THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1912. 11 KEAli ESTATE CITY PROPERTY I'OU (HIE. j REAL KSTATE IFAHM KAM JI I.AM) FOR Ten Lots in ; "Kountze Place Vy only have 10 late left out of 43 that 6 put on sale .a short time ago, between' Sherman Ave 19th, Pinkney and Tratt 9ts., just east of Kountze Park. Tou will never again be able to buy lots in KounUe Flace at as low prices as you can buy them now. We. only have one 40-ft. lot left on Pratt St.. $G5i); one on Evans St.; $S50; one for I960 and two for J1.060 each. Two fronting Kountie Park at $300 each' and one corner at $1,000 and one corner at; $1,100. Terms are cash and balance X 2 and 3 years. There are no lots offered on the North Bide today that are so well located as these lots are,' at such' low prices. Evans, Pratt, 18th " and 19th Sts. will all be paved In a very 'short. time. ' . ' ' HASTINGS & EtEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. Jf New 5-Room ' Cottage South Side $275 down, balance aboct the same as rent House 2208 S. 14th 6u just south of . Dorcas; has city waten. sewer, Kac, bath, electric light and full basement, where two or more rooms, could be finished; also two rooms can be finished hi attic. Close to churches, schools, stores and car Hne. HASTPS'GS & HETDEN, 1M4 Harney St. Trackage Lot BEST INOMAM A '' Size 66x132, location southeast comer of I4th and Jackson Sts. Offered for sale vr will erect building to ' suit tenant rlease for term of years, or will give ground lease for term of years. Apply to : Skinner Mfg. Co. iiii GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET P!rrlla. FLORIDA LANDS FOR SALE. PARTIES desirinx to locate in Florida can save money anil secure better land by making their wants known to me. I have lived in Florida' eighteen years and know conditions. O. J. Jewell, 916 Hogran street. Jacksonville. Fia. Iowa. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm is to Insert a small want ad in the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in tha state ol Iowa, 43,000 dally. The Capital is read by and believed In by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper la their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day: $1-2$ per line per month; count six ordinary words to the line. Address Des Moines Capital. Des Moines. la. - Minnesota. MINNESOTA I.ANDS. THE rush Is on for Clay county. We have over 20.000 aores of fine level prairie land improved and unimproved; heavy black, soil: clay subsoil; $it to M0 per acre; easy terms. Send tor list ana map. leellanii Realty Company, 633 Pal ace uiaar., Minneapolis, A3 inn. Showing Conditions are on the Side of the Buyers of Wheat. C0P.N SHORTS AfiE COVERING Leaders iu Oats Express the Belief tkat the Export Demand Will Sonn Re Lighter than the Movement. .MINNESOTA. Write' for our Minnesota booklet "C; special rates. DAY & NIGHT REALTY CO., 103 Banker Life Bid., Lincoln, Neb. MtsaUatppl. . . FOR SALE-MO0 ACRES HARDWOOD TIMBER; ft mile from Mississippi River in Mississippi. Heavy timber; oak, ex press, couonwooa, etc. iu per acre, will accept 5, oown and time on balance, JOHN MORRIS. Brown City, Mich Nebraska. ' DOUGLAS COUNTY FARMS to dose an estate, within the next thirty days, we are offering two Douglas county farms, one of 100 acres and one of 100 acres, away below their actual value and below what adjoining land is held at They are both highly Improved, well lo cated and are special bargains at the price asked. It you are looking for a farm either for a home or as an in vestment it will pay you to Investigate these. GALLAGHER & NELSON. 483 Brandeis Bldg. Omaha, Neb. THREE FARMS NEAR STRATTON, Neb., on main line B. & M. R. R. W. L. Gibbs, Qulncy, 111. Omaha. Neb. Corner Lots Fine 40th and Charles, 80x130, permanent side walk In; both streets paved and paid for; improvements alone costing over 600... A big bargain at $1,250. . ; O'Neil's R E. & Ins, Agency 1505 Irham Street. P.. S. To sell property list it .with .us. , CLOSE, IN; EASY ' PAYMENT, BARGAIN. i23' Chicago St.v 6-roc-m cottage,' three bed rooms, parlor, dining room, kitchen . and, bath, lot 33x132, house has modern plumbing and gas. 'Win be vacant within a month.; Price $2,200. $309 cash, balance 110-311 Brandeis Theater. D. 685. YOU v' r : CAN, MAKE. FROM $500 '" to $800 I By buying the 8-room house at the S. "W. corner 19th-and Spencer Sts., at $3,600. The biggest bargain we have ever offered In Kountze Place. A well arranged and well located home; has reception hall, parlor with fireplace, large dining room, kitchen and one bedroom on the first floor. The lot alone Is worth from $2,000 to $2,500; paved street on both. sides; the lot is 60x124 ft, besides 22 ft more parking along the east side; house has city water, sewer, gas, bath and furnace heat;' by going to a little expense of fixing up the floors on the first floor and doing some painting and papering, etc., the house will easily be worth $4,600. See it at once. The exterior has just-been painted. , j ' v , -t A. HASTINGS at HETDEN. 1614 Harney St. 1 ! : ; 1 37--North of Farnara . 8-r., lisual rooms, extra bedroom, first floor:'. 4-r. upstairs... each with closet: bath upstairs; HOT WATER HEAT, full basement, laundry;- corner; lot, pavea at. . 0 'KeefeEeal Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Nat. 3ank Doug. 2153.1 Evenings H. 2842 or H. 5134. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, indexed,' mailed-free en application. Charles E. Williamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals, Care of Property, Omaha. , Farms Farms Farms Driving distance of Omaha; bargains. Let us show you the goods. All sues, au prices, ai terms. ORIN S. MERRILL. Rooms 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg. 640 ACRES, GREELEY COUNTY, NE BRASKA. 640 acres, 4 miles north of Greeley; 6 room house, barn, 38x40; well and wind mill, corn crib and other outbuildings; all fenced and cross fenced; 60 acres in al falfa; 400 acres broken altogether; $70 an acre. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 483 Brandeis Bldg.,Omsha, Neb. , hoath Dakota. FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land: 40 acres broke, balance all tillable: I miles from Dallas and 6 miles front Colome. Price, $W per acre, payable. $1,500 cash. fc.WO March 1. 1913; March 1. 1917. Address Box 186, Dallas, S. D. 1 . Montana. 70,000 acres Carey land open to entry on Valier-Montana project. Canal sys tem completed. Payments extend over fifteen years. Section famous for grain, forage' and vegetables. Write. Clinton, Hurtt . & Co, Box 10, Valler. Mont. Do you want a farm In the Judith "Basin whCDe-wtntei wheat yields forty bushels per; acre? Excellent: openings ror all Uses of business in new towns.:. For particulars write J. 9. Endslow, - asst. secy., Judith Baain Development League, Hobson, Mont " NO agricultural section evidences more progress and prosperity than eastern Cus ter county. Our soil is of the rich loam that produces, wonderful yields. I have lands to selltfrora $10 to. $28 per acre. J. It, joaraiow,- saner, muunuia. OMAHA, Aug. 30. 1911 It is a popular thing usually among the traders to begin talking bearish simply because the market has worked up 3 or 4c from the previous low point. They argue that the short interest has been largely forced to cover. For this reason alone they think the market a sale on hard spots. Another element in the trade Is the slow movement of the spring wheat, and the certainty that the mills in the northwest will absorb most of the early movement, and the absence of hedging sales or active selling pressure In the market from many quarters. Messages report heavy rains In North Dakota last night. The showery conditions elsewhere are on the side of the buyers. On a little natural reaction traders believe the sup port will be sufficient for further ad vance. Cash wheat unchanged. Some of the local shorts in corn as well as in wheat were forced to cover on ttie advance yesterdav. Around the lop prices there was considerable profit-taking by the local longs. Receivers are expecting somewhat larger movements from re serves, but shippers and cash handlers generally say that all the corn will be wanted. All futures are at a remarkable discount under cash oorn prices. This Is the one feature which the short seller cannot get away from. There is a grow ing feeling of friendliness to the buying side of December corn on the theory tliat the old and new deliveries are too far apart. There Is some buying on the be lief that the late portion of the crop will not escape frost injury. Cash corn un changed to Ho lower. There was a good selling of oats by holders and local bears around the top prices yesterday. Traders expressed the belief that the export demand will soon be lighter; then the movement to the market may Increase with fine weather. Cash oats unchanged. There will be no session of the Omaha market Monday, September 2, Labor day. Clearances of wheat and flour were 390, 000 bu.; corn, 2,000 bu.; oats, 17,000 bu. At Liverpool wheat was M'd higher; corn, W lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1,627,000 nusnets ana snipments suz.uw ousneis, against receipts of 903,000 bushels and shipments of 385,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 814,000 bush els and shipments 442,000 bushels, against receipts of j68,000 bushels and shipments of 587,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,436,000 bushels and shipments, 773,000 bushels, against receipts of 537.000 bushels and shipments of 202,000 bushels last year. The following cash prices for grain were received: Wheat No. 2, hard win ter, 10 cars, 8Mc; 1 car, 8914c; 1 car, 89c. No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, 88 Wc; S cars, 88c; 3 cars, 88c; 1 car, 87c. No. 4 hard winter, 2 cars, 87c. No. 3, spring, 1 car. 87Hc 1 car, SOfcc. Rejected mixed, 1 car, 81c. No grade hard winter, 1 car, 86c; 1 car, 84Hc Oats No. 3, white, 3 cars, 32V4c; S cars, 32c. No. 4, white, 1 car, 82c; I cars, 31c; 6 cars, SIHc; 7 cars, 81Vc; 1 car, 31c. No. grade, 1 car, 68c; 1 car, 66V4o. Corn -No. 3, white, 1 cap, 7c. No. 3, white, 1 car, 75V4a No. 4 white, 1 car, 75o. 1 car, 74'c. No. 4. colored, 1 car, 74c. No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 74c; No. 3 yellow, 2 cars, 74$io; 1 car, 74ttc; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 74c; 1 car, 73c; No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 74V4c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 74Vc; 1 car, 74c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 74Hc; 1 car. 74c; 1 car, 74c. No, 4 mixed, 1 car, 74c; 1 car, !3c;, I car, 73V4& Omaha, Cash Prtoes. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 88i90V; No. 3 bard, 8ti(gS9c; No. 4 hard, 82H88V. CORN-No. 2 white. 76c: No, 3 white, 75,i75V4c; No. 4 white, 74g75c; No. 2, yellow, 74c; no. 3 yellow, jtffiw: No. 4 yellow, 73074c; No. 2, 7474(4e; No. 3, 7474ttic; No. 4, 734'Ac; no grade. 66'iti8c. OATS No. 2 white. 323Sc; standard, 32tt32c; , No. white, 323JV4c; No. 4 white. JWSlttc; No. S yellow, Jl3lc. BARLEY Malting, 05c; No. 1 feed, 36(f4Cc. RYE No. 2, 02c; No. 3, 5760c Sic; No. 4 white. 81iSi4e; No. 4 yellew. SOVttf$lVc. Oats. No. 2 white. XU8&c: No. i white. 3Mtfi34Hc; No. 4 white. Si'ViS1 S3c; standard, SlHlfKe. Kye, No. 2, 70c. itarley, CQTlc Saed, timothy, $S.75(ijs4.75; clover. I11.00t$16.00. UUTTEK-Steady; creanmries, 'Si'io; dairies, :ilitt23c. EGGS Steady; receipts, S.SH3 rases; et mark, eases included, 170; ordinary firsts. 18c; firsts, 20e. CHEESE Steady: daisies. 