Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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. Vtntt nv.ill Knflt enitfl kinnaa cXtf
lng ot nice front vestiDuie. large roomy
living room, acroos entire front, with
teoat closet In one corner and mirror door,
built-in. book case; colonnade opent be
tween parlor and dining room; fine large,
light dining room with special window
beat in bay; good sized kitchen and
dandy pantry. Upstairs has three spendld
light and airy bed rooms, complete battl
room; stairway to attic, which is partly
floored. Basement is full size and nearily
eight feet dep. Laundry tubs, coal and
fruit bins, guaranteed furnace, hot water
tank, connected with furnace: all in base
ment. Finish of wood on first floor is
oak in' living room and dining room, yel
low pine in hall and kitchen; second floor
Is birch. Two panel oak and birch dooca.
We can absolutely guarantee this house
to be constructed throughout of the beet
materials and by skilled mechanics.
The location is excellent .being a south
front lot on a paved street, two blocks
north of beautiful Hanscom Park; first
class street car service, one naif clock
tn one car line, two biocits to another.
We can sell this property on a reasonable
payment down, balance like rent Ask to
Tel. Doug. 1009. 307 McCague Bldg.
PARTIES aesirmg to locate in Florida
can save money and secure better land
by making their wants known to me.
I have lived in Florida eighteen years
and know conditions. C. J. Jewell, SIS
Hogan street, Jacksonville, Fla.
Traversed by the
Lands adapted to the widest range of
crop. All the money crops of the south
plentifully produced. For literature treat
ing with this coming country, its soil,
cumate, church and school advantaged,
write .
General Passenger Agent,
Trackage Lot
Size 66x132, location southeast corner of
14th and Jackson Sts. Offered for sale
or will erect building to suit tenant
Lease for term of years, or will give
ground lease lor term oi years.
Apply to
Skinner Mfg. Co,
Omaha. Neb.
Close -In Home
j 8,000 for well constructed 2-story, 10-
room modern house, 4 blocks west of
City Nat'l Bank Bldg., having hot water
heat and located on east front lot. 67x190
feet This house Is built of the best ma
terial and would make an Ideal rooming
ihouse. Owner has moved from city, only
reason for selling. This property ia priced
low for quick sale, owner having refused
(10,000 for it several timet when he did
lot care to sell.
George & Company
902-12 City Nat'l Bank Bldg.
t . 'Phots . 744.
In Florence
Located within two blocks of two maca
dam roads and two street car lines. High
and tightly location. Can be subdivided
Into six 40-foot lots. Prioe for quick
sale 1780. This figures a little over saw
a lot after subdividing them Into 40-foot
int- Doesn't this seem reaaonaDie to
jyou? This will be the last chance you will
fever have to buy lots in Florence at such
'a low price. In case you cannot handle
'the four lots the owner will sell two for
$375 on terms of 120 down and $10 a month,
on the two lots, or $40 down and 120 a
month on four lots.
HASTINGS & HETDEN, 104 Harney St
Business Property
. . hlnnlr tlllllt tn laft
good live stores on main floor and fiats
above, locaiea i a iwu ""C-vX?Z
street car transfer point and a neighbor
Z 'zs T3iMir,t. .9 nr 4 vears old.
pays well. Also a double comer lot near,
good for stores, but only has a residence
on it now. This whole ProPfrtymust be
take it. . -
Harmon ,& Morton
'Owner will sacrifice beautiful home of
7 rooms and reception hall, built J year?,
best material, well built; 2 fine lots, hedge
fence, lawn, fruit cement walks, tine
barn and chicken house. Come and see
this at once and make an offer. SSZl n.
Seta Ave. 'lei. wee dm
tnmr rrT r m 1 A Q LI 1
1 EjXUU Hah VAinn
And will sell my 6-room cottagt, 322
Franklin St. at a price that will make a
!12 per cent Investment. Call ana IU
r u Tr 43..1. w
I prove it. v- Pimm.
JX DJkiM3H I fclAF w a
new, modern, oak finish, sleeping porch.
CaU Owner. Webster 731
Large brick apartment house, in a 10-
u ... a) imnrAvin?; -owner wants a
good tract of land in Nebraska worth J
About ,u-v on a wr tiuuuu,
to t no i w AM
tUUUlH. ;
nnrai mrv fanA
v -
n,4-v..HA-, otHiv mnrifira ana UD-to-'
date house; large south-front lot; paveoi
'street; close to bi. jnui cumu.
i483 Brandeis Bldg. Omaha, Neb..
. ! DUNDEE LOT. -11,100.
t, nn plLr Una tn Dundea.
11,100. Belby, 436 Board of Trade Bldg.
nwnn fin Iota in Mornlnnside addition.
'reasonable, wepster
6-room and bath; finest residence dii
itrict; $300 cash balanoe 30 monthly; to
tal price, $4,800; oftk finish; paved street;
near school and church. Phone Web. 3611.
irnp A PI.E18ANT HOME.
nnttne-A. a.lmnst new and
in first-class condition. Owner is going
away and will sell on easy terms. Prioe,
52,200. HQ, 4344 BOUtn nui iu
Room 10. McCagne Bldg.
CATHEDRAL district, modern 7-room
.house, east front shades, storm sash,
(paved street, Farnajn car half blook.
5 Acres
In Keystone Park
Has 4-room house, chicken house and
other small buildings. Is all fenced with
a woven wire fence. One acre in alfalfa.
Two acres in potatoes. About 2,000 straw
berry plants, some other small fruit, such
as grapes, gooseberries, blackberries and
fourteen 2-year-old cherry trees. Has
telephone and electric light House built
3 years. Possession can be given at once.
Owner has cut the price to $3,300 if sold
at once.
1614 Harney St
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm is to insert a small want ad
in the es Moines Capital. Largest dr.
culation in the state of Iowa, 4&IXX) dally.
The Capital is read by and believed in by
the standpatters of Iowa, who siropiy re
fuse to permit any other paper in their
homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; $1.25
per line per month; count six ordinary
words to the line. Address Des Moines
Capital. Des Moines, la.
j Uianeaw
A BARGAIN for some one, 230 acres
unimproved land in Ottertall county,
Minn. 150 acres light brush land, S5
acres meadow, balance scattering timber,
consisting - of maple, oak and poplar,
enough wood on land to pay for it No
sand, swamps or hills, land is nice and
level and all clay soil, good water can
be had from fifteen to twenty feet. Land
is on good state road with rural route
and telephone line. One quarter mile to
school, eight miles from Wadena, a city
of 6,000 Inhabitants and county seat of
Wadena county. Price $22.60 per acre;
$2,000 cash, balance good terms, JOHN
THE rush is on for Clay county. We
have over 20,000 acres of fine level
prairie land Improved and unimproved:
heavy black soil; clay subsoil; $3u to $40
per acre; easy terms. Send for list and
map. Pelland Realty Company, 633 Pal
ace iag., Minneapolis, Minn,
Short Sellers of Wheat Find No Help
from Hedging Sales.
Traders Do Not Look for Any Ac
cnmalntton of Oate ia the Near
Futur, Owing- to Recent
Heavy Sales.
Write for our Minnesota booklet "C;1
special rates.
103 Bankers Life Bldg.,
Lincoln, Neb.
