Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1912, Image 1

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trill interest every woman who
likes good heart-to-heart talks
with other sympathetic women.
Daily B
VOL. XLn-NO. 64.
William M. Wood, Head of American
Woolen Company, is Indicted by
Grand Jury at Lawrence.
He Will Be Formally Arraigned in
Superior Court Tuesday.
Charge is Illeg-al Distribution of
Dynamite in Lawrence.
Explosives Found In. Three Places
and Union Officials Allege It Was
Placed There to Diaeredit
Their Organisation.
BOSTON, Aug. SO.-President William
M. Wood of the American Woolen com
pany, was arrested today on an Indict -
ment warrant charging him with consplr
'ing to distribute dynamite in Lawrence
during the mill workers strike there last
President Wood surrendered to the
' authorities and was accompanied by coun
Mr. Wood furnished cash ball of $5,000.
It is understood that he will be formally
arraigned In the superior court next
Tuesday. ,
Mr. Wood is one of the beat known
textile men In the country. Tha American
Woolen company, which bore the brunt of
the great Lawrence strike, from January
12 until Maroh 14, controls' thirty-three
plants in New England and New York
state. It has a capitalisation of $76,000,000
and employs 35,000 operatives when all the
machinery la in motion. ' About 15,000 per-
, sons are on the payroll of the company's
mills. In Lawrence.
"I cannot ocncelve what Information
could have been presented to the Jurors
; which In any way connected me with the
so-called dynamite plot," said Mr. Wood.
"I certainly had no connection with It and
(this fact will be fully established at the
proper time to the satisfaction of the
public and evea th edistrict attorney.
Beyond this I have nothing to say."
t Other Men Held.
Dennis Collins of 'Cambridge, who was
Indicted yesterday and arrested on &
i charge of unlawfully having carried dyna
mite In a passenger train for transporta
tion Is In jail In default of $1,500 ball
for a hearing next Tuesday. The name of
a third man Indicted has 1 not been an
nounced. ' ..- -,
The discovery- of dynamite in a. Syrian
lodging house, a cobbler' g shop and. a
cemetery In Lawrence laaCJanuary, while
the textile strike was at its height, caused
a sensation. The strike leaders denied
they had any knowledge of using an ex
plosive to further their demands .and
charged the dynamite had been "planted"
for the purpose of discrediting the -labor
unions. . . "? -
Soon afterward John J. Breen, an un
dertaker, was arrested on a charge of
having unlawfully placed the dynamite
in the places where it was found. Breen
was found guilty and fined $500. No fur
ther court action was taken in the case
until the Suffolk county proceedings were
started this week.
Congressman Lobeck
Thinks It's Wilson
Trial of Suspended
Police Inspector
Hayes Goes Over
NEW YORK, Aug. SO.-When the police
trial of Former Inspector Hayes was
called, counsel for the officer moved that
the trial be heard by some other deputy
commissioner than First Deputy Commis
sioner McKay, who was presiding. Coun
sel said that it was proposed to sub
poena Mr. McKay as a witness in tCie
case. Commissioner McKay declined to
rule and adjourned the case , over until
next Friday when a decision will be made
on the motion for a new trial judge.
With the calling of the trial today of
Police Inspector Cornelius Hayes, on a
charge of making a false statement to
Police Commissioner Waldo, District At
torney Whitman expected that informa
tion would be unearthed to throw Im
portant sidelights on police blackmail,
arising out of the Rosenthal murder case.
The alleged false statement of Hayes
was that he received orders from Mr.
Waldo not to Interfere with disorderly
houses in his district. Mr. Waldo reduced
Hayes to the rank of captain- and sus
pended him when Hayes repeated this
statement In the presence of other in
The publio may be denied the privilege
of listening to the revelations disclosed
by the John Doe investigation into police
corruption. Supreme Court Justice Goff
Is inclined to believe the John Doe In
vestigation should be held behind closed
doors as he thinks that In this way evi
dence can be brought out for use before
the grand Jury. ;
Takes Illinois Trophy in Stutz at
Elgin, Following Close Finish
with Gil Anderson.
Winner Goes 203 Miles at Average
of Sixty-Six an Hour.
Hundred Fifty-Two-Mile Event Not
Congress Adjourns A Report Later
Jencks Trophy Captured by Endlcott
In . Mason, Who Has No Com
petition Whatever at the
. Finish.'
