Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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" ' .11. i
Secret Societies of Omaha Mostly En
gage in Social Affairs.
Baa Bar Will Batertala It Members
Hast Friday, oa Which Date
the New State Manager
Will Be Present.
AD of the lodge of Omah andi vicin
ity are bo oe tins for the Odd J"eHows
picnic -which will be held In Florence on
'Saturday sitemoon and evening Sep
'tambef 14, Several eonrmlttees are work
lng on the different phases of the pic
nic and nothing will be left undone to
make It a big success. There will be
two base batl games, numerous running
races, several novelty stunts ana aanc
!lng. Those attending will bring 'basket
lunches -.and a large number of tables
twill be' "provided for the 'hungry ones.
! Governor Aldrich ' has been invited to
'deliver an address in the afternoon and
an Omaha speaker will be secured for
I the evening. A band has been engaged
to furnish music, in the afternoon and an
'orchestra tor the evr,lng. It Is plan
ned to have a? parade in Florence pre
1 ceding the picnic ,
I Omaha lodge No. 2. will have a class
'f several candidates for the initiating
'degree next Friday night.
, Emma L. Talbot, secretary of the Re-
bekah State assembly, has received an
Invitation to give an address at the Grand
Secretaries banquet to be held at Win
Inlpeg, Canada, on September 14 in con
nection with the Sovereign Grand Lodge
laeaston. The invitation has been ac
(cented. Wasa lodge No. 18) will have work In
the Initiatory degree next Wednesday
Moat of the Omaha lodges will start
the month of September with degree work
and all of them are looking forward to
a busy winter.
Dannebrog lodge No. 216, will put on
I the, Initiatory degree next Friday eve
'fling. ,
Plan fop Convention,
U. 8. Grant Women' Relief Corps No.
. 104 will hold its regular meeting at
: Baright hall Tuesday afternoon at 2: JO
1 o'clock. A full attendance of all mem
bers Is desired by the president as all
! arrangements for the entertainment of
' the district convention, which will be held
! at the hall on September IT, are to be
Clan Auxiliary to Meet.
The ladies' auxiliary to Clan Gordon No,
(S will meet at the home of Mrs. C. J,
Roberts, 1920 South' Fifty-third street,
Wednesday. Those who can will meet at
Fifty-first' and Leavenworth streets at
31:90 o'clock and bring lunch. A convey
ance will be provided for those unable to
walk. -
Card and Dancing.
Banner lodge No. 11, Fraternal Union
of America, will give a high-five social
and dance at Myrtle ball, Fifteenth and
Douglas streets, Thursday evening, Sep
tember 18. Hereafter Banner lodge will
Ihold Its regular meetings In Modern
Woodmen of America hall, Fifteenth and
Douglas streets.
Tribe ef Ben Har. - v
Next 'Friday evening Omaha court No;
11(1, Tribe of Ben Hur, will entertain
members and friends. The new state
'manager will be present and all members
are requested to attend as there is some
'very important business to be brought up
before the court
Knights to Confer Rank.
Nebraska lodge No. 1, Knights of
Pythias, will eonfer the rank of page
Wednesday evening. This will be tlia
first done by No. 1 since moving Into
their new quarters in the Beard of
Trade building.
: Social Entertainment.'
-: Ak-Sar-Ben lodge No. 173, Degree of
Honor, will have a social and dance
Thursday evening at the new hall, 2321
.Vinton street. ' '
The Omaha Street. Railway . company
has completed track laying on. its Cuming
Street "'extension ,' and" men are no w . en-'
gaged in putting up the poles and string'
Ing the overhead wires.. Service will not
go onto the new llneunti! the completion
of the paving, the contract for which has
been let. ''.' ' 4"'
The 'Cuming1 ' street', 'extension of' the
street railway extends' f rom ; Fortieth to
1 Forty-Sixth street, one block wesrof the
Belt Line tracks.' '' Three blocks '"of the
distance is double track and the b&iaiica
single. ' The character of service" has not
I been decided upon. There are two plans
j under, .'consideration:'; :Onev is to 'run it as
a stub line, connecting-with-the Walnut
1H111 line at Fortletli and Cuming streets
and the other is to run. the- Fortieth and
' Cuming cars to the end- of .the line, in.
stead of turning at Cuming street as now.
