Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1912, WANT-ADS, Image 29

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Stores and Offices.
NEW, centrally located hall, well
quipped. 1508-10 Harney.
I Sd Floor at 1506 Harney St- (new).
Offices at 1517 Harney St., 2d floor.
I Store at Mil Harney St.
Store at 935 N. 24th St.
Store at 33S N. Kth St., So. Omaha.
O. C. REDICK. Atty.,
1517 Farnam St.
AT 24TH and Farnam Sts , we want
to build S or 4 good stores right away.
Have some applicants now, but have
room for 2 more live ons.
HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Omaha Nut.
BARX, close In, room for three autos.
2572 Harney St.
uitsiKABLE OFFICKS In Continental
Half suite on second floor,' $22.60.
Full suite on thtrd floor, $J0.00.
209 First National Bank Bldg.
Telephone Douglas 722.
. JiKiCK storeroom and basement, steam
'heated, N. W. corner 25th Avenue and
Cuming, 125.00, plus heat.
1 Brick Storeroom, steamheated, 2556
Cuming, $20.00. Thos. W. Hazen, 207 Mc-
Cague Bldg., Doug. 1200.
.slCE store, 1909 Cuming St., $25.
, SUITE of rooms In Baldrlge block. F.
D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St.
"WAREHOUSE or store, 1309 Howard
.St.; S stores; steam heat, freight ele
vator. IN. P. DODGE & CO., 15th and Harney
; Baaeburner, hotel range, furn. 939 N. 24.
I Dining furniture, library table and rug,
(rocking chair for sale. Harney 1520.
I ONE roller top desk, new, two sections;
'Gun's filing case, new; two swivel chairs:
jtwo typewriter tables, four office chairs,
all late styles, quarter oak; must be seen
ito be appreciated. Will rtlvlde to suit.
Call Sunday from 10 to 12 or any week
day. 612 Brandels Theater Bldg.
FOR SALE Oak sanitary roller top
(desk, also roller top typewriter desk. In
quire 603 Bee Bldg.
i Bargains at auction, a snap.
A lot of furniture will be sold to the
I highest bidder Wednesday, 10 a. m.
vmianavan warenouse, so SO. 16th St.
FURNITURE for sale, good, all kinds,
cheap. Red 1780.
Musical Instruments.
1 SCHILLER Piano Cabinet, Grand
Eckerln Baseburner, nearly new, offered
for half-price. 918 N. 27th St.
, FOR SALE Two talking1 machines,
!"n Home Edison, one Columbia. William
Lurch, 37th and) H, South Omaha.
! TYPE W BITERS for rent, 3 months $5.
j Central Typewriter Exchange.
NEW Remington typewriter, model No.
10; price reasonable. Call Harney 5947.
RENT from the manufacturers direct.
No. 3 Oliver typewriter, 8 months, $4.00.
'Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type
writer company.
FOR SALE New and second-hand
carom and pocket billiard tables and
bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix
tures of all kinds; easy payment. The
Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-409 S.
10th street.
MAILING LISTS of Wayne county,
Nebraska, for sale. Forrest L. Hughes,
iwayne. Neb.
SAFES Overstocked with secoad-hand
cafes; all sixes and makes; bargains.
American Supply Co. 1310 Farnam St.
DESKS, safes, scales, show ca?es. shelv.
Ing, etc.; see us first. Omaha Fixture and
Buppiy UOi) -i-jo o. ian. uo'ig. tie
Inew Bomgardner lowering device, one
grave liner, one cooling board, one church
ma nf .mhalmln? tAnla and
lease, one set casket stools. John Oliver,
(Randolph, Neb. :
ATI ARftATN' or young law-
DJMMlAXVi v. , .cries of law
books of 12 volumes, 1 of 10 volumes, Law
Dictionary, Hale on Torts. Cooley on
Torts, Clark's Criminal Law Book; will
sell cheap; make me an offer; good as
new. A J. Knott. 4618 N. SSth St. Web.
CITY wall map. also county blue
Iprlnts. ... Doug. 1653.
i Entire stock of lighting fixtures; entire
.stock of raw material used In manu
facturing lighting Fixtures; entire plating
(plant machinery- -'laftlng. belting, pul
Ueys, motors, ; nos, lathes, shears,
(buffing lathes, etc.; nil office fixtures. At
M o'clock Wednesday morning, September
M, at Omaha Silver Co., 314 So. 13th St.
i Trustee in Bankruptcy.
IM A OS A flTP.Swedish movement. Ap't
MAOOAUi . urn Fsrnam. D. 8240.
Children to board In country. D. 7WS34.
Massage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse 306 Boston Bid.
rTTiT. M,iM,n vital hnth 1 lr - AnllA
,D. Fisher, 401 Ware block. 309 S. 18th.
