Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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State Veterinarian Occupied with
Beports from Many Counties.
Prince Case Will Come Before Sn
preine Court lu October Rail
Commission Grants pi
Rate on Gravel.
Monument to Lincoln to Be Unveiled on Monday
(From a Staff Cor.e pjndtnt.)
LINCOLN, Aug. 31. - (rcc:al.)-Th
state veerlr.arlan's tleratm nt ca? tal: n
up the now uisen? ki.Kng lu ra:z and
Investigations are lvlns made n :o r. o.'
the places where the d!sas" see:! to bo
the worst.
This morning no new complaints had
been received, but eve:y etfrt will 11
made to gather inlo-.m-.l cn :j Mat lh
epidemic, if such' it can he j topi el
before it reac.:e.i !a g p o o t'.'n . Co n
plalints at pie-ert 1 ave come .ro:n F a 1 -j
lin, Hastings, SI etna a:;, eru- r t.vo
other towns, and i::s,:ei.tors who have
investigated the r. alter Hi r.k 1. is caus:i
I by a sort of fjni: po-leor.'ns fiom th
I late growth ol g as. caused b t :c tain,
' which has fallea abundantly.
Horses that i:avc been fed upon dry
feed do not seem to te t; ou'.ed by th
' disease and it is only tlio?e animals
j which have been allowed to i. id upon
'green grass that have been ofil'.cled.
A Merna ve'.crinarlan d?Fcrlbcs til.'
symptoms of the disease as follow-:
The horse has an enzious !ool; or ex
pression and appears at tho outset to
Buffer a loss of appetite. It is not in
clined to move save when it. lias to,
and In ten or twelve houra atter lieinst
attacked by the disorder it begin? to
stagger around and to seek to lean up
against any convenient thine; vlr!i It
can find. Its breathing is practically
normal, Its pulse is normal also and its
temperature is from 103 to Ki.i degrees.
As time goes on the animal gets more
stupid and seeks to go tnrous'i the
fence, manger or whatever lies in its
ipath. It pays attention to nothing.
Some cases have come from the pastures
and others from the harness. The horses
dive, from forty Ut sixty hours usually
and previous to death the limbs of the
animal tremble violently and continu
ally. The disease has alsobeen found In Kan
sas and the veterinary department of
that state lays the cause also to the
1 green grass of a late growth, tbflugh It
Is said that the disease resembles the
'"sleeping disease" as it 1 called In Sauth
Africa which is caused by the bite of the
tsetse fly and ends in convulsions, the
animal dying In great pain.
Land Excursion Success.
A etter from Lalr Commissioner
Quye, who la In Chicago in the Interest
of the excursion train to bring home
steaders to Nebraska to take up the va
cant lands, writes that the Interest taken
in the excursion all through Iowa indi
cates that It will be a success.
Kandall to Be at Fair.
Fire Commlrsioner Randall lias re
ceived numerous letters asking where
he can be found at the state fair. The
headquarters of the fire commissioner
will be on Fraternity row, near the head
quarters ' of the political parties.
( Prince Cose In October.
The1 rumor that Prince, the colored con
vict who murdered Deputy Warden Davis
last winter and was sentenced to be
i hung yesterday, had been given a new
trial by the supreme court, was un
founded. About a month ago Prince
made application to the supreme court
for a new trial and pending the sitting
of the court the carrying out of the sen
tence was delayed. The supreme court
will listen to his case the week beginning
October 7.
In. Interest of Parker,
George, Parker, the youns man men
tioned yesterday, whose relatives con
ferred with Governor Aldridi for the
purpose of getting him transferred from
some other state to this so that he can
be near his home, deny that he ,was
ever in the penitentiary In the state where
the crime was committed.. It seems that
Parker was a young man who became
mentally unbalanced from over study,
and in a fit of temporary Insanity killed
the landlady of the place where he was
staying. He was found insane and sent
to the asylum. His relatives desire that
ho be allowed to be moved to the Insane
asylum at Hastings.
New Rate on Gravel.
The railway commission has granted
the Burlington the right to make a rate
. of BO cents per net ton on gravel In car
load lots from Central City to Grand
i Application of the Rock Island to make
certain changes in hay etc., in mixed
carload lots, was rejected.
