THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1912. WANT ADS Want ads receive!! at any time, but to Insure proper classification moat be presented before i'i o'clock in. for tke evening edition ami before 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday cdl Uou. Want ad recefred after ucb fconn will have their first insertion under tlu beading "Too Late to GUawifj." CASH RATEsToR WAST AD 3. REGULAR CLA&SIMCAI'IOX Ona lnerUon,lH cenu per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent eouaecutive Insertion. Each inser tion made on odd daye 1 H cent pet word; $1.50 per Hue per uiontJi wheat ad ia ran without Attune ul lir. MARRIAGES LICEMES. Permit to wed have been granted to tie following couple: Nam ana Audi es. AS J 8 men Tiby, ooahtne, la JO Mary E. Hollins, Logan, ia.... . 0 Conrad P. Forteli, Omaha ...over i'i Sophie Miller, Umaaa , over 1 Clarence R. Lively, South Omaha i A Ma, J, Mead. South Omaha U Wesley M. Fox, Council i'.luf!?... 2i Lillian R. Schroeuer, tomicil PiUM-..- W Oscar Hartqulat, Omaha.. ;7 Tula Moberg, Benson "William H. Arthur, Omaha....... 85 Helen Hutiedge, Omana. 15 HELP WANTED FEMALE Mlcllaueoa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha at stranger are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building t St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. NORlHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co., 506 Paxton B1H.; circular letters, any quantity; oldest established company; ex perts of Multigraph and Neost.vle. WANTED Girl for fancy needlework; also machine help. Apply Superintendent, Brandeis Stores. TTnT") A Eastern good, complete ivw-uxsaxo stoclf Largeat . finishing department in the west, THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1S13 Farnam Street and 3 8 S. 15th Street. WANTED Sales girls, experienced in selling ribbons. Apply superintendent, Brandeis Stores. HELP WANTED MALE Agent, Salesmen and Solicitor. M-WANTEtV-M. Men of good moral character, over the age of 21, to solicit In Omaha and South Omaha. A good proposition tor the right parties; must furnish references. Call at Room 610, Paxton Bldg Office hours from t to 12 a. m and 6 to 8 p. m. J. A. Echroeder, National Director. SWIMMING Learn now at the Metropolitan. No bet. ter pool in United States. Filtered run ning water. Classes and swimming parties lor men, women ana cnuaren. Teiepnon Douglas 417. , WANTED Bright men with a little cash to take active interest in estab lished wholesale house. Address L , Be - WANTED Salesman to sell chewing gum to dealers on commission; good Job tor the r!:ht man; don't answer unless you mean business. Dock Parks, 617 19th St.. Denver, Colo. CHESAPEAKE CAFE and lunch room now open. J. O. Dennis, Manager. BIRTHS A.D DEATHS. Blrtha-A. I and Jessie Bigford, ill? North Twenty-ninth, girl; James and Gertrude Brennan, 1738 South Seventeenth, girl; C. W. and Fay Hardy, 711 South Seventeenth, girl; O. O. and Annette Johnson, 2621 North Twenty-fifth,, boy; Jacob and Christine Resales, 215 Francis, boy; E, W, and Oertha Robertson, 1814 Spruce, boy; Anton and Mart Theska, 1411 South Thirteenth, boy; R. H. and Clara Wernsland, . 3023 South Seventh, girl. Deaths Leontlne Mitchell, 45 years, Z8S6 Meredith avenue; Michael Boden, SO years, hospital; Earl Johnson, 3 months, 411 North Thirty .ninth; Ruth Kamrad, 1 month. 44 North Eighteenth; Robert F. Kirk, M years, 133$ (South Sixteenth. , WANTED Three vacuum cleaner sales men. We sell wholesale to consumers. Jaeger Bros. Mfg.. 607 Brandeis Theater. W'ANTfcD-Agent to sell gravity freight conveyors, automatic elevators and labor saving conveying machinery, on liberal commission basis; manuiacturers' agent preferred. Minnesota Manufacturers' As sociation, North ht Paul, Minn. CHANGE OP OFFICE. Tho office of the Standard Accident In surance Company of Detroit, Mich., has been moved from 502 Karbach block to K20 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 136. H. E. Mahaffey, Resident Manager. WANTED Young men to learn maga zine soliciting and make good money.' David C. Cook Pub. Co. 0. C. H01, Branch Mgr., 678 Brandeis Bldg. AGENTS Brand new summer proposi tion. Greatest money-maker ever offered. tens at sight. You get a sample iree. Write H. Nixon Co.. 415 So. Made St.. Bapulpa, Okla. . , Jtr. . Good wages. W. U. Tel. Co., 212 8. lath St. BlILDIXG PERMITi, C. 3. Maws, 4211 Camden evnu, frama dwelling, $1,500; J. F. Sturgeon. 119 South Thirty-sixth, frame dwelling, SS.trrS; W, O. Kru, 2641 Davenport, alternations, $1,609; H. Oross, loo North Sixteenth, brick warehouse, 11,000. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Of (tea, P. B. X Operator, experienced, $38-140. STENOGRAPHER, insurano. $(-$. STENOGRAPHER, some exeprlence, 140, CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1011-16 City National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER." want a lady who t experienced and neat in aptenrsncei state experienoe and salary expected. A ft',7, Bet. t salesmen (road....,,.,, iW-lso i stenographers .....,..50-160-175 Ledger clerk (exp.)...,. ,.$oo Collector (exp.)