Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1912, State Fair Section, Image 22

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Q)iiJ&Li& ii' miiiiV, Jill
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Faff Stocks Unmm
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CS?C.i-M-U:. cL l)lD
My Large and- Complete
OUE SUIT SECTION is one . of the
largest and best appointed in Nebraska.
Large and splendidly assorted stocks of
the season's most up-to-date garments
are shown.
Particular attention is given to the
tailoring, and no garment that docs not
come up to the MILLER & PAINE stan
dard, is admitted to our cases.
From the leading and most successful
designers and manufacturers of women's
ready-to-wear goods, come their latest
and best productions, as fast as they are
brought out. This insures not only the
newest and most wanted modes but a high
standard of perfection in detail and fin
OUR STOCK OF COATS has already
reached a degree of completeness seldom
attained so early in the season. Case
after case is filled to overflowing with'
the latest and best productions of the
most reputable coat manufacturers.
Heavy materials are much in evidence
this seasondark effects in diagonals,
chinchillas, mixtures and novelties are
shown bfcside the lighter . tailored and
semi-fancy coats for street" and evening
There is special advantage in choosing
your coat early for you not only get
choice of the newest styles, but a full sea
ion's use of the garment.
Fine Fur.
OUR FUR DEPT. includes both manu
facturing and salesroom for we are
manufacturers as well as retailers of
HIGH CLASS FURS. An expert bf more'
than ordinary ability and many years of
successful experience is in charge of this
department and we have no hesitency in
advising you to look here for the finest
garments and most wanted furs.
IN MILLINERY we strive always to
have the very latest styles and patterns
from the most successful designers of
women's hats in New York and Paris, as
well as many original designs created by
our own artist-milliners.'
Large assortments of both popular priced and
exclusive millinery. . ,
ig Bargain
Having recently purchased over $75,000
worth of China, Glassware, Dinnerware,
Cut Glass, Lamps, Pottery, etc.,' at re
ceivers sale of the CARL FUNEE stock
(Lincoln Crockery Co.) we are in position
to offer truly remarkable bargains in
this line. ........
There are literally thousands of choice
pieces .of fancy imported china, many
handsome dinner sets, dozens of pretty
lamps, several tables of the best cut glass
and hundreds of barrels of : popular
priced glassware. Even this enumera
tion does not touch all the lines offered, hut will
serve to give you some Idea of. the bigness of
this sale. Prices are in most cases HALF, in
many leases less than half and in some cases a
fraction of former prices."
Agricultural Exhibitions
as Public Educators
, (Continued from Page Six.)
The tendency everywhere with all classes
of land ovnen and farm operator is
toward tha improvement in the Uve stock
they are handling. Thli tn a general way
)e undoubtedly true. The spirit ot owning
better, buying better and breeding butter
la abroad In the land; any sentiment tn
opposition to thli Is the exception, nt
the rule. Thus It wlU be found that live
stock breeders and growers have an idea
of Improvement uppermost In their minds,
no matter how common and indifferent
their stock may be, and that they are
willing tn acquire Information fir im
provement They are generally willing to
Invest In better blood and bettor breeding
animals than they now possess.
: The state fair is to th? man an edu
cational enterprise, contributing more
toward the enlightening ot those within
the scope of its influence hu all other
organized measures. The agricultural
college, experiment station, the farm It
self, with all its various departments cf
training, at beat can only demonstrate
theories, practice and work out principles
of well established methods in production,
in growth of crops, In the breeding and
direction of animal creation, and await
results. The results of mau's efforts
along thsse lines, prompted by whatever
Incentive that may have , stimulated a
desire to take up the work, are the basis
upon which the principles of education
are founded in the promotion and prose
cution of state fair industry.
It is the opportunity and advantage to
show and compare results of this high
test, high class of work that the beat
breeders, growers and producers of tha
country are engaged In that makes the
state fair particularly important and
valuable to the 'farming and live stock
interests of the country. It is this op
portunity of visiting these great exhibi
tions of the finest specimens of animal
.creation, gathered from over large areas
of country, that haa given the state fair
of the present day Its prestige as an
exhibition center to the Uve stock man,
and especially to tba young breeder and
student of animal industry, there are ad
vantages and opportunities ot study here
that he cannot miss without great per
sonal sacrifice in the building up of his
Knowledge and understanding of the
breeding qualities in animals, a feature
of study the old breeder never loses
fight of.
