Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1912, Image 1

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Invites short contributions on cur
rent topics from Bee readers.,
Let us hear from you
limit 300 words.
Generally Fair
Chief Executive Says This is One of
Duties Imposed on Him by
Failure to Exercise is Evidence of
Woman Arrested Just Before Presi
dent Beaches Hotel.
Mrs. Caroline : Beer of Greenville,
O., Had Tito Large Knives Con
cealed In Clothing When
COLUMBUS, 0., President Taft publicly
explained today his exercise of the veto
poweit In his speech to a great crowd of
farmers on the state fair grounds here,
he declared that a president who did not
use the veto power when he thought it
should be used proved himself a coward.
; "Some of my friends say," said the
j president, "that if a king had used the
veto power as ! have, his head would
drop the basket. But I am not a king,
t and that is very different. The president
I has the power and it is his duty if he
!does not approve legislation to veto It.
He must use the veto when his conscience
tells him, whether his head drops In the
basket or not. If presidents are men
and most of . them are they will exer
cise the veto when they think they ought
- ' Most Vetoes are Good.
"Look over the vetoes of other, presi
dents and show me the bad one and I will
show you more that made good. Our
forefather's thought that it was well to
have one man who would represent all
the people and who would be able to tell
ail the people when he saw legislation
that he did not believe was good. The
veto is an excellent thing. My friends who
criticise me forget that I was elected
Just as they were and by a good many
inore people than they were."
The president spoke to the farmers of
legislation which congress had enacted
for their benefit and promised that other
legislation would follow. He said the gov
ernment is . investigating the system of
agricultural experts in . Germany which
extend credit to the farmers at low
Interest , with the purpose of Introducing
it In this country if found feasible.
He traced, the history of Ohio briefly '
and lq passing paid . his respects to the
present-day . reformer. ; . :-'... "
"One trouble with the present-day re
former,"" - lie maid, "is that he wsjMS'liir
reforms put into effect tomorrow morn
ing before; breakfast. Reforms do -hot
come- qulokiy, Mere change Is not nec
essarily progress."1,', 1 ' .
Woman with - Big Ki1t 'Arrested.
Caroline Beers, aged 40, who Bald she
was from Greenville, O., was arrested by
Pittsburgh detectives at the Southern
hotel, while waiting for President Taft
With two long knives found concealed in
her clothing. . The woman' said she .was
the wife of the president.
Mrs. Beers said she was going to punish
the president She had been noticed yes
terday afternoon waiting around the hotel
and told employes she was waiting for
the president yf . .
"I have the sacred knife for President
Taft," she told a detective when arrested.
The woman did not get nsar the presi
dent but was arrested and rushed out
of the hotel Just as the presidential party
arrived. She was found In one of the
upper floors watting near the elevator on j
which it was expected the president would
go to his apartments.
One of the knives found in her clothing
was a long, keen-bladed affair, on the
handle of which a picture of President
Taft had been photographed. Mrs. Beers
was well dressed. - A' roll of $200 was
found In her clothing. ' " '
President Taft was not tol dof her
arrest (
Mnlvane Hears Good Results.
CHICAGO, Aug. .-David W. Mulvane
of Kansas, director of the republican
campaign in the west today declared that
the election news from Michigan was en
couraging to the republican party. Vis
itors from Indiana and Nebraska gave
Mr. M' ?!vane reports of conditions which
were also pleasing to him.
Joseph E. Davlea of Wisconsin, secre
tary of the democratic national commit
tee, conferred with a number of visitors.
Preparations were made to enter the
college field and it was announced that
Dudley Field Malone of New Tork would
Join the staff in a few days as the head
of the college and young men's club
department Mr. Malone is a son-in-law
of United States Senator O' Gorman of
'New Tork. .
Borah Will Not Take Stamp.
. SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 29.-Seator
William 355. Borah of Idaho denied em
phatically today the statement that he
would campaign actively in support of
President Taft He declared any speeches
he proposed to make probably would not
be acceptable to the republican national
committeu. ,-
Body of Late General
Booth Laid to Best
With Simple Kites
LONDON. Aug. .-The body of the
late General William Booth was laid to
day beside that of Catherine Booth, his
wife, in Abney Park cemetery.
Representatives of reigning houses and
of presidents of republics, including the
United States, ; Joined round the grave
with many thousands from the masses
whom the founder of the Salvation Army
had tried to uplift
The coffin was borne from the great
doorway of Salvation Army headquarters
to the hearse, which was decorated only
with dry palms placed , over the "blood
and fire'' banner draping the casket The
celebrated battle flag which the general
had planted on Calvary was placed at
the head of the coffin, and as this was
done the flags of the foreign deputations
and of the English provincial corps dipped
in salute. "
' Immediately after the hearse a selected
bodyguard of staff officers ot the Salva
tion Army swung into line, preceding the
mourners of the family, who were led by
General and Mrs. Bramwell Booth. The
entire procession was more than a mile
long. '-''
Most- fittingly the procession passed
through a portion , of that section of the
city where the work of the Salvation
Army is best known, and there in front
of the houses stood many poor women
and children who . had at some time or
other received benefit from the army.
As General Booth had been an honorary
freeman of $he city of London, the lord
mayor appeared on the balcony of the
Mansion House and saluted '.lie coffin.
The service was a ' simple one. Ad
dresses were delivered by Lieutenant
Colonel Damon, representing the Salva
tion Army in America, and Miss Eva
Booth, who arrived early this morning
from her journey across the Atlantic,
and General Bramwell Booth and Com
missioner Cox. The late general's young
est granddaughter sang a solo and Com
missioner Carleton read the Scripture.
Bramwell Booth ' read the Salvation
Army's brief commitment service.
Concluding sentences were followed by
the swelling notes of the Salvation Army
song, "To. the Front tins Cry Is Ring
ing; to the Front Tour Place Is There."
Roosevelt Making
Three Dap' Tour of
State of Vermont
BENNINGTON, Vt. Aug. 29.-The state
campaign, now nearlng its closing hours,
for the election comes next Tuesday, re
ceived additional impetus today with the
arrival here of Colonel Theodore Roose
velt for three days on the stump on both
sides of the Green mountains.
A' number "of progressive speakers, not
ably former.; Senator. Albert J. Bevertdge
of Indiana and Gift ord Plnchyt of Wash
ington, here been tilling tfie political
ground t Vermont for: several weeks. j
Colonel Roosevelt' activities in the
state will take him through the two con
greatrional districts into four of the dtfes
and -eight of the largest towns. If noth
ing interrupts his schedule he will follow
his visit to this town with. Speeches later
In the day at Rutland, ; Mlddlebury and
Burlington, with addresses tomorrow at
St., Alblans, Morrlsville, Barton and St.
Johnsbury and with closing remarks on
Saturday at ' Barro, Randolph, Bellows
Falls and Brattleboro.
While Colonel Roosevelt is expected to
discuss national Issues to a great extent
it is also regarded as probable that he will
pay some attention to the state candi
dates. '....' "
. getnmlc Saoek at Oalnmet.
CALUMET, Mich., Aug. 29.-What is
believed to have been an earthquake
shock was felt here at 8:41 this morning,
being general In Calumet district The
shock lasted several seconds and shook
The Weather
For Nebraska Showers; ; 'somewhat
cooler Friday. '
For Iowa Showers; cooler northwest
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
"TfU Hours. . j , Deg,
1 5j 5 m
jfrJJ a.m.:.......
7 a. m
8 a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m ..,
11 a. m
12 m... .,
1 p. m
4 p. m....