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast
off clothing: in fact, anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell at J34
N. llth St. for cost of collection, to the
worthy poor. 'Phone Douglas. 412j ami
wagon will call. '
cam. Davidgb Block. Apt. 2. Doug. 6521.
BATHS. Swedish rnaa:e. Mrs. Snyder.
Ko. 3, The Dunsany. 10th & Pierce. D.43SC.
MAGNETIC healing, over 710 S. 16th.
TOUNG women coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian association building
at 17th and St. Mary s Ave., where they
will be directed to suitable boarding
places, or otherwise assisted. Look for
our travelers' am at trie union station,
Ut A KfllT.fYTTITnRP V 'alt Clow and
Numwuijvx Uassngr. lime.
Allen oi inicago, nv inn, nt n. i. iwa
Bexten Pharmacy, 13th ar.'l Dodge.
.i .
IM" ARSAfTR Eert treatment. Mrs.
IIIAOOAUCJ Steele. 108 S. 13th St R 223
1 ' 'PHONE RED 2952.
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; all work
(guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg.
1 NEW fat reducer; Fat Foe, including
Obesity Herb Tea; sip your fat away;
delightful, rapid, harmless, $1 for la rye.
complete Fat Foe treatment. All druggbts
have Fat Foe or can get it for you.
,Start reducing now.
.' PIANO WANTED Young ouple wish
to care for piano for persons storing fur
niture. Phone H. 6545.
BOSTON terrier pups, screw tall; sire
my champion Tom Crlbb. Call Douglas
.3866. $020 Farnam.
FOR SALE Kellerstrass strain Crystal
iWhlte Orpingtons; stock cheap. Address,
P. O. Box 1S4, Kimball, Neb.
M 1 BOSTON TERRIER, 3 months old,
iineiy marxea, pedigreed. reasonaDle. i4l
,8. 24th St. Tel .Dous. 7477.
tered stock. Call Doug -3856. 202O Farnam.
Reed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of
fice In Nebraska. :(W Brandels Tricster.
Four-room cotlage wlta dug cellar, good
well, I year old; lot 40x132 ft. Price, $S0),
, If paid In cash. Call Webster 504.
3-Best Buys
of Today
VfS North 36th street, new bungalow,
Just completed, 5 rooms and battu strictly
modern In every respect, vestibule, living
room and dining room finished in oak;
full comented basement, large attic,
floored; all permanent walks, and just
one block to Ames avenue car line. Price
351S Lincoln boulevard, a new and
strictly modern 11-room house, hardwood
finish, both first and second floors, with
thre3 nicely finished bed rooms on third
floor; has hot water heating, very nice
fixtures, large pantries and refrigerator
room; full cemented basement. This house
Is located on a south front lot on the
boulevard and right in th? very heart of
Bemls park. Alley is paved and all spe
cials paid. Will make an ideal home for
anyone wishing a house of thJs size.
Price $7,300.
3522 Lincoln boulevard, new and strictly
modern 8-'rocm house, with hardwood fin
ish and hot water heating; one of th
finest arranged housese In the city, stand
ing In an ideal location on a south front
lot. with plenty of shade trees and every
thing that makes a beautiful home. Price
C W. Garloch
3704 Hawthorne Ave. Phone H. 3079.
Look at This Today
4113 North 20th St. Boulevard, a
beautiful brand new modern home,
having six rooms, bath and sleeping
porch; vestibule, parlor and dining
room have oak floors and oak trim;
kitchen, maple floor and built-in
cabinet; three bed rooms, finished In
hartt pine; bath room, white enam
eled; all Interior doors are two
panel and all walls are sand finished
and tinted. This property must be
seen to be appreciated. Remember
that you have no paving to pay in
front of lot, a saving of at least $150.
Large maple shade trees, something
worth considering. We can sell on
terms of $500 down, balance
monthly. Take Sherman Ave. or
North 24 th St. car lines to Sprague
St. Open for Inspection.
Payne & Slater Co.,
616 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
'Phone Doug. 1016.
A Real Home
For Sale Cheap
Kountze Place
We have a genuine bargain in a
new house in this beautiful residence
section. It was built and is owned
by a carpenter contractor and is con
structed of the very best of materials
and by the best of mechanics; has
living room, good dining room, fine
pantry, kitchen and rear entry first
floor; 4 fine bed rooms on 2d floor;
beautiful oak finish and floors
Fine corner lot, one block from
car. Easy terms can be arranged
with good party. The number is
2201 Evans. It is vacant and ready
to occupy. See It today.
Chas.W. Martin & Co.
1018 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
'Phone Doug. 3832.
Hanscom Park
$300 Cash, $25 Month
A 6-room new bungalow, beautifully
finished In oak. Parlor, dining room,
kitchen, three bedrooms and bath on one
floor. Stairway to be floored and plas
tered attic. A full cemented basement
with good furnace. Cistern with pump In
basement. Large lot. On paved street.
