Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1912, Page 10, Image 10
10 HIE BEE: OMAHA,- THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1912. GRAIN AND PRODDCE MARKET Further Bullish News Only Will Cause Further Covering in Wheat RECEIPTS OF COM ARE SLOW Sellers of Oats for All Month are Somen hat Discouraged Becaaae the Market Keeps Edging; a Little Higher. OMAHA, Aug. 28, 1312. The beam say that the short Interest In the trade is considerably reduced ami that It will take positively bu.lish news to force any further covering. On the other hand the heavy sales of cash wheat, which amounted to 7jO,W bu. yesterday (this includes the business done after t:is close and 6G0.O-0 bu. sold for export at the ecaboarU), will no doubt give buyers some back bo. .e.' Tiie movement of spring wneat so lar is very oisayjoi"uis. sev eral points In the northeast show heavy rain In the last twenty-four hours. The cables are firm and higher. Elevator men In England are discrediting the claims of a very large surplus of wheat In Ru ala. There is a decided absence of hedging sales In Chicago, with very little grain in the public elevators. Traders ray It is best to go slow In buying on a swell, but they favor the bull side on re action. Cash wheat Hlc higher. There la no Indication of any relief from the acute situation in cash, August and September corn. While the large shipping demand continues the current receipts are not more htan Is needed. In many cases corn cannot be obtained to fill buy ing orders. Reports of showers and cooler weather are coming from many parts of the corn belt. This is not exactly the best thing for the crop. Shorts in De cember corn persist In covering on any show of firmness, because of the great discount under the early months. Many of the Chicago bears who have been fight ing the advance tn the December option gave up yesterday and helped the price to go over 56c. Any change Xn adverse weather and crop conditions might cause activity on the buying side of the market. Cash corn unchanged to c higher. Seller of oats for all months are some- what discouraged- because the market keeps edging a little hlghor, helped by corn and the heavy shipping, and txiKirt aales. Feeders say it Is not wise li op pose the slow advance In price at this time, but they look for the bearish fea ture (the never-ending run from the enor mous erop) to prove bearish when the urgent demands are supplied. Cash cats J,Vfl lc higher. . Clearances were wheat and flour equal tO' 713, 900 bushels, corn 31,000 bushels and oats, 3.000 bushels. Liverpool closed with wheat Hd higher and com Ted higher. The following cash sales were reported Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, cars, tPAo; 1 car, 89c. No. S hard winter, 1 car, 8Bc; X car, 8814c; 6 cars, SSMro; 7 cars, 884c; 1 car, S7Hc. No. 4 hard winter, 1 cars, 874c; t cars, 87c; 1 cars, 89c. No. I mixed, 1 car, 89c, No grade hard winter, 1 car, Mite. Corn: No. J white, 2 cars. 7514c. No. I white, 4 cars, 7514c; 2 cars, 7514c; 1 car, 76c. No. 4 white, 1 car, 74Hc No. 3 color, 1 car, 76c No. 2 yellbw, 1 car, 75tc; 4 cars, 7614c Nc. 3 yellow, 3 cars, 76c; 1 car. 7414c. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, iie: l car. 73c; no. i mixed. 1 can. 74-vo, No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 7tc; 7 can, 7414c; cars, 744c; 1 cars, 74c Mo. 4 mixed, 1 car, 74c; 1 car, 7314c. No grade, 1 car, 7UV4C uats: Standard. 1 car, 82Ha No. 3 white, 1 cars, 32o; 1 car, 324o; 4 can, 3ic. no. 4 white 1 car. Uo: s cars. SlHc; 1 car, SI Vic; 1 car, Slo. No grade, 1 , car, sow:. . Primary wheat receipt were 1.410,000 bushel and shipment were 664,000 bush el, against receipt last year of 984,000 bushels and shipment of 676,000 bushels. Primary corn receipt were 706.000 bush els and shipments were 232,000 bushels, against receipts last year or 982,000 bush I and shipments of 812,000 bushel. , Primary oats receipts were 1,403.000 bushel and shipments wen 672,000 bush el,, against receipt laat year of 808,000 bushel and shipments of 221,000 bushel. Omaha Caah Prices. ; WHEAT No. 2 hard, 8SHtT0c No. 3 nam. vo; no. 4 hard ssystio. w;iu-a i wmte, bc; ino. wnite, 7675Hc: No. 4 white, 774Vie; No. 1 eoior, vac; jvo. i yellow, 7M4OT1c; No. 3 yeiiow, ymto'ido, o. 4 yellow, ixunsc; N. 2, 74e; No. 8, 7474c; No. 4, 74c; no grade, 7014c OATS-No. J white, 3J1432c; stand ard, S2Vc; No. 3 white, 8H432l4c; No. 4 white, 81fi814o; No. 3 yellow, Jl31c BA RLKY Malting, 60365c; No. 1 feed, RYK No. X ee32c; No. 3. 