13i;'.ee; twins. Htiii,c; young Americas. ISsj 15'io; long horns. Uig'15'c. I "OTATOES Steady ; reeelpU. ears; Wisconsin, IMtioo; Minnesota. toifMr. POl'LTRY-Allvo. strong; -.urkeys, l.V, chickens, 14-..c; springs, ISc, VEAL Steady at 9$ 13c. NEW YORK GEAKHAI. MAKHKT OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET1 Receipts of Cattle are Light, Even for a Friday. HOGS ARE STEADY TO SIRONGEH j Maht Receipt of Sheep and 1mh, With Iamb Especially In Small j Sapply Trade Very Slow j and Feeling Wrak, SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 30, 1912- Texns.' " : ' GOOD BUY. $6,500. Eight-room, strictly modern and up-t-date house; large south-front lot; paved, street; close to St-John s church." - GALLAGHER & NELSON. 4S3 3randeis Bldg. Omaha, Neb. I NKED THE CASH! And will ieil my 6-room cottage, 3323 Franklin St. at a. price thut will make a t per. cent Investment.. Call and ..I'll prove It. f. I, W.-Smith. .' - BRAND NEW. C-room and bath; finest residence dis trict; $i00 cash balance $30 monthly; to tal price, $-l,8d; cuk finish; pnved sftren; near school ami church. Phone Web. 3511. CATHEDRAL district, modern 1-roo:u house, east front, shades, storm sash, paved street, Farnam car half ' block. Phone Harney 2459. STOP, IXXIK. HEAR! ;: Seven-room house at 4020 Brown) St., lot cuxiw 11 laxen at once, ti.uuu. uau at place or phone Webster 3560. FOR 6ALE-2377 . Evans new, .1. ,j , i FOUR tine lots in Morningsicse addition, reasonable. Webster 4076. ' 1 15.332 acres 3.0O9 under cultivation, ' 10,000 acres tillable, . $50,000 Improvements, fifteen flowing welU, : One large reservoir, $20.00 an acre. No trading.. y W. H. GRAHAM, l , Cuero, Texa LIVE : STOCK MARKET OF WEST .bhlp live took to' South Omaha. Save Mileage ana shrinkage. ' 'xour consign oienta receive prompt aad careful atieu--.leu. ...... j Live Stock Commission Merchants. BYERS BROS, ft CO. Strong, reliable. Clay, Roblson & Co., 200 Exchange Bldg. CLIP'J'Oft Com. Co., U2 Exchange BlUg. Mai tin: Bros, -fc Co., Kxcuanxe Bidg. Snyder-Malone-Cofiiruin Co.. Jt i.x. ma. LAVER'XY BROS.. 1M Uxciiunge idg. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE Oi'' SALE OF UtKlGAT10. DISTKlCi' BONDS. To AH Whom It May Concern: Notice is bere&y given tuat the Board ot UUeet!r oi the Jvimbail Irrigation Uliitrict km declared its Intention to sell aiid will tell tuUiy tl'ousaau Uoiiars Xjj.. par vaiue, or any tnmlJer amount, ot its bonds hetofoi lssucu, uateu Jmy 1, 1911, at the otflce ot said board on the lornu ol r'nt and .lie.-tiiut h tree is in Kimball, Kimbiij. cuuuiy, state of Ne braska, ou Wed&esuay, the ui iay or September, A. U. 1912. at tin, hour . or inei o'clock noon. teaied proposaib will be received by tne at -a - 1 uoaru at tueir mtuw uitice lor tn. nur. modern, nak finish, sleepiitfporch! icuase of sala amount of bonds or any Owner. XVeTster 7si. '.- . ' ! W?.f-.S!5.,V ! W tNsuivu iwwivi . wm..h time tne sai i,oaid will ui-cii tne proiioals unu awaru ti.u purcaa u of 1. e uoudi to t. hisst reptnslUle bidder or uiddeis. the board cowexeiv receiving tii iltUl tu reject tiiv or ail bids. Uated AUtust 12. 1912. By onter of tue Boaid of Directors. THE KIMBALL IRRIGATION DIS XfllCT. (tai i-y I. S. WALKER, President . Atieut: Frel R. Morgan. Secretary. : Ai2d:u . TO BIIY, milAj ti KE.NTT. yiKST'.SKM JOHN W. R0BBIN3, 12 i'ARNAM hT. -- '.... 'REAL KSTATE f -'" v. FARM A RAXCH I.ANP8II FOR SALE : ' Ala bantu. SOUTHERN ALABAMA. LAND FORI fn r Phi timi tn .'. -aiiuu. .ear orauQ ay, satsuma, Cal vert and Mobile on railroad. WHX PAS BROKERS, $i0 to $30 pec acre?. Uuv di rect, save middle man's profit " Address V 142. bee. .: L'aliforn la. - GRIDLEY Irrigated .lony land at $75 to $15 per acre; gotx.j land, plenty of water; tntckly settled 'fistrict, witli good schools, adjoining towjn of 2,000. Easy terms. Write for illustrated booklet Homeseekers' Irrigated Land Co., Grid ley, California. , GEE AT S0U1S GEORGIA. ' Traverse by the . . ATLANTIC. BIRMItfGHAAl-ATLANTIC RAlL-fOAu. y. Lands adaDted to ;tha vlitmt r nt crop. Ail tne raonej crops of the south plentifully produced. 1 For literature Seat ing with this coraii g country, its soil, cnmate, church -and school advaiit&ec. write 1 VW. B. "LEAH Y.-DEPT., K. General Pas) enger Agent. - ... ATLAS TA.GA. s GOVERNMENT NOTICES. BALE OP GENUINE BUFFALO-SKIN Overcoats. Depot Quartermaster's of fice, Twer.ty-second and Hickory streets, Omaha, Nebraska, August 29, 1912, Proposals on blanks to be furnished by this ofllce, will De received and opened daily, between the hours of 9 a. m., and 4 4. m., from September 1, 1912 to April 30, .1013, for the sale of 4,000 genuine buffalo-skin overcoats, more or less, to the public at large. Proposal blanks and clr. eular ot instructions to bidders, will be furnished on application to Lieutenant Colonel JOHN E. BAXTER, depot quar termaster, i A-29.30,21 Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 30. WHEAT No. Chicago Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha Kansas City. St. Louis Winnipeg .... Carlo Rerrlpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Quotations of the Day on Various r.iimoril(la, NEW YORK, Aug. 30.-FUlURStedy ; spiing patent, $o.Hb5.16; winter stralihtJ, H..".M4.tW; winter patents. n.itifa.A: spring clears. $4.5034. 8j; winter extias, No. 1, $4.10i'if4.2: winter extras Xo. 2, $l.vO 4.10; Kansas straights. $4.254.40. WHEAT Spot maiket easy; No. 2 red, $1.06-. c. I. f. track, and $U7. f. o. b. aflont. do ed HSo net lo-er; September, Jl.ftSH, December, $1.02i; May, tlb6. CORN Spot market easy; export. 61o, t o. b. afloat, December and ilarcii. OATS-Spot market unsettled; new standatd white, 40l4c; No. X No. 4, 3V?, all track; natural white, PVtl'llc; uew white clipped, 4244c. HAY Firm; pttme, $1.4.1; No. 1, $1.85; No. 2, Jl.iO(i)l.&"; No. 3, jr$I.0&. HIDES Strong ; Central America, 2J1iP; Bogota. ?4H9i2oc. LEATHER Steady; hemlock firsts; 36 27c; seconds. 4rmc; thiids, lijeUc; r. Jects, 10c. PROVISIONS-Pork, mess, $30.00r.00; family. $20.W21.00; short clears, l.To0 12.00. Beef, firm; mess, $16.001 M; fam ily, $18.fS:i9.(; beef hams. $28.(KXiTi:,,1.0J. Cut meats, qirtel; piekied bellies, 10 to 14 pound!, $!2.