Attorney . A. W. Jefferls has been re
tained ty Twenty-eighth street property
owners, who will 'ask tbecourts" for an
Injunction, restraining the Water board
from laying the forty-elght-lngh Floenos
water main . along.; Twenty-eighth avenue
Instead of Twenty-seventh street. '
At a meeting Friday: night money was
o.dw.. IV Ul. & 1 J , 111. Alll . 13 VI IHO
nltV Principal objection will be based
upon' the extra cost of the main on
Twenty-eighth avenue instead of Twenty-seventh
street, which Is about $15,009,
according to the Water uoarl '
These property owners are objecting be
cause the avenue must be opened and con
demnation proceedings paid by them.
Taney.- Miller pleaded . guilty to break
ing and-entering In district court and was
sentenced to one :to,ten' years int the
penitentiary. Though hampered by a
wooden le, Miller contrived'to break Into
a Union Pacific freight car and steah, a
bar of , silver bullion. . When the charge
was read to tilm to said' he didn't know
what bullion was, but he guessed he was
guilty all right
A meeting of the Metropo:ltan Bowling
league is -called (or Sunday morning at
11 o'clock, at which time a president o
the league will be elected and franchises
granted to the teams of the league.
Key to the.' Situation Bee -advertising.
Omaha Students Are
Ready to Leave for
the Various Schools
Many of the young men and young
women are preparing to go away this fail
to colleges and schools. Among the young
women who will leave In the near fu
ture and the schools whioa they will at
tend, are:
University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Bertie
Hoag, Lulu May Coe, Helen Bllsh, Blolse
Stevenson, Louise Curtis, Louise North
rup. Louise Bedwell, Ruth Llndley, Har
riet Parmalee, Helen Sorenson. Agnes
Russell, Anna Russell, Sybil Nelson.
Smith college, Northampton, Mass. : Nel
lie Elgutter, Alice Woodworth, Alice
West. Helen Robinson, Rose Orkin,
Blanche Brotherton.
Wellesley college, Wellesley, Mass.:
Harriet Blake, Henrietta Gilmore. Helen
M;Cord, Halcyon Cotton.
Vassar college, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.:
Mona Cowell, Josephine Congdon.
Mrs. Sinners' school, Washington, D. C:
Helen Clarke, Eleanor Mackay, Gertrude
Meti, Harriet Metz, Menle Davis.
Miss Spence's school. New York: Mar
jorie McCord, Harriet Smith, Marlon
Ely Court, Greenwich, Conn.: Ann Gif
ford, Stella Thummel, Frances Hochstet
ler. Bishop s school, La Jolla, Cal.: Eliza
beth and Erna Reed.
Syracuse university, Syracuse, N. Y.:
Katherine Davenport.
Northwestern university, Rvanston, III.:
Ruth Ogle.
Bryn Mawr, Bryn Mawr, Penn.: Ida
St. Mary's school, Garden City, L. I.:
Emily Keller.
Westover school, Connecticut; Charlotte
Cathedral school, Washington, D. C:
Genie Patterson.
Chevy Chase school, Washington,- D.
C-: Lucile Bacon.
8t. Mary's convent, Notre Dame, Ind.:
Ruth Klnslor, Irene McOonnell.
St Mary's, Knoxvllle, III.: Marietta
Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, Conn.: Vir
ginia Offutt.
The boys who are going away to school
and their schools are:
University of Nebraska: Robert M.
Parkinson, Everett Binke. Slevers Sus
mann, Cos Buchanan, Walter Klopp, Rus
sell Israel, Loring Elliott, Vernon Schleh,
Will Baumann, Joseph Noone, Philip Mc
Cullough, Roger" McCullough, Warren
Howard, Paul Mackin.