The Railway Commission will hear the
application for a transfer switch at
O'Nieli, September 17, at 9 a. m. The'
application was made about two weeks
ago by one of th leading Btock men of
that locality. A switch Is desired be
tween the Burlington and Northwestern
Nebraska Deer Exhibited.
A young deer has been found on a
farm about five or six miles southwest
of Crete. It is supposed to be the off
spring of the animals which have been
running at large in that locality and
owned at Friend. The young deer will
be brought to Lincoln and will be on
exhibition near the fisheries building with
the birds and other animals.
Powell Back at Work.
U. G. Powell, rate clerk with the rail
way commission returned from his vaca
tion yesterday and was at work this
morning at his de?k.
Several state aid bridges are to lie built
j Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
I state house grounds In Lincoln, the cere
; mon'es of unveiling the Lincoln memorial
monument will take place,
j Before the unveiling of the statue the
'. program which has been prepared wl;l
j be Riven on the north side of the state
I house where there is plenty of room on
; !he north i laaa for tiie seating of the peo-
pie who are expected lo attend. The
. follow'ng prcgram will compose the first
part, Hon. Addison Wait, secretary of
! state, act ng as presdng officer:
j Music Patriotic airs. Nebraska stat
; oana. Professor Hap-nnw. director.
invocation Dr. 1. - Kerch, nnstor St
Paul Methodt rhurrh.
Chorus' Hallelujah. ' St. Paul Oratorio
Sfw'lety. Professor Prwsco. director,
w'th accomt-iilrc.ent by c'as!.a :-isite
. oana. ,
'Wi-oTe to the City IV'tt- A rrro'rn-xr
lnf-'"-tory add re?-Co v. :tior Chester
! II . Aldrloh.'
I Ui' .... ..fc-nskp state 1 ind.
i Address-Hon.-William rniv.g.
i song Arr.tiiki, chem.
At. tho conclusion f th
' s-r.o of activities v,'. ehTrv
ir-mument at tho wrst entrance
! state house grocrds where
i ins program will be presented. Governor
l C. II. Aldrlch .acting a presld rig officer
j vr' h- Un'ori Veterans drvm rorr.
I V.-ad'WC of Lincoln's Gettvbnrs .iu
I dress-. Mrs. Bess Gearhart Morrison,
j l.j&t 'irii jtvotch ot t.'.e K'tPr -H'-n.
At'dlron VTai'. secretary of state
! l"nellng of Statue, Vetrjin? c' 'he
e vil war. Coio'iiic John I.etr r Here-
o ct and Convene Kdwards or
"As p. Work "f Art and the Sculptor."
Hon. F. M Hall.
Veteisr.s of the civil war will nc:i rxt
the Tr.ccln nod'tor'um at 1:39 before the
ererclses and march Mo the t'atr- lio ise
f.r.r.'n..!;-., where tests will be reserved for
Tl.e idea of build n'j a monument to the
memory of Abrah im Lincoln v. as t -
j rus.'cd at a meeting of the Toung Men
republican olv.b at a ban;"et he'.d In
February, 3SmS. This resulted in the for
malion cf the "Abraham Lincoln Centen
nial A.'ycc.'atlon of Nebraska" w'th Gov
ernor (j.'r;re U Sheldon, president; Sec
retary of State George C. Junkln, secre
tary, Add's'in Wait, corresponding secre-
to select a committee who would take
steps to select a design and also bids
I tary and State Treasurer Lawson G. elation F. M. Hall was given authority , art and Is situated at the west entrance
Tl A '
jirmn, treasurer.
! Under the direction of this committee
, a popular subscrlnt'on was started to
I raise fund for the erection of a proper ' for ,nc 'tion of the monument. Mr
l memorial to the ex-president and the
fii-st monejt was received from the Union
Veteran's republican club and the ladles
of the G. A. R., both of Lincoln, each
subscribing J25. Later the. leg'slatutv
of Nebraska voted an appropr'ation of
J2P.00 which was followed by the city of
Hall selected for this committee, Chan
cellor K. Benjamin Andrews of the state
university. General Charles F. Mander
son of Omaha. G. W. Wattles of Omaha,
Prof. W. F. Dann of the university. Dr.