(kU 14.08; pickled hams, 3l3.CHi 14.00. Lard, firm: middle west. $11. r5 11.45; tellned, firm; continent. $11.80; South America, $12.20; compound, S.;'jO TALLOW Firm i prime city, hhds., Vke; country, 66e; pecll, 7o. POULTRY Dressed, dull; fresh killed western chickens, ltlg23c; fowls, MViUJlIc; turkeys, lti17c. BUTTER Firm ; receipts. 8,687 tubs; creamery, extra, 27141f27Hc; firsts, 2ff28c. CHEESE-Steady; receipts, 1,443 boxes; state, whole milk, white, specials, 16 lto; same, colored, HVic; skims. 413c EOGS-Firm; receipts, 13,062 eases; refrigerator firsts. season's storage charges paid, 22V4I&23HC; seconds, 20a2ic: third, lK19c; western fresh gathered whites, 24ff37e. POULTRY-Allve. firm; western broil, ere, 17(aU0c; fowls, l&g'.vjc; turkeys, 14c; dressed, steady; fresh killed western chickens, 14(8230; fowls, 13Jftc; turkeys, 16917c. . 147 .. 506 .. 82 .. 82 .. 272 .. 254 .. 31 253 61 37 43 604 Id) 23 12$ CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. S0.-Prospects of an increase in the visible supply bore down today on the price of wheat. There was a heavy tone at the close, with the mar ket c under last night. 1 Wheat did not take the down grade in earnest until some larger shorts and many of the smaller ones had stampeded for cover as a result of timidity con cerning possible frost damage In Canada and owing - to threshing delay due to rain In the Dakotas and Minnesota. Signs that world shipments would be very large, more than 2,000,000 bushels In excess of last week, made the close at the lowest level virtually of the day. iDecember ranged from IMo to 95c, with last sales at 94!4c, a loss ot c net. 1 1 J Frost expected tonight in the north west carried corn up sharply, but values reacted when country sales showed a decided Increase. December closed steady a shade net higher at 5D65Hc. Cash grades were easy. No. 2 yellow was quoted at 81&81c. Scarcity of ocean freight room had a weakening effect on oats. September closed 3c under last night at 32Mc. Despite liquidating sales of January pork provisions averaged higher. Pork ranged from 1012V4e off to 10c gain but other products showed 2,44p7l4c in crease In cost. The leading futures closes as follows: Article! Open.j High. j Low, Close. Yes'y. Wheatl hept Dec. May. Corn I 94T4'595j .1. 1 94!i 8ept.74H uec.. ii 'f4 1 May.:54'4iw; Oats. ! 1 Pept. 32 Dec. W May.35ttfflS;36flia, row. 1 95 I ay 1 74 74 1 8SV 9394 98141 W 74 ob- B44 t!ept. Oct. Jan.. Lard. Bept. Oct.. Dec. Jan.. Itihs. I Sept. Oct.. Jan.. Jan.. 17 75 17 84 1 40 I 11 2V4- 11 06 11 72 14- 11 13 10 90 10 80 17 80 17 m 19 40 it m 11 071 11 15 10 ) 10 Mi 81S4i32i!fD1AItU.'.i u 1 1 17 65 17 82, 19 25 17 67K.I17 974- 17 SO 10 95 11 02 10 11 02V4 11 15 10 87 IV iJ nm U 024 10 95 I n 07V4t 11 W6 10 30 10 22'4 f 10 25 17 85 19 40 11103 11 15 10 90 10 85 10 87V4 I 11 WA U 074 10 30 17 924. 17 95 19 3J 1100 U 10 10 824 10 92-A Cah quotation were as follows: FLOUR Active: winter nntent ti s-'jra 4.70; straights. $4.004.60: SDrlne nntentu $4.JR5.7; stialghts, $4.CO4.25; bakers $3.H(Va4.00. . RYE No. 2, 70c. ' BARLEY Feed or mixing. 4"S2c: fair to choice malt nir, 62!$66c. REKD.-Timotriy. $3,754.75. Clover, $13,000)16.00. ' PROVtMONS Pork, mess, 17.7517.87Hr Lard (In tierces), $11.06U.07&. Short ribs (loose), $U.00U.02!4. Total clearances of wheat and flnur were equal to 3DO.00O bu. Exoorta for th week, as shown by Bradstreet's, were equal to 3,545,0M bu. Primary receipts were 1.627.006 bu.. com Dared with Mflii bu. the corresponding day a year ago. natimateo receipts ror tomorrow: Wheat, 188 cars; corn, 256- cars: oats 427 cars; hogs, 9,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat. No. 2 red U.OW401.O7U; NO- 3 red, 96ciSf$1.0; No. 2 hard, 96ewe; -No. 1 hard. 944i4c; No. 1 northern. 9S&99c: No. 2 northern. 9:i'm 1 1 nmhem fwse-sai tin- w iuink, 97e; No. 2 hard winter, 94&95c; September, ou:; N0. .1 ni-rtliern. WA-, No. 2 spring, Sc; I.ecember. 3Tic. CORN No. i ye. low, 83c; No. 3 white, 83c; No. 3, 824c; September, Decem ber, 55c. '. OATs-Standaid, 3c. " BAitLEY Malting, WaTus, ... . v Dfflwc; .-vo. 3 spring, vrnvZc; No. 4 spring, 87Mc;. velvet chaff, 8fl97c; durum. DWflfie-. Corn, No. 2. M&KVhic: So 1 white, 82W-ie; Nt. 2 yellow. 814 81c; No. 3. 804ffe; Xo. 3 white. 8354c; No. 3 yellow, 8181fcc; No. 4, W it, Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. SO.-WTIEAT-Cash. higher; track No. 2 red, 11.041.07; No. 2 hard. 93Vk87c, CORN Firm; track No. 3, 80Vc; No. t white, 83c. OATS-Lower; track No. 2, 3132c; No. 2 white, 3536c. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Ixiwer; September, 94c; De cember, 91c. CORN Weak; SepteiiiOer, 74Vio; Decem ber, 525i1iC OATS Weak; September, 81 9c; Decem ber, 3254c RYE-Unchanged. 72c. FLOUR Stronger: red winter patents. S4.R6llfi.15; extra fancy and straight. $4.23 4.75; hard winter clears, $3.65fr8.8S. SEED-Timothy. $10.00. CORNMEAL 53.60. BRAN Firm; sacked east track, $1.00 , HAY Weaker; timothy, $12.00(&19.0; prairie, $10.0014.00. PROVISIONS-Pork, unchanged; job bing, $16.50. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $10.60010.76. Dry salt meats, un changed; boxed extra shorts. $11.00; clear ribs, $11.00: short clears. $11.25. Bacon, un changed; boxed extra short, $12.00; clear ribs, $12.00; short closrs, $13.26, Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 10.000 14.000 Wheat, bu 254,000 1R1.0OO Com, bu 43,000 420,000 Oats, bu 122,000 8.000 Kansas City General Market. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 30. WHEAT Cash, unchanged; No. I hard. SOHftlWo; No. 3. 88lt892c: No. 2 red, 97c$1.03; No. 8, 8OHc$1.00. CORN Steady; No. z mixea, isp-ic; No. 3, 7778c; No 2 white, 78c; No. 8, 77c. OATS Uncnangea to W nigner; no. 3 white. 8493554c; No. 2 mixed, S3yBS4c. Closing prices of futures: VVHFAT-September, f9v; December, 8Uic; May, 92!93c. CORN September, 71T4e; December, 31 61Ac: Mar. 50'Ac. RYE-7H&72C. HAY-Unchanged; choice timothy, $1330 614.00; choice prairie, 10.6011.00. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat,, bu OT.0W m.ow Corn, bu i,w w,ww Oats, bu- 23,000 1,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 30.-WHEAT-September, 91c; December, 92V; May, 868)97c; cash, No. 1 hard, 97c; No. 2 northern, 88fl84e; No. 3. Sflfafli-Ac. CORN No. 8 yellow, 7778!4o. OATS No. 8 white, 3131V4e. RYE No. 2, 6363ViC BRAN In 100-pound sacks, $19,0019.50. FLOUR-Leadlng local patents, U-W 4.95; other patents, $4.50-86; llrst clears, $3.503.80; second clears, $2.6032.90. FLAX-11.92. BARLEY 3161c. Peoria Market, PEORIA. 111., Aug. 30.-CORN-Un-changed to 1c lower; No. 2 and No. 3 yellow, 79c; No. 4 yellow, 7754; No. 3 mixed, 19c. OATS lc lower; No. 2 white, 82c; stand ard, 33tt; No. 3 white. 8232c; No. 2 white, llc; sample, $0c. I Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 30.-WHEAT-gpot steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 8s M; No, 2 Manitoba, 8s, 4'd; No. 3, Manitoba, 8s 3V4d. Futures, firm; October, 7s 8!4d; De cember, Is. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 30.-MONEY-On call, firmer; 2V434 per cent; ruling rate, 814 Per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; of fered at 8 per cent. Time loons strong; sixty days, S84 per cent; ninety days, 4$44 per cent; six months, 4a6 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 5H Per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE - Easy at $4.8425 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8710 for demand; commercial bills, $4.8354. SILVER Bar, 62c; Mexican dollars, 484c. BONDS Government Steady; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were ss follows: V. 8. rf, 2t, r...10l K. C. 80. r. ... fV coupon 191 L. 8. deb. 4f 1W1.. H V. 8. St, Kt 102 I- N. uni. 4... to coupon ,.!0i M. K. AT. lat fc. Ml V. 8. 4t, rt Ui o sn. 4'n S id coupon in'i'Mo. pacific 4s ti Pantms Is. coupon. 161V i eonr. 6 M Alllt-Chal. lat t. M N R R of M 414. 0 Amer. Ai (s 1HN. T. C. $. ")4 A. T. ft T. c. 4 113V lo db. 4 t: Am. Tobacco 6a.. .121 N, X. X, H. H. Armour 41 Co. W'i e. IHi 90 '4 Atchtaos gen. 4a.... MN. & W. 1st t. 4a. M94 do tv. 4s IrJO IDS ao cv. H -..117 do cv. Ss 19S"5No. Pacific 4a VIM A. C. U lt 4a W do a. M Dal. at Obio U t O. 8. L. rfdt. 4a. . . 92 do I'ia H Pain. c. l,t H1I . U Brook. Tr. ct. 4... l do eon, 4a 102.4 On. df Oi. 5 1M Reading en. tl.... H. Cm. Leathar 6a ... 9- U A B. F. tg. 4a 7U, Chaa. Ohio 4'Aa.. M' do ses. la 14 do coot. 4fea 83 St. U s W. e. 4a.. Chicago & A. ' 4H8. A. L. adj. S.. 7 C B. tt Q 1. 4a... aSo. Pao. col. 4a... do tea. 4t or. 4a am C M ft 8 P e 4la lli do lat raf. 4i 13 "A C. H. I. ft P. c. aS,Fo. Railway 6a lat'.i do rfg. 4 do sen. 4a 7114 C ft 8. v ft a. 4V4s MVaVnlon ruclflo 4a.... M4 D. ft H. e. 4a 7tt do c. 4a 101 D. ft R. O. ref. 6a S M lat ft rf 4a. Dlatlllrra' 6a, 75 II. H. Rubtwr . . .104'-, Brie p. I, 4a M U. B, Steel it ar...)ss do ses. 4a 77lVa.-"ar. Chen) 4i. a4 40 ct. 4a. aar. B 7(1 Wabaah lit 4, t, III Ol. lat raf. 4a n "woatarn Ml. 4a ... I44 Inter. Mot. 41a.... UltVait. Kiee. c. da., Uy, lntar. M. M. 4,a.. "4Wla. t antral 4a M Japas 4 i Bid. Offrad. Hwluts wre: Official .Moi.duy OrfioiRl Tuesi'ny .... Officii". Wednesday Ot Ileal Thursday .. Estimate Friday ... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. J.91 ?.2J7 3l.7S3 .. 5.24 T.Sttf 53.64'. .. 3.K7 1,Ut 13.570 .. 2,01 7,fM S.H3 .. 3 4.747. 2.3oi Five tiavs this week.. 21.03! 2S,i8 I,4HS Same das !a-t week.. 20,244 39.SJ2 S5.661 Same 2 werks UKO 31,13s 3i,Jt 4X.5U Same 3 weeks ago 1.7M 84,$8 41.1U Same 4 weeks auo 11.257 33.7W VSGH Same days last year... 30,634 ,7i Tho following table shows the recelptt of cattle, bogs and sheep at tvauth Omaha for the year to data as compared with last year; 1912. 1911. Inc. Dec. Cattle (KJ31 6SS.131 143,) Hogs 2 3.'9.$.l 1.707,3?$ 42,4i Sheep ...... 1,S39,3j6 1,207,711 131,646 ....... The following table shows the range of prices for hogs at South Omaha for the last few daya with comparison; Date, j !)12. J9ll. 1910.ll9flP.lJ08.19i. jl906. Aug. 24. Aug. 25. Aug. 2.j Aug. 37. Aug. 27. Aug. 2S. Aug. 2X. Aug. 30. Aug. 21. 1 3 3 7 27 I $ m W i a Aug. V., 8 : 7 Km X oil 16 S2i 6 Ml 6 SI Aug, 23.1 t ! 7 141 t tk'l T V I 151 I S 7 06 64 T 61 32 6 7I I M 7 10 8 70 7 7l 34 f 5 S3 3 26 I 7 12 ;( 7 GO! G 3S 5 77 SvVaj I I flsl T 63 6 4l 771 5 Si t aiS 7 S3! I 7 I 4j t 751 S 89 I 7 1ft! S 91 I 4J ft 6t 5 70 8 SS 7 15) 8 l I I 4T 6 t,' 6 0 ! 7 ll ll 7 73! I ft 71 06 at r w a 10 n ..m su m a... '.... no a . . Mil so a 3t ... a so H I :o i t a sa ... a so m a ao it 111 !0 tO . . a s ;.is r.-o a sr-b m jaa t k ;m to a n .X ... M in- wo a 15 51 ... I SS S 6 ttl sit .550 .w: ao.. S4.. ... 74.. :.. K... 151.. 7S... M... M ,. 45.., r... jj.. 96... II.. . to... 7a... at... ai... ....i ... 1M ...31 ...547 ...MS ,...!U ... 54a ....195 .. a a .. a 4 .. a 4t wi a 46 43 a 6 .. a 4. .. S 60 .. a 60 25 240 I 6(1 lf7 . . 8 60 IIS KO 8 60 50 ... 8 60 176 ... 8 60 514 44 a 66 8 69 8 66 a ii 8 10 8 10 .IRS .507 ,?5J .504 .174 Sunday, Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday; RECEI PTS CARI .OA D3. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, C. M. & St. P. Ry Mo. Pac. Ry I'nlon Pacific R. R u 4 1 C. A N. W. Ry., east 4 C. N. W. Ry., west g 22 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry U C. B. ft Q. Ry., west 13 10 C, R. I. 4 P., east , . 4 Chicago Great Western 1 Total receipts ...33 87 11 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Norrls A Company...... 240 638 33 Swift A Company ldfi l.Ofl ai Cudahy Packing Co.... H 1,224 Wt Armour ft Company,... 64 937 1,287 Schwarts Co 238 Benton Vansant Lush 1 Hill Son 84 P. B. Lewis 42 Huston & Company M J. B. Root & Co 80 J. H. Bulla 40 McCreary & Kellogg.... 7 Werthelmer Degen... 87 H. F. Hamilton 24 Mo. & Kan.