Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1912, Builders' Section, Image 22

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Modem Home Builders and Home Furnishers of
Interior decorating
and furnishing
THE influence of home surroundings is so great
that too much consideration dannot be given
, the selection of furnishings that produce
agreeable impressions and help create an atmos
phere that is both pleasing and beneficial.
We are splendidly equipped (probably better than
any other Nebraska store) to assist in this work,
and respectfully request the opportunity of consult
ing with you in regard to your plans. .
Oor drapery department is now displaying a wide
variety of carefully chosen curtains. , Shown here
also are the very freshest patterns "in wall' papers, ...
embracing the beet creations of the wcrlds most
famous wall paper designers, and the newest crea
tions of every kind for making your home beautiful.
Any requirement, whether for the , most:, modest 'or ..
the finest, can be supplied with equal satisfaction. -
Miller, Stewart & Beaton
413-15-17 South Sixttenth St.;
You are making a great mistake if .you do not have your,
furnace, steam or hot. water heater examined at once. It may not
need a single repair. Why not be forehanded and have it examined.,
(No charge). ... - , .
Repairs in stock, for every, make of stove, range, stearfl, and
hot water heater as well as flrepots and grates for furnaces.
New Furnaces: Marvel, Excelsior, Wonder & Douglas. . Steam
and Hot Water Heaters: .Sultan,' Empress, International Boilers.
Marvel Combination Furnace- and ,Hot .Water. . Tank, Heaters. -: .:
Omaha i Stove Repair Works
TYLER 20. , ' . . . ' , 'l20d-8 PO.COWSrSTRKET.
" ' r ' . - - - ,
, . : . i
' ' Hiis store can .furnish your home with all
the character, distinction and integrity that ' '
it has given the Douglas comity courthouse,
where it has placed some of the most beauti
ful and substantial furniture that is possessed;
by any public buildingin the state." . , ,
Read what the special writer of The Bee
says about' the kind of furniture we have
given the Douglas county courthouse. He
has written a full page article which appears
on another page of this issue. , .
We take the same care and produce the
same delightful results on small orders as we
do on large.
No store is better equipped to supply
, Omaha's homes .with' beautiful, lifetime f urv
niture, soft, durable rugs," and beautiful
decorations than is this large house. Our
furniture' department will satisfy you
whether your order be for one piece or for an
: entire outfit. . . t ' .
' ' ' ' . t ;
Haydens' is the. center of interest for Home
' furnishers.. Every item of home furnishing .-.
here bears the cbnspicious evidence ' of care v
" and thought in selection. " ' ' '.
- v 1 '
..- ..' v. ... - . ; -:. . ' ", v ''.1 !
See what we can do, first.' ' ' V-
iiiilii flrasL
Beauty In Omaha Home Buildings.
T 4. t
I I" v sv r - " '
I - r ,r-- rfjg-l-W , , . -rVfrSlf
Ill, many respects the heating of the
above home Is unique." as It combines
many, features not found in the ordinary
home.' It; has warm air, hot water and
pure alr., The system- Is known as the
Marvel Combination Warm 'Air and Hot
Water - Heating.' Practically , all rooms
have W per ent of warm" air and 40 per
cent -of hot water.; A Howard thermo-,
Stat tontrola .the heat, which Is always
of i a " uniform temperature. A system of
ventilation vis . provided whereby, a con-
stant volume of pure air Is brought in
from the outside. .". .' .'
i One of the marked features of this sys
tem of heating Is the perfect comfort
during; the early' fair and late spring. A
je'w pieces of kindling" or a shovel of
coal will " glve Immediate results, ' send
ing a . genial glow qf heat throughout
! ; houee. The . hot .watery heaters, be
ing ' suspended f from? the center of the
warm' air heater,': are heated almost en
tirely by the waste gases. This Bystem
Is one of 'the nearest , approaches to a
perfect t automatic heating system';, ever
devised. - Mr. Webster 'personally took, a
deep interest .in every , detajl of his heat
ing, and ventilating .system -The - com
plete system was instaJledby.,ithe Omaha
Stove Repair Worki,',. Many of Omaha's
best homes are heatidiWlth similar sys
tems. '."-'': ;'
. The face brick,, for. this beautitul Web
ster home- was f urnlshe'd-'by. Sunderland
Bros., 1614 Harney street.';, It. to,, a hand;
some,., substantial britk,; of, long durabll;
ity, and of great , attractiveness... V .