Two Sons of Omaha
Man in Automobile
Accident at St, Paul
ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 30.-(Speclai.)-Fred
Yohe of Stillwater and four young
men were Injured In an' automobile acci
dent near here yesterday afternoon.
Four students at Pillsbury academy In a
big touring car dashed over a fifty-foot
cliff after making a vain effort to avoid
striking an aged man at a sharp turn hi
the' road. ' '.:' ' ' .
The victims are:
' Dead. -,- .
FRED YOHE, Stillwater.
Carl Stevens, St Paul.
James Carr. Minneapolis. - ,
Frederick Wallace, slight body bruises,
not serious.
Loren Wallace, dislocated knee and
sprained back; will recover.
Several persons saw the accident They
say the car was being driven at a rate
of about thirty miles an hour. Chief of
Police Barnes of Stillwater asserts trie
machine could not have avoided striking
Yone under any circumstances. Yohe was
walking In the street when the auto hit
him. He died an hour later at his home.
Pending an inquest into Yohe's death,
which J. C Nethaway, county attorney
of Washington county, has ordered, the
four young men in the-acctdent are held
by the police. Stevens, Carr and Loren
Wallace are at the hospital,, but probably
will be able to leave today. ',
The Wallace boys are sons of A.
Wallace of Omaha. .
ELGIN, 111., Aug. 30. -Charles Men and
Gill Anderson, both members of ihe
Stutz automobile racing team and both
driving Stutz cars, furnished the high
lights in the opening day's program of
the annual Elgin automobile arce meet
this afternoon.
Merz won the 203-mlte Illinois trophy
race over the elght-and-a-quarter mile
road course In the record time of three
hours four minutes thirty-two seconds,
after a spectacular driving duel with
Anderson. The two drivers were but two
minutes apart at th eflnlsh. Frequently
they swayed down the hills at a seventy-mlle-an-hour
clip, with less than a dozen
feet separating them. Merz drove the en
tire distance at an average speed of 66.11
miles an hour.
Don Herr, who won the Illinois trophy
with a Natolnal car last year, drove
the seame distance at ' an average of
65.63 miles an hour. ,
W. Hobbs, driving a Rayfield car, and
Neil Whalen, with a Natoinal, the only
other t sarters in the Illinois trophy race,
were eliminated early in the contest by
engine trouble. . .
Although all but one of the six starters
in the Aurora trophy race finished, this
152-mile evant did not develop the close
fight that marked the Illinois. Hughie
Hughes, with a Mercer, took the Aurora
In 2:20:40. , His average speed per hour
was C5.06 miles. His teammate, Edward
Pullan, finished second with another
Mercer. ' ; ,
The third event on the card, the Jencks
trophy, at 101 miles, did not furnish a
contest. There were but three starters:
Harry Endlcott Mason Special; W. G.
Wordlngton, Hcreschoff "20," and F. W,
Moe. Ford MU. Wordlngton dropped out
early and Moe ran into the ditch, leaving
Endicott to parade home In "Joy rida"
Mother and Six
Children Burned y
to Death in Home
"There Is less friction in business this
year on account of the coming national
election than In" any presidential election
that I can remember of, and I remember
many," said Congressman Lobeck, who
returned yesterday from Washington. "
"Business men and manufacturers In
! the east do not seem to be alarmed over
the election, and are not afraid that busi
ness will be disturbed. This is due, I
think, to the wonderful crops."
Congressman Lobeck says the election
this year is more of a personal affair
than ever -before. ' He would not bs
quoted, however, on the Penrose-Arch-bold-Roosevelt
affair, although he did say
the former president would be harmed by
It before the election was over.
"The controversy between the repub
licans and progressives Is going to be so
great that neither Roosevelt nor Mr. Taft
will be able to carry a vote large enough
to defeat Wilson.,. Wilson will have one
big party supporting him, while the re
, publican party, Is spilt" added 'the con
gressman. "The next house win be democratic
That is, already conceded in Washington,
a 'id I think the majority will be even
larger than at present."
RUTHERFORD, N. J., Aug. SO.-Mrs.
Emlllo Debaro and six of her seven chil
dren, ranging from five months to 12
years of age, met death early today in
a Ore which destroyed their home. De
bard, the husband and father, and the
seventh child, a boy of 13, escaped by
jumping from a second story window.
' Debaro and his family made their home
on the second floor of a frame house.
