8 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1912. Will Play at Happy Hollow Hi A T s ip ' J? ! 1 4 1 1 ' MR3. WALTER O. .SILVER. ' "" ' 1 "'it. - i - " ' :. . I0MAHANS GREAT TRAVELERS (Continued from Page Two.) fru home from ft two Wk' ; stay in otorado, , ' Mr.' B. B.'Wood and ion,' Robert, ir Hurned yesterday from Colorado. '. Mr. and Mrs, J. a WhkrtoiulMT thli venlnf for Atlantto City, Now .Tork and ' Mr.'and Mrs. P. jL WllrJnnr-rtuni64 Cm their summer home, Moat .Lodge, ley. Minn. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rtlfla and children lhava returned from an. extended stay- in (Missouri and Oklahoma. . v .' ' Mts Elisabeth Borghoff and Miss MaJxsl (Miller have gone to Lake Mlnnetonka to Matt relative and frlonda. ; , , : Mr. ana Mn. W. D. Foeler-leave the Greatest CJorvo Vitalizcr llnsun A BO-CEBT COX FIEE A Eeoent Discovery JMlosg'i Sanitonej Wafer, th most' Effective Serve . SteengthiMier for and Wo a men Ever roundly ScieiKJ. , r ' ThU is tn world V newest, safest,: oi (reliable and effective nor re lnrtgorator, 'revltallser. brain awakener, body strength lener. without equal In the world's history 'of medicine. It brings ahoct a ohange from Ithat awful. dull, weak, lasy, dont-glva-a-Ihnng feellnit to brightness, strength, clear - headedness and -courage which ; Is Irexuarkable. '""".." ' Kcllogir'i Sanltone Wafer Stake Ton f Ml Fine All the Time. ' TO KXV. Nerve force gone! You are what your nerves are, nothing else.. you ipi all run-down from overwork r other causes. If you suffer from lnsom- la, "caved-ln" feeling, brain, f&g, extreme nervousness, peevlsnnefla, (loo miners, orry, cloudy brain, ? loss of . ambition. nergy and vitality, Ions of weight and Uigestion, constipation, headache, neural gia, or the debilitating effects of tobacco jor drink, ;end for a 00c free trial box of IKellogg'a Sanltone Wafers, and soon you (will be well, strong and happy. -. . PO WOM1S.-If you suffer from nervous breakdown, extreme nervousness, "blue" spells; desire to cry, worry, neural gia, back pains, low of weight or appe tite, sleeplessness- headaches, and' consti pation,, ami are ail out-of-sorts, Kellogg's fcanitone Wafers will make you feel that there Is more to Hfe'thar- vo- -v . ired before. Send today for the ISOc free' trial box. i ' No more need of dieting, diversion, trav el, tiresome exercises, dangerous drugs, electricity, massage, or anything else Kellogg s ganltone Wafers do the worli ifor each and all, give you nerve-force and make you love to live. - ; . . All first-class drustKints have Kellncs'i (Sanltone Wafers -in stock,' at 11.00 a box, or tney win oe mailed direct upon receipt of price by P. J. Kellogg, 1432 Hoff master Block, Battle Creek. Mich. No free trial boxes from druggists. , . - A o-cent trial,box of this great discovery will prove that they do the work. They are guaranteed every wafer. Send cou pon below -today for free 60c trial box of Kellogr.8 Sanltone Wafers. ' - -.- . latter part of the week for Pes Moinea, where they will make thslr. future home. Mr. and Mrs.. Edward J. Simpson and small daughters have returned from a six weeks' stay in ManStou, Col. Mr.' and Mrs., Luther Kountss have gone to California for tha month of September, Mr. AndrMsen will join them there. Dr. Abby Virginia Holmes, returned to day! from Duluth, .Minn., where aha lias been the guest of Rev, and Mrs. Robert Tost of that olty. r., . '; MiM .Jotephln Tounc and Mlaa Owen doilne White are planning to go to San Franolsoo together In October, the former to take up newspaper work. ' MUs Bessie Christie and Mlse Bessie AWqulst have gone to Dei Motnea, la,, to visit Mr. Charles Pegau and .Mrs. Noel Griffith, formerly of Omaha,. Miss Cant Millard and Miss Helen Mfflard who have been at Camp Hard lng, Colo,,' most of the summer, will return- to their apartments at .the Colonial this week,, - . Mas. A- , Pinto and ohlldren are ex peotln , to , return September 19, from their : summer home ' near . Ballev, Oolo, w-hr.e thy have - bean the past three 'months. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MoCord and Miss Marjorie MoCord iwlll leave next . Tuesday for Atlantlo Cty,.tor two or three weeks' suy, before the latter enters school at Mies Spenot's In Xaw Tork. ... Mr,' and Mrs.' Robert Dempster and MUs 'Bessie '.Allen -t leave : Monday ' for London, wnsro ' tney , expect to . remain several months and will later go - to southern lurope and Egypt for the winter. Mr.' and Mrs.-J. J. Dodds and famUy, ooompanled'by Mlsa Dora Louisa Oleen, are expected Sunday from a two months vacation: spent at r East Battle Lake, Minn.,1 and LaOourt O'Rellles, Wis. At; Happy ; HoUow. n ,,V ' Mr., and Mra.. R.;M.' Laverty entertained at one, of .tha . larger ? parties ' t Saturday vsnlng. !. Covers were placed for: Mr. and Mra Charles Horner of kansas CHyi .;,, " i ,.; ..; v, Prof. ; and Mrs. Wm. ; Leonard ' of Belle- . Mr.' and Mra A.u H. Murdoc'k ; : f Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ashe;" ; Mr.; and Mrs.1 Jay Laverty.- 5. Entertaining, at dinner, last evening at thaiclub were C K. Weller,' who had six guests;- N.' C Leary,' four and R. M. Booth lht. ; . ;;-,!.. ? : .:, ; Mrs.' M. M. Robertson will entertain six teen guests at luncheon" Thursday at the Happy Hollow, club.' t . : Several dinner parties have been planned for Tuesday evening at the Hajipy Hollow club, when Madsme Ragne Llnne of Chl oaso will give a song recital following the dinner. B. Cs Hamilton will entertain .thirty ; guests ' on , that evening ; C. H. Wright,- 'four;. : Claud ', Hamilton, six.; George W. Sumner, six, and F.' H. Chick- erlng six. At the Country Club. ' x Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart of Coun cil Bluffs, entertained a dinner Ust evening; at the Country 'clup. . Covers wer placed fors ; ' : . Mr.'and Mrs. J. J. Hess. I . Mr. and Mrs. John Melhop. Mr. Hall of Governor's Island. N. T. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart., ' Misses- ... Misses' ' Marie Holllnger, .Marls 8teWart Meeare. .' .Messrs.' Newton of New ,i John Dougherty, , Haven, Conn.; Major Dale. Fred Clarke, Ware Hall, . Mies Mary Alice Rogers entertained at a small, dinner party at the Country club last evening In honor of Ms Helen Davis and Mr.. Walter B." Roberts, whose en gagement Is announced today. , Covers were placed for . "' ' Free Trial Box Coupon T. J. XeUogg Con 143a Heff master Block, Battle Creek, mon. Send mc by return mail, free of charge, a 60ent trial box of the .wonderful discovery for nerves, Kellogg" Sanl tone Wafers., I enclose ( eta. in stamps to help pay postage and packing. , Name. Street or R.F.D., Clty... .Rtste. The regular tLOO slae of KrWamfm hil itor.e Wafer are for sale in Omaha at jrntnmm at aicijonneji urug Co., 103 So. Beth H., ih and Firnim: owl ini-rw 324 Bo. Isth St.; Beaton Drug Co., 1591 li-JUTiani St.; Loyal Pharmacy, 7 No. Mtb fui.-. lien urug co.. 121 Farnam St.. No tree boxes from druggjMs. Mist Elisabeth Congdon, Messrs. Robert Burn. Misses , Helen, Davis. A Mary Alice Rogers. Messrs: , Walter B. Roberta, - tuner uope. ;, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Davis. Table ,,othdte' dinner and dancing will be discontinued Wednesday, evening at the Country club for this season. The din ner-dance will continue Saturday even lngs as heretofore. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. P. KirksndairwlU en tertain at dinner today" at the "Country club tor. tbelr son, Burdette Klrkendall, and. a number of friends who went through Yellowstone park , together this summer. Covers will be placed for twenty MrH and -Mrs. , W. ,H. Buchols will en tertaln 'at a' dinner' this evening at 'the Country 'club-tor ten guests. Eentertalnlng at dinner last evening at the club -were 111 H. Bold rig e, who had twelve guests; W. & Poppleton, eight; Z. T.. Lindy, four; A. V. Klnsler. six; W, J.. Cornell, four; F. E. .Wllhelm, five; George Prinx, four; J. F. Stout, four. 1 ?M VjrfffiwM&$ft MS T-J STORE CLOSED HAY P. 11. DO TOTTS BXTTHfO ZABLT. - STORE CLOSED MONDAY P. OVLT OITS