Dartmouth college, Dartmouth, N. H.:
Virgil Rector William Noble, Voyle Rec
tor, John Loomls, Isaac Carpenter, Jr.;
Albert Cahn, jr.; Prexel Sibbersen, Edwin
Alderson, Allan Tukey, Sigurd Larmon.
Yale university, New Haven, Conn. :
Fred W. Clarke, Jr.; Casper Off utt, Philip
Met. Francis Gaines, Victor Caldwell,
Robert Howe.
Cornell university. Ithaca, N. Y.: San
ford Gilford, John Chadwick. Milton Wil
liams, George Thummel, Frank Selby,
Herbert X easier, Harry Carpenter, Fred
erick Koentg. Ted Millard. Hugh Millard.
Columbia university. New York: Frank
I.atenser, Ralph Coad, Edward Perkins.
Amherst college. Ambenrt. Mass.: Philip
Payne, Warren Breckenrldga, Robert Me
Cague. Drake university, Des Moines: Joseph
Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass.:
Milton Petersen, Morton Hlller.
Princeton university, Princeton, N. J.:
Montague Tancock.
Kent school, Connecticut: Jack Sum
mere. , ,
Ure Returns With
Heavy Coat of Tan
W. Q. Ure and family have returned
from a vaca'tlon-of three weeks in Wyo
ming. They spent the greater part of
their time m Cherokee park.
Treasurer Ure .had difficulty in con
vincing his office force that he was the
bona fide city and county treasurer.
His face coloring was a marvel. .
"Got it on a forty mile drive toward
the south to catch a morning train,"
said Ure., ,. "Were supposed to get to
that railroad station at 11 o'clock,"
"It was 3 o'clock when we arrived. We
missed the 3 o'clock train, but I caught
one at 7 o'clock. That driver spent the
greater part of the day on his hands
and knees in frdnt of his machine,
blowing In its face and pleading with It
to go.
"I didn't realize I was getting sun
burned Until we arrived In that town.
Then I made for the corner drug store,
bought some alcohol and cold cream and
fixed up my face. It Is'less painful than
It was." -
Mr. Ure' says he met a former Omaha
man and they went fishing ' morning,
noon, evening and night. He admitted
they only "caught enough for breakfast,"
Earl Starboard, Glenn Wallace, Justin
Williams, Raymond Cox and eight other
high school cadets will leave Omaha
Tuesday morning at 4:30 o'clock to walk
to Lincoln. ,
They havo applied for Omaha badges
at' the Commercial' club to wear about
the stats fair, grounds. They expect to
spend Omaha day and probably walk
Presidential Candidates Spring into
Favor with the Headers.
Idency the library has no hmks, but many
articles are to bt found In the mugasines
I which are on the shtlvrs of tin- reference
PaeUsaea Works o( Taft, Wllava
and roaevelt Susftt After
ISffs More kaa Popu
lar Fietloa.
"Died of Pneumonia"
is never written of those who oure coughs
and colds with Dr, King's New Dlsoovery,
Guaranteed. 60c 'and $1.00. SFor sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Key to the Situation Bee advertising,
. Although th works of the various pres
idential candidates can scarcely be called
"hot weather reading" the interest In
the coming campaign has created a de
mand or the bookB of these prominent
statesmen and writers beyond that of
popular fiction, The public library has
attempted to make an exhibition of the
works of those writers whose names will
head the various party tickets, but the
steady demand leaves the shelf almost
empty most of the time. A few titles may
well be mentioned, although many mors
articles are to he found in periodicals and
many speeches In such works as Reed's
"Modem Eloquence."
Mr. Taft s Present Day I'robtoms" is
a collection of addresses delivered on
various occasions and although the book"
was published In lsWS it Is still of great
Interest, as It deals wrth much that has
not yet been accomplished. "Four As
pects of Civic Duty" Is by the same
writer and gives papers on the duties of
citizenship viewed from, the standpoint
of a recent graduate of a university; the
standpoint of a Judge; the standpoint of
colonial administration, and the stand
point of the national executive.
