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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1912)
HIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30. 1912. QHOES FOR SCHOOL IN BIG DEMAN Foot form thoea in sturdy leather combining comfort and durability to the last degree. , Boys and Girls expertly fitted in the Balcony Shoe Section. Boy's Shoes 1 Misses' Shoes School Specials, button shoes, welt ole, selected calf stock, mat kid top, calf tips; 8 H to 11, $2.50 litt to I at ...$3.00 SUrtrigbt Shoes, in tan calf, guo metai calf and fine kid, broad toes, welt soles, according to size .. .... $3.00 nd $3.50 Growing girls shoes, nedes, re iour calf and patent colt, regu lar height and 18. button, med ium heels, $3.50 and $4.00 Ben-Thor Specials of select calf stock, ' goodyear welt, sewed Boles, foot form lasts; 1 to 2 at $3.25; 2 to 6 at $2.75 Boys' tan, velour calf and patent colt, In blucher and button styles with welt soles, sizes 1 to 6 at $3.50 Little gents' calf shoes In button . and blucher, full of style and service, 9 to 13 at......... $2.25 to $3.00 Our aim is to sell shoes that wear twice as long as ' . v . ordinary shoes. UKvmraa peoples OWN 3TORE &wm 1518-20 FARNAM STREET. m i LUMBERMAN IS BOYCOTTED Washington Finn Fails Because of Sales to Consumers. RETAILERS STOPPED BUYING Shipper on Cout Regularly Adylsed , by Secretary of Association a to Standing of Middle v ' Writ Retailers PLAN HOVE JGAINSI-FIRE Traauaisiissippl Congress Will Edu ' 4cat. Children i4 Adults. ; .;, DELEGATES HEAB ADDRESSES Proposal ; to Demand, fire Millions ' 0rri t Assist tko Panama Eayoeition tat ' ' Before Coaratloa. , SALT LAItfc CITT, Utah, Aug. M.- Delegates to' the TranamlseiBsippt Com- jmeroial-congress authored at a lake re soH for the afternoon session of the con gress today and heard an address by Rov B, JS. Htgir of Denver, "Why See Amer ica nmr , Y'-;--i t-..-- ' , They, tB6d : also to a paper by Louis w, mil. rsa4 i b. F. , vy v Qraham of Beat Us, in which u brought out the herns! of the, Ajnerift Sim" movement whlci la thtt when one has wen til the v.. ...... ' i-L .'. ... .... """uw n mumiixk am ta nw oia w go anywhere else,, '-v A concrete proposal to demand from the federal congress ,000,000 to assist in the preparation of the Panama-Pacific exposition at San Tranolsoo was today placed ' before the delegates. Other de wands, WWch must run.; thV gauntlet ot taw iMwoJttUoirt emalttee, the floor of the convention and the national govern mae, : .become effective are for a higher prot)Rfa tariff, on i tar n products d live stock, a federal department of mines and mining, a more liberal administration of the interior department rules afteotlnf forest and other reserves and further har bor and Interooaetsi traJCfie improvement on the guif'oewt -.' ' A ipM rendered by the' committee on fire - waete Indicated1 the members had tracked the red-tong-ied demon to its lair. Finding l-er' eent etv the fires In tale country due to carelessness, the commit tee outlined a court of education for ihildren and for grownups through school and newspapers nd posters, which was submitted t the congress,; fb commit tee laid stress .-also on holidays set apart In some states for removing inflammable (rubbish. The following vlos presidents have been elected: Arisona, John Orrae; California, George C Pardee ; Colorado, W. Aldridge; Kansas, James A. Kimball:, Nevada, Prank Lee; New Mexico, w. C. McDon ald; Oklahoma, Asa & Ramsay i Utah, John Bern; Washington, 8. 'A. Crowie, possesses sufferers from lung trouble till they learn'Dr,! King's New Disootrury will help them, Price, m and gi.09, For sale y Beaton Prug Co. t - . Kellogg is Elected Head of American Bar Association MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 29,-Frank B. Kellogg of St. Paul was elected presi dent of the American Bar association this afternoon. Other officers wers re-elected, i Mr, Kellogg was the only candidate for the presidency and his election had been recommended by the executive commit tee. George Whltelock, Baltimore, was re-elected secretary and Frederick B. Wahami, Albany. N. T., was re-elected trs&sursFe The selection of the 1 meeting plao was left to tie executive committee, Cin cinnati being . the only city asking for the convention. ... Judges wers declared to be "scandal ously underpaid" and the delays In set tling lawsuits in