A NICE 160-acre farm on rock road
near Lee's Bum mi t for sale. For further
description write owner, B. C. tJrautt.
To close an estate, within the next
thirty days, we are offering two Douglas
county farms, one of 100 acres and one of
160 acres, away below their actual value
and below what adjoining land is held at.
They are both highly improved, well lo
cated and are special bargains at the
price asked. If you are looking for a
farm either for a home or as an in
vestment it will pay you to investigate
483 Brandeis Bldg. Omaha, Neb,
Neb., on main line B. ft M. R. R. W. L,
Glbbs. Quincy, 111,
South Dakota.
FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land:
40 acres broke, balance all tillable; 1
miles from Dallas and 6 miles from
Pnl.m. 11A tAt BAra nQV.kl.
$1,500 cash. $2,600 March 1, 1913; $2,X
March 1. 1917, Address Box i. juaiias,
R. D.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
Big Returns. ". ;- ; "U
70,000 acres Carey land open to entry
on Valler-Montana project Canal sys
tem completed. Payments extend over
fifteen years. Section famous for grain,
forage and vegetables. Write, Clinton,
Hum ft Co., Box 16, Vahr. Mont
Do you want a farm in the Judith
Basin where winter -wheat yields forty
bushels per acre? Excellent openings for
all lines of business in new towns. For
particulars write J. S. Endslow. asst
secy., Judith Basin Development League,
XTSt o-wHrtulriirat umrHnT avIA An P Aft mor
'W v . . . ...
j.iniMaj anrl riTr.ejTJkH V than A fttftTTl Pug
yi usji wut vwjwi v
ter county. Our soil is of the rich loam
that produces wonaerrui yieias. i nave
lands to sell from $10 to $26 per acre. J.
L. Barstow, Baker, Montana.
16,382 acres
$,000 under cultivation,
10,000 acres tillable,
$80,000 Improvements,
fifteen flowing wells,
One large reservoir.
$20.00 an acre. No trading.
Cuero, TexaA,
Ship live tock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ttients receive prompt and careful a Hen-
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
BYERS BROS, ft CO. Strong, reliable.
Clay, Robixon ft Co., 200 Exchange Bldg.
CLIFTON Com. Co., 323 Exchange Bldg.
Martin Bros. c Co., Exchange Bldg.
Snyder-Malone-Coffroan Co.. 15 Ex. Bldg.
LAVERTY BROS.. 138 Exchange Bldg.
Cnn Merrill. 1113 Cur Nat. Bank Bldg.
SALE Price' $4.00 to $8.00 per acre. Lo
cation: Near Grand Bay, Satsuma. Cal
vert and Mobile on railroad. WHf PAT
BROKERS, $40 to $50 per acre? Buy di
rect save middle man's profit Address
!Y 14!. Bee.
G RIDLEY Irrigated colony land at $75
to $130 per acre; guod land, plenty oi'
water; thickly settled district, with good
schools, adjoining town of 2,00ft. Easy
terms. Write for illustrated booklet,
llomeaeekers' Irrigated Land Co., Grid
'Uy. Calif orn - .
To All Whom It May Concern: '
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of Directors ot the Kimball Irrigation
DUtrict has declared its intention tn ll
and will sell thirty thousand dollars $k
M), par value, or any smaller amount
Of Its Donus nereuMvr uwuau, aatea July
l 1W1. at the office of said board an th
corner of First and Chestnut streets in
Kimball, lumoaii county, state or Ne
braska, on Wednesday, the 4th 4ay of
September, A. D. 1812, at the hour of
twelve o'clock noon.
Sealed proposals will be received by tn
hnarrt at tuelr said office tor tha Bur.
chase of said amount of bonds or any
part thereof until the day and hour
named heretofore, at which time the said
board will upen tha proposals and awaro
the purchase of the bonds to tne hlgnest
responsible., bidder or bidders, the board,
nowever, reserving the right to reject
any or all bids.
Dated August 12. 1912. '
By order ot the Board of Directors.
TRICT, (Seal) by I. S. WALKER, President
Attest; Fred R Morgan, Secretary.
Overcoats. Depot Quartermaster's of
fice, Twenty-second and Hickory streets,
Omaha, Nebraska, August 29, 1912,
Proposals on blanks to be furnished by
hls office, will be received and opened
daily, between the hours of 8 a. m., and
4 p. m., from September 1, 1913 to April
30, 1913, for the sale of 4,000 genuine buffalo-skin
overcoats, more or less, to the
public at large. Proposal blanks and cir
cular of instructions to bidders, will be
furnished on application to Lieutenant
Colonel JOHN K. BAXTER, depot quar
termaster. A-29,80,21
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
OMAHA. Aug. 29, 1912.
It was an erratic market In wheat yes.
terday, In which there was a general cov
ering by the Chicago shorts, led by two
conspicuous bears who were credited with
covering about 2,0CO,iOt) bushels ouring tue
session, and there was also a rather per
sistent buying by a group ot large ware
houses. Near the close after an advance
of nearly lc there was a Quick profit
taking on a large scale, which forced the
prices back about la from the top. Thl?
tett the market at but a little net gain.
It appears that snort sellers realised that
there was no help from hedging saies,
as no movemen ot spring wnat was ex
pected, and no chance for the accumula
tion of grain in the public elevators tor
the wet weather abroad naturally in
creased, the foreign demand tor choice
wheat. The shorts having covered and
hedged freely the trade will probabiy look
for a further reaction before forcing tne
buying again. Cash wheat unchanged to
kc higher, j
Instead of some relief from the acute
cash August and September situation in
corn, it looks now as If the old corn sup
ply may continue scarce and prices very
nigh through the next month. It Is
this outlook which is causing uneasiness
among short traders in the December
option. Practical corn men say the farm
ers will not be In any rush to sell for
the December shipments from the new
crop at such killing discounts as rule
at present There Is still a posslblity
ot a frost accident for the late portion
of the crop. These conditions all sug
gest strength and buying orders any time
the market has a natural reaction. Cash
corn unchanged.
A heavy cash business was transacted
yesterday, offerings from the country
were heavier, but traders do not look for
any accumulations right away, owing to
the recent heavy sales to consumers and
exporters. In the last two weeks over
6.000,000 bushels of oata have ben sold
for export. Cash oats were unchanged
to 4jc higher.
Clearances were 17.000 bu. ot corn, 9,000
bu. ot oats, and wheat and flour equal to
134.000 bu.
Liverpool closed unchanged to ?d up
on wheat; corn was unohanged.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,476,000
bushels and shipments were 683,000 bush
els, against receipts last year of 903,000
bushels and shipments of 300,000 bushels.
Primary corn receipts were 647,000 bush
els and shipments were 269,000 bushels,
against receipts last year of 649,000 bush
els and shipments of 621,000 bushels.
Primary oats receipts were 1,166,000 bush
els and shipments were 723,000 bushels,
against receipts last year of 614,000 bush
els and shipments of 328,000 bushels.
The following cash sales were reported:
Wheat; No. 2 hard winter, 10 cars,
894.0 ; 4 cars, 8914c; 1 car, 89c. No, $ hard
winter, 3 cars, 89c; 3 cars, 88c: 2H ears,
8Hc; 3 cars, 88c. No. 4 hard winter, 4
cars, 8854c; 1 car, 860 ; 1 oar, 86c Re
jected, 1 car, 81o. No. 2 mixed, 1 car,
8940. Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car, 76c. No.