. m
f p. m
I p. m
Model Prisoner is
Pardoned by Gov, Dix
ELM IRA, N. T., Aug. 29. Henry Rap-
pel ye, a model prisoner at the Elmira.
reformatory, stepped from the line ,at
exhibition drill before Governor Dlx to
day a free man at the governor's com
mand. As the " governor reviewed the
line a telegram came announcing the sud
den death of Rappelye's father at Os
wego. He was pardoned Instantly and
within an hour was on his way to the
funeral. Rappelye had been sent to the
reformatory for attempted robbery and
had been acting as a stenographer for the
Tetzlaff Again Cuts
Hgin Track Eecord
ELGIN, 111,. Aug. 29.-Teddy Tetzlaff.
in driving a 120-horsepower Flat worked
the eight-mile Elgin road course at an
average speed of about seventy-six
mites an hour for four laps In the tunlng
up trials today and broke Ralph Mulford's
prevlpus record for the course by twenty
six seconds. A crowd of many thousand
people lined the . course to watch the
speed trials in preparation for tomorrow's
and Saturday's races. At times there were
a score of the big racing cars In action.
More Cavalry May
Be Sent to Border
WASHINGTON. Aug. 29.-It is possible
that the American cavalry along the
Mexican border line , will have to be In
creased, according to a dispatch' received
at the War department today from Gen
eral Steever, commanding the Depart
ment of Texas. The Thirteenth cavalry
at Fort Riley, Kan., and the Ninth at
Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., are being held
in readiness as reinforcements. ,
-ID ig
DALLAS, Tex., Aug. 29. The federal
grand Jury of the northern district of
Texas late today returned an indictment
against a number of prominent oil men
as representatives of the Standard Oil
company. The charge is the restraint of
trade and commerce and unlawful con
spiracy and combination in restraint of
. It is alleged that individual defendants,
the Standard Oil company and the Mag
nolia : Petroleum company conspired to
destroy the business of the Plerce-For-dva
Oil uocda.tkm of Texas. '
Flans Are Now Under Way for For
mation of the Association.
CommercialXlub is Feeling Out Sen
timent cf State.
Benefits of Such an Organization
Are Being Pointed Out.
Omaha Manafactnrere Desire Others
to Unite for the Benefit of
All Local Men Heanme
The organisation ot a state manufac
turers' association will be attempted by
the Omaha Manufacturers' association.
Letters . are being sent out from the
Commercial club to all manufacturers of
the state asking their opinion of the
project. These letters cite tiio various
needs for such an organisation and sug
gest a big meeting to be held In Omaha
this fall whereat the factory menthay
get together and discuss the new body.
The Omaha association desires , to get
the manufacturers of the state combined
for the purpose of bringing about some
'legislation on the workmen's compensa
tion and employers' liability bill; desires
the passage of a law in Nebraska similar
to the Kansas blue sky law; is anxious
for the development of water power and
the checking of the annual fire waste.
Discrimination against Wyoming fuel hii
Is another proposition which the Omaha
organization feels a state organisation
could work against Many other things
as reasons for a' state organisation, are
given in the letters which are being sent
out to the 2,500 manufacturers of the
The Omaha Manufacturers' association
will hold its first meeting in the fall pro
gram Thursday, September 6.
Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot?
. l A P
Fro mthe Indlnapolls News.
Candidate Addresses Crowd at Lan
caster from His Car.
Knox Will Not ?alk of
Issue of Veracity
HONOLULU, Aug. 29,-Secretary Knox
refused on his arrival today to make any
comment on Theodore Roosevelt's denial
that he bad ever said in the presence of
Mr. Knox that letters to George B. Cor
telyou were written "to make good the
record,", The letters in question were In
structions that any contributions made
by the Standard Oil company to the re
publican campaign fund of too must be
returned. 1 ,'' ' fr;f .'" "" '
"As I have made no statement concern
ing the correspondence between Mr.
Roosevelt and Mr. Cortelyou on any sub
ject'' said Mr. Knox, "and as I have
never authorised anyone to make any
statement for me, you must excuse me
from discussing the' subject '
Secretary Knox is voyaging by the
cruiser Maryland to ' the funeral of the
late emperor of Japan, which he will at
tend as representative of the ' United
States. Tne Japanese consul was among
those V greet him today. :
The Maryland will sail for Yokohama
at 4 o'clock tomorrow. Returning with
Secretary Knox Immediately after the
funeral, It will call here to pick up Sec
retary Fisher of the Department of the
Interior, who is due to arrive from San
Francisco in the meantime.
