Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1912, State Fair Section, Image 17

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s State Fair an Important Factor in Farm Life
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W&D QFaize wamnm cattle at ifzzR. siaxeje&ir
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The group of officers of the Nebraska "Agricultural BOcletyUo '1S78
Is made from a valuable photograph In ppesesaion of, the secretaryiat pres
ent. Ttmen shpwn are; From, left tp right--W, R. Bownr Qmafta; Pi!
win Mclntyre, Seward; Martin Dunham, Omaha; B. H. Henry, Columbus;
Milton Doolittle, Atkins; Governor R. W. Pumas, Brownsville; J, iB, Dias
more, Sutton; George Furnas, Brownsville! S. M. Barker, Silver -Creek;
Charles A.L Dunham, Omaha; Sam; Baasett, Gibbons E4 GrlnneW, Calhoun,
and Austin Humphrey, Lincoln, . . ' , 1 ' s
HEN Robert W. Furnas, John
M. Thayer, A. D. Jonei- and
a few other . klndre spirit
gathred together at th Hern
don house In Omaha, Ootober
SO, 1S58, for the purpose . of
organizing the Territorial Board of
Agriculture passing , . resolutions to
hold a . fair, beglnntof tho , thlfd
Tuesday of - September, 1859, which
fair' was held at Nebraska City, result
ing In such a disastrous, financial failure
that no further efforts were made to
hold a state fair until September,' 1SC8.
they were pioneers, not only i of a great
state, , but also of on of our -great state
instltutlona, which ! now on of th
recpgnfeed , great, , fairs .. ofc; tlie ynlteA
States.' . .. '.. . . ' .
1 Nebraska, although th. twsn'jlehth
In population, had the seventh f largest
gee receipts of any of the large fairs
last year, , and ,, 16?.73 . pqopl,. paed.
through that gates, Wnei wer consider;
that within a ten-mile circle of the, state
fair grounds the population Is probably
60,000, this is. Indeed, a remarkable show-,
ing. For a number of years prior ta
1901 the fair was "rotated" between
Omaha and Lincoln. Ths 1901 legislature
passed a bill appropriating 136,000, wltS
which to purchase a permanent location
for the state fair, and the present tract
of 12Z acres was purchased and1 be
ginning made toward- permanency of the
institution. The state is the owner of
this land, which together with, ths per
manent improvements made from state
appropriations, total an investment to
date of 1S3,00. Out 1 of' the ' proilu of
the fair, after paying premiums, all ex
penses connected with the office, aiding
financially in publicity, corn shows, agri
cultural education, . etc,,, ths board has
furnished toward permanent improve
ments In the ' twelve years a total of
more than 1105,000. The improvements
made by the board this year, Include 1
in above amount, aggregate 130,000, and J
consist of the grading of. the machin
ery section,' the. erection of- a portion
of the new machinery hall, 122x430 feet
which, when finally completed will cover
400x74 feet, the building of a brick and
Iron entrance gate, 10x68 feet, at Seven
teenth and Fair streot. the erection of
a modern steel Judges' rand at
the race track and the construc
tion of 100 feet of' bleachers at the
east end of the grandstand. In the
erection of the steel for the new machin
ery hall one of our Omaha canrutlttn
companies were the successful bidder.