-Calf Co.... 29 Other buyers 183 2,031 Totals ...1,816 3,818 4,490 even for a PYlday, only thirty-three cars being reported in, which was not enough to really make a market- For the week receipts foot up 81.000 htad, being slightly larger than last week and about the same as two weeks ago. As compared with a year ago there was a falling off of al most 10,000 head. Aiivifj wdii umjr (V irit 1.1.1 mai of beef steers in the yards this morning, ,1 ... n II. IU InnitIM ffni cattle of that kind the feeling wss strong as compared with yesterday. Prices at tne ciose 01 me wee on uesuut are fully steady, but short-fed and half fatted steers and common to medium kinds of western steers are quite a Httle lower tnan last wee. There wers onlv a few scattering lots of cows and heifers In sight and they changed hands very rapidly at good, firm prices. The advance In the rnarnet Wednesday and Thursday just a" ,ir,. nut ha rio.'iina nt Monday and nij,.U li . . 1 " w - - Tuesday, so that prices today are yer little ir any aitiereni irom were at the close of last week. m nntu fotti arartterlnr loads I licit- uric wii" . ; - of stock cattle and feeders, but the de mand was very Hgnt, ana tney w..; or less, neglected. As a result the feeling was very, weak, In addition to the trade being very slow. Owing to large receipts and a lack of good buying support n u.. part of the country, prices it the week are 2o0o lower than last with a sood many cattle still In the hand, of speculstor., A. oTth" medmm to" fair kinds.1 while strictly b.w7tw.- heifers, $6.0007.26; g-Jod a0b' common to fair stockers tiKfiiffii 2S- stock cows and heifers, H.iV calves. $4.50.i; bulls, stag, "oioutforfs'on range cattle: Good to ehlca beef steers, $7.BC!: 'r to good beef steers, $.2fr7 ); common U fair beef steers. $5.OOi0.2. No, At. IT . as 1 M . a a 30 .92 4 00 , 880 4 10 . 744 4 25 .743 4 80 Na, II. At. Pr. .. 880 4 8t . . na 4 at. . . 820 8 0 .. am 1 10 ,.11M i it .. 88 1 at 6.. a., a., it.. . 111 71! HEIFKHA 70 4 21 1 660 4 88 I toa too n 614 6 10 2 H77T.I.S. . ,J17 4 & 1 1630 I i'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. ..1217 4W UAliVKK, I If 8 to 700 i 6 885 t 71 . 4)0 28 . 210 t 76 . 440 I 00 , 118 I 00 , 270 8 60 ,120 a 7 . 180 7 tfl Stl 7 CO 1. 2 170 8 00 2lt I 28 166 8 56 ITS 8 26 120 I 60 190 I 80 ISO 8 60 126 I 60 'sTOCIvEH AND, FEEDER. , 461 4 00 ,.io t ao .. 774 1 88 .. 670 i 40 ,. 762 t 4R . , 855 t 60 692 I 00 111.!.' 4... (87 8 80 :m t at 720 t 86 460 S 86 ;s t u m a 1130 7 a ,1260. 6 W 'H't.-t lk vfl V K H HA SKA. 14 cow, ..W 5 2.-. 6 heifers... 991 160 . an F, ir 0"r''r'" w. M. DUon-Neb. 14 steers..., M8 Kmma uuur 4 steers... 6 60 HOGS-Thera was another good, atlvo market in the hog division and prices were generally steady to strong and In a few Instances possibly a nickel higher for good hogs showing the best quality. Both packers and shippers were out early Picking up the best hogs first, other (trades not selling q'K readily, bhlp- ing the few last days back. Pactters pur- t chased the nig ik 01 mc ii.i..,. all times trad wan lively and a good ;earanre made at n comparatively feriy hour. Best hogs on sale brought id do, t'.m hlRtiest price for tiiti day and "ist a nickel ikw the top yesterday. H ( "ipls were nu better as to quality than what .'.rrU'e-1. hre during the fore rart (,' the tveitk. Tiiere were about seventy one !iau. or 4,147 head received at the yafils, being slightly, more than a week 11 go. N. 17.,.. .... 4t. 68. -.. a?.. .. .. a... 45.. 44. . 4.. fl.. t;.. :.. :.. K.. t:.. to.. 81 214 240 8 84 S1IKKP AND LAMBS Fresh receipts of ilieep and Ismbs footed up no more tlian eleven cars, or ubout head, he liig 3,900 short of last Kriilay and f.00 lees than on the corresponding lny Inst year. Two cms ot heavy Montana wethers were halil over from yesterday's market. Kwes and wethers comprised the whole supply, everything being con signed from Montana. Contrary to what might have been expected with so few offering here, trauV was apparently slow. It took some little time 'before any trading was done, buvers and sellers ap pearing unable to sirree rs to values. However when trade bestan practicably every th'nii: wss sold ut prices fteady O strong vlth yeteMav. Tive two ho'd ever lonls ot Montai.a wethers brougut $4. t. Vive cars if Montein ewes snd a' 83. SO, wlille another four-c ir string out of the ramt shipment biooglit 53.95. Tho end of the week leaves lambs In pretty much the same , notches as a week ago. prices being about steady. At the beKlnnlng of tho week lambs showed some decline, but later on the loss was regained. Owing to a Isrse percentage of the liberal re;elts conmlstlng of fat stuff the packers have been pretty well supplied. While the number ot really choice lambs has not been very Iflrgc, the good kindt Just suitable for kitllnr, and a little too fat for feeder buyers have been numerous. Kat sheen were better represented ou Ida market than last week as a very fair supply of good ewes .and wethers wars on sale. Choice handywelght ewes and wsthers Rhow a'l advance of iMfa over last week a close. while the heavier grades have improved about leffUc. Kt yearling are quoted very 1111 ir any better, Trade In feeders this week has been of fairly large proportion, but not ax large as one might Judge from the slxe Of the total receipts. On account of good grass on the ranges a large num ber or both sheep and lambs have been Com In If a little henvv and tnn fat fnr feeding pnrposes. 8aW at the close of me wees sre generally about steady, though lambs and ewes may be a little easier. Quotation. nn sheep and lambs: Good to cnoice tamos, ss.wyjpj.TS; fair to good lambs, $l.2.yft,:0; feeder lambs. 5.utKfse.4i; light yearlings, $.,Hi5.W; hevy year llnga, $4.r4KH4.IL; feedtr yearlings, $4.50$ 5.2t; good to choice wethers. 14.O0S4 2u: fair to good wethers, $3.4,r,4.00; feeder wemers, s;i.oii(W4.w; good to cholc ewes 3.60ro4.00; feeder swea, 1.0fijfJ.5O. No. . Av. , Pr. 87N Montana wethers 116 W 418 Montana wethers ,. 