Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1912, MAGAZINE, Image 12

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- EetMninTotristi Tells of -Meeting
f J frettow Towiismep Everywhere
' Engagement , U Announced s,o Mr. J
Walter B. Robert Yonag
. . , V'
' Woman Hake Sad Mts
: ' i take on. Board Shpt
1 Social ttlendar.
HONDAT-Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Sllvar,
dinner for ilrr- Ragna Llnne of Cm
? cftgof matnea dancs at' Field 'Club. -TUESDAY
Mme. Raifna Gnne, son re-cital-at
Happy Hol.ow club; E. O. Ham-
ilton. dinner at Happy Hollow; ladies'
" day at Fie d club; laaies' day, mMines
dance and dinner and evening dance at
Happy Hallow.- ' , ,'
WEDNESDAY Miss Caroline Barkalow
Informal reception tor Miss Don 'of
Troy N. Y.; Mm. Walter G. Sihrfer,
luncheon for Mme. . Llnne; dinner ana
dance at Field club. '
THURSDAY ladies' day at Field and
Happy Hollow clubs; Mrs. M. M. Rob
ertson, luncheon at Happy Hollow. v
FRIDAY Dinner and dance at Seymour
Lake Country -t-lub; MiefcHelen Ingwer
sen and Miss Ruth F-tzseerald, dance
at Field club; opening ol Pram Park
Clubhouse. - .
6ATUROAY Dinner and dance at Coun.
irv.i Field, Happy Hollow and. Rod and
tjiin lubs. ' ' ' ' i ' f . V '
The first of the autumn engagements
' and one which will be of Interest to- a
large number of society people, Is that at
Miss Helen de Koven Davis and Mr.
(Walter B. Robert, wh'cfi Is announced
today by Miss Davis parepts, Mr. and
hir: F. 'H." Davis. BCth MW Davis ana
;Mr. Roberts are popular members Of tlu
Country club set and-theii sngagsment
has' been : auspetted for !. some; time;' by
their friends. . " . 4 ,.'',.'. i I
'. Miss 'Pavls1 Is a daughter of" Omaha, hef
'! grandparents, the ; late bishop and' Mrs.
Clarkson, having been old settlers nere.
She Is a member of Trlntiy cathedral,; ft
traduats of Brownell Hall, a member
'nf th Junior n rid ire club, has been a
imald of honor at several Ak-Sar-Bcn
'coronation balls and has traveled ex
tensively abroad.
Mr. Roberts Is a member of the Coun
jtry club and Racquet club and Is In the
(live stock commirslon 'business with his
I father, I E. Roberts, in South Omaha.
He attended Andover college where he
Imade a name for himself on the foot ball
field. He also acquired, the nickname ol
"DuHty" which has stuck ever since.
The date for the wedding has not beet!
'set. ' '
Many Attractive Guests. .,
Several charming visitors are in the
city and In their honor many social af
'falrs are being "given. Madam Ragna
Llnne of Chicago, who will give a song
recital at Happy Hollow Tuesday' even
ting, accompanied by Mrs. Walter" O,
'silver, arrived Saturday to be the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter 0. Silver and
was one of the guests at a dinner given
Iby Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dempster last
evening at Happy Hollow. Sunday even
ling, Mr and Mrs. James, 8tevens of
Chicago, who are slaying at the Paxton,
wtlf rttertaln tf supper in honor of
Madam Llnne. Monday evening-Mrs; Si
lver will give a dinner and Wednesday a
iluneheon In honor of he? - distinguished
'guest, k
Miss Mary Cleaver of Chicago, who is
Wedded on Saturday
. t rue. vr.-,. 7m
AA WW J w- -
MslUrtjj fifr slstM-D.JCi Buell(j will
return to ,ner pome mis- weeiy. j
Mrs. Sue LeCann'of 'OalveSton;' tex.,
ils the guest of Mrs. Ellen Coad Jensen.
'Mrs. J. C. KlnslwUnd Mrs.W. J. Coad
leach entertained In honor of Mrs. La
Cann and several Informal, affairs are
planned for the future.