One block to car. Near school.
303 S. 17th St. Phone Douglas 3867.
Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 O'clock.
West Dodge St.
Country Home
$9,500 For a practically new 7-room, all
muuern iiouse, vun good Darn,
garage and necessary outbuild
ings, located on 2 acres of ground.
This house is finished in hard
wood, with combination electric
light and gax fixtures and first
class hot water heating plant. The
attic has ample space for 2 or 3
rooms. Present price is less than
the property is actually worth and
the location is one that will in
crease In value materially in the
next few years..
George & Company
-.rnone D-.oS. S02-12 City Nat. Uk. Bids.
Trustees Sale
store with flats above. Well located at
good live trading point and occupied by
a Clean. irrorerv anri HntthA.
shop. The building Is 2 or 3 years old
and is one of the best constructed build
ings we have seen. No money was spared
to make it right. In fact that is one of
the reasons why It must be sold now.
ini.e io,jv lor quicK sale.
Thta trimtAA mtINt Alwi oiAO. nnt am
- - - - - - - - - w.wwi? wui. mi uiu
noma nil a la.rfi'A nnmAi that ta H&..Aunt...
c . . . . V..U. ucciupuig
into a business location. It Is on N. 24th
si. ine od nouse win pay tax?s and low
interest on price, while you plan for
stores on 24th St Stores need not disturb
the house fronting the side street. Price
$6,500, but it must be sold at once. Males
an offer.
Harrison & Morton
PtQ Q...1KJ. J.Mb.m,u, ilk. J.UifcU OX.
T tiaVA llnt1 With vta 9 A n A e
cottages In first-class condition, all mod
ern except heat, walking distance; one
at 28a Charles St. one at 2629 Charles
bt Prices are $1,900.00 and $2,3CO.0O. ' See
them at once. Street paving paid. Can
mem uu ywr inen s terms.
' H. A WOLF,
432 Brandels Bldg. Doug. S068.
6-room house, modern except heat,
nice lot With nle.ntv nf tru thlnlr f it
only 2,300. l aved street on cr line.
310-312 Brandels Theater.
FOR SALE 25 fY Kvana St .mm
new, modern, oak finish, sleeping vorcn.
Call Owner. Webster 131.
FOUR fine lots in Alorningsido addition,
rf-a -. r,.. o p. - ebsier ..
a .,.....) ior sale. 3454 80. 15th. Phone 7831.
$2,40), gocd corner business lot with 8
room pa'tly modern houe, barn in iear;
plenty of room to buiid store. Anton
xrUka, 2224 bo. 16th fet, downstairs.
Rebuilt this year, only five minutes
walk west of new court house. Contains
23 rooms. Rental $1,660 per year. Owner
leaving city permanently, will sell for
$11,500. Better than 12 per cent net on
your money.
The building Is splendidly built hard
wood finish and hardwood floors through
'. DOUQ. 1472.
in one of the best residence sections,
north, 8 rooms, large lot, paved street
all paid for. Large shade trees, fine
homes all around, close to fine school,
churches and car line. Worth Jfi.OOO. Non
resident owner lias Just Instructed me to
sell It for what It will bring. Make your
offer at once and be sure to have it low
enough. A rare circumstance. PROFIT
1236 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1472.
Almost level, Sarpy county. Joins sta
tion, main line Burlington, Omaha to
Lincoln. Best of soil, ideal lor fruit,
poultry and dairy farm. Owner living in
city and anxious to sell. Price $150 per
acre. Might take not over $1,500 trade
if worth the money. A splendid property,
and will be sold at a bargain.
ERNEST SWEET. 1236 City Nat. Bank.
$250 CASH
Balance $16.60 per month, buys 7-room
house; water, gas, sewer, fine repair.
Rents $17. Price only 81.750. Brina- in
you bit of money and have a home of
your own.
1236 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1472.
24th Street
49-foot frontage on 24 th St., be
tween Farnam and Leavenworth.
Property in this locality is fast be
coming business property and values
will double here within a short time.
For Investment we have two 6-room
modern houses nearly new, m fine
condition, renting for (30' each, or
60 per month. For quick sale the
owner authorizes us to accept 97.500
a cash paytn-ent of $2,000 and
terms on the balance.
The purchaser of this choice prop
erty will realize a handsome profit,
besides an income of nearly 10 per
cent gross fo rthe time his money Is
The lot alone at the pesent time is
worth between $4,000 and $5,000.
Hastings & Hey den
1614 Harney St.
Charles E. Williamson Co.
Rent Talk No. 38.
