THE 13LE: OIuAHA, FiilDAY, AUGUST A 1912. Hone Racing is Always a Popular Feature at the Fair -44r W q 1 ' -I , jar tss just amir. , Nebraska Fruits Make a Wondrous Show H ORTICULTURAL nd MTlcul tural exhibits at th Nebraska State fair thli year bid fair to exceed, it auoh a thin could be posBlble, any exhibit made before In any of the grand showings at previous fairs. j It is not generally known that the bor '.tlcultural department at the state fair !is not a part of the, regular state fair organisation, but such Is a fact. The State Horticultural society Is an initltu- tlon by Itself which pays Its , own pre i mlums and pays Its own expenses. The ! state fair pays it a certain amount to jmake Its exhibit, but outside of that It jli wholly a horticultural organisation with Its own officers and Its own InstU tuttons. L Secretary Marnhall of the society says jfhat the apple outlook this year In the state Is exceptionally good, and that the cHaplay at the fair will be wonderful. 'Early apples, according to Mr. Marshall, which are lhten?e4 for exhibition at the fair should be packed ftimly in boxes or baskets, each apple wrapped separately In a piece of newspaper and sen by express to the Beatrice Creamery com pany at Lincoln, where be has made ar rangements to place them in cold stor age and have them delivered at the fair grounds at the proper time. These ship ments should be marked "For. State Fair." : A very Interesting feature of the ex hibit at the fair will be demonstrations In apple packing. Secretary Marshall has engaged Mr. A. B. Cooper of Hood River, Ore., to give exhibitions , of how to properly pack apples so they will keep In good condition tor home use or ship ment. Mr. Cooper Is considered one of the most successful packers in the weit and Is in great demand by all expositions where the apple Industry Is an important one. Up-to-date growers now recognise the Importance of the right kind of methods In packing. The western part of the country has demonstrated that It pays to grade carefully and pack Its most attractive packages. The Nebraska ap ple growers will have to come to this way of preparing their apples for the market If they expect to get the most out of their work. Therefore this year there is much to be gained by watching the work of Mr. Cooper in his demon st rations In apple packing. Other fruit will be found in abundance at the horticultural hall. Grapes, peaches, and plums will be seen in abundance, while the display of flowers will be lm- mense. Entries at this time have come In' from as far west as McCook, which indicates that the whole state will be represented. Over In agricultural liall there Is go ing to be one of the grandest displays of products from the farm ever shown In the state. The competitive county ex hibit department Is going to be especially well represented. Twenty-two counties entered the competition last year, but this year the contest bids fair to show a big Increase in the number and It may be that agricultural hall will 'have to tie enlarged temporarily to accommodate the exhibits. Counties from the northwest, In the irrigation section of. the state, will make some exhibits which will open the eyes of people not familiar with the way things are done in the agricultural line In the western part of the state. ' '.Sections of Nebraska which have been blessed with an overabundance of mois ture, and which have not the advantage of irrigation, have been , most bounti fully remembered with p:enty of rain and In consequence, are in a position to meet their sister states in the irrigation dis tricts on an equal basis. . However, that all sections of the state may be placed in a position so that each section, will not have to compete with an other section, which may have had better natural advantages, the state board has divided the state Into three separate sec tions, the competition to be between the counties of each section. The "Western" section comprises all of the counties west of a line beginning on the south border of the state and run nlng north on the east l'lne of Red Willow County to the northwest corner of Custer, then east on the north line of that county to the northeast corner of the same county and then north to the state line. The "Central" section comprises all of the counties east of the above described line to a line beginning at the southwest corner of Jefferson county and running north to the northeast corner of Platte, then west to the northwest corner of Platte, then west to the northwest corner of Platte, then north to the northeast corner of Anelope, then west to the northwest corner of the same county and north to the state line. The eastern section comprises all of the counties east of the central section of the Missouri river. This will make a competition which will be fair and will bring the competitors closer to each other and nearer under like conditions. Sixty per cent of he highest score made will be the minimum score card tor each county exhibit in each district and 60 per cent of $2,350 will be divided equally among exhibits scoring above the mini mum and the balance of said money will be prorated according to the total num ber of points among the minimum. Fifty dollars additional will be given to the ex hibit making the