3 white, 1 car, 76c; 3 cars, 75iic; 1 car,
78c. No. 4 white, 1 car, 75c. No. 2 yellow,
8 cars, 78c; 2 cars, 74c. No. 3 yellow, 2
cars, 75c: 2 oars, 74c; 1 car, 74V4c No. 4
yellow, 1 car, 74c. No. 2 mixed, 1 car,
78c; 1 car, 749ic. No. S mixed, 6 cars, 74o;
1 car, 74Hc No grade. 1 oar, 73o; I oar,
70tto. Oats: No. 3 white, 1 car, 82Vc; 2
cars, S2V4c; 3 oars, 32c. No. 4 white, 1
car, S2c; cars, Slc; 8 cars. 31Mrc.
Omaha Cash Price.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 890Vio; No. 3
hard, 874tto; No. 4 hard, 82HSSHc.
CORV-No. 2 white, 76c: No. i white,
7675c; No. 4 white, 74-75cj No. $ yel
low, 7475c: No. 3 yellow, 74475o: No.
4 yellow, 72$4$TO4o: No. 2, 7Sc; No. 8,
nmihic: No. 4, limia; no grade, 70
OATS-No. 2 white, 32H83e; standard,
32V4J2c; No. 3 white. 32V433c; No. 4
white, 81(8820; No. 3 yellow, 31V432o.
BARLET Malting, 065c; No. 1 feed,
RYE No. 2, 6062o; No,, 5760c.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 183 179 413
Minneapolis , 336
Duluth 97
Omaha ... 101 64 42
Kansas City ,. 258 27 U
St. Louis 250 44 Ite
Winnipeg 23
Featares of the Trading and Closing
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Aug. 29.-Predictlons of
ngnter recipts next week in the south
west bore some of the responsibility of
the bullish temper that prevailed todav
in wheat. The market closed steady at a
net advance of 45c to c.
Statements that frost danger in the
Canadian northwest had been left behind
and that a bumper crop of 200,000,000 bush
els there was assured forced many wheat
traders to sell out In the last half of the
day. Accordingly the market receded
somewhat from the ton mices reached.
December ranged from 94ro6o, with the
Close up, at a'A'c.
Need of rain In Kansas cut a figure In
the strength of the corn marlect. Sep
tember closed steady at 74o, a net ad
vance of c. Cash grades were in good
demand. No. 2 yellow was quoted at 81
Inability to procure ocean freight room
prevented oats from .gaining much head
way. September closed o higher, at 8274
Despite liquidating sales of September
pork the entire provision list felt the ef
fect of an active general demand. Prices
advanced all around, pork, 217c, and
lard and ribs, 67&
The leading futures closes as follows:
Artlclel Open.! Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yes'y.
Wheatl I I I
Sept 86W 94H 949414
Dec. 94 961 94 947(3:9o 94
May. 9SV99sK . 98 998ail
Corn. I I t
Sept. 74tt14 74 73 74 1 737
Dec. 66if Ms 65?4 S3 6555
May. 64&H 54 64 64H537sl
Oats. I f I
Sept 32 33 33327433i82T4
Dec. 83S 33 33gV 33K 3W
May. 35M4 . 357 S535 35
Pork. (
, 6eptil7 65 1 17 79- '
17 67 17 80 17 65 17 80 17 75
Oot. 17 80 17 95 17 80 17 92.
17 95 17 90
Jan.. 19 17 19 32l 19 17 19 30 19 12
Urd. II
. Sept 10 92VH I
11 00 11 00 10 92 11 00 10 95
Oct. 77 07- 1102.
11 10 11 10 11 07 11 10 11 05
Jan.. 10 75-80 10 82 10 75 10 82 10 80
Ribs. I I I
Sept.110 92- 10 97- 10 92- '
10 95 11 00 10 95 10 92 10 90
Oot. U 00 1105 11 10 U0210 95
i , 10 97
Jan.. 10 15
10 17 10 22 101$ 10 22 1015
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR-Firm; winter patents. U.SMt
4.70; straights, $4.00(1.60; spring patents,
4.3MM.70; straights, $4.004.25; bakers,
RYE No. Z, 71C.
BARLEY Feed or mixing. 45l60o: fair
to choice malting, 616c.
SEEDS-Ttmothy, $3.7555)4.75; clover,
PROVISIONS Mess pork, $17.73fl17.87.
Lard (In tierces), $11.00. , short ribs
(loose), $16.97.
Total clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 134,000 bu. Primary receipts
were t,47(wo du., compared with 908,000
bu., the corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat
147 cars: corn, 653 cars; oats, 501 cars;
hogs, 18,000 head. .
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red.
$1.051.07i; No. 3 reft, 95ci$1.06; No. 2
nara, w⁣ o. s naro, wftg.970; No. 1
vfuiirieinuLiiei -g uiuce, federal uuila
lng, Chicago, III., July 16, 1311 -Healed
proposals will be received here until 1
o'clock P. M., Central Time, September
3, 1912, for furnishing and delivering at
Chicago or other prominent railroad
points: 10,000 tons hay and 8,000 tons
oats. Information furnished upon appli
cation. John L. Clem. Chief Quarter
master. ' Jyl6-17-lS-19-A29-30.
northern. 9tc$1.00: No. 2 northern. 942?99c;
No. 3 northern. 9136c; No. 2 spring, 94
4fit7c; No. 3 spring, 92ff96c; No. 4 spring,
$71iWe; velvet chaff, Sfrfsec; durum, 9$!
95c. Com: No. 3, 81(gle; No. 2 white,
StoSStjc; No. 3 yellow. aVBS2e; No. 8.
81i4HXle: No. 8 white, 82$Sc; No. 3
yellow, si$82c; No. 4. 80asic; No. 4
white, 81$2c; No. 4 yellow, Sle. Oats:
8335c; No. 4, S3i3'34c: No. 4 white. 84
No. 2. S2c; No. $ white, 353bc; No.
Rye: No. 2, 71c. Barley: 40710. Seeds:
Timothy. $3.754.75; clover, $13.00l.00.
BUTTER-Steady; creameries, 2232ic;
daisies. SOtfTSSc.
EGGS Steady; receipts, 9,652 cases; at
mark, cases included, 17c; ordinary
firsts. ISc; firsts, 20c.
CHEESE-Steady; daisies, 15VlKc:
twins, 1415c; young Americas, 15j9
15c; long horns. 1515c.
POTATOES Steady; receipts, 50 cars;
Michigan, 5080c; Minnesota, 4&60c; Wis
contn, 6$5Sc.
POULTRY-Allve, firm: turkeys, 12c;
chickens, 13c; springs, 17c.
VEAL Steady at 913c.
Quotations of the Day on Varleus
NEW YORK, Aug. 29.-FLOUR Steady;
spring patents, $5.ly5.l5; winter straiht.
4.504.60; winter patents, $4.805.;
spring clears. KEO4.83; winter extras,
No. 1, $4.104.20; winter extras, No. 2, $4.00
4.10; Kansas stralerhts. $4.25i&4.40.
