Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tim; aim: umaha, murusuA, auuust j, mi
bSWIIbSSSSSSJSbsmissPbV Brf T' iniVi mm
You'd enjoy the operation of unpacking going on daily
one day it's daintiest of caps and bonnets-next day e.
quisite little coats-then cunning little shoes and so on with
the pretty dresses and novelties.
Chidlren'i Bonnets.
Poke Bonnets-White Silks, Col-
I in I- i
Chicago Banker Tells State Associa-
tion Nation Needs It.
Children's Coats, 2 to 0 Year.
Plushes, Zebeltnes, Cheviots, Chin
chillas and' Broadcloths,' in many
new shades; at f 12.50, $7.50,
$6.50 and -S5.00
Infants Short Coats, white Serges
and Corduroys, at $7.50, $5.00
nd . . . . i ... t- S3.95
Infants' Long Coats of Corduroy,
Bedford Cord, , Crepella' and
Cashmere,- priced at $7.50, $5.00,
$3.95, $2.50 and;. . . . .1.50
Night 'Gowns, Night ' Drawers,
Flannel Skirts, Vests and Bands.
jtork Diapers, knitted Diapers ;
Medicated Paper i Diapers,, in
sealed packets, packet . . . -23c
it's a Pleasure to Show These Goods.
ored Velvets. Corduroys, Prushes
and Felts, at $5.00, $3.05, $2.75
and .. . . $1.50
Infants' Close Fitting Bonnets of
White Silk, up from 50
Stork Bibs. 10t nd" 60
Stork Pants s.t. 50o .
Stork Sheeting, per yard,
at., ...... $1.00 aad $1.50
Rubber Sheeting, yard, , .
atr.'........7W 81.00
Bird's-Eye Cotton, bolts of ten'
yards, per bolt. .$1.25 to $2
moved to the federal court on the ground
of diversity of citizenship and on. the
further ground that It involved a federal
question, namely the proper construction
of an' act of congress.
Numerous other members ' of the
Knights of Pythias are associated with
him n the present action. ;
Written hr Ignoramus, He peelareo,
Wfao Censurwo Present System
Without Offering Ar
Adequate Remedy.
Three statements made by "D. R. For-
gan, president ot the National City bank
of Chicago, ut tho annual banquet of
the Nebraska Bankers' association at
the Field club last night created passing
He characterized the plank of the pro- o11v .rnii vrv Jewtah voter in tha'a platform relative to a -im, , prominent in me nnanciai ana religious
moneUry law as one written by a "pro- The lectj0n of the rst permanent of- ,lf ot thB c'ty;
grosslvs ignoramus;' declared that me ftoer8 WM held last night and the fol-
List of Owners of Gambling Places
in New York Made Public.
District Attorney Will, t'se Infor
mation as Basis of Proceedings
' ex t Month to Expose
Police Graff!
Ahmey Club Selects -Governing
. An enthusiastic meeting - of the
"Ahmey" club was held last evening at
Continental hall, Fifteenth and Douglas
streets, at which were in attendance about
125 i-eDresenlatlve men of the Jewish com
munity. This is the nucleus of a body i " " !
which the organizers intend shall eventu- lne resor were cuucieQ. Among ir.e
oiiv .nrnii pverv Jewiah voter in tha names mentioned are those of many
NEW YORK, Aug. 28. -Police Commis
sioner Waldo made public tonight a list'
of places raided by the police as gam
bling resorts during the last year and the
t .. )'..-. .f TRt YDUS& PEOPLES
twu sroa E
'the line but the rebels showed such a
(hoUle front that lie was forced 'to turn
back. - . . -..x , ....
j ,' Corrlrk oi too Job.
' Mr. Corriok took up his duties aa man
laser of the campaign this morning., He
jsold: -" 7
I "My selection came at. the request of
the, national committee and was made
'beoauso of my close knowledge, of affairs
In Nebraska and because I was person
'ally in touch with the Roosevelt .sent!
iment throughout the state. - My worJt will
be" to look after the management of the
Koosevelt and' Jonhson campaign In' the
state, and while I am interested In see
ling the republican state ticket elected, I
wilt not be expected to take much of an
lactive part along that line."
, According to,' J." L." McBrlen," a leading
'member of the bull moose party, the
(selection of Mr. ,Corrlpk,'waa( made last
night because' the work" was piUng'up so
fast that something had to be done before
the meeting of .the state convention next
.week. .",.;.'.