Mrs. Debaro and the six younger children
slept in a rear room and the father and
oldest boy In the front. Debaro and the
boy tried to rescue the woman and child
ren, but a wall of flame checked them.
i With their night clothes1 blazing they
jumped from the windows. " ;
Five bodies were found in a heap near
the center of the building. The woman,
with the baby in her arms, lay near the
WEBSTER CITY, la.. Aug. 29.-WIlllam
Mesccher was probably fatally scalded
yesterday when the boiler of a threshing
engine exploded. Other men In the
threshing crew are far enough frorathe
machine to escape injury. ,
The Weather
-' far Nebraaka Pair.
1 For Iowa Fair, cooler east and south
portions. .
Temperature -at Omaha Yesterday.
Tfn Hour. Deg.
I X." K a m 79
A $ a. m....... 79
a I a. m 81
JC 10a. m... ....88
li:K - 11 a. m 87
. i 1 12 m. 89
j 1 1 P. m 91
TY - 2 p. m 2
. a xCTTN 1 n m u
4 p. m 94
6 p. m 87
6 ik m. .... S3
rtawi8;,aartrl 7 P- m
; S p. m 77
General Carter Will
Take Commanlof
Central Division
CHICAGO, Aug. 30.-Orders placing
Major William H. Carter in command of
the central division of .the War depart
ment with headquarters in Chicago were
leceived from Washington today. Briga
dier General R. D. Potts, who has been
temporarily In charge, will return to
Fort Leavenworth, . Kan., as soon as
Major. General Carter's leave of absence
expires. Major General William Wlther
spoon, now commander of the Depart
ment of the Gulf, is to succeed General
Carter as a member of the general staff
and Brigadier General Robert K. Evans,
now chief of division of military affairs,
la transferred to Atlanta, Ga.. in com
mand of the Department of the Gulf.
Cuba Sends Apology
M Attack on Gibson
WASHINGTON," Aug. 30.-Ample apolo
gies have been made by Cuban officials,
from the president down, for the assault
by the reporter, Maza, upon Hugh Gibson,
American 'Charge of legation of Havana,
and the State department here has con
cluded to let the case proceed in the
regular way though officials privately be
lieve the proceedings have not been
characterized by that spirit of energy
necessary to secure prompt court action.
The penalty provided Is sever In such
cases, pBovidlng a maximum Imprison
ment of three years. The annoying fea
ture is that under the Spanish legal
practice It la possible to drag out the
proceedings to an indefinite length, un
less the Cuban president himself should
demand speedy action by the judiciary, :
Sculptor Killed by , , ;
Fall fromWindow7
"of Chicago. Hotel
CHICAGO, Aug. SO.-Wheh Waiter Rich
ter, SS years old, awoke this morning, he
found himself clinging with both hands
from the outer ledge of a third story win
dow of a small hotel In Washington street
near the city,' hall, Richter shouted for
aid but before passer-shy could enter the
hotel and seize him, he became exhausted
and fell, receiving injuries which were
said to be fatal. V ,, 1
Somnambulism .Was the ' explanation
given of the victim's plight Richter, the
hotel proprietor said, was, a sculptor and
a younger son of wealth Berlin parents.
He came to Chicago a few days ago, from
Burlington, la.
The police found stretched out on the
window ledge from which Richter fell a
dachshund which was Rlchter'a sole com
panion. The dog was taken care of by
policemen. ' '
From the Minneapolis Journal.
, ,v -. 1 'J "
Work Between Hastings and Gibbon
Starts in Ten Days.
In Order. That ptrwenre Is Ready
i When Tra k Is UaM Shifts Will
. Work Twenty-ion Honrs .
Chicago Traction Men
Probably Will Reject
Proposed New Scale
CHICAGO, Aug. 30. -Rejection of the
new three-year wage contract, granting
a cent-an-hour Increase in pay, was gen
erally regarded as -the probable outcome
of balloting which 10,000 Chicago street
car men finished this morning. The
count of the vote was not expected to be
announced until tomorrow. In "case the
contract Is rejected, the issues In dis
pute will be arbitrated.
A prominent official of the union said
tho proposed wage agreement had been
overwhelmingly defeated, but pending
the return to Chicago of President W. D.
Mahon of the Amalgamated Association
of Street Electric Railway Employes the
official announcement would be withheld.
The presidents of the companies said the
chance of a strike was' remote, as the
whole question now will, revert to arbitra
tion. I
Solomon Luna, New
Mexican Stockman
Dies in Sheep Vat
Solomon Luna, millionaire ' banker and
sheep owner, for sixteen times republican
national committeeman' for New Mexico,
was found dead today in a dipping vat at
his sheep ranch, seventy miles from Mag
dalena, N. M.
