
Denver, In a statement sent through
Lieutenant Charles W. Crosse, heading
the landing force of the Denver, which is
now here, says that all Is going well be
tween Corlnto aid Leon. Sailors and ma
rines from the warships Denver, Cali
fornia and Annapolis are stationed at
Chlhlgalpa, Leon, Managua and Chln
andega, where all Is reported tranquil.
The men from the warships are enjoying
the best of health.
Pickpocket Gang
Probably Broken
With the arrest of A. Siskand, Nor
rls Lupson. E. B. Hardett and Frank
Howland. the police are confident they
have broken up a gang of pickpockets,
who have been working In the city- dur
ing the last three weeks.
The arrests followed a complaint made
by J. B. Crews of 405 North Fifteenth
street to the police that Norrls Lupson,
living at 1407 Chicago street had re
lieved him of his wallet containing $10
while standing at Thirteenth and Doug
las streets, Saturday night
Albert Larson, 2418 Michigan avenue;
Lloyd Thomas, 1B18 Chicago street, and
J. J. Glrst 2769 California street who
were standing on the street corner at
the time, say they saw Lupson take the
A complaint will be filed against Lup
son, charging him with larceny ' for the
person. The other suspects arrested will
be held for further investigation.
NEW YORK. Sept. 1 The republican
national committee today issued Its cam
paign textbook. It Is 150 pages shorter
than the textbook f 1908. ' It contains the
acceptance speech of President Taft and
several chapters are devoted "to the
tariff, the cost of living, various phases
of the labor question and the record of
the Taft administration. . The trust
prosecutions under the Sherman law are
reviewed at length. A chapter Is devoted
to Wood row Wilson, the democratic can
didate, with extracts from his writings.
Aboard Mayflower
BEVERLY, Mass., Sept. 1. President
Taft's first Important political confer
ence since the notification ceremony
several weeks ago will be held next
Thursday and Friday on the yacht May
flower, on the waters of Long Island
Bound. Charles D. Htlles, chairman of
the republican national committee and
George R. Sheldon, treasurer of that or
ganization, will be the president's guesti
on the Mayflower over Thursday night
wlille It is en route from New York to
New Lpndon, Conn.
vTho president has had little opportunity
to talk polttfca wItlT$ffr?Xrille sine
the chairmanship was settled and none
at all to discuss th. campaign and alii
ews of war with Mr. Sheldon. He had
expected . to see Mr, Hllles and probably
Mr. Sheldon in New , York last Sunday
on his way to Beverly, but congress re
rusea to adjourn when- he hoped It
would and the conference was called off.
Mr. Hllles Is expected to have several
Important subjects requiring the presi
dent's advice. Mr. Sheldon, It Is Deheved,
will give the president Interesting in
formation about the war chest
On his way to his train In Boston Tries
day , night the president will stop at
Faneuil hall to make an address to
the convention of postofflce clerks.
tils office made public today a letter
from Ed J. Cantwell, secretary of the
National Association of Letter Carriers.
thanking the president for his influence
In having passed by congress the post
office appropriation bill with its pro
vision fixing at eight hours the labor
of carriers In city delivery service and
clerks in first and second class offices.
The president also received a telegram
from the Los Angeles chamber of com
merce, praising him for signing the
Panama bill.
Lincoln Hosts Are
Coming to the Den
Late this afternoon the special train
irom uncoln will arrive bringing 300
business men of that city to be Initiated
at the Ak-Sar-Ben Den this evening. The
train will be met at the station by a
committee which will escort them to the
Den. Governor Aldrich and Adjutant
General Phelps are among those who
signed up for the special train.
With Governor Aldrich are to come
these aides: Brigadier General Joseph H.
Storch, Colonel George Eberly, Lieuten
ant Colonel E. Edmund Baehr, Major
Clifford W. Waldon, Major John M.
Birkner, Major Frank S. Nicholson, Colo,
nel Herbert J. Paul, Major Otis M. New
man, Major Morgan J. Fleharty, Major
Charles H. Dean, Major Charles E.
Fraser, Major Albert H Holllngworth.
Major Charles K. Gibbons, Major Charles
H. Johnson, Major Iver 8. Johnson, Cap
tain Earl E. Sterrlcker, Major Clyde E.
McCormlck, Captain Jesse E. Craig, Cap.
tain Roy E. Olmstead, Captain Phil L.
