r THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1912. Furniture The Kind of Furnishings that Hayden Bros. Have Placed in New Doug las County Courthouse m slsslMBNtJ F our forefathers, who struggled Tor freedom and finally broke the English fetters of tyranny, could hare relaxed their tired limbs into the comfort of the furniture of the pres ent day, their most wonderful battle for liberty would hare been more Justly rewarded than It was. If those sturdy old New Englanders and their wires and Puritan daughters could hare gone to their homes and found there the comforts of the present day their lives would have been marked by more enjoy ment and pleasure than they were, ' and perhaps, living in modern com fort, they would have given us a bet- . ter government, better courts and better institutions than they did, for people whose minds rest amid sur roundings which radiate comfort and happiness and whose bodies find ease In the soft, comfortable beds, settees and davenports are stimu lated so as to do better deeds. Greatest Designers Then. It is true that in the days of our colonial forefathers and in the times Immediately before and after the greatest t our furniture designers were giving the world the beauties, refinements and grace of styles that have come down to our present day, and that will live for years and and years. Adams, .Chippendale, Sheraton and other masters were leaders in the influences of thesa days. No designers as skilled and dexterous as these have lived since and the models they made will sur vive for centuries. But these men unquestionably are the greatest of the world's furniture designers though they did not give the world furniture that bad the comfort of that of today. The pieces possessed rare beauty lines, handsome grace and other exquisite characteristics that none have since equaled. But most of the furniture was stiff, it had the beautiful lines, but it did not possess comfort and ease-giving qualities. A chair, for instance, of the olden days, was built on straight lines. It had no form to accept the ' curves of one's back. Its seat was hard and unresponsive to the move ments of the body. It was simply a piece of hard wood. But the modern chair makers have taken all the classic beauty, all the grace and charm of the nid miai.. designs and combined with them h onmrnrt that .VI. demands. We now have chairs, roomy and toft; chairs that are spacious; ehairs Into which oni may fling himself and re-. lax all the muscles, gaining the rest and ease which the body demands. It is a de light to sit in the modern chair. It was hard to sit In the chair of our fore fathers. And y as K has been with the chair, so has it been with the other ar ticles of furniture the beauty 'and ele gance of the spacious times of years ago have bean combined with the modern com fort, and we have today masterpieces that will remain ideals for cen turies. All Very Handsome ' To behold some of the band some examples of the furniture of this day, one only needs to visit the new Douglas county courthouse, where Hayden Bros, are Installing some of the most elegant furniture ever brought to this city. This progressive Omaha firm se cured the contract for supply ing the furnishings of this beautiful courthouse,' the total amount of the contract being more than $140,000. ; All the furniture, all the bronie work, all the lighting fixtures, all the court railings and Judges' benches and bars, are being placed In the big new building by this firm. And the beauty and durability of these various pieces are such as to Impress themselves deeply upon the mind of the visitor to the courthouse The furniture Is the kind that one does not see every day. In addition to possessing simple elegance, grace- That Lasts the Life of the Building ' , 1 j in. mil . i , ' ',. , s. . A i -ipj'T- T '" irriii'i'' t"71" -t csfci" rji . - ff iy, -Sir. if Ml lif.wl8.g:g'r-Ma' 4uixnLr, ...... ' UN tX-" tSA ' The drawers of the K - - - - - - 5??mi& -xJ desks are ro-enf-ced " 1 t W . ' o that they will not r; j , I '-. J v . aLJ-I warp or break. f L,,.M,M,m,Ml,.l.ltwJr . tiT -J rM rrTr..,,.. j yJ , . The chairs are ; ' ,., ii,ww.wii.jiliMH.iil.w.M- 111 1 11 " ' " -1 roomy. Those which ' " jifeXS win be used by the , T EliilMV 4WlTmrf -Q 7 Judges are ideals , of iMw teSsWsi-ila' '"23 ;t durability. -.The soft M 7 r .ST'.l (he -high backs f Li! i-- t "' 1 f:? - NEW DOUGLAS COUNTT COURTHOUSE. Rutiful White Oak. The surroundings of a person's daily life play an important part in his health and happiness; therefore it Is Important that the furniture and other decorations of rooms be chosen wisely. When Haydens selected the ful lines, charming design, It also N furniture and fixtures for the hand nas substantiality. And as one visitor to the court house the other day said, in looking at the furniture, "Why. It will outlast the building1." Tes, It is lifetime furniture that kind which will withstand the hard knocks of everyday usage and which will always look' fine. Yeara from now this strong furniture will be giving service, tod still be decorative. some courthouse, they picked the best that money could buy. They chose a white oak wood, and then most of the pieces were made from special designs, which designs har monized with the woodwork and the architecture of the big building.. The window frames .and doors have a square effect; the chairs, tables, etc., were made to conform to this. In this new courthouse furniture Haydens attained strength without undue heaviness. There Is not a trace of the awkward or the clumsy yet the strength and durability of the classic periods have been secured. The handsome table illustrated on this page shows how