DELr7IT. IB M IVe've Prepared Worthwhile Bargain Opportunities for the Morning Hours It Witt Pay You fo Grasp Anniversary club at the Rod and Gun club. The : afternoon was ' spent with games and ' boating. Mrs. Steelman and Miss Laura Steelman of Rock Island were the honor guests. The other guests were: Mesdames B. Jack man, J. E. Talmage, J. W. Maxfleld, A. H. Burr, R. Wright, M. Jenkins, W.' D. Balfour. F. Atkins, CD. Otis, H. Marsh, M.'Shackler. ' Personal Gossip;.:,.: Word has reached Omaha of the birth of a boy 'to .Mr. and Mrs. William P. Warner In the log cabin In the Minnesota woods near McGregor, where the United At the Rod and Gun Club. Mrs. James Jensen was hostess Friday afternoon fur the members of the 1912 The Boy Needs Clothing and Shoes for School; See , , Our Spctials. Our Ladies' Tailor ing Department Is now In first-class working- trim, being equipped to aupply your every demand In the most prompt and workmanlike manner. Per tct fit and absolute satisfaction guaranteed. Tailored '. suits to your meaaure $35.00 up. Dress skirts to your meaaure JR2 00 UP . Inquire at Dresa Gsods Dep't. $1.25 Silk Velvets, 56c The surplus stock of a well known, mill. Silk velvets, . corduroys, dress velveteens, 19 to 27 ins. wide in a fine ... line of colors; pieces 3 to 20 yards' in length actual values to $1.25 yard; your choice, yard. . . . . 58c 75c & $1 Dress Goods, 18c 100 pieces of new fall wool dress fabrics -rairthe-latest weaves and colorings in eluding, whipcords in plain and two toned effects; Bedford cords, serges, Panamas, cheviots, etc., regular 75c and $1.00 yard values at. . . '. . .Ww A At -W- --aU Furnishings and Underwear at Most Remarkable Bargain Ptrices.. 20c Embroideries at 9c a Yard Monday an entire case of MILL EXI) EMBROIDERIES, Insertions, Edge and Galloons, 20c and 25c a yard values in 5 and G yard strips; (sold only in full strips), at the yard 9c Table Cloth Specials in Linen Dept. Pure linen, unhemraed pattern cloths, -size, tJA AT 0.4 8x10; worth $5.00 each Monday Heavy double damask pattern table cloth, warranted pure flax, size 8x10; ; worth $8.00 each, Monday '. . . $4.95 Don't Misa Our , Semi-Annual Display ' Laces, Silks and DressTrimmings which will be held on Bept. 9th, 10th 11th and 12th Let tu measure your home for shades ard furnish esti mate of cost. We are exclu sive handlers of hand-made' oil Opaque Shade Cloth and the renowned H a rt sh o r n Rollers. 18c serpentine crepes In domes tic room Monday morning at the yard 12Hc Amo-keag outing flannel All new fall pat terns, in domes tic room at the . yard 10c New Fall Wash Goods Special showing of new fall wash goods, double fold flannelettes in beau tiful designs, new bath robe cloth, new fleece duckings, enowland fleece, new Amoskeag outings, new fall voiles, French percales, poplins, corduroys and everything new and up-to-date for fall 1912, at remarkably low prices. Closing out all spring and summer wash goods at greatly reduced prices. . 69o' drawn work bordered voile .45 9c Dresden bordered volleg ......... . . .33, Novelty silk foulard, 50c grade .25fV Bargains in Fancy China Tecorated China mugs, each . .10o Decorated , fruit saucers, each 10c Japanese oatmeal' bowls, 6 for 25c Decorated Bread and butter plates each ..'.10c Japanese . tea pots. (blue or white), each 15c We w Suits Hew New Dresses Coals GREAT MCE STOCK From the Receivers' Sale of . M. BARR & SONS COMPANY Importers of Laces, 140 Fifth Ave.; N. Y. . Our buyer was on the ground and, made extensive purchases from this great sale., Every yard will belaced on sale beginning Tuesday, September 3, . v ; '" . i ' At 33 Per Cent of Regular Prices Three - Yards of Lace for the Price of One. 15c Laces at.. 5cj 25c Laces at. 8VJcj 50c Laces at 162jjC 75c Laces at. 25c! $1.00 Laces, 3313cS$1.50 Laces at 50c All the regular $2.50 laces at .830 Vals, torchons, shadow laces, nottlnghams, Irish crochet laces, bands edges, allovers, flouncings, etc. All broken sets from regular stock included. A display planned on a broader, scale, than