The contract for the grading of the
Hastings-Gibbon cut-off of the Union
Pacific has been let to Kllpatrick Broth
ers & Collins of Omaha and Beatrice and
will be begun as soon as the teams can
be assembled, which will be inside of ten
days. The distance between the two
points Is thirty miles fcnd It Is expected
that most of the grade will be com
pleted Inside of ninety days,, as the
country is level with the exception of a
hog back a few miles south of the Platte
river. ; . ,-t ' ' ' ,
Work on the bridge ytlll be commenced
as soon as the material can be gotten on
the ground, which will be Inside of three
weeks, in order to have tjie bridge fin
ished by the time that the grading Is
completed, it Is likely that an electric
light plant will be located at the river
and work carried on night and day.
Another Cnt-Ofl Proposed.
In connection with the building of the
Hastings-Gibbon cut-off comes the re
port that the Union Pacific will build Us
cut-off between Fort Morgan and Denver
this fall, This will shorten the distance
between Omaha and Denver something
like fifty miles.
At present the Union Pacific line Into
Denver runs from Julesburg to LaSalle,
where It strikes the line from Cheyenne
and then In, taking something of a round
about course. With the new cut-off it
will be almost an air line from Fort
Morgan to Denver. The line was sur
veyed several years ago and would have
been built two years ago had the finan
cial condition of the country been favor
able. . The grading will probably be let to
Kllpatrick Brothers & Collins.
Chicago Women Want
to Vote in Bull Moose
. Ward Caucuses
CHICAGO, Aug, 80. Women in the
Tweuty-flrst ward, ,$he home ward of
gecretapy of ihm Teui Franklin MaA
Veagh ahd Walter Lj",' Fisher, secretary
of the Interior, today sought to learn hdw
far feminine activity in support bt 4
progressive party .would be permitted to
extend. 'They sent word to progressive
headquarters that . they would like to vote
In the ward callouses, arguing that sines
the party is pledged to the cause of equal
suffrage consistency should compel it. td
permit women an active part In its coun
cils. The question was not decided, but
Invitations were sent to members of various-women's
.organizations to attend
the ward, meeting next Monday night.
BT. LOUIS, Aug. S0.-Mrs. Anita Cal
vert " Bourgeolse, attorney,, geneologlst.
biographer and suffrage orator, will de
part for Chicago' tonight, to enlist as
campaign speaker for Woodrow Wilson.
Mrs. Bourgeolse's faith In Governor Wll
son is based on the belief that the New
Jersey governor, as president, will finally
come out openly for equal suffrage.
Abbott Receives $25,000, Hall Gets
$15,000 and Edion Rich $5,000.
Heceiver'a Certificate, .Island to
Vrotect F!waefcisa at 'Booth
41 Omaha and Flore nee," Were t
. Also Preferred.
Germany and England
are in a State of War
LONDON, Aug. '3C "Germany and Eng
land are now In a state of war," said J.
A. M. Altkens, Canadian member of par
liament from Brandon, Manitoba, who has
just -returned here from a continental
trip. In an Interview here today. ;
"The overt blow has not yet . been
struck," he continued, "but when It is all
may be over In three months or, three
days. When Canada understands this, 1
bel'eve the dominion's hearty help will be
forthcoming." , " ' ..
Miss Painter Keeps
Western Golf Title
CHICAGO, Aug. 'UO.-MIss Caroline
Fainter of Midlothian, retained her title
of champion of the Western Woman's
Golf association today by defeating Miss
Ruth Chlsholm ofCIeveland, 1 up In the
final ' tnatch at Hindale Golf club. A
single overshot putt on the eighteenth
green ruined the Ohloans chance to win
the champ'onshlp. A gallery of more
than 309 persona watched the play.
The Bet
with The
Sunday Bsq
Twenty Thousand
Illegal Votes Cast
r By Eival Democrats
COLUMBIA, S. C Aug. SO.-Charge
that 20,000 Illegal votes were cast in the
South Carolina democratic primary last
Tuesday were to be subjected to investl
gatlon by the state committee here to'
day. Intense bitterness had grown out
of the three-cornered fight for the nomi
nation for governor, with Governor Cole
Blease leading on the face of the returns,
by over 2.0CO votes the combined votes of
his two opponents, Judge Ira B. Jones
and J. T. Duncan. '4
, Orders have been sent to the chairman
of every county committee ordering him
to preserve all ballots, tally sheets and
other records. Contests have been filed
at many points throughout the state, and
where county executive committees navo
refused to hear tbom the complainants
have come to Columbia to lay their griev
ances before the state convention. i
Stories of stuffed ballot boxes and of
minors and nonresidents voting were to
be told to the committee.