- . The inspirations for doing better and
accomplishing more, that each Interested
visitor absorbs from coming, in contact
with the excellence ot type and con
dition of the animals exhibited at 'these
great stock shows, Is worth more to the
general live stock Improvement Interests
of the country than can be estimated.
The benefits of the state fair stock show
are far reaching. It is at these fine
stock shows that the fancy is aroused in
the minds of many who later become
successful breeders and producers of our
best standard farm animals. It some
times takes the high type ot excellence
to arouse; an ambition in the boy to be-'
corns a breeder of stock. It must be
acknowledged that there is hut little in
the common scrub animal to Instill a pride
in the ambition of the boy or young
man to go into the stock breeding busi
ness. Possibly the greatest good resulting
from these live stock shows, where widely
diversified Interests are invited into the
contests, Is the stimulating influence It
exerts upon the skilled breeder, those
who are responsible for the greatest de
gree ot Improvement made In animal ex
cellence. The state fair Uv stock show
is not alone an Institution for the skilled
or unskilled;. It works alike tn Its tend
encies to Inspire greater efforts from all
classes of live stock owners and handlers.
It appeals to the public, to every owner
of an animal to Improve, to raise better,
to own better, to become interested In
better, and more profitable animals. The
Influence that Is exerted for improvement!
tn breed and quality cf animal, even with
the county fair and neighborhood show,
is often the beginning of an ambition to
excel in live stock breeding.
The live stock Show Is educational and
deserving of encouragement, no matter
how small or circumscribed In its scope
of patronage. In its beginning. Encourage
the Uve stock show st the county fair. It
is at these small stock shows, often,
where the young breeder receives his
awakening, the Inspiration that leads him
to become on exhibitor. - It Is here, often,
where the best breeders and exhibitors
got their first lessons and training In the
show ring. The county fairs are the
kindergarten for the state fairs, the
American Royals and Internationals that
come later In the experiences and ambi
tions ot the breeder and exhibitor. A
few days at the state fair, spent at the
ringside in the stock Judging' pavilion.
where the particular une cr lines of stock
are being passed upon that one la most
interested in. is worth more than any
other expenditure of this time, meted
out by teacher or expert A more prac
tical school cannot he found, a better
opportunity for using one's eyes and judg
ment cannot be devised.
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observed by. thousands who do. not. wish
to take seats in the grandstand at . the
track. t
No state fair in the United States Is
making greater progress in. Its .exhibition
development This Is due largely to two
prominent and principle reasons; the one
great source of ' state ' fair advantage
Which Nebraska is now enjoying, and has
been enjoying for several years past, 'Is
its rapid development, in -the pure' hred
live stock lndusttry. No state can boast
of greater live stock advancement, of the
introduction of more and better high
priced breeding animals, of the grtat in
vestments in this doss of stock or Of the
founding and establishing- of more - pure'
bred herds than has Nebraska in the last
dosen years. .The strong factor in agri
cultural resources Is the ruling incentive
to farm 'and' 'crop Improvement The
other reason,' which is of almost equal ,
Importance, Is the careful and economical i
business management of the fair in alj'
dotails of building and operating Its exht-;
bitlon interests for the benefit and ad-'
van 'age of the people of the state. y.
tfliere has never been a niofe encour-.'
aging outlook for a successful state fair
season than' Is now reported from the
western fair circuits. The agricultural
conditions throughout, are such as to
present a brighter prospect for fine dis-.