Mrs. Renter and tha
Grocer: "I'm sorry to refuse credit to
Mrs. Renter, but It must be done. To
support all unfortunate acqualntaniaes
would banrut me. I have carried tlicrn
hoping things, would take a turn. 1
can't affo.d u lose, and credit there
must stop. They dldn t start right. Over
there stands Jane Homeowner. Her
credit Is good. These two illustrate the
difference. Henry Renter and John
Homeowner were school mates of mine;
as boys Henry was the brighter. When
Henry and Nellie married they rented
a fashionable home, entertained, etc.,
and If Henry could not get a large salary
he did nothng. It Is the old story; the
money their parents gave them was soon
spent. Family Increasing, expenses
growing, suddenly brought them face to
face with facts; only source of Income
was the salary, etc., etc., etc.
Same old story and needn't be repeated.
The rent they paid would have paid for
the house they lived In, but they didn't
do it that way so the rent collector still
had to be met. The other side will be
told in talk No. 39. Be sure to read It.
2111 Pratt Street
Real Bungalow
Kountze Place
6 rooms, strictly modern, the latest pat
tern one-panel oak doors, built-in book
cases In living room; the best modern
plumbing tnroughout; full basement with
walls running clear down; extra heavy
concrete floor; oak finish and oak floors
throughout. Price, $3,450. Easy terms.
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bldg. ' Doug. 4270.'
Dandy Home
Between 24th and 25th on Decatur, first
class 6-room house, large reception hall,
parlor, dining room and kitchen on first
iloor, 3 bod rooms and a nice big bath
room upstairs. Hot water heat and the
heating plant Is in elegant condition. Lot
lays fine, just high enough from the
street to give It a nice terrace. If you
are looking for a home of this size in
th s vicinity, don't fail to have us
srow you this" one because we know you
will like It. Price $3,600.
O'Neil's B. E. & Ins. Agency
1505 Farnam Street .
Tel. Tyler 1024.
P. S. To sell property list it with us.
$500 Down for .
Up-to-date Kesidenc e
5934 N. 24th St., 2-story, 7-room, ail
modern house, with large screened-ln
sleeping porch; oak floors throughout the
house, except kitchen; oak finish first
floor; 2d floor finished in white enamel,
with 'up-to-date fixtures; a practically
new, modern residence, which can be
bought at the low price of $3,950 upon the
ca.-y terms of $40.2j per month, including
interest, investigate at once. Key at
our office.
George & Company
Tel. D. 756.- M2-12 City Nat Bank Bid.
WAiN'UiD Vacant houses for fall rent
ing season 1912. Have the beavers work
for you. They will rent or sell your prop
erty quickly.
Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance.
760 Omaha National Bank.
i 6 rooms, receiving ha)l and bath, strict
ly modern, east front, close to park and
car. Price on'y $3,800.
310-S1I Brandels Theater.
Six-room houte. modern except beat;
corner lot, one block from car. A r-al
barga n. lSil Coiby St pnone Web. X72t
Today is September 1st- Time to Locate
Before Winter
Seven Rooms$250 Cash
(l'lfl Af T AH il 'or s,y,e' convenience and arrnngement
.n SI I I H I rir Vlntltn this plat) cannot be Improved; its com
V"u,vu vl A 1UUIU pact, yt the moms are all large; do not
know of a better arranged seven-room plan. The ouMde appearance cf this
pretty home Is splendid, the ornamental dormers, the gables, the pitch of the
roof, Is all properly balanced. For this hUrh-rlasa home I selected one of the
very best east front lots In Gl-nn Park; it s right on the hill, with a beautiful
view to the north and east. You who have seen Glenn Park know there Is
nothing better than the east front lots on the OliMin Park Mil; high, level and
cn a street of all new and good homes. The front porch Is 22 ft. wide and en
closed with sided ralllriK. with mttervd corners and heavy 2xS top 'rail, which
adds much to the appearance and gives privacy to your veranda. Th? front door
Is a late 1912 design, three vertical panels below and bevel plute glass for upper
panel. In quartered oak. The reception hall Is roomy, with the pretty open
staircase. The first Impression on entering the is pJcasltitC. Wide mission
opening to large south and east living room, another mission opening to coy
&uth side dining room, with plate railing and three high dining room windows
set in one triplet frame. Opening from dining room, back, is the best room in
the house, the den. This room luu a clonH or wardrobe, and If needed can be
used Tor bedroom, hus four large windows 011 three tides, and would make fine
sleeping room In summer and bright, pleasant den in winter. The kitchen i
arranged conveniently, with big pantry and refrigerator room. Inside and out-'
side combination entrance to basement, with outside grade door, basement full ft
concrete, with furnace that Is guaranteed to hold temperature at certain degree J
during coldest weather. On second fiocT Is nice hall, two fine, large bedrooms
with closrt and wardrobe for each, and two stonrge rooms. Pretty bath room,
fully fitted with gnarunt?d piutnblng. water closet has low down solid porcelain
tank, lavatory wide and heavy with 5-inch drop apron, five-foot porcelain bath
tub with 4-lnch roll Urn, hot and cold, sink to kitchen porcelain and all
in one place with back. Floors are ( f polishvd red oak, and dublo over No. 1
thlplap with building paper between. Electric lights, with fixtures In keeping
with this class nous, latest style In celling designs and showers. It's a. 7-room
house, complete In every detail even to th clothes chute to basement, medicine
cabinet In bath room. It's built right, best grade materials and by good me
chanics. Every part of the building is guaranteed to' be right. When you buy
this attractive home you arc getting the very best that I can give you in con
struction and the most practical 7-room plan I have. 1 want you to see It. The
price Is $,9N0, $250 cash and $30 per month, monthly payments Include the In
terest. You get a deed and complete abstract of title soon as deal is closed.