115 4 W 32 native wethers 7i 6 00 !HEW YORK STOCK MARKET Almost Complete Idleness Result of Approaching Triple Holiday, HARRIMAN , REPORTS BETTER . t Another Heavy Gold Shlppmemt:! te (anniln Adda to Steady Oatftovi of Cash from New York .',',3 la Week. CIIICAKO I.I VK STOCK MARKET Demand for C4tle ral1 Hors and Sbeep. Stead7. CHICAGO, Aug, 30,-CATTLE-Recalpts, 1,500 head; market dull; weak; calves, 25c higher; beeves, KiTli'S'lftW; Tes steers, $4di)C(iC.J; western steers, $00i9.:j; stock ers and fenders, 4.S47.: cows and heifers, $3.0o$.00; calve, $a.ft0litt.K0. llOUS-Re,'vlptH, 15,000 head; market for jvrsi, Bimur. uiupra wasii u m lower; ugnt, i.2&iB8.ic; m $7.OHS.75: rough 8.28; bulk of sales. $8.1G8.20. SIIKKP AND l.AM IS H Receipts. 10.000 head; market steady to 10c higher: native. 3.4Olif4.0; western, $3.504t4.; yearlings, -. ooniii. w: mmos, native, tt.fDTO7.3; west ern, $t.iw.x- nixed, Vt.lOaS.: heavy, 7,WCfi l.r; pigs, $.3w New York M'HJuaj Stoeks. NRW TORK. Aug. 30.-C!oslng iKffa-j tion on mining stcks were: j Com Tonntl atork.. 8 Mesiean 2M j Con. fat. ft Vs.... 67 Ontario 16rt .160 ophlr as . 10 'standard 100 j . I Tallow JMkat 40 j Iron Silver .... Loadvllle Cos. Llttla Chief .... Offarad. At. . m ..tit ..! 21 2 I It 14 s it tn as.. : 11.. 67.. 6).. 63.. .. 67.. .;.. ...200 71 l 74 247 ... .544 ....544 ....304 . . . .320 24 ,....2M ....246 I ... Sh. Pr. N.' At. 9h. Pr. 4 I 40 70 240 80 I 8( ... I 14 4..,....22a 10 f JS ... I 18 '.. 54.1 ... I Ji 80 I KV, 77 !t2 40 I 86 ... 8 26 li.......IJ4 128 I 35 ... 125 80 117 lit S 85 ... a 26 ' aa 2 4 a ts 24 a :5 ta... ...ft m a js 60 I :i S3 ."It 2:0 a 1; uo. a n v. : 10 a 40 mi a is io 2;i ... a 40 v.o 1 25 4 u: ao a 40 10 8 S 72.... ...26 s t H ... I 15 j.......240 p 40 ... I ta aa 245 40 1 40 10 1 nvt sa na ao a ... 8 27 a 133 120 a 40 80 8 80 79 168 ... 8 40 120 110 8$ lit tv $48 Kansas City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITT, Aug;. 80. CATTLE Receipts,- 1,000 head, including 600 head southerns; market steady; southerns strong to 10c higher; dressed and export steers, $S.60r 10.60; fair ta good. 88.aoii.rjO; western steers, $5.dOStO.OO; stackers and feeders, J4.WW.C0; southern steers, $4.60n 6.00; southern cows, $3.2536.00; native cows, $3.2Mii.S; native heifers, $5.0O(f.M; bulls, $4.(sitv.2A; calves, to.Ooe'A.ftO. . HOQS-Recolpts, 1,400 head;- rnsrkiit steiidy to 60 higher; bulk of sales, IS.fiO 8.75; heavy, $8.60fg.?d; packers and butch ers, $..Of8.82H; lights, $1808.7S; pigs, 8.007.fl0 SHEEP AND IAMBrV-Reeelnts. 1,300 head; market steady; lambs, lfl.00iiM.75; yearlings, $4.ft03.3li; wethers, $4.004.4O; ewes, $3.ftOS.80; Blockers and feeder. $2.23 H.00. . 1 St. flails Lite Stoek Market. ST. LOTTIS, Aug. 30. CATTLB Re ceipts, 2,300 head, Including 1,500 head Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $S.; dressed and butcher steers. $6.00tJ8.60: stockers and feeders, $4.6007.28; ?ows and heifers. ii.9mb.ib: canners, I2.W4.2B: buns. H.WS 5. 00; calves. $6.0010.00: Texas and Indian steers, l4.wisiw.oo; cows and netfers. $3.00 47.50. , . - liOQS-Recelpts, 2.M0 head; market steady; pigs and lights, $6.509.00; mixed and butchers, $S.$0f(iA9ii. . BnGKr AND LAMBS Receipt", 600 head; market steady; muttons, $3.7D4,26; lambs, culls and bucks. $1.50 $.26; stackers, 2.0sm St. Joseph 1.1 ra Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. SU-CATTL&-recelpts, WW head; market , weak; steers, $G.0u10.25; cows and heifers, $3.00J4I.W; calves, $4.kVa8.7l. HOOS-Recelpts. 2.000 head; market 5 higher; top, $X.X0; bulk of sales, $8.rA 8.7J. SHEEP AND LAMBH-ReeetpU, 8,0r head; market slew; lamb. M.OO&t.TS. Stock in Sight. Reeclpts of live stock In the five prin cipal western markets yesterday; , cattle. H ns. Sheen. South Omaha 1,0ft 4.700 2,300 St. Joseph 500 2,600 8,500 Ksnsas city l.nro 1.4W 1,300 St Louis 2,300 2.900 600 Chicago 1,600 15,000 10,000 Totals 8.309 28,800 17,780 Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Aug.. -OOFFKEFtt-tures market owni steady at an ad vance of 9 to 14 points on high European markets. The close was steHdy to firm and from '2 to 15 Viotnt ne. hlghe-r. Sales. 110.750 bs. September-, October, November and December. 13o0e; January and February, 1303c: April, 13.09c; May, 13. Wc: Jims'. 13.08c; July, W.0BC. Spot coffee .steady; Rio, 7s,' Santos. 4s. 15r;c. Mild, coffee, quiet; Cordova, lC174c nominal. Havre wns 1 to IH rranc ntgner. Mam burg, to I'i pfennig hlqrher. Rio, 12 ITU , paiiiuh, ir. w,v .n , , 50 reis hlsrher, st 7$JH). Brajslllnn port receipts, 62.000 bags, .against 72,wo nats last year. Jnndlshy receipts. Mono baats. casinst 62.9IX) bags last year. Showers or rains were reported In Sao Paulo. To- dnv's fliintos cable reported 4, rin chnntred; SrtO Psulo receipts, 42,000 bags, against 35,6'0 bags Vsst year. Poreltraa Stoek Market. LONDON. Aug. 30.-Money was In good demand for month-end , requirements to day. Discount rates Were steady. The stock market wss fairly active with a firm undertone. Amerlcnn securities were quiet. Prices moved IrreRuTnrtv Within narrow limits. Canadian Pacific and Loufsvlll A Nashville eased off In the late trading, but the rest of he list closed steady. PARIS. Aug. 30. The bourse wss cheer ful and firm today. PKRL1N. Aug. 30. The bourse opened strong todav. Later realising depressed prices and the closing was weak. Condition of Treasory. WASHINGTON, Aug. . At the be ginning of business today the condition of. the Tnfted States treasury was: Working balance in treasury offices, $88,8!O,017; In bank and Philippine treas ury, $3390,740; total of general fund, $154,223,132. Recetpts a year ago. 12,392, 46; disbursements, $7,479.42(1 Deficit t date this fiscal year. $4,822,6, ats against a deficit of $2,762,336, at this time last year. . These figures exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. - Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, Aug. 2.-KAT-New, No. 1, fll.006il0.i0; Kb. J, $9.00'JO.50': No. 3. 