Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1912, State Fair Section, Image 20

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Where Nebraska Shines Above All Others
3,40 after year Nebraska - 1 j , U I ' - ' ' 5 , 5
i L cornea horns from the big na- - J x " i , I 1 ' f t ; L f , I
:X rsHi . WW COMMISSION . , V.
v ' f'.;,Vr..V.., ' , I
comea home from the big na
tional stock shows with a
reputation of having Just &
good stock aa any itate In the
union, and aome years with
. the ribbons flying, which shown that It
) kat the best
Nothing has done so much to put til-
braika on the map as raising the best
t cattle, hogs and horses the country pro-
duces as has the Nebraska state fair.
People coming from the far east a
small Idea of what Nebraska can pro
duce are dumfounded when on vlait.nx
the state fair they see the wonderful
stock always found on exhibition there.
Vhls year the fair will again be a rev
elation to those who are not fully
acquainted with the great resources it
Nebraska, one of the most Important 3t
which la Its stock raising. It opens one's
eyes to see the hogs, cattle, horses and
-other fine animals unloaded from the
ears and driven to their places on tne
grounds, and it can't hardly be conceived
that all come from within the state, for
one is almost led to believe that what he
sees is the pick of the whole country
from Canada on the north to the Oulf of
Mexico on the south and from the Golden
Gate on the west to the wave-kissed
shores of Old Cape , Cod on tne New
England coast.
This year, as heretofore, the buildings
at, the satte fair grounds will be full of
overflowing. The cattle barn holds 660
animals and will be filled.' To one who
loves cattle, Just imagine nearly 700 of
the most beautiful and finely bred cattlo
under one roof that ever were together
and you will 'have some idea of what
the exhibit In the cattle line will be.
The horse stable la built to hold 250
horses and each year the best In the
country has been found under Its roof.
Some of the best known importers of
thoroughbred horses bring their prise,
winning animals to the Nebraska State
fair and Judges who have to award the
premiums and who fill similar positions
in; the biggest fairs of the country, find
the Job of awarding the ribbons a hard
Job in Nebraska because of the large
number of thoroughbred horses, seem
ingly to all appearances In every way
one as good as the other.
A visit to the hog sheds, where there
Is 'room for over 2,000 hogs, discloses the
fact each year that among the little bogs,
medium-sized hogs and big hogs, there
is small choice. The best Poland-China
hogs are found there. The best Jersey
Bed hogs are in their pens waiting for
the Judges to pass on their beauty. The
big Chester Whites, weighing almost half
a ton. are admired by the big crowds, and
the other breeds, several in number, all
go to make the big army which, feeding
" n Nebraska's mammoth corn crop, are
taken to market and bring the top price
In the markets of the world. When one
looks at the big corn In agrlcultuat hall,
and then at the big hogs In the swino
sheds, he no longer marvels that Ne
braska hogs win the top prises t the na
tional stock shows.
Nebraska does not Claim to be a great
Kheep state, yet It has no reason to be
ashamed of the sheep found at the Ne
braska State fair. The sheep sheds find
room for 800 of these animals and like
their og, horse and cattle associates are
as good breeds and as fine lookers as
can be found anywhere.
This article on the stock at the Ne
braska State fair would be incomplete
were attenUon not called to the poultry.
The shrill crowing of the bantam and
the hoarser voice of the big Shanghai can
be heard long before the visitor reaches
their abode on the main avenue. It Is
mm - nearly s,uuo biros art
yearly visitors at the fair, aad they come
from all Parts of the stats. It is proper
that these birds should make their pres
ence known by their constant crowing,
tor Nebraska has the largest Incubator
factory In the world and with other
emaller affairs furnishes over half of the
manufactured chicken hatchers sold In
the United Btates. That surely is wort
crowing about and none should blame the
"Pick of Nebraska," S.000 strong. If they
make a great deal of noire at the Ne
braska State fair.
Another very pleasing feature of the
fair and one which draws the children,
Is the Shetland ponies entered for prises.
Nebraska has several Shetland pony
farms and from these places several en
tries are annually made. The Shetland
pony department always is a rendezvous
for the "kids" and even the "grown ups"
eem to enjoy spending considerable Urns
watching the dwarf "horses.
Lovers of fine animals find especial de
light la the live stock parade for it Is
there that the "finest In all the land"
can be seen In one long line as they
pass In front of the grandstand. Decked
In the many colored ribbons, emblematic
of honors won in the contests, even the
animals themselves seem to understand
that they are passing In review and en
deavor to show themselves at their best
The big horses prance along as If proud
f the honors they have won, while th
little Shetland arch their necks in an
'effort to appear Just as proud as their
big brothers and sisters.