W. B. Lowry of IJncoln and Secretary
of State Addison Walt. This committee
finally selected the proposition of Daniel
Lincoln with another IS.00O.
As soon as it was discovered that th i Chester French of New York and the de-
J amount necessary would be raised, un- S.n presented bv him.
der direction of the officers of the asso- The memorial is a beautiful work of
to the state house grounds, facing toward
the west and with the surroundings has
cost in the neighborhood of $40,400.
:im th
to thr
of t'.:
In different portions of Nebraska dur
ing tho next two months and vth an idea
of conferring with the construction com
panies, State Engineer Price was In
Omaha Friday.
Test motorcycle Ordinance.
P. W. Wickstrum, who was arrested
some time uga by the p..l!ce of Lincoln
for an infringement on the motorcycle
ordinance which Is against anybody car
rying a person on a motorcycle, and was
f.ncd and sentenced to Jail until the same
was paid, has begun habeas corpus pro
ceedings in the supreme court to test the
validity of the law.
Grace Benson jays: "Had anyone told
me such wonderful results could be ac
complished so quickl;-, I positively would
not have believed it. My arms and hands
were covered with freckles; my neck was
dark and wrink.ed from the use cf high
oollars; my hands were tanned and tne
knuckles red.
All these defects were removed bv one
application of a free prescription, which
I am .pleased to give to anyone. It's just
as simple as it is effective. Go to any
drug store and get an empty two-ounce
bottle and a one-ounce bottle of Kulux
Comiound. Pour the entire bottle of
Kulux into the two-ounce bott e, add one
quarter ounce of witch hazel and til! with
water. Prepare this prescription at your
own heme, then you know you are gs
tlng it right. Apply night and marning.
It makes the skin soft and beautiful,
no matter how roush and u.iu'a'nl your
arms are. One application will aMo'ntsh
you. I have given tfcjt prescription to
thousands of women and they are all
Just as enthusiastic as I am. Try it on
your neck and shoulders and you wjll be
agreeably surprised."
Old Settlers of Burt
County Have Annual
Picnic at Tekamah
TEKAMAH, Neb., Aug. 31.-(Special.)-The
ninth unnual picnic of. the Burt
County Pioneer association was held here
yesterday In Folson with an. attendance
of more than 5,000. The usual picnic din
ner was served at noon and music was
furnished by the Mojfow Drum corps.
Colonel Wellington Harrington, presi
dent of the association, gave the address
of welcome, wlalch wai responded to by
W. B. Newton, another old resident of
the county, who came here in 1857. The
annual address of Historian J. R. Suther
land was then real and dealt with the
eettlement of the we3t side of the county
in 1ST9, the founding of Oakland, when
the first railroad entered the village, 'it
having been the end of the road here for
three or four years; the settlement of
Craig and Lyons and surrounding coun
try with the few inhabitants which first
located there, Decatur and Tekamah hav
ing been settled several years previously,
Tekamah in 1854 and Decatur in 1866. it
also dealt with the court house fights
and elections for. removal, and presenting
to the county thirty-five years ago of its
present $3,000 court houre by a few busi
ness men of Tekamah.
One of tho principal addresses of the
afternoon was made by B. H. Robison
of Omaha, president of the Bankers Re
serve Life association, who spoke on tne
Early Days of Education in Burt
County." Mr. Robison founded the school
system of Tekamah in 1874 and for many
years was superintendent until his re
moval to Omaha.
Governor Aldrich arrived at 4 o'clock
and was led to the platform, while the
huge assembly stood and the fife and
drum corps played a national air. The
governor's subject was, "Nebraska lis
Resources and Position Among 'ha
States." He paid a beautiful tribute to
Congressman James P. Latta and Lieu
tenant Governor M. R. Hopewell of this
City, who have passed away and who
were two of his most Intimate friends
and associates when he was in the state
senate. He also spen-: of his old-time
friend, W. W. Latta, who died a few
weeks ago.
Other sp ake-s were: Prof. W. H. Beck
of the Peru Normal school, Rev. H. L.