. ... . . . . ...... . ? . j :
DETROIT, Mich., Aug. 28.-On the face
of incomplete .returns, which, however,
are considered fairly representative of the
(vote cast' In yesterday's -stateTlrlde prl
unaryr Amos r. Musselman of Grand Ra
pids appears to have defeated Secretary
'of State '-'Fred C. Martlndale by several
.thousand Votes for the republican nomi
nation, for governor.
Every coiforessman Who sought nomina
tion.' with the probable exception, of one
sd the bare possibility of two, .has been
successful. There was but oWbontest
Ifor norrVutlnn for United Btatea aenator
and AlfredLukliig of Detroit, democrat,
'is leading Gao'fgu P. Hummer of Holland.
Retifrntv partly complete" thtt mornlhg
show Mayor William B. Thompson lead
ing Justtce $t? J. leffrlei for "the mayor.
ally. ' All:ofthe" eighteen'' Detroit aider'.
,men accused of bribery ebught renoml
1 nition.1 Several we're victorious', it la"bs-
Unlted States naa.tne worst oanxing sy- iowlng were chosen:
tem of any country in tne worio, ana preSident. Henry Monsky: vice presl-
averred the country banker Is the cause dent, Arthur Rosenblum; secretary, Sam
of rnonif nanlcs J. Leon; treasurer, Harry A. Wolf; exec-
or money panics. i, .nnimitt ruvM w.rirnvHi Rim
Forgan was tne principal speaKer ai we RPng, WilMam Holzman. Jacob Sloaburg
banquet, delivering an address aimosi and Bamuet iansKe; sergeani-ai-arms.
dramatlo at wnva cn "The National R.- Jacob I-leb.
serve Association or tne unuea mates. , rn'11
"Our banking aystem is the worst n K.ftT10niinaie lllllllcill
At.. m.h.A "kaAanaa tar A hflVA
no banking system. Of the 26,000 odd 1T1 flflTnlma. HriTTiarV
banks in the United .fitatea there is not . O
& irrnuD in which there U any kind ot
relaUonshlp. In times of panlo they all COLUMBIA, 8. Aug. 28.-Returns
.nnrt and flrht. Our periodic panic from approximately two-thirds of the
precincts In. the state . shortly after 1
System Too Riieid. o'clock this , morning, rrom yesieroay a
There Is not another country In which I primaries showed that Governor Cole L.
bunks are forced to suspend because of Blease led in the race for the guber-
flnandal depression or even panic. It natorial nomination by nearly 1,600 votei
la for the reason that our banking sya- over, Ira B. Jones, former chief Justice
rtlaianro tiu heen covered in twelve Wis IS too ng'U. vnna inner cwuuum pi tne maie aiwreme uuurv. uij
mrchinir dava. which makes twenty-one we have no room for expansion or con- the figures showed Blease, 48,895; Jonei,
traction in our currency. ia ui umicu i (,tai; uuniau, x,v.
Ptates one currency dollar stands at an Indications were that United States
equal with one gold dollar, while In Ger- Senator Benjamin R. Tillman had been
many it takes three currency dollars to re-nominated over W. ' J. Talbert and
eaual one of gold.;' I K. B. Dial.
Mr. Forgan said the report of the
KEARNET, Neb., Aug. 28.-(8peclal xidrich monetary commission was. made
Telefram.) At the appointed hour set ajter f0Ur years of painstaking research
for the bull moose convention .f the by experts and that a national : reserve
miles a day.
Sixth congressional district, which was
t ohave been held In Kearney this aft
ernoon, but six' delegates responded to
the call, being those not having received
notification that the meeting was called
off until after the state convention at
Lincoln next week.
bank, which it proposed, waa the best
available rented) for our present er
roneous system. It ia similar, he said,
to the successful banking systems of
England, France and Germany.