Hall, jr., Captain Henry E. Jess, Captain
George A. Beecher, Colonel A. D. Fal
coner, Colonel A. D. Fetterman, Colonel
W. A. Prince and Major A. L. Hamilton.
Wilson Objects to
Withdrawing Troops
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 1. Assurance
that Immediate action would be taken to
protect the foreign residents of Cananea,
Sonora. 'was given by Ambassador Wil
son today when, acting under Instruc
tions from the State department at
Washington, he protested against ' with
drawal of troops.
Some 2,000 Americana In Cananaea re
gard their plight as precarious accord
ing to the ambassador's message from
Washington. Until two, days ago the
government had maintained troops there
and the residents and managers of the
hugo mining interests located at Can
anena felt reasonably safe.
Rebels under command of Mascarelos
and other leaders have drawn close and
have sent a message that they soon will
take possession of the rich mining camp.
It is presumed that General Huerta soon
will have In operation In that region a
number, of flying column
Voting Strength of Progressive
Ball Mooae Candidate for Governor
iu Minister and Opposes Fletcher
and HoweMajority of
Votes Needed.
MONPEILER, Vt, Spt. t-The vot
ing strength of the progressive party In
the state election next Tuesday, was a
live topic of discussion throughout the
state tonight. The progressive movement
in, Vermont has had the aid of more not
able orator than" any other party. Col
onel Roosevelt's three days on the stump
.ended tonight at Brattleboro. Before his
tour 'of the state, former Senator A. J.
Beveridge of Indiana, Judge B. B. Lind
say, of Dnver and other prominent men
addressed nearly 70,000 voters, It la esti
mated, who will go to the polls to choose
a governor and other state offloers' and
two congressmen.
The candidates for governor are: Allen
M. Fletcher, republican; Harlan B. Howe,
democrat; the. Rev. Frazer Metzger, pro
gressive! Clement F. Smith, prohibition
ist, and, Fred W. Suiter, socialist. To
win a' candidate for state office In Ver
mont must obtain a majority of votes.
Otherwise the legislature elects under the
constitution. .
The discussion over Issues In the cam
paign, which practically closed tonight
has covered a wide range. The repub
licans have maintained that the prosper
ity of Vermont has been largely due to
their admlnlstrr t'on of state affairs.
In the two congressional districts the
contests are practically confined to the
republicans and democrats, as the pro
gressives failed to enter candidates. In
the First district Congressman Frank L.
Greene Is opposed by P. M. Eldon of
Rutland. In the Second district Congress
man Frank Plumley has O. C. Sawyer as
his opponent.
Vermont has never sent a democratic
representative to congress.
Third State Witness
Gone from New York
NEW ; YORK, Sept L-Another Itness
for the state In the Rosenthal murder
case has mysteriously disappeared, ac
cording to Information obtained today at
the office of District Attorney Whitman.
The mag's Identity was not revealed, but
the value of his testimony to the prosecu
tion Is of such Importance that detectives
were dispatched tonight to Philadelphia
on a tip that he had gone thi-re, with In
structions to bring him back If they lo
cated him.
Tho man has been missing for several
days and his absence appears to have
caused considerable anxiety at the district
attorney's office, as he Is said to be In a
position to give sensational evidence bear
ing upon the alleged gambling graft oper
ations of Lieutenant Charles .Becker,
accused of Instigating the murder of Her
man Rosenthal. ' "
In view of the sudden departure for
Europe of Thomas Coupe, another wit
ness, ana the mysterious absence of
Frank Walsh, also a witness, suspicions
were expressed by the district attorney's
office - tonight that influence was being
exerted to get as many state's, witnesses
as possible out of the way before Becker's
trial, scheduled to begin September 10
or 11.
Former President Writes Long Com
munication Concerning Standard
Oil Campaign Contribution.
Devotes One-Third of Epistle to Evi
dence in This Form.
Says Member of Senate Submitted
Report to Archbold.
T. It. Says If Any Request Made of
Standard, It Was Against His
Express Direction Dnrlng
the Campaign.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cat. Sept l.-Clar-
enoe 8. Darrow waa received with a
brass band and shouts of welcome by
hundreds of persons. Including a commit
tee of labor leaders, when he arrived to
day on the steamship Harvard from Los
Angnlea. , -! J
Noticeably more erect and less .care
worn than when here last Mr. Darrow
smiled through tears as he acknowledged
the ovation. Former Mayor' McCarthy
headed the labor committee that accorded
him a formal welcome.