Powers of Lincoln, J. B. Whittier of De
catur, W. A. Stewait and Andrew Young
of Craig.
- fl. C: v i Tf L-J : I
Monday, Sept, 2d, is Labor Day
Kis a day set aside throughout the length and breadth
of the land upon which to pay homage to the milr
lions who labor. We believe it is worthy of the
fullest observance, therefore, this store will
Close Promptly at Noon
Mark that word noon it means 12 o'clock, and if
you postpone buying anything at this great store to
a later hour you will be disappointed.
rit' t '"(
Lincoln Fails to
Provide Money to
Pay for New Campus
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 31.-(Speclal.)-In
an aggravated form, the troublesome
question of campus removal will confront
the board of regents of the University of
Nebraska at its session next Tuesday.
The attitude of the board on the future
location of the state university will have
to' be definitely outlined at that time.
Apparently settled for good, the question
again bobbed up owing to the failure
of the citizens' committee to raise the
proposed campus extension fund.
All hope of the committee ever raising
the fund was recently shattered when the
city council transferred back to the gen
eral fund the $16,000 appropriated for
campus extension. This was a part of
the $60,000 which the council voted over
a year ago to appropriate In four install
ments for campus extension, provided tho
citizens' committee raised a like amount.
With the funds raised, it was proposed
to purchase two blocks lying directly east
of the present campus, thus putting
a permanent check on the demand for
removal to the state farm when prettier
and larger grounds might be secured
for the new buildings. The battle was
fought out in the regents' session, came
before the legislature and then dropped
when Lincoln citizens came forward with
the proposition to raise $120,000.
What attitude will be taken by the
board has been carefully concealed by
the members. Suffice it to say that the
policy Which the board will adopt Is to
be definitely outlined Tuesday inasmuch
as there are no more sessions before the
legislature convenes.
It is vaguely hinted that the board will
not adopt such an attitude as last time,
preferring to remain neutral and allow
ing the legislature to say whether the
large expense of moving the university
should be incurred. '
Aside from university campus removal,
the board will also consider the applica
tion for appropriations to be made to
the legislature and fix upon the amount
which will be necessary to provide prop
erly for the state school. In addition to
the regular expenditures connected with
the university, the board must determine
The moving of the laboratories to Omaha
cultural school at Curtis, the Omana
medical college and the sub-stations at
Culbertson, North Platte and Vafent'.ne
he moving of the laboratories to Omaha
In connection with the medical college
will be a larger item of expense.
Fully $1,000,000 worth of new buildings
is needed to put Nebraska In rank with
other colleges In the mid-west, according
to Chancellor Aver'.
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE, Neb.. Aug. 31.-(Speclal.)
Tt, tl.l An . . , -
iiw visiui MBrnneu valuation ot uage
county is m.687,594, according to the fig
ures complied by County Clerk J. C. Pen-
rod. This is an Increase of $630,340 ovnr
the valuation of 1908. This is considered
very small, the biggest Increase being on
lands In the county. The city of Beatrice
shows an increase of $90,000, Wymor an
Increase of $30,000 and other towns In the
county an Increase of $12,000. Tho In
crease on lands In Gage county Is about
Rudolph Beckman of Tamona and Miss
Minnie Kreuger of Cortland were married
at the bride's home at Cortland Thursday
The city commissioners held a special
meeting yesterday and awarded the con
tract for Installing the electrolier light
ing system to the Illinois Electrio com
pany for $1,823.57.
Thomas Jellsey and Mrs. Louisa Lew!,
both of Morgan vl He, Kan., were married
here yesterday by County Judge Enlow.
L. E. Bloodgood, a farmer living east of
the city, Is suffering from blood poisoning
In his left hand, caused by striking the
member with a hammer.
WEST POINT, Aug. 30-(Spec'al.)-The
tax levy for Cuming county as fixed by
the board of supervisors for the year
Ml Is:
State General, 4 mills; university. 1
mill; state aid bridge fund, 2 mills. Total,
S.2 mills.
County General, 8.4 mills; bridge, 9.8
mills; bridge outstanding, l. mills;
emergency bridge, 1 mill. Total, 9.8 mills.