By Other Candidates.
"The History of the American People"
Is the most popular of Mr. Wilson's
works, and although It is In five volumes,
does not seem to be more than the avei-J
age book borrower can undertake to read,
on the history of his own country', this
Interest . being largely due to Mr. Wil
son's ability to tell the story in a way
to satisfy both the scholar and the casual
reader. Mr. .Wilson has written several
other works on American history, also
several volumes of literary essays, the
most popular of which is "Mere Liter
ature." Qf Mr. Roosevelt's writings there ap
pears to be no end, but the works which
deal with hunting are without question
the most popular, 'The Wild Hunter,"
"The American Hunter," "Big Game
Hunting," "Hunting Trip of a Ranch
man" and "American Game Trails" being
the best of these works. It Is unneces
sary to mention Mr.' Roosevelt's histories,
as they are so well known, but the liter
ary essays, also the political and ethical
lectures which have been published in
book form have always attracted a great
deal of attention,. One little-volume en
titled "Applied Ethics" has been partic
ularly popular., , .
Of the other candidates for the presi-
Harte Declares
Contractors Are
Being Overpaid
Mora trouble over completion of the
new Douglas county building developed
t a meeting of the Board of County
Commissioners yesterday Commlsionw
A. C. Harts, who recently declared his
belief that the county cmnot hold the
general contractors, Caldwell & Drake,
for any penalties for delay of completion
at th hullillnif. declared that in his opin
ion John C. lAtenser, county building ar
chitect, has overestimated the work so
far doim and the contractors have beon
overpaid. Sam Blind of Puchs, Son &
Blind, who have the Interior decoration
contract with the provision that the
mural paintings shall be purchased from
Phliltpson & Co. of New York City, told
the board Phllllpson A Co. hava made
wlih iVi.i murals. He asked
I the board to amend the contract so as
tq permit Mr. Fuchs r some other per
sons to make the murals.
The result of the consideration ot,
county building matters was tne, calling
of a conference ' with the architect for
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Mr. Harte said there remains about
tfiO.OOO worth of work to be done on ths
new building and with but S1S,M0
with which to pay for It, unless ths
county breaks Into ths 15 per cent re
serve, which Is not supposed to be
touched until the building Is completed
and delivered.
Commissioners Lynch and Klsasser
said they believed Mr. Latenser had not
made any such errors as suggested by
Mr. Harte and Mr. Latenser would ba
able to make It clear. The bosrd tried
to get ths architect Into the conference,
but Mr, Latsnier was not In his offic
and rather than wait, for htm to return
the commissioners decided to wait until
Mr. Harts said he believed some of ths
work in the new building Is Inferior, but
ha refussd to be more specific in this
regard .
! All Departments Will Be Open for
Registration Then.
. Replies from manufacturers and com
mercial bodies all over the stats favoring
the organization of a stats manufac
turers' association proposed by tho
Omaha association have begun to arrlvt
at the Commercial club.
If the sentiment Is found to ba strongly
enough In favor of ths organisation ths
Omaha Manufacturers' association will
call 'a big meeting of stats manufac
turers to be held in Omaha this fall whso
the body will be formed.
Compare Their Values Plus Their Reputation
Here are two Peg&l Cart that stand cat in competition as being not only the best Tabes car for
carupon the market, byt automobile, that have stood the test of service and won great repatttioa
, WJJ CALL TOUR ATTENTION to the now famous Regal Model T. The "25" Horse Power "Underslung" touring
car that is without parallel in automobile values today. The usual crop of 1913 announcements hns shown no car
that can displace this remarkable automobile from the place it won in 1912 for being not only exceptional as an
example of advanced motor car construction, but a revelation of enduring quality and lowest price.
