Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, IT? 1 DAY, AUGUST 30. 1912.
LlgtUsg ZlxtortsBuf Mi-Orudaa Co.
Save Koot Frint It Now Beacon treat.
Fr.sbrtriatt Xospltai, 1240 S. 10th St
fcallsj the Dntiit, City Nat. D. 2S6t
Omai Plating Co. Estab. 1S89. D.25J4.'
BUck-raloon.r Co 24th and Harney,
undertakers, embalmrrt. Douglas 887.
We nave fuaranteea electric Irons fov
i88. Y.'olfe Electric Co.. 1S10 Farnam.
Semos on Fraternity Bow W. II.
Thompson, secretary of the democrat!.:
state central committee, haa written Jon
Butler a letter Inviting Omaha democrat
' to make their headquarters In "fraternity
row" at the state fair.
JLA Club Goes In Autos The Omaha
Ad club plans to make Omaha day at the
state fair the occasion for an automobile
tour. The club will go down In about MM
cars. A majority of the cars will bti
donated for the use of the club by local
tT&ata to Saor ei School Mrs. TV.
F. Cody, wife of Buffalo Bill, haa writ
ten Superintendent Graff asking for the
studies pursued by students In the high
Bcnool here. The letter comes from fh.i
Scout ranch at North Platte of whlct
Mrs. Codjr is the owner.
Three Are Keld for righting William
Tracy and Edward and Ella Porter, par
ticipants in the free-for-all-fight at Niel
sen's park last Sunday evening in which
officers Timm and White were baCly
brulssed and beaten, were bound over to
the district court under $500 bonds.
Steals Motel ailr.rvrar. Jack Davis.
17 years old, a glass boy at the Rome hotel,
was arrested by Detective Van Duseu
yesterday for stealing $100 worth of
silverware from the hotel. Young Davis
admitted taking the silverware, which he
had hid In a suitcase In his room at the
Vienna hotel.
Whit Outs Rls Wriet Thorns
White, employed by Commissioner Mc
Govern, shoved his fist through a largo
glass showcase In front of a photograph
gallery at 218 South Sixteenth street, at
noon and cut his radial artery and three
of the branches. He was arrested and
charged with being drunk and destroying
property. " :t ' " .' ,
Cloudburst Destroy Grade A oloud
burst up In the Wyoming mountains,, be
tween Thermopolis and Emery, Sunday
night carried away several hundred yard
of Burlington grade in the Big Horn river
valley. The water rose six feet inside of
an hour and tore out the grade at a point
where it was constructed on a low flat
in the valley.
Cinnamon Bear la Shot Humbtrd, tha
sick cinnamon bear at Riverview park,
was shot Wednesday. He had been suffer
ing several days and had refused to eat.
He was the mascot of the Nebraska Lum
ber Dealers association. The secretary
of the association was requested to make
some disposal of the animal, but as no
reply was received Kumblrd was shot
Calls at fall and Stay John Rich
ardson was arrested by Detective
Devereese Wednesday afternoon at the
police station while inquiring the way to
the county Jail, where he was going to
see his father, Sherman Richardson, who
is serving a slxtji-day sentence. Richard
son is wanted in Lincoln for robbery. Hs
was taken there yesterday by the authori
ties. ;: ' '
Municipal Picnic to Be Held at Hill
side September 14.
Everyone Will Go With Well Filled
Lanrh Baskets to Knjoy
a Fall Day of
Sports and divertlsements of all ap
proved fashions are Included in the pro
gram outlined for the municipal picnic
which has been postponed until Septem
ber 14. The outing will probably be held
In Hillside park near Seymour lake. The
program committee is composed of Vin
cent McDonough, Joe Butler and Dick
Grotte, and they have appointed the seven
commissioners to serve as a reception
committee, with the mayor as chairman.
Among the things designed to make
the day an interesting one will be a
ladies' egg race, a ladies' apple contest,
the first contestant biting into a sus
pended apple winning; a contest to deter
mine the most popular lady employe of
the city; music, dancing and refresh
ments. For the Men Folks.
There will also be a bell ringing con
test for commissioners only. The con
testants will be blindfolded, turned around
several times, and the first one finding
and ringing the bell will be declared the
winner. Another feature will be a ball
game between city hall employes and
the fire and police departments. There
will aso be tugs of war between firemen
and policemen and street cleaners and
pavers. The commissioners and heads of
departments will engage In quoits.