8.0o S; So. 1 upland, 10.0Sfll.50; No. 2, i8.00tt9.oft-, No. 2, $7 OftfiS.OO; No. 1 lowland. $.O0ftO.E0; No. 2, $S.t'0a.00: No. 3, $7.00 8.00; alfalfa. No. 1, $1Z.603J1S.M; No. I $1.0013.00: no. 3, $10.0(& 11.00. Straw: Wheat, ,$00f6.60j oats and rye, $6.00i6.ea NEW TORK. Aug. 00. -The stock mar ket loilay rcfiecttd in Its almost recdrd bteakiii,; Idleness the effect of the com ing triple holiday, but the -tone' was mainly steady. Adverse factors partly were nullified by some, additional atail road returns for July, notably thoso of the Ilarriman lines. Union Pacific mak ing a net gain of $347,000. while Southern 1'Hcltic -Increased by almost .'So.fw, " .Wither advance In certain by-product" of the copper and smelting com panies was accepted as further proof of excellent conditions obtaining In those Industries. i.tanuiK storks moved narrowly when at all. but Canadian Pacific and Louis ville . Nashville were heavy, the former on the spread of opposition to its sMck Issue and the latter presumably at dis appointment of its shareholders over tine $12.000,OM cnpltal Increase. Tob&co shares continued to decline, with he&vl l m lcs important specialties. Another heavy gold shipment to C&n aua, limiting a total of $600,000 for.Hhe week, adds to the steady outflow of cash li?J2 rorilpr. which approxlmsrtes ts.rn.rn since a:,t FTMay and Mch luiiU uatreniely probable another -ie-t-rtase In actual reserves. .... il I'onrts were Irregular, with some pets sure in important issues. Total sales P!!r VRll"v 1':ws.- L'nlted States 2s Mmaitci'd H per cent on call for the week Number of i-aits aw leacing Quotations on stocks were a.-i loilows: salaa. Htath. bow. Clone. Amalgamated CVipptr . Amerlcnn AiMruKurat Amarlcan Boot Sugar. Amarlraii lan Aaiwlran flis fti American ('. & F. Arafiii Oo4)ioi Oil., Am. Ira Saaurltiaa.... Ain-rlcan Llnd .... Amtrlrati Ucomo4ira Amtrlran t. 6 R Am. S. A R. pfd Am. sugar Jtefiufnaj. . Aineraa T. T ABiariran Tobacco . , . Ananmdi. Mining Co. Atchlton Atciilaoo pfd - Atlantic Coast Una.,. fUWmar. Clo.,.,. intHilrknn tl grooklya Haolil Tr... Canadian I'aclflo tHntrtl Uthr (aaapaaka Ohio... tlileage O. W. ;.; Chfraco, M. Bt. r. Chicago A tt. W...... Colanda Y. o I lnnltdated Ota (nn Product a ........ rMaarart Hudaos... Hcnvar o Rla Grande. D. A R. 0 pfil rxnttllera1 8aaurltlaa . Brla , Krla lat pfd Brla fd pfd..... liaatrsl K4ctri ...... Ont Northers pfd.... .;'00 87 84 4 f im iia , 614 aa Moo 75W 74ta :nii l.ioo k aa4. fjai i,oo m xs lis , iu am , au,'';ii, t i4--vi4Vt -' '-... ' s 80S 441 . 46i 't& 8.100 u . ae ."'ta'Sg ..'' KaJt toe iiih its tas tOO 144 144 1.700 264 Ml aa 1.500 4fti 4S . 4414 1.20O 108 IMS 108 100 101 WHi 101 4 : 17 rt7H t7 X) 42 40V4 1 4" 100 an ' ti ' 11 4.TW 275 i,o as aa ia to aa4 ai aa ano '16'4 isvi it 100 uk 108 104 Mi 1.100 u 12 s l.tOO' Jffll- 146 141 o ta 11 too u i7 ma ..... ..... ..... ai ..... a ...i..... 14 2,900 a: , aa ju tOO 14 844 ' t4 :ia too 1112 iaa bi l.aoa i 138 iaa Oraat Northam Ora etfa.. t.too 47 48 .. luo 111 llllnola Cantral IstarkoKiugh Met, ...... Intar. Hat. ufd Iatarnatlanal Harniitar ,. lnter-Marlna pld ., International Paper ..... International Pump t Kaaaae City Seut&ara. ... tjarlade Oaa Uhirh Valley Ioulnllla Naahyllra.. M.i St. 1 4k i. . M . MlaaoHTl, K. ft T Mlatnorl laMfta National Mm-utt National bead .......... Na York Centra!. .1 f. 0. a W Nnrfalk Waaler North American Northern Papilla PacKle Malt .y Pennajrlvanls , People'a Oaa P.. C. C. Bt. (.,... Pltlaburgh Coat Praued 8tel Car.... : Pullman falaro Car... Reading Republle I. ft Republic I. ft S. pld. Ruck liltod Co Hork Wand C. pfd.. St. L. A R. F. 2d pfd. Seaboard Air Una . Ill . Ut 400 aK ir -9w ....: ,1I1 ; M toy l: ' :;:::::i:-: v.. 7 100 ltd lOt 103 . i.m ! ia iat . 4,00 Mi 163 U4 ..vt.'-tt '. um "aa' . ;';4i . 800 140 . 140 'iSl , , too , w WH - .....-. ,.v..11H ,.J00..7 $.,"! . . ioo na o,, .' i.oe 12a w ! . ...... , iMd 124 124. K4 . too 110 111. wb- w . m ' J ..24 ..V "Soo" . salt aa-i! ita . ' m in. ..m . i$,too 171 170 .'110 s ,100 ' 27 . , '" 27 . ...... ..... ..... ,',S0 J5a, . ...... ...V. '..'.v-r 2H . ...... ....'. ..l.-we , , ..... n Seaboard A. h, pfd....,, ...... ..... aMeas-fbrffiela . ft I.. ..V.. 'J southern full ..." 1.10 1H ,, ao' a-, Southern Railway go. Hallway pti.. Tenneaaee Copper Teaaa ft PeelHe..' Union Paelfla ... lislns Parlfla. r United States Realty.., United mates Rubber. .1 4J ; 400 u . , aa M 10.IW0 .172. ,l71Wt 200 tl 1 T ... 82 oo tt at't (.sited Stat StMl 17.S00 ."T 78:t8 V . BtI pfd 40 .!. Utah Copper ,w Va. -Carolina Chemical Waeaafi Wabaik pfd Wtitern Maryland ... Wratern Union Waattnghou Rletrl Whell ft I K. dlv. 700 81 tt W..'-'4 - J7 '.'-'-..87 7l37 ...W t -t Total aale lor the day. ". he... Boston Block Market." . JJ BOSTON, Aug M.-Closing quotaJons on stocks were as follows: ' "' . ,,, 47 MafcsartJ - .;crMl AMI. Capper 87NaTade Con. ....332 At L ft I Mplaalng Mines ,, 8 Arlaona Cois, t North Bt. p-4 B ft C. C M. tKorth Lk. V..',.... t 47l. ft Arlaoiuv.... 12 Old Doaalnioo ...i.-ta fjal ft Hecla 85 Otcaot r.Vl. Canunnlal .......... Qtriiir ' roe Hangs C. C... 61 shannon ....H STskii. 11 b. m.;,i niretia Con. Ht-lTamarli ......--... Orem CaaaneS "5., ale Itoyal Copper, 18 t'ten Coo. ,-11 Kerr W CPH a5. take Coppar B Winona 1A falle Copper.'... "i Wolverine ...,..-.II10l Miami Copper - 28 ,. ,. Si i i i in aa " " ' . J London Stock ttnrket. ..ftj LOKDOX, Aug. .30. American securities opened qirfet find unchange teday. Trad ing wss light and prices moved lriegu larly during 4he first hour. At noon the . market was steady with prices - ringing from U above to 14 beiow . yetefdy' New York closing. . When You Own First Mortgage Bonds You Own Actual -5 Property '.. :.." '' Th value of the bond' Se cured by a tnllllon dollar property ift actual operation means a gooJ lnyestment to you. ... .. , till Issue Small. '. ' 7 Pays. '1 Interest. ; : For complete information ' Call or Write 4 ' . j 1126-27 City Nat i Bank . Omaha, Keb. : - rf Ship Yur Stocks to South Omaha - For List of Reliable Ccrnmi.isiCt. Slerrhants Seat Our CUssifiet List of Jferrititiit. " ..... : - l . 'm mi F3 a Il!'"w