Secretary Morrison
Testifies Further
in Hatters' Suit
HARTFORD, Conn., Aug. 29.-Frank
Morriaon, secretary of the American
Federation of Labor, was subjected to
cross-examination by Attorney Daniel
Davenport, when the hatters' trial was
resumed today in the United States dis
trict court The witness reaffirmed his
statement that the American Federation
of Labor never had anything to do with
placing a boycott on the product of De
Loewe & Co. of Danbury, plaintiff in the
suit Mr. Morrison admitted 'that after
the verdict of J222.O0O had been rendered
In the first trial the original defendants
dropped out and the American Federation
of Labor assumed the full responsibility
for the appeal and retrial.
President. Samuel Gompers of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor, testified that
the American Federation of Labor exer
cised no Jurisdiction over the unions
comprising the United Hatters of North
America between 1896 and 1903.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 29,-Judge R. W.
Archbold of the commerce court whose
trial under impeachment proceedings is
impending before the senate, has asked
Chief Justice White of the supreme court
to temporarily relieve him from duty.
Chief Justice White thus far has taken
no action upon the request of 'Judge
Archbold. The phraseology of the act
creating the commerce court appears to
be ambiguous as to the power of the
chief Justice to "relieve" a Judge of the
court from duty.
Judge Archbold has performed none of
the duties of a member of the court since
the charges were preferred against him.
CHETENNE, Wyo., Aug. .-Speclal.)
Miss Fannie Brooks, the young woman
who was horribly burned in a gasoline
explosion at her home in East Sixteenth
street Monday night died at St John's
hospital today. The rnfortunate victim
suffered terrible agony before death came.
Miss Margaret her sister, although pain
fully burned when she attempted to
smother the flames that enveloped Fan
nie, is recovering and . will not be badly
Governor Shakes Hands With Hun
dreds ot . People and Waves
His Straw Hat to Crowd
Aronnd Station.
HARRISBURG, Pa., Aug. 29.-Governor
Woodrow Wilson did a little stump speak
ing today in spite of himself. Not in
tending to make any but scheduled ad
dresses, he ' was' greeted by such big
crowds at both Lancaster and Harrlsburg
that the candidate found himself making
speeches from both ends ofjils car, shak
ing hands with hundreds and waving his
straw hat to the many people who dotted
the windows of surrounding buildings.
The first demonstration was at Lancaster,
and, as a preliminary to the formal open
ing of his campaign in Pennsylvania later
In the day at Williams Grove, it pleased
the governor very 'much. '
"I venture to say T ito much more In
terested Ih yoti ' than you are in me,"
said the governor, "because the interest
ing and delightful part of campaigning in
the last two years, as I have found it, has
been that the country Is witnessing an
uprising of the people. A crowd Ilka this
means business. Tou are discovering not
only that the government ought to be
long to you, but that if you only 'hump'
yourselves It will belong to you. Be
cause,' just between you and me, recently
it hasn't belonged to you. At least you
have not been running It, you have been
standing off and seeing it run. S
"I don't mean by this to stir up passion
or feeling. I simply mean that wc must
get together again. We must draw aR
men into conference. This is what I am
Interested in; and the reason X said X was
Interested in you more than you are in
me is that I know the strength of a pub
lic man Is in proportion to those men
who are fathered with him."
The governor also Was greeted by a
large throng at Harrlsburg, where he
stoppe only a short time on his way to
William j G. eve. ..