Everyone will go with well filled bas
kets and the lunch will be spread on the
ground. The evening will .be spent at
dancing, for which excellent music will
be provided.
The Athletic Events.
Among the athletic events of the day
will be the following:
50-yard boys' race, under 18 years.
60-yard girls' race, under 16 years.
' 25-yard married ladies' race.
50-yard single ladles' race.
100-yard men's race, free for all.
100-yard men's race, city employes only.
50-yard three-legged race, city employes
60-yard three-legged race, free for all.
50-yard fat men's race, city employes
1 100-yard thin men's race, city employes
25-yard sack race, free for all
' Running broad jump, city employes
20-yard peanut rolling contest, city com
missioners only.
25-yard hopping contest, city commis
sioners only (only one leg allowed).
Joe and Ed Mefrttt have returned to
the city after spending a month around
the lakes of northern Minnesota and Wis
consin. Major Cole of the United States army,
paymaster's department, with his clerks,
will go to Des Moines today to arrange
for the payment of the cavalrymen sta
tioned there.
"Judge" J, H. Hulbert. the Beau Brum-
mel of the district court bailiffs, has
returned from Minneapolis, where he
spent his vacation as the guest of his
nephew, A. M. Amsden. Just to show
that he can do It even If he Is 73 years
old, Mr. Hulbert went out and pitched a
few tons of hay one day. -
May Build Hospital
of Old Court House
Rather than pay the prices asked for
wrecking and removal of the old court
house, which they believe are excessive,
the Board of County Commissioners may
wreck the building by day labor and use
the material In building a new county
hospital. The present hospital building
Is almost unfit for tenancy and the
board for a long time has been seeking a
solution for the hospital problem. It may
be that here it is.
Decision In the matter of the fate of
the old court house will not be made for
several days.
Omaha Man Made General Freight
Ag-ent of the North Western.
Promotions Have Come Fast to Mr.
Miller, Who Has Been With
the North Western Thirty
Conspiracy is Charged in Suit Filed
in Federal Court
F. H. Woods, Hdnoa Rich, L. I. Ab-
hott, Frank B. Johnson and F.
W. Stearns are Named as
Samuel. F. Miller, for the last six years
general freight and passenger agent of
the North Atestern lines west of the
Missouri river, with headquarters in
Omaha, has been called up higher. He
has been notified that he had been ap
pointed general freight agent of the en-,
tire North IVestern system, with head
quarters In Chicago and that the ap
pointment would be effective Septem
ber L
While Mr. Miller's promotion had been
discussed, it was not considered cer
tain and consequently the notice of ap
pointment came as something of a sur
prise to even him. He will leave for Chi
cago Saturday to take up his new duties
next Monday morning. Mr. Miller suc
ceeds E. D. Brlgham, who was promoted
to assistant freight trafio manager some
months ago, since which time the office
of general freight agent has been vacant
With the promotion of Mr. Miller, the
position of general freight and passenger
agent of the lines west of the Missouri
river will be abolished for the present, at
least At this time W. H, Jones Is dlvl
slon freight agent and to his duties will
be added those of the passenger depart
ment, he taking the- title of division
freight and passenger" agent.
Samuel F. Miller has been in the contin
uous employ of the North Westernu road
for about thirty years. He started as a
telegraph operator in Wisconsin and soon
was called to the Chicago offices. After
that his rise was rapid, filling the posi
tions of agent, superintendent and later
on the office from which he has Just
been promoted.
"Were all medicines as meritorious as
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy the world would be much
better off and the percentage of suffer
ing greatly decreased," writes Lindsay
Scott of Temple, Ind. For sale by all
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
Omaha, August 29.
THE MEMBERS of George Crook Women's Relief corps are very
busy today in their quarters In Magnolia hall, Twenty-fourth street
and Ames avenue, getting ready for their big sociable this
evening for the benefit of the old soldiers of the Grand Army of
the Republic. On the last Friday of each month, the good women of the
corps give some sort of an entertainment for the Grand Army of the Re
public, but this festivity is planned to outshine all former efforts.
I heard it whispered about that the big structure being put up in Mag
nolia hall is to present a Midway on a small scale with many kinds of
shows. Here the fat lady, the fortune teller, the Siamese twins, the snake
charmer and other freaks and. wonders will hold forth. Rathbun and
Dunn's orchestra has been engaged for the evening. Mrss. Ellen Jane
Shields has charge of the Midway jBhows and Mrs. Albert Bugh is chairman
of the refreshment committee.
