THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1912. 3 (( , t - i ' II lut resti eature of your visit to the will be a personally conducted SEEIWfi TOUR jf, MAsim JJi loco u s Large Departm ient Store f . Free Conveniences to All Visitors Free Check Stand Located conveniently on the first floor, where you may check your parcels and baggege at any time of the day. Free Rest Room For both ladles and children, where you may rest , during the day's rush, meet your friends, -etc Located conveniently on the second floor. Free Telephones To all parts of the city and Buburbs. Located on all floors. A floorman will direct you. Free Stationery Writing material, desks, etc.; in the Ladles' Rest Room on the second floor. A good place to write postal cards to friends at home. Free Delivery Of purchases to any depot In the city. Cars to all depots pass our doors. Information Bureau Located on the first floor, will help you find what cars to take to the Interesting parts or the city. Special Guides At each entrance to conduct you through the store from Economy Basement to Carpet Work Room on the top floor. - Lincoln, Nebraska EXTEND TO YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS A CORDIAL INVITATION TO BEOUR GUESTS WHILE IN LINCOLN DURING THE STATE FAIR, SEPT 2D TO 6TII. Guides Will Be Furnished at Each Entrance To personally conduct you to any or all part3 of the ?tore. We want you to enjoy your visit to Lincoln, and believe you will find an hour spent in a trip through Lincoln's Large Department Store an interesting fea ture of your visit. All guides will be thoroughly posted as to the most interesting features found in the fifteen different departments and your visit will in no way obligate you to make a purchase. estion That as soon as you arrive in Lincoln you come direct to Rudge & Guenzel Co.'s, check your luggage at our FREE CHECK STAND, and then take your time to find room accommodations, etc. Street cars to all parts of the city and suburbs pass by or within a block of the store. Cars to and from the State Fair Grounds and the City Information Bureau are less than half a block away, making it especially convenient to make RUDGE & GUENZEL COMPANY YOUR HEADQUARTERS. Any courtesy we can extend to you, we will be only too glad to do. We trust we mayt have the pleasure of a personal visit from you and your friends. r Fall Merchandise low in Stock Since the middle of July our buying force has been In New York and the eastern markets making their fall purchases. As fast as orders are placed the goods are ordered out to us In Lincoln. When you visit the store you will see the windows displaying merchandise that Is Identical to that being displayed In New York and the large eastern cities. Each department (15 In all) will have interior displays at tractively arranged so that you can readily become In formed as to what Fall Styles will be In all lines of ap parel, dry goods and general bousefurnishings. Many State Fair Visitors make their visit to Lincoln their fall buying tour, ap preciating the fact that in Lincoln they have far larger , assortments to choose from and prices much lower than i at home. . . x " We feature by large and comprehensive assortments Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Hard ware, Housefurnishings, China, Wearing .-'Apparel for Women and Children, Millinery Corsets, Underwear, Hair Goods, Hosiery, Dress Accessories, Men's Furnishings, Trunks and Bags, Hotelware, Linens, White Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Linings, Small Notions, Drug Sundries, Art Goods, ? Embroideries, , Jewelry, Neckwear, Pictures and Hundreds of Kindred Lines of Merchandise. J T7F Mm 0 0 0 f Aito morale t-mmm Users 0 0 0 Tires become weakened and blow out when the treads are but par tially worn out Rim-Grip Sub-Casings overcome this trouble as they add new strength to that part of the tire that has be come weakened by use. They are built practically the same, as the carcass or fabric portiorr of the tire and are trie only reliners that can be placed on a rim and inflated without the support of the outer tire. This is sufficient proof that when inside the tire fhey will carry a large portion of the strain and prevent the tire from bursting. Call at bur exhibit at the Ndbraska. State Fair and get literature and prices. FISHER MANUFACTURING CO. 1530 N Street Lincoln, Nebraska WE show herewith an X Itay cut off a "Rlm-Grlp" Sub-Casing in place Inside tire. The metal bands which are vulcanized into the edges of the sub-casing are made In a coni cal form and shaped to He flat against the inside of the bead of the tire. They are continu ous or endless, and extend around the rim, thus holding the edges of the sub-casing se curely in place. This feature in addition to holding the presure of the inflated tube, prevents the sub-casing from creeping or changing its position inside the tire and Injuring the inner tube. The sub-casings are coated with cement, and ce ment furnished with each to b used inside the tire. MM WfMfm If" BR 1118 O Street The Famous 1118 0 Street. State Fair