..., ..,$65 I offlo clerks ...NHMS inn wau aujsinui, two tw mag, Factory and Trades. :, APPRENTICE girl to learn halrdrasslng. Opixnhelm parlors, 2d Fl. City National. yirls to learn millinery trait. j etton. WANTED-Chambermald, Millard hotel. WANTED Machine girl. Nonpareil laundry Co., 1706 Vinton St. WANTED Good waitress at onoe. Ap. ply Delft Tea Room. Brandeis The. Bldg, UeMkepr and llootoatica, THE SERVANT 01 RL PROBLEM SQLVED-Th Be will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tht aired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omana and Council Bluffs, Bring your ad to To Be otflc or lelepuon Tyler lOuO. WANTED-Womea to help cook. 12) per month, Doara ana room, rant now, Audubon, Is, Factory and Trades, Drug ator (snap) Jobs. Knlas. He Bldg. WANTKD Men trHrlA Vsal aaals aamnlaiaa rPtsni given. ! Wages while learning. You can juiii ui mui unurenci you win succeeu. We have received praise from thousands iut our uentuiciai course, irrveangaie now. Moler Barber College, HO S. 14th LEARN AUTOMOBILE t ENGINEERING. uf into ma automoDiie oustnass, learn .- '. .w. ,.h. ai..u wva, quipped training school In this territory. men, ueiuuiiniiaiui nu aiesinen are in demand. Writ or call for our latest catalogue. ' NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1418-17 Dodg St., Omaha, Neb. WANTED An xprlncd nursemaid to tak car of two chidrn, t and 4 years old; It a week. Mrs. John L. Ken nany, 8118 8. 2d Ave. " WANTED A good girl for general housework. Apply 101 fro, 26th. Har. 1798. GENERAL house girl, $4 per week; no washing or .ronlng. lit No. 38th. i . WANTED Girl for general housework. Two children. Mrs. Maoh, 'KM Douglas. WANTED Good girl tor general house, work. 15U North lath bt. Peon Web ster 87ES. ' '' .COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing. Inqulr 1004 N. teth. Tat. H. 1876. - ; - WANTJSD A good second gtrl.-42 N. WANTKD Comptant alrl for ceneral housework; small family. It 2632. 112 ff. t avenu, . - WANTED-vAn xperlenoed tiousemaid, Mrs. jonn U Kennedy, nil S. I2d Ave. WANTED-Competent girl Tor general housework. Mr. N. P. Fell, 03 so. 36th St. it 4709.- ' WANTSD-A girl for general house- wora. Barney, war, sail. ' WANTED-Oood girl for general house. .iworit. h, Krasne, wi Dodge St. GIRL for general housework, Three In family. One-story house. Tel. Harnev 2fift. " WANTED- competent cook in family M A , t. ... , . . . vi iwo, wnare pousemaia is Kept aura W. J, Connell. 622 8. th. TM. D. 19i WANTED Short distance on Fort Crook iaterurban Una, rllabl girl for general nousewora: no washing or iron ing. Call South 1S3. COOD girl for general housework; Sat WANTED Good girl for general house- worKi m re in ranuiy; wages p. Mrs. C. Miller, U24 8. fed St. H. 1384. GiRL for general housework, two in ranuiyj gooa wages. z2t Dodge. GIRL for general housework:' small miiy. rnpn rtarney (" " . T. ... . " , ww. Biwrmiii Ave, t empnone v eosier tits, COMPETENT girl for general house- werx; small riat; two in family. 214 8. 4iu from Harney mi., COMPETENT girt for general house work; small family. 1020 B. Vrh Av. rnon Ka,rnoy sm. - GOOD girl for general housework, wages. Two in family, no children, erencea. H. 1931. goon rex WANTKD-Competent girl for general nousewom; no wanning, phon Har. VJC. WANTED a good girl for general housework: good wages; no laundry A nnlu ?4Sk .T - nail. B) ' OMAHA FILM EX. n1 Motion picture machine and film bargain 8EC6ND annual Rosebud stock, grain and corn show, Dallas, 8. D., October 2, 2 and 4. Aviation meet in connection. Writ secretary for concessions and other information. 1 - Clerical and Office, ' ; WE NEED AT ONCE: ACCOUNTANT, Implements, t-$lflO. LEDGER CLERK, wholesale, 806. LIQUOR SALESMAN, 18,000. CIGAR SALESMAN, 11,200, BOOKKEEPER, STI-ft. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., J 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. - DRUMMOND 1 White Steam cars, lata models, fin condition, toco and m. Your TIRE EXPENSES out in two Expert tlr rpalrlng; work guaranteed. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO., 1W2 Farnam. VTl f T K Ci man Wnnia wnclr lv nnnntcU bank. Speak German and understands bookkeeping, Address Y 147, Bea. FOR SALE "WELCH" 60-horsepower cassenaer touring oar with th follow Ing equipment; Mohair top, windshield, Jones' speedometer, demountable rims, Klaxon horn and Presto-O-Llte tank. The ear Is in first olass condition and a bar gain. First cash offer of $1,800 takes it Address Van Brunt Auto Co., Council Bluffs, la. ONE body only, in A-l condition, for S-passenger touring car. Black silk mohair top and seat covers. Inquire at office of Arthur D. Brandeis, Brandeis Stores. GOOD pattern maker wanted. Inaulr of Helder Mfg. Co., Carroll, la. WANTJED-Experlenced Gordon areas feeders. I. A, Medlar A Co.. 416 South 14th St. Miscellaneous. floVFHNMENT 1oha nnan. Writ. n list. Franklin Institute, , Dent 214 B, Rochester, N. TV 1 YOU CAN EARN MORE MONET In the automobile business: chauffeurs. repairmen, demonstrators, are In bin fle- eiand and command large salaries; pre. para yourself In our large training shops, where you learn how to operate, repair and sell all make r ears. National Auto Training Assn. JS14 N, 20th St., Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MA LE . Miscellaneous, ' , TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by tho Union Paolfie and Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gain your training In our school. Praotlce on . R. wires. Ad dress for particulars. H. B. Boyles, Pre. Boyies college. Omaha, Neb, (00 men. 20 to 40 years old. wanted at once for lestrlo railway motormen and conductors; w to liOO a month: no ex- panenc necessary; tin opportunity; no strike; write Immediately tor application Blank. Adores x 114; Be. WANTE1D Man to help in dining room through meals and then to attend offlne as clerk and general helper. Must be neat, sober and industrious. No booxer need appiy. iao, board and room lor rignt man. Herman or Dane prererreA Hotel Monroe, Grlnneil, Ia. - HELPICall Omaha Em. Bureau. D 1112. M.C0Q HARVEttT hands for Canada Omaha t Kmploj ment Bureau, 121 N, 15th Bt WANTED Laborers and carpenters at tne umana juig. wo. at Ralston. HELP WANTED MAI.B AM) FEMALE. ' MEN and women wanted for xuvarn men positions, t80 month. Writ for list or poamon. open. Franklin Insutute, Dept. T R Rochester, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS BUNDLE washing, 30 cents a dosen, rough dry, 25 cents a doien. Web. tins. Washing and lac curtains done. H. Jft& FAMILY and Bundle washing W, 6422, LADY wants housework, any kind. 2512 a. HMO Bt. ELDERLY lady wants housekeeper. 172S Dodge St. position as WANTF.D-Posltlon as tary. Plenty reference. Fiemont, Neb. private escre- O. L. Bremers, HOUSEKEEPING in city; have child years 01a. tu no. mtn St. YOUNG high school girl desires to as list with light housework or care for small children for room and board while going to school Florence 2674. WANTED Girl for general housework, must be good cook; no washing or iron ing. Mrs, Thomas C. Burrse, 210S Call f ornla St WANTED-Good girl for general house. work. 1626 No. 19th. v , - A GIRL for general housework, Good horn and good wages. 20i Emmtt St Webster 1086. ' ' t -: . , t ....... , ,,. , ., ' . . . .. GOOD laundress wanted. 711 Park AV. ; ' ': - . ' .... . . WANTED Good girl for general house work; good wages. 1014 No, 20th, So, Omaha. Tel. South 1060. I ' "M ' ."' ' - .Ml. ..II. GIRL wanted at S50 Krug Ave. Tel 6012 Douglas. No washing. COMPETENT girl tor general house work, good wages, no washing. Tel. H. WANTED Girl for general housework, must understand cooking, only three in family. Apply 2326 Harney St . WANTED Girl or middle aged woman to take car of 2-year-old child. Must be experienced. A nod pla for the right party. Apply 2826 Harney St WANTED Girl or middle aged woman to taae care of s-year-ote) !tuid, must be experienced, a food place for the rrht rrty. Apply Philip Schwam, care the Nebraska Clothing Co. WANTED Girl for general housework. must understand cooking, only three in fawuSy. Apily Philip SchwarU, care oe i.oraita (jiottiicg Co. ANNOUNCEMENTS DELIGI1TFULLT eooi, oownstairs soua water room. "fiODOASlS," 16th and Louge; wwn ivhi, lotn ana narney. Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co., prppi. N. P. Swanson, Undertaker W are now In our new building and hav on of the most up-to-date under. taking evtabllshraents in fne city. Cuming, V. 1W- Large chapel in con neetion. , - Alfrorl n K'cnnorlv Fl' & Tor. v, -t nado insur ant. 9 First Nt. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 721 TO LOAN-LOW rate. In sums to fult. 219 Bee Bldg. tivf.tej yvu. a UNION LOAN CO. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tei. Doug. Mi MONEY; GET your diamonds at Brodrguard's. ALL will be forgiven. Mary, If you will meet me at th Sign of the Crown and th Golden Stair 00 101 h and Douglas treet. . That ia where FRODSGAAiU) sell those lucky wedding rings. umes Keno'ated!,"mr,i'"i?il ....a cvu,. W JV ., General contracting., iau.t;ng and pa. psroangmK. inner i ui lihik. v,o. uut StevennoB. carui-nter. coni. Roth 'plionta. ' Twenty per cent les than Omana prlc. r MUJa. rUMKJTURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L 8ta.. South Omaha OMAHA POSTING SERVICE. Advertising "Sunshine Biscuits." ANNOUNCEMENTS. Plumes Innovated ",,23? S. H. Cole Sign Co. D 378. 1316 Farnam. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS, 214 S. 1STH. UPSTAIRS. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 882. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR Box SO, postpaid, 22.75; try half dosen; if r.ut eatlefaatory money refunded. BEA TON DRUG CO., 1502 Farnam. Omaha. BUSINESS PERSONALS Everything for Women. TifiTTT?MAr reliable ladies' tailor, is LlViXXVMAiN, Iocated 433.J5 Paxton bllc. Latest styles, matenals. Popular prices. Upholstering, polishing and reflnishlng, resetting and mending springs, tnatresses worked over. A. Adklns, 1618 Dodge. WILLOW plumes made from old and new feathers. 2328 S. 12th St Doug. 5566. Heavy blankets and light quilt cleaned for fall; reduced rates to hotels. D. 2732. I make flowers for the Ak-Sar-Ben floral parade. Prices right 1618 Cass. L. LIEFF, ladles' tailor; tailored suits and fancy gowns. Room 456 Wead Bldg. Everything Electrical. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Granden Co.. 15U Howard. D. 681. All kinds electrical apparatus, new and 2d hand, and electrical repairs. Le Bron Electrical Wks., 212 8. 