'Tha reason many people are opposed
to It," he declared, "Is for no other rea-
Despondent Girl
Commits Suicide
Tentative plans were laid, however, for aon than that they dislike Senator Ald-
the formation of a county Roosevelt club I rich and believe nothing coming from
immediately , after the state gathering him cbuld be beneficial to anybody ex
with the avowed Intention of perfecting cept a certain Wall street clique. Those
a county machine that would mean the people have not read the bill. I'll ven-
placing of an opposing set of candidates
lit the field. ;
" SHELL LAKE, Wis.. Aug. 28,-Last
night's storm, which ragod over north
western Wisconsin, damaged farm prop,
erty and many villages to a large extant,
besides demoralising tha telephone and
telegraph service over a large territory.
ture that the progressive lgnoramous who
wrote the plank In the progressive party's
platform stating that tha present method
Of Issuing bank notes is wrong; that they
should be Issued by the United States
government, never read the report of the
Aldrich Mpnetary commission nor the
commission's bill. As a matter of fact
there is no country in the world except
tha United State where notes are issued
by the government. The progressive lg
noramous op.ns th! .Vdricn plan be-
Despondent over a love affair, Miss
Helen Rusman committed suicide Tues
day night at Bellevue by swallowing
carbolic acid. Her body was found this
morning In her room. She was 24 years
old and had been employed as a domes
tic In the home of Charles Helden. She
came from Fargo, 8. D. Coroner Arm
strong of Sarpy county ha taken charge
of the body. ,
The ' commissioner turned the list over
to the district attorney, who will use it
as a basis of the proposed John Doe pro
ceedings before Justice Gojf next month
by which It Is expected to expose police
corruption. ' Another list containing the
names of owners of disorderly houses
raided during the same period, June 1,
1311, to August 1, 1912, is being prepared by
Commissioner Waldo for the same pur
pose. - - .
Nearly 400 places are mentioned In the
gambling list, which, with the statistics
as to the raids mado upon them, covers
100 typewritten pages. The summoplng
of many of these owners as witnesses at
the John Doe proceedings is understood
to b part of the plan of the district .at
torney, in order to determine the respon
sibility of the owners in allowing their
property to be rented for gambling pur
poses, which is a misdemeanor.
Among the names of the owners Is that
of Sailors' Snug Harbor, a wealthy char
itable institution on Staten Island, the
Lorillard estate, of the Lorlllard family
of millionaire tobacco manufacturers,
and J. Edgar Leaycraft and Edgar J.
Teaycraft,Tboth prominent In Methodist
church and missionary work.
A notable feature of the list Is the
comparatively small number of convic
tions which followed the arrests made
at the raids, a ; large majority of the
prisoners having been discharged either
by the court or the grand Jury. In view
of testimony brought before the grand
Jury investigating the graft feature of
the Rosenthal murder case, that the
police often weakened their evidence
against gamblers' who had "come across"
after ttiey had been raided, It Is expected
that the district attorney will Investigate
the reason for the few convictions in the
proceedings before Justice Goff.
The William Astor estate1' appears" In
Commissioner Waldo's list as the owner
of two alleged gambling houses on West
Forty-third street, which were raided in
August and September of last year.
s 1
FORT MADISON, la.. Aug. 28.-Louis
Busche, the prison gardener,' died this
afternoon from the effects of drinking
wood alcohol
room of the
Ing religious
Issues Outlined in
penitentiary last Sunday dux- .First Day's Sessions
s service. Busche Is' th " ' ' J
At Spooner,' alx mile north, the storm
also did great domag. Several building hand, mt controned by th, government.
third convict to die within the last
cause, he says, it bands over the credit I twenty-four hours as the result ot drink
and currency of our country to private (ng wood alcohol.
An' investigation has been started by
prison officials. ' . ";"
Political Notes
were blown down, including the Chicago,
St. Paul, Minneapolis ft Omaha depot,
No lives were lost. :
Culls from the Wire
hand not controlled by the government
Six thousand' women paraded' the streets runnlna it. . J. P. Morgan could not bor
ot. Columbus. 0., advocatlne vote for MW. qllar, .from ,11, If k,he, put, up marked the appearance in Augusta, Me..
Aren't you bankers here the government;
you cttliens the government T In the pro
gressive platform there Is no remedy
offered. In the , National Reserve asso
ciation is a bank I: j business which you
all control and thera will be no private , Former Vice Fresiaenr Charles Warren
t.. ... v t. Fairbanks of Indiana wilt take the stump
for President Taft early in September,
An old-fashioned ' torch light parade
. 'iiv..r. a.rhv vmm.nt collateral. Do you suppose o governor moma Marshall of In-
resldent of Atchison county, Kansas,' Moror Ryan o? .Carnegie wou'.d go a vo Aemoertta mnamM
committed suicide at bla home, , Sin ihtoX business where aU v fiv. per nf tif. fo'MUrTO
District Attorney Cameron was ordeved ovnt goes, to the government. They don't art's name on ballot a candidate from
;ica oy uovernor uswaio ,.i. av I First district.
