4-B hE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1912. The Omaha Suxday Bee. FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR. BEE BUILDING. ' FARN AM AND 17TH. Entered at .Omaha. Postofflce aa second elasa matter. - - TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. Sunday Bm, one year....'. I2.B0 Saturday Bee,, fine, year ,.,.11.50 Dally Bea "(Without Sunday) one year. $4 'JO Dally Be and Sunday, one year $6.M DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Evening Bea wlth Sunday), per ny.Ro Dally Bee (Including Sunday, per mo.Soc Daily Bee (without Sunday), per' mo.. 45. Address all complaint or Irregularities tn delivery to City Circulation Dept. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or poatal ordr, payable to The Bee Publishing1 company. Only 2-eent .tamps received In payment of small accounts. Personal checUs, ex ,cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted. - - . OFFICES. Omaha The Bee building. South Omaha-23UT N St. Council. Bluffe-14 No. Main St Idncoln- Little building. Chicago 1041 .Marquette building. Kansas City-Reliance building. New York-S4 West Twenty-third. WaehIngton-725 Fourteenth St.. N. W i rARHirspftXDENCE. I Communications relating to news and editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. . , , JULT CIRCULATION. ; . 51,109 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, is. Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of The Bea Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the average dally circulation tor the month of July, 1911, ws,eu. d Wight williams. . Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 3d day or August, law. (Seal.) - ROBERT HUNTER. - I i Notary Public . ahseriber. leaving the city lesaporarilr afcoald aave T. Bea aaalled to them. Address will be changed as of tea as re-aested. -The dignity of labor also grows with the years. on 60 to Lincoln for the fair Omaha day; it will do you good. : - Swat the fly! It has been discov ered he also carries the hookworm. Corn tassels are always the stylish trimming for . Nebraska's autumn gown. Something' surely wrong over In Chicago when they hate to advertise there for men to attend a sorority dance. limits of Automatic Compensation A ponderous volume of nearly 1,200 pages on the law of wort men's compensation and state InBur ance already on the book market is a reminder that there are limits to the automatic operation of any re form. The mere size of this work, which is probably only the forerun ner of many more to come, and the multitude of cases cited growing out of compensation laws, must relieve fears of lawyers who thought they saw an end threatened to all litiga tion along this line. . There is no dodbt that workmen's compensation laws can, and will, stop many lawsuits that now burden the dockets of our courts by providing a quicker and fairer way of adjust ing claims of injured workmen, and, particularly by giving the benefits to those really entitled to them rather than, as now, overpaying the few, while forcing the many to bear their own loss. It Is' well, however, to recognize the fact that no auto matic device can be made to fit all me varying vicissitudes or lire, or reconcile contradictory evidence of persons who see the same accident from different viewpoints. , No compensation law yet proposed makes recovery unconditional. That all sorts of debatable; questions are bound constantly to arise is' Indicated by the subject matter of this volume wno.is a. workman ana who Is an employer?. .'What, Is casual employ' ment as distinguished from regular employment? , What to serious and willful misconduct? What is tempo rary and what-is permanent disabil ityt What is total and what Is partial disability? When Is a etelmant-rightly a dependent beneficiary? v au tnese- questions, ana many more,' must arBa i114 '.recur - under automatic compensation law mere or less -the same as undersold methods of enforcing liability. ' The fa'ct that there -are liraitations.'Tiwhfch'in the nature of things cannot be overcome, does not make this proposed reform any less desirable, but it is mani festly wrong to mislead people Into the belief that the enactment of a workmen's compensation law is the Inauguration of an industrial millen nium. ' " . plans peace for the world, which was met by unroarious opposition from Oyster Bay, from whence came the demand for more armament and more wars. The wise men of the world are for peace; the bull moose is for battle, at Armageddon or else where, Just so it's a ructlou of some kind. ine poncemaa ; has to listen to trouble, bat he 'is not in it with the troubles of our great water com XQiwioner. , The bull moosers In Massachusetts are grooming Charles 6. Bird to run for governor. A bird a bull moose! Nature faker! a rew bigots will not vote for me," says T. R. Someone will be urprtjwdrfcy-thexcoantt of-wblgotr Jn'.November.