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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1912)
THE BEE: OMAHA,' THUKSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1912. ( BRIEF CITY NEWS lighting rUtnref--Buir..i-(JraBd Ca Hv. oot FrUt It Now Beacon Press. Freabrtsriaa Kupiw, i:o s. 10th St Bailey ths Dentist, City Nat D. tiH Omaha Plating Co EUUb. 1S59. D.25J. , 8UokTIconr Co, nth and Hirn.y undertaker, embalmers. Douglas SSI. We hare guaraateeA eleetrle Lrom lot R.98. Wolfe filectric Cu.. 1S10 ram am. Mrs. GMttitb. Aska XHvoxee Mrs. Msj Griffith has started suit for divorce tgalnst Andrew W. Griffith. Wanted, Bey Must La over 18 years of ace, bright and Intelligent. Apply Ad vertising Manager of The Bee. Overheated Store Cauaes JTre Fire caused by an overheated stove caused $100 damage to the home of Mrs. Anna Mitchell, lfill Casteilar street, early yes terday morning. Bcg-Uf Cleaner Gets Olothee Assert ing he as an employee of a cleaning concern a young man secured at the Welrick home, 216S Chicago street, clothes valued at 50. Mrs. Welrick, believing her husband had sent the man out for the clothes gave them to him. One Hijrh School Student to Harvard Milton Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Petersen, 2S0S Bristol street, .will enter Harvard university next month. Petersen is the only graduate of the class of 1912 of the Omaha High school wha has enrolled at the Cambridge school. Henry George Banquet Followers of Henry George will celebrate hla birthday with a big dinner at the Rome hotel Mon day night An effort is being made to secure several prominent out-of-town speakers. Local speakers will be numer ous on the oratorical program. Hugh Frltefcard Insolvent Hugh R. Prltchard, a South Omaha live stock man, has filed a debtors' petition In bankruptcy in federal court. His debts are listed as $3,090, all of which comes under the clasai. ficatlon of unsecured claims. His assets are $327, of which $227 is listed as houso hold goods. Big Bear to Be Killed Hutt.tlrd, the big black bear at Rlvervlew park, la under sentence of death and will be killed by city officials. The bear has displayed symptons of an Incurable disease, has refused to eat and his body Is covered with sores. He Is the mascot of the Nebraska Lumbermen's association. Patrolman Suspended Patrolman Ike Bellman -has been suspended by Police Commissioner Ryder, for conduct unbe coming an officer . In connection witn the riot at Neilsen'B park Sunday. Bell man may be compelled to appear befor the council, sitting as a Fire and Police board, and explain his Action before he is reinstated. movement ol Ocean Steamers. Port. ixtiyti. , Ballad. " LIVERPOOL CampaeHo. ...... Carman!. UVHilPOOL. MaureUnla.. LONDON Mtnn.tonU DOVER. i Flnlanl JtOKMCAUX Loulalana SHERBOURfl... K. P. Wiluelm. GBLVUA. lUurl. KAPDES gtnt Anna. SANTOS Workman. FUNTA ARENAS Cr. of Otltcl. NPTW YORK K. W. 4r OrowK. Anutcrdam NEW YORK K. Wllbelm II BOSTON Arabic. ANTWERP Finland... BALTIMORE! Ifeckar RED MIKE IS0N DEFENSIVE Judge Troup Uphold Dignity of the Court in Ruling in Wallace Case. EVIDENCE WILL BE OFFERED It la Now Vo to County Comniiaaloa er to Preeeat Fort o Snow that UcSfcaae'a Appointee la Sot fit for SerTlce. Basing his ruling upon the inherent right of a court to refuse affirmative as sistance when an unfit man is seeking to establish himself in office as an officer of the court, Judge A. O. Troup of the equity division of the district Oiurt yes terday overruled 'Red Mllie" Wal lace's demurrer to the answer of the Board of County Cowinissloners in Wal lace's suit to force the board ta approve hla bond a deputy sheriff. Judge Troup's ruling places Wallace on the defensive, forcing him to refute the charges of immorality made against hint by the county board or else give up the fight to establish himself as a sheriffs deputy. Hearing of the ease on its merits was set for next Tuesday morning, at which time the Board of County Commissioners will offer evidence. in support of their charges that Wallace Is unfit for service. The statement made by Judge Troup on Tuesday when ho took the matter of demurrer under advisement indicates his view of the case. Grotte Saves Money on City's Supplies City Purchasing Agent Grotte says he la Baving at least $180 per year on the cost of glass globes for the gas lights. These globes have heretofore been pur chased in New Tork. Grotte is purchas ing them here at $3 a dosen less than has formerly been paid. About sixty dozen are used each year. ' Orotte has authorised the manufacture of street sweeping brooms in Commis sioner Kugel's shop