57e0c. : Carlo Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. i Strength Shown in Spite of Heavy and Persistent gelling. BUSINESS MUCH CONCENTRATED 'trr riNEW YORK STOCK MARKET othy seed: $3.75'ti4.7i. Clover seed, J13.00 POTATOES Steady ; receipts, SO cars; Minnesota, 45tf50c; Wisconsin, 4655c. BUTTER- Steady; creameries, 22'25c; dairies, 2123c. EGGS Extras, 22c; firsts, 21c; seconds, mark, cases Included. 1714c; ordinary firsts, ISc; firsts. 20c. - CHEESB-Easler; daisies. lSPin; twins, UWlac; young Americas, 17 lalic; long horns, lifcJilGljc. POULTRY-Allve. steady; turkeys. 12c; chickens, 13c; sprlnps. 17c. VEAL-Sieady at 961V. Com and Wheat Region Bulletin. United States Department of Agricul ture. Weather bureau fop tfca twxntv.fnur hour erring at 8 a. m.. 75th meridian time. weunesciny, August 28, 19T2: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain Ftitlcns. High. Low. fall. Asniand, Neb.. 93 Dealings la Keatllmif and Steel Over shadow Ail Others and Pressure Pali to 1'reteat Hitfbeat 1'rlee of Tear. fiscal year, $1,117.S32, as asainst a deficit of 322,089,018 at this time last year. These figures exciude Panama canal and public debt transactions. -I Auburn, Neb... 95 Broken Bow .. 98 Columbus, Nb. 91 Culbertson, Nb. 99 Falrbury, Neb. 100 Fairmont, Neb. SO Gr. Island, Nb.100 Ilarttnglun. Nb H Hastings, Neb.. 98 Holdrege, Neb. 98 Lincoln, Neb... 98 No. Platte, Nb 92 Oakdale, Nb. 91 Omaha, Neb.... 89 Tekamah, Neb. 90 Valentine, Nb. 98 Alta. la 81 Carroll. la 82 Clarinda, la.... 89 Sibley, la. 80 Sioux City, la. 84 65 m 61 67 ! 63 70 63 63 61 65 65 66 62 68 64 70 .08 .00 .00 .08 .10 .00 .00 .00 .16 .00 .02 .00 .00 .19 .02 .18 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .04 Sky. Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy It. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy .Raining Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy . Clear Clear Minimum temperature for twelve-hjiir period ending at 8 a. m. "Not Included In averages. DISTRICT STATIONS. No. Temp.- Rain Central. Station. HfKh. Low. fall. Columbus, 0 17 Louisville, Ky... 21 India'polls, Ind.. 10 Chicago, 111 19 St. Louis, Mo... 18 Pes Moines, la. 21 Minneapolis .... 61 Kan. City, Ma. 23 Omaha, Neb 17 Temperature have risen In the western and central portions of the orn and wheat region during the last twenty-four hours, but the weather continues cool In the eastern portion. Showers were gen eral in the upper valleys and upper lake region and scattered shower occurred In the western portion. L. A. WELSH. Local forecaster, Weather Bureau. 70 50 .00 82 66 .00 76 54 .00 74 60 .30 82 66 .00 80 62 , .00 80 64 .40 96 72 .00 96 64 .10 NEW YORK . GEKRAI, MARKET Varlons Chicago Minneapolis rmlutht Omaha Kansas City tit. Louis .... Winnipeg ... 2S6 74 m 228 246 ...... 244 308 34 17 43 416 CHICAGO GalAIX AND PROVISION! Featnre-s of the Tradta and Closing Prices on Board of Trade, CHICAGO, Aug. 28.-Charten of Vessel room here today to load more than 1,000,000 bushels of wheat for Buffalo tended to gl'e the cereal strength Al though the final tone was easy, the mar. ket closed a shade to above last night Corn finished a sixteenth to o up. oats varying from a shade of; to Ho advance and provisions strung out from 6o decline to to increase in cost. Report of serious crop damage in tier many and of wet cold weather In Canada had much to do with worsting the wheat bean. The gain were relatively small for the fetptember option a important liquidating tale by longs acted a a drag. December swung from 9314 to 9ao and In the end was Uo net higher, at The corn market was firm. Beptember ranged from 7314 to Ue, oloeing tcady at U, a net gain of c Cash grade wen In good demand. No. 2 yello.v was quoted at 8181o. Ouuldo limit touched for September oat wen 32 and 33SSJHo, with last sale a sixteenth up, at &HQ&.a. Last night's average level of provision price wa well maintained. The leading futures closes as follow: Artlclel Open.l Hlgh. Low, Close. Yss'y. .Wheat Sept Dec. May Corn. Sept Dec. May. oats. Bept. Dec. May. Pork. Sept Oct. MM 96HS 73Wil 1604141 8514 '94 n H ml m ins 94H ! 