Senator Stephenson's
Condition Not Serious
K SCAN ABA, Mich., Aug. 30,-Reports
received here today from United States
Senator Isaac Stephenson's fishing camp
In the woods state the senator Is suffering
from a slight cold and that his condition
is not grave, as was at first thought. It
was fciated that when he contracted the
cold it .was thought best to have physi
cians with him, and the fact that the phy
sicians left this city hurriedly caused the
report that the senator's condition was
serious, ,
SHENANDOAH, la.. Aug. 30.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Flem Shutwell, a farmer, 24
years old, living south of here shot him
self In the head last night and death Is
expected at any moment. A jilting letter
from his sweetheart is supposed to be the
cause of the deed. '
Forty-five thousand dollars of the $1,-
000.000 paid for the property ot the de
funct Independent Telephone company
went as fees for the receiver, Lysle I.
Abbott; the attorney for the plaintiff.
Frank Hall; and the receiver's attorney,
Edson Rlnh, The receiver got f 25,000, the
attorney for the plaint' ff got 115,000 and
the receiver's attorney got 15,000,
After the cost of the suit and cost of
sale, came the taxes, receiver's Certifi
cates, mechanics', Hens' and other pre
ferred claims before the bonds could be
paid off, according to the terms of the
decree. Of taxes the company owed In
all $38,366.54. The mechanics' liens for
which sums the part'es had a Hen prior
to the lien of the trust deed, but subse
nuent to the lien of the taxes, aggregated
tll.965.7S. Those holding mechanics' liens
are George Collins. 7fi50.6l; Alexander
Beck, 1UM.56; F.j Blssel Co., $1,182.35:
Automatic Electric Co., $4,748.18; Paxton
Vicrllng Iron Works, $t!3S.4; Standard
Underground Cable Co., $5,797.54. By de
cree of the court all these are of equal
priority with each other.
Another preferred claim Is that of the
New State Telephone company, to which
was owing $8,616,64. , . , t
Benjamin S. Baker had a preferred
claim for attorney's fee In the sum of
$600. ; . . ..,.,.,-;,
, The receiver's certificates In the sum
of $300,000 were, of course, preferred
claims as no money could have been
raised In this way to build the two plants
to save the franchise in South Omaha
and Florence unless the receiver's cer
tificates were thus made sound;..
The assets realization company held a
preferred claim of $199,714.12 secured by
JtGO.OOO of bonds as collateral.
The First National bank of Omaha had
a preferred claim of $5,268.28 secured by
$13,500 of bonds as collateral.
The National Conduit and Cable com
pany had a preferred claim of $59,410.45
secured by $120,000 of bonds as collateral
Brand New Parfy,
Says Roosevelt
.ST. ALBANS, Vt. Aug. 30.-Colonel
Roosevelt made his first speech today in
a crowd In the public square. Colonel
Roosevelt continued his attack on John
D. Archhold of the Stan lard Oil company
and Senator Penrose. As he was speak
ing a man In the crowd yelled out: "Is
this the progressive lepubllcan party?" '
Colonel Roosevelt shouted: No, sir, It
Is a brffffd new party. : When Lincoln lett
the whlgs there were' some bigots who
would not vote for him. Just as there are
now some bigots who will not stand with
us.'V . .
Solomon Luna, Prominent Repub
lican of New Mexico, Meets Death
s at Early Hour of Day.
Friend Suspect May Have Been
Slain by Enemies
Employes of Camp First to Find
Corpse in Mature,
Sheep Grower Supposed t Have Be
come III During JUht and t
Have Been Stricken wltk
Heart Fatlare.
ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., Aug. 30.-Sol-
omon Luna, millionaire banker and
sheep grower, for sixteen yars repub
lican national committeeman for New"
Mexico and who refused to accept the)
election to the United States senate at
the hands of the first state legislature.
mot ' a tragic death at Horse bprings,
Socorro county, seventy-am miles from
Magdalene, at an early hour today. He
fell Into a vat containing thousands of
gallons of sheep dip, after being attacked
with heart failure.