Feminine Stag Party, .
A unique "stag" party was given by
Miss Ruth Zittle at her home Wednesday
evening In honor of Miss Ha Wyatt of
.St. Joseph, Mo., when all the guests wore
tailored suits and shirt waists. After re
freshments chocolate cigars were passed
around in a cigar box and every one en
Joyed a "smoke." Those Invited were:
Misses Misses
Ha Wyatt. Josephine Murphy,
lone r ogg, wary carrier.
Addle Fogg, Inez Killmar. .
Minnie Johnson, Anna Killmar,
Ruth Morris, Oneida Moran.
Helen Morris. Minerva Fuller.
Florence Rahm, Florence Andrus,
Mary Haller. Elolse West,
Emma Ramer, Madge West,
Lydta Ramer, Martha Rau,
Maude McArdle, Ruth Myer.
Jean Matters, Jennie Kllna,
Marguerite Comer, Ruth Zittle.
Parties for Miss Fuller.
X Miss Katherlne Fuller, who' has been
the guest of Mrs. G. W. Wickersham, left
.for her home In Sioux City Wednesday.
Miss Fuller as been the guest of honor
at several parties during her short stay In
the city.
' .Mrs. G. W. Wickersham gave a smalt
house party for Miss Fuller Saturday
night at her home. Wednesday Mrs.
Wickersham entertained at luncheon at
the Delft tea room, when those present
were: -
Misses Misses
Fuller of Katherlne .
Sioux City, la.; Davenport,
Gertrude Aiken, Bess Heaton.
Mary Marston,
, Mrs. G. W. Wickersham.
Miss Mary Marston gave an Informal
dance In her honor Tuesday evening when
sixteen were present
Delaney-Heitf eld Wedding.
"Miss Bertha Heitfeld, daughter of Mrs.
Henry Heitfeld, became the bride of Dr.
Leo A. Delaney yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock. The ceremony was performed by
' Rev. Mr. Liljefors at the Unitarian
The bride wore her traveling suit of
brown novelty goods with a hat to match.
She wore a corsage bouquet of bride's
roses. Miss Louise Heitfeld, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor and wore gray
silk poplin and a large black picture hat.
Her corsage bouquet was of white roses.
, Justin Refrelgler, cousin of the groom,
served as best man.
. Following the ceremony the wedding
' dinner for the relatives and wedding
party was served at the Paxton hotel.
After o, western wedding trip Dr. and
Mr. Pelacy win be at home in Spald
in after October i
Dinan-Webb Wedding in Kearney.
Timothy D. Dinan, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Dinan; 1310 South Eleventh street,
Omaha, and Miss Estelle C. Webb, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Webb of
Kearney were, married at St. James'
Catholic church In Kearney at 8 o'clock
Wednesday morning. The Rev. Father
Muensterniann celebrated the nuptial
high mass and performed the ceremony.
Maurice B. Griffin of South Omaha, a
cousin of the groom, was best man, and
Miss Theresa Dinan, a sister, was tbo
bridesmaid. '
Mr. Dinan is a former Crelghton uni
versity man and is well known in Omaha.
He is a traveling salesman for the F. I'.
K.lrkendall company of Omaha.
Lively-Mead Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Alda Mead, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Mead, to Mr.
Clarence Lively took place yesterday
afternoon at 4 o'clock at the bride's home
In South Omaha, Bride's roses and smilax
were used In decorating the rooms. The
bride was attractively gowned in white
marquisette over white satin and carried
bride's roses.
There were no bridal attendants and
about twenty-five guests were present at
the ceremony. A reception followed, when
about 100 were present
i Mr. and Mrs. Lively will reside at Mel
veta. Neb.
Orpheum Party.
Miss Eugenie Whltmore entertained
at an Orpheum party last evening in
honor of Miss Marie Stewart of Council
Bluffs, who will leave shortly for Mrs.
Dow's school, Brlarcliff, N. T., which
Miss ' Whltmore formerly attended. Af
ter the theater Miss Whltmore enter
tained at supper at her home.
Wolfe-Adams Wedding.