ever before the range in both assortments and prices is wider than ever before. Our buyer, who has just returned from New York, having spared no effort or expense to make this the most masterly, satisfying showing in the history of our busy suit department. . A Delightful Showing of Jail ored Suits 914.90, 19.50, $25.00, 29.75, up to $79.00 A splendid assortment of authentic styles for your selection at every price. , - Beautiful New Fall Dress Styles ' IN PRICE FROM $10.00 up to $125.00 Distinctive individuality marks every graceful line; finish and fashions are models of perfection at the prices quoted. ' You'll Find Early Buying Extremely Profitable. , Special Monday Morning Offerings Dainty Summer Dresses Splendid assortment in both white 'and colors, that sold at from $7.50 to tf O QC $12.00, Monday to close, at one price. J SILK DRESSES, that sold at $15 choicest bargains ever, Mon- J A 95 dav nt. ..... Tr All; Children's White Dresses on Sale Monday at Half Price! Long Linen and Pongee Coats, that sold up to $15t in Monday's $795 sale at .'. . . . "J 10c Lonsdale Muslin 36-In. wide, in domestic room, yd., . .; iy2c 75c Bed Spreads White, size, in assorted pat terns, in domes-, tic room, at sach 59c A LABOR DAY Mil' inery Special Monday A. M. Only , $1.98 Felt Hats 98c A big lot of prettily trim med Felt Hats in nearly -all - colors,- and most wanted shapes,, to $1.98 ;lues' QRr choice........ WW Tall can fancy pink salmon . . 10c Domestic mustard or oil sardines, . can at ; .1) ... . . . . , . . . .3c Imported sardines, No. 1 quality, 'per can ; . .-.SHc Large bottles Worcester sauce, to . mato catsup, pickles and olives, per bottle . .8ac Try MYDEN'S First; Fancy Queen olives, - quart . .85c 3-lb. cans fancy California Bart lett pears or peaches. ; . . . . Iffc 1-lb. Jar3 pure fruit Jan . '. ,",i8X 1-lb. cans'shrlmps .. .... . . . .10c 1-lb. cans . assorted soupa. .7Hc Fancy assorted cookies, 40 , var ieties,.; lb. . .... .10: Some Good Things iq Eat For Your Labor Day Celebration Anything' You Want at Hayden's The best soda crackers, lb. . .7 He The best crisp ginger snaps or ( pretzels, ' lb. . . . . '. .'. . ; .63 The best fresh country eggs, per dozen .' . .22c Full cream cheese, lb' . .". ."..18c Full cream brick cheese, lb..,l8c Furniture Bargains Monday Beautiful Quartered Oak1 Extension Table, with '45-inch round top," highly polished, extends 6 feet and has 10-inch pedestal ; $25.00 value, f f P A on sale at-..... . . . I Fumed Oak Dining top, square pedestal tension, on sale at Solid Oak Dining Chairs, highly polished, leather upholstered box seat; 6 to ! a cus tomer, for ' set ......$10.50 Same as above with wood seat, per set .. ... $9.00 ' Solid : Brass Bed at $10 The great est snap ever "of-'.- Table, 45:inch round , 6-foot ex- Q'J Q fered in Omaha! See it. " . i t Some splendid bargains in Vernis Martin beds at $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50.. :.. Iron beds at $3.50, $4.50 and $5.00. " Solid Oak Dressers, special at $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50 FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT Large basket , fancy peaches or pear3 .. ...i. ........ 20j Large baskets fancy Concord grapes at , 15c Large basket red or blue plums, at .... 35c Fancy Tokay grapes, basket. .35c Fancy canteloupes, ea. 7 c '& o Large cucumbers, each , ; . . . . ; 1c Fancy, ripe tomatoes, lb.:.2c ' Anything you want we have it. Buy a bottle of wild cherry phos phate, a good drink, bottle 10c Watch Monday evening papers for Tuesday's big specials. Jry HAYDEN'S First States marshal and his family are spend ing the summer. '! Miss Catherine' Scott Is 111 at North Scituate, Mass., where she and her sister have been spending the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott and children are also there. ' I '' ' ' Latest Styles in " Laces Reach Omaha The great Paris race are over and styles are all fixed for the fall,' so de clares P. 