and these are being made at a cost of less than $36 per doxen. The price formerly paid for these was $100 per dozen. ' "We are not only making them at a third the cost." said Orotte, "but they are much better than what has bean used." ' Connterfelt Pollers buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys Dr. King's New Life Pills; for wnstipa tlon, malaria, headache and jaundice, l-'or ale by Beaton Drug Co. Miinroe Finds West in Fine Condition Vice President Munroe of the Union Pacific is back from an extended trip to the Pacific coast country. On every hand he noted evidence of prosperity. In all of the cities much building is being done and at no place did he find the business stagnation that usually accompanies a presidential campaign. According to Mr. Munroe' the entire section west of the mountains is harvest ing the best crop in years and as prices are high farmers are abundantly suppUed with money. The fruit yield Is fully up to the normal and regardless of the growth of the industry in the south the ship ments to the east this year are fully up to the average of former years. Mortgage Loan Co, Highly Praised by Bankers' New Head George F. Sawyer. wh yesterday wa elected president of the Nebraska Bank er's association, is one of the moat pop ular of Nebraska bankers. He Is presi dent of the Saline county bank at West ern, one of the most prosperous of the state's smaller institutions. He Is recog nized as one of the leading authorities In the state on banking matters, and hi election to the highest office in the gift of the Bankers' association is taken as an excellent testimonial of the esteem In which he is held by the financiers of this state, Mr. Sawyer Is one of the many Ne braska bankers who are Interested In 'the Bankers' Mortgago Loan company, rh!.;h U a new Nebraska Institution with offices in the Bee building. It has an authorised capital of $.000,000. F. Mc Givcrlnt whom Mr. Sawyer succeeded as president, is vice-president of the Bank ers Mortgage Lean company. More than 800 Nebraska bankers are stockholders of this new company, which is one of the strongest Institutions of its kind in the west Soon after he was selected to head the bankers of this state, Mr. Sawyer had a long conversation with W. E. Farlow, one of the directors of the Bankers' Mort gage Loan company. He purchased a large block of stock and informed M. Farlow of his high opinion of the com pany. He said that he had intended to become a stockholder in this company had Intended to do so for some time and that he was sorry he had not joined the group of bankers in thla work before. The company, in his opinion, was one of the best institutions that could be sup ported In the state. He looked upon It as first aid to the farmers. He also saw In It a brlrht future, a future in which it would do wonders for the farm ers who often need money and need it quick. He thought the Bankers' Mort gage Loan company would prevent ant money stringency among the Nebraska farmers in the future and that it would keep them supplied with funds for im proving their farms from time to time, and giving Nebraska better farms, and with better farms, greater . prosperity, Mr. Sawyer could not praise the Bank ers' Mortgage Loan company In too high terms In his conversation with Mr. Far low, and he promised, voluntarily, that he would spread the facts about the sol idity and great usefulness of the com pany. Mr. Sawyer has been a prosperous banker of Western for many years. He is one of the oldest settlers of Saline county, and went there forty years ago and became a homesteader. He is known by bankers and citizens all through his section of the state, and Is regarded as one of the leading bankers of the middle west His years of residence in Saline county have brought him Into prominent play in many ways in the state. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. v Doable Traffedy at Ottnmwa. OTTUMWA, la., Aug. 28. Because his wife would not return and live with him James W. Wales shot her twice with a revolver today and then turned the gun on himself, dying instantly. Mrs. Wales probably will live. The couple had beei separated for three years. By MELLIFICIA. Omaha, August 28. VEN CASUAL observers of changes among the social striders nave I noticed the defection of those people who formerly were ac J " customed to eating dinners at the clubs. They now are motoring 11 . out to the farm houses and nearby, towns where hotels make a specialty of old-fashioned chicken dinner, 1 have been there myself and find the chicken dinners are Just as good as mother ever made. I am really getting the habit of doing this very thing, and every week, on more than one occasion, I find myself being motored out to the villages for a good chicken dinner. The cooks at most of these nearby town hotels seem to hare mastered the culinary art, at least they hare achieved success in so far as cooking the chicken Is concerned. Some of the fried chicken is Just so delicious that I have been tempted to eat more than was good for me. Others whom I have observed have really eaten more than they should. Among the favorite retreats for these dinners are Louisville, Millard, Blair, Calhoun and other neighboring towns. 