Miss Lois Don of Troy, N. Y., arrived
".yesterday "to i visit" Miss Caroline Barka
'low. Miss Don was visited here two
jyears ago at this time. In her honor Miss
IBarkalow will give a reception .Wednes
Iday evening.
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf will have her cousin,
tMiss Amia Tlbbita of Lincoln, as her
,guest this week. Miss Tlbbltts Is on her
'way to Porto Rico, where ahe is to have
;charge of the training schools for teach
ers In the University there. She will
(Fall from New York on the "Carolina"
'September It. .:'' " ; v i"- : .
Miss Heth Valll,vwho has been, visiting
'1n Beatrice' returned Saturday ' to be
jthi guest of 'Mrs.', MarthaMieVB -or a
(few days before leaving for the. east tor
Iber senior year at vassar. ..i .
'"j.- Miss Marlon Day of Sioux tJCity Is
(spending a f(jw 'days visiting Miss Mona
Cowell, a classmate, at -Yasser.
Omalans Home from Abroad. l,
The Omahan who has Just returned
(from travelifig jn the, old,, country Is n the
.limelight at present. -With ' souvenirs,'
(pictures and tatee.lof fortdgn placesand
jjeopse, tne returned giooe-trotter cer-
jtainly baa the floor.' Not the least Interi
esting news 'that ' the travelers have . for
Khose who staved at home Is of the numr
be hi' pthet ' Dma&ant whom the! met
abroad. At one time' during the summer
there were eleven' Omaha pemple staying
. the -Victoria' ; hotel In London. They
.were Dr, and, Mrs. J. . K. Summers and
feons, Stuart and Jack; Mr. and Mrs. w.
J. 'B'irgess,' T9K 'and Mrs'. "Harry Cum
tmings, Sir, and;Mre. T,'.-J..Mahany and
jlf. A.' Hall.;' And at .th Hotel sCecll In
CWndon at the stmt' time . wero'Mr. and
Mrs, Wilson Austin., , ... , ,.
v0b, of . the travelers said that every
iplact she went other Omahans hi da bee ij
Rhere. Just beior ' hep. V Mles." Frances
.AVeisells cays that she met Dr. and Mrs,
(Nelson Mercer and Mrs. Bertha Offutt
and son Casper Offutt In London.' Mr?
land Mrs. Towle met Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Button n Germany, Switzerland ,an4
Trancs. and Mr. and.Mrs. W. J, Burgess
at' Lucerne'. Dr. and Mrs. B. B." Davis
met Mr. and , Mrs. Beespn In Paris and
.were leaving Fans Just-as Hen. J. K.
;. 5Iil!ard and Miss Jessie Millard arrived
1 there. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Davis and son. Herbert,
p.nd Mr. and Mrs. Towle and daughters:
Naomi, and Marlon, landed on the Kals
lerin a week ago yesterday, the latter rej
fturnlng directly to Omaha, getting here !
Jfuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Davis arrived ,
jrhurtdsy. Mrs. Davis says that the part !
pf thetrip she enjoyed most was motor
ing through the English villages and
(through the Black forest In Germany. She
Eays that they were In England the first
art of July, when the wether was fine
land '.ieach' new scene was like a Turner
(landscape. The Dayises went first to
f fenglsnd,' then to Paris, down the Rhine,
- (through the Black forest, to Lucerne,
(back to the German cities and took ship
(from Hamburg. , ; '
The Towles were gone ten weeks, metor-
i tag through the lake country of England
(and In Scotland, then visiting Belgium,
tHolland, Germany, , , Switzerland and
(France. Mre. Towle says that she liked
Hc-llsndspec!ayy welt "It. is so full of
i 'peace and content" said Mrs. Towle. .
Mrs. S. 6. Caldwell, who, with her sis
fter, Miss Frances Wessells, returned yes
Iterday, also enjoyed Holland more than
X i -A ' 1 1
pi 'i i. ,
:- U V I TrTJB42MGZV3 ' VI H '
September 1, . 1903. Mr. Charles Mont
gomery and M1S3 Moils Martin, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Euclid. Martin, celebrated
their marriage very quietly at the bride's
September 1,. Mot-Mr. William D, Reed
and Mits Louise Smith, dauBhtet. of Mrs..