; ; v Modern . Steam-Cured Cement Block Residence?-
This, sub
tafitlal steam '
cured, cement "
block house
was t erected "'
With ' "blocks'
(made by the '
Ideal Cement
company, 1708
C u mln g
street It -has
a . solld con-
rete porch
and la one of
the most sub- -tantlal
homes '
that can be
erected. y. The ,
upkeep cost
of this resi
dence Is very
mall,. The
etone , blocks
are made by
I iiib new rv .
! o e s which
the Ideal Ce-
ment .company uses. They are ab
solutely fireproof. The architecture , of I
spacious and
full :0f a cozy,
. c o m f ortable
; Much beauty
c an b e at
tained In the
. use . of steam
cured cement
stone , blocks
for- residences
', when the dec
orative ,ait
attractive ar-
- chltectural de-
, signs -are st
cured nd fol-
lowed .out in
' c 0 n structing
the .home.
' Many ' beauti
ful " homes ' In
-the - middle
.west . havo
been made of
blocks, during
i.the lat; year.
If You Would Be Ssccessfu! Save
Acy successful man will tell you that his first dollar eavetr
was the foundation of his success. Every man ought to save a
part of his earsirss. .. :' ;''
Guaranteed oh
1 m&i
F 7
irrererrea di
e Builders
: ,lhrse shares cost only $1.00 each.. Euy a3 many or as'few
as you Jlke, T eekly or piTinthly. Interest is paid semi-annually
acd ccmpoundefl if, not wkhdrawn. ..This is a cafe way, to save,
.because your money is secured by mortgages or deeds on new
dwellings. ', . . , . . -
- Buy aHomc in the New Way
, . ' You s'lect'a'lot, anywhere in the city, then you tell. us the
tjstyl4B of honi.e jou want. Ve will .furnish the 'necessary money
andv.buiid.H.for you Paying bick is like paying rent, arid in
the end you Hive something more than a lot of rent receipts. A
booklet," "The New Way," wi!l interest you. It is free, ask for it.
f , ' ;. .. l:r: ; , .(Inc.)
. American Sccupfy Company
" ' ' i I,' FISCAL AGEXT3
SCO South 17th Street. , . . . - -Both Phones 3887.
' Open mtnrday Evbtdngs Until "0 O'clock. "
.v.iSteam Cured Cempiit Stone....
, . , . . QXTXCB. AOT DISTZ.AY EOOat, 1708 CTrSK3TO ST.
,'"' ......
fine, ' . the
rooms ' being
i urns
I off
which are - solidly
to consider the purchase of the choice cement block, house shown above. It has two at
i ' room, strictly modern apartments, described as follows: '. , '
BASEMENT Cemented, guaranteed furnace, with tanks connected; laundry tubs, toilets, floor drains,
coal bins and fruit cellars."? i ' .. '. :-,. v .;,-.,..;- -
FIRST FIXKVH Large living room," dining room and kitchen finished in oak. Fine combination light-"
ing fixtures; large pantry and entry way. . ' -: "N5. -'y.-'-'
SECOND FLOOR Three large. roomy bed rooms fnished in birch.' - Bath room In white enamel tile
, walls; large attic, all floored. : . . .. ,, v. .-' ".V : ,v ' : " '
', Cement porch and steps.'. Two large cement flower stands on front htwn., Always rented for J 960;
( a year. This Is a good Investment and can be handled on terms. This place is near Thirtieth and Cass ,
streets. Seven blocks to Creighton . College, ten blocks to Cathedral and twelve blocks to' High school; .
on paved street and in one of Omaha's best neighborhoods, handy to stores and car line,' -. -:
We have the exclusive sale of this'very desirable property. Let us show "you 'through it - '
Douglas 1000.
