Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 A
Tailored suits ana dresses for faitt
: Jl Now showing the authoritative modes
brought out for Fall by the recognized
style masters of America and Europe for Women,
Misses' and Junior's. Our stocks have never been
quite so choice nor prices so tempting
-V A brief mention ot suits must refer to tbe new Cheviots in plain
colors and fancy mixture. Exclusive Boucles, in brown and navy.
!Cew brown and black, and
grey and black diagonal '
, stripe, English worsteds,
. beavy ;.wide wales.
Plain straight front coats, or
' new .cut-away coaU with
I fancy vestee and the new
tailored skirts.
1 fforfolk Rauian Btouf Sait$ ,
Fancy Suits with new"'Ro-
bespierre" collars.
JUXIOR SUTS-rU and. 17 .
yars,17.50,; 1.7 r
f4 yv"J522o:
; SUITS $25.00, '$27.50,
$20.75, $32.50, $35 00
Hrgt Showing of.Drtut .,.
ifctirely new- 1 effects ' in -flench
semes, Jn black,
brown and navy, in tunio
, and coatee styles.
In all th new shadea
Taupe, Terra Cotts, fienrahi
Blue, Copenhagen, Black,
.fcvy and Coffee All. New
modified Panler and Tunic
rfcLTET DaESSESln pan'
br Corduroy, $14.75, $17.50,
l.75 to .-sao-so
.These are very dainty and -lock
Let ua a how them to you.
!" Store closes at noon Monday Labor Day""'
own STomz
1 1 i
Appointment of Corrick at Order of
Dixon Mixes Tilings.
With Chairman Hllles Recognising
Taft Committee and Mooirri Dealing-
With Corrick Ita Posl
tloa la Uncertain.
Iri, Drommy, Widow of Former
patrolman, Will Wear Star.
IheVlU Patrol th Street at Night
'Mm Will AHead Dances to
That Prohibited Movemeats
; rtil Am Hot Practiced.
i f.l :(' -i linrri t..v -a .
Ths .first. ppUcewonjan to. ?rv on the
Pnhaha police department has been ap
pointed ,,by Conynlistoner, Ryder She Is Ksjherin , Dummy, ; widow .9 8am
prummy, a policeman who was killed on
Juty about three, year wo. , v v
, Mrs, Drummy will bear the title of a
kUnt,matr.9iv,apdhe, w()l Have police
tower, While she will Hot be assigned
"any X wilt l1a P. duty u
pake arrests on the" treetj paying par
louts att$fttln, young girls wbo
p imeacorted 4U) treu . night And day,
The new police women will be detailed
arreejt, mooters, bear eatters, bunny
siggers and dancer ot any other of the
fcjsctlonable or- prohibited danctav
Mrs. Drumntr was formerly, a school
lacher. CommlMtoner Ryder - says aha
rill make ah excellent policewoman. She
rill go ort duty,.Tutdy at a salary to
e- fixed, by the -oity eommitaion then.
"I have seed dona - and dosen of
(ues where a woman with police author
(y was greatl n4ed,'l Mr.. Ryder aaya,
and I will expect Mi l,-Drummy,. who Is
low In tbe hrtme of life, 1o be of much
Uaiauncetpr, the poUpe.';;, ; '. .,
I The new policewoman's work will
lefty at night,, when she will patrol
i streets and keep watch on young
trl8,;pr will attend dances and sm that
e, proh'lbiief dances are upprsd.
, (Continued, from Page One.)
Fr4 Bcfcaets, . '
i HtMBOLDT, Neb.. Aug. -(Special
relegrtm.) Fred Schuets, aged H years,
Ued . yesterday from blood clot on the
ira'ni caused, hy, a' severe sunstroke he
Received' about a month ago, Jle wri
torn In Swltserland and came to th.a
untry with hta parent when an. Infant
id h sesided, here .. ever since. 'lie
jfeaves three brother, John, Arnold and
kcobaJidone, alateCt Mrs. pirk Sutorius;
111 of ' this1 county. HI parent died a
w years-ac- Deeeased was,. wfll
Bown and highly"' respected ; farmer of
Uthardaon'oounty.' ,. '
j Mrs. E. K. Browau ' .