Lincoln Merchants
Offer Their Patrons
'- Many, Advantages
(Continued from Pain Flve.V
windows are garbed In the best decora
tions and make the most attractive dis
plays that the master minds of the win
dow decorators can conceive. The win
dow men compete strongly ' and keenly
for this occasion, and those that achieve
the best windows are the pride of their
employers. '
Lincoln merchants are pleased to have
fair visitors enter their stores whether
these visitors wish to buy or not. In
this regard the Lincoln business men are
liberal and they do all they can to make
a trip to their city a pleasure, , ,
One who enters Lincoln for the first
time and goes into several of, the stores
Is Impressed with the courteous treat
ment that the clerks give them. - The av
erage clerk In a Lincoln store is a clean-
cut type of fellow, and especially is this
true In the shops that cater to men. Some
of tho men behind the counters here look
as smooth and pleasant as any clerks in
any store In the country.
Lead In a Firms of Lincoln.
Among the leading ' firms of Lincoln
who will have their full stocks on dis
play or who will welcome visitors during
tho fair are the following:
Rudge & Gunsel, a largs department
store at the corner of Eleventh and O
streets, has one of the best stocks in
the city. The snow room is spacious and
the entire stock, in the various lines, is
Miller & Payne's department store, at
the corner of Thirteenth and O streets,
Is known all over Nebraska. It has one
of the beet locations in the city, and its
trade ranks among the largest In the
state. It Is one of the most popular
places of the city. -
Fred Schmidt & Bros, conduct a large
department store on O street Just below
Tenth. This is one of the oldest of the
Lincoln firms, and it possesses a patron
age, which would cause stores In-larger
cities to marvel. .
. One of the prominent clothes cleaning
and dyeing establishments of the city is
the Hlgbee Cleaning and Dyeing com
pany. The business of this, firm is. ex-u
tensive, having been built up through
doing careful and excellent work, -.
Many of Lincoln's most fashionable
dressers are customers of the Weinberg
Cloak & Suit store. The very latest
models and finest grade of goods are
to be found at this store. 1 .
School for Business. "
Up-to-Uate in every respect and possess
ing a high standard class of teachers,
the Nebraska School of Business has
taken high rank among the commercial
institutions of the state.. Its students re
ceive tha best instruction and are, well
trained. . ' '
No one who has been to Lincoln has
gone away without hearing of the Arm
strong Clothing company; a firm that
carries : one of the finest lines of men's
furnishings that Is to ' be seen ' in the
state. ;. -.v-r - ,-
The Lincoln Cleaning and Dyeing com
pany! of course, . Is a well known firm,
doing an immense business and pleasing
all Its. customers. The. grade of work
done is the best. . - i
The , Sartor Jewelry company main
tains a beautiful store, where high grade
goods are sold at prices that are as low
as any In the country for the same qual
ity. The heating problem In hundreds - of
Lincoln homes has been solved by the
Western Supply company, a firm that
Installs excellent furnaces and handles
a fine line of plumbing supplies.
Everything . in the typewriter line is
handled by the Lincoln Typewriter Sup
ply company. The prices on the goods
sold by this firm are extremely low.
Automobile tire vulcanUers some ' of
the best made are manufactured by the
Fischer Manufacturing company, one of
the rapidly growing concerns of the state.
Established Sanitarium.
The Green Gable sanitarium is known
all over the state as one .of, the best In
stitutions of Its kind In the middle west
The treatment here and the rates are
such' as to satisfy everyone. '
On O street, where much of Lincoln's
business Is done, the Boston store does
an Immense dry goods business. Visit
ors to the fair will crowd this store.
The Harris Jewelry store is another of
those prosperous Lincoln firms who have
built up a large trade through fair deal
ings and honest prices. Everything in
the Jewelry line Is to be found here at
reasonable prices.
The famous Beatrice Creamery com
pany is one of Lincoln's most prominent
firms. The, Meadow Gold butter la lold
all over the country. ' :
The Western Paint and Glass company,
does an immense business in the middle
west It Is a progressive, prosperous
firm, doing things in a thorough way and
building up a greater and greater trade
eery month.
The Folsom cafe on N street Is a mod-
en eating place.'. It is inviting and aan-
tlary and many visitors to Lincoln have
commented on the cleanliness -of . the
p'ace on on the excellent food ; served,
in ample dishes and at small prices.
Magee A Deemer maintain one of , of
the most modern of men's furnishing
stores in Lincoln, their location is on tho
south side of O street .between Eleventh
and Twelfth streets.-
The Famous Suit and Cloak store is
known for Its high class garments. The
trade enjoyed by . this progressive firm
Is very -large.
Spier & Simon conduct an excellent
men's clothing house. . The suits sold here
have down-to-themlnute style and durable
wearing qualities.