WHEAT Spot market firm; new No. 2
rea, i.w c 1. r. track and $1.07 r. a b.
afloat; No. 1 northern. $1.05 f. o. b.
afloat. Futures market closed to
net higher. September, $1.04; December,
1.0:; May, $1.66.
CORN Spot market firm; export corn.
61?i0 f. o. b. afloat December to March.
OATS Spot, market firm; new standard
white, 41c; No. 2, 41o; No. 3, 41c; No. 4,
40c, all track, new natural white, 40
gHiHo track; new white cupped, 4iSjtfHc.
HAY Quiet; prime, $1.40; No. 1, $1.36;
No. 2. $l.i01.26; fo. 3, 9ciJJJ1.05.
HIDES Firm; Central America, 25c;
Bogota. 2425c.
LEATH E R Steady ; hemlock firsts; 26
27c; seconds, UVtiw, thirds, 22(gp3c; re
jects, lOo.
PROVISIONS-Pork. mess, $20.0C822.00;
family. $2O.0O21.00; short clears, 819.7&9
22.00. Beef, firm; mess, $16.00(816.50; fam
ily. $18.iO19.00; beef hams. $28.0031.0&.
Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14
pounds. S12.Oc14.CO: ntckled hams. $13.50-3
14.00. Lard, firm; middle west, $11.25
U.36J retined, firm; continent $n.6;
South America. $i2.a; compound, WtMf
T A LLO W Firm ; prime city, hhds., 6o;
country, 6c; special, 7c.
BUTTER Firm; receipts, 6,609 tubs;
creamery, extra, 2627c; firsts, 2526c.
CHEESE Steady; receipts, 2,870 boxes;
state, whole milk, white, specials, 16
I6c; same, colored, iftc; skims, we 13c.
KGGS Steady; receipts, 12,306 cases;
refrigerator firsts, season's storage
charges paid, 2223c; seconds, 2021c;
third, lS(&19c; western fresh gathered
whites, 24n27e.
POULTBY Dressed, dull; fresh killed
western chickens, 1623c; fowls, l417c;
turkeys, 1617c
St. Lonls General Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug. 29. WHEAT
Cash, strong; track, No. 3 red, $1.041.06;
No. 2 hard. SHc.
CORN-Highar; track, No. 2, 8060c;
No. 2 white, 83c
OATS Lower; track, No. 2, $233c; No,
2 white, $5(&36c.
Closlns orices of futures;
WHEAT Higher; September, 94c;
December, 96c
CORN Steady; September, 74c; De
cember, 62c.
OATS Lower; September, 31c; De
cember, 82c.
RYE Unchanged; 72c.
FLOUR Firm: red winter nntenta.
$4,75o.05; extra fancy. and straight $4.16
4 65; hard winter clears, i&awgQ.tsu. -SEED
Timothy, 10c,
SEED Timothy, $10.00.
BRAN Weak; sacked east track, $1.00
(81.06. .
HAY" Weak; timothy, $13.00(8)20.00;
Drain. ilO.BOffil4.50.
PROVISIONS-Pork, unohanged; job
bing, $16.50; lard, unchanged; prrne steam,
310.008)10.70. JJry salt meats, unoiiangeu;
hnnHrt extra, shorts. 11c: clear ribs. 11c:
short clears, llc; bacon, unchanged;
boxed extra short, W, clear rios, use;
short clears. 12UC.
POULTRY Steady; chickens, llc;
springs, 16o; turkeys, 1719c; ducks, 9
llo; geese, 6fivc.
BUTTER Dull; creamery, 2326c. '
EGGS Firm; 18a
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls : 18.000 11,000
Wheat bu. 261,000 123,000
Pnrn. hu 46.000 90,009
Oats, bu 99,000 78,000
' Kansas City General Market.
Cash, unchanged; No. 2 hard, 90f9!c;
No. 8, 8292o; No., 2 red, 98c$1.0l; No.
8, 90c$l,01. . ,
CORN-lc higher; No. 2 mixed, 78c;
No. 3. 7777c; No. 2 white, 78c; No. 3,
OATS o higher: No. 2 white, 3434c;
No. z mixed, B3tt&33c.
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT September, 90V490c; Decem
ber, 87c; May. 98c.
CORN September, 72c; December, 60c;
May, 604500.
OATS September, $3c; December, 33
33c; May, 38c.
RYE-7172o. ,
HAY Steady; choice timothy, $13.60(3
14.00; choice prairie, $10.6011.00.
BUTTER Creamery, 24c; firsts, 22o;
seconds, 20c; packing stock, 20 21c.
EGGS Extras, 22c; firsts, 20c sec
onds, 18o. ,
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 258,000 212,000
Corn, bu 27,000 18,000
Oats, bu 11,000 12,000
Mlnneapollj Gral? Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, IClnn., ' Aug. 29.
WHEAT September, 9lc; December,
92c; May, 97c. ?ash: No. 1 hard, 99c;
No. 1 northern, 9288o; No. 2 north
ern, 88rW74c: No. 8. 8!5)Mo.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 77'4(ft78o.
OATS No. 3 white, 8131o.
RYiii-No. 2, 634c.
BRAN J n 100-pound sacks, $19.00ig19.K.
FLOUR Leading local patents, in wood,
f. o. b. Minneapolis, $46&4.85: other
patents, $4.&04.85; first clears, $2.50a3.;
second clears. $2.8i2.0. -
MilwunWee Grain SfnrVrt.
1 northern, 9Sc41.O0; No. 2 northern, 96
98c; No. 2 hard winter, 94(395c: Septem
ber, 94c; December, 9494c.
8383c; No. 8, 81c; September, Us; De-
OATS Standard, 353Cc.
RYE-No. 1, 76c
BARLEY Malting, t5ig)76c.
Liverpool Grain Market.
steady; No. 2 Manitoba, 8s 4d; No 3
Manitoba, 8s 8d; future, firm: October
7s 8d; December, 7s 6d'.
CORN Spot, steady; new American kiln
dried. 7s 3d; old American mixed, 7i
4d; futures, steady. September, 6s 3d;
December, s d.
I . ,
! . ) Peoria Market.
PEORIA, 111., Aug. 2S.-CORN-Market
lo higher; No. 2 yellow, 80c; No. 8 yellow,
79c; No. I mixed, 79c; No, 8 mixed, 79c;
No. 4 mixed, 77c.
OATS Market c higher: No. 2 white.
34c; standard, 34c; No. 3 white, 33-J
$:'c; No. 4 white. 82c; sample, 31c.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 29.-METALSCop-per
firm; standard spot and August,
$17.2717.S5; September, $17.S517.60; Oc
tober, $17.3517.62; electrolytlo, $17.76
17.87; lake. $17.7317.87; casting. $17.15
fe)17.26. Tin, strong; spot to October,
$i6.6O47.O0. Lead, firm, $4.5S4.75. Spel
ter, firm, $7-25(87.50. Antimony, quiet;
Cookson, $8.46. Iron, firm; unchanged,
Arrivals of copper in New York today,
935 tons. Exports this month, 24,972 tons.