Allan Wolfe and Miss Allle Adams of
Omaha were married Monday evening at
Falls City, Neb., by Rev. Mr. Noble of
the Episcopal church -of Falls City, for
merly of this city. Mr. Wolfe la a busi
ness man of Omaha and Is connected
with the firm of Milton Rogers &
Sons and was senior warden of the
St. Mathlas church. He and his
bride were former parishioners of
Rev. Noble. The bride's
Mrs.' Robert Teddy, was present at the
wedding. Rev. Noble hurried home from
his vacation a week earlier than intended
so as to perform the marriage service.
After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Wlf
will return to Omaha to make their home.
Garden Party for Visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Reum enter
tained at an elaborate garden party last
evening at their home in honor of Henry
Arden and Arthur Reum of Chicago,
guests of Clarence Reum.
The lawn was lighted with Japanese
lanterns and many prises were awarded
for games and guessing contests. Part
of the lawn was arranged as an amuse
ment park and the guests threw rope
rings at canes and balls at dolls, and
there were other games of this kind.
About seventy-five guests were present.
At the Country Club.
Mrs. Charles Stewart of Council Bluffs
will entertain at dinner Saturday eve
ning at the club. Covers will be placed
for fourteen.
Miss Katherlne Moorhead entertained a
few friends informs!
uwwjcTwu ycmm
terday at the Country club In honor of
Hf.. J . r , -
""""i .mornson or Kansas City,
who Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. P. Tukey.
At the Field Club.
Mrs. J. D. Foster entertained at lunch.
eon at tne club yesterday In honor of her
niece. Miss Zadelle Smith of Los Angeles,
Cal. Covers were placed for sixteen.
Mrs. W. J. Coad entertained at luncheon
yesterday at the club in honor of Mrs. Le
ann or uaiveston; Tex., guest of Mrs.
FJlen Coad Jensen. Fourteen guests
were prebent.
Mrs. E. P. Boyer had six guests at
Last evening Mrs. W. K. Foote gave
a bowling party for eighteen guests.
At Happy Hollow.
W. A. Pier had eight guests at dinner
last evening; E. O. Hamilton, six; W. W
Johnson, six; John R. Webster, nine;'
John McCague, five; H. N. Wood, four
S. A. Past, ten. , .
Mrs. E. W. Gunther entertained , at
luncheon yesterday in honor of Mrs Hat
tie Plttinger. Mrs. J. p. Shirley and Miss
Minnie Riley, all of Albion, Neb. Covers
were placed for ten.
The married folks had their Inning last
evening at Happy Hollow and a special
table d'hote dlnnnr w m, i ..
- bui (tni in MUir
honor. The evening was spent dancing
and the young people were excluded from
the floor. One of the largest parties was
- wuitn ueai ana included:
Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Elllck
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Talmadge.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Rhoades.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Peters.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lemere.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conrad.
Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Peckenpaugh.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Carmlchael.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Klmter.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polcar.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Reed.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Goodman.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Miller.
Dr. and Mrs. Manning.
Mrs. S. R. Rush.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Drahos and Miss Mitchell hav ro.
turned from New York City.
Mrs. John Madden haa returns
a visit In the Berkshire hills.
Miss Lena Cohn Is home from Elkhnm
where she went by automobile.
Mrs. H. P. Jessen has returned frnm
St. Joseph, where she visited Mr. and
Mrs. William A. Grew.
Mrs. Neil Bauin Reynolds and children
have returned from Santa Fe, N. M.,
where they spent the summer.
Charging that an "unlawful confedera
tion, combination and conspiracy to de
fraud a part of the bondholders" of the
Insolvent Independent Telephone company
existed a petition was filed yesterday
In the United States district court by the
First National bank and other parties
asking the court that the receiver, recelv.
er's attorney and all members of the so
called bondholders' committee be required
to appear In court to make full answer.
The petition alleges that the whole
scheme of the bondholders' committee,
the officers of the court and the Ne
braska Telephone company In making a
secret agreement as to the price the de
funct company was to b:Ing was a schema
to eliminate and destroy the Independent
Telephone company and Its business as a
competitor to the Nebraska Telephone
The federal Judge has Issued an order
for the appearance of the members of
the bondholders' committee In court Oc
tober 7 to answer the petition. The per
sons named In the petition as the mem
bers of the bondholders' committee are
Frank H. Woods of Lincoln, Edson Rich,
Lysle I. Abbott, Frank B. Johnson and
Frederick H. Stearns.
1,1st of Petitioners.
The petitioners, all of whom were bond,
holders outside the circle of the bond
holders' committee, are the First National
bank of Omaha. Ellen M. Coad, W. C.