Rumor That Missing ,
Gunmen Will Testify
for Becker Defense
NEW. YORK. Aug. 28. It was learned
today that lawyers for Police Lieutenant
Becker will endeavor at his trial to show
that Herman Rosenthal was killed In a
gamblers' row and that the assassins to shift the responsibility for the
killing on Becker. f
District Attorney Whitman tried to
trace Information that the whereabouts
of the much wanted gunmen, "Lefty
Louie" Rosenwelg and Harry Harrowlts.
alias "Gyp the Blood," was known to
certain members of the police depart
ment. . ; ,'
Report had it that these two men will
be kept in hiding until the trial and will
then be brought forward as witnesses
for the defense to swear that Rosenthal
was slain in a gamblers' feud and that
Rose, Webbtfr and Vallon themselves took
part' In tho killing.
The stand' Jury was prepared to con
vene again today to hear evidence of po
lice corruption. 4
IOWA FALLS, la., Aug. 2.-The sec
ond and third squadrons of the Sixth
United States cavalry reached this point
today after marching twenty miles from
Hampton. The troops now have 4 com
pleted 2S2.S miles of their 338-mile march
from Camp McCoy, Wis., to Fort Des
Moines, la., which is their post This
distance has been covered in twelve
marching days, which makes twenty-one
miles a day.
CHICAGO, Aug. 29.-Ten thousand union
street car men began voting today to
decide whether to accept the ta00,C00 an
nual Increase in wages contained in the
agreement reached between their officers
and officials ot the employing companies.
Balloting will continue until tomorrow
morning. Rejection of the new wage scale
will put the matter up to a board of arbi
trate n for settlement '
State of California
Swindled Out of Big
Amounts by Shippers
SAN FRANCISCO,". Aug. 29,-Slxty
thousand dollars a year are being stolen
from the state of California by prominent
shipptng men s sound San Francisco Bay,
according to the finding of investigators
and Daniel Ryan, attorney for the State
Board of Harbor Commissioners, an
nounced last night that civil and criminal
proceedings are contemplated. The cases
are said to resemble the sugar weighing
frauds in the east
Blanks provided by the state to show
tonnage on which to bass harbor dues,
have been filled In by clerks and agents
of the shippers Involved so as to show,
according to Ryan, much less tonnage of
merchandise than the real amount
handled. One company Involved, it is
said tonight, has already made restitu
tion to the state and a general scramble
by others to do likewise Is expected. The
frauds were proven by checking the ton
nage statements against various ships'
manifest. ' J ';. jVr , " ;, t
Certain .lumbermen, are credited .with
causing loss to the stats by discharging
cargoes partly here and partly at Oak
land, across the bay. This makes it hard
to check lip on the total amount and col
lect the full fee of I cents a ton.
Petition for Release
of Mrs, McMahon
Denied by Court
YANKTON, 8. D., Aug. 26,-(peclal.)-Judge
R. B. Tripp, after a hard fought
hearing, has denied the petition of Mrs.
Nellie McMahon for freedom from the
state' hospital for insane, on the grounds
of now being sane. Mrs. McMahon shot
and killed her husband's law partner,
Attorney Thomas of Sturgis. She put up
the defense of Insanity and was acquitted
by the Jury that tried her. This Is the
third attempt made by Mrs. McMahon
to regain her liberty. The mental experts
agreed her mental state was abnormal
and Mrs. McMahon a dangerous person
to allow at large. Attorney General Royal
Johnson represented the hospital and Hs
superintendent In the case. '
John Rlfenbark and Miss Edna Bowers,
both well known Yankton people, were
married here Tuesday evening.
W. H. Fallon, In the government
weather bureau, arrived here from
Modena, Utah, to relieve the present in
cumbent of the office, Dr. Cole, who has
been transferred to Reno, Nsv.