The state tax for the year will be $39,-
882.14 and the county tax $75,162.60. The
tax levy for the city of West Point Is
twenty-one and one-half mills, slightly
higher than last year. The tots I of the
Dr. Hartman Answers Questions
About the Revised Pe-ru-na
Memorial Exercises for Prof. Penny.
ALBION, Neb., Aug. 31.-(Sp?claI.)-The
Fiiday morning session of the Boone
County Teachers' Institute was opened. I
with appropriate memorial exercises in I
recognition of the educational services of
thi late Clifford M. Penney, state exam
iner in the state superintendent's office. ;
Mr. Penney was reared in Boone county
and was at one time superintendent of
schools of the county. The exercises con
sisted of mu'le, appreciation addresses,
resolutions of condolence and apprecia
tion and a memorial addref s by Rev. Mr.
Paynter, pastor of the Christian church,
who was Mr. P'nncy's pastor in this city.
Superintendent Hannah Johnson arranged
the exercises as a part of the teachers'
Institute which has been In session here
this week. .
F.dgnr Business Changes,
EDGAR, Neb., Aug. 31. (Special.) Two
Important changes in business firms have
just occurred here. F. M. Thomrson has
told his farm Implement business, which
lnciuces the stock, building and iot, to
N. J. Teller of Atkinson. The Invoice
was comrited last ex'enlng and posses
s on given to Mr. Teller. Mr. Thompson
retains hl hardware business.
The grocery firm of Jackson & Hoch
rltner has dissolved partnership, Mr,
Hcchritnnr retiring f:om the busineo.-.
The buflness wlil be continued In the
name of W. II. Jackson.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Big Return.
If f9S:-M
Ll,,.,,,-,.in, M-nn;.,
In response to a great many queries I
formula, of Pe-ru-na. which I did six
Wmjl years ago, but did not realize the diffi
culty of overcoming the people's notions
on the subject
I made a change in the formula of
Pe-ru-na. Quite a radical change. A
change that altered the color and the
taste and somewhat the mcdlc nsl effect
of Pe-ru-na. I did this believing It was
the best thing to do under the circum
stance a
Immediately the change appealed, the
people began to complain of Pe-ru-na.
They generally thought the druggist was
to blame, that their bottle of Pe-ru-na
had been tampered with. This made bad
feelings between the users of Pe-ru-na
and the druggists. The druggists in some
cases became irritated and angered and
made complaint to the wholesalers and
manufaetuiers. Thus the trade was tem
porarily in an uproar.
After a year of exp'anatlon the trade
quieted down and the new Pe-ru-na took
Its place in the dng stoies as n pop a, a r
nousehold remedy. And yet It his not
attained the populsritv that the other
Pe-rt-na had. Changing the formula of
Pe-ru-na ws ;qjl,aent to introducing
new medicine into the drug trade, an
extremely difficult thing to do now-a-dayg..
Pe-ru-na as it is mads today Is a very
excellent remedy for catarrh and general
catarrhal ailments. It Is for tale in all
drug states and has a slight laxtlve
wish to make a public statement concern
ing the sale of Pe-tu-na.
No, we are not selling as much
Pe-ru-na as wo used to. The reason for
this Is the change in the formula of . f,cct v'ry mut' "led In these days.
The patent medicine business Is very
peculiar and particular. A person who
has been In the habit of taking patent
medicine will notice very quickly the
slightest eJteratloin in color, taste or ef
fect, It does not look as It used to, or
smell as It used to. or have exactly the
same taste as It used to. It does not
feci exactly the same in the stomach as
before. The medicine will be promptly
It seemed to thnt It was in many wavs
I a better rmriv th. iuf.M v i -
. J . ' u .. wtvi Vt A Od I
spile of all explanations there Is consider
able demand for the old Pe-ru-na as It
used to be made.
I have authorised the formation of a
company to manufacture It, under the
trnde name of Ka-Ur-n.j. The Ka-tar-no
Co. Is locatod in Columbus, Ohio, and
lands ready to suptdy tlia trade with
th ft.d-tlma formula of Pe-ru-na, under
returned to the drug store and a new i the name of Ka-Ur-na.
bottle demanded.