AVatson B. Smith,, splemnlzed . their mar.
riage at the First Baptist church. ' . ;
any other country because of Its quaint-
nets. They were In Holland some time,
visiting the cities and taking canal trips.
Miss WosAeils says that Paris and Brus
sels appealed to her more than any other
home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. I A. J.
Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Mahoney landed In
Boston.. Wednesday and were expected
home yesterday. , Mr. and, Mrs. A, J.
Beeson landed Wednesday on the Oceanic
n New York and will be here tomorrow
or the next day. .. ... , ;
Mls Llda Wlliwn, Miss Minnie Wilson
and, Miss Mary Woodbrldge were to land
Friday In Quebec and are expected home
Tuesday. Rev. T. J. Mackay landed Fri
day In New York on the Cedrlo, but will
stop In several cities enroute. ', ,,'
Mrs. George; Palmer' and" children and
Mlrs Ethel Morse and Mrs. H. C. Van
Gleson sailed Saturday. Bishop A. L.
Williams sails today on the Lorentia and
will go to Richard's Landing, Ontario,
to meet Mrs. Williams, from where they
will return. J"V r .."., "
Miss Portia Sweet will sail next Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs.-Gottlieb Bton, Mi's
Louisa Stors, Miss Olga Store and Miss
Hens will sail next Thursday. ,
Dr. and Mrs. J.' E. Summers and son!
will land next week. Urn' Bertha Offutt
and 'Casper and Virginia Offutt will sail
September 15. Mr. arid trt.. F., L. Haller
and Miss Maif ''Mu'fesnndff'fwlll ; return
the last, of . thlslnqnth.;; ' t
Among those wlio; will Wot return until
next month are5,4 l4rs. - Harry
Cummlngs, Mrs '; John tJIudion', Mrs.
Leonora Diets Nelson, Mr.and:Mrs. A. I.
Root, Mrs. P. (J.Moriarty Judge and
Mrs. W. A. Redlck,'Mrsii barren Rogers
and Miss Mildred Rogers will not return
until November.
Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Bridges will remain
In Vienna-through the winter.
Mrs. John Bourke and daughters have
returned from Europe,'. but are remaining
east for a few weeks.
Travelers Returning Home, "
Mrs. C. J. Smyth and family arrived
Thursday from Okobojl.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hoyt have returned
from their vacation at Spirit Lake.
Miss Nash Is visiting at Atlanta, Ga
and will be home about September 10.
Mrs. E M. Fairfield arrived - home
Wednesday 'from ilafborV Point,, Mich.
Mrs. R. J. Pinning and Miss Dinning
returned yesterday from Charlevoix,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F Gurley are home
from Chelsea, N. J., and in Massachu
setts. ' i
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burns and children
ara expected next Tuesday from West
hampton, L. I. . - " v ! " ,
Miss Irene Rosewater, who has been
touring the Pacific coast for the - last
three months, returned today.
Mr. and Mrs, John A. McSUane and Dr.
and, Mrs. Allison returned Friday from
two weeks at Colorado Springs.
Mr. Arthur' ; Keellne is back ' from
Mackinac, where he has been tne 'guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jaques. Mrs. Kee
llno will remain there a little longer., ;
Mlrts Mary Rlngwalt returned yesterday
from Kansas City, where she has been
visiting Miss Ethel "-Waddelt. .- The latter
will come toVOrhaha" for a vtslt a little
later.,, , ,;'.';, ' .,
k Mrs. Walter Page , and, son, Richard,
and Miss Nannie Page, who have been at
Lake Cayuga, N. , Yl; arid " recently , In
Baltimore and other eastern Cities, are
expected home the early part of ,'thl
week,' ' ".' '. ' . --'
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountie, who
with Mr, and Mrs. Ward Burgess and
Mr.and Mrs. John T. Stewart, 2d, mo
tored east from Cleveland, have been at
Wlanno, Mass,, this week and leave there
today "to , return to Mackinac -by train.