The beauties of Oriental rugs are dis
played In the Ferris rug store, where the
masterpieces of Persian weavers are sold.
The Lincoln Automobile company sells
the serviceable K-R-I-T automobile. This
firm will be pleased .to demonstrate the
excellent . points of this machine to fair
visitors and show how fine a car it Is.
The- Independent Harvester company of
Omaha, dealers In farm Implements, will
have an excellent display at the fair and
will welcome all visitors.
Rapid Service to AH. '
The Carter Transfer & Storage company
of Lincoln does a tremendous business.
It handles orders with dispatch.
Freeland Bros, of Omaha will have a
large display of Midland automobiles at
the fair. This Is an excellent car. ;
The United Motor Omaha company has
arranged for a fine exhibit' of the Max
well cars and will give daily demostra
tions of this fine machine. t
The Hay Tool Manufacturing company
of Council Bluffs is another firm that
will be excellently represented with ex
hibits at the fair. , , ;
The' Llrilhgar Implement company, who
sell the Oakland and the R, & C. H. cars
In Omaha, .have completed a display for
the fair and .will show visitors Just what
these two sterling cars can do.
Drs. Stivers and Stivers conduct a high
class sanitarium, where the best of treat
ment is given- and where 'care and at
tention are characteristic of the service.
The Richards Manufacturing company
of Arapahoe,' Neb., makers of Antl-Frees-Ing
Stock Waterer, steel tanks, etc.; are
to have a large exhibit . .
The Kretchner Manufacturing company
of Council Bluffs, will make a special
display of their galvanised, air-spaced, cy
press-lined silo. -
The Lincoln Business college has gradu
ates who are lb all parts of tho west
The new home of this institution is ex
cellently equipped.
Charged to Hn, Taft,
Mrs. Tart tens a story about a little
country-weeker who rat under a tree one
August aftsin job r -4ned, anxious
joo on iw -jr ana ootn bands folded
upon It small stomach.
"What s the matter with h m? Is he
in r a visitor asicea.
! ''Oh, tio. ma'am; he ain't ill," said the
farmer's wife; "but no rtomich of that
fc.e can stand eleven ears of corn."
11 i isssMi tiiri jjj
...Flyer... ,
The 1915 Mason Model
Tj. i j 1 1 1 i ji 1 1 iii n i mi jj i , . j I ,i ii .i u i u .; I i u ; i.i ii i i,i i u.i i II i ii i i,i 1 1 i.i i ii ii . v u A' jm Utj 1 KM m M . !' v '
We Want YOU
to visit the
State Fair,
& n d while
there, we
want you
to call on
us; let ua
become better acquainted. There
will be 'many things at the fair
that will be worth going thousands
of miles to see; there will be some
of the brainiest men, the best cat
tle and horses, the best show at
tractions, the best farm machin
ery in every line, yet, when all is
said, the best part of the fair is
the people we meet with whom we
exchange : Ideas ""ABOUT THE
- The OLD WAY was all right In
its day, but In. this twentieth cen
tury civilization, when everything
goes at lightning speed under high
pressure, expenses climbing higher
and higher each, year, it becomes
necessary "to make two dollars
where 'YOU formerly, made but
One. ; . v;"
It will be easy to see how the extra
dollars can be made when YOU have
seen our. exhibit of ANTI-FREEZING
Stock Waters,' Combined Steel Tanks
and Heaters, Vermin Proof Chicken
ROOSTS, Sanitary Hen's Nesta and
Automatic Chicken Waters.
To those who do not visit the fair,
writ ua at once for full information
of our complete line. Address all
communications to t
i n "
Come See the flew
Stylish 1913 Models
H. P. Touring
urn i
22 H. P
All these come completely equip
ped and carry better finish and line
than ever before. THE..
Automobile Building
otor Omaha
Independent Harvester Co.
We will have a full line of Farm Ma
chinery on display at Lincoln, Nebraska
during the State Fair. All farmers inter.
ested in building their own machinery
should call and examine the machines built
by the co-operation of twenty-one thousand
tate Oeaiqisarters at Omaha, Ikb.
Every visitor to the Fair will be interested in my exhibit
of rare and beautiful
! Hill
t Climber
These are the two cars the crowds, are going to talk
about. See them at Booths 1, 2 and3 Auto Show bldg.
FREELAND AUTO CO.,; distributors
12th and Farnam Streets - - - Omahsi, Neb.
km 1 1 n t 'v-i w 'sr ! -
tim&: : HOSIEEY,
tern "(T r rv
otttt vrurrwne
See display in Mercantile
building at the Fair and at
my down-town store.
C. ii.
FERRIS, The Oriental Store
Store Open Evenings until 9 O'Clock