When I appeared before the congres
sional agricultural committee at Wash
ington last spring, I dw?lt at length on
the educational advantages of state fairs,
using In part these words:
"The state fair is recognised as a bene
ficial Institution,. In a great number ot
cur states, and as such reoelvo legislative
support. Some of the causes for 'suoh
action are that no single Institution of
learning has contributed to such a great
extent in accentuating the rirrir for
pedigreed stock as has the state, district
and county fiilr. Here ore seen the best
methods of rotation of crops, the bal
anced and finished product, which
ex-elf farmer is striving to attain. Hum
are seen the best fowls for farm use, the
beat products' of the soil, the beat meth
ods of cultivation, the best arrangement
for farm buildings and fields, the bal
anced ration for feeding, the various
methods for the water supply; the best
lighting plant and many other educe
ttoeal features. Here alse- ate seen all
kinds of (arm machinery, so that should
a farmer have the purchase of any par
UouUr machine In view, by attending
any one of our great state fairs ho can
see all of the leading makes ex
hibited side by side, with aa expert
In charge who exemplifies Its pup
ttcular. merits, making it possible, foe him
to make a Judicial selection for the uses
desired. Rome say that such instruction
at most of the fairs only lasts five days
each year. We will grant that such s
the case. The persons who attend are
the busy men( the "men of affairs, the
men who provide the sinews to carry On
the affairs of the country, ., state and
nation, the men who have n time for
extended 'schooling at the experimental
stations of schools, but must gather
their Information from object lessons, the
press and actual experience, , The-school
holding 180 days each year must have
about 600 students to equal an attendancs
of 100,000, and we think that this nunr
ber Is about the average attendance for
all of the state fairs. Many of them
have several times this number, there
fore as an educational Institution It Is
Junt to compare Its efficiency-with that
of the school with like attendance,; and
we believe It Is superior from the fact
that an object lesson Is the very best
from which permanent Instruction can be
obtained." '
If this position be true, the Nebraska
state fair of 1911 equalled the educational
value of a school with an average dally
attendance of about 1,808 pupils. ' 1
The management of the state fair has
contracted with the Molsan International
aviators for the services of Harold Kant-
ner, a licensed aviator In Europe, Great
Britain and America, whe is termed- "the
speed demon of the air," for the reason
that he has won all the great sped
trophies for flying machines la this coun
try and Europe. The company promises
that he will introduce aside from the
great flights each afternoon the famous
voio-ptane exhibition, which is accom
plished by the aviator ascending thou
sands of feet In the air, shutting off his
motor and gliding gracefully back to the
earth with all the gyrations of a graceful
bird. The machine used in these flights
will be the Holsant seventy-horse power
monoplane, which has a capacity for
speed of 104 miles an hour while flying
through the air. This style of air craft
has but two wings, and the motor draw
It through the air like the Wpiaoe, which
has Upper and lower wings and drives
from the rear. The monopiuna Is much the
more beautiful of the two machines while
in flight and much the easiest to handle.
The flights are scheduled for every day.
Llberatl's concert band and grand opera
company of New Tork City needs no In
troduction to a Nebraska audience. This
organisation was assembled and has ex
isted continuously since 1872 under the
personal direction of the world-renowned
cornet virtueso and bandmaster of Amer
ica, Alexander LibsratI, founder, owner
and impresario all these years.
The distinctively new feature In the at
tractions at the fair will be the Irwin
Bros.' wild west show brought In its
entirety from Cheyenne where it Is the
feature event of the great plains country,
and to whloh Denver sends a spueial train
every thirty minutes n certain days.
That which causes "red , blood" to
course through: the- veins,' the old stand
by attraction at the fair' for the
forty ysashaa been' the exhibition of
speed by the best horses found in this
part of the country; The entries to the
early closing races this year are very
promising, as 107 horses were named in
the seven events; four of these events
are for purses of $1,000 each. The late
closing n;ade August 12, Include 2:25, 2:18.
2:14 and 2:10 trotting, and 2:30, 2:20, 2:17.
2:C9 and free-for-all pacing, each for a
putve of tjOO. Three harness races and
two running races will be programed for
each day. The ten-mile relay race, two
milts each, day, changing horses In front
of the grandstand each half mile, prom
ises 'to be' hotly contested,' as from
present' indications six strings of horses
will competo,' and It is quite likely to
take the last day's racing to decide posi
tions, .The one and one-elghth-mlle Ne
braska derby will occur on Tuesday.
The Wortham & Allen United , shows
have been secured for the midway this
year., It Is the first1 trip of ths company
In the west, heretofore they have fur
alshe ! the carnival attractions for
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and the great state
fairs at the central east, from whom they
come with splendid recommendations.
They carry their own electric lighting
(Continued on Page Eleven.)
We Wbm
t the I
leu off Melbra
to know this &ore as a quality &ore; a store where the
finest men's clothes are sold; where the price they pay gets 20 more
value than it could possibly get in any, other Nebraska; store. - That's
the kind of a store this is. No men's clothes are too good or too fine for us. We have the
Best. If any better were made, we'd have them. The price you pay governs wholly the
fineness of woolens and trimmings. Tailoring and style is perfect at any price. Weve
never shown so large and varied a stock as we're showing for fall. We want the men of
Nebraska thinking men to'examine it. - L . '. .
Many Men Wish to Pay $15 for Suits and Overcoats
That's Why we're Making This Very, Special Offer
of Men's and Young Men's $18.00 and $2000 New
Fall Suits. Overcoats and Raincoats, at . . . . ... . .
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This is a good average price for a Suit "or Overcoat.
But we are not satisfied with the average quality
sold at Si 5. We give you a lot more value at $15
than any other store in Nebraska can give you.
UR values are better just as our buying, and selling volume is greater. Over 25 years of buying and
selling Men s Clothes have taught us values our Suits and Overcoats at $15 are remarkable values.