"I am In favor of publicity and wel
come a tnorougb Investigation of my
0WA FAUA Ia.V Aug. 2B.-The sec
ond and t!rt sqftadroni rof the Sixth
I'nlted States cavalry readied this point
today after "marching twenty miles from
Hampton. JTh ;troopsf now hav com
plpted 2S2-J mile' of their 38S-mlle , march
from'! Camp MeCoy, WU ,-. to t Fort ,De
Moines, la which is their post.. This
removed from of flea by Governor Oswald doi.ullna th.t Wllv
West -of Oregon for failure to suDDly the 00 Dll,"M n wy'
executive with data asked In a pardon Bankera Will Control
case. : "The National Reserve associauon is camDaian expense. I have alwava hald
Three hours of fierce nenting. in wmcn to ba controlled bv vou bankers: its man- tnat position, said uovernor Wilson.
the Blue army held firmly Its entrencneu ,.-. i. to ba ,onoint4i hv the nresl- George Fred Wllliami, the democrats
nni U nn nn tha hllla hsitir IJinfllnir Kin 1 w-.- -. ' r UAm . tr i. a
dent of th. United States. Study ths Rort, denied that he had declared
bill.'' . . . ' ' " in favor of Theodore Roosevelt for presi-
The speaker compared the reserve aseo- oeni.
elation to a aystem of fir protection such ?"' ueM- ?ciailst prestdential
1H.. hv -S.r. nrn.Ptlnn t. rn""'-.". " rr" .
" - ' r' i Minn npp nrpn ifmr tha iru. a b
left with a trained and well-equipped fire was the only true progressive an
department while our present system he only true democratic party in the United
Dotation on the hills near Lansing, Kan.,
closed the mimic war that has raged in
northeastern Kansas for over a wee.
IT ...,. T Cdmsnn mmtmt A rif sxf Wal I"
told the committee of cltltens that waited
it rmn him In Indianapolis that he was
favorably Impressed with Fort Benjamin
Uirrlmn Iiruin Ma flrnt vtirit to the res-
William Rose, the San Diego private u". ... . ... 4i K ...jHtatti today.
ptectlve. who was arrested in Oakland, '"""""V" - 'v--"
Cal., rJently on -a charge or having cltlien kept a bucket of water stored to bwkW with .rtTft and his son
nis pome ana reiusea to give mat oucxet unaries, at rarramatta. played eighteen
ttolen diamond, was declared by Ber
ttllnn excerta to be a former convict.
wanted on burg;ary charges In Kansas
City and Oklahoma city
holes of golf on the Myopia links as soon
as he could get there, and at night with
urs. Tart took a -long motor ride over
V extinguish the fire in another's house.
Senator Norrl Brown was the toast-
master. He first Introduced W, B. Mo- some of his favprlte road.
Queen of Hay Springs, who could not
speak because his vole failed him at th
last minute.
. 1 ; . ' .-...'
, i ? . t. ..... , i "...
Mar chmgThrough Georgia
Vith Sherman
". T' :.'!' ''' 1 ' . -
In Section ,13 of the Long-Lost Original x
Brady Photographs
Only 10c and Coupon
Victory for Taft,
Bankers' Prophecy
This great ectlon oot now contain
a complete and thrilling narrative ot Sher
man's advance on Atlanta with 100,60V nea
and the" final capture ot tb city. '
During the (our month' campaign the
Union Army participated in 10 pitched
battle tnd score of lesser engagement.
Hot which are vividlr desci
ecticn; SiVdWiwtFSted with i
of (he ground over which the battle were
Hot which are vividly described in this
of (h
and over a score more among which are
i with pbatographa
fought the general who lead both armie
th following:
Rra, Field of the First Heavy Fighting..
I'ir.e Mountain. Wbec Palk, the Flfhting
Sishop of the Coulederaiy, Was Killed.
Federal EntraachmaaU at th Foot at
Kenesaw Mauataln.
Tkome tleaAauarter Bear Marietta Dur
ing the r ighting ot to reurt c Jul.
Palisades and Cbevtux-ds-Pris gaardiag
Atlanta. . ,,. :
Peach-Tree Creek. Where Hood Hit Hard.