Eight Saws Found
in Tombs Prison
NEW YORK, Aug. 29.-A Jail delivery
from the" Tombs prison, where Police
Lieutenant Becker la awaiting trial on a
charge of murdering Herman Rosenthal,
the gambler, was frustrated, it. was
learned today, by the accidental falling of
a steel saw on the floor of a cell. The
rlpg of the metal on the stone flooring
reached the ear of a guard In the cor
ridor, who - started an Investigation,
which led to the finding of eight finely
tempered saws and a bottle of muriatic
add. The saws were distributed In two
cells occupied by four prisoners, neither
of which, however, was in the immediate
vicinity of the cell occupied by 'Lieutenant
LONDON, Aug. 29.-A double accident
occured to Claude Grahame-White, the
noted British aviator, and his wife while
flying last night from South-End-On-Sea
to Clacton, on the east coast
A defect In the motor of their hydro
plane compelled them to descend to the
surface cf the water at Burnham. The
machine was sighted and taken In tow
by a yacht and Mr. and Mrs. Grahame-.
White were rescued and brought on board
the vessel. Soon afterward the yacht
went as iore on a shoal and could not be
got off until today.
Suirar Trut Mast Settle.
NEW ORLEANS, La,, Aug. 29. Under
valuation of sugar entries at this port
accredited to the American Sugar com
pany from 1901 to 1907 amounted to fl0S,&33,
according to figures announced today by
Collector of Customs Hebert If settle
ment is nut made it is said the matter
will be referred to the federal attorney
here for, action.
Four Men Indicted for Conspiracy at
Lawrence, Mass.
Charge Is Unlawfully Tranaportlns
Dynamite ' and Conspiracy to
Dlstrlbnte it Dnrlna- Tex
tile Strike.
BOSTON, Aug. , 29.-TWO secret Indict
ments were returned today by the Suf
folk county grand Jury in connection with
the alleged conspiracy to distribute dyna
mite in Lawrence during the textile strike
there last winter. One Indictment con
tained the name . of one man, and the
other named three men.
Dennis J. Collins, a Cambridge dog
fancier, was arrested after testifying be
fore the grand jury for about ten minutes
today. . .. .
The single Indictment ; was returned
against Collins,, who was charged with
unlawfully transporting dynamite on
January 10. He was arrested on a benoh
warrant and was held in fl.ECO for trial
Collins Is a friend, of John J, Breen, a
Lawrence undertaker, who was fined tSOO
last spring for disposing of dynamite to
certain perosns.
Mexican Rebel Chief
Threatens to Kill All
Americans in Sonora
DOUGLAS, Arts., Aug. 2.-Amer!cans
will be killed by rebels after September
16 IS the declaration brought here from
Colonel Emlllo P. Camps, a leader of
Orosco's rebel army, who, with 800 men
Is operating along the Southern Paolflo ot
Mexico, below Negates, Aria.
The word Is brought here by various
Americans, who declare they received it
directly from Campa. An only alternative
given by the rebel leader Is the resigna
tion of President Madero.
Based on a report received from Thomas
Holland, an ex-Arisona ranger and United
States customs officer, American Consul
Dye ot Agua Prleta, Mexico, today wired
the State department at Washington that
Campa declares the stats of Sonora will
be devastated unless ths Mexican presl
dent resigns.
Kiowa Squaw Left to
Starve is Not Widow
of General Houston
LAWTON, Okl., Aug. .-A report of
the condition of Melissa " Houston, a
Kiowa squaw, sent from here last night
stated that once she was the wife of
General Sam Houston, first president of
the republic of Texaa This proves to be
Deserted and an outcast from her tribe,
Melissa Houston, a full-blood Kiowa,
has been left alone to die of hunger and
neglect In her weather-beaten tepee, three
miles from Andarko.
Mrs. Houston Is llf years old and
blind. It has long been the custom of the
Kiowa and Comanche Indians to aban
don their old people to fate.
Warren County Suffers Damage to:
Extent of Thousands of Dollars
as Result.
Streams Overflow, Forcing Families
to leave Homes.
Scores of Barns Struck and Fire Adds
Terror to Storm.
New York Sculptor
Dies in Seattle
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 29.-LouIs Pot
ter, the New Tork sculptor, died here to.
day while undergoing treatment by a
Chinese physician for a minor skin dis.
ease of long standing. Mr. hotter came
here ten days ago on a tour of the west
The exact cauof his death has not been
determined. The' coroner is conducting
an Investigation.