-vvv' m.-v. M ,- f , The sun bath 1 having a big run ' German pleasure resorts. There's "where Omaha 'ought to be able to get , Into the game.-. .- ,. ' i, .Anyhow, Colonel Yeiaer still has . the. Implicit confidence of the gov ernor, no matter what the bull moos- i trs may do to him. H is really mean in Mr. Hearst to ; put those letter writers to so much trouble searching, back files to re fresh. their memories. " t ; 1 ; ; Wonderful , progress has 'been cored by auto makers, but they have yet to produce a noiseless machine that Is really noiseless. , - ; A Chicago Judge? told- a young woman. in his court how to get a baby of her own. No, he didn't tell her anything she didn't know. i ; Democrats are going to demon !, strata to the farmers the great ; profits of the harvester; trust,' but : how is that going to help T. R.T ' ., . It seems that the head of the lino type concern had to go all "the way It Reno to find a matrimonial type i caster that eliminates the hyphen. -' j ' ; A million miles of mail routes will I be covered under the parcel post rone system. Does that give you a ) better idea of tie size of the United States? . ! . y ' i It is a pretty safe wager that out court house contractors will not pay anything as penalties for delay that they do not have to pay at the end of ;lasuit. j The speed mania is gathering its ? victims again. Omaha has so far this isason escaped with tolerable good ' luck, but it may be well to rap wood right now. Rev. In-HJs-8teps Sheldon clamors for a "progressive" church. Why not go the whole way, and have a "progressive" Bible, as well? We know where they can get a man to write it V Tomorrow labor will be extolled by many eloquent speakers, but the workingmen of America must not forget that labor Is serviceable only as it Is properly applied. Platitudes can not be piled high enough to ob scure this fact J Chicago now figures that its laun trr bill is Increased 117011,000 yearly by reason o? the smoke fcuisanee. Which reminds us that Omaha has some smoke nuisance to contend, with,, especially during the winter Delivery of, the Sunday Newspaper. Just now the postmaster general and his assistants are bending tbeir energies to devise ways and means of jutting In .force the congressional order closing first and second clans postoffices on Sundays, and to do so without clogging the arteries of the mails and without inflicting unneces sary hardship upon postof flee ' patrons. Everyone will, agree that postal clerks and carriers are entitled to liberal treatment in ' the matter of days and hours of work, but congress evidently took the step it did with out' considering the consequences carefully or guarding sufficiently against incidental 'difficulties. It could have accomplished all that is really desirable by merely insuring postof flee employes one day of rest out of seven. and prohibiting - any work on Sunday that can as well be done on a week day. . Bo far as newspapers are con cerned, the Sunday issue of the paper has come in this modern day to be as much of a necessity to the lntelli gent person keeping abreast of the times as the week-day issue, and it devolves upon the postofflce authori ties anil the publishers to work out a way of getting the Sunday newspa per in the hands of the subscriber who wants it without unusual delay. The vast majority of readers of The Sunday See live in cities where The Bee maintains Its own delivery sys tem, and cannot by any possibility be affected by postofflce changes. To the others we wish to give assurance that arrangements will be perfected wherever necessary to continue to serve them with their Sunday news papers promptly. Color Only Skin Deep After a great tempest in a teapot the American Bar association, com posed of the most able and distin guished members of the legal pro fession in this country, side-stepped the color question by adopting a resolution affirming the membership rights of the three negroes who had been admitted, but at the same time reciting that it was never contem plated that members of the colored race should become members of that association, and requiring in' the fu ture recommendations of colored lawyers for membership to set forth that fact explicitly. " By this self contradictory action the ' lawyers have apparently gotten out, of their quandary without repudiating tor er pelUng the objectionable member, and yet shutting the door to future repetition of the humiliating situa tion. V 1 - This squabble over negro. members we have referred to'as a tempest In the teapot. Everybody knows 'that color is but skin deep, and that a' lot of people with white exteriors are blacker underneath , than the darkest Senegambian who ever came out of Africa. Everybody knows, too,, that subcutaneous black is. not confined to any particular occupation