'Phone messages a short time before the automobile party starts will have the dinner ready to serve when the motor cars chug up to the hotel. Sigma Uu Banquet. Tire alumni chapter of Sigma Nu fra ternity held one .of its enjoyable banquets with the active men Monday evening at the Hotel Loyal. Several toasts were re sponded to by the older men and numer ous stories of college life retold. The younger set finished the evening by giv ing a few "freshmen" stunts as done by their chapters. Those present were: Messrs. H. W. Haviland. R. M. Parkinson, E. 11 Carse, George Armstrong, C. J. Lord, C. M. Aldrich, L. R. Wood, F. J. Jumper, C. M. Searie, , V. R. Bacon, Guy Van tuoyoc, W. L. Randall, A. A. Dcbson of Llnooin, O. L. Brace of Lincoln, Messrs. E. . McKee of Lincoln, F. K. Dinsmore of Lincoln, G. A. Spooner of Council Bluffs, T. S. Rlsser of Council Bluffs, E. P. Snyder of Council Bluffs, K. M. Snyder of Council Bluffs, C. A. Empkle of Council Bluffs, C. B. Peery of Auburn, Neb. Surprise Party. - A surprise party was given in honor of Miss Anna Liljegren, 2386 South Nine teenth street, Tuesday. y Miss Lola Wallace. Those present were: Misses Zelma Overman, Genivleve Boyer, Lola Wallace, Anna Liljegren. Messrs. Albert Swanson, Jack Nlblock, Clyde Forney, Otto Pankratz, N. A. Nelson. Misses Olga Miller, Inga Miller, Florence Erlckson, Helen Henderson, - Messrs. Thompson, Gilbert Liljegren, 1. F. Jensen, Norton Liljegren, ' GanettFelt, C. H. Meek. , At the Field Club.; . Mrs..- J. D. Foster will entertain at luncheon Thvr a Field club In honor of her niece. Miss Zadelle Smith of Los Angeles, Col. Enet attaining at dinner last evening were J. D. Foster, who had fourteen guMts; C. E. Hutchinson, four; D. V. Sboles, four; Dr. B. A. McDermott, four; A. D. Smith, six; F. N. Hoyt, eight; Fred Metz, nine; Frank Walters, four; E. C. Twamley, ten; F. S. Carlisle, four; Dr. G. A.' Young, ten. Wins Silver Loving Cup. : ' . Mrs. Ben Cotton was the fortunate win ner of the auction bridge tournament given Tueeday bjr Mrs. Jerome Magee Mrs. Cotton was presented with a silver cup. Entertains at a Soil Party. Little Miss Anna Ruth Cooper enter tained a number of her little friends at a doll party Tuesday .ifurnwn at her home on South Thirty-first street. Fol lowing luncheon the children, went to Hanscorn park, where they played games. Each of tho little girls brought their dolls and there was a doll parade. Those present were: Little Misses: 1 Little Mlsies: Ruth Emory. Martha Stoii . Frances McKcy, " Regina Creiner Gertrude Jimphell. Eunice Kingston. Marie Hansen. Anna Ruth Mary Finney Cooper, Marguerite Hansen, Masters Preston Coope-. Jr. Masters- Howard Finney, Hopping-Watson Wedding. A pretty home wedding was celebrated Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watson, when their daughter Esther became the bride of Mr. Charles P. Hopping of this city, only im mediate relatives attending. Rev. E. B. Crawford of the Hanscorn Park Metho dist Episcopal church officiated. After October 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hopping will be at home at 300 South Twenty-sixth avenue. 1 . Picnic Party. ' - Mrs. Bessie Mlddleton gave a picnic for her pupils at Krug park, about 128 being present at .'dinner. Games and dancing was enjoyed. Thirty guests were from Bennington. For the Future. t Mr. and Mrs, Martin F. Reum will en tertain ' Informally this evening at their home In honor, of their guests, Henry Arden and Arthur Reum of Chi cago,; At Seymour Lake Country Club. Owing to the Elks' Clam Bake at the club, Friday, the regular dinner dance will be changed from Friday to Satur day this eeelc - , Miss Nell Ensor entertained at a bridge luncheon Tuesday at the club. Those present were: Mesdames Mesdame A. I. Lott. ir.: George Paddock, R. E. Bchlndel, Harry Trimble. Cora Bulla, L. M. Lord, Fred Towle, , Misses Misses . A 111 Powell. Eunice Enaot Hortense Eada, Enjoyable Travelogue Party. An enjoyable travelogue party was given Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Barker in honor of Miss Manse Taylor of St. Louis, formerly of Omaha, and for .Miss Louise Hllllgann of St. Louis, who are returning from a trip to Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin assisted and stereoptlcan pictures, hand colored, and moving pictures were given of Eng land, Scotland, Wales and Germany. The British Isle pictures were Imported and just received last week and were unusu ally Interesting. Those present were: Mesdames Mesdames Charles Marsh, Van Kuren. Misses Misses Nye, Adelyn Wood, Callle McConnell, Manse Taylor, Anna Downs, Louise Hllllgann. Messrs Messrs Andreeson, Frederick McConnell Royal Comstock. W. Farnam Smith. J. Laurie Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Hayward. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hayward. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Harrlman. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott. At the Country Club. The largest dinner party at the Coun try club last evening was given by Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis, who had fourteen guests. Mr. and , Mrs. Harry Doorly had covers placed for four; Lawrence Brinker, five; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tost, six, ana Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conneil, five. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mrs. F. B. King will return September 14 from the east. Adolph Meyer is spending his .vacation at Prior Lake, Minn. Miss Hlbbard, who Is at Prior Lake, Minn., will return Sunday and will be at the- Colonial hotel. C. H. Kramer leaves for Buffalo to day, where he will make his future home. Miss Bertha Newman has arrived from Europe to make her home with her father, Mr. M. Newman. . .. Mrs. Frank Benbow and children have returned from a six weeks' visit with relatives at Goldfleld, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, who have been spending a few weeks at Cherokee Park, Colo., are expected home Sunday. Mrs. Edwin Morrison and little daughter are spending the week visiting Mr. Mor rison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. ' P. Tukey, Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Diggs of New Iberia, La., formerly of Omaha, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Isltt. Mrs. Diggs and daughter, Catherine, have gone to Crelghton to visit. Misses Helen and Marjorie Alexander, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Alexander, leave Thursday for Atlantic, la., to spend a few days with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Mai com Alexander. Personal Gossip. Mrs. Benjamin Bank of Butte, Mont., formerly of Omaha, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Robinson, 618 North Twen tieth street . Mr. Joseph Vale of Vllllsca, la., la the guest of his sister, Mrs. S. C. Lowry, who ia seriously ill at her home. Threshing Resumed All Over the State Threshing has been resumed in Ne braska since the rains and wheat has started to move. The Omaha elevators, which were pretty well cleaned out dur ing the lull in threshing, are rapidly fill ing up. Having about emptied the ele vators and the warehouses of the atato railroad men are not looking for the con gestion that oi -cur red early this month, It is figured, too, that deliveries for September 1 having bean about completed there will not be a rush of grain that will tax the ' carrying capacity of the roads for several weeks at loan. BOOTH MEMORIAL ON SUNDAY Special Services Will Be Conducted at 1711 Davenport Street. TRIBUTE TO BE WORLD-WIDE Services W ill Alao He Held Kanday Afternoon la Seandlaavlaa .manages at Twenty Third and fnminic. ACCUSED OFMTTLE THEFTS South Dakotan is Arrested at South Omaha Union Stock Yards. OFFICERS ARE COMING FOR HIM Loafs Krlckaon of Starsrls Sells a Bunch of Cattle, Claiming Some DrlooKed to Him and Some to 111 Neighbors. Louis Erlckson was arrested In the Union stock yards yesterday by Po lice Captain John Dworak and Deputy Sheriff Haupman of South Omaha upon Information received from the sheriff of Sturgls, 8. D., charging Erickson with the theft of thirty-one head of cattle. Erlckson came Into South Omaha with the cattle and sold the same at the yards. He assered three head of the cattle be longed to him, some to his sister and the rest to his neighbors. But the sheriff of Sturgls alleged that the cattle were stolen by Erlckson. Officers from Sturgls will come to take Erlckson back. Memorial services for the late General William Booth, founder cf tue 5alvatlon Army, will be held Sunday niglit at 1711 Davenport street. At S o'efcok In