Mr,: and Mrs', Burgess remain at Wlanno
fthmcth antt Mrs. Stewart' returns to
iMacklnaQ for the month of September.
air. ptewan wyi De in omana.tnis week.
tt. E. Haselton, - who has been homer
steading In western Nebraska, la expected
to return to Oroaha iaoon.- ' .
Mrs., Andrew Rosewater. returned yes-
terday. from Lake Genevia.
Mrs? H. Gates has returned from
art outing at A Lake Genevia, - ' ."
Pr. and Mrs.' J; A.J Jenkins and daugh
ter," Mariam, of St Mary's Avenue Con
gregational church, have returned from
their European trip. Mr. and 4 Mrs, Jen-
klna enjoyed several weeks of sight-see
Ing in the British Isles, . and also ex
citing experiences among the Icebergs off
the coast of Laborador.
Mr. and Mrs. J.. M. Brengte and daugh
ter have ben spending the past two
weeks at their' summer home, Halcyon
Lodge, at Valley',, Neb. "Mrs. Franklin
C. Mitchell was .with them there, as was
also Miss Jennie Sheahan, who will re
turn Monday.. '
' Albert Edholm Is home from his vaca
tion at Deer Wood, Minn. '
Ross Hammond and family are home
from their vacation In the, woods of Min
nesota. Mr. Hammond stopped In Omaha
September ..!. l?W.-Mr. David J.- Traill
and Miss Mabel M. Emerson',, daughter
of Mrs. S. A. Emerson, succumbed ; to
Cupid's maneuvers. The ceremony was
celebrated ' at the bride's home' in. the
presence of immediate relatives' and a' few
inUmate friends.' The ilnterlor of ;. the
house was most becomingly, decerated
with palms, cut ' flowers and Scotch
thistle blossoms, which gave an. artistic
and pleasing effect and " undoubtedly
added : to the composure of the bride
groom, who Is proud of bonnle Scotland
as "his 'birthplace. . ' .V--
Engagement Announced
while, his family wenLon to their borne
at Fremont. .
H. P. Neeley has returned from Rainy
Lake. Canada, where he enjoyed twenty
eight days of camp life, fishing , and
hunting. .
" Miss Belle Ryan and Mrs. Orletta" 8.
Chittenden returned Saturday from Estes
park, Colorado, where they spent a month.
Out-oMown Wedding.
Cards haVe been received for the mar-
r'age of Miss Mary Zollinger, of Canton,
Ohio, to Mr. Odin Mackay, son of the
Kev. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mackay of this
city on Tuesday, September 10. Mrs.
Mackay and daughter Eleanor, will leave
next Thursday for. Canton to attend the
wedding and Dr. Mackay, who has Just
returned from abroad, will meet them
there and will officiate at his son's mar
riage. The, ceremony will ba performed
at the bride's home and about two hun
dred and fifty guests will be present.
Mr. Reed of Chicago will act as best
man for Mr. Mackay,- whose' home Is
now Chicago. -' ; - ' '
Parsons-Sage Wedding.
A quiet wedding .was celebrated Satur
day at ; 1 O'oiock when Miss Adah Sage,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Sage, be
came the bride .of Mr. Wiley W. Parsons.
The marriage lines -were read by Rev.
Milton B. Williams at the. home Of the
bride's parents at 3319 Charles street
There. weer no attendants and only rel
atives were present, numbering about
twelve,. v ' .'. '..".
Mr. and' $drs'.', Parsons 1 left Saturday
evening for an extensive western wedding
trip to Colorado and will be at home on
their return after October 15 at 3411
Charles street. ' Both were students at the
Oniaha High school.
Guest in Omaha
Wedding Anouncements.
The wedding of Miss Annette Lady and
Mr, Howard Farrell will take-place Oc
tober 13 at . high noon at St. Cecilia's
church. Miss Ruth McDonald will be
maid of honor and the bridesmaids will
ba Misses Irene Farrell and Anne Rob
ertson, .Tlje' matrons of fconor will be
Mrs. Earl Powell of Chloasro' and Mr
Hardin . Bean. Mr. Ray Farreft will be
best man. .'" '
y , vf. . .' -
Omaha Girl Hakes Sad Mistake.