this country were at tributed to cumbersome methods of pro cedure rather than to Judges by various speakers today, ' ; "Most of the criticism which has started the movement for ths recall of Judges re sults from dissatisfaction in the slow ways In which cases get through the courts," said Charles Blood im it h of Kan sas, "Thl tardiness is due to modes of procedure and not to the judges. It is our belief that recall of judges Is not neoes sary to remedy the causes which have started the restlessness of the public over Judicial procedure. Ths improvement will be and is being accomplished." "We should keep our Judges from temp tation," asserted Henry D. Estabrook of New Tork. "An occasional Judge ; is found wanting because all judges are human, I am Inclined to think that a judge should be permitted no patronage whatever, whereas We are forever thrust ing upon them powers of appointment be cause we want the assurance ot their great abilities and undoubted probity; There should, be no perquisites to , the judicial office, -but In lieu thereof We should pa? our judges salaries .worthy their position. "As it Is we gst Infinitely better judges than wt dastrve." Throehetr Eale Hrt. 1 WEBSTER CITY, la., Aug. K). -(Special Telegram.) A threshing machine boiler exploded north, of this city this afternoon and William Mesoher, the engineer, was terribly scalded. Tht rest ot the crew were far enough away to escape. Moschar lies at Maroy hospital in this city In a serious condition, xns engine was being moved from one field to another when the explosion occurred. i 1 ..." . 1 u AH' TOin MarchingThrough Georgia ' In 5ection l3 of the Ixng-Lost Original -, Brady War PhotbjjrapKs , Only 10c and Coupon SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 28,-Evldencs purporting to show how lumber manu facturers and wholesalers" were kept in formed as to what retailers in the middle west wore considered "unethical" and what firms were supplying them with lumber was Introduced at today's hear ing of the government's antl-truet suit against the Northwestern Lumbermen's association. I V, V. Becker of Seattle,' secretary of the Pacific Coast Shippers' association, Identified on the Wltness'stand much cor respondence that passed between him and WUlard G. JIollls of "Minneapolis, secre tary of tho Northwestern Lumbermen's association, and A. L. Porter of Spokane, secretary of the Western Retail Lumber men's association. , Through this correspondence, which told of the shipment by various manufactur ers and wholesalers on the coast, of lum ber to unethical dealers and mall order houses in tho middle west, the govern ment sought to show that a oomplete line of communication was maintained be. tween Mr, Hollis and Mr. Pprter and the manufacturers. Shippers on the coast, It was brought out, were regularly ad vised by Mr, Becker through circular let ters of the standing of the .retailers In the mlddlo west Copies of these drcu. lars were introduced as evidenoe and were Identified by Mr, . Becker, Before Mr. Becker was sworn, Clark McKercher, counsel for the government, announced that the witness was not in volved in the case. Selling Consumer Fatal., Belling directly to a consumer brought about the ruin of the Western Washing ton Lumber company, which once did a thriving business in the middle west, ac cording " to the testimony of M. Ellas. Ellas and Frank S. Loeb organized the Western 'Washlngton company early in 1908 and it did a large wholesale business with line companies, Ellas said, until the middle of 1808, when It became known that the company had sold a oar of lumber to I. w. Trust, a consumer of Osceola,' la. Immediately following this, he said, it business with retailers dwindled rapidly, until early In lltlO it had entirely disap peared. As soon as it lost Its yard cus tomers it openly bid for contractors' trade, but was unable to retrieve its lost fortune, and in March, 1912, went into the" hands of a receiver, he said. Much correspondence was introduced be tween Mr. Ellas, Loeo and retail dealers of the middle west regarding the shipment to the Osceola consumer. A letter was read, written by Mr. Loeb to F. P. Becker, eeoretary of the Pacific Coast Shippers' association, in which it was alleged that the Western Washington Lumber com pany did not know tha car in question was to be delivered to a consumer. Admits Statements False. "Th