London copper quiet; spot, 78, 16s, 3d;
futures, 79, 6s, 3d. London tin strong;
spot. 213. futures, 212. Sales on the
local exchange. 6 tons. London lead, 30,
10s. Local sales, 50,000 pounds. London
spelter, 26, 15s. Iron, Cleveland war
rants, 65s, 7d In London.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 29. METALS
Lead, firm at $4.57; spelter, firm at $7.00
7.06. .
So car Market.
SUGAR Raw, firm; centrifugal, 96
test, 6.23c; mascuvada, 89 test 3.73c; mo
lasses, 89 test, 3.48c. Refined, firm.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
Cattle Sheep Moderate and Prices
Show Little Change.
Fat Sheep Ten to Fifteen Cents
Higher, "W hile Fat Lambs are Only
Abont Steady at Advance
Noted Yesterday,
SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 29, 1912.
Recelnts vr- Puttie. HoKS. SheeD.
Official Monday 8.921 2.227 S9.T&3
Official Tuesday 5.284 7.364 23.645
Ofticial Wednesday .. 3.167 7,Sa is.6'i
Estimate Thursday ... 2,000 7.200 8.000
Four days .this week.19,372 24.183 84.998
Same days last week.. 19,724 25.278 89.2S4
Same days 2 wks. ago.2i.7 $0,578 47,47
Same days 3 wks. ago.15,735 19,702 35,641
Same days 4 Wks. aKf.10.542 ' 26,796 44.912
Same days last year..29.914 21.879 121.8S0
The following table shows the receipts
ot cattle, bogs and sheep at &uih Omaha
for the year to date as compared with
last years 1912. 1911. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 662, 71 688.074 35,403
Hogs 2.225,06 L761.13S 568,952
Sheep 1.326,864 1,174,806 152,050
The following table shows the range of
price for hogs at South Omaha for the
last few days with comparisons:
Aug. 20.
Aug. a.
Aug. t!.
AUg. H.
Aug. 24.
Aug. 85.
Aug. 26.
Aug. 27.
Aug. 27.
Aug. 28.
112. 19U. 191O.il9O.11908.1907. 11906.
8 OttWi
S 03fe( 7 27
9 WW I s
8 OOT4I 7 16
8 16 7 06
7 101
8 25 7 12)
8 31 7 131
$ 871 7 531 6 37 5 62 6 OS
7 49
$ 54
8 66 7 63
64 7 62
8 391
6 32,
6 531
6 oo
t 65
6 67
6 331
8 70! 7 711 4
X 7I 7 60! 38l 5 77
8 691 7 631 6 41 6 771 S 85
7 691 6 46 i 6 75 6 HO
6 95
5 91
6 85
5 85
6 83
7 15 $ l 1 471 8 68 S 70
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha,
for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 p.
m. yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C, M. ft St. P. Ry.. 10 .. ..
Wabash R. R 8
Mo. Pac Ry 38 22 21 I
C. & N.-W., East.. .. 12
C & N.-W.. West.. 31 23 4
C, St. P., M. 4 O. .. 9
C, B. Q. East 3
C B. & Q West.. 30 13 4 1
C, R. I. & P., East 1 i
C, R. & P.. West ... 1
Illinois Central Ry.. l' X
C, G. W. Ry 3 ..
Total Receipts.. 91 104 29 2
Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
Morris and Company.. 381 M m
Swift & Company 815 1,709 47$
Cudahy Packing Co.... 272 1,687 2,401
Armour & Company... 164 1,912 1,W2
Schwarts & Co 127
Murphy 2,040
Cudahy Bros
W. B. Vansant Co.... 72
B. Vansant & Lush.... 33
Hill & Son 220
F. B. Lewis 248 .... ....
J. B. Root & Co 213 .
J. H. Bulla 86
McCreary & Kellogg-. 134 .... ......
Wertheimer & Dcgen.. 22
H. F. Hamilton 67
Lee Rothschild 66
Mo, & Kans.-Calf. Co. ,18
Cline & Christie ..... 5
Rosenstock 9
Other Buyers 664 .... 3,498
Totals 8,690 8,560
CATTLE Cattle receipts were very
small this morning, only eighty-one cars
being reported in, This makes the total
for the four days 19,372 head, which was
nnt fur from the same number received
during the corresponding period last
week. However, as compared with a
year ago there has been a falling off in
the four days of about 10,000 head.
The market on beef steers did not show
very much change. It has not been very
active for the last two days owing 'to the
weakness prevailing at eastern points,
especially the weakness prevailing In the
meat markets, at the large consuming
centers. As a result the trade was rathea
deficient in life and aitnougn mere were
some right Kood cattle on sale, buyers
did not appear as eager for them as was
the case last week.
Cows and heifers were again in light
supply this morning and as there was
a good inquiry the market was a little
more active and stronger than yester
day. stock cattle and feeders were in mod
erate supply, but the demand was also
small, yesterday afternoon speculators
bad a very fair country trade, but they
still had quite a number of cattle on
hand and were more interested In selling
what they already had on hand than In
buying additional stuff. As a result, the
trade on all kinds of stock cattle and
feeders was slow and the feeling weak.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
oholce beef steers, $8.509110.86; fair to good
beef steers, $7.50g60: common to fair
beef steers, $6.007.60; good to choice
heifers, $6-00(g7,25; good to choice cows,
$6.006.25; fair to good cows. $4.0006.00;
common to fair cows, $2.7t84.00; good to
choice stockers and feeders, $6,008)8.00;
fair to good stockors and feeders, $5.26j
6.00; common to fair stockers and feeders,
$4.505.25; stock cows and heifers, $4.26
5.50; veal calves, $4.5098.50; bulls, stags,
etc., $S.766.75. - '
Quotations on range cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, $7.60iS)9.60; fair to
good beef steers, $6.257.50; common to
fair beet steers, $5.00t3&26.
Representative sales:
We. A. Pr. No. At. Vt.
IMl 185 It 141116 21
u im 10 o
. . 838 111
. 800 I W
Ill I 40
4 7S I 10
I MO 4 40
..,.1600 4 it
1170 4 10
1290 4 45
1 080 4 10
4 1117 4 M
1 1100 4 BO
1 1MI 4 0
TS 4 40
M 4 60
192 4 60
Mi 4 66 I
Ill 4 I
40 4 M U
I1T I 00 14
IM I 00 I
00 I 00 I
101 I 10
1011 4N
1011 0
.131 4 TO
4 1117 I 00
4 Ml I 10
1 171 I 10
1004 I SO
....1181 I CO
.... Ill i 60
.... Ml I to
T02 I II
630 I II
61 I M
NO I 40
.110 4W
.1820 4 II
1 1070 I M
1 160 tl
1 ,...12M 7
, 1 1480 4 16
' 1 UW I 10
10 Ml 4 60 1 J10 I 00
4 107 I 00 1 140 I H
M I 64 10 ,. ill I 60
1 14 I 71 1 170
4 IM 7 00
701 4 10
1 121 I 00
4 481 I II
Li 711 I II
I TM I 16
1 440 I 40
1S I 40
101 I 60
404 I 10
rat i to
458 I M
111 I W
,131 I 70
.784 I 71
T24 I 71
786 I IS
1 76 I 90
Ml I 00
42 I 00
HI I 30
130 I II
190 I 40
30 I 40
86 steers. .
18 cows.,
.... 4M I 70
Av. Pr.