, An Omaha young woman, who arrived
home yesterday morning after spending
the summer in Europe, had " a number
of interesting experiences, some of which
.were ' very amusing, especially to her
companion and relatives who were trav
ellng with her. When the party boarded
the . special train from London, which
took them to port, each traveler;- was
given . a -' "passenger list"-of the people
who would be on board. This bright
young American girl Immediately found
the name of Lord Congleton on the list.
"I think I : will make a hit with the
English'; nobleman," she announced to
her friends.
Upon ; boarding the steamer, the young
woman went directly to the writing room,
and, seeing a well groomed young nun
with a yachting cap and a navy blue uni
form, decider! he must be the library
steward, So she walked up, to him and
tald , "I want two two-cent stamps,
please-"' ' '
The young man simply glared at her,
so she hastened away to the deck, where
some one Informed her that she had
been talking to the English lord. The
uniform was his yachting costume. The
story soon spread among the first class
passengers and the young woman' was
teased considerably. Alas, the young
:: - WW
. f i v Il
f . f i
I - " 1 'K w ; i
Are Other
besides location to account for
the crowds at our soda fountains
16th. and Dodge Street.
- ietb and Harney Streets.
vTfldmas J. Kelly
Ms. Kelly
studio :", residence;
209 S. 3Sth Avotue. r
Season opens Monday,", Sep
tenlber Second. l
. : Vdr ' Terms, AppolntmeBte,
Cite,, r none narnejr
Englishman ; was not as forgiving as
heroes are wont to 'be, nnd his opinion
of American girls diminished for a' time.
At the Field Club. 7 " -;
M ss Marjorle Howland entertained at
dinner last : evening at the club; Cards
were placed for:'. '. ''
Katherine Krdg.
Louise Bedwell.
Mary Megeath.
Marjorie Foote.
John Loomls.
Lake Deuel.
Roy McCullough.
Brandon Howell.
Mr. and Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. M
guests: '.
Misses ',.
Ruth Dowllng.
Claire Hammer. '
- Messrs
Emerson , Gllmore.
Lloyd Mattspn.
' Mr. ana mrs.
Dorothy Dale.
Adelyn Wood.
Helen Epenetar.
Marjorie Howlaild.
Messrs.--. . - J
John Bowen." f
Richard Payne. -Robert
Byrnjs. vl
Frank Latenser.- -R.
H. Howland.
Powling had 'aa their:
Misses , .
Henrietta Gllmore.
Alva Hammer. '
- Messrs. - l.
Byers,, Harlan,. Ia,
Charles Hall.
M. Dowling. '
served, and 'those present were: : Mr. and
Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. A. Richardson,
Mrs. E,v, Richardson, Mrs.- Eilbert, Mrs
Rose, Mrs. Belknap,;-Mrs."' Macall,' Mrs.
Lunberg, .Mrs. Buck, ''Mrs. Cole,"st
Jones, Miss Richardson, Miss E. Fenaii,
Miss C.-Fenan. X-i-'V
, IX
Chesapeake Cafe
1508-10 Howard St.
Tabic ' d'ldte Sunday Dinner
From iliSO to 8 P. M.
' 1 "
Mrs. George Wright will entertain In
honor of her daughter Mliabeth's fif
teenth birthday at the "Omaha Field club
Monday afternoon from 2 uhtll 5 o'clock.
She will be assisted by Mesdimes Am
brose, Sevier, Williams, '-'THomaa,'' Ben
jamin, ' ; Norria, George, " ' Watterman, :
Crdbke. ' The' guests'-will' ''
"Misses- "' '"' "Misses-' -
Grthchen Allen, Mildred t Wests, t ,
Lenore llen, . . Marjorie uavers,
Katherine Ostehberg.Clara McAdams,
'Mary Msrdis, 'Many 'McAdams, .