Becoming 111 during the' night, it la
supposed Mr, Luna Went from his room
to the dipping vat a few yards from
the ranch house to get water and was
stricken with sudden heart failure, fall
ing Into the mixture of lime, sulphur, to
bacco and water.
Camo. employes saw a body floating in
the vat early today. The boiling water
had neeled the skin from the hands and
face. The body was not recognized until
one o fthe Mexican herders declared that
It was that of Mr. Luna. ; ' .
Solomon Luna was 54 years old and was
the wealthiest man In New Mexico. He
leaves a wife. Th body will be brought
to Aubuquerque on a special train to
morrow morning. "-
Friends Think May Be Murder.
8ANTA FK. N. M Aug. 80.-Clos
friends of Solomon Luna in this city,
among the Spanish-American people ex-
tiress doubt as to Mr. Luna's death being
accidental. They assert that a' thorough
Investigation " will be demanded and ex
press fear that he may have been done
away with by enemies. They recall the
killing of Francis Chaves, who occupied
a similar position in New Mexican af
fairs and who was shot from ambush la
Torrance county about eight years ago.
His stayera-neverpav .Been found.
Jose D. Sena and other friends bt Mr.
tunt asserts that he frequently had been
wat-ned not to visit his sheep camps wlth
ou: guard. J ; ' '' -
It is- likely that the state' mounted
police will be called on to Investigate tha
matter. ,.' ,. ' ' ' : ,
Bills in Everglades
Cases are Quashed
WASHINGTON, Aug..30.-At the attor
ney general's request, the Court today
quashed, the Indictments against Charles ,
G. piliott. former chief drainage engineer
of the, Department of Agricultures 'A. D.
Morehouse, his assistant; F. E. Single
ton.1 chief accountant of, the department
and R, P. , Teele, formerly an account
ant, charging them with having approved
and presented false vouchers against tha
government and for which they were d'a
mlssed from the service.
The Indictments grew out of the Flor
ida everglades lnd Inquiry. The gov
ernment stated that investigation showed
there was no Intent to defraud the gov
ernment'. , " ' '"
MILWAUKEE, Wis,,, Aug. 30.-A spe
cial from Marinette, Wis., says that the
condition of United States Senator Isaac
Stfcpf.enson, who was stricken with' heart
failure yesterday while, on a fishing trip
near Iscanaba, Is unchanged. A corps
of physicians was dispatched on a spe
cial train to Senator Stephenson's aid.
MARINETTK. Wis , Aug. 30.-Senator
Isaac Stephenron 'ls a'l right and will con
tinue his fishing trip down ine Escanaba
liver. , That was the substance; of a re
port rccetved by his relatives here this
afternoon. The senator had an attack of
indigestion, and It was thought best to
send for a physician, but ha recovered In
a short time. .V; -
NEW YORK," Aug. 80. Mrs. Henry H.
Rogers, wife of the late vice president
of tho Standard Oil company, died sud
denly today In a dlr.lns car ii the Grand
Central station at the : conclusion of a
journey from Rretton Woods, N. H., to
her home here. ,
' ' I, in... Mil.- " . I
PITTSBURG, Pa Aug. 30.-Four men
were killed, one fatally Injured and a
number slightly hurt when the Pennsyl-t
vanla railroad train, which, left Pittsburgh
this morning for Cleveland, - over the ' ,
Cleveland & Pittsburgh division, ran
into a work train engaged In clearing up
a freight wreck that had occurred a short
time before, near Conway, west of this
city. The dead are: :
A. L. COUGHENOUR of Cleveland, en
gineer of passenger tr!n.
Railroad officials say a flagman had
warned the passenger, but for some un '
known reason it was disregarded.
Kalaer "tarts tor Berlin. ,
CASSEL, Hesse-Nassua. Germany. Aug, '
30.-The German emperor and empress i
left . Wllhelmshoehoe castle teday tor
Berlin. Both their majesties appeared to j
be In excellent shape. They were accom
panied by, their daughter, Princess Vlo-j
torla Louise. -' .'..'- '
Omaha Mn Marrlea, -:
OKLAHOMA .-CITY, Aug. SO. (Special
Telegram.)--Wllllam Slayton of Omaha
was granted a license to marry Ivy
Quillen of Oklahoma City today.
Look in Tomorrow's Bee for Announcement Specially Important to Our
. fl 3... j .