Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1912, State Fair Section, Image 15

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Lincoln Ready to Make Her Fair Guests Feel at Home
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Civic Center of Z x 22 coin
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INCOLN la ready to entertain
the visitor! who come to the
itate fair.
Experience-born knowledge
of how to look after the com
fort and conveniences of a big
crowd makes It easy for Lin
coln's people to give cordial welcome to
their friends from out in the state, and
to make them all feel at home, whether
they stay but a few hours or whether
. they stay the full time of the state fair.
And all the experiences of the past will
be drawn upon this year to make certain
that the welcome of the visitors and the
entertainment they get after they reach
the Capital City will be of the heartiest
The state fair is the big event of the
year for many thousands of dwellers on
farms and in the smaller communities of
the interior of the state; It Is an annual
holiday, of which the most is made, and
In full knowledge of this fact, Lincoln
people realize their responsibility as
hosts, and try to do all that may be
done to make these annual visitors glad
that they came on their Joyous pilgrim
age. It is a gala time, and the citlisens
make the most of it. Streets-tire always
well lighted, but at state fairtime they
are given extra illumination; the stores
and public buildings show forth the dec
orations of holiday kind, all in keep
ing with the spirit of the week. And
this outward display is fully supported
by the arrangements made in other di
rections. The Lincoln people expect to
take care of a larger number of folks
this year than ever before. The fair
itself is a greater attraction than ever,
the crop conditions are such as' make
everybody feel good, and it is therefore
reasonable to expect that new marks for
attendance at the state fair will be made
each day. And everybody who visits the
Capitol City during the week may do so
in full confidence that nothing will be
omitted that might be needed to make the
visit pleasant. ' '
The state fair management has set
(apart ten acres within the grounds for
the free use of people who wish to
camp out during the fair, which will be
(held September 2 to & This tract is a
nice place to camp and has natural shade
'trees around It. nHnv vtiw fn, ntv.
- " - J J ICll, TT 1 Lll
you and prepare to enjoy yourself while
attending the 1912 fair. If you have no
tent of your own, a representative of a
tent and awning company will be on the
(grounds where tents and other neces
ary articles for camping can be se
cured at a reasonable price. This Is
9 T-m.
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C? 5if. Looking East from TesalA
In coming to the state fair the visitor
should bear in mind one Important thing
and that is that in case of any unpleasant
or discourteous act of anyone, be should
report the matter to the public head
quarters maintained at Tenth and O.
The people of Lincoln will not stand for
discourteous treatment of state fair Visi
tors, and would consider It a favor If
uch things are promptly reported. Any
person not given right treatment at any
place provided for their accommodation
rhoutd report the fact lh the case at once.
Another thing that should be borne In
mind and that Is that there Is no ex
cuse for any person leaving the city be
cause they canntt get accommodations
for sleeping. A few years ago several
people slept on the lawn of the state
house because they claimed they could
get no plaos to sleep. This was unneces
sary, fo' tht- committee In charga of
sleeping accommodations had many va
cant beds. Last year the state fair
crowd was tha largest in the history of
the fair, yet there were many good rooms
In the city which were not oeoupled. It
Is only necessary for the state fair visi
tor to make his wants known and his
troubles will be over with.
Accommodations for supplying the peo
ple with plenty to eat will be another
thing that will causo ltttU trouble this
year. Sine, the fair of one year ago.
there has been several new eating houses
established in the city and in all prob
ability several transient places will be
established for the weeW by the churches
and other societies.
In fact everything If being done this
year to make the visit of the people
who come to' the fair mora pleasant than
at any other ttme. Accommodations for
reaching the fair grounds will be about
the same as usual, and If the new paved
street connecting the?1 grounds with the
main street of the J city Is completed,
which it probably nflll be, It will not
be an unpleasant walk from the main
gate of the fair grounds on Seventeenth
street direct to the city.
The Nebraska state fair will be bet-
ter than ever this ear. The accommo
dations for' taking care of the visitor
will be better thai ever. The amuse
ment features will pa better than at any
other time.' It is therefore up to the
visitor to enjoy himself or herself, and if
they really feel Uka doing so, the op
portunity will bi found on every hand.
: . ' 1
on of the real waya trenJoy oneself fort tell them you want a room and you will
the week, for if tired out you can g
"home" and take a rest without bting
bothered by other people.
There will be plenty, of other places on
the fair grounds where the tired and
weary may sit and enjoy themselves. The
auditorium, which seats about 4,000 people,
where there are comfortable seats for
the weary, will be open to all at any
time. The big stock Judging building,
which seats 6,000 people, will be another
cool place to rest. The fair grounds
Is filled with nice shady nooks and
groves with the soft green grass on
which one can lounge and roll to his
heart's content.
The people of Lincoln are better pre
pared this year . than ever to furnish
sleeping accommodations for state fair
visitors. , Already over 8,000 rooms have
been secured by Secretary Whltten of
the Lincoln Commercial club for use
of state fair visitors. All that will be
necessary will be to call at headquarters,
which will be maintained on the govern
ment square at Tenth and O streets, and
be accommodated. There will be no neces
sity Of any person going without good
Since the fair last year one of the
hotels in Lincoln has been entirely rebuilt
Inside, and under new management, and
will make the foutth first class hot9l In
the city. Added to these are the smaller,
hotels and rooming houses, in which there
will be every chance to secure good beds.