statements In that letter were false," said Ellas. "We knew all the time that Trust was a consumer, but we tried to lie but of It. Fear prompted us to write that letter," Ellas said that he first learned that the trade generally was aware of the trans action with Trtst when- he received a 1 Clipping from the SoouW '-Detroit lumber journal, telUng of the deafc Tho dipping was sent by Ooorte E. Lang, the Minne apolis agent of the Western Washington company, and across the back was writ ten, "Cut these people out; they are no good," and signed "Flynn." said the witness. - Flynn, he explained, was con rected with the Bt. vAnthony Lumber company of 'Minneapolis, one of their best .'customers, i : ,';.;.'' ;.;.! j ; Answers Critics of Nation's Constitution MILWAUKEE,' Aug. 29,-Severe Crit icism of those who question the adequacy of the federal, constitution and of those "who seek to replace it with , policies dictated by, passing whims and fleeting emotions" ws made by United States Senator George Sutherland of Utah in an address , before the , American Bar association tonight Maintaining that the chief value of the constitution "Is in, its operation to prevent ill-considered and impulsive ac tion," Senator, Sutherland denounced tfo plan for recall of judicial decisions, which h said in effect would be "to render a judicial decision by, a show ot hands at the .POllS," :, : '"'i - ' ' A motion to urge President Taft and congress to increase the salaries of fede ral judges provoked heated debate and re sulted i? tabling the question. The pur pose is to provide for a uniform' system of pleading in the state and federal courts. ' -V y v1,-' In accord with this plan to make uni form various state's laws now conflict ing, the Bar association tonight approved a model marriage law intended for adop tion by all the states. '' . . . Jardine Hopes Someone ; Will Steal Boys Melons . i d va n ced l o f i ce WH SATURDAY, AUO 31 This treat secrtoa -out bow caatalae S cooipleta aad thriiHaf narrstire of Sber naa's sdvaao en Atissta with 1M,M wea and ths 6al captatw of Out city, Dariaf the tear ssoatbs' canoe Ign the Union Artsy partloipated In It pWcbed benies sod scores of lesser eagstemestts, all ot which are vWldly cWecrtfaed in this section, and Illustrated with photographs o( toe ground ever wWcb the battles were fought the geisefala who lead both armies1 sad ever a scare store anoag which art tbe fottewiag i ,;js.... f -.jr. Fft Rewe. Flold U fb First Heavy FtgbUng, Ptaej Mewifla, WV Polk, the Firiitltig BiBeee the Coafoderacy, Wat j Federal Entrenchments st the 'Foot ol ; Kenesaw Mouataln. , . Thomas Headqaarters near Marietta Dar ing the Fighting of tbe Fourth of July. Paliads and Chevaux-de-Frlse gaardiat Atieota. , Peaca-Troo Creek. Where Heod Hit Hard. The Fhwl Blow to tbe Contoderacy's Soothers Stronghold. . The Rolnof Hood's Retread Demollsbed : Cars and RolIlag-MiU and many more yr Jjtoiadtag , t : . , ( A Colored Frontispiece Ready for Fraxning Tho fcrooos ot the thttoSevit thoSrat EJOALKOTICK ertnt nataraaV IMMHau trial Bait that tnt Muvumw u tmwakti,, im, aa SVk w aa4 we wig mmml wilk aitaara all af SUMaas SeatiosHi tar 1 mto each aad tU ao ewaswa, . . . . if I i i ii n in EOBJWr'r'-. SAVE TH3 COUPON IT HZLP3 YOU -GET The Gvil War Tfcrcsgh ths Camera BrsacV Famous Ctvfl Wsur Fhotormpha CrVMbW ay araaWaa e tk$ V. 3. War Omrtmmt) And Procaaor Ebon's Newly Written . Ulatory of the ClvH Wr - , 1 I '' ... Walter S. Jardine has a better notion of the productivity of the soil of No. braska than he ever had. He has In vented a plow for the purpose- of aiding the farmer to turn his soil Into dollars, and be owns a princely estate over in Iowa, where he has about tlOO.OOO invested, but ' it Is neither of these Institutions that has awakened him, A few years ago he bought some below-grade lots out in the west part of town, and his wife took a fancy to the location. So Walter ne gotiated with a grading contractor and had the waste from a couple of big ex cavations dumped onto the lots, making a fill of about twenty-five feet. Then he built a home and moved out there. Last spring the pride of the Jardine home, a boy of unusual enterprise, caught the gardening fever at school and asked his father's permission to plant a patch in the back yard. ."Go as far as you like," said Walter S., with that magnificent generosity that narks