..1375 if 85
,. 951 8 10
f steers .',..1066 6 10
1 steers.... 711 6 70
6 feeders.
93 feeders.
Av. Pr.
910 00
934 6 90
1 calves.
9 calves.
7 steers.
175 8 60
294 7 26
692 5 70
7 cows $48 4 40
6 calves... 184 8 00
11 cows 896 4 40
7 steers. ... 681 5 70
HOGS There was a pretty fair demand
for good light hogs, with both packers
and shippers taking what were heie at
prices mostly strong and in spots possibly
a nickel higher than yesterday's trade.
Other grades remained generally on a
steady basis, though a few sales might
be considered as weak to a shade lower.
As the shipping demand continues poor
a small proportion of the receipts were
secured on that account thus making
business chiefly a packer market Right
from the start trade was active and prac
tically everything was disposed of com
paratively early. A load of choice Berk
shire hogs weighing around Z25 pou..ds
sold to a packer buyer at $8.65, the high
est price for the day and the best price
paid on this market since October, 1910,
when $0.05 was top.
Hcpreeentativft miles:
No. Av. Sh. Pr. no. av. 8h. Pr.
10 184 H IN 70 246 140 I 10
19 802 80 I 20 71 M7 ... I 10
K Ill 1W IH 46 ill ... 10
i 8 ... IN 64 H7 ... I 80
43 313 40 1-Vi 48...... 843 40 8 JO
41 191 ... I IS 71 S40 ... 10
41 7 80 ii 48 141 ... I W
61 303 80 1 2S IT 207 ... I 30
44 JT0 0 4 IS 46 312 0 I 80
66 JTS ... U 46 252 40 I 80
65 194 ... I !J 46 HI ... I 3Hi
86 Iti SO 9 ;:. 93 13 HO 8 3-!i
71 131 ... ,t H 4t 134 1!0 I 3iVi
18 Ml 80 8 r, 79 114 2:0 8 36
49 187 110 I M 43 194 80 I U
63 Ill ... I i5 (4 143 80 I 16
71 124 ... 12) II ill 330 I IS
1 110 160 8 70 287 140 I it
u :ts i:o is 67 180 ... I as
73 139 ... 126 61 174 ... 186
49 2M 140 I tl It ill ... I 36
II ..ill M I U U 207 ... I SI
42 360 ... 1 SI II ill 80 I 36
44 tti 40 I 21 64 349 ... I 16
41 Sit ... 8 M 71 337 40 8 St
43 284 ... I 33 71 341 20 I 35.
41 VI ... I t?H 61 341 80 I Si
44 Ml 140 I 171 40 174 80 I 31
44 144 ... I JT 22 190 40 I 40
10 M M I ni tt 114 ... I 40
TO 167 80 8 30 20 144 ... I 40
71 147 120 I 80 44 190 ... I 40
74 S34 300 I 80 Tl 221 ... 8 40
II 234 SOJ 3 10 71 224 10 I 40
19 141 ... I 80 78 301 ... I 40
81 Ill 100 I .'0 71 Ill ... I 40
3 m tOO I 0 81 201 10 I 40
(I Ill 40 I 10 42 ill 40 8 40
40 Ill ... I II 71 110 80 I 40
47 169 ... I 10 14 141 10 I 40
14 217 40 I SO 40 114 ,.. I 40
18 244 80 1 30 14 114 ... I 46
73 .101 80 1 SO 43 174 ... I 44
Si...... .Ill ... 1 30 74 ill ... 141
71....;. .244 140 1 !0 72 US IK 14
II., 141 140 30 W.......173 ... 164
44 177 ... I 10 40 191 140 I SO
10. ......ill 40 I !0 71 147 140 I 60
to 131 60 I 30 10 tOt 10 I M
14 1(14 14 1 30 46 3S7 90 1 10
41 l 130 ISO 18 114 ... I to
21 227 10 I SO 71 Ill 40 I tl
61 20 80 I 80 II 836 ... I tl
40.. K ... I SO 71 114 ... I 61
17 171 ISO I SO 71 144 ... I U
17 101 ... I 36
SHEEP The receipts of sheep and
lambs for Wednesday and today show a
big falling off from the first two days of
the week. During Monday and Tuesday
about 63.400 head were yarded, while only
In the neighborhood of 22.000 head made
up the receipts for yesterday and today.
A very light run arrived on the market
this morning, as the supply amounted to
no more than thirty-two loads, or 8,000
head. This is 14,200 short of a week ago
and about 7,900 head less than the ar
rivals here on the corresponding days last
There was a pretty fair demand again
this morning for any stuff that would do
for killing and somo ot the best sheep and
lambs were turned over to the packers
early. There was a stronger tone to the
trade on fat sheep than lambs and this
may be attributed to the relative scarcity
of fat sheep in this week s receipts. On
the other hand, lambs have been coming
In larger numbers and packers are well
stocked up with them, A four-car ship
ment of ewes brought $3.95 at the opening
and three cars of Idaho lambs sold for
The market had considerable life at all
times and a very fair clearance of the
offerings was made early in forenoon.
Limbs sold at prices generally steady
to strong, while fat sheep showed an
advance of 104J)15c.
Only a fair volume of trade was done
in feeding lambs and sheep yesterday
as the supply whs somewhat limited and
not many buyers were in from the coun
try. Prices generally were steady to
strong with Tuesday's market When
considering the sise of the total receipts
a small proportion consists of stock suit
able for feeding purposes.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good
to choice lambs, $6. 504?$. 75: fair to good
lambs, tti.2ii6.E0, feeder Iambs, to.60 40;
light yearlings, $4.6Jfl8.00; heavy year
lings, $4.50(ff4.85; feeder yearlings, $4.50
5,26; good to choice wethers, $4.001t4.35;
fair to good wethers, $3.86ig4.00; feeder
wethers, $3,504.00; good to choice ewea,
$3,507)4.00; feeder ewes, $3.0P$3.50.
Representative sales: .
No. Av. Pr.
350 Idaho lambs, feeders 56 , 8 15
236 Idaho iambs, feeders.., 56 6 15
f Idaho iambs, feeder culls.. 56 5 50
105 Idaho lambs, feeders 65 6 15
780 Idaho lambs 9 6 75
743 Idaho lambs 62 60
71 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 67 6 90
25 Wyoming lambs, culls 66 $ 60
176 Wyoming lambs, feeders.., 48 6 00
293 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 57 8 20
396 Wyoming lambs 57 30
498 Nevada lambs, feeders 59 (20
90 Nevada Iambi, feeder culls 58 5 50
14 Nevada lambs, feeder culls 62 $00
164 Idaho yearling feeders 75 6 26
410 Idaho yearling feeders.,,.,, 76 6 26
141 Idaho yearling feeders 85 8 05
90 Idaho yearling feeder culls 70 8 76
18 Idaho yearling 84 ; 4 76
37 Idaho ewes 102 $ 25
249 Idaho lambs 63 (85
200 Idaho lambs ,., 58 (10
114 Idaho lambs 55 (10
60 Idaho Iambs 38 6 25
666 Idaho lamb 71 I 60
155 Idaho lamb 71 (60
692 Idaho lambs (3 10
1.104 Nevada lambs 69 ( eo
672 Utah wethers 103 4 26
288 Utah wethers 103 4 26
80 Utah wethers, culls 87 $ 86
55 Wyoming wethers lit 4 21
49 Wyoming ewes, feeders..,. 93 8 16
127 Wyoming ewes, feeders 94
58 Wvomlnr ewes, feeders 95
17$ Wyoming lambs, feeders... 60 (15
178 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 69 ( 15
170 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,, 58 (15
840 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 68 6 15
65 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 68
68 native lambs 79
328 Wyoming lambs t $ 25
680 Wyoming lambs 68 ((0
684 Wyoming lambs e ev
66 Montana lambs ;.. 67 6 50
56 Mopt lambs, feeder culis. . 67 6 75
817 Wyoming wethers 89 4 80
83 Montana ewes 98 8 60
836 Wyoming ewes 108 8 90
168 Wyoming ewes 101 $ 90
21 native ewes . 110 8 65
159 Wyoming ewes
36 Montana ewes "4 $10
89 Montana ewes, culls $0 lit
Kansas City Live Stoett, Market.