plays a farm products' and live stock
than' has "ever before prevailed. , i
Dairy Exhibit at the State Fair
(Continued from Page- Nine:)-
The fact that you htve arrayed before
you the best that is produced, the highest
types of Individual excellence of the va
rious breeds in 'their proper classifica
tion, gives you an advantage that you
could never get under any other circum
stances, oot It you were to travel around
over the country among the breeders tor
years in search of It Tou will never be
able to measure up, accurately, two ani
mals In a contest until you stand them
side by side in the same class or show
ring. Thus, when you go to the state
fair and witness the classes of rhiffii
standard prise contestants, the best the
country can produce, you have treated
yourself to an educational opportunity
that is worth hundreds of dollars to you,
even If you are only a farmer breeding
common stock. It you are a breeder of
pur bred stock, or It you are preparing
to enter the lists as a beginner, you have
received what old breeders after their
years of experience woulii have cheerfully
given - thousands of dollars to have had
pictured to them In living reality such
models ot animal creation, such studies
for the mind's ideal,'
The, annual exhibition of the Nebraska
State fair for 1912 is September 2 to T,
Inclusive. This Is one of the great state
fairs of the country. ' It haa risen In re
cent years to a leading position in expo
sition interest The original state fair
site of 123 acres is, topographically,. In
Ideal location for an exposition enter
prise, such as the state fair demands, to
properly exhibit and display Its varied
and diversified Interests and industries
to the best advantage, In ease and com
fort to Its thousands of visitors .who
yearly congregate to see, be instructed
and entertained. The building of this
white city began with an idea ot uni
formity and - compactness by the layinc;
out of streets and the platting of the en
tire grounds for buildings, exhibition and
concession purposes. Its streets and ave
nues are all named, numbered and opened
ud and observed with as much system
and exactness as the streets of a city. -
The Nebraska State fair is' building for
the future. Each year buildings of a
substantial and , suitable character are
constructed In conformity with the origi
nal Diana .of the grounds, and If this
present system Is observed, it Is destined
to be one of the finest, most convenient
and beautiful state fair grounds In the
entire country; The race course is
built In a valley, which la overlooked
by- a skirtins of high ground, a natural
amphitheater, - where tba races may be
the department laid aside for the work ot
the women when they- are - not tn ' the'
kitchen fixing up good . things for - the
lords of creatkm, is a busy place .during
the whole week and no one, either, man
or woman, should fall to investigate what
our Nebraska queens of . the household
hav$ made to adorn themselves so' they
would be more beautiful and attractive
to the eyes ot their sure-enough or would
be husbands. . ; . .
This year the educational exhibit Is .to
be conducted along new' lines. Instead of
the work of the different ' normal and
state schools being placed on exhibition
tn the usual way a picture show -will' be
arranged so that the work ot the sobools
may be seen in a more attractive, and
modern way. - In order that those, .who
are Interested In 'the work of any par
ticular school ma be' present When the
work of that school-Is- placed' on' the'
screen, the following hours have been set
aside:' . ;
:3i)'a." H4 Kearney State Normal.
HfcHfc a." m-. rural schools.
10:59 a., mi. Peru' State Normal.
11,30 .a. State university , '
. .In the afternoon the displays will b
made in . the. same order. There will be.
In addition to this, plenty of work on
exhibition in the usual manner and the
exhibits of the School tor the Deaf at
Omaha,' the girls' industrial schools at
Geneva and Milford, the boys' industrial
school, at -Kearney, the orthopedic hos
pital, at Lincoln and the home tor the
feeble minded at Beatrice, will be espe
cially' Interesting this year.
In ' fact, the Nebraska stats fair this
year Is going to outclass anything in the
line of educational work, the fine arts,
woman's work, and domestic exhibits, if
such, a- thing could be possible, put on
for the, inspection of th public "of any.
previous year. The facilities for handling
the work will be better than before and
Indications' point to a more than Usual
exhibft in all lines. ; .',' : '
smday School Leasoa Withoet Cm
tlonary SiU Teaches the
Phi Mowey. .
iBe not forgetful to . entertain
strangers; for thereby some have enter
tained angels unawares." .
.The foregoing quotation is from chap
ter xlll, verse 2, Book of Hebrews, and
it Is Introduced solely because It consti
tutes a vital part of this story. Julia Is
10 years old and-she goes to Sunday
school. It appears that on a recent oc
casion the sunday school teacher had
considerable . to say . about - this matter
of "entertaining angels unawares." Any
way, It made a deep Impression with
Julia. -. ,
A few day . after the . lesson JuHa's
mother left her in charge of the house
for a few hours. When the mother re
turned she went to a particular cup In
the cupboard to extract therefrom one
half dollar. In this cup ts kept the .fam
ily pin money, and Julia's mother knew
that she hsd put GO cents there before
she had gone out But the half dollar
was gone. - There was an expression ot
anxiety on Julia's face and mother
scented mischief. - ,
"Did you take that money asked the
mother, somewhat .severely, i
Julia broke Into tears. "I gave It to a
man that came to the back door,"
sobbed the little "girt
"Gave It to a man!" exclaimed the
mother. "What for?" .
"1 thought he might be God," tearfully
replied Julia Kansas City Star. , .