his dealings with other folks. "I'd like to plant some canteloupes." said the boy. "Fine!" exclaimed Walter, his paren tal heart swelling with pride, as he con templated tbe enterprise of his son. "Fine, and I'll give you a dollar apiece for all you' raise." ; . Walter watched, the boy prepare his garden patch on what he thought was a claybank, and watohed its progress. But not sharper than the boy, Sunday night the boy counted fifty-five promising can teloupes on five thrifty vines, and now W. S. is figuring with some unregeneratj to go out and rob the melon patch, so as to save him the penalty of not know ing that the soil around Omaha Is several hundred feet deep and fertile all the way down. RUNAWAY LASS FOUND HERE "'. '' ' ' i . ' 'r- -; Fern Smith, Thought to Have Been Enticed Away by Young Man. HE IS NOW HELD BY THE POLICE Vinos Verry Ran Away With Smith Girl and She Was Arrested By Detectives In a Resort on North. Fifteenth. COMMISSION GOVERNMENT ' ADOPTED BY NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 29.-A com mission form ! of "' government, including the right of initiative and referendum. was adopted at the special election here today, 13,900 tor' and I.1I9 against Both regulars and reformers roted for the new system of government At the 'general election In November a constitutional ! amenament win be voted upon; the carrying of which will mean that the right of recall also will be made, a feature of the commission form ot ' government " Just adopted. --Political Notes': Governor Woodrow Wilson talked ehnut trusts With Louis D. Brandeis of Boston snd expressed himself on Immigration be fore a deleeatlon of Italians from Essex county, New' Jersey. - V George C. Perkins. United States sanator from California, announced his intention to retire from political lite. Failing health and the Infirmities due ' to age were given as me reasons for this deci sion. ,. ,,, -j , , , s ; Practically complete returns from the state democratic primary which, took place In South Carolina Indicate that Governor Cole L. Blease has a majority of more than 1.100 votes in the rac for governor. .. , The declaration that the protective tar iff system was directly responsible for campaign contributions from corporations was made at a democratic rally in Ban gor, Me., by Governor Thomas R, Mar shall of Indiana. . , .... "In sixty day we will have educated the people of the United States a quarter of a century in advance of where they have been before." said Governor Hiram W. Johnson of California In an address In Salt Lake City. . Fern Smith, 17 years of age, of Rock port, Mo., who baa been missing from her home since last Thursday, was found yes terday at the Good Shepherd home and taken back by her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Chamberlain. . , , The Omaha police have been looking tor the girl since last Thursday upon request of Mrs. Chamberlain, who thought the girl had been enticed to Omaha. She denies that she was brought . here and says she left home because her aunt would not allow her to keep company with her boy friends. Last Tuesday Lee Leigh was arrested by Detectives Ring and Van Pusen on suspicion of having brought the girl to Omaha. He was acquainted with her and with the aunt, but the girl says be had nrthlng to do with her leaving home, I, rih Held br Police. Leigh is being held on the charge of aiding and abetting-the delinquency of Vlnus Verry, also of Rockport, who left home a day before the Smith girl. The Verry girl is 17 years ot age. She,, was. arrested last week by;-Detective Van Pusen In a house of ill-repute at SU .North Fifteenth. Street ' The Verry - girUves in the same block with the Smith girl In Rockport and both were intimate friends,' Leigh was . acquainted with .the two girls, but he denied having any con nection with their leaving hpme, The Smith girl's relatives are well-to-do people. When she disappeared 100 friends ot the girl's aunt organised a posse and scoured the country for miles around, thinking the girl had been assaulted and carried out of town. She says she walked from her home to Hamburg,. la., and came from thre to Omaha by train, She was found by two Bisters of Mercy on a bench at Swen teenth and Capitol avenue asleep, and they took her to the convent and notified her relatives, , who took , her home. Knight Errant Takes , Omaha Woman North, Where