' I FAIREURY. Neb., Aug. St.-(Spclal )-
krs. B. K. Brown of this city died at
Uheoln1 after three month Hlfteaa of
Wight! disease and the body vis brought
b Fairbury for burlaJ. Mrs. Brown wa
bhneTly'laisa Ada W.we and was bom
h Fremont: iif May SO. lffJC- She WM
harried September' flMS'ln this1' county
t B. K. Brown.' Mr. Brown eurvlvel
y her mother and father, Mr.' and Mrs.
lames Ware of Tork, two brothers and
ne siiten She. also letves a on year
C age.
i Rarler Tataer.
Harly,- the a-months-old son of Mr.
Mrs. . George B. T ber, 1624 North
remr-seeond street dtd Mday even
ng. Ha had been sick f or a week. The
uneral will be neld Monday at I p. m.
rem the home with Interment at Forest
iiwn oematery. . , . ,
1 Karare-Oaclea. .
t FAIRBTk Keb;.' Aug. l.-(Speclal.)-
It. Fred Kargee of thlil city and Mia
Catherine Ogden 'of Council Bluff, la.,
fere married., at the bride's home this
k.. .,Tbe groom la wU known here,
laelng .spent en years trt hie life nere.
l 'presenV he U" a United ptate postal
tlerk." Mr. and Mrs.' Kaxges'wlll take a
rip- to. Colorado, and. then return and
lake their home at Belleville, Kan.
the day, the $2,600 free for all. These
entries 'were: , , 'V -t,
Ralph Mulford, :'Knox; ' George Clark,
Mercedes; Ralph De Palma, Mercedes;'
Teddy Tetzlaff, Flat; Eddie Hearne, Flat;
B. .Bergdoll, 'Bens; Nell , Whalen, Na
tional and Hugle Hughe,' Mercer." 5
Five of these eight, Multord, Clark,
De Palma, Tertilaff and Whalen, also
were entered In the m mile Elgin Na
tional trophy race, which was to be run
sit the same Urns lth fha free for allt
; Eatrlea la Trophy Bsc. . '.,
, addition :to the last five named, , the
following entries made up the field ot
ten lh h Elgin ' National rScef Warty
Enlcot't, Ms!on; 'QUI Anderson, Btuts;
Charles Mers, winner ot yesterday's.'
Unois .Uophy, ;Stut; Bpencer. WUhart,
Mareet, and Kbghie Hughes, Mercer.
Thousands of people arrived in Elgin
last night and ibis morning, largely In
creasing th big crowds that wltnewed
yesterday's races. As a result, ths polic
ing of ths course became mors strict
and additional national guardsmen were
tatloned at ( the mors dangerous turn,
where accidents to spectators might result
" Two .Cars Drop Oat. ,
The 130-horsepower Fiat entered in the
free-for-all was disabled during a tryout
this morning. A crankshaft Was broken,
putting the car out of the race. The
Nitipnal entry, to hava been driven by
Neil Whalen, also was put out of the
race before the start by mechanical
troubles. "
Starter Wagner sent off Ralph Multord,
the first, to, start in today's two races, at
11:10 o'clock. Th others In the field were
sent away' at thirty second 'Interval. The
field had been reduced to, a tplAl of ten
by 'the withdrawal of a National and a
Flat - '- ' .
A-t the end of the ninth lap, or seventy-
six miles, Bergdoll, driving a.Bens car,
led the field In th free-tnr-ill race. Ralph.
De Palma, with a Mercedes, led the con
testants In the Elgin National trophy 'race
lit the end of the first seventy-six inlles.
e Palma also was a contender close to
ergdoll in the free-for-all.
FAIRFItU,iNb.." a.-r(Speelal.)-
Is, G. Gay and.. Miss Minnie Laugnton
ers married yeaterday wfteraoon. They
Cll reside on a large ranch In the west
I part'or ths slat.
j The. Dudley .ImpleinRoit 1 company will
looa occupy a strictly up-to-date brick
Viilclng which p. Bryant is erecting for
hem. The new bulldlnrl 70 feet
. A PleaaaBt SorprUe
llowa the tjrat, dose of Dr. King's New
iU Pills, the. Painless regulators that
jtrengthen you. Guaranteed. 25c For
ai by 'Beaton Urug C."