All this I knew before I changed the
Send tor froe booklet, Address K
tno Co.; Columbus, Ohle,
state and county levies is the tame as
last year,
WEST POINT, Aug. Sl.-Marriage II.
censes have been granted during ths
week to the following: Walla Travis and
Miss Minnie Melcher, of Stanton, and to
John Flnley of Omaha and Miss Erna
Grunke of West Point.
News has reached the city of the death
at Kansas City, Kan., of Frank Tipton,
the husband of Irene Ludwlg Tipton, a
former resident and a native of West
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
(12 O'Clock)
Labor Day
LINCOLN, SEPT. 1, 2, 2, 3, 4. C. 6, 1912
Sunday, Kept, tat, 3i30 P. M. Admission 28 Cents
a, u, too Aoa (Komis bajuuo), rmxa tsoooo.
Brownie Prince, br S...J. T. Marr, Oak, Neb.
E S McGlathery, br h... George Dickinson, Jessup, Is.
H F B, br h E. F. Beddle, Dee Molnea. Ia.
Will Uuthery, bl h .Tom E. Pollock. Flagstaff, Arts.
Idy Maud Miller, b in .L N. K. C. Miller, Wymore, Neb.'
Brandy Peaches, b g....N. S. Shannon, Kansas City, Mo.
Shady Butterfly, bl m.. Reeves Bros., Fullerton, Neb.
Ash Bud, a g . .C. O. Mathls, Falrbury, Neb.
Aurora Boy, b g John Ktrohm, Aurora, Neb. V .
, . .Metre
. Libera tl
Let Us Motor Otst to tne Afternoon Frogrem 81SO.
March "Hero In Command" Llberatl
Introducing Llberatl American Fanfare Detail.
Piccolo Polo "Fantasia" Dam are
Mr. August Pfelfer.
(a) Walts "Mandollnsta"
(b) Valse "La Mia Bperansa"
"A Summer Day in Norway"
5. Overture "Jubel" Weber
6. "First Heart Throbs" Ellemberg
7. Belectlone from "Maid Marion" De Koven
8. Vocal Selection from "II Trovatore" Verdi
With entire cast of Grand Opera Singers.
Bnndey Afternoon S:30.
3. K. Merrill, Director.
Overture "The Light Cavalry" Huppe
Selection "Ermine" Jakabowekl, arr. Meyrelles
Medley Overture "The Golden Nuggete" .... Barnhouee
American Fantasia "America Forever". . . .,Moses-Tobanl
Overture "Italians in Algiere" Rossini
Patrol "Blue and the Gray" Dalbey
Medley "Sweet Old 8ongs" Dalbey
LiberetTs Conoert Band and Crraod Opera Oompany at the
Sunday Jtreniag TiOO.
"American Carnival" Llberatl
Duet for Clarinets "Girlneo Polka" Gat
Waltz "La Gitana" Buccoloeel
Tenor Solo "Aria from La Tosca" Puccini
"Reminiscences of Verdi" Godfrey
Overture "Flngal'sCave" Mendelssohn
"La Volx Des Cloches" Lulglnl
"The English Empire" Godfrey
Opera Selection from "Lucia" Donlsetti
With entire cast or urana upera ttingers.
wio9AY, berhdui a.
Labor Day Lincoln Day Children's Day Old Sol
diers' Day. Children under It years of age and old
soldiers wearing the button emblem are admitted free.
6:30 a. m. Gates open tl the public. Admission a fifty
cent coin.
Buildings, exhibits and barns open to the public.
All judges will meet at their respective de
partments, receive hooks from their superin
tendents, and proceed with the Judging, which
will continue each day until completed. Horse
and cattle judging will be done In the Live
Stock Coliseum, and swine in the Swine Arena.
Wortham A Allen Shows in continuous per
formance on the Midway. Stereoptlcon vlewn
of rural, city, normal and university school
life at Educational Building.
In Bankers Life Building moving picture show.
Complete program each hour throughout the
Concert Program at Auditorium by State In
dustrial School Band, J. M. Merrill, Director.
Two-step Intermezio "Indian Summer".