Romance Ends Mrs. Lulu Webeck? who formerly lived with her husband, a mason, at 423 South Nineteenth street, Omaha, Is now at her mother's home Ip this city with her be lief in romanoe shattered. He husband was last heard from at Minot, a D-. and the other man, who posed as a rich rancher of Dakota, is pitching straw on the Ruflng ranrti near Pallas, Just as be did before he became her hero.. Three weeks after her marriage' July ft, Mrs. Wcbeck with her husband While at Lake Manawa was annoyed by a drunken reveler. A stranger , finished hfaii off where Mr. , Webeck stopped and that was the beginning of the acquain tance. The rancher told fairy stories ot his life in, Dakota which Mrs. , Webeck believed and the two . disappeared while the husband was absent working at his trade. , . i ' - . ' The couple left a train at Dallas and drove to the Ruflng ranch In Lyman county which the man said he owned, There it was found lie was nothing but a hired man. Clyde A. Rich, a brother, went to Dallas and persuaded Mrs. Webeck to return which , she did gladly, declaring she must, have .been drugged when she consented, to the elopement Dahlraan Proposes Comfort Stations Underneath Street Mayor Dahlman will present a resolu tion at the meeting of the city council Tuesday directing the city engineer to re. port bn the probable cost of two substreet comfort stations at Sixteenth and Harney streets and Sixteenth and Douglas streets. Mayor Dahlman says he expects a re port on the project by the middle of No vember. He believes two such stations, placed beneath the Street in busy sec tions, will cost about $15,000. . No attempt will be made to build these this winter, but after the first of the year the mayor intends to push this request until he secures some action. Establish ment ot such stations was one of the mayor's issues in the campaign. " Hustling Retailers Growing in Numbers Members of the hustling committee of the Retailers of Omaha, a new organisa tion of local retail men started about six weeks ago to encourage trade conditions in Omaha, held a luncheon at the Hotel Loyal yesterday, when reports on the membership enrollment were made and other matters ot business transacted. Together with the new members enlisted on the roster the organisation, now totals over 100 active retailers. ; ;Regular meetings .of the .retailers will be held on the 12th day of every month hereafter at 7:30 o'clock m the evenlna at the Commercial clUbvrobms. y . Following, are the.' members '. of the hustling committee: Phillip Schwarts. chairman; Arthur Hospe,. Thomas P. Red mond, P. R Myers, H. P.. Kerr. C. B, Brown, W. R. Matthews, C. E. Maloney. Ji W. Stewai A. g. Peek. W. Baxter, Robert Rosenswelg. H, A.. Thompson, president of the organisation and James Metcalfe, secretary,, also attended the luncheon. . . ' We will offer your choice of all our fine Lingerie, Voile, Linen and Marquesette Dresses-Sold at $15,00, $17.50, $19,50, $22,50 and $25,00 on sale Saturday commencing at 8AM, "JLlLlVv r---:-:. I oiwrs -1510 Oouglas AGE UMII'SEHOR THE OLD Youag "Woman's ' Associations Here ,. . . Have Not Fixed Mark., . . NO D0EJHT0RIE8 "- AT HOME Women Mast Be Sixtr-Plve Years 014 to Be Admitted to the ' Old People's Home in , ' '''.. !' . Omaha, ' ' " i" Persistent Advertising is the Road to Elg Returns.-. Chief ot Folic Dunn could go on the operatic stage with his magnificent votes and put them all behind the bars. '.,:", Omaha's new chief ot detectives, Steve Maloney,. originally got -his police force transfer from being a railway switchman and braker. H will continue to apply the switch to tbe law breaker. Captain Heltfeld may not make much noise, but. he makes himself, felt.. , , Commissioner. Ryder be'tes In, pro motion along the , ranks according to merit. . That's the way he came up him self.' -. '.'. ,',. .... V: .'"''. ' '". The head ot the Omaha police depart ment thirty , years ago was named An gel." lit long since took flight. t WOMEN CHARGE COUNCIL WITH AIDINGjSCALE TRUST Petitions signed by 450 women were filed with the city clerk protesting against the "assistance rendered the scale and grocery trust" by the city council In pass. Ing a weight law. - . yi , . , Mrs. F. D. Thomas and Mrs. Ray Ab bott head the list ot signers. The peti tion makes the following assertion' and appeal: u We, the undersigned residents and tax payers of Douglas county, Nebraska, do petition the city council to refuse any assistance to the scale trust' or-grocery trust in passing any ordinance that will drive the commission houses and ped dlers of Omaha out of buelness. and shut off jcompetitloa and raise the price of Uv. tng, ana create a prejudice In the coun try aftainst Omaha, such as the scales ordinance and ordinances of like charac ter will do. We ask tor a square deal from the men elected on the square plat form.' DEATH RECORD. Thomas Murray. WEST POINT. Neb., Aug. 29.