or call ing, but is' to he found in the legal profession the same as elsewhere The presumption is that the local councils recommend for membership tn the American Bar association only lawyers of good repute' and clean records, but that presumption is no more a certainty in this respect than has been the presumption that the recommendation of a negro would be accompanied by a statement of his color. If the association 1b here after going to be so particular as to external color It ought to exact of aspirants for admission into the charmed circle sworn answers also to various questions framed to estab lish unimpeachable qualifications We repeat that a man need not have a black skin to have a black record, and the gradations of the one should demand as much, at least, at tention as the gradations of the other in conferring the Bar association patent of legal nobility. Wise Sir Wilfred.' Sir Wilfred Laurler, who went out of power on the anti-reciprocity wave that swept Canada last year, did not part with his wisdom on giving up his office. Speaking at a public din ner in Ottawa, he referred to the Panama 'canal bill and the British complaint that it violates 'a treaty, saying he did not doubt that diplomacy would find a solution.. He added that for 100 years all differ ences between the United States and Canada had been settled by arbitra tion and that "a bad arbitration is better than a war." " ; j Then he sounded the keynote of Canada's prosperous growth, saying: ! "In England they think of arma ments and wars as in Canada we think of railroads and public works." The Dominion has little occasion to take part in the affairs of the world, and Is thus enabled to give all of its governmental, energy to matters at home. Row well this has been done Is proven by some of its accomplish ments. Laurier was working on this line in his advocacy of reciprocity when he was swept out of office on a " wave of combined ..torylsm and Jingoism, ,; . '. v V ' v Z . His message at present is broader than Canada's dominion; it may well he heeded by all the powers of the world. Giving attention to'rsJlroads and public works, rather than to wars and armaments, means growth rather . than destruction. . And , this was another of President Tail's big Education "and Beg-ging. Under this heading the current number, of he. World's Work throws out some suggestive thoughts about the irreconcilable conflict in the con junction in the college president of the direction of the students' educa tion and the begging of donations to the endowment ' ' To do good work, it is explained, a college must have more money than its students pay, and ' must make up this difference by private gifts or public subventions. Theoret ically, the state universities have the right economic bash that edu cation is a public function for which the' state must furnish the funds yet even in states which proceed on this theory, the university president as a rule has to wrestle with legisla tures holding the puree strings and devote toward getting appropria tions time and energy which should be centered in educational work. The tendency is more pronounced in state institutions than in others to place the responsibility for financial and business management separately, and leave the head of the institution more free to grapple with the prob lems touching discipline and general culture. . The writer quoted' fears, however, that the noticeable gain of our colleges and universities in financial strength, physical equip' ment and the number of subjects taught, is at the loss of intellectual and mora power, by which be doubt less means thoroughness of training. It may be fairly questioned, we believe, whether this loss is not relative rather than absolute, lndl eating merely that the physical ex pansion of our colleges and universi ties has gone on of late at a faster pace than the educational progress The need of a better balancing be tween the two Is plainly real, and opens up a far-reaching problem calling for the most careful consid eration, not only of our educators, but of all concerned in the success of Our institutions of higher learning. know. We have not the art galleries of London, Paris, Berlin or Rome, but no artist ever imagined1 more of beauty than belongs to the eyes of one who rides from Omaha to 8an Francisco. No bluer sky is ever studded with brighter stars than that which canopies the empire from the Missouri to the coast. No more rugged grandeur of heaped up gran ite, of dashing waters, of wide spreading valleys, of everlasting snows and never melting glaciers, can be found anywhere than are of-j fered In the western mountains of the United States. The wonders of Yellowstone, Tosemite, and Glacier National parks are wonders of the world, and have not their counter part in all creation. The fjords of Alaska equal those of