Receipts, 4,000 head, Including 1,000 head
southerns; market, steady; native steers,
$6.5O10.60; southern steers, $4.6A(.2Sj
southern cows and heifers, $3.25i5.25; na
tive cows and heifers, $3.25ft.D0; stockers
and feeders, $4.607.fi0; bulls, $4.008.26;
calves, $5.008.50; western steers, $6.60
9.00; western cows, $8.25(3)6.60.
HOGS Receipts, $,500 head; market,
steady; bulk of sales, $8.508.70; heavy,
r 4ip.65; packers and butchers. $8.6tiijg
70; light, I8,50&8.76: pigs, W.06.75,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000
head; market, steady; muttons, $3,603
4.40; lambs, $6.006,85; range wethers and
yearlings, $4.0O3-25; rang twes, $2. 25a
I lower with some strength in Great North-
ern Ore. Bonds wero irregular.
An irregular tendency was shown In the
early dealings on the stock exchange to
day. A majority of tha aotive issues
were lower, with weakness most marked
in Amalgamated, Louisville and Nash
ville; Northern Pacific and Pittsburgh .
Coal. Steel opened with a block of 4,000
shares at a slight fractional advance with
greater gains for Great Northern Ore
and Canadian Pacific. Reading was bid
up one-half a point, but the market weak
ened when pressure against tobacco
blocks became acute.
The market closed firm. Some diver
sion was furnished In the last hour by
Louisville and Nashville, which rose 2
points before news of the proposed so 3k
Increase became known. The gain as
soon lost, however, the stock falling 1
sharply, although other standard issuesi
showed improvement.
Number of sales and le&cing quotations '
on stocks were as tollows:
Sal. Hih. bow. Clot.
AmalfantUd Copper .... u.loo 87 ft 17 874
American Aiiuitur.l .. 700 im Mtt tl
Amc8. few sujr.... 1,1410 7T 7t
AilcB cm : 1.MU r
Aouriota Ma ptd , m
Aianoa U 400 41 Hit l
nrlcu loliou oil uu b4 m m
Am. Mcurulu 4Jj U"4
Amaricts Uaarwl Ui
Aiutriiia Looonium ... tOO 46 4iJ4 464j
AHMFHMB 8. 4tt H 4,ao9 Ji tl
Am. 1 1, W, pta.i. uu Iim mi 10tt
Am. busat Kenning h n lot Ua
Aimsntmu T. t t.W ! 144 144H,
AUiwltiu 'johtcou iuo iHy, Ie4ta
Auaouuui Mining Co.... 4, lou 44 U
AlcUKiU W 10 lU8
Atgnl.ou pta .uo Utii luitt iol
AUUH.t L.l ,vt Id 144 144
Milium.' t Ohm iw Mitt ivitt .Mi-i
iwinienum giwi ., w to U4 ti
BroiMinu Kipu Tr Hit
u.ui.U tituuic 14,000 111 3M
ivuu.u Ltaintr loo in a II
UiuiMi Ohio 1..W 2 Hi M
Uui.4fcM u. vV iuu ln U II
uit.., si. r. ... i,AH In li looik
(.iik.,, .S. V, lug itl Hilt itl-
lutui-bO .K I... l,ivo a u MX
unwimttel it liuit i"" l"'
wmi ntMuuU MI 14 I 1
U.UW.t4 W JlUUWU 1'0
WoUVbt' A Itit) UIIIU ..... Hits
tl. K, U. Sin --m
u.itilluV MwuiUlw . .,
r I,w0 17 ti 4
la via ..... 64
tuft mi v. u.... 444
uuri tuiiar.0 -0J 1J 1' l-m
WHl .Nu.luvlU Did...... 1.IWV iMVI lit IM
vruk ur ciu. t,iw W 34 iftt
i,uuui iuui ................
IMiivui'OU.! Jlil 4lM n Ml 1'4
,UtM'. AWfc. W1' ' " '
..... 1..UU II
uiui ui wui nurvwuir .. 8ai Ui- WA Un
utMr.juriu Wt M lr l
lUlWUktlUkKI t'xitr
lliloruauun.i ruiuy '
aiuiMi vuy iimir..., iw lift ' l'
imciu v 11 lu 10' ft W
iiuiga Vny 4,iw ') 14
wuuvill .SnuviiU..'. .ia ,,
Mm IU. f. tt. M... W lot 1 12
MUMiurl. K. t T
Mluouri -ole i.lW "
KtUUUU iiouiv 1 1 "
KUtloo! Um4 W H jo
.m. . it, ot At. id ptd "0ft
Xrs cintrs M Ul IMIk ll
H Y 0 W. ,, w 4 ' ,
urt., wtiisra w " ll "i
,onu AmsrlMO oo
Nortnetn lrauw I.w Iw.h I"
I'MilIia AU.1I I"" ,l w
rtuniw'l uu wo 110 u,1 u
c, c., c. st. i - lw
rtUMiurtft WW 1.4o "Vk J
fnuou stew Cr..... '
rulinun -i4os Cat t '.,
Ham .W0 I'O l'
vb""o i. i:.'.'.' "m uii 'ii J
ov aland C "J
iluus U. pld.... oo w M J
St. U . I. id ptd... 1W tl M '
SwtHiard Air Llna...., J"J
MUril A. L ptd 10 U U Kit
SHMs-SlwtlwU i. !.. i?
iouiM KAilway W U "
So. Msuwsp W...,.,... .J0U JO
inuiiM Oopr 400 10
Taaaa Pacilio tW 44 W
ll"" raslito 00 Si MM
Vans 8Ut rtaaltr..., JW J JJ
tu,i.l Uiataa Kubbar.... boo tl 11
Vnltad Statas Sil 40.400 4 74VI m
V. S. SU.I ptd 00 1WV9 111 UWs
Utah Uipper
vL-CarTu. Chamical .. , 100 lift 47 4
Wabaob. ;
Waitars Maryland M "
Waatlnghoua. Blectrto .. 400 17 4
WhMliuf & 1 B""' '
tout M.ea tor tut 4r
8 15
tt, Lonls Live sioelc Market.
ceipts, 2,500 head, including 500 head
Texans; market, steady, native beef
steers, $5.6010.50; cows and heifers, $4.00
fti.50; stockers and feeders, $3.76(37.25;
exas and Indian steers, $4.008.00; cows
and heifers, $3.507.00; calves in carload
lots, $5.50.00.