-8peal0 In the death of Thomas Murray, Cum ing, county loses one.of Its oldest pioneer settlers. Mr. Murray expired Tuesday at the St. Joseph's Horns for the Aged in West Point He was 87 years of age. His death was due to-a complication of diseases incident to his advanced ' age. By reason of family estrangements Mr. Murray had lived alone for some years, but owing : to the Influence of Father Ruesing he waa provided with a pleasant home during the last few years of his life. He was tbe father of ten children, of whom eight survive John - B. -' of Omaha, Thomas E. of Jrlolt county, Mrs. Mary Upstlll of Long Pine, Mrs, Mtchasl Wortman of Wahoo, William, Harry, Anna and Clara of this county.' Funeral services,, were .held - from St Mary's church.iRev. Father Klemens, assistant' pastor, ceieoraung me requiem , mass. Mr. . Murray was a native of Bristol, Eng land, and had been a resident of Cuming county for nearly forty years. ! ' Joha T. Bradbry, John T. Bradbery. aged 85 years, a corporal in Company H, One Hundred and First regiment, Indiana volunteers, In the civil war, was found dead yesterday morning in : bed at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Ford. $3 North' Thirty-fifth avenue. .' His death was due to heart trouble. He was here on a visit from Oklahoma. The-body will be taken to Ashland. Neb., for burial. Mrs. Aft-nes C. Joaes. LQ3 ANGELES, Cal.. Aug. .-Special Telegram.) Mrs. Agnes C. Jones, for thirty-five years a resident of Iowa Falls, la., died suddenly here today. There IS no age limit in the boarding home of the Scandinavian Young Wo men's Christian association, according to Miss Marie Hatness, president Miss Halness does not agsee with the Chicago Young Woman's Christian association which decided that 25 years should be the age limit, and . ousted all over that age. ', s;; ' ;. . .. . . .. " 'J She says that the Scandinavian home takes many women near 60 years of age; that recently an Episcopal deaconess over 60 stayed at the home tor several months. Miss 'Lily Strong, general secretary of the Omaha Toung Women's Christian association, which has no dormitories and consequently has not the age prob lem to deal with, says that. 25 is too young to set as age limit, that 36 or 40 would be better. She says that.. the Chicago Toung Women's Christian asso ciation was overcrowded and set this age In order to make way for the younger women for whom the association is pri marily planned to aid. Miss Strong de clares that , there ought-to be an age limit otherwise old women ' would live at the associations and t take "the place of the younger ones, : The Old People's- Home Sets its age limit -at the opposite extreme.' A woman must be at least 65 years of age to 'be admitted says Mrs. E. O. Loomls, chair- man of .the admissions departments The oldest' woman at -the home now is Mrs. Van Flack, who vis 81", Grandma Parker, who died recently,' was 96 yeara of age. being close to those of her two sons, Frank'and Willard. .. 1 Arrangements for the funeral will not be made until word is received from the. children who reside oh the coast. They have been notified of the death of their mother and are expeoted to communicate today with the relatives In Florence. Commercial Club : Will Support Armory: The provisional battalion of the Ne braska National Guards is to rebuild and equip Quarters al a corporation. The Commercial club has pledged its support in selling stock In the new enterprise and It is expected that enough stdck will be sold to build and equip a handsome ar-' mory, to replace the quarters recently de stroyed by fire at Twentieth and Harney streets. . Mrs, Sarah Shigley r One of the Nebraska ; ; :; Pioneers, is Dead Mrs. Sarah R. Shipley, one of the Ne braska pioneers and the first woman married in Washington county, died at her home in Florence yesterday after noon, aged 73 years.