S07-8-9 3IcCague Building. ,
Residence. Harney 4283
E. J.
';' ;; ."i J . :
. - r ' " ' " '- .j
'.1818 Farnnm Street ' .
, Omaha, Nebraska. v
Building Loans
Jioney to loan to build homes,
to improve property or to pay
existing loans. . Borrowers 3ay
pay from 10 to 0 percent on
loans on Interest dates. ' Inter
est ceases on amounts when
paid. Loans closed promptly.
. Vour business solicited. '.;.
: W, H. Thomas
) 601, First Notional Bank Bldg.
YOfSr CQHTRAeTOR m Hom ctami
It : Incur tUfactry completion of
, work aoeordina to contract , , -
Regardless of cost, who would not prefer a HOuSE of BEICKt '
Take, for example,, a house, which in frame, would cost.' $5,000.00; who would not
pay $500.00 more (10fo) and have an artistic and everlasting brick exterior?
Sunderland Artistic Face Brick' in endless varieties have made scores of . houses
beautiful. Every owner of a Sunderland Brick House is' proud of it, and happy be
cause of the beauty, and durability, of the structure. ;., ' , :
We' cin convince any farsighted,' open minded builder that it pays in cold cash
to build of brick. n, '..' ; ; ; . . : !
Visit Our Display Rooms
1614 ,
The finishing touch to your
home is the hardware
, The hardware-trim irj your home is the most important of airdetails. The most
carefully designed home can be ruined in the selection of hardware; ,Ber sure that
which goes into the making of your home is in harmony with the other surroundings ,
and to be sure of this the hardware must bear the name SARGENT. '
Displayed In..
Window This-Week
Com la and -Chooie
Ov.r 1000
' Ssl.ctloni
f - ,
; We have spacious vans, and never injuxe an article. We do
our work quickly and always protect 'your goods; . .
if A f
i Himiii ri il-filf miii i r v.t-r,v,---tvii--.v,.iraeMtfaf.y
. . . We .hava lndlvldual store rooms and keep every -article safe ''1
1 from. dust,, moisture, and. moths. , , -j-.-h
i Oinai Ian I Storage Co
.- ........ . ..... ... , , . ...... , , . . 1 .. ... .h i
; ,;" Main Office 16th and Leavenworth Streets. . . . l "
;' v Phone Douglas 4163; A-1335. .
Free Information to Home Builders
; ' ' : r : . -. .
, ""publishers' of '-'the 'Oftiaha 'Bee have arranged with archltectv
. Arthur C 'Clausen-to-ff!e prospective homc-bullders ana home furntstfc.Y
ers free Information on -the subject of plannliiff arul bulldiiiif. It doeo!
, not- make any. dlfferecc .what .kind of a bui'ding: you expect-t ercot.S.
. or ,reixodel, suggestions ,uid advice will be given without charge.' ,Sugj 1
geBliona i ' about tlie ' plaps, about the bes: heating sy-s tern, the" .bejftV
' schemes for "patntlhgtHe" best building materials, the best plumbing, A
" the-best floor the-best pants.letc.; etc- will be given upon. requeue,.-?
;' Through -the. -assistance, at .fhis department you ,caii no, doubt,. aVe-.;
y. tucti.moDyv.AU.tvr.1irce.Sitlops.rq ree," Hemen. ber that. . $:
.............. v- .... A... ... ., ... r, '
Home Builders Department, The Bee, Omaha, Neb. . - .
" I " I am cqnempfating the building of a dwelling, siz.
;r.'.".'. costing 'about f. i . .'. . v
- ' :' "" ' '-. ' - ' ' ' V
exclusive of lot. - -I-would like the house built as follows: .
. ............... ; . .... , . .-.n f l . , , w-;-1
. .. . .' ..' . '. ' M . . i
.,...... ........... ..
i , .11 .'
i .....
... ... . ".r. , ; I.-
' ' ' :.'.' ': ).
. . ... . ..... . V
This coupon is no' necessary. Mr.' Clausen "prefers that queseae
written in' detail In a letter. V - '. .x; . t'
' See list of questions on another page..