Norway, Switzerland's Alps are duplicated many times over in the Rockies and the Sierras, and so the list might be extended. If patriotism does not appeal to those who annually hurry away; to Europe, curiosity might, if it were ever properly aroused.' At all events, "See America first" ought to be the ambition of every American. This Day it. 0maMi COMPILED PROM BEE I ILf-9 SEPT. 1. '. . Responsibility in Divorce. An eastern judge, whose experi ence in the matter of granting' di vorces has been sufficiently extensive to warrant his speaking as . with authority, suggests in a magazine ar ticle that the plaintiff In all divorce cases Is at least negatively responsi ble for the condition that has led to the suit. He analyzes his proposi tion thoroughly, end with such a show of logic as must convince any that Jie is not merely exploiting a theory. V Following the average divorce case back, to its origin, he finds it starts in something the aggrieved party might "have avoided by just a little care 'at the right time. Where of fending habits are complained of, he finds that they generally existed be fore marriage, and with the full knowledge of the partner who later complains of theoffense. In such eases he points out that unhappiness, if not divorce, Is almost sure to fol low,' In all these cases the plaintiff is to blame for having entered' upon a marriage contract knowing of the faults that later lead to separation. In these cases the judge suggests that lovers either settle the matter before wedding, or readjust their prejudices after. , The judge also calls attention to what he believes to be supported by facts, that divorce is less frequent among the intellectually trainea classes than among those who are less well educated. And this not be cause the educated man or woman shrinks from divorce hut because they are better fitted to adjust their habits and Ukes and dislikes one to the other's. Last of all, and perhaps as com forting as any of his other con elusions, this Judge does not see the total wreck of our institutions as a result of the divorce Custom's growth, i Thirty Years Ago Prospects point to a lively fight for control of the Douglas county delegation to the republican convention, the prise sourht being the nomination for congress, tor which John M. Thurston la backing Church Howe against John L. Webster, while Pat O. Hawes, who calls himself "contingent congressman," wants te be retained. , -The river la ,lower than it haa been for several months. Hanlon Brothers held forth In "L'Voy age En Suisse" at Boyd's opera house. St. Catherine's academy, corner Eight eenth and Cass, reopened. ' Jlni Whitney, who has been pitching for the Bostons, will rejoin the Union Pa cifies at the close of the league season. It is reported that Chief Engineer T. E. Calvert of the B. A M.fwill soon be pro moted to the superintendence of bridges and construction. ' ' At a special meeting of Fire King en gine and hose company No. 2' these offi cers were elected: Colonel Prank P. Han lon, 'president; William Moran, secretary; Barney Shannon, treasurer; Joe Teahon, foreman; William Clark and William Me Cone, assistant foremen ; Colonel C. J. Smyth, J. J.. Galllgan and Gus Engle, board of truteee. . M. G. Doty has been appointed deputy city marshal.' r Mrs. Helen M. Gouger, a prominent woman suffragist of Indiana, is In Omaha and will be here for the convention. People and Events One aspiring bull moose presiden tial elector, masquerading under the republican label, thlnkB it ls'im pertinent" for any one to ask him to get off the republican ticket, and bolst his' own colors. Suppose one of the electors nominated by the democrats should announce that he was for Taff, or Roosevelt, or Debs, and would under no condition cast his ballot for Wilson, would the de mand for him) to get off the demo cratic ticket be "impertinent?" "See America Firit.7 This slogan, not a new one, was reaffirmed by the Transmississlppl congress at Salt Lake City last week, It ought to be blaioned on the mind of every American who has a vaca tion to spend In travel. Without in any way disparaging the attractions of Europe, the broadening of mental processes that may result from a tour among the older nations of the world, the attractions of America and the equally desirable, extension of polite, nptto speak of patriotic, knowledge that comes from easy fa miliarity with them, ma,y bs insisted upon. '' ' 'U' ) Picturesque beauty, grandeur and sublimity, historic interest, and all the attributes of scenery, save per haps ruined baronial strongholds, are offered in America In a profusion the like of which Europe) can never j Individual drinking vessels for horses Bre proposed by the New York health department as conservation measure resting on the same ground as. the individual cup for human drinkers. The next thing will be In dividual