- She is survived by eight children, six sons and two daugh ters. The children and their residences arei .-Jacob and Wlliard, Florence; Free man, Oscar, Jeffrey and "Frank, South Bend, Wash.; Mrs. Lena Reiley, ; Sau Diego, CaL, and Mrs. Viola Thalrt Omaha. Mrs. Shipley was in remarkably good health for. one of her ago. . She was. up and around . the house until two weeks ago. s At first her illness was considered only a . trivial matter, but she , rapidly grew weaker and passed away as gently as if going to sleep. " , : , Mrsv. Shipley was. bpnt'.m Ohio and With her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Harrison, came wsst in ISM, settling in the Ponca creek - valley,, on a farm near the present Ponca, school house, .north of Florence. March 25. ISM, at Blair, she was married to,.., Thomas ..Shipley,, who died some thirty years ago. Soon after the death of her husband, Mrs. Shipley removed to Florence, where she resided, her home a Police Arrest Smith - On Suspect Charge D. H. Smith, an alleged confidence' man, was arrested last night by Detec tives "Donahoe, Fleming and Dunn, and lodged in the dty Jail. Smith arrived here from Canon City, Colo., and had been in the city only a few hours before he was arrested.- The police will hold him to see if he is wanted elsewhere. Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising. 7 This Why English Beauties Are So Fair? y '(From London Hearld.) . Ever since the discovery that merco llxed wax would absorb and remove a soiled complexion. Its use by ladles as' a substitute for toilet creams has grown rapidly. A perfect complexion: can be maintained indefinitely If this remarkable substance is used. Its beneflcient cleans ing, clearing and preservative action is quickly apparent, and ladles who have been paying as high as a guinea a jar for "special cream" from beauty spe cialists, soon recognize that mercollzed wax outranks them all. It has become so popular that It can be obtained at all chemist shops in the British Isles. Amer ican druggists also have great demand for it, in original one-ounce packages. The favorite way of using is t apply it, like cold cream,, before retiring, washing It off in the morning. ' The saxollte lotion for wrinkles and the facial contour has also become extremely' popular. . .One ounce powdered saxollte is dissolved In one-halt pint witch hazel. Bathing the face In this has a splendid effect. ' ' ' ' ' AMUSEMENTS. LAKE iAflAWA "40 Minutes from. Omaha." BATHING, BOATING, DANCING And Many Other Attractions Formal Closing of Park Labor Day, Sept. DANCING DURING SEPT.. Wednesday, . Saturday and Sunday Evenings v '.. ..... d Matinee Dally '2:15 Every Night 8:i5. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. This Week Bert Leslie & Co., Tha Sayton Trio, McKay & Cantwell, David Kldd, The Paulhan Team, Tyson & Brown, "Snoozer" & Ed ' Meredith and Timely Animated Photography. Prices i zrtgV10o, a5c' b0, 75o. Mat. GaL lOe Best rats ea, Sat, k Sun. Ganboat Vlekabars; Reported. TUCSON. Aria.. Aug. ffl.-The United States gunboat Vlcksburgr. " about whose safety fears were entertained yesterday, waa reported today as having arrived at Guayamaa, on the west coast of He-xioo, last night The Vlcksburg waa reported damaged while on the way to aid the wrecked, ireighter , Pleldas at Magdalena bay.. ..... . BE SURE TO PUT IN YOUR . Vaeatisn Bsg . A BOTTLE OF Daffy's Pare Malt Whiskey TEE BEST FOR All ESEFSESdEi It is . the, moot efficacious remedy known for chills, fever, colds, dysen tery, diarrhoea, nausea, sunstroke and all other summer ills. ' V. TO avoid IU effects from change of water, take it be fore meals and on retiring, v Sold In SEALED BOTTLHS ONLY by druggists, grocers and dealers, or direct. 11.00 a large bottle. Be sure yon get D CITY'S. Write for free medical booklet and -doctor's advice. in dott salt wBisirrce.. iccsEsnit, t t. KRUG THEATER KATINXE TODAT, 8:30; SIGHT, 8:30 BEST SEATS, 50o ' REAL BURLESQUE BOHEMIAN BURLESQUERS AND CHARMION rAwe-f7 aily sut, lB-as-BOo SSf RUNAWAY GIRLS EXTBAVAOASTSSA AVO VATSBVZLLE An Old Title, but a brand new show, featuring THE BURKE BROS. New scenery, costumes, laughs. Ladles' Dims Matinee Every Week Bay Sun. & Wk.: Al Reeves' Beauty Show. KYTOJTE VAUBEVH.LX and PICTURES OPENS Z. SEPT. 1 Performance Continuous, 1 to 6; 7 to 11 P. M. SaUy. ':'.,,... gegt Sale Starts Thurs, Aug. 89, 10 A. M.