the afternoon services will be held In ' the I Scandinavian languages at Twenty-third and Cuming atreets. The services will be held simultaneously with those In all part of the country. Everywhere they will be the same. A book has been Issued and sent to alt the Institutions in the world containing the songs, prayers and scripture readings which are to be used. At present the local officers have not decided what Omaha ministers will take part In the service. Several of them have offered to make short addresses, but only two are needed. Mayor DaW man will .ilso be asked to make a short address- The services consist of nine hymns, solos, prayers and scripture read ings, and two addresses. Forfeited Bonds Not Good Unless Complaint is Filed Corporation Counsel Baker, answering Police Judge Foster's request for an opinion, holds that the city cannot for feit bonds for nonappearance when no complaint is filed against the person ar rested. It has been the police court practice to hold men and women arrested under cash bonds for appearance for trial, but fre quently no complaint is made, although the bonds have been invariably forfeited and have gone to replenish the police re lief fund. Judge Baiter holds that not only can the person arrested recover the amount of the bond whether he appeara or not, but such bond money heretofore for feited cau now be recovered. At a rough estimate the money secured In this manner will approximate (1,000 a month. An average of thirty arrests are made daily and a small percentage of these forfeit their bonds through non appearance, although no complaints are filed against them. Water Board Hires Expert Engineers to Inspect Plant Three consulting engineers M. L. Hol man of St. Louis, Wynkoop Klerstead of Kansas City and Prof. O. V. P. Stout of the University of Nebraska have been hired by the Water board to go over con templated extensions and Improvements and report on the necessity of such Im provements. Mr. Holman was for eight years con sulting engineer of the St Louis water board and is past president of the Amer ican Association of Engineers. Mr. Kler stead is the chief engineer of the Kansas City water board. Prof. Stout Is head of the department of engineering of the University of Nebraska. They will report Thursday, detailing what ought to be done and what ought td be left undone. They have been going over the entire plant in detail and their report, Water Commissioner Howell says, will be all-comprehensive. NEGRO IS FOUND DEAD- ALC0H0USM IS CAUSE Alcoholism probably caused the death of John H. Hale, colored, living at 419 North Thirteenth street. His body was found In his Wednesday by Robert Mor rison, another colored man. The cor oner took charge oi the body but does not believe that It will be necessary to hold an inquest. Hale had been drinking heavily of late and it seems very evident that alcoholism caused his death. Key to the Situation-ties Advertising. Blf' Returns. Now You can keep the water-closet bowls as white as new wani-Hush Cleans Water-Closet Bowls Dot th work without mny Saw mr anpltuantntt. Yob don't ntod to touch tho bowl prdtp out tho uxtter no scaur big. Sani'Ftath urili mot injsr tho plumbing at ncidt do. It't m porfoct dioutfoetant mnj doodormnt. 20 ctntt a en ct yevr gic cor'o or druggitt't. A WOMAN'S GOOD LOOKS - Depend on her general health and freedom from pais. Many a womea looks old before ber time because o( those irreguUritiee which are essentially iemkiiae. Starting from early womanhood, ihe suffers from frequently recurring derangements that upeet her womanly health. If she be beautiful she grows orto that ntdloir age without wrinkles and crowfeet about the eyes or the blue circles underneath. It is invariably tho rule that such women safer little, or not at all, from womanly derangements which sap the health and leave in the face the tell-tale story of pin and suffering. Dr.R.V. Pieree.the famous specialist in the diseases of women, found presoriptioa ia his early practice that soothed the organism peculiar to woman hoodoiled the machinery, as it were, of the human system asd helped the woman to pass those painful periods that sear-lined and aged her face. This remedy became the well-known Dr. fierce l Favorite Prescription, that nas benefited thousands of wesnen and saved them from misery ' and suffering at different periods in life. lfsa. Baroxt B. Pnucs. of SU Brktht Street, BarnkwOrrt, writes : "I an bow wall mn after mffarin for these years and Uetarinc wtth mtctI iHffarantdoetan, each era Mrias it was somomlst differ eat. and the laatona, after uttma' aae throug ha tban-if h