(From a Staff-Correnpondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. 31. Speclal.)-It seems
to be the opinion of state house politicians
that the electlon of; Frank P. Corrick
to manage the bull moose campaign in
Nebraska put the; Epperson faction of
the republican committee considerably up
In the air. -
The selection of Corrick,' it -,is under
stood, wa made at command of Senator
Dixon, ' Roosevelt's national campaign
manager, and .therefaire the handling of
the campaign for Roorevelt will be from
Corrlck's headquarters, ' ' ' '
According' to one .state house wise
acre, the Eppersonlaa committee is facing
a situation which "does not "look very
g00U....Jn event the. courts '.decide, the
Taft republican entitled to the name
republican and tot be 'the state, organ
ization, the national republican commit
tee, recognizing jthe Taft state committee
and the national bull mouse headquarters
recognizing the Corrick headquarters,
where, he asks.- .wllb the Fppersonlan
committee look to for support?. -
"Of course," said this official, ''a great
deal will ' depend upon what the third
party-mass -convention does- next week,
but the i scheme .to sidetrack -Corrick
has-'-proved ' to be Just the thing 'he
needed to boost' him Into a position where
his ' qncmies who I engineered ' the deal
will have to go to him if they want
anything. As th : special representative
and . state campaign manager for-Mr.
Roosevelt, Frank P. Corrick, looks much
bigger than Frank P. Corrick, as simply
chairman of ' the bull' tfloosa faction."
Firth Waata 'W Station,
Moat of th politicians who have been
watching the republican situation seem
to agree that the Taft republicans are
entitled to ths nam and the organisa
tion, and that ths courts should decide
that way.
James C. Curtis, mayor of Firth, ac
companied by members of the city coun
cil, appeared before the railway com
mission Friday and filed a complaint
against the Burlington railway. The
nature of th complaint is that the depot
at Firth is a long way out of town and
is too small to accommodate th public.
They sk that tbe company be required
to erect a new depot about forty rods
nearer the city and on the side of th
track where the poopl will not have to
cross th four tracks to get to it, as they
are now compelled to d.
County Aaseaaors Tardy,
County assessors who failed to make
a showing on valuation of national banks
ar not coming to the front very fast in
answer to the letters of Secretary Sey
mour inquiring about , the matter. Only
a . few replies hsve .(.been received -and
consequently the whole matter is being
held up pending replies from the counties
which failed to report
Frtnont Bonds Registered
Thbond of tha Fremont, igb. school
reached th. state house yesterday and
were filed with th auditor, They are for
1125,000,, bearing a. per cent and run for
thirty years with' a Hen-year option;' '
Glanders Wear. WaltallL. . ,
The state veterinarian has received
notice that there are several cases of
glanders at Walthill and Cody. An 'ex
amination will be mad at ones ..and
steps taken to eliminate ths disease.
Insane- Convict Seat to Hastings.
Fred Robinson, who is serving a sen
tence ih the 'penitentiary for the murder
of hla wife at Beatrice, and who at one
time was an inmate of the insane asy
lum, hut sent back to the pen two years
ago, was again considered insane and
was taken to Westings 'this morning.
Chicago Traotioii '
Men Reject Wage
Scale Nine to One
CHICAGO, Aug. SL-rThe official figures
in the vote of the surface line employes
on the proposed agreement for a .three
years' contract! defeating it by 1,851 to 868,
were announced today Wy a sub-commit
tee of the union Joint committee. ', Ed
ward McMorrow of the general executive
board represented W. V. Mahon, Inter
national head ot ths carmen's Organisa
tion, 'at the committee meeting. ' Arbi
tration ot the differences between the
employes and ths street car officials s
the next step.