Ooitw today, 1 want you to see the proposition, want you to go Into It care
fully. Take a Benson car, get off at Halcyon Ave., come south to No. 115, any
time today or tomorrow afternoon or evening. Come. 'Phones: Benson 122 or 202.
Five Rooms--$365 Cash x
This is exceptional value. The lot is a
corner lot, full slse, 60x128, all nloeJy
leveled and sodded, high and sightly,
located In a splendid neighborhood and good surroundings. The cottage is one of
the neatest and most attractive I have built. It was planned and built especially
for a party for whom I am new building a 7-room house.. (Name given on re
quest). It's not an old house, about in months, and as bright as new. It is a
real cottage roof, with extra large front porch and buff colored facing brick porch
columns, outside appearance very pleasing and homelike. Large bevel plaite oak
door opening to vestibule entrance, larger tlian usual; living room is large and
well lighted, with wide colonade opening to large dining room, with very deep
bay window, neat three-pi ?e plate rail; kitchen la also unusually large and con
venient, with built-in cabinet and cupboard Inside entrance to basement,
under entire house, fully concreted and well lighted. Two splendid sleeping rooms
with big closet for each. Bath room Is 7x11, and fully equipped with best grade
plumbing, low down water closet, with golden oak tank, 5-foot porcelain tub with.
4-inch rim, pretty lavatory with 6-lnch drop apron, hot and coid water through
out all plumbing nickel trimmed. Electric lights, five-light pond Illy electric
shower from artistic c-Hling pan with drop chains for living room, dining room
piece to match, with 'extra large pond illy dome drop from center chain. Oak
floor?, machine scraped, smoothed and polished. It's a well built and pretty home
In a location that Is right Floors are a.U double over No. 1 shiplap, laid
diagonally, with red rosin paper between, tar felt between wialls, You can own
this cotaga home, you can move Into It In 10 days. The price W $2,605. cash
and $25 per month. The monthly payments Include the Interest, $25 actually cov
ers all requlned monthly payments. This cottage has not been advertised before.
It will sell readily. Take the car now, I want you to go througn this home, the
plan you will like, and it's built good. Come today or tomorrow afternoon or
evening. Take Benson car, get off at Halcyon Ave., come south to No. . 115.
'Phone Benson 122. Come.
Five Rooms--$165 Cash
This cottage Is located on the same
street with the 7-room above described.
These lots are hiah. sightly and level.
with a beautiful view. This pretty semi-bungalow cottage has a pleasing outside
appearance, with ornamental dormers, window seats, etc.. that give It style. Wlda
front porch, 24 t:et long, with a heavy 2x8. railing; has heavy and large oak
door, with full bevel plate panel opening to a convenient vestibule entrance. Nice
and ooiy living room, with wide mission opening to dining room; convenient
kitchen, big pantry and plenty of shelves. Inside entrance to large basement.
Two large bedrooms, both opening off dining room, with a large closet for each,
Nlco, roomy bath room, fully fitted with high grade guaranteed plumbing, hrt
and cold water and fixturJS same as in 7-room house. F.lectrlc lights all through
with same high grade fixtures as in the 7-room house excepting different pat
tern. Floors hignly polished red oak. Inside finish lumber all No. 1 clear se
lected. Lower Joists 2x8. Double floor, with No. 1 shlplap under floor, tar felt be-.
tween walls, clear red wood siding, 6 to 2 dear red cedar shingles, laid 4ft Inches
to the weather. I will sell this pretty little cottage horn for $2,565, $ltis cash and
M per month. See me today. Take Benton car, get off at Haicyon Ave., come
south to No. 115. Come today or tomorrow, rain or shine. COTTAGES ADVEH
F, S. Trullinger, Benson
$25.00 Per Month-:
$26.00 Per Month-
Think of It
Fine residence lots within a mile of
16th and Farnam Street having paved
streets, rity water, gas and sewer for
from $900.00 to $1,100.00. Can be 1ought
on payments of $300.00 cash and the bal
ance in three equal annual payments.
