Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1912, State Fair Section, Image 12

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- - - - - - -
The Greatest Showing of Fall Styles
Suits, Coats, Gowns, Skirts, Furs and Millinery
Prepared as never More to pleau every taste meet every demand, and suit every purse. Buy now
and get the benefit of selection while the stocks are completely at their Desi.
COAT $15.00
New Fall Suits,
$15, $20, $25
Practically erery authoritative styla
is here. Materials Include Imported
Serges, Whipcords, Diagonals and
' Fancy weaves. In black, nary and
the new browns. : ,
Fall Long Coat,
tio en tie ' ton
A bandsonrw selection of full length
models said tha new three-quarter
length coats. There are Boucle, wide
wale 8erge, Chinchillas, Zlbellne and
new Broadcloths. Clever trimming of
same materials, .
Plush Coats,
$18.50, $20, $30
A. splendid selection of these popular
coats made of Imported Gaits, Sealette
Plush, full length, guaranteed satin
Until its ...IB.SOt 30.00 to $30.00
Charming Fall Dresses,
$5. $7.50, $10
CharmeuBe, Chiffon, Mesaallne, Crepe
de Chine, Serges and Novelty Cords,
In all the newest colorings. Gowns
for evening and party wear, recep
tions, etc $3, 7.60, $lu to $50
Tailored Fall Skirts, $3.95,
$5.00, $7.50
Several styles of fine Serges, Whip
cords and Mitures. The best val
ues ever shown at these prices; in
black, navy, gray and tan.
A spiacflid selection of popular Furs
in & irfs, Muffs and Coats, at a sav
ing of 25 per cent during the State
Fair week.
B W im T ' .BY SP! Jl i
U UI337-U"
Willow Plume
For State Fair Week
We Intend this to be the greatest
Willow Plume sale ever held in Lin
coln. Buy your Willow Plume now,
and buy It less than wholesale price.
We Guarantee Every Plume
23 Inches long, 24 inches wide
black white and colors, worth fully
29 Inches long, 30 Inches wide
black, white and colors, worth fully
Live Stock Exhibit at the Great Nebraska State Fair
b -lyii -fcsp "Ijrf&H mVsi Vn 4 lilt Sif f!9 r
4 ,i yV ,s c r:is " i ! fill ij SfH II 11 ifli I x1
T.!M,l,..,n,Y ,l.,M,llsl.,,rf ( s.'u nj t n i I r't,
J j ... - X , ? Smm WMajStaMfcaaawtofeai lii.i..vWMM-t-' SJ
. . . ii - i in. - ,i rin
,V-" IIS ' . .
r !i 1 A 17 1 it ill . "
7 i jjAjozrchs oi the lleTd - - ,i ,,v, .. j
rrf.Jjgjai2 of the fieri
Amusements Planned on Magnificent Scale, for State Fair
OT everyone vr:io attncs the
Nebraska state fair sort thers
solely to see the bljf horses.'
the bis cattle, the b!f hoes
and the other Vis thlnis on
exhibition there. There are
other things at the (air, which attract
them and important among tiiem is the
amusement part. Then again there are
hundreds, especially among the young
people of the smaller towns and the
country, who tnaks the annual pilgrim
age to the fair one for an annual good
time and as a general rule they go home
feeling that they have bad a week of
great fun and enjoyment.
This year it would be bard to tell just
what part of the amusement line will
be the most' attractive. There will be
the Midway, of coi Everybody Ukes
the Midway, an', would not think of
visiting the f without spending a part
of the time on that delightful thorough
fare with its shows of a docen different
kinds. It is true that some of the shows
are not up to the standard ot high class
audevlUe or grand opera, but when one
got to the Midway show he goes (or
fun and as a general thing does not,
kick if the shows do not paa out along i
big show lines. ,
Probably tha greatest attraction On the
fair grounds this year and the one which
will attract the most people, with the
possible exception of the races, is the
Wild West Frontier Shows, which will
give their exhibition each (day on the
quarter stretch In front of the big grand
stand.' These Wyoming show are the
same which were gives before President
Taft aud ex-president Roosevelt, when
they made their tour ot the west some
time since, and are not excelled by any
wild west affair of the present time.
That the entertainment givu by the
reckless and dare evll cowboy con
nected with the Frontier shows will be
of a sensational character In not disputed.
People who have seen them state that It
is simply wonderful what those cowboys
and cowgirls, too, can do while riding
at reckless speed on the backs of the
wild western bronchos. ' Among the most
interesting stunts which they will pull oft
are; . - .
Catching and buldogglng steers from an
automobile. ,
A handicap race between an automobile,
race horse, cow cony and an Indian on
A relay race between cowboys and cow-J
gins. ,
Champion cowgirl rough, rider on a wild
A race around the track between wild
Trick and fancy riding.
These are only a very tew of the in
teresting things which will be seen at the
SYontier shows.