Michigan Convicts
Are Locked in Cells
JACKSON, Mich.. Aug. Jl.-Because of
yesterday's rioting all ths Inmates of the
Michigan penitentiary except trusties, re
mained locked in their cells today, but
for .two hours today they made ths vlcin
lty of ths prison ring with hideous yell
end other noises.
t Warden Nathan F. Simpson today be-
tan t an Investigation of the riot which
is said to hava been started by con
victs. who complained about the food that
Was served them. The warden' repri
manded all of the guards and keepers,
who were involved In the affair and two
guards have resigned. Every precaution
ts being taken to prevent another 'out-
break. .... .-
1 1 . I
. .Barn Near Plattsmoath.
The., large barn belonging, to Fred
Mlnchau. residing in the west end of Cass
cpunty. caught fir in ome myiterlou
way yesterday afternoon about I o'clock
and was burned to the ground. The con
tents, including three valuable horse, to
gether with three stacks of hay, were
consumed. "The lose will be in" the nelsh'
bprhood of ,000, partially insured In th
Farmers' Mutual Insurance company.
Fatally Wounds His
Bride and Himself
CENTRAL CITT. Vy'' Aug. st-When
C.' O. Dutaingerj a tailor, todayy. learned
that his bride of two months was at
a lawyer's office here making prepara
t'ons to file suit for divorce, he aelsed a
hatchet and running to the office at
tacked ; both his wlfs and the lawyer,
James troud.. After hacking them with
the hatchet, inflicting fatal wounds upon
his wife, he ran back to hla shop and
dived through a plat glass window,
wrecking a gasoline stove inside and
setting firs to the building. He then
tried to hang himself with a wire rope,
but failed and was hacking himself with
the' hatohet when firemen dragged him
from the burning building. - His wounds
also are fatal. The lawyer will recover.
Crow Dog, Famous
Brule Sioux Chief,
Dies at Eosebud
SIOCX FA LI A S.' D," Aug. 31.-Spe-ciaD
Information na been received here
of the death on the Rosebud reservation
of Crow Dog, sub-chief of the Brule Sioux,
for many years one of the most noted
of the warlike tribesmen, and, who in per
sonal combat killed Spotted Tail, the
greatest chjef in the history of the Sioux
nation. , .
Crow J)og was tu years of age and. for
some time had been quite feeble. De
siring to secure medical attention he. waa
taken io the Rosebud agency, but died
soon after arriving there.
It was in 1882 that be killed Spotted
Tail, once the great war chief of the
Southern Sioux tribes. The killing was
done lo self-defense. After the slaying
of Spotted Tali, Crow Dqg was arrested
anj taken to Fort Niobrara, Neb.," and
placed -I n Jail there. liter he was taken
to ' rJeadwOod. and Wed In the United
States court "on the charge of murder.
HeWas""c&nvrcTed-Shd sentenced to be
hanged His attorneJiowever, appealed
the caseT arid the ijlgheVcourt held that
there was then rto Jaw.-n the statute
books providing-, fqr.he punishment of
an Indian for murdering another Indian,
and' a'ccordingiyl Crow Dog escaped the
gallows'. . j v". .' ' v.j "',
Whife Crow faog was Jaijait Dead
wood his fenojrprisoners tor' vl'g; hols'
through a wall of the structure. ytnifl ,e4
caped. They urgdl,Orow-'Dog to go with
'them,-.bthY refused,-, saying ..trlaV' hs
knew he was not guilty of any Vlme and
that he woujd await the decision oftbs
court. ..I" : ' .V
After , his acquittal ;jis returned to his
home pn . the -Rosebud reservation, and
with the exception of a period of two
or three months during the ghost-
trouble; on' ths' Pine RJdge and Rosebud
Reservations in the winter of 1890-91, he
remained quietly on his reservation..
Masons of Kearney.
Will Build Temple
KEARNEY,' Neb.,' Aug. 31.-(Special.J-Announcement
Was ' made this morning
of the action taken at the Joint meeting
last night of Hobert -Morris, Kearney
chapter and ' Mount Hebron commandary
lodges, the three kcal Masonic organisa
tions of the city, at which it was de
cided to erect a Masonic temple and ar
rangements were made to enter at once
Into a contract with R. Hlbberd and W.