Better get one of the bargain lots now.
Southwest corner 42nd and Ersklne
street. Owner wants an offer tor this
fine lot.
Cla'rmont 47th avenue and Miami, good
lot and on easy payments for $500.00.
Northwest corner 33d and Boyd, three
fine east front lots with sewer, city
water and Bldewalks. $1,100.00.
Northeast corner 29th and Burdette.
two fine lots 100x127, for $900.00 on easy
29th and Wirt, two good building sites,
each 44x122 on payments at $430.00.
Douglas 200 508 Bee Bldg.
Kountze Place Home
Reduced Price
We have a great snap in a 2-story
frame house, built one year ago; has
living room, 14x23 feet, with beamed
ceilings; dining room, paneled sides,
beamed ceilings; large kitchen, pan
try and entry; 3 fine bed rooms and
large screened sleeping porch; stair
way to large floored attic; all walls
nicely decorated; screens cqmplete;
good plumbing, good furnace, fine
fixtures; cement walks in fact,
everything; is in a very good neigh
borhood and only 2 blocks from
school; one-half block to. car line.
Charles W, Martin
1018 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
'Phone Doug. 3832.
$200 Cash, $25" Month
. 6-room modern cottage; electric lights,
gas, sewer, cement walks, cement base
ment, new furnace, newly papered; on
easi iruni iui, item vi .
(Formerly S'nlmer & Chase Co.)
80S S. 17th St. Phone Douglas 3867.
Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 O'clock.
Oak Chatham Lots
Very Rapidly
On account of the low price and all Im
provement being put In and paid for by
the sellers.
$475 to $700
Will buy a fine east or west front lot In
this splendid addition, just being put on
the market by the Redlck estate.
Sprague Street to
Ames Avenue
20th to 24th
Car line on two sides, good schools on
both sides. Where can you beat this In
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bldg.
Doug. 4270.
farnam Home Close
' On the paved road, a half hour's ride
by automobile from Omaha P. O. and ad
joining the station arid town of Irving
ton. This Is Mr. Hibbard's homestead,
known as Evergreen farm because of Its
beautiful pine tre. It has 40 acres, X
good houses, barns, etc., running water
system, and tlie best trees you can tlnd
In the country. Kuch places as this are
not often on the market for sale. This
one can b bought for $16,000. See us or
Mr. Hlbbard for further particulars.
We have also a 800-aure farm about
the same distance out, with three sets of
improvements and well fitted up for a
country home that we can orfer for about
the value of the land unimproved. The
owner has invested nearly $100,000 and
family changes force sale. Price $60,000.
Harrison & Morton
tJt ouiat)4, iNUiluial Bank. l.uglu. ,iii.
West Farnam Horn
We are Instructed to sell within the
next two weeks a beautiful 8-room, fully
modern, east front home, In r.halcest
part of West Farnam district, uilt by
present owner by day labor; quartered
oak finish, stairway and first floor; Ix-st
enamel work 2d floor; attic floored and
finished; fine trees, lawn, cement wu'lis
and steps; owner, leaving Omaha, 'xhis
In your opportunity.
Harrison & Morton
With small house (two large rooms) and
5 lots to close an estate, only $1,087.
Has running clear water bordering one
entire side very rich black soil. North
of Ames and west of 80th Street car.
Th s Is a little over half price for the
lots. See us at once. Charles Williamson
Remember we give free a $100 accident
Insurance policy .with any property sold
while they last. .
our additions about that beautiful park,
Fort Omaha.
101 80. loth 8t Cot. Dodge.
Receiving hall, parlor, dining room and
kitchen on first floor, three bed rooms,
bath and sleeping porch on second floor;
ull hard wood finish, modern plumbing,
furnace, house but one year old, south
front lot street being paved now;
dandy neighborhood, clone, to car In Be
mls park district Owner leaving city
reason for selling. Cash- payment, bal
ance t me.
110-312 Brifhdels Theater.
7-room house all modern, hot water
boat, cistern connected with laundry
tubs, oak Ilnlsn, plenty shrubbery and
trade. Owner, 2403 No. lath tit. Terms. j
2917 S. 24th St.
A strictly rordcrn 5-r. cottage with large
lot; room f r another house. A r.'-v.-resi-dent
owner anxious ta soli. P. Ice J3.CC0.
. P. C ' TV nK,
21$ 3. 17th fit
New six-room house, modem In every
way. Large laundry and cistern, block
to car. Large shade treas and full lot.