highest score in each district, $30 to second and $20 to third. Under the above arrangements it Is evi dent that the state fair management in tends to make every effort to get a big display from each district, and indica tions point to a success along that line. Probably more' people will be interested in the counties from the western part of the western section than In any other part of the state. People of the older portion of Nebraska have heard so much of the Irrigated .northwest that they, will hall with delight an opportunity to see Just what the former sandhills and un organized territory haa done In the way of development. That it has developed wonderfully and that It can raise great crops under the proper use of water for irrigating purposes Is known, but a whole lot of people like to "be shown" before they will believe, and there is every In dication that they will not only "be shown" but convinced that the people of the hitherto dry territory have what they often claim, the "garden spot of the west" J ;: The racei are not the on ly thing you want to see if you attend the State Fair. At 1109 0 street in Lin coin, you'll find Magee & Deemer's fashionable store for gentlemen. Meet your friends there, leave your grips there, use the phone there, get your information there. We want to serve the State Fair visitors in every possible way, and to as sist in making their Lin coln visit a pleasurable one. : ' - - Do you know who Ma gee & Deemer are? We are the people who opened the new men's store in Omaha Tuesday. We now clothe and fur nish and 'hat" the well dressed men in the three cities Omaha, Lincoln and Aurora. . When you think of the Nebraska state fair, think also of us for both are institutions of progress, efficiency and service. Hagce & Deemer Omaha Aurora Lincoln 413 5. 16th 1129 G St -: OFFICE" SUPPLIES We are the largest exclusive office outfitters in Lincoln, carrying in stock at all times everything for the office. We have added the All Steel line of filing cabinets to our reg ular line of Desks, Filing Cabinets, Dictaphones, Duplicating Machines, Stationery, Inks, Pencils, Loose Leaf Devices, Pens, Erasers, Pastes and in fact the best of everything for the office. Let us modernize your office for you. Think how much less worry if you do away with all complicated systems, and use the modern sanitary methods. ' iTYPEWRITERS ' We can sell or rent any make of typewriter, as we are rebuilders of all makes, v If you wish a new machine let us demonstrate to you the Royal Visible Typewriter. Typewriter repairing and rebuilding in our modern shop, all repair work guaranteed.- THE LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE CO. LINCOLN Everything for the Office. 117 So. 12th. era era f A If Bring your , cleaning, dyeing, pressing and repairing with you and we will have it ready for you to take home when you leave. ! i s . rati :j .F Ki -tttf.-S Am -IMk V4Ua, Our Big Annual Special Fair Week Sale and Exposition? f The New Fal Commence Monday, September 2 and lasts through State Fair Week until Saturday night, September 7 We have found in the past five years' experience that our Annual State Fair Week SpecialSales have made, us more new out-of-town customers than any other advertising possible. To find the best of qualities and the very best of new styles at the very begin ning of the season at actual discounts of - V to 33 PER CENT. is quite unusual, but weJiave found it to be absolutely satisfactory in build ing up our substantial business. gSSB Lw The fall season of 1912 and 1913 we can safely say, finds us better prepared with splendid selections of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Notions, Men's Women's and Chil dren's Underwear and Furnishings, Women's and Misses' Shoes, Furs, Cloaks, Dresses, Tailored Suits, Skirts Waists and a complete line of Ready-to-Wear Apparel than ever before, v WE WILL NOT RESERVE ANY LINE, BUT PUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW FALL GOODS ON SPECIAL FAIR WEEK DIS COUNTS OF 20 TO 33y3 PER CENT. 7 It will amply pay yon to come prepared to lay in yonr entire winter supply as these discounts in conjunction with our well known low prices mean a wonderful and tempting saving to you. OSTON on I. NATHAN & CO. 1138 0 Street, Lincoln, Neb. We cordially Invite you to make our store your headquarters and : , you will find our entire force at your service. I Mil f Ml One of THE Sights at the Nebraska State Fair for farmers and dairymen, at least, will be the BEATRICE Cream . Separator, a high-grade separator at a reasonable price. See the races if you wish, but by all means see the BEATRICE; the races will entertain you, but knowledge of the BEATRICE will put money in your pocketbook. Oar demonstrators will show you how it works and answer every question. The BEATRICE will skim more milk, in the same time, and skim closer,than any other separator. It costs $25 to $40 less than any other standard separator. It is the separator for real economy, becau se, capacity considered, the price is lowest; because it gets more cream out of the milk and because it saves time and labor. It is simple in construction, and strong. It WUI Pay You to Beatrice Creamery Co. fVTsnss"y'yss'si" r fir " --i" - i ir fir- " r "i iivvsvrsrtfwxfuw.