The Final Blow to tho Confederacy'
Southern Stronghold. ' '
Tfce Ruin of Hood's Retreat, Demolished
Car and Rolllng Miil and many mora
inciadiof , , ... ;
A Colored Frontispiece
Ready for Framing
Jack London, when on a recent visit to
New York, was introduced to a musician
In ono of the popular cafes.
"I am a musician in a small way.
n,u,.m Iiuii vi uiu " H said . London. "My musical talent was
Point National bank, former state sen- once tne raeftn, of wvlnK mv nfe.
ator ana gormer state treasurer, is one on The muslclan waa once verv much
tne many attenaanta at tne Banner interested,
association convention wno ore strong "How was that?" he asked.
supporters ot resident Taft Mr. stu. "There was a Kreat flood in the town
rer said yesterday that the third party 0f .my boyhood," explained London.
sentiment nd th bull moose sentiment -when the water struck our house, my
are rapidly dying out In Cuming county, father got on a bed and floated with the
"Mr. Taft Is not a politician," said Mr. stream until he waa rescued."
Stuefer, "and that is all that can be said "And you?" queried the musician.
against him. President Taft I a muni "Well," smiled London. "I accompanied
that doe not advertise his achievements him on the piano."
ss some of th others have done in the
president' chair; but he 1 a good and
wise statesman and an ablo president.
Many thing have come up recently that
have lost Roosevelt lots ot strength
in tho stat." -
"Roosevelt la rapidly losing ground
Stanton county," said 3. Eberly. presi
dent of th Stanton National bank, in!
conversation on the political situation.
"Th people are beginning to low faith
In tho third party movement and, for try
part. I believe It will die out In .Very
few years. It remind mo ot tho Oreelwyj
movement year ago. Peopl went wild
for a ehort tlm over Horace Greeley,
and he was an able man. but ihe move
ment didn't last"
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Aug. 27.-Tht
Transmlsslsslppt Commercial congress,
sometimes called the "vanguard of leg
islation,"; was fairly launched upon its
twenty-third annual session when the
delegate retired tonight after a strenu
ous day of three meetings, in which were
outlined the issues the. congress proposes
to decide in the interest of the west.
Past President Fleming of Kansas City
demanded that the machinery that made
the Panama canal be used to make better
waterways tor the United State's: He
and ' others : urged ,4hat congress : give" a
few million to the Panama Pacific 'expo
sition, Whether the exposition wanted It
or not. Resolutions were turned In for
the application of the Interstate commerce
law to water carriers, for the extension
of scientific farming by lesson and ex
ample and for otjier international Improvements.-
, ' '
Kansas CounciHor
Roosevelt Electors
TOPKKA, Kan., Aug. 28.-By a vote
of 80 to 62 the republican party council
late tonight defeated a. resolution to
force the Roosevelt alectors onto ar.
independent ticket .
Tho result of the, vote means that the
Roosevelt presidential electors chosen in
th recent tate primary will appear upon
the republican ballot In the fall elec
tion unless the supreme court of the
United States wWch is considering the
case rules against them. .
Tho defeated resolution was Intro
duced by Robert Stone of Topeka. It
requested that the Roosevelt presiden
tial electors got off the republican ticket
and get Into the Independent column.
t y;o u days
FREE Stool.
FREE Scarf.
FREE life Insurance.
No Piano House in the West has offered you such a fair and
honest proposition. We allow you to prove to your own satisfac
tion all our claims BEFQRKltWJPAVACIilN'T!
1300 Behning Practice Piano,'
now .. 20
$400 Decker Practice Piano,
now . .... .- -S30
$300 Steck Upright, now..$50
$300 Hobman Upright,,
now 4. ..... .... . .65
$325 Mendelsshon Upright,
now ....75
$325 Norrls & Hyde Upright,
now . . 85
$350 Boothe Bros. Upright,
now .95
$400 Vose & Son Upright,
now $125
$3.50 Erbe Upr'gt, now. 130.
$400 Harrington Upright,
now... 135
$350 Mueller Upright, - .
: now . . 140
$375 Jepson Upright,
now 145
$450 Weber Upr'gt, now 145
$450 Emerson Upright,
now 160
$500 Steger Upright,
now .. 170
$350-Kurtzman Upright,
now .. -.185
$500 Emerson Upright,
now . . 255
$600 Knabe Upr'gt, now 320
$750 Stelnway Upright,
now . . . . . 365
$1000 A.. B, Chase Grand,
now . . . . . . ... '-395
A magnificent 80-piece Silver Set ,
(rose pattern) given FREE this. week
with every Piano sold. See Silver
" Display in our Windows.