Bristol, E. Hayes, Abraham R. Groh and
Herman R. Nltsel.
The First National bank alleges it held
bonds of the defunct company in the sum
of 12S.0C0 and an additional 113,500 bond
as collateral security on a note.
Ellen M. Coad held bonds in the sum
of $10,000 which came to her as legatee by
the will of her deceased husband, John
F. Coad.
W. C. Bristol of Portland, Ore., held
bonds In the sum of JH.cOO.
E. Hayes, whose address is not given,
held bonds In the sum of $5S,4O0.
Abraham R. Groh of Omaha held $2,000
Herman R Nltsel of Boise City, Idaho,
held another $2,000 worth.
All these held their bonds under their
own control Instead of depositing them
with the bondholders' committee.
The petition alleges that the object of
the committee was to Institute a,sult In
foreclosure of the mortgage against the
Independent Telephone company and the
doing of such things as should be neces
sary In the foreclosing of the mortgage.
It Is further alleged that Lysle I. Ab
bott, receiver, acted both as the court's
agent and as a member of the committee
up to March, 1912; that Edson Rich, ap
pointed by the court as receiver's at
torney, acted both as attorney and as
member of the bondholders' committee
until March, 1912. Both men then re
signed, It is alleged, merely to avoid the
appearance of acting both as committee
men and officers of the court. It is al
leged that they knew and were aware
of all the deal between the committee
and the Nebraska Telephone company,
whereby the latter was -to pay for the
defunct company $1,400,000.
Tells of Deal.
An agreement between the bondholders'
committee and the Nebraska Telephone
company, whereby the bondholders' com
mittee was not to bid at the foreclosure
sale of the Independent property Is al
leged to have been made. It Is also al
leged that Francis S. Ilutchlns, who
bought the franchise, acted for the Ne
braska Telephone company. The peti
tion also sets forth that there was an
agreement between the bondholders'
committee, by virtue of which the Ne
braska Telephone company was to pay
an extra $400,000 Into the hands of the
committee as soon as the confirmation
of the sale for $1,000,400 was made. It
Is charged that Special Master Abbott in
reality did not deliver the property of
the defunct company Into the hands of
the purchasing company even after tho
confirmation of the sale until the extra
$400,000 had 'been paid Into the hands of
the committee.
The petitioners pray that the entire
sale be set aside as Illegal if their allega
tions be established as facts, and that the
property be again given Into the hands
of the court; that Abbott be removed as
special master, and that a new special
master and receiver's attorney be appointed.
Car Men's Contract
Will BeVoted Upon
A proposed form of contract by which
neither the ChloaKO street railway com
pany nor the surface employes seem to
liave advantage over the other has been
drawn and will be voted upon by the em
ployes. it provides for settlement of all
differences by arbitration and the pay
ment of employes for every hour em
ployed. The maximum wage day will be
eleven hours and the minimum nine hours,
and overtime will be paid for at the regu
lar rate. In the contract the company
agrees that it shall not discharge an em
ploye simply because he belongs to the
union. The proposed wage scale Is as
First Second Thero-
Repair. Inspectors, Year. Year, after.
dopers $2.(6 $2.40 $2.0
Janitors, terminal
men 1.81 2- 2.50
Per cleaners i n S.20 ;
Car placers 2.05 2.45 2,15
Motormen on sprink
ler, cinder and sup
ply cars 27 .27 .2?
Conductors on same. .21 .21 .21
Snow plow and
sweeper crew 35 .35 . .35
Night crews are paid a minimum of
$2.50 (or six hours and maxamum of S3
for eight hours' work.
Among the thirty-six applicants for reg
istration, the following druggists were
successful at the examination held in
Omaha August 14 and 15 at the Crelghton
College of Pharmacy, having obtained
the required general average of 75 per
cent or over In pharmacy, materia med
tca, toxlcokgy, chemistry and practical
oral work: . Stanley J. Cernlk, Ord; H.
L. Fowler, Por.ra; Oliver Llewellen, Hast
ings; George if. Myers, Lincoln,;, N. L.
Nordstrom, Stromsburg; John E. O'Brien,
Omaha; Clyde J. Reld, South Omaha; J.
F. Rofter, Omaha; Charles Versaw, Gor
don; B. A. Young, Lincoln.
A Bachelor's Ref lections.
Firit a eirl marries a man, then she
marvels why.