Overture "Poet and Peasant" . . . F. V. Suppe
Two-step-March "Everybody's Doing It
now" , J. Berlin
Waltz "Dreams of Childhood". .Waldteufel
Overture "The Golden Gete" Southwell
Barn Dance "Kerry Mills" K. Mills
Selection "II Trovatore". .Verdi arr. Myrelles
Cake Walk "On the Levee" Mall
The Galloway musical program in Machinery
Visit to the greatest automobile and machin
ery exhibit ever shown In Nebraska.
Llberatl's Concert Band and Grand Opera Com
pany at Wie Auditorium in the following pro-
1. March "Kansas City Star" Libera U
2. Waltz "Drean' on the Ocean" ....Oung'l
3. Euphonium Solo "Adelaide". ...Beethoven
Slgnor A. Mans).
4. "Reminiscences of Llberatl" Glannoue
1:30 p.m. Racing program on trsck in front of Amphi
theatre. Entire grandstand reserved. Seats
86c, S0c and 76c. Boxes $1.00. Bleachers 25c.
He. 4, B 1 40 TBOT, "TBB XBDTrBTBXAX, FVmm," 01,000.00.
Name of Horse Owner and Residence
The Spartan ( m. I. Roes Thompson. Dee Molnea, la.
Dick Allerton, b p. M. Wilson. Walker, la,
Alta Bell, b m G H. Cameron, Alta, la.
Dr. Igo, b J. D Sprairue, David City. Neb
Councillor Doone Chaa. K. Allen, Durant, Okie.
Doris Doone, bl m Chse. R, Allen, Durant, Okie,
Baron Bowles, b g W. L. Owen, West Point, Neb.
Teddy K, br g N. L, Moore, Nelson, Neb
MeKlnnef Wllka Luke TurpenMnir, Avlantie, la.
Right Guard, b g J, M, lioyle, fit. Joseph, Mo,
Senator 8, bl F, O, Shields, ICIdon, la,
Alllo Medium, Jr., bl h.. Frank R Strahan, Wayne, Neh.
Homer AUerton, b a.,., Frank JO, (Urahan, Wayne, Neb.
Charley J, oh e. O, to, Alter, Dews, la,
Young Gentry, b m C, . Alger, Dews, la,
Benero, br a JCd Wmpson, Utrenghurt. Ill,
Hen Tolus, b g ,,John H, Fot, Columbus, Nab,
The Comet, oh g, ,,,,,,, illtinl ft Maish, ilurllngton, la,
Merlo Mo, b m,,,, Harris A MoCorivtaa, Hturueen Mo,
Pawn, br a,, ,,,,,, lelm A, Edwards, Kureko, Kan,
Don Alrbo, gr n ,,,,,, H, N, flhajl, SSmmett.hurg, la,
Hydryad, b m. U W, Hieien, Delavan, 111,
Oevena, b m. Ceehrtn A 6uner, Llnool.i, Neb,
Gemboy, b h. N. I.. Vnore, Nelanti, feh.
Nabisco, b g , , . , , Mugh McKenna, O'Neill, Neb,
8:00a. m.
9:00 a. m.
10:00 a m.
10:80 a m.
10:45 a. m.
11:30 a. m.
1:30 p. m.
vo. is, an? paox, rran tsoo.oa
Brunswick B, b g W. W. Towle, Lincoln, Neb.
The Progressive, bl g. . L. L. Cassldy, Dee Molnee, la.
Earthquake, b g. Frank Howard, Pawnee, City, Neb.
Joe Joe, b a J. H. I Bern an, Lincoln, Neb. f
Normle King, wh m.... Luther Miller, Broken Bow, Neb.
Highland Twist M. Ware, Marlon, la.
Helreos G Carl Fuch, Peoria, 111.
Harper Boy, bl a N. Harpor, Seymour, la.
C D M, g CO. Marthls, Falrbury, Neb. .
Rosa Ash, b m John 8 1 room, Aurora, Neb.
rm-ziomi saxs dabk, mum fiooxw
gxmix-maxTXM kxxb dask, fubss tiso.oo.
vrwo ioxsi or mt iau &biat baob,
nmsa $i,ssoxo.