12th, Omaha. Guanantee Laundry.. Fine work. D. 23.1 Wedding annduncemenls. Doug. Ptg. Co. Upholstering, plaiiw. turn, rp. 2804 Far. ATTRACTIONS AUTOMOBILES nil TV 1 1 aREPAIWNO. iuurpny uiu iik- TIRE REPAIPJNGfy tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest prieed and new materials usea. All work guaranteed. Arthur Storg Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far nam. ;' . Motorcycle. Yale, Harley-Davidaon and used motor- cyeles. Victor H. Roos, 2702 Leavenworth. SECOND HANI) AUTOMOBILES Electrlo automobile, bla baraaln. first class condition. Inquire of Mrs. Bertha j r.ieoe. ius juougias. i&sq. RUNABOUT, excellent condition. 1170. 2042 Farnam. FOR SALE One light delivery car In first class condition. Cheao If taken at one. Phone Harney (339 after 6: SO p. ra- BUSINESS CHANCES Ed Kothery. .business and Real Emats Exchange Co., Room 219 MoCagu Bldg. FOR SALE Barber shop, cheap; In western S. D.; good homestead location near town: run th shop and become owner of ranch, inqulr V. L. Roeder, Falrpolnt 8. D. FOR SALE, Good cement block factory: aide walk out. fit, with municipal cube mixer. In town of 1,000; am leaving town: must sell 'quick. Lon w. Matnewson, uavia city. no. TO aot in or out of buslnasa call en GANGlaiTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. IX 2477. MUST V Hold at once: a fully eauiuued team laundry, centrally located in Du buque, cneap. una. J. forward, Du buque, Ia. PARTNER in land and brokerage busi ness, ii.etw required. Address K 6iS, Bea WANTEDPartner. silent or active to 50 in on an option on large tract-of land 'arty must hav !rora tio.uot to IS.OOO and snare equally in from WW to 6126.009 nrotit. .weal win only reouira a lew montna Aa areas 4 wi, tee. ji GOOD money maklna rrocer.r and meat market business in Omaha; food business location; about 14,000. Address FOR SALE Well fitted billiard and Pool hall: one billiard and four pool tables; next door to 1st theater, f ort 4uui $a,,(: wiu. v a a 1110 kiiu yi uniouvi are tor bla business this fall. Price 21.200: sow casn, oaiance gooo term. Aaaress J. f. watsonr Fort Morgan, uoio. FOR SALE Two-chair barber shoo. isw Cuming. FOR SALE Permanent business, nay Ing over 140 clear profits a month; can be Increased; a snap for student or one hav ing a little spare time; for quick sale 240V. see proprietor, w N. 2&th St. FOR SALS OR LEASE. . Best on man newspaper In northeast era Nebraska. Doing 21.500 annual busi nees. Price 2690 cask or bankable not: tm terms; $15 month for leas. R.cli farming country, journal, Dixon, nod. llouiuiutf Houses fur sale. ROOMING house for' sale, 602 No. 17th, 7-ROOM modern apartment with steady roomer; all clean furniture. At great sao rifice on monthly payments. Worth in vestigating, write x 14, uee. 2042 FARNAM 8-room flat, bargain tor cash. FOR SALE Cheap, good oayina- board- mi nous, fjvo i.aae, wo. Mn. William reterson, . BUSINESS PERSONALS tniroBoaUt. DR. ROT. 1505 Farnam. Dougla 6497, Civil Engineer. E. E. Moore, 626 Paxton Blk. Doug. 3066, Florists. . A. Donaghu. 1607 Far. D. 10Q1; A-1001. HESS A 8W0B0DA, 1415 Farnsm St L. HENDERSON. 1618 Farnam. D. 125S. Furnacea and Repair. REPAIRS for every make of stove. range, furnace, ' steam and hot water heaters: new furnaces and tank heater. Omaha Stov Repair Works, 1206-t Doug. les ht, umana, weD, rnone Tyier 20. A. MUNROE, &rBlt S Estimates gladly given. D. 4066. 406 S. 16th. , ' Fonndrie. -McDonald brass and bronca foundry. aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Muring, btvraae and, gleaning, Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and- Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. Office 216 8. 17th St. Douar. 39- Furn. Moving; 2 men, tl per hr W. 2748. FERRIN'S Van & Storage. Tyler 1300. W-2747. McLaud &. Son Van & 3.. 3-horse van, 2 men, 1125 hr., 2 hrs, $1 hr. D. 4338. W. 543. FERRIN'S Auto for baggage. T. 1300; W. 2747. Moalc, Art and, taagnages. Miss Peters, piano teacher. Webster 1054, Music teachers' special bargain method for effectual teaching practice In key board harmony and public sohool musio. Music Teachers' Training School, 612 Pax ton blc;v. Nnre?ries and Seed. STEWART'S SEEDMAN ffl N. 16th. Osteopathy. ' Alice ohnwon, 208-9 Brandeis The. Bldg. Kailieryn Nickoiaa, 634-5 Brandeis The. Unticlans. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 442 Brandel 1'atruta. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk- TI. Bed 711T. u k OTimma raexatavA attorney. Unltd 'states and foreign patent. JH6 Brandeis 'J heater tiiag. rnone u. n. 1'hotoKmphers. Rinehart. photographer, 18th A Farnam. , Irlnttng. Lew W.RaberTFrinter, BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Rels-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind, A-8524 SUPERIOR GRADE OBPRINTINa JOHN C, THOMPSON. Webster 3197, Stenographers and Court Reporters, Myrtls A. Kelly. 746 Bran. The. P. 5682. Corlnne Miller, 228 Brand, fhea. Doug. 96. Steel Tank and Calvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 3869. .Store and Offio Fixture. ' POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures. bought, sold. Levy, 2610 N. So. Omaha. WE BUY and sell anything, everything in fixtures.