We are exclusive representatives for the Stelnway, Weber, '
Hardman, Steger, Hnierson, McPhail and our own Schmoller &
Mueller Pianos. Alvo the Aeolian line of Player Pianos, including
the Steinway, Weber, Stuyvesant, Wheelock, Steck and Technola.
Wholesalers, Retailers.
1311-1313 Farriam Street
,ahorew Thek firestartid from an explo
sion la the engine room V7 The Rozcrana
was an old vessel valued at W)w.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 28-(pecial Tel
egram.) Bids for the Plattsraouth public
building were opened today. The bids
follow. General Construction company,
Milwaukee, 24,S00, ooniplete In 150 days;
George E. Collins, Omaha,' $22,300, com
plete in 200 days; B.' J. Jobst, Omaha,
$25,255, complete In four months.
Oil Steamer Burns;
Crew Swims Ashore
SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Aug. M.-The
oil steamer Rozcrans, owned by the As
sociated Oil company, was destroyed by
fire above the water line, and sank in
deep water oft Alcatras wharflate to
day. Its crew of forty-two men escaped
by Jumping into , the sea and swlmmlny
' Blalr-Schwaslniser.
YORK, Neb., Aug. ' 28. (Special.)-Mr.
Perry Schwasinger of Centre,! City and
Miss Nina Blair of Waco, were married
by Judge 'A. G. Wray yesterday after
noon. "
, 1 XeaU Dealer. "
Phones -
Dong. 119.
"luJ. A-3HJ.
- Mrs. Dora Plumb.
YORK, Neb., Aug. 2S.-(Special.)-Mrs.
Dora Plumb." wife of A. A. Plumb, died
of heart failure yesterday afternoon.
The body will be taken to Aurora at 1:20
tomorrow for interment.
Foreign Affairs
Rain, which has been deluging tho
United Kingdom almost constantly since
the beginning of the month, ceased In
most parts of the country and tho out
look generally Is fairer.
The odes nairaTrr bfi wit)r HbU Rm.4bt sVet rrat ot armed
troops of til North and South- Jf y bavec't rcijw4 tl. Saotioa, or ar of the others
hatCowit.rt llweanvo a uU w will nwrfr wilfc tthr or all of
fee htk thirtna &ac(Ma tm 10 wK Mtk mU eewom. .
I Hf ki. Hi Jisnn'isiii nn i I sip
Tte Cml War Thrcugli the Camera
: CentalrUnsj
Brdya Famous Civil War Photograph
IPa&uW y rWJM fthtU.S. War VipartmmU)
And Profesaor EUoaa Nm!y Written
History of th ClrU War , ,
' 't..
m ml
Enjoin Bate Boost
of Pythian Knights
A temporary injunction was Issued yes
terday by Federal Judge William H. I
Hunger restraining tho supreme lodge ot
the.Kntchts of Pythias from increasing
insurance rates. The order was made in
th case of Oeorgo W. Covell and others
tiiainst tho supreme lodge. Mr. Covell,
a man "5 yeare ot age, carries fl.000 in
purance in the order. The lodge bas at
tempted to Increase the rate of his in
surance to such an extant, fee alleges,
as to make it almost prohibitory to Intra.
Mr. Covell brought action -in the dis
trict court of Douglas county. 1 alleging I
that whtn the lodge was reincorporated
soma years ago it adopted a constitu
tion and by-laws that materially raised
the rat of monthly payments. Ho alleged
that the ac of the defendant body was
void and prayed for a temporary re
straining order. Tho case was then ro-
The outside of tKe bottle is readily
recognized by ;.. the Blatz t r ia ngula r
label the Contents, at once, by that
snappy Blatz fragrance and body.
Good to look at and indescribably
satisfying to the taste. Order a case
that you may all enjoy lis i benefits
at home..'- -';;.:fVv-V: . -'
802-810 Douglas St,
Omaha, Neb.
Phantt Doaglat 6662
Canadian Pacific
"the world's
greatest high
way" On your
trip to the Pacific
Coast visit Banff,
Lake Louise,
Field tnd Glacier.
No expensive side
trips. .Excellent
Hotel service.
You can do it all
easily in a two
weeks' vacatioa
Can at our office
and let us show
you iow to ar
range your trip
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