Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1912, MAGAZINE, Image 15

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    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmwmmmmmmmmmi m mmmmmmmbmmmmmm--If - ' m bmmmmm. mmm mmmmmmi m mmmmi mmmmmmm mm mmwmmmmmmmmmmmmimm-mmmmmmmmm.mmmmmm-. MjeMMMi -ay g
, The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page
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Copyright 1012. by American-Examiner. Great Britain Rights Rescrve&
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Lady Duff-Gordon
LADY DUFF-GORDON. the fameua
"Lucile". of London, and foremoat
creator ol fashions in the world, write
each week the faihion article for thi newt
paper, presenting all that m newest and best
in styles for well-dressed women.
Lady Duff-Gordon's new Paris establish
ment brings her into close touch with that
centre of fashion.
Lady Duff-Gordon's American establish
ment is at Nos. 37 and '39 West Fifty
seventh street, New York City.
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OIJ are all bo interested la Gaby
Deilys in America that I simply
cannot resist showing you some ot
her new. late Fall' hats and' smair fixings,
the little "touches" tha: mean to. much .o
chic women. They are very fascinating to
me and I am sure that you will approve
of them highly. Gaby has had even more
vogue In Paris since her return from New
York than before. And who cari deny her
charm and grace wtien she dons 'the de
lightful feminine' "fixings', that' I am show
' Ing you this week. I did not design these
frlp'perle. but I am more than charmed with
them." ' ' " ' ' -' '
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Jrt -a shows a three-piece jet. scarf,
1IU. I jiat and muft. -In this set
black brocade, chiffon cloth tad ermine are
combined In a most charming manner.
The close fitting bat is a novel shape. The
cluster rosette on . the side 1b made of er
mine heads and tails, a similar rosette Is
placed on the large muft with good effect.
' Notice the' shape of the scarf,, if fs very
like the old-time matttua of the early, six
ties. It fastens at the front under in er
mine rosette. , "
' . Vn 9 shows a
" ' ing smal'l hat suit-.;
,ble.. to?. ', morning
- wea'f it , is built of
' - white; felt and chlf- :
ton. ' The white
osprey fancy Is -very
large and in
its unusual arrange-.
ment is very fetch- s
ing. ;
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nu 0 turehat
and muff that are
AeligWfitU The hat
" of,- torquoise satin
is shadedwlth gray
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chiffons edged with
Usher fur,! the up-1
standing rose is of
gray and torquolse
satin. The huge
.muff shaded with
the gray chiffon has
a torquolse satin .
foundation and a
rose similar to that .
on the hat.
No 4. Th'8blg i
a stunning com
bination' of white
brocade and black
velvet and 1s to
'be worn with the .
mantua and muff
shown in the first
( figure. ' The ermine ,
rosette matches ,
that on the muff.
is another large hat. This has ;
full Tarn 0' Shanter crown
of black velvet. The three white feathers
under the brim and the lace frill are the
only decoration and are decidedly smart
for this season.
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