Mr. Darrow will deliver an address at
he JocaL Labor day. exercise
OTSTER BAY. N. Y., Sept L-Colonel
Roosevelt made public tonight his letter
to Sjnator Clapp, chairman tit the senate
committee investigating campaign con
tributions In reply to the recent testimony
of John D. Archbold and Senator Penrose
regarding an alleged contribution of
S100.O0O by Mr. Archbold to the republican
campaign of 1904. The letter Is a docu
ment of approximately 18.000 words cover
ing forty-four typewritten pages. About
one-third of the letter is devoted to copies
of correspondence by Colonel Roosevelt,
while president with Jamee S. Sherman,
now vice president. Senator Bourne and
others, and to the reply of President
Roosevelt to the charge made by .Alton
B. Parker In 1004 that tha republican cam
paign waa financed, In large measures,
by the contributions of big corporations.
Refers to Penrose.
The letter, in part fotlows;
"The charge against Mr. Penrose was
a direct charge. This charge was not
merely that he took $25,000 from the
Standard Oil company, but that at or
about the time of thus taking it. whllo
a member of the committee of the senate,
which was formed to Investigate Indus
trial affairs in the United States, he was
In constant . communication witn jar.
Archbold on the subject and that he
submitted to Mr. Archbold for his ap
proval In advance a copy of the report
of the commission. If these statements
are true, of course Mr. Penrose Is unfit
to represent the people 1 nthe United
States senate; and the testimony against
him is direct. Apparently, however, the
committee i investigating not this
charge against Mr. Penrose, which was
sustained by direct evidence, but Mr.
Penrose's counter-charge, which wan
sustained by no evidence at all and only
by the repetition of second-hand gosstp.
Sara Htor Falsehood.
"As regards the statement of Mr. Pen
rose and Mr. Archbold that with consent
or knowledge Mr. BIls asked the Stand
ard Oil people for SlOO.OM, or other sum,
or received such sum from them, it Is an
unqualified falsehood. .
II any ; request lor lunua waa mu
from the Standard Oil company, or if any
funds were received from the Standard
Oil company by Mr. Bliss or any one else
conected with the national committee in'
1904, It was not merely done without my
knowledge, but was done against my ex
press direction and prohibition, and in
spite of the fact that I was asured that
no such request has been made and that
no such contribution had been, or would
be received."
In support of this statement Colonel
Roosevelt Includes here his letters and
telegram to George B. Cortelyou, the re
publican national chairman, of October
26, 27 and 29, 1904, respectively. These
letters, which were made public recently,
called Mr. Cortelyou's attention to a re
port that the Standard OH Interests had
contributed S 100,000 to the Roosevelt cam
paign and directed that the money be re
turned if the report were true. The tele
gram was one asking if this had been
done and adding that there should be no
delay in so doing.
Loeb Sees Bliss.
"Subsequent to , this telegram, Mr.
Loeb, my private secretary, called Mr.
Cortelyou upon the telephone," the let
ter continues, "and later I did so my
self.' He notified me first through Mr.
Loeb and then directly that no contrl-
hntlnn had hunn rtscelved or would be
received. He tells me he saw Mr. Bliss,
showed him the letters and telegram,
and that Mr. Bliss then told him that
no Standard 011 money had been received
and that none would be accepted.
"Mr. Penrose was a candidate for
chairman of the republican national
committee in 1904 and it was reported
to me that the members of the com
mittee wished to choose him. This I
emphatically refused to allow. I knew
but little of Mr. Penrose than, but I
was not willing to have any man whom
I aid not personally Know ana in wnose
probity I did not have entire confidence
as head of the committee.
"Mr. Cortelyou was put on at my per
sonal request He ran the campaign
almost without suggestions from me. I
communicated with him occasionally by
telephone, and generally in writing."
Comment on Returns.
Several matters irrelevant to the com-'
mlttee's Inquiry are mentioned by Colo
nel Roosevelt as the topics of these let
ters. He communicated also with Sen
ator Penrose, Colonel Roosevelt added.
One letter from Colonel Roosevelt 'to
Senator Penrose, dated the day after
the 1904 election, read:
"Upon my word! Of all phenomenal
returns, the Pennsylvania figures are
most phenomenal I congratulate you
and heartily thank you."
Colonel Roosevelt continues:
"In all my communications with him
before or after election I spoke of con
tributions but once. This was in a letter
to him of October 28, 1904, in response to
a request of his that I should retain the
services of one of his henchmen named
Bunn, of the Philadelphia postofflce, who
had been recommended for removal by
the Civil Service commission because of
the collection of political assessments
from among his subordinates Is the
postofflce. My letter ended as follows;
"I have no alternative but to direct
(Continued on Pecond Page.)