Pauline Irwin .T... .....Cheyenne, Wwe,
Mrs. Clayton Banks Cheyenne, Wyo
Gladys Irwin Cheyenne, Wyo,
Joella Irwin Cheyenne, Wyo,
A Chelton Curtis Springfield, Colo,
John Curtis Springfield, Colo.
Frank Stanley Rlverton, Neb.
Harold (Henley . ... .Rlverton, Neb.
Wlreleaa telegraphy at tent " I
Tbe State Industrial Bchool Band at the Gran
During tbe afternoon the celebrated Irwin Bros.'
Frontier Days Show from Cheyenne will n
In program between races, perform ins; bero
the grand stand In some of tbe following events:
catching and bulleloarging steers.
Handicap race between antemobile, race ho
cow pony ana Indian on root.
' Man and lady relay race. .
Champion lady rough rider on outlaw horse. . j
Indian races. i
Stake, race between cowboys and cowgirls. ,
Trlok and fancy roping by the world's champ.!
Riding and driving of tbe only team of buffalo
In the world, broken to harness and drive.
1:10 p.m. The famous Moleant Aviation Co.'s Monoplane
In sensational flight rising from the center,
field of the race track.
4:00 p. m. Llberatl's Concert Band and Grand Opera Oora-i
panr at the Auditorium:
1. Ororture "Semiramlde" Sorrinl
I. "Goldbleoncben" Ellemberg
t. Remlnlsconcea of Meyerbeer
4. Vocal Selections from "Cavalleria Itue- -1
tlcana" Mlascagnl
With entire cant of Grand Opera Singers
6:80 p. '. Monoplane Exhibition of Birdman Harold Kant
ner, "The Speed Demon of the Air."
Sight BatertalaiBant,
8:10 p.m. The Worthsm A Allen Show.? on the Midway.
Wireless Telegraphy at tent
7:00 p. m. . Llberatl's Concert Band and Grand Opera Com-,
pany, at the Grand Stand, with .the following'
1. March "To War for American Lib- '
erty" ...Llberatl
. Introducing Llberatl Fanfare Detail.
2. Piccolo 8olo "Through the Air". . . .Damm.
31' Ballet music from "Faust".. .Gounod
4. Soprano Solo "Garo Nome" from i
"Rlgoletto" Verdi
I. Walts "Gold and Silver"....'., Lehar,
4. "La Palomn" ..Iradler
7. Ballet muslo from "William Tell". .Rossini
1:80 p. m. Irwin Bros.' Cheyenne Frontier Day Show, in'
elections from the following progran.v Pop
v ular muslo by the Kearney Industrial School!
Trick and fancy riding by the eewboya,
Riding of outlaw horses by lady rough riders.
Hiding of (he bucking barroa, outlaw Shetland
pony, Dirty Tom. the bucking steer, bueking
cow and bulla.
The Introduction of the outlaw her and rid
ing of same, among who are Old Steamboat
i'nddy Roosevelt, Bill Taft Nevada Aeroplane,
:tp ne. Rooking Chair and Rock Saay, Oh Ibsll
f.tid many other noted buckere too numerous te
. v, !if,n war dancee by the real Btous In war
e'eeue of the eld prairie aoheoner-pulled! by
three yoke of oxen, making camp, an, the' at
tack by Indian and the burning of the wagen;
eewbeya te the rescue and a pitched battle, r
3i00a.m, Mevtsg pleture phew in Auditorium by the
South Omafca Stock Tard Co,
$l4 p. m, Bturopdeup dieplay ef firework,
rmmedtatly at tbe eletip ef the firework 'die
play Llberatl's Ceneert Band and Qrapd Opera
Company t the Auditorium In the following
f,rPSve!ur 'Kampa'" ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,. Harohl
Opera "H Trevatafe" Kt.n,,,...,! Verdi
With entire east Of Grand Opera Singers
'1:49 p. m. FuBfe Bail eentest in . Coliseum between cow
boy and Indiana,
The above program is for Af outlay and la a sample f lb at for each tlaj1, EyerrthiRg li in place aad ready at S
o'r'.ock Menda mtroina. Oeme while everything is ft
, VV, HAWS, President . . W, , MUtLOH, Secr.un