- Omaha Fixture and 8uppiy Co.. 12th and Howard. D. 2721, See us first. Tent and Awatns. . OMAHA TENT CO.. Tl. Douglas 822. Trunks and Salt Case. Frellng ft Bteinle, 1803 Farnam St MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattel. YOU have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, your children, yourself- Har is your chance to ob tain it In An Easy Way on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts In fact anytning of va.ue or on your plain note, If steadily employed. Twins to tult Confidential. Reliable Credit Co. Third floor, 808 Paxton block, 217 S. 16th. 'Phone Douglas 1411 and A-141S. Salary and Chattels. on furniture, pianos and real eatat at a very low rate of interest Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 220 Bo Bldg. A-1366. MONEY loaned salaried people and others on their own name; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tol man. New Omaha National Bank Bldg. HOME LOAN CO. Most reasonable rates in the city. Write or 'phon D. 1235. 1623 Farnam St.. R. s, Patterson Blk. DIAMOND LOANS at 2H and 5 per cent. FLAUTAU,' 1514 Dodgo at Tel. Red 5619. OFFERED FOR RENT t Beard and Beams. CAN accommodate a few more table boarders; meal tlokets if desired. 709 Georgia Ave. Phone Harney 3389. O. M. E. naitls "trunks. D. 611. A-261. " LARGE "room for two, private, West Farnam, phone. Harney 46. DOUGLAS STREET. 2102. THE GRANADA AND ANNEX. EXCELLENT ROOMS AND BOARD. LARGE Fouth front room, modern, with beard; references. 123 Eouth 25th Ave. LAIRDON Stilctly modem: home cook-, ing. 611 So. 24th. , Wine and Liquor. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 602-2 S. 13th St. VIRGINA DARE wine 65o a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16th St EDUCATIONAL Mosher-Lampman College, Unsurpassed coursss. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good position Work for board. Address, Mosher-Lamp man, 1815 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb, BOYLES COLLEGE DAY" AND NIGHT SCHOOL FALL TERM SEPT. 2. Complete courses In Business, Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. Th catalogue I (re tor th asking. Call, writ or phon tor It at once. Address H. B, Boylca. President : Boyles College, Omaha, Nebraska. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. . Horse and Vehicle. Fox Stables New location, first-class livery and boarding. 1814 Cuming. P. 1557 Snaps in Buggies I delivery wagons and avrl cholc nggy and carriage bargain. DRUMMOND 16th and Harney. BUGGIES, aurries and runabouta af. less than wholesale price to olose out, . JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO., 10th and Jones sis. 1ST class Uvery. Sherman, 24th Clark. i' i r"ir-"r ,iT '"-- --i 1 1 "m LOST AND FOUND Clothlug Manutactorvra. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E, SmISh Co. Creameries, Dairies and applies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. Cornice nnd steel Ceiling. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, Omaha. Detective. JAMES ALLAN 212 Neville Blk. Evl dance secured In all wm, Tyler 1136. Ornah Secret Serv. 42S Paxton Blk D. 1219. L. W. LONGNECKER, 617 Karbach Blk. Denttste. Mch A Mach. 2d floor Pa ton. D. 1085. Taft's dental rooms. 1517 Doug. D. 2iS6. Ircsaaktua, Terry's Dres making college. 20th A Far. inn, fifa,lr aiiltjk nlnaltB i4maA tmm. ttons, repairs. 216-6 City Nat. Bk. D. tana. "SEWING by day in tamlllea Good aork guaranteed. Web. 44A 1 I'Jece trtrn special; reasonable. H WZ. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Hamey Sm. Everything; ler Weaieu. LAMES i ,- invited to call on th Western Millinery school. Inspect our work and set ur prices. 627 Paxton B PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs btreet Railway company to ascertain whether they (all U in th street cars, Many articles each day ar turned in and th company is anxious, to restore, them to the rightful owner. Call Doug OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET' RAILWAY COMPANY. , A, W. HOUGH, 2565 Pratt, telephone Webster 20&, lost a large black billbook with lumber bills In it Liberal reward for return. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, ristula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cur guaranteed and uo money paid until oured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial PR. E. R.' TARRT. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 41 Do'ug Blk. DE MARS' whnlinjE pray syringe, tht most sanitary and practical on the mar. ket, 13; postage prepaid. Beaton Drug Ladie' guaranteed remtdles. 401 Ware blk. SOY J tiki HONG HERB CO.. Chinese herbs and herbal remedies for all troubles of th human system; eures rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart, dropsy and female trouble. Tel. P. 6T93. 02 N. lth. MEN who are tit, send tor tree booklet of chronic diseases; write fully and con fldentlally; 50 years' experience. Old German Doctor, , 1719 Spnngsarde'. su!rt, PhUadelpnia, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN Salary nod Chattel. CHATTEL LOANS, S3 to tioa SALARY LOanS You can ret it today ot . eTAR LOAN CO., 6U Paxton Block OFFERED FOR RENT House and Cottages. 8-ROOM modern house, barn, corner lot; No. 1102 S. 32d St; 635. 1'Vroom modern house, barn; east front; No. 1122 S. 324 St; $50. Nearly pew, ' strictly modern 6-room house; 136 N. 27th St.; $30. 7-room modern house, hot water heat; No. 2013 Grace St; $25. 