MATCH ITS VALUE IF YOU CAN. Hundreds upon hundreds of these cars have been sold upon comparison. A
roomy car a beautiful car. An enduring car, a "down-to-the-minute" equipped car. An "Underslung" all the
advantages of safety, economy, flexibility, easy riding ability, comfort, which this advanced, more costly construc
tional method makes possible. Speedy, powerful, silent-running, with its well known owner's reputation of perfect
service, low cost of upkeep, satisfaction, behind it. A reputation that is making this car the "biggest seller" in
every community where it if for sale. i
READ THE SPECIFICATIONS. They are not only the most generous for the purchase consideration, but equal those
of a score of cars that are many hundreds of dollars higher in price. Nickel-plated trimmings throughout Elec
tric lights (gas headlights optional) Presto-o-Lite tank. Electric Horn. Then consider the wheel base 108 inches
the bore and stroke of the motor the tire equipment.
When you visit onr showrooms and see this car, when you
have ridden in it, tested its hill climbing abilities, the
silent, powerful operation of its power plant,' the ques-
tion "What car shall I buy?" will be settled.
THEN THE PRICE! This is an age of seeming miracles
in the realm of manufacturing To every intelligent in
vestigator of this Regal Model T the thought naturally
suggests itself: "How can such a car be built for $950!"
The performance 1b there; the record of endurance service is there;
the quality i" thert but this low price? The manufacturing exper
ience of many years, the concentration of a great factory, the knowl
edge that thousands of these cars will be purchased, were all deter
mining factors in our ability to sell this car for $950. Our profits
are small the difference In dollars we could reasonably ask the
purchaser for this car we share with every man who buys It. The
car itself attests this fact.
The Regal "Underslung" Roadster has outsold every other Roadster made
THERE ARE MANY REASONS' why the Regal Model N "Underslung". Roadster is the most popular' Roadster' in
the country. One look at this automobile creates instant desire to own it. Without question it is an ideal car. Built
a roadster, every inch of it, together with the racy, beautiful lines that the "Underslung" construction makes pos
sible, there is an ensemble of Roadster qualities which will appeal to every prospective purchaser of this type of
car. Fast as an express train, comfortable, safe, economical on gasoline nrtd tires, most distinctive in appearance,
"it Supremely meets every purpose for, which it, was designed.
this- car you are certain of itsgood qualities.- Like the
Model T, It has stood the test of rigoraus service In every state In
the Uc Ion several thousand are everywhere in dally use. We could
not add a single Improvement to the chassis, but we HAVE made
additions to the equipment which place the value"sof this car In a
class by "itself. .Electric Lights,-Nickel-plated trimmings, Prest-o-Lite
tank, Electric Horn, etc., ' are some special features. Read
. carefully the specifications; , , . .
THIS ADVERTISEMENT is published to solicit your at
tention. ' We cannot say here all the good things these
; ' two Regal cars .will demonstrate to you when you eall to see them.
It would sound too much like flattery, One' must be remembered:
Our ideal In business is to make -our cars a combination of supreme
quality and moderate price that will prove our product an enthus
iastic investment to every Regal owner. That-is the basis of our
grefct business growth. The Regal Model N "Underslung" Roadster
at 900 has a value and a reputation of which we have every right
to be proud. : " ' ' 1 "
, ?v: S950
Wheel Base, 108 inches: Tires, Morgan & Wright, 82xJt Inches; Sellectlve
Blldlns Gear Transmission: Three speeds forward and reverse; Motor, Four
Cylinders cast en bloc; Bore 3 Inches; Stroke 4 inches; Dual Ignition;
Thermo Syphon Cooling. Equipment Includes nickel-plated trimmings;
Electric lights, with option of gas headlights and Prest-o-Llte tank; Ele
tric horn; tools and tire repair Wt . Top, . windshield and speedometer
$75.00 extra. Price $960. ( .-
..... . y '
Oor.erganlutios is at voir inuaeis! nilct (or aemoaslrallos of Segal Motor Cars.