HOGS-Recelpts, 2,500 head; market,
steady; pigs and lights. $6.50$9.00; mixed
and butchers, $8.76160.00; good heavy, $8.70
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,500
head; market steady; native muttons.
S3.7etS6.25; lambs, $5.503i7.00.
Chicao-o Live Stock Market.
fHTrAcm Ana. m n a tti trr(..
$,5f0 head; market steady to strong;
beeves. lA.RIWfrnn flX' T.tu, cc iam
8.86; western steers. $6.2500.50; stockers
nu reeaers, HJJj'i.a cows and heifers.
$2.76?.16; calves, $fl.5O10.75.
nuuo-nreiiiu, neaa; market tor
best grade was strong, others weak; light,
$8.258.85; mixed, $S.lm5; heavy. $7.9CK3, ruujn, h.mui.ib; pigs, 4U.KWMS.W:
bulk of saJes, $S.258.75.
RHtTlTTT 1MTI r A Vf R Q T3 .a.Ik,. m AnA
$3.4lxQ4.50. western, $S.504.55; yearlings,
$4,604)5.56; lambs, native, $4.50(g7.X5; west-
tt, Joseph I.lve Steek Market,
fiT .mSlT.PW Anr f A TTT
celpts, 1.700 head; market, steady; steers,
$8.7610.O0; cows and heifers, $3.25ffi9.00;
calves, $4-6008.50. .'
steady; top, $8.50; bulk' of sales, $8.46
8HEEP AND LA MB8 Receipts, 1,200
bead; market, steady; lambs, $8.00(37.00.
News from Wall Street as Gathered
Darin - the Day's Business.
NEW YORK, Aug. 29.-The advance In
the British bank rate probably exercised
an adverse influence over today's market
No pronounced pressure was shown, how
ever, except in the tobacco group. Cana
dian Pacific was inclined to retrieve
further its recent decline. Reading A
Lehigh Valley reflected additional sell
ing. Louisville Nashville fell a point
on probable postponement of dividend
action. Seel and coppers were fractionally
New York Meney Market.
call, firm, aMWtt Pr cent; ruling rate, "
dosing bid, per cent; offered at 8
per cent. Time loans strong; tw days,
W4 per cent; 90 days, 4HV per cent;
i months, 4a Pr cent. .
per cent.
actual business in bankers' bills at $4,645$
tat sixty-day bills and at $41730 for de
mand. Commercial bills, $4.83Vfc.
SILVER Bar, &!e; Mexican dollars,
BONDS-Government, Irregular; rail
road, irregular.
' Closing quotations on bonds today were
si follows:
Q. a. rat. la, rag.,.100K. C. Bo. rtt. la.. Ml
do ooupon 100 U 8. deb. 4s 1831.. tl
B, g. la, rag 101 L. 4V N. unl. 4a .. IH4
do coupon 101 M. K. A T, 1st 4a N
0. . 4a, rag u' do H
de coupon ....... .lUMo. pacific 4a..... 70
Panama la, coupon.. 101 do oon. la 144
A. 0. Ut (S otll... It V R R ol K 4Hl. 90
Amor. Af. ta 100 V. Y. C. f. tS
A. T. T. ov. 4a.. 113 do dab. 4a II
"Am. Tobaaco l...l N. Y. N. H, ft H.
Armour Co. 41. 10 or. Ia 0
AUbiaos 4a..., MN. 4 W. lat c. 4l. Mi
do ov. 4a H40.,...10f do ov, 4a.. ...... .117
do cv. ta ,....lNb. PaolflS 4a...... 17
A, C. I 1st 4a 14 do la 4114
Bal. Ohio. 4a 170. 8. L rtdg. 4a... 91
do la 1 Pi. or. IMa lilt.. 17
Brook. Tr. ev. 4a... II do eon. 4a .101
Oan. of Ga.'ta 101 Reading (as. 4a 14
Cen. Leather ta It S L ft S F If 4a.. 71
Chaa. ft Ohio 4a.. M do (an. la 14
do eonT. 41...... Bt. L. g. W, a, 4s. M
Chloago ft A 148, A. Ia,U. la 71
C. B. ft Q- J. 4a... M8o, Pmo. ool. 4a IH
do fan. 4a.. do er. 4a ti
C M ft 8 P ev 4109 do lit rat. 4a 9.1
C. R. 1. P- . 4a. II so. Railway Is 101
do rtf. 4s 17 de gan, 4.. 71
C. ft 8. r ft 41 9S Union Paoltla 4a.... H
P. ft H. et. 4a 7 do or. 4a 102
do raf. ta ilo lat A raf. 4a. K
Dlitlllara' ta T5U. 8. Rubbar da., ..104
Erie p. 1. 4a 19 V. 8. Utui M 8a,. .,10!
do fan. 4a 77Va. -Car. Cham. ta.. M
do er. 4a, tar. B. 7lWab. lat ft ax. 4a. 17
III. Can. lat raf. 4i 91 "Wwtirn Md. 4a.. MVi
Intar. Mat. 41 II West. . Klotu or. ia.. 9r-
Inwr, M. M. 4a.. 44Wls. Cantral 4a Il"
japan'IHa M . . . ,
. B14. Offarad. '
Boston Stock Market.
BOSTON, Aug. 29. Closing quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Allouaa 47 Mohawk ............. 17
Amal. Copper 17 Nevada, Con. 11 '
A. I. L. ft g., l Wptaalng Mlnaa ... 1
Arliona Cost I Mrth Butta 13
B ft C, C. ft 8. M, 7 North Uka I
Cal. ft Arlaona !l01d Dominion ...... M
Cal. ft Haola ...Ml OaoMla ....117
Centennial 12Qulner 10
Cop, Banfa C. C... I?H Shannon 1
Cart Butte C. M... liBuparla 47
Franklin lliupartor ft B. M... 1,
Olroux Con, ........ t Tamarack 44
Oranbr Con 17 tl. 8. 8. RAM... 4t
Oraena Cananaa .... 10 do ptd ............ 4e
Iale Rorala Copper. !6Utah Con. 11 -
Karr Lake IHt'tah Oppsr Co...., K
Lake Copper II Winona ............. I
ta Salle Copper.... lWalrarIn 104 .;
Miami Coppar 19 .
. Aakd. ' .
New York aflnlno; Stocks.
NEW YORK, Aug. 28. Closing quota
tions on mining stocks were:
Com. Tonnad atock.. 10 Maxlcaa ............ .It
do bonds ..11 Ontario ,...,....,.,,.150
Coo. Cal. Va..... 13 Opblr W
Iron Slltar 110 8taodard 100
LeadTllla Con. .... 10 Tallow Jtekat 4t
Little ChieJ I
OKarad. . -
London Block Market.
LONDON, Aug. 29. American securities ,
were quiet and featureless during the -early
trading today. At noon prices
ranged from unchanged to higher than
yesterday's New York closing. .
Bank Clearings. . , '
OMAHA. Aug. 29.-Bank clearings for '
today were $2,617,485.68 and for the cor
responding day last year, $2,102,838.7$.
fghip Your Stock
to South Omaha
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Merchants See Our Classified
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