cheeses for the mice and senarate wallowing mires for the pigs. - . The introduction of dynamite into labor disputes Is not calculated to do either side any particular good, as has been amply demonstrated. It is miich to be desired that future dis agreements between employer and employed may be conducted without the introduction of high explosives. Preachers are now warned against temptation, such as the desire to de liver sensational sermons, to com plain of poor pay, and other similar devices that entrap them. ?? this keeps on the preacher will be held down to simple religion as a topic for discourse. Everybody will be glad to know that the. Blue army, was successful In repulsing the attack of the Red Invaders, aimed at Leavenworth. It makes one shudder to think of Leay enworth in the hands of the enemy and Editor Anthony not there. Twenty Years Ago Five thousand .people witnessed the races provided by the Douglas County Fair association. The big feature of the day was Bobby P, the gallant little stal lion owned by" Ed Pyle of Syracuse, Neb., who lowered his own record to 2:21 and won his. race. , ', Mr. Baxter, buyer for the Morse 'Dry Goods company, returned from the east. C. S. , Culllngham, tennis champion of Nebraska; J. W. Battin, W. D. Osgood, Conrad Toung and F. ;X. Vail of the Omaha Tennis club, were planning to go to Lincoln to compete in the state tennis tournament. .'. ' h, . Mr. George B. Lane of Olympla, Wash., and Mrs. F. B. Denney of Mayville, N. D., daughters of the , late E- B. Wood, were visiting their mother at her home, 421 North Thirty-ninth street. M. V. Gannon, who had been danger ously 111 for some weeks, had o far re covered aa to be able to walk about the streets.- - ; ''. Mayor Bemls approved John Grant's contract for paving Fortieth street from Davenport to Cuming and for repairing Park avenue to Hickory street. The two Jobs meant the laying of some 20,003 square feet of asphalt Ten Years Ago TJnion Pacific strikers formed a long procession that marched through -.the streets and wound up at Courtland beach for a Labor day celebration. Among the speakers were George J. Kleffner, chairman; Father Williams and others. . J , Pa Rourke'a ball team beat Dea Molne twice. In the-, morning by S.to 2, with Osoar Graham and Gonding the battery; in ' the 'afternoon, to V with Miner Brown and Gonding. Graham allowed the visitors three hit and Brown let them have four. Governor Ezra P. Savage and his be Jeweled colonels were the guests of Ak-8ar-Bn at his den, and it so happened that a large number of visitors from ten different states were present New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Missouri. .Iowa, Massachusetts, Maryland, Wyoming, Ohio arid Colorado. t James A. Langfltt, supreme regent, and W. O. Robson. supreme secretary of the Royal Arcanum, en route eastward, stopped over in Omaha and were enter tained by the brethren here. A reception was tendered them at the First Congre gational church at which William M. Glller presided. Samuel Burns was nursing a broken wrist, the result of a fall in his Farnam street store. - . , GIVIXG. AWAY SECRETS Capacltr of Blondes aad Brancttes for SplrMaal Comfort. Philadelphia Record. Observations made by American sur geons that blond men are most sus ceptible to the effects of alcoholic ex cesses than are brown-eyed and dark haired males have been confirmed by a well-known woman physician of London. As might be expected, this practitioner has in mind, more particularly, women of the blond and brunette types; and her references are, of course, Strictly lady like. The brunette, she says, is natur ally more lively than her blond sister; and, while ahe needs no spirits to ralso her spirit she can indulge In larger draughts without becoming "gay" being, generally speaking, stronger and more Immune from the after-effects of gen erous feeding and nibbling. And here comes Ue. '.'most unklndest" cut for the blonde: "Men who. are keen judges Of human .nature will invariably prefer brunette partners at suppers and balls." Let the blond hide her diminished head or dye her hair and stain her lovely skin with walnut Juloe, and let the dark ladles who bleach their curia yellow beware of such silliness. -v, , -. One of the mysteries of the time is why women dispose of their husbands by shooting when divorces are easy to get Alimony is more soothing to a seared heart than a funeral b'U. ; "He looked upon her consummate loveli ness and his heart melted," writes a member of Chicago's literary colony. How the Chicago weather man can hope for salvation after putting out such -a roast as that, .'s a conundrum that would stump a campaign prophet The favorite old story of the man who befriended a poor but "respectable tramo and was rewarded later with a fortune. Is making its em!