the beauty and elegance have been secured and how, at the same time, the substantial character also has been created, giv ing the courthouse an ideal style of furniture. This furniture' is all of built-up construction. The . table just re ferred to has an 'expansion base which makes the article so strong that It could be crowded with men, standing upon it, and yet never wab ble. Take the tables that stand In the old court house. They are flimsy In construction and cannot compare comfort and leather seats and make them articles full of comfort. The railings which frame off the , courts are of the same high class wood that is used in the chairs and tables. "'They are strong and beau tiful. The bronze work which form the railings for the various cashiers' and clerks' cage Is the heaviest kind that could be secured. ' It un doubtedly will last for centuries. Beautiful settees are to be placed In the handsome court of the build ing. These match the furniture that goes Into the Individual rooms. The high desks at which clerks will be stationed on office stools, are long and heavy, and yet they possess a beauty and grace that is remarkable. They have the durability of the ROLL TOP SAN1TART DESK lfiilWIPlia - - m. 2 I Mln.ll'i'll1 " 'i""" : W U : i " J III 1 M SUBSTANTIAL OFFICE CHAIR ' re u i."!."! t1 j v x 1 1 J - ! - . : '. .- u . Mi. -jv v.v 1 - t; .a k w ica e-a raiAn - v ' "v ' "-Vv HANDSOME SWIVEL J I . ,..7 . f 1 ' OITICB CHAIR. MASSIVE AND BEAUTIFUL COMMISSIONERS' TABLE. In beauty or in strength with the new Hayden furniture. Beauty la Simplicity. ' . The beautiful white, quarter sawed oak, the best to be obtained, hag been designed so that it leans toward the simple. . It is this quality which makes this furniture so satis factory today. All the beauty and elegance and grace are In it, and yet it retains a simple style that makes it appeal immediately to people of refined taste. It has none of the barbarous decora tions and carvings that marked some of the designs of other periods. The very simplicity of Its Uses makes it beautiful. In studying the pieces It will soon be seen that the chief beauty lies In the purity of the lines and in the exquisite surface of the woods. Graea and strength have been successfully united here, and are typical of all the articles. From the modern viewpoint, the plain unadorned surface of beautiful grain and color which are char acteristic of this fur niture, clurm mors heavy tables and chairs. Beautiful oak , hall seats, coatumers . and umbrella stands will be. placed in the vari ous' rooms and throughout , the balls of the building.. These are Just as beautiful and Btrong as are large pieces ef furniture. Mas sive steel lockers, the kind that command favorable comment, and large filing cases were furnished by Hayden Bros. The light-, ing fixtures are made of a heavy bronze". They were especially designed and moulded for the Haydens. The artisans who worked on these fixtures did not put them together as fix tures usually are made, but gave extra time, carving them out and fitting the various parts so that they became the most durable of their kind. - largest Order of Kin 3. This Hayden order for furnishing the court' house is the largest order of Its kind ever given in this city. Hayaena : let contracts only to firms that guaranteed to furnish the finest -kind of articles. No money wa spared by the Omaha firm to get the finest of furnishings for the handsome new court house, and that they secured the best that money could buy will be admitted by every one who is acquainted with the beauties of the furniture world. There Is no doubt that, with the Hayden furnishings, the new Douglas county court house will be one of the hand somest public buildings in the entire .westr People who have viewed the furniture have declared such article a handsome credit, to , the city and a strong proof of the evidence , of the excellent home furnishings carried by ; Hayden Bros. ' . . May Feel Pride Certain It is that Hayden Bros., Bhould feel pride In the fact that they have given Omaha such handsome furniture as that which grace , th beautiful courthouse. . The oualltles of than the curved and , these exquisite articles is lnsptring and-make" rolling features of the furniture the kind that is good to live with. After the sourthouse has been mad ready for formal opening, one will be able to see, to stand in any of the beautiful rooms and feel the atmosphere of comfort and bore likeness which the massive tables, the majes tic chairs and the other strong pieces radiate. The charm and vitality of the style Is es pecially, adapted to the uses of the court house. Attention has been called to the purity and beauty of designs, their simple, excellent lines, and their true, comfort-like qualities. To . direct special attention to these char-' acterists is the aim of the furnishers, be cause they have attained rare beauty through adhering to mch ityle. Hayden Bros, sun- ply furniture of , the highest kind for every ,.home. They have the ' replica of master de signers; chairs, - beds, tables and settees that are ax act duplicates of the styles of the Col onial period. ? other furniture. In selecting such designs as the Haydens did for the courthouse lasting values are repre sented. This furniture Is built to last, it will endure a lifetime and even can be handed down from gen eration to generation. It Is not for the present, but for the future, and will yield rest and comfort at all times. Built-Up Purnitu . e All. . Every article of furniture which the Haydens are placing in the court house is thoroughly constructed bulltup -. It is sanitary, . too. The 1 A 3S SAMFUB ELBOjLNT LEATHER COUCH. - HI MM' TH