Wheal Baas, 10$ Inches; Tires, Morgan ft Wright, 38x3 ft Inches; Selec
tive Blldlng Gear Transmission, ' thres speeds forward and reverse;
Motor, Four Cylinders cast en bloe; Bore i Inches; Stroke i Inches:
Duel Ignition; Thermo Syphon Cooling. Equipment includes nickel
plated trimmings; electric lights, with option of gas headlights, and
Prest-o-Llte tank; Electric horn; tools and tire repair kit Top, wind
shield and speedometer I7C.0O extra. Price $900.
OMAHA 014 Jones St.
Phone 1707 -'
Full Line on Exhibit at Lincoln Fair.
1st and Pierre St.
Regal Motor Car Co., ers Detroit, Mich.
Her. Kaiic Magevaejr Will 4 gala
Be at Head of I'oiveraity With
Hrv. r. X. McIVaaiera as
Vie President.
Crlghton university will begin its thirty-ninth
annual session Monday morning,
September t when the meiic&l, pharmacy,
dental and law departments open for reg
istration. Regular o'assas will bgln on
Tuesday. The College of Arts and 8o.
ences will open for registration on Tues
day and will begin classes Immediately.
An enrollment of more than 1,000 students
Is anticipated.
Kev. Eugene Magevney will again e at
the head of the university, with Kev. F.
X. McNamara acting as vtoe president
The heads of the various departments are
the same as last year, although several
minor changes have been made. Prof.
I. C. Arledge, formerly arlstant to Prof.
Kremer In the Phllsdelphla Pharmacy
college, has been added to the list of in
structors at the pharmacy college.
In the arts department Profs. William
Parusynskl and Ahphonae Schmidt will
replace Profs. Aloyslus C. Kemner 8. J..
od Joeph M. Kroeger, 8. J., who will
rinish their studies for the priesthood at
St. Louis. Mr. Mark Ryan. A. B., class
II. will supplant Pranots P. Matthews.
A. M.. as professor of English and tha
Beinnlng this year the regular course
at Crelghton university will be eight
years Instead of seven, as In the past.
Ths college eourse has been made four
1 ' !"" ', I I
years, where formerly It was three. In.
addition to the change In the length of
the course the student now has a choice
of three different courses upon entering
the school. He may either take the art",
science or the literature eourse, each of
which hits a separate list of studies outlined.
The Persistant and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertlslns Is the Road tdf
business Success. 1 t J
Powell Supply Co,, I
2119 Farnam St.
account of the lame qualities
which have placed them foremost
in commercial lines, have made them
the choice of the largest cities of the
United States for all branches' of mu
nicipal service.
White Motor Trucks are operated in
municipal service by more than; fifty,
cities in the United States; including
New York, Boston, Cleveland, Balti
more, Pittsburgh, San Francisco,
Washington, Atlanta and St. Paul.
White Motor Trucks, in competition
with the leading motor trucks of all
Europe, were recently selected by the
Russian Government for army service,
after the most exhaustive test in the
history of motor vehicles. ,
White Motor Trucks are dependable
and the company manufacturing them
is dependable, These are the most im
portant considerations in the selection
of motor trucks.
Phene Douf. $1301. 2603 Ffcrnam Street 1
Lincoln Representative E. E. Hodsett Auto Oo.
OffAuiomobilea tid Acoea&brieS
1 1 .
Nebraska Buick Auto. Company
LUoelB ruh. IMk aad 9 fSttHZJSr,
Ovsriimi IN Cops
OemneU Maffi fib
iisrHiiftaiWiii to
Marion Ante . Company.
a w. Mcdonald,, Ms.
810141108 Faraam $t !
.innn rppbip pi mi mm&m
Willi as as aW VViiti flit
Salesroom Cor. Tenth uti Rdivard Sts
Omaha. Nebraska.
HUDSON 2205-2207 Fsnum Street
J&J!&Z&n& WjllaceflutoiajMIe Co.;
2203 Farnam Street