Oak finish and oak floors upstairs and
downstairs. White enamel with mahog
anlzed doors upstairs. Sleeping porcli
and flrfplace. Cheap for nulck sale and
terms to suit. Phone H. 4821 or D. 4612.
x.iMi. uy of owner, luOS N. 24th
St., two blocks from Cuming, 15 minutes
from pofctofficc; cottage, 6 rooms and
summer, kitchen; water, toilet, cistern,
g.-LS in every room, nlco porch and yard;
s'.ifcr rss csi:ii of selling. 'Ptone Red
Oil cr addrers .1 Sfl, Foe.
o-f n. .a Jfor .--lie 'or t'ltiiantfe
column. DEUEL & HANKIN30N.
CITV l'KUi'Kki r on SM.K
Charles W. Martin & Co.
I have resigned my position as Vice-President and Secretary.
And have opened offices at
1018-1019 New Omaha National Bank Bl&
Where I will conduct a general
If you have vacant or improved property to sell
We Can Sell It For You .
And we will have vacant and improved property in all
better than
Omaha Real Estate
And we will have vacant and improved property in all
parts of the city.
Phone Douglas 3832.
Charles W. Martin & Co
$500 Cash, Balance $30 Monthly
Brand New Home, Never Occupied
Actually Worth $4,350
Our Price $3,850
This home Is full two stories, strictly
modern, oak finished on first floor, pine
with maple floors upstairs, lias large
living room ?rxll, with colonadn opening;
tine dining room 14x11, with window seat
and plute rail; neat den or sowing room
and handy kitchen wtlh refrigerator room,
Front and back stairs; three good bed
rooms, screrned-in sleeping porch, large
bath room and plenty of closets on second
floor; easy stairway to storeroom In at
tic. Press brick foundation;' full cement '
basement, with . fruit cellar and cellar1
drain, cement walks, sodded yard and
screens. Guaranteed furnace and guar
anteed plumbing. Nifty combination light
fixtures; large east front corner lot 50x142,
on a nice terrace. Paved street '
Well Built in Everyway
This house Is exceptionally well built.
Nothing but the best of lumber and mate
rial used. Remember this, you could not
build better If you had it done yourself.
The locality Is choice, being In beautiful
Clalrmont addition. Both high and sightly
and commanding a splendid view. Fifty
new homes have been built In this addi
tion this year. This sure is proof that It
Is of the best.
This house will' be open today .from 3
to 6 p. m. or can be seen by appointment
any time. Make arrangements to see this
today, for It must be seen to b appre
ciated. And we are sure It's a home you
will like. The number Is 2702 North 45th
St. (4uth and Miami). Take Deaf Insti
tute car. ' .
Choice of 3 Five Room Houses
For those desiring a smaller house we
submit three brand new cottages, strictly
modern; vestibule, living room and . din
ing room with window seat and plate rail
finished In oak; kitchen has built-in china
closets and work table. Two good bed
rooms with large closets; stairway to
store room in attic. Full cement basement,
cement walks, sodded yard and screens;
guaranteed furnace and plumbing; fine
combination light fixtures. Located at
im to 4MS North lth Ave. One block
from Ames Ave. car. Price $2,450; fc!5t
cash; balance 120 n.onthly. Key at 4546
N. 30th Ave. This Is well built In every
way and a real bargain for some one.
For more Information In regard to the
above homes phone CHAS HORN, Owner,
Harney 6210. -,
Take a Look at Our
New Houses
The first time you are out near Han
scom Park go over to Harris street (the
next street north of PoppletonvAve.) be
tween Park Ave. and 3th Ave., and see
our new houses, some under construc
tion and some finished up and occupied.
We have one square house completed,
No. 2964 Harris St., which we can sell on
very reasonable terms. We also have a
6-room bungalow practically completed,
and a 7-room bungalow, which will be
completed In about thirty days or less.
Look them over take a carpenter along
and have him make a critical examina
tion of them they will bear close in
spection; then, if they look good to you,
come and see us and we will explain fully
concerning everything, Including price,
terms, etc The houses built by us are
constructed by skilled mechanics and
contain ftrat-class materials throughout.
The location of these bouses Is excellent,
being two blocks due north of Hanscom
Park, one-half block from east side Han
scom Park car, and two blocks from the
west side car; close to fine public school,
stores and churches, etc. The street Is
paved, paving paid. We have two lots
left on this street on which we will build
to suit purchaser. If not sold soon we
will start bungalows on them. When
these lots are gone It will be hard to
find as attractive lots in the whole Han
scom Park district. No matter whether
you buy or not, we want you to investi
gate. Our time and services are at your
Phone Douglas 1008. 3P7 McCawue BlrtT.