One feature ot the Frontier shows which
is deserving of special mention is a fight
between Indians and white men. The In
dians attack a stage coach and; the scene
is one which always thrills the beholder.
An old-fashioned stage coach pulled by
halt a docen. horses is seen making Its
way across the country, with its escort
of Indian ftghtera " Suddenly a band of
savage Indians break into view and a
running fight is on between the two. It
is a hair-raising and most thrilling spec
tacle and must be seen to be appreciated.
That the management is expecting large
crowds to witness this part ot the enter
tainment Is evidenced by the fact that
notwithstanding the big grandstand holds
(.600 people, the bleacher are being ex
tended to that then will be room for
about S.0W more.
In the evening the quarter stretch will
be lit up for the use of the other perform
ance which will be placed in front of the
grandstand. Vaudeville artist ot ex
cellent reputation will give shows after
the hlght races are over. And speaking
of the night races, do not forget that this
feature of the amusement program will
be worth going to see. The track will be
lit up by electricity so that the races
can be seen nearly a plainly as in the
daytime. And some Of the best races
of the fair will be seen at the night
events. ;
Then after all the rest of the program
is over for the day a stupendous amount
ot fireworks will close the evening's en
tertainment so that the day from 9 in the
morning until 10 at night will be one
round of pleasure. t v -
The race program throughout the week,
both day and evening, will be excep
tionally good. The entries at this time
how some of the best horses in the coun
try, many ot them fresh from the great
Grand circuit, which means that the best
will be present , ,
Columbia Fire, the fast little horse
which has been astonishing people all
over the country, will be present during
the week and ha been entered tor many
races. This is a Lincoln horse and for
that reason will be all the more ot an
attraction. Nebraska take a back seat
for no other state In any department of
the state fair and it will be exceedingly
satisfactory to be able to see on the track
the tast little Nebraska horse which has
been throwing the race track dust in the
(aces of all competitors on the Grand
When one gets to writing about the
many good things in the amusement line
at the Nebraska state fair, each one of
them seems to be just a little more at
tractive than the others, so that one 1
at a loss to really distinguish which 1
the best However, wa will venture the
assertion that there is one feature which
will bring the people In the stands to
their feet when it Is pulled off. We refer
to the relay race. Eight entries have
already been made In this race. It la a
ten-mile affair and the riders will change
horse oa to run in front of the grand
stand each, time they pass. What will
make these races the more attractive Is
that a part of the riders will be women
and will compete with the men for the
In closing we must not forget to call
attention to the musical features of the
fair.. Everybody win be glad to know
that literati's band, with it special
choruti and soloists, wiil" be at the fair
again this year. This alone is an attrac
tion which many consider worth seeing,
even if everything else at the fair wa a
failure. Thl band is one of the best In
the world .and its soloists are counted the
pick of the country. The segregation will
give concerts in the Auditorium every
day and at other places on the grounds.
Another pleasing feature will be the
band from the Boys' Industrial school at
Kearney. This band will do most of its
playing In front of the grandstand and
everybody will! have a chance to see and
hear what the iboys in the charge of the
state can do. , - .
The Teralstent ,nd Judicious Use
Newspaper Advertising Is the Boad
Business Success. .
... , j !
' irtnTOiil.TTn&
Lincoln Business College
Three Stories to Be Erected Now.
This school has been serving the business men and
young people of. the country for 28 years. .The people
have faith in us because they have' always found us giv
ing first class service at reasonable rates.
A Free Employment Bureau is maintained for the
placing of all students desiring positions. Many from
other schools come here for us to secure them positions.
State Fair Visitors are welcome at our . booth in Edu
cation Hall or at the College, 13th and P Streets.
FALL TEEM September 2 Beautiful Catalogs Free.
E.SC. BIGGER, Pres. W. N. WATSONVice Pres.
W. A. BOBBINS, Secretary.
Fair of P
Sferial for Fair Week Only
Extra Pair Pants Free o!!f
Blue Serge Suit
Come to this store, make yourself at home, let us check your
parcels and grips in fact, render any possible service that will add
: to your comfort and pleasure. . ' .i.
Comer 10th and O Streets, Lincoln, Neb.
State Fair Uisiiors, here is
where you ivil! get Prompt
Service and iciod Things
to Eat Uhile in Lincoln.
Remember the Name and Street Number.
1f t
1325-31 N STREET. .
We are , making special preparations to take the
best of care of the large crowds that always attend
the State Fair, and if you come here when you want
a square meal and prompt service, you will not be
disappointed. Only the best of everything is served, '
and the Folsom Cafe is so clean and sanitary that it
will be a great pleasure for you to come here and
bring your friends. In connection with the cafe we ,
have the finest and best equipped bakery in Lincoln,
where we can furnish you with everything from
"Holsum" bread to the most delicious pastries of all
kinds. Remember the name Remember the address.
1325-31 N STREET. . ? .