This is all outside of the private homos
secured by the Commercial club. It is
understood that a committee from the
Commercial club will make the rounds
of the rooming houses and every effort
made in advance to see .that every place
is of the right sort so that the visitor
can feel at ease while at rest during the
The fair management is making great
preparations to entertain the people dur
ing the evening at the fair grounds with
night races, fireworks and other fea
tures which will please the crowd. Lib
erates band and the band from the In-
tha evening and 'vaudeville attractions
and the shows on the midway will give
every opportunity for a pleasant even
ing's enjoyment
To those who wish to stay in the city
during the evening, the usual attrac
tions will be on and the theaters will all
present good programs. Three big the
aters will secure good companies for fair
week and five motion picture houses will
help to entertain the crowd,
i In the daytime, " those who enjoy the
great national game will be treated to
an especially good program. Two of ths
fastest clubs in the Western league will
be playing at Antelope Park on Septem
ber 3, 4, 6 and 6. Lincoln will return
home from Denver on the morning A
the third and will engage St. Joseph,
which has been fighting for top place
all the season, all four days. There may
be regular games played morning and
afternoon, provided It can be arranged
to play some of the postponed games
which have not been played on account
of rRln. This will give an especially en-
state fair "visitor who likes to see good
base ball.
, Never in the history of the state fair
has the visitor been presented with such
a round of pleasure as will be presented
In the year 1912. While the state fair
Is supposed to be an educational feature,
the management and the people of Lin
coln recognise the fact that pleasufre Is
an ' Important . factor which brings the
visitor and that a state fair with no fun
would hot draw the Immense crowas
which always attend. . There la little
doubt but that thousands of Nebraska
people make the, state fair their annual
outing and no outing Is a success unless
It has Its pleasure features.
A state fair crowd la generally a good
natured crowd. No crowd that comes ti
-Jncoln Is as easily handled as the state
fair crowd which cornea each year. They
seem to have thrown off all trouble and
care, and Jests and Jibes which at any
other time would not' be tolerated aro
taken In good humor . and everybody
Lincoln Merchants Offer to
- f
Patrons Many Advantages
dustrial home will furnish muslo during j tertaining base ball program for the i eems to enjoy the occasion.
NEBRASKA farmer who has
been attending, the state fair
for so many years that be can
remember ' All the Important
vents that have happened at
the Cornhusker gathering In
the several years of its organisation de
clares that he goes to Lincoln each fall
for other things than the fair alone.
"Lincoln, as a city has always Inter
ested me," explained this farmer, "and 1
like to visit the town. My wife always
f'.nds that the merchants have full stocks
of goods by fair time, and she is able to
buy all the latest styles and Is always
satisfied. I like to attend the fair and
there meet many of my acquaintances,
but I also like to visit the various stores
and see what the merchants have on
hand. Tou can always figure on my be
ing at Lincoln during the fair. The peo
ple always treat us right, and I like to
return each fall. I am anxious, I must
confess, to get down for the fair."
Thousands of other Nebraska farmers
and small townspeople are Just like this
one farmer who made frank confession
of his likes. The fair attra ts all of them,
but the tact that they can see the latest
v styles In wearing apparel, the latest
whims of fashion, both for men ana
women, If a strong Inducement for them
to go to -the fair city, i
Lincoln la Pn-io-Data;
Lincoln Is up-to-date in Its stocks of
goods. The fact that it Is a college town.
where thousands of students ara congre
gated for at least nine months of th
year, makes it a fashionable city. But It
Is not only in clothing lines that Lincoln
Is down to the minute. The home fur
nishings stores ara stocked completa with
the very articles that thousands of homes
should have, and ' tha wives who visit
Lincoln and pass through these stores re
ceive great pay for their visits. It is an
education and entertainment to go down
the aisles of tha Lincoln stores during
the fair and look upon the counters full
of brilliant and staple goods for tha homa
and for the body. Some of the richest
beauties in the . mercantile world ara
there. ,, ; ,; r , , .
Stores Beantifally Deeorala.
! During this big Lincoln event, wheu
thousands fill the city and swarm tha
streets, the business houses of the capital
city are beautifully decorated. Tha store
(Continued on Page Ten.)
While - at the; State Fair Take
Nebraska's Most Modern
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A live
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U Talk .
witVv our
; , The School that is a recognized leader. The School that offers advantages to be found in no similar school in the West. . The new home of this school is far superior to any other
business school equipment in the state" of Nebraska. ' Every provision has been made for the health, comfort and convenience of students. The class rooms are perfectly, lighted. The
furniture is new and of the latest design.' Every facility for the most efficient work, and an ideal place in which to secure a business training. The above pictures are f rom actual
photographs, and show the splendid quarters ready for you NOW. . Students may enroll for short terms. It is not necessary to invest a large sum in order to begin a course here Our
short term enrollment plan is both sensible and convenient You will like it. Let us give you detailed explanation. Further you have the choice, of any combination of subjects
taught in the school at one tuition there is no double charging. Our' business policy makes every student a booster for the school. Our Free Employment Department places all of
our own students and many from other schools in good positions. SEND FOR BIG FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. V v '
G. W. BALLARD, Sec; H. D. BALL ARD, Bus. Mgr.