Homes for Men
of Moderate
We can sell you a 6-room house, with
water, sewer and toilet, for $1,250.; $100
cash and the balance same as rent. We
have four of them, located at 2701-3-5 and
2707 N. 25th St ' One block, from this 24th
street car line and two blocks from the
Dodge car. In a good location and a dis
trict that Is improving. Two of the
houses are vacant and can be occupied at
once. Ground with each house, 30x120 ft.
took at these on Labor day and make a
start to own a home. "
A. P. Tukey & Son
444-5 Bd. of Trade Bldg.
'Phone D. 2181.
Genuine Bargain
3192 Larimore Ave.
Hot Water Heat
Buy Direct From Owner
This house has recaption hall, parlor,
dining room, kitchen and large pantry
on -the first floor and three nice, large
bedrooms and bath on the second floor.
Nice large attic, cemented basoment with
porcelain laundry tuba and lxr drain.
First floor finished in oak. Second floor
finished in hard pine. The hot water
heating plant and plumbing is first class,
as house was built by a plumber for a
iome. Also garage. Price for quick
sale, $3,000; $1,000 cash, balance on terms.
Phone Webster 824.
, A Big Snap
5 Lots $2,000 5 Lots
Five-room house and . five lots; well,
pump, chicken house, buggy sheds, oherry
trees, goosberrles, currants; east fronts
(Formerly SMmer & Chss .)
S'.: f. 17i: St. Phone Douglas SSS7. -Open
Sat'irday Kvrnlnss I'iiIm ' O vi "
BFAt'TU'LL brick Uung4iu, ij-i., .11
CatlicrCr.l dibtrlct. X'. D. Vad, 1801 Var
um St. H
Artistic Home v
Close to Field Club
English Cottage
With Craftsman
- Fine home of six large rooms
and sleeping - porch; exterior Is
stuoco; basement has furnace .
room, laundry, vegetable room,
coal and ash bins; first story,
which Is finished in. mahogany. '
with oak floors, has large living
room, in which there is a fine tap
estry brick fireplace, with built-in
bookcase on one side and seat on '
the other aide; dining room, coat - -closet,
kitchen and built-in chin
closet and cupboard; second story
has three large bedrooms, all fln-
' ished in White enamel and ma
hogany doors; one with mirrored .
door, window seat and two olosets;
bath room has tiled floor and walls
and) 20x64 beveled plate mirror and "
medicine cabinet; linen closet and
screened sleeping porch; brushed '
brass light fixtures and hardware,
Carton furnace and good plumb
ing. This house was built by day
labor for my own home. 18 months
ago, and Is In perfect condition.
If you want an up-to-date cozy '
home In a splendid neighborhood,
Inspect this one and you'll buy It.
Price is $5,000. Call any time at '
, No. 3580 Poppleton Ave., or at my
tfflce, No. ,305 S. 17th St, Phone ' !
Red 1617.
NOW. - - ,.
Chlco, California'
You can share our profits this year.
Now! Not five years later. The .fruits
from the Bidwell orchards are now being
harvested and are bringing big returns.
For tlTe next few days we will allow you
a portion, of the crop to help you pay.
for a tract of these full bearing orchards.
Five acre tracts can be had on easy pay
ments over a period of ten years. The
special representative of the Bidwell
Orchards, Inc., will be here for the next
three days and will give you all the par
ticulars. Ask him all the questions you
like. He will give you just what' you
want Reliable Answers and all infor
mation because he knows and can speak
from personal knowledge of actual crops
and all proceeds of sale in figures. Take
advantage of this opportunity. Call at
the office of Charles E. Williamson Co.
Until September 5 we will also credit the
full round trip transportation to go and
Inspect the tract you purchase. Office
open evenings especially for this sale. .
For evening appointments telephone D
2107. Telephone evenings Harney 6830
(Mr. Smith), Harney 2637 (Mr. Williamson.)
Dundee Homes
On Easy Terms .
This is a 7-room, 2-story, modern home,
having brick fireplace and beamed celling
In living room and dining room. Full ce-;
mented basement, furnace heat and fin"
tshed attic. Located on south front lot 50
by 135 feet, which lays high and sightly,
affording a fine view to the south and
west; close to this home where high
class developments are taking place.
Price, $4,300; terms, $500 cash; balance
monthly. Liberal discount for all cash."
George & Company
Tel. D. 750. 902-12 City Nat. Ban's Bid
6 room house, modern except heat, nice
lot 33x132, paved street, price has been
cut to $2,200 for quick sale. $300 cosh,
balance easy. House will be vacant
within a month.-
310-312 Brandels Theater . - '
Practically new home, 7 large rooms and
reception hall, newly decorated, well built
off best .material. Large barn, beet
cement walks; full lot; S821 North 36th
Ave. J'rlce reduced way below cost;
must v- sold this week. First reason
able offer gets it. Call owner Sunday,
Moi:i...v uu pvenlnvis after S0 p. ia '
Phone Web. 6799. Terms,