-nnuil rounds. ' Such things have actually happened, but the surest way to give hope the sunset glow Is to plug away at the regular Job. "Old subscriber" can possess his soul In patience. Owing to . Improved., modern equipment a defenseless public need not be harried by nine weeks of campaign ing. With the a!d of modern pneumatic hammers warranted to deliver S.800 blows a minute, the spellbinders . can insure deadly execution in three Weeks. Down In Adams county, Ohio, and Bea ver, Pa., where the priees of votes ranged from $4 to $19 each, some anxiety exists lest a slice of the Archibald do nation reached their pockets in the fall of 1904. While all kinds of money looked good to them, had they but known they would have spurned the Standard taint. An eruption in South Carolina Is over due. ' Though feeble and unable to para lyse his enemies with vocal thunder, Sen ator Ben Tillman managed to Insert his pitchfork in the quivering cuticle of Colonel Cole Blease, and win out at the primaries. If the colonel hasn't cut loose ere this . it is because : ah avalanche of adverse votes smothered' the notes t his scream. : t - SUNDAY SKHE3. First Citizen Who is that stranger hurrying down on the other side? Second Citizen I don't recognize him. Must' be a new political party. Judge. "A man who tells his troubles wastes his time,"sald the ready-made philos opher. "Yes." replied the plain citizen; "but sometimes I think It's better for a man to tell his own troubles than to depend on some one who Is campaigning to recite ; them for him."-Washlngton Star. 1 "Twenty-two per cent of all the ae- i cldent claims last year . were paid to victims of automobile " mishaps.-1 Our ratee are altogether too low." it "Well!" ' ' ' ' "There's no help for it we've got to make the pedestrians pay a good deal more." Cleveland Plain Dealer. ( i !' LI5COLN AS A TRAVELER Trek of Indiana the Family from to Illinois. (New ; York World. ) . The route taken by the Lincoln family in removing from Indiana to Illinois In 1A30 has been officially determined by act of the Illinois legislature, and the state historical society Is , preparing to mark It with monuments. The route led across the Wabash river at.Vincenne. through Lawrencevllle, Parts and Shelbyville to Decatur. Abraham LIneolni was twenty one years old at the time. The trek of this humble family through the prairies of the middle west possesses the sentimental interest that attaches to everything relating to Lincoln. Thanks to, the spirit which fosters the identifica tion and preservation of all historical landmarks, it will henceforth serve the uses of an automobile "run." But a re flection prompted by the charting of the route is as to how little of a traveler Lincoln was. As a youth he went down the Missis sippi to New Orleans and there witnessed the sale of the slave girl which inspired his hatred of slavery. He cme east to make his Cooper Union addrees, and again to be Inaugurated, and he visited some of the Virginia, battle fields during the war and Gettysburg after. But he knew nothing of the great west beyond thf Mississippi, nothing of New England except the few cities in which he spoke following his New York address, and but little of the south;" All the traveling Lincoln did in his Hf-. time ' hardly ' equalled the mileage of- single campaign itinerary of later presi dents. He lived before the "swing around the circle" had been originated, befor the days of "traveling presidents" with government vessels and private cars at thetiv disposal before even the "summer capital" at the seashore had been estab lished. ...... ."What are vou: Duzzllnit about?" "I'm writing a sketch for vaudeville on the current political situation." "Well, you ought to have plenty , of good stuff to put in." "That Isn't what puzzles me. I've, got so much good stuff I don't know what to leave out." Baltimore American. . "Well, how abovt It?" -f "Her father and mother both object, to me." "Hard luck." "Hard luck for fair. It's the, first thing ther have agreed on m yean.," Louisville Courier-Journal. ; i "We call that girl Juares."r '"Why?" H "She's been captured six times already this season.!' Pittsburgh Post. Mrs. Youngbrlde (at the baKer'sthe holes In these doughnuts are very large. You ought to make some reduction. Baker-Can't do that, mum. but I'll al low you a cent each for the holes if you'll return 'em. Boston Transcript "I suppose, said the man . who ' was lounging in the garage, "that before a man buys an automobile he ought to learn all about its. working parts and its complicated machinery." "I'm not so sure about that" guardedly answered the. keeper of the establish ment. "If he does, by George,': the chances ate that he won't buy it "'Chi cago Tribune. - THE BOEDER LIGHTS. ROLLIN J. WELLS. A little more tired at close of day; ,, A little less anxious to have our way; A little less ready to scold and blame.' A little