A girl Knows enougn 10 lei any man
do most of the talking, except her father.
fTl T -A n. n H A lUt'. MMTI Ontll .R hilt
AIIO UJiU 11IE1VJ J w D i r- , --
the Lord knows who made little boys to
eat tnem. - -
What makes anybody have an extra
good opinion of himself is for there to
be no reason for it.
It would be easy enough for a man to
a .nnnfll. t U B.r.n't M hflTll f (IT
people to listen to it New York Press.
The Yellow Peril
Jaundice, malaria, biliousness vanish
when Dr. King's New Life Pills are
taken. Easy, safe, guaranteed. Ko. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Word has been received In Omaha of
the death In New York City of Dr. David
Blausteln, former superintendent of the
Chicago Hebrew Institute and well known
to the Jewish people of Omaha. He was
a personal friend of , Rabbi Frederick
Colin and many other Omaha people. Dr.
Blausteln was a well known sociological
and settlement worker, and at the time
of his death was director of the educa
tional alliance In New York, an organ
isation for the Americanising of .the
Jewish Immigrants. Dr. Blausteln had
made two visits to Omaha and delivered
lectures both times. His last stop was
made here November 12 last at which
time he was making a trip to the coast
to study Immigration conditions.
The cause jal the death of Dr. Blausteln
Is not given In the reports of the eastern
papers. Rabbi Cohn of Omaha says Dr.
Blausteln was 111 a year ago and that at
that time he was In danger of losing his
Dost Hide Them With a lli aemovt
Them With the Hew Drug.
An eminent skin specialist recently
llscovereda new drag, othlne double
strength, which Is so uniformly suc
cessful in removing freckles and giving
a clear, beautiful complexion that it Is
sold by Beaton Drug Company under an
absolute guarantee to refund the money
If It fall j.
Don't hide your freckles under a veil;
get an ounce of othlne and remove them,
Even the first night's use will show a
wonderful Improvement, some of the
tighter freckles vanishing entirely. It
Is absolutely harmless, and cannot In
jure the most tender skin.
Be sure to ask Beaton Drug Company
for the double strength othlne; It Is this
that Is sold on the money baok guarantee.
Get The Right
Number Don't Guess
Xo doubt you have occasionally got the
wrong party when you called a telephone
number. Probably you blamed , the Tele
phone Company. But the chances are you
were wrong.
Most mis-directed calls are due to sub
scribers speaking indistinctly or calling the
wrong number. Memory cannot be tmsted.
Always consult the Directory.
Never guess at a number, the guess is
usually wrong. Get the right prefix.'
Don't say, "Douglas" when you want
In calling speak distinctly, giving each
figure of the number with clear enuncia
tion. , .
Nebraska Telephone Company
S fr
After of rlfcrk er Ffiy
Because U AtOSitoM all thegeodnes
that master brewers can put Into It
health, strength and the real pleasure
that always gees with the drinking ef
good beer
8tr iHitKt Ambtr BottU
7 Vamlly Tmtde tupDUed by
ls40Mjlonth MS '
Oomactl lufs "014 , Age"
ar 161! South th Street, raoae MM
1384 Douglas Street, Faoae Beag. ma
South Omaha, VebrMks
"1 set
?t tip-
Why Wait Un
til Coal Prices
Order Your Winter
Supply Now ! !
Keep (he Complexion Beautiful
Nadine Face Powder
(in Cmn Boxmt QnJy.)
Produces a soft, velvety
appearance so much ad
mired, and remains until
washed off. Purified by
a new process. Will not
clog the pores. Harmless.
Prevents sunburn an
return of discoloration.
By toilet counter or mail, 50c. Money
back if not entirely pleased.
Jsolu by Siicnniu-UcConacll Drug Co., Uwl Uruj
V" 1,111 ""I 1 I I
rmiMriiiimJ If fciiimini limn ill
Money, inconvenience and worry.
Call us up (Doug. 1221 or Ind. A-1695)
and tell us that you want your
Prices are how low because we are making
special inducements. We wish to keep our
men and teams busy and we wisk to make
deliveries direct from the cars
Arfc Semi-Anthracite
OilanZa Smokeless
Especially adapted for us? in furnaces,
grates, hot water heaters and soft coal
heating stoves. Per ton, screened, only
lentral Coal 1 Ooke 60
405 South 15th St., Opp .Orpheuin Theater. ; r
Ammmmmm mmmmnmmmmmmmamm,Mmummummnmmmm i m.m,m,-, m,..M, . ...,.,