TOPEKA, Kan.. Aug. 29. Mrs. Walls
Lonsberry, the, wife of ths Union Paclflo
train robber, arrived here today with her
two children from their Oregon home, to
see her wounded husband. Although
sbe had not slept for forty-eight hours
and was on the verge of hysterics when
she reached the hospital, Mrs. Louni
berry walked straight to her husband's
cot and greeted him with a smile and a
kiss. Shs remained at the hospital an
hour and then went to a hotel for a
much needed rest
Houses are Wrecked by the Wind
and Score of Barns are Strnck
By Ltchtnlngi and
LEBANON, O., Aug. 2.-Hundreds ot
persons are homeless today as a result of
the terrlto wind and rainstorm that swept
this place last night Although no lives
were lost, damage to property will amount
to thousands of dollars. Houses were
wrecked by wind and a score ot barns
burned after being struck by lightning.
Famines living aiong me norm bhimi
of Turtle creek were forced to abandon
their homes when the creek overflowed
Its banks and flooded the country.
Reports reached here today that farm
ers suffered a heavy loss of live stock
throughout Warren county. . .
More Damaare In England. '
LONDON, Aug. 28.-Wlth the renewal,
of communication comes reports of In
calculable damage caused by floods in
all the eastern counties, though nowhere
Is the situation so serious as that of
Norwich, where a considerable portion"
of the city will have to be rebuilt
In Norfolk eighty bridges' were
washed down and soores of villages are
cut off from the outside world. Peters-1
borough became an island city. The
Ipswich, King's Lynn. Nottingham,
Spalding, Leicester and fftamf ord dls
trlcts all were seriously affected.
Fortunately there were few fatalities."
Tonight's weather forecast indicated a
renewal of the rains.
HAVANA, Aug. J9.-Great Indignation
in American and foreign circles was
caused today by the release again of,
Enrique Masa, r , the ? newspaper man
charged with assaulting Hugh 8. Gibson,
the American charge d'affaires. The Judge
ft. klM mi hall Hi ISM. tha loWMt
amount demanded even in a case ot com-,
non assault ' ' : '"'-
This was dons In spite of the fact that,
Mr. Gibson , had been informed by the
court that no bail would be allowed and
that the accused would be kept In Jail. ;
Mr. Glgson Intended today. In accord- :
anoe with his Instructions from Wash
ington to lodge a most vigorous protest
and to demand severe punshment to his
assailant '
During the morning of the day he
assaulted Mr. Gibson, Masa went to a
fencing school and practiced for an hour'
with the sabre, telling the fencing'
master he Intended to do somethng that
would provoke a duel.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 2.-John Want
maker, merchant and former postmaster
general, is reported ill at his son's home
In Atlantic City.. At Mr. Wanamaker's
store it was said that he had been ill
with a cold for two weeks and confined
to his room, but was better. Positive de
nial wu mnde of a story that he had
undergone an operation ' for bladder
From another source It was learned
that Mr. Wanamaker is suffering from a
nervous breakdown and two weeks ago
in KlnAA ttiAn Yim Ann.
TV or. ivudi; .... .... - "
dltion has Improved and he was reported
"doing nicely" today.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 29.-Emphatlc de
mands upon the Panama government to
control the Panama police and put
an end to the gross brutality with which
Americans, soldiers, sailors and civilians,
have been treated, have been issued by
the American State department It was in
the execution of these orders that Amer
ican Minister Dodge yesterday demanded
th mmnvnl of the ' chief ot police.
Quljano, and Police Captain Delaosss,
LOS ANGELES. Aug. 29. Thirteen
Mexican fire fighters were rescued in
pitiable condition today from Devil's can
yon, where they had been hemmed In
since Monday morning wtlhout food or
water by the flames that are sweeping
through ths brush on the San Gabriel
range. With good care they, have a fair
chance of recovery.
There is nothing that
can be advertised that
cannot be , advertised
with profit in The Bee
classified section.
This is a good thought
to ponder a while.
."" Tyler 1000.