F. Crossley for the construction'. of the
building which wiT be a duplicate of the
new Hlbberd building now in course of
Prostrated by Heat
at Columbus, 0.
Sixty Meet at lies Moines and Start
Ball Boiling.
Man for Many Years Leader of Tula
Party Prominent Among Dea
' Moines ' Progressives
Carriers Meet.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, Aug. 31.-3pecial Tele
gram.) Sixty members of the bull moose
party met in mass county convention here
today and decided nearlyy two to one
form nominating a county ticket, then
named a ticket that is regarded as very
weak. It is headed by A. D. Pugh, for
many years prominent as a socialist, as
candidate for judge, with W. II. Harwood,
real estate man and Dr. Charles Smith,
for members . of . the legislature r. Those
who- opposed naming a county ticket
fought hard and long against it and
openly declared a fight for. local offices
would make It Impossible to carry Iowa
for Roosevelt. There was no enthusiasm
at the convention. Delegates were elected
to the state convntion In favor of a stat
ticket, but instructions were -refused.
The Iowa convention . of rural lettei
carriers today paid high tribute to Con
gressman Frouty of this'" district' tor1 'his
Work in their behalf iti congress and gave
him' an oration when he "entered : th'eir
hall. The convention also gavs ita , In
dorsement .to Senator Cummins, , ,
,. Old nallroad Ticket Presented.
! GRINNCLL,' la.; Aug..: 31. -(Specials-Conductor
Mondemun on the North ' West
ern railroad between Boone and Council
Bluffs la., recently took up a curiosity
in the shape of a ticket issued by the
company.' July 22 1875, and good from
Chicago to Council Bluffs. Th ticket
was signed by W. A. Thraw, general
passenger ' sgent for the Chicago and
North Western . rail way. and reciteo on
Us face that it was good for passage
whenever presented.
Permanent ' Injunction Denied.
KEARNEY, ' Neb., Aug. l.-(Speclal)
Judge B. O. Hostetler of .the district court
refused to. grant a permanent. Injunction
against . the city officials and Walter
Geyorge, state treasurer, restraining them,
from selling the. 140,000 municipal light
bonds, sale to ths state. , .-. . . ..
The hearing In the case occupied the
attention of the court alt day Friday.
A Iowa News Notes.
OSKALOOSA The Iowa yearly meeting
of Friends closed a ten days' session here
today with the election of the following
officers: General superintendent, Rev..H.
R. Keats, Des Moines; president of ' the
board, Rev. H. J. Hanson, Le Grand;
clerk, Dr. S. M. Hadley, Oekgloosa.
KLEMMiO Robbers, who forced an en
trance Into the store building in which
the postoffice is situated, blew or?r tho
fostof(lce safe last night and stole tdtk)
n coin and stamps. They escaped on a
section foreman's railroad tricycle. There
Is no clue.
BOONE Hydrophobia is reported on the
Ira Earll farm northwest of Ogden, this
county. Some of Iris hogs are aftected
and a number have died. They are penned
in a yard and roam about frothing at
the mouth and biting at objects with
which they may come in contact.
FORT DODGE While a guest at her
sister's during a luncheon, Mrs. Cath
erine F. Callen, a pioneer settler here,
dropped from her chair and before other
members of the party could reach her
she was dead. Mrs. Callen was 69 years
old and had been in the best of health.
: FORT DODGE T. . F. Halilgsn ha
brought suit against James McCarvllie
for W.OCO damages for injuries inflicted
by the defendant with his automobile.
Halllgan claims he was walking and
stepped out ot McCaxville's way, only to
have him turn toward him and knock him
down. .,
COLUMBUS, O., Aug. 31.-More than
100 prostrations from the heat today put
an end to the children's exercises and
flag drills on the campus of Ohio State
university, which were planned to mark
the last day of the Columbus centennial.
Of the prostrations sixty were of the
children, . Many more -were women anJ
many members of the Ohio National
Guard who have been on duty during the
week were stricken. AH of the ambu
lances In the city were in constant use
at the campus. The guards and specta
tors were in the direct glare of the sun
where the temperature was more than PiO
degrees. -
CHICAGO. Aug. 31.-Chieago this after,
noon experienced the hottest weather this
summer. At 2:30 p." m. the temperature
had risen to 94 degrees, this being two
degrees higher-than it was at any time in
July. Great humidity added to the dis
comfort. One death due to heat was reported.