Visitors Welcome pOME to the store where everything has been provided for your comfort where the store service is per fect, cheerful, home like". Come and see Lincoln's Style Center of all the Foreign and American adapted fash ions for seasons 1912-13 in fine tailored 6uits, coats, street dresses, evening gowns, skirts, silk waists, fine silk petticoats and kimonos. We bid 1 you welcome to The F amous 1118 st LIn coI" Neb- ft ' f JDYENELE HELP ON FARMS Clubs of Boys and Girls Solying the Uplift Problem. THRIFT WATTS UPON INDUSTRY Tonthfnl Heads and Haadi Respond to Encouraging Direction Spread of the Mow , ment. "Dear Uncle Sam," wrote a girl from New York state recently, addressing the United States government at Wash ington, "I have read In the Georgia paper my grandma sent me how you teach the girls down south to make some money on their tomatoes, and the boys how to raise corn. Don't you think you had ought to teach us up here, too, I sun a little northern girl, but would 1 ke to make some money just the same." " , This letter found its way to the Bureau of Farm Management of the Department of Agriculture,' with one from a boy In the far northwest, who wanted to know why the government authorities did not organize a Boys' Corn club in his eommulty. His cousin In Texas, this boy wrote, had sent him a letter telling about the corn club to which he and his schoolmates belonged, and about a trip which the young com growers were going to make to Wash ington. These letters were typical of hundreds which children In northern and north western states were writing to the De partment of Agriculture. , The news papers and carried into northern homes the story of what Boys' Corn clubs and Girls' Canning and Poultry clubs the latter established throughout the south by the government with funds donated by the General Education Board of New York City were accomplishing for the young people of the cotton-ralslng states. Preachers, teachers and parents in the north joined with the children in de manding that, similar club work be established by the Department of Agri culture in their part of the country. They also wrote their representatives in congress urging these to ask the depart ment for the organization of corn and canning clubs in the north and northwest Initial Steps. i Thus it has come about that the United States government is now tak ing the Initial steps toward teaching the boys of the thirty-six non-cotton raising states how to grow corn and the girls how to raise and can vege tables, and also how to raise poultry. The young peoples' club work, begun experimentally In the south nearly two years ago, became a national movement on July 1 of the present year, when it was extended to Include the children of the northern. New England and north western states. The general plan of or ganization is the same throughout the country, though modified to meet the needs of each particular region. In the south, for instance, the membership of the corn and canning clubs la confined almost entirely to the boys and girls of the rural districts, whose parents own or rent large tracts of land. But in Mew England, the work will assume the form of backyard gardening. In northern and northwestern states, where agricultural methods are advanced, and farms are small and highly cultivated, the govern ment agent's task will be to specialize on intensive cultivation. Local C-operatlon. The government workers have secured the co-operation of the rural and vlllag school teachers in these states as a first step toward reaching children and pa rents. The requisites for membership in the clubs are simple. No dues are re quired, no pledges are asked. The boys who join the corn clubs, and the. girls who become members of canning and Iioultry clubs must be between the ages of 10 and 18. They must agree to cul tivate their corn or tomato patches, or to experiment in poultry raising, accord ing to the Instructions which they shall receive from the Department of Agri culture, to make frequent reports on the progress of their work, and to co-operate with the department and its agents for the length of one year. For the work of the boys' corn clubs cne acre of ground is taken as the basic of operation, and for the girls' tomato patches a tenth of one acre is deemed sufficient, tt Is understood with the parents that the children shall have and spend in any way they may desire all the money earned from their ven tures. The government agent and bis assistants will give instruction to the club members throughout the year, paying personal visits to the homes and garden plots of the boys and girls. The Spar of Prises. To ' add to the interest of the club work, prizes and premiums for quality and quantity of the output from corn and tomato patches will be solicited by the department agents from the merchants, bankers, commercial clubs, and wo men's organizations of every com munity. And to meet the local needs of the community, various contests will bo encouraged in connection with the raising of corn and vegetables, There will be potato-growing contests, good