88 !98Hi 98 74 73141 7yJ 7314 6564'4!a5640H5514t14 6363 63H 32 334 3514 82?S3144W4 ' 3 8214141 "S14l WHtl 32 23iS334 13514 36!4j 36V4 36 i r 17 75 1 17 3714117 70-721 17 76. 1 17 80 17 90 I 18 00 IT RS 17 M I it eiu J an.. !1S 10-151 IS linos I l niiha ru uiu. 1,1 I I Sept. 10 92410 97141 10 87H1 Oct.ll 0M2j II 07141 10 8714 Dec.! 10 85 I 10 to 10 76-77! Jan..! 10 7754UO 89-SS; 10 72U Oct.) 10 97W10 97-80 J an.. 10 15 10 174! 10 96 1 10 92 11 02-05 11 oo-oa 10 80 M 7714 10 77H! 10 7214 10 9214 10 96-! 10 12Hl 10 16 J 10 8714 k97 P 9214 6 i 10 15 (aotatlon of the Day on Commodities. , NEW YORK. Aug. 27.-FLOUR-F1rm; spring patents, 36.105.16; winter tralrht, winter patents, w.wvoa, spring' clear. 334.6084.8J; winter extra, No. 1. 34.Wi4.20: winter extras, NO. 2, $4.W 04 10: Kansas straight. 31.3oM.50. WHEAT Spot market steady; no. 2 red, 3108 c. I. f. track and 31 07 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 31.06 afloat. Futures market closed He to o net higher. September closed 91.034; Decem ber, 31.0214; May, 3106. CORN Spot market steady; export corn, 6114c f. 0. b. .afloat OATS Spot market, firm; new standard white, 39Vic; No. 3, 40e; No. 3, 89 4c; No. 4, 39o; all elevaton, natural white, 39140 4114o; track and white clipped, 41V4iio, track. HAY Firm; prlmel $i:); No. L 31.35; No. 2, 31.20rgl.26; No. 3, 95c11.06. HIDES Firm; Central America, 25c; Bogota, 24H2514c. LKATHER Firm! hemlock firsts, 26f? 27c; second, 2426c; third. 22'J3c; re jects, 10c. PROVIRIONS-Pork. me, $20.0K822.0; family, fXt.mtoMl short clears, 319.7&!! 32.00. Beef, firm; mess, 316.0Oil6.6O; fam ily, tlB.54Xg.19.0ft; beef hams, 328.031.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, 3'2.OW(rl4.00; pickled hams, 313.609 14.00. Lard, firm; middle west, 11.1&J 11.26; refined, firm; continent 31166: South America, $12.20; compound, I8.2S0 3.S7V4. TALLOW Firm ; prime city, hhd., 614o; country, 66c; special. 714o. ' -i B UTTKJR Firm ; receipts, 13,637 tubs; creamery, extra, 261427c; first. 2&2614c. CHEESE-Steady; receipu, 8,338 boxes; state, who! milk, white, special, K hic; same, colored, 1414c; skims, 4(fiil3c EOGSEosy; receipts, 21,881 cases; refrigerator firsts, season's storage charges paid, 221402314c; seconds, 20j21c; third, 1819c; western fresh gathered Whites, 24)270. rOULTRY-Dressed. dull: fresh killed western chickens, 1623c; fowls, 14H17c; turkevs. lft17c. Y .. ...... ... .. fit. I.onls General Market, ST. LOUIS. Aug. 28.-WHEAT-Cah. higher; track, No. 2 red; S1.03V4ij1.06; No. I hard. 936c. . ...... CORN Higher; track. No. 1 No. 2 white, 8114BS2c. OATS-Hlgher; track, No. 2, No.- 3 white. 360360. - Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Weak; September. W14c: De cember, 9414c . v CORN Weak; September. 74c: De- cember, 62c. , OATS-Hlgher; September. 31T4o: De. cember, 82c. 1 rye Lower: 72c. FLOUR-Dull: red winter natenta 14 78 5.06; extra fancy and straight 34.16 4.65; hard winter clean, 33.6033.80. M5Ki -nmotny, uo.w. , CORNMEAI-33.70. BRAN Outet: sacked east track. 1100 1.06. ' . HAY Steady; timothy. 312.00(a20.00: prairie, 12.0016.00. PROVISIONS ITnohnnireil 4nr,hln- 316.60. -iATd, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts, U.0O; dear ribs, $11.00; short dean, fll.25. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra, shorts, 312.00: clear ribs. 312.00; short clears, 312.26. POULTRY Steady; chickens. HUi spring, 16c; turkeys, 1719c; ducks, 914 lie; geese, 610o. BUTTER Dull ; creamery, 23ffl2Gc ECKJS-Hlgheri 1814c. RecelDts. Shlnmnntk. Flour, bbls 9,800 15.000 Wheat, bu. 246.000 isi ift Corn, bu. 43,000 32.000 Oats, bu. ., 76.000 61.000 Kansas City Geaeral Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Ausr. U-Wheit Cash, unchanged to lc higher; No. 3 hard KV4iXC14c: No. 3. 88V491Uc! Nn r.ri 7c4i6L0214: No. 3. 90c64L01. uuKM-teady; No. 3 nixed. 