6-room house, modern except bath; No. 1521 S. 29th St; $20. 6-room house, convenient to car line; No. 967 N. 27th St; $18. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 722. FOR RENT 7-room cottage, all mod. em. 1725 Georgia Ave. Harney 2639. 2S1S N. 18TH AVE., t rooms, modem; good shade; water paid; rent $25. Mo. Eachron Real Estate Co., Lake and 20th Sts. Phone Webster 1651. TO ADULTS 8-room practically new modern house at 1515 N. 33d St., on car line. Phone W. 4336. 6-ROOM house, modern except heat. 2617 Chicago St RnT REE TO SEPT. 1. 7-room brick house, modern. 508 North 20th, $45. Tom Kelloy C FIVE-ROOM partly modern cottage. 2223 So. 20th St. 37TH AND DAVENPORT MODERN HOME FOR LARGE FAMILY Four rooms and hall down, four room and bath up; cemented basement; laun dry. HOT WATER HEAT ! Corner lot. paved street; hous nearly new; splendid condition. $1,500 will do how; balance long time, 6 per cent. O'KEBFE REAL ESTATE CO., .1016 Omaha Nat Doug. 2152. Evening" H. 2S42 or H. 5134. 2703 CORBY, 5-r. mod. cot, $20. 3124 N. 27th. 7-r. mod. ex. heat $20. 1470. S. 16th, 4-r. mod., $12. Rasp Bros., 106 McCague Bldg. NICE ?-room brick flat on ground floor; not modern, but coxy; $8.50 per month, W. S. FRANK. 1025 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas S600. 8-R., modern, 2611 Pierce St., $25. 8-r. flat with bath. 2130 N. 2ith St., $10. 6a 2-r. flat with oath, 2123 N, 28th St, $5.60. 4-r. house and barn, 4304 Camden Ave., woo. FornUhed Houae. O. C. OLSEN. ..I...-, ' 108 McCague Bldg. ; MODERN furnished house T room and CATHEDRAL district, modern 7-room nllr?;,r8nce8 cennsd. Douglas house, east front shade, storm sash, 5238-618 Hickory- paved street; Farnam car half block. 6-ROOM cottage, all modern, con- Phone Harney 2459. veniences. 316 Reed St, Benson. Neb. SIX room. Call 809 South 62d St Douglas 67! and ask for Mr. Berlo- " PP, r '..""V "'" ,,," . ,, .,. ,- - BRICK apartment house at 2712 Jack Furnished Room. - ,on st- KeV MXt door: ,n flne con" diUon. Inquire of owner at 401 City TJAnOAftF. messenger service and National Bank. Tel. Doug. 1966. . DAUUAUW Might hauling; prompt h " - fervise; reasonable rate. Auto Dal. 4 WEST Farnam, 3317 Dodge St Attrac Mes. Co., 1715 Dougla St Tela. D. 3946; tlve location; open for inspection, $40.00. A-349- Preston, 101 So. 34th. Telephone Harney TWO neat furnished rooms, good nelgh- 1166. ' - borhood. modern. 8127 Mason 8t 3610 Jones St., 8-r., all mod., $30. 1401 JACKSON-Transit, permanent, fur- 1606 Corby St, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $17.80. nlshed rooms; reasonable. 1506 Ohio St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat $15. -M7.M7.;;Dn' ;..'jr;.h, Sirrr 1012 Pacific St, 10-r., mod. ex. heat, $36. 2243 HOWARD, well furnished front BIRKETT A TEBBENS room; modern; reasonable. 423 Baft Bldg- Phone Doug. 4764. 2409 HARNEY Modern, clean, furnished mo m Av , m61 WiW room! gentlemen preferred. 026Nc,. 33 a.,,, part mod 20.00 216 NO. 19TH, modern, clean, neatly 3610 Seward, 5-r.. mod ...,... 16.00 furnlhd rooms. ; BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., ' 1 CALL Douglas 6338. nlc modern rooms, 310-312 Brandela Theater. Doug. 585. reasonabl. A NEW 5-roora partly modem cottage, 218 N. 18TH Modern, neatly furnished on 30th and Valley, $12 per month. In- room, reasonable. quire 2419 S. 24th Bt - 1 1921 CASS Clean, modern, neatly fur- ' EIGHT-ROOM modern house, 3023 nlshed front room. Suitable for two or Marcy St., for rent; on block from Park more, $4.50. Av. and Leavenworth St Tel. Har. 3318. Ml6I8DUc0.Orra m0den, tn PrlVat laml'y: Trooms. 1821 North 17th; 814.60. ;L , is 3 S pr-7 rooms. 1110 Farnam; $18.00. 1921 DODGE Natly modern furnished 6 rooms, 811 South S6th; $15.00, room. Gentlemen preferred. rooms. 2618 Erskine; $13.00. ' 206 NO. 19TH-Modern furnished room. T rooms, 1519 South thj $20.00. reasonable ' room, 421 North 89trr; modern; $36.06, "vv.- rr- S ;; 8 rooms. 4211 North 24th; modern; $30.00. NICELY furnished room. Breakfast If g m. 3014 Mason; modern: $30.00. desired. Price reasonable, Call Doug. BENSON & MYERS COMPANY, ' y70- : : : 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 746. WANTED-Lady roommate at 613 N. 19, s,re. ad Otflce.. 3412 No. 24 Nice modern room; reason- . a,ble. STORE ROOM or shop, 109 Farnam; ' 270$ modern front rooms ISf. reaonable. Ramge. D. 7406, Ind. A-4406. 318 8. 2th-Nlce clean modern room. ' leos pavenport Vs. B. Balcomte. 206 6. 26th Ave. Nice modern room. LODGE rooms. F. D. Wead. 1801 Far- 646 S. 2Sth Nice clean rooms, reasonable, nam St - r "1650 "JONES-Modern, private family. , FOR RENT "t rp'r;';'; ,n na.H'v Store room for rent in splendid location; 2036 FARNAM-Clean, modern, neatly h ,eas, on ma nan.and wtu furnlhed; resonable. jjblease at a bargain. Remington Type- Furnished Housekeeping Room. writer Co., 19th and Dougla St. two 2tavf.r?red asag g' 20th; furnished rooms, modern, jg Upffi T Vntarnlahed Room. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. - ' - ' TWO rooms and alcove. Webster 4913, r " a!tlerllp' m- i " i . . OFFERED FOR SALE Hotel and Apartment. . . . .