roads contests and seed-testing con tests for the boys, with sewing, bread baking, and other contests for the girls. A special label has been designed for use by the members of the girls' clubs on every can of tomatoes or other vege tables turned out by the club. This label shows a small girl holding a bas ket of luscious red tomatoes, near whioh Is an open book, surmounted by a four leaf clover. On each of the clover leaves Is the letter H. Thesmeanlng of the emblems on the label, as explained to the boys and girls in letters sent out to club members by the Department of Agriculture, is as follows: "The tomato signifies., the relation of the garden products to a happy and con tented citizenship. uThe book, as a background, signifies the need of edu cation and a definite knowledge on farm and home interests in order to make for better rural life. The four-leaf clover represents the principles of scientific farming and gardening, soil building, and large production, and greater profits for the common people. The four H's rep resent the equal training of the heart, head, hands, and health of every child." IS NEBRASKA NAVALH00D00? Warship Piling Up Accident Record Rivaling; the Ill-Fated Texas. "Naval officers are guessing whether the United States battleship Nebraska, which ran upon an uncharted shoal a short time ago, is going to take the place of the ill-fated Taxas, later named the San Marcos, which was the 'hoodo' ship of the navy," remarked Captain I L. Darby, a retired naval officer, at the Wlllard. "Ill luck pursued the Texas almost from the beginning, and tt seemed that it was never out of trouble during all the time it was in commission, except at the battle of Santiago, where it did great work. "Before the Spanish-American war the Texas, while being overhauled at the Brooklyn navy yard, was sunk, because the yokes of its sea cocks were broken in the course of repairs, and the water poured in just as if the boat had been scuttled. The Texas sank, as everybody knows, and was raised as soon as pos sible. It was on that occasion that Cap tain 'Jack' Phillips, one of the bravest and best naval officers, by the way, that ever trod a bridge, had some fun with 'Fighting Bob' Evans, at that time com manding the Iowa. When the Texas was raised It was found that in the hull were thousands of eels that had been sucked through the open' sea cocks. Knowing Captain Evans' fondness for eels, Phillips had a lot of them sent over to the Iowa. He was somewhat surprised a day later to receive a note of acknowl edgment from his brother officer, which read: 'The eels were fine. Jack; sink it again.' "It was Jack Phillips, you may re member, who, after the great naval bat tle at Santiago, when the Spanish bat tleships were lying on the shores of Cuba smoking from the shot of the American ships, solemnly said to his men: 'Don't cheer, boys; the poor devils are dying.' "Jack Phillips was one of the bravest, and at the same time most religious, naval officers I ever knew. He was the direct opposite of 'Bob' Evans, but the (wo were great friends. The Texas, you know, was afterward named the San Marcos, and was the target for gun prac tice a few months ago. It was a fitting end for a good old ship that had always been in bard luck, except at the time when It was most needed. I say, I won der if the Nebraska is going to take the place of the Texas as the hoodoo ship of the navy?" Washington Post. HER PETTICOAT AS LIFE SAVER Prompt Action of - Thoaghtfnl Woman Helps Save an Injured Man. On the Other Hand. "It seems so strange to us, you know," the American traveler was saying, "when your people tpeak of the 'honorable um brella,' the 'honorable teacup,' the hon oi able scissors,' and the like." "Yes," said his educated Japanese host: "to your unaccustomed ears it must sound so mucn moie absurd tnan 'happy accident,' 'giate.ui warmth,' or g:ad uu lugs.' "Chicago Tribune. The prompt action of an unknown woman probably saved the life of James Dickenson, 60, of Irvlngton-on-the-Hud-son, when he fell from the running board of a northbound Eighth avenue surface car In New York City. , His right leg was severed below the knee , by the wheels. As the car crew and several of the pas sengers were for a telephone to send in an ambulance call an automobile came along. A young woman jumped from the machine and pushed her way to the in jured man. v "Why, he's bleeding to death," she ex claimed. "Hasn't someone a rope?" - Then the handsomely gowned woman bent down and tore a portion of her petticoat in strips. While bystanders held the unconscious man's leg she made a tourniquet, clamping the petticoat ban dages with a stick. Having the victim placed in her auto, she ordered the chauffeur to drive to the Flower hospital. When the automobile reached Seventy-seventh street and Cen tral Park West the ambulance was met and the Injured man transferred. - Without waiting to give her name the woman climbed in the machine and was off. New York World. Any man who Isn't thankful for what he gets has occasion to be thankful tor what he doesn't get