Gives Quick Home Cure
For Corns, Callouses.
And AH Foot Troubles
The' Information will be welcomed by
the thousands of victims of daily foot'
torture. Don't waste time. Get it at
once. No matter , how many patent
medicines you have tried in vain this
treatment which . was formerly known
ii .lis only to doctors.
?f .til will do the
:iyy if J !?1 work. "Dissolve
'tis iaoispon-
iui3 oi uiiuciae
compound in a
basin of warm
water. Soak the
feet in. this for lull fifteen minute,
gently rubbing the sore parts." The
effects are marvolous. All nain a-oes ln-
istantly and the feet feel simply delight-
iui. corns ana canousee can be peeled
light off; bunions, aching feed, sweat.'
smelling feet, get immediate relief. Use
this treatment a week and your foot
troubles will be a thing of the past.
Caloclde works through the pores und
removes the cause. Get a twenty-five
cent box from any druggist.
Secretary Fisher
Pays Six Hundred
and Ten in Fines
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. '31.-Poorer by
$610 by fines. Secretary Fisher of the
Department of the Interior, sailed today
on the Japanese Liner Chyo Maru for
Honolulu, where he will Investigate the
opposition to the reappointment of Gov
ernor Frear. x
A federal law requires a $300 flna for
every passenger carried by foreign owned
vessels' between American ports and
Secretary ' Fisher IS traveling with his
wife. The additional S10 was Imposed
yesterday by a Justice of tttfc peace 'at
Petaluma, who fonnd that Secretary
Fisher's chauffeur had exceeded the
speed limit. - ''
GRINNELL, la., Aug. 31.-(Special.)-Extenslve
preparations had been made
by the relatives of Mrs. Nancy Hearne
of Keosauqua, la., for the celebration
Friday of her one-hundredth birthday.
But death called for her five days be
fore the anniversary. Deceased was born
in Maryland, but moved to Van Buren
county, Iowa, in 1837 and has lived there
for seventy-five years. She was the
first white woman settler in that county.
She and her husband came from Mary
land In the old fashioned prairie schooner
drawn by a yoke of oxen. She was the
mother of eleven children and outlived
eight of them.
Illinois Dental
We are not competing with
cheap dentists, but with first
class dentists at half the price.
Teeth extracted painless by our
wonderful vapor solas, the great
est pain reliever that is known.
The people say this Is the only
place they ever got their work
done without pain.
Gold Crowns, 22-ca. S4.00 to $5.00
Rubber Plates 15-00
Bet Rubber Plates $8.0
Bridge Work, per tooth.. t up
Natural Tooth $3.00
Vapor Mist extracts teeth with
out pain. Come and have your
work done by men who have the
. Examination free.
Pbon D. 6661.
Xarbach Block, 15th and Douglas
Membership Campaign
Sept. 11th to 21st
Rates Cut To
The Tiffany ring is ths proper shapo these days.
We also hava the broad style or will make any
shape to order that you would like. Spend a few
minutes in our store. Look for the name.
" aai s. ita strt.
WASHINGTON, Aug. M.-Ths Depart.
mtnt of Agriculture, co-operating with
the Kansas stats authorities, has found
that the large number of deaths recently
among horses in western Kansas Is not
due to any contagious -disease, but to
forage poisoning attributable to drouth.
The bureau of animal - Industry sent
an expert there and he reports that on
account of the lack ot rain, th horses
were feeding on plants that caused tri.
testlnal irritation. '!
The report Indicated that the horses
were suffering from lack' of feed and
that it green alfalfa were fed to them
there would be no further trouble.
The expert was sent at the request ot
Governor 8tubbs, who telegraphed to
President Taft. .
xipfYvr i in x mi i i"iil
A writer contributing an articl on
"Bryan" to th current Atlantic refers to
a debate during his first campaign tor
congref s with "a certain .Mr. Connell."
Yes,, It's the same.
Senator Hitchcock is having, his home
repainted. He's painting it red, too.
At any rate, Howard Baldrlge has
reached th.p!ao where, ttwy Introduce
him as "your ,next congressman."
Rome Miller's right name is Romulus,
Just try it on him some tim when h
looks particularly amiably. .
Reports from Atlcntic City say that
sines "John L. Webster's" departure, no
two persons can agree as to who is th
bast dressed man there.
P wmm ii in ii . . V" J . i ,,. . '. 1 I1. ' ' ."- - ' 1
f ,J': ' . i ' : ',;ij, ,c.ij( t '
FW - i !
h s
ii-. ii r
V 7 .
M . A u - M 3
i i ....
(: J ' The Bartholomew Company j
! .,. . , 0 luiuc oircci, r curia, lit. ,
" "'' SS-J 1 r Ton. Top Boot Glass-Front Electric Headlights. Side Lampa and Tall V VyV f-gvy
VXiTX ' " ' : .' V Sii-5 Lamp. Demonntabl Rim and on Spare Rim. Model B Stewart Bpsedo- ' X f
1. ', ".v. : -h meter with Grade Indicator, Spare Tire Carrier. Full quota of tool and jack, all . S ,
' nickel trimming. Fully equipped a above let Top and Glas Front $1640.
The 1913 Glide "36-42" is ready for your inspection.
It is built for the "wise" buyer the man who knows real
automobile value and wants it at a reasonable price.
The 1913 GLIDE "36-42' ' will pay a larger rtal service dividend
on your investment than any other car you -can buy. We expect
you to demand the proof. -
GLIDE "3642" Equipment
. No other car. gives you the tip-to-date.efficient.luxtlriotis
equipment, together with the
GLIDE structural quality and
GLIDE service, &l anywhere near
' the fiLlDls price,- 0, j v . .- .
The . new GLIDE Motor-Driven Tire
Pump has made a big hit. Everybody -
wants it. Does away forever with all the
tedious , effort and hard-work of hand
purapine. Tires can be .pumped 80
' pr 90 pounds pressure in 3 minutes., ;
The GLIDE automatic - Dynamo Electric''-
Lighting System appeals instantly to 'alt. Turn i
a button and the road or street is yours,'
t as in day time. ; ' -
The GLIDE self-starter really starts the Engine.
Electric Side Lamps are sunk in the. dash. THa '.
brackets or rattle.
The GLIDE. Center Control is simplicity itself
and enables driver to get out of the car quickly
and comfortably on either side. This together
with the left side drive feature, giving unobstruct
ed road view, leave little for future models to
-improve-on. ,
; t The valves. on the GLIDE long-stroke, silent
motor are' enclosed in dust-proof case another
example of "GLIDE thoroughness in detail.
Floating Rear Axle with pressed Steel Housing,
' Baker Bolted-on Demountable Rims, Goodyear No
Rim-Cut Tlresyand msny other leading featuresof high
; priced cars ate all found In the 1913 GLIDE "30-43.'. -,
v ; Th Complete GLIDE Line
includes the "36-42" In both 8 and 4-passenger bodies,
the '-45-50"iit3,4.5and 7-passenger styles, the GLIDE
delivery Cars and the GLIDE Police Patrol snd
"Ambulance; ; . . , ?. .
Write NOW for our 191 Bulletin, describing snd
Illustrating the GLIDE "M-iV in detail in both 2 and
&-passengef styles. . Got your pencil out right mvw and
drop us a postal betore you torgeu . ..
Automatic Dynamo Lighting
Motor-Driven Tire Pump.
Long Stroke Motor with en
closed valves.
Center Control.
Left Side Drive.
Electric Side Lamps in Dash.
Electric Headlights and Tail
An efficient Self-starter.
Rear Axle with Pressed Steel
Unit Power Plant
118-inch Wheel Base.
Demountable Rims (Baker
Goodyear No-Rim-Cut Tire.
A GLIDE agency in your terri
tory will be worth thousands of dollars
to you and in a two will rut
then be procurable at any price.
You can get it now, if you write
tttay. ; I
ill H i h ii
ill III IS It!