more care for a brother's name; And so we are nearinx the Journey s ena Where time and eternity meet'and blend. ' ' .1 A little less care for bonds and rold. A little more zest In the days of old, A broader view and saner mind, And a little more love for alt mankind; And so we are faring a-down the way That leads to the gates of a better day:' A little more love for the friends of youth, A little less zei for established trutn, , A little more charity In our views, A 1'ttle less thirst for the dally news; And so we are folding out tents away And passing In silence at close of day. A little more leisure to sit and dream, A little more real the things unseen, A little nearer to those ahead, . f With visions of those long-loved and dead And so we are going where all must go, To the place the living may never know. WHAT GKANDM0THES HAD. Strickland GUliland In Leslie's. Grandmother used to go and see Folks who were sick, and make them tea Of boneset and camomile, And' fuss around the bed, and smile, And not go till some neighbor came That she was sure would do the same. Unless they met her at the door And put up an emphatic roar About it's being smallpox, or ; Some ailment to be watched for. She never even stopped to ask If, while about her loving task, Herself might be endangered. ,;Ncv.. She hadn't read her Bible so. " " " A.' TV'.: .j-'-' tJ.' S , i . rv She'd only found the texts that said, "Sick have ye tended," "hungry fed,"; And such old fashioned foolishness . ' Ere modern wisdom came to bless. Now,' when we hear a neighbor's 111 We close the door and wash the sill y With antiseptics, so we'll not Get the disease the friend has got Sometimes I think 'twere not so bad Should we catch what grandmother had! Our former - fellow townsman, Henry D. Estabrook, has lost none of his ability to coin striking phrases by reason of removing from Omaha to New Yorfc. - "One-eyed leaders of the blind" Is a picturesque as well as apt description." ' And to think that the distln guiaHad hydraulic statesmen who have constituted our Water board fought for nine years to get out of buying the South .Omaha part of the water plant. , V . ', ': Prom Sire to Soa. " Chicago Post Bramwall Booth succeeds his distin guished father as head of the Salvation Army. He receives the appointment by virtue of a note left by the late General Booth and opened after his death. There is no conference of the leading officers, much leas aa election by the rank and file. Just the will of one man, accepted without question. It amounts, of Course, to rule by a dynasty; But "armies" have frequently been ruled ahat way, and the Salvation Army probably works rather better that way than it would in a more democratic fashion. The existence of this autocracy In a democratic age Is a re minder of the bewildering variety of In stitutions through which mon work, in stitutions In all stages of development HY Not Use The BEST ;:SldaSoap instead of the poorest? The differ ence in cost is tri fling; the result in use often astonishing. Cuticura Soap does so much for poor complex ion,, red, rough hands; dry, thin and foiling hairand baby skin troubles, especially, when as sisted by Cuticura Ointment, that no other can take its place. Besides, it satisfies in purity, delicacy and fra grance the most discriminating. Sold everywhere. IRES UMflEa vftfc Hx 8Ua Book. Address "Cutienr,H Dept. 79, BeettSk It 1 A Beautiful Complexion ' Aaotkcr Reoralt M Atm.sreSdoa. " New Tort World. In spit, of Perkins, la spite of Fllnn, in spite of Tim Woodruff, w hav at times been disposed to doubt the sincerity e( the Wrd-term party. ;Now that the Hon, Bourse Cock ran has "been nomi nated for congress by MY. Roosevelt's" organisation In Mr. Roosevelt's home dis trict, all eur doubts are dissipated. Whether he serves Crocker or serves Roosevelt, the Hon. Bourse Coekrsn will always he found eattUag for th. Lord. Mf St Yornn In Tn Days Nadinola CREAM The ComptexJoa) BeautifJer Vud mni Emdarud By Thousands NADINOLA banishes tan, sallowness, frtckJes, pimples, liver-spots, etc. Extreme cases twenty dart.. Rids pores, and tissues of imparities, leaves the skin clear, toft, healthy. Directions sad truatti la package. By toilet counters or mall. Two sixes, 50 cents sad $1.00. JbaSMKA RXUr CQMPAttr, tM- by Flwi Ml MtCmU Urns O. Owl Drc C. Lara! nsraav. SamrS nvsur, eUan. Reliable Drugs AT Reasonable Prices We conduct a drug store tvr the sale of medicines and un less our goods are of standard strength and Quality our cus tomers' health is not only en dangered 'but our reliability Is liable, to be Questioned. There has never been any ques tion in regarsl to our reliabil ity yet and we don't propose that there shall be. Our drugs are the purest obtainable, our prices as low as anybody's, and we1 guarantee What we selL We would like your trade. Serial & McConn.il Drag Co.