- , ..;'- Fnrnitnre. ,ri OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rat , , 7 . . mc,T r, - : Baseburner, hotel range, furn. 939 N. 24. DODGE HOTEL, all requirement ot a ' 1 1 flrst-clRs hotel, at reasonable pries. --y Tyneweitorsu nflUJinH,hIBeitvL10lSn" mhb'stbeS V e' 1 KENT from thenufacturer. direct nlshed in the elty. 827 S. 11th St J. E. N , 0Uw-P Typewriter, t months, $4.00. McCrackn, owner and proprietor. 'phone Dougla 2919. The Oliver Type- . . " ' ' . . , writer company. - ' A,rtn,e.Ujand Flat. 8paceNo 4 TjpnerW0Od; $55, STRICTLY modern 6-room hot water Typewriter Inspection Bureau, 18u6 Far. heated apartment, 817 Pine St.. near nam. Brownell Hall. Phone, Owner. Red 6C40. TYPEWRITERS for rant, 8 months $5. ELEGANT steam heated 6-room, wall Central Typewriter Exchange, bed. electrlo laundry, walking distance. Miscellaneous. Tel. D. 4182. Ul N. 26th St Hunter ' Realty Co, TOft SALE New and econd-hnd Large moving van. $1.26 per hour. D. 394. carom and pocket billiard table and Ttkam heated apartments' in New ft ZSXSSSaS?- S S$tiSFt2Z bTr.C.ktBalke-C0"ender '-"M" a tTS SIS. RIVER MINNOWS & FROGS, Doug. Hazen. 207 McCague Bldg. Dougla 1300. . $945. - . ' ' - - 1 1 Ti -ssss SAFES Overstocked with second-hand OFFERED FOR KENT safes; all sizes and makes; fcargaina. " 1 American Supply Co. 1810 Farnam St. Apartment and Flat. ' J-i-i . DESKS, safes, scale, show cases, shelv- SIX-ROOM apartment, completely mod- tag, etc.; see us first. Omaha Future and em, Scargo building, South Omaha, above Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2721 616 N. 24th., Hall 433 Ramg Bldg, I D. " TO" UNDERTAKERS. ' 06- ' . ' ' FOR SALE At a large discount, one 5- ROOM furnished flat -strictly modern; new Bomgardner lowering device, on walking distance; to single men or man grave ilner. one cooling board, one chmch and wife. Reference. Douglas 2179. truck, en set of emba roing tooi and 4 ROOMS' CLOSE IN. ESjfiSS$j?? Look at 2087 Howard, a strictly modern, T"1' , -., up--date St. Louis flat very clow in. A BARGAIN y;Tlt law t A vrr a. ot A rrrr?r rrv boks of IS volumes, of 10 volumes. Law PAYNE & SLATER CO., Dictionary, Hale on Torts, Cooley on ei Omaha Nat Bank Bldg Torta. Clark's Criminal Law Book; will 616 Omaha Nat Bank Biag. chea-p: make me an offer; good a Hon and Cottage. pew. A. J. Knott 4616 N. 36th St. Web. . - , 6596. . j HOUSEHOLD good packed and for- 11 . t 1 warded; cheap freight rates;. Gordon t,,,r.x,. Fireproof. Warehouse and Van Co. TL PERSONAIi Doug. 3H4; otflc 216 8. 17th St Children to board In country. P. 79831 , MOVING, packing and wrlng of hou.. Mg,ag.. Mr. Blttenhouse 308 Boston Bid. hn4 goods and nlano ia our buainesa, r " , " r-n Omaha Van and Storage Co.. fireproof MASSAGESwKllsh moverae5t,.,AnP torag. 806 S. 16th. by the viaduct IxLaOP-Q-VJ-C' s, 1802 Farnam. P. 6240. Branch office. 309 8. 27th Bt Tel. D. 410; ; VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Anna A-1659. p. Fisher, 401 Ware block. 809 S. loth. A real home, pretty lawn, electrlo light, "fHE SALVATION ARMY aollclts oaat all modrn. 9-r.. $45. 725 8. 37th. W. 2694 clothing: in fact anything you do not WEST FARNAM New brick, 8 bed- need. We colleot repair and sell at 134 room and 3 hatha 316 N. 38th Ave N. Uth St for coat of collection, to th MAGGARD VAN ANP" STORAGE CO nh J?f,ou'Ph0nd ul. 2S nJ pack, move, store and ship H. H. good wagon win can. , 1WrB dr,v, ANNAH. MARKS r.nui Houses In all paru of the city. nam. Davidge Block. Apt 8. Dug. L -LUUi,esCrelgh, Bona A Co., Be Bldg. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a " i Trvivc ' ' j... " h,,...1" r-; stranger are invited to visit th Young lui. u. 11 or u. 1017. . piacek. or otherwia assisted. Look tor IF you want your house rented list It J,Ur traveler' aid at the Union station. with Crelgh, Bona A Co., 606 Bee Bldg. -baTHS. Swedish massage, Mrs, Snyder, FIVE-ROOM cottage. 829 S. 24th St. No- K The Duneany. 10th & Pierce. P.436K. 6- ROOM bungalow, 2SS4 Binney St, " MAGNETIC healing, over 710 S. 16th. STiaSS PA" C" MASSEOTHERPY ' 6-ROOM house on the boulevard, mod- Allen of Chicago. 103 S l"th. 1st fl. D. 76td era but iumace. Phone Harney 8644. . 63-DAY BLOOD ItEMEDY. FOR RENT An all modern new e-rooni Bexten Pharmacy. Uth and Dodge. cottage, floors and wood work oiled and 1 1 ' varnished. $22. 00 per month. Owner pays If 00 A fTT? Expert treatment. Mr, water rent. 1418 Ohio St Apply 1818 Loth- aiAOOxlUXii Btttl9t ;08 S. 13th St R. 333 rop 8t - 674 S. 26th ST.-8 rooms completely mod- The P,rsl9tft ,nd J'-idiciU8 ' ern. Hall. 4:a Ramge. P. 7406; A-4406. Newspaper Advertising I the Road to MODERN t-room house. 1507 S. &th. $2i Business Succeas. . POULTRY AND PET STOCK BOSTON terrier pups, screw tail; Bire mv chamtrion Tom Crihh. Cull Unurlsi-t 3So6. Farnam. FOR SALE Rrinilla hnllrin? thnrniiirli. bred, spayed. 1722 Capital Ave. -WANTEDTO BORROW $2,500. six months, 7 per cent; ample security. C 655, Bee. WANTED to borrow $5,000 for 5 years. Good, straight business proposition. Ad dress, E 653, Bee. WANTED TO BUY. Household gds, clothe te shoes. Doug. 3071 H'ld. goods, clothes, shoes. 