uammatimv mid 1 m soffarktsT ftm a growth, wtiieh. ia time, would raralt in I cancer, and mid I wwM not live more than two yean if not oper ated nan rich away. I saoamo hopelessly dieoeurared bat woaW not CMtnt to the operation as I was too weak and too much afraid, ant at att, ttarai-n tho ad Tiro of a friend. I tried Dr. Pioreo's medicines, and after nsina; too bottle of the 'Favorite Presrriptioa ' I Immediately felt a chrnjr. I aim naod two boxes of Healinr Suppositories ' and eif ht hexes of 'Loaoa Tablets,' and can safely praise the Damn of Dr. Pierce's i mitotan ,to all who suffar from any female disease, for these' aieditinM are all tner are claimed to ba, and 1 hope will holp others aa Uas. rrcaCB. thay have helped ma." . - I V mil4 PgKggfffgffigmammmmta; D new fj SERUAT 801 ervice ON LUNCH COUNTER CARS MAY BE PUT ON OMAHA ROADS The lunch counter cars have proved such a success on the Southern Pacific lines in California that It Is anticipated they will be placed on trains east of the mountains shortly. Probably on the Union Pacific, Burlington and North western. Most of the Omaha roads have plana of the lastest approved lunch cars. These plans show a small kitchen in one end ot ! the car and a counter, with high stools along one side. On the other side of the car Is a row of tables, each large enough to accommodate two persons. . jf. iwrwfi Women who bear children tnd ro main healthy are those who prepare their systems In advance of baby's coming. Unless the mother aids nature in Its pre-natal work the crisis finds her system unequal to the de mands made upon It, and she is often left with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy 1b so truly a Help to nature as Mother's Friend, and no expectant mother should fall to use it It relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the ligaments, makes pliant and elas tic those fibres and muscles which nature is expanding, prevents numb ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam mation of breast glands. The system being thus prepared by Mother's Friend dispels the fear that the crisis may not be safely met Mother's Friend assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she Is left a healthy woman to enjoy the rearing, of her , . , , ISu i.MK Kotberis drug stores. Write for our free book for expect ant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. I IIaDFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlesta, Co, NIGHT TRAIN to KANSAS CITY VIA THE Missouri Pacific Leave Omaha ....11:15 p. m. . Arrive Kansas City 7:10 a. m. New Fast Daily Train To Kansas City Leave Omaha 10:4A n. ro. Arrive Kansas City 8:80 p. m. 'Modern equipment. Drawing. Room Sleeping Car, Chair Car, and our own unsurpassed Dining Car Service (meals a la carte). ALSO , Leave Omaha ............. .8:0(1 a. m. Arrive Kansas City .4:00 p. m. Latest patterns of Coaches. Chair Cars. Making all stops. All above trains make direct connections in Kansas City with Missouri Pacific trains-South and West. Better TrackBetter Service The route of this new service is along the Missouri River for a large part of the way, thus affording a moat enjoyable, picturesque daylight trip. - . For reservations and any Information, phone or see a TOM HUGHES, Trav. Pass. Agt., 142S Farnam St. THOfJ. F. GODFREY, Pass, and Ticket Agt. Phone Doug. 104. IT Free land information You can learn the facts about any section of the country through The Twentieth Cen tury Farmer's Freo Land Information Bureau, which is maintained for the benefit of our readers. Climatic conditions, land laws, best lands for any particular crop, best sections for fruit growing, stock raising and general fanning all such facts may be had if you will simply send postage for reply, and address , - Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Omaha Nebraska. Offer 100,000 farm families rseef ft. lim N White Town Cars the advantages of the White electrical starting and lighting system, together with the logical left-side drive-an exclusive White combination-is more apparent than ever before. f To the woman who drives, the Coupe offers the simple control and safety of the electric, coupled with the flexible speed and touring radius of the gasoline roadster. fln the Berline Limousine, a folding partition behind the driving seat allows the owner, when he chooses to operate his car, to remain in the same luxurious interior with his family and guests. Cf White Town Cars are beautifully finished and appointed to the last detail; and are the choice of motor coach connoisseurs every where. 2503 Farnam Street. j Phone Doug. 3301: VEPelton i V