Doorthy Thorne, -. -Jacy: Allen,
UllzaDetn. uiurtevanujois waierman,
Katherine SturtevaritGladys Crooke,
Katherine Sanders, ' Gertrude Mattson,
Seymour Lake Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs. fJohn;Urtoir entertained at
dinner last evenlngvat the ' club, when
their guests- were:' :-r-,' . ''::.;
,'Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Cole: ' ': :
Mr. and Mrs Ed Hamilton. V
Mr. and Mrs. John'Pulver. t ,-.- -
f Dr. and Mrs. J. Bishop. .. .
ian'd t0ut. of .the Bee Hive.
' PaUl Gallagher, and Fraik Keogh were
at Okobojl last week., 1 ' c, 1 ';'.'.
-laty John- Utt,; Jr..: of 'vLW Angel 1
in-', the city visiting his 'father, Mr. John";
uti,, . .' ': - ''''x'A
K.r, Hume and eona, Cart and Robert,
V- . ' x I'. . n '.'..
(Continued oh; Page Eight.)
fliiciiEiiFi siiisfi
Residence - Studio, ; 3838 - Harney St.
.Evelyn Hortonr
Alice Kamey,
Virginia Halplne,
Helen Alleman,
Pearl Kllngbell,
Ruby Klingbell, ,
Edith Howe,
Elizabeth Wright
W. M. Glller had
Doorthy Challls,
Belle Summers,
Martha Gyger,
Dorothy Solomon,
Maud Cochran,
Ruth McCoy, . (. -Dorothy
Mildred Rhodes,
Mr. and Mrs.
their , guests. '. ...
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huff. ' ' " ''
Mr. and Mrs. J. 'A.Siford. '
Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Hlggins. . - '
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siddles, Lincoln,
Mr. and Mrs, A.. J. Vlerling had
their guests at .dinner last evening:
, Mr, and Mrs. L. IL Korty v
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Blanchard.
' Mrs. Mattle Hughes of Los Angeles.
Informal Affairs. .
Miss Anna Neble entertained informally
at a dancing party last evening at her
home. About forty guests were present.
.. Mr. Harry Lundberg oC Stoux City, la ,
was the guest of a number of his friends
at the Gayety theater Saturday afternoon,
among whom were Miss Elizabeth--Rase.
Miss Grace Slater - and, Mr. and Mrs..
Claude W. Shay. A pleasant afternoon
was spent ' ' . ' ' '
Mrs. D. C. Buck gave a-linen, shower
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Orin Richard
son, who have Just returned from their
wedding trip. 'The -afternoon was spent
In games and social chat Luncheon was
' ; Of Rochester;'. T, .,
EAL0 SHOP, Silver Workers
Of Chicago, hi.
Moved to Omaha
Of course this cannot be accomplished, but If you -will look ia
our window any time before Monday noon, you will see a dis- -play
valued at 111,000, of the products of these two shops. -
We are the exclusive Omaha agents for all the products of
these two wonderful institutions, that are known from coast tv
coast for the executing of the highest priced, most wonderfully:
artistic, band wrought products in these lines of goods the world '
has ever 'known. v
You will certainly miss a rare opportunity if you do not de
vote a few moments Monday morning to having Mr. Fay, the'
shop representative, explain something of this work.
' Our window will be filled with, these articles '.
day Sunday and up to Monday noon.
A; :rM0SPE CO, ;
If you don't get "Framer's, Craft Shop" frames on your picture
you are, not, getting the best. . : v
A' '
.. 1 it i .. t .i;.-. w- - y. aw .-vy '.-.-,-.-;-,v-- .- -.v-x '...vv.vx
- M -4t
v.! 4;-rr l-e?:
(h -i T " - - " ttK v (1
mSSmBY CLZAVEB oF Chicago .
& -
Announcement of Automobile Equipment for Funerals
The firm of Brailey & Dorrance, undertakers, recogni2- , added to their equipment a new auto-funeral car of the latest.
ing the demand of the public for more comfortable and effi- is uto-funeralW to be put in service
t- . . " in the middle west, and this firm is now prepared to furnish
cient services in the conducting of funerals, and determined ; to its patrons complete automobile-funerals, including strictly
that their patrons shall -have the best service possible, have high grade limousine cars for funeral cortege. ...
Phone Douglas 026 , lOtti and Cuming Sis.