2520 Cum. U7SUJ, DOLGOFF 2d-hd. store pays biggest prices for furniture, clothe, shoes. W. i0. WANTED-To buy a $1,500 or $2,0w hardware stock. E. P. Butts, Dovr City, Ia. VACANT lots and income property. Must be bargain. Western Real Estattt Co., 411 Karbach Block. WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent, furnished flat: apart ments preferred, b or 6 rooms. Best of references. Address M. J. Edwards, 1205 Howard St WANTED By two young men, modem room in private family; must be close In; references furnished. Address, B 666, Bee. WANTED By a young man, a room in West Farnam district Reference given. Address 0-658, care Bee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE $5,000 atocx of hardware, furniture and undertaking in the best town in Boone Co.; will consider soma city property. Altschuler Hdwe. Co. St Edwards, Neb. $4,000-$6,000-$8,000-$12,000-$16,000-$20,000 gen eral merchandise stock offered for dear land, or encumbered land and cash; own era reply. Fremont S. Gibson, Charles City, la. FOR SALE OR T HADE Meat market In good town. W. Nelson, Vlieta, Kan. REAL ESTATE WANTED TO sell your property list it with tn O'NEIL R. E. & INS. AGENCY. Tyler 1024. 1505 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE LOANS FIRST mortgage on new dwellings, built for home, are the safest securlti in th world. W usually hav on hand these mort gages for sale in denominations of from (600 to $2,600 at 6 per cent and 6 per cent interest : .,- ..:-;..- . ,y. - American Security Company, 309 S. 17tu St WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Uo. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. OMAHA homes and eastern Nebraska farms. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat. Douglas 2152. COL CITY LOANS. Bemis-Carlberi Q0 Co.. 110-812 Brandeis Tneater Bldg. 0 to $10,009 made promptly. F. P. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. LOANS on farm and improved city property, 5 pet to 6 pet; no delay. J. H. Dumont & Son, 1603 Farnam St, Omaha. GARVIN BROS. &a t.f; MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $50,000. W. H. THOMAS. 603 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, Reed Abstract Co., oldest .abstract of flee in Nebraska, 206 Brandeis Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. STOP. LOOK. HEAR! Seven-room house at 4020 Brown St., lol 60x130; it taken at once, $1,000. Call at place or pnone weoster aaw. Sleeping Porch Nice Lawn f9 VlA Lfnnm mnArn itAflm hrnt laundry, lawn, cement walks. 1706 N. 36th St 'Phone Owner, Webster 6266. B-1773. -BRAND NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW A more complete and attractive bunga low would be hard to find than the on we have Just completed at the southwest corner of 18th and Laird. Vestibule, with good-sUed coat closet, oak finish. Parlor, nioe slse, having beamed ceiling, bookcase in pedestal, oak unisn. DINING ROOM, large, light, airy room, paneled walls, plate rail, beam celling, fine built-in buffet china closet in pedes, tal, oak finish. KITCHEN, good sise, light and airy, one-piece enamel sink, fine pantry ana refrigerator entry, yellow pine finish. DEN, nioe size, could be used either as bedroom, den or library, has large closet, finished In oak. ' . " BEDROOMS, two good-sized bedrooms upstairs, with plenty of closet space, yel low pint finish. BATH ROOM, good size and very com plete, best grade of plumbing, enameled woodwork, side walls in imitation tile. Basement fully cemented, first-class, guaranteed furnace, hot water tank con nected with furnace, laundry sink with, hot and cold water, coal bin. Doors in this bungalow are two-panel oak and birch, fine Interior finish, pre sents attractive outside appearance It is built of the best of materials by skilled mechanic. Must be seen to be fully ap preciated. The location Is splendid, new homes being situated all around this prop erty. Convenient to good car service, school, stores, etc. - Price, $3,500, eay terms. Make up your mind to quit pay ing rent. This bungalow will atford an unusual opportunity for doing so. 1 SCOTT & HILL, ' : Dougla 1009. 307 McCague Bldg. AnotHer Snap, $2,100 Our listings sell Quick because they are good values. This is a good 7-room house, on paved street, city water, sewer, gas, electric light and bath, good cemented cellar, full lot, 60x120, large chicken house, shade, fruit trees and cement walks, close to car line, church, schol and stores. Has mortgage of $1,400, which can remain or be paid oft First come, first served. Birkett & Tebbens, 42$ Be Bldg. : Douglas 4754. Must Go- Want Offers 4336 Parker- block ot ear; lot 50x130; dandy 2-story, 6-room, new, modern; ask $3,750; take clear lot for $760.- 1711 S. 83d-Choice ' location, 4 large rooms, bath, gas, electric light, 60-foot lot; ask $2,100; $200 to $400 cash. D. V. Sholes Co. 913-917 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Tel. P. 49. Bargain in a New Bungalow at 81st and Webster. 6 room and bath; large living room, 12x24 ft: dining room, 17x14 ft ; nice bed rooms on second floor and bath; walls in living room and dining room sand finished and tinted, beamed ceilings, paneled walls, fir place, oullt-in bookcases ana siae ouwa ym buffet, oak finish, oak floors throughout; lot 65x150, cement walks, aodded fine ter- race trice, ew v. monthly. A. H; Olrastead Phone Web. 3620. FOR QUICK SALE. New 8-r. mod. house, choice locality, Uood 6-room. part mod., $2,H00 RUSSELL T M'KITRICK C., 432 Ramge Bldg. Doug. K