'A. Johnson, manager' of the lace department at Kayden Bros., who has returned . from a buying trip ' to New York where he secured the largest variety of laces ever brought to the west This will be placed on exhibition at Hay den Bros. September 9, when an' entire upper floor will be set aside for , their display. - . . ' '"The styles are all fixed," said Mr. Johnson, "and the Omaha lovers of things beautiful will find a greater var iety than ever before. They are more elaborate and the designs are exquisite." The : laces ' will be on display from September 9 to It'. ' . Will Talk on International Peace Baroness Bertha von Suttner of Vienna. th distinguished psaca advoots. will speak an "larerradoaal Peac?" OomJm Saturday evnla". Ijeptembw &. Re UK. Jenluav chainvian ot the . loeai peuea society, executive committer U mak ng ariangements tor thtt lecture, It wili be preceded by a luncheon by the current t:cj department oi the Omaha Woman's club and attended br members of all woman organisation the city. : , The baroness halls from the very eee ter ot the war sooe of Kurope) her father was Imperial field marshal of Austria, Count Praht Joseph vbn Klnekyt ! cousin Count Montecucull, is commander-in-chief of the "Austro-Hungartan navy. Yet to Baroness von Suttner more than any other one agency Is due, the upbuild ing of the -peace movement o the conti nent The baroness Is a born prlnccea on both :d;s of her- family; -yet she. Is one of the greatest democrats of Europe. ' 'The baroness !' author of the peace story "Lay Down 'Tour Arms.", Bhe it was who 'Inspired Alfred Nobel; the Swedish scientist to establish, the peace prise which Is a snug fortune to the re cipients. She received 'the pr:e In 19. Baroness von Suttner-is founder , and president of, the Austrian Peace society, editor and publisher of a peace 'periodi cal and member pf the governing, tioard ef the permanent bureau of International peace. - '.'' ! . , .'; . s-l , V, The Suttner league was established last I iz ;Xfi 1 . 4 Xartmess 3et2j3. voncSutfne ' Andrei EosT-oviFcql' April , by -4U - executive members- of ' th , lea'au!' A ndrea NHof er-Proudf oot. Is wit h Austrian peace society to strengthen and perpetuate the life work -of Baroness von Suttner. The general secretary of the the baroness on ,her tour of the- United States In the' Interests ; of - international resce. . . j WE LAUNDER EVERYTHING Send Us Yotir Currency NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE FOR US -By Elbert Hubbard- The other day in a western city I sent a bundle to the laundry. When the clothes came lac i there ' came also a big, square sealed iti- iope. I opened this envelope -,nd f mc? in It thrue $10 bills, all nicely washed, starched, Ironed and carefully pl&ced between two pieces ofi cardboard and tleJ uu .with a blue ribbon In a lover's knot. No explanation was made, uut In the bill I saw they had charged me 25 cents for laundering the w&zuma Of course, I kicked, but what was 'the use! , i i Just for the fun of the thing in order to get a line on tint partlc-j sr vueh house, I went a-j in I ard deinar.dcd an explanation. The young woma l In charge said "thty had found the' money In the right-hand pocket of a' left-hand white vest which 1 had sent in toe bundle.' Then sho ex plained, quite 'iu-.idem.iU. that. whRO ever soiled clothes came la everv K'U'mcnt was carefully Inspected for " valuables Every day they found in inoy In p.'kets, diamond studs in shirt bosom,, an.ali!e links in cuffs, and collnr buttons (nnyh to roll under all Hie buiva w in Christt ii dom. 'It is part of our l)iui"ns," a.d the young woman, "to protect ojr cus tomers 'against their own carelessness." She saw I was interested, and con tinued: "We never send garments home with the buttons off." I said: "Do you iron many buttons off?" - "No, we do not, but wh u garme.ifa come In with buttons oft we always mw them on, so as to return 'he rarments in good order, ready to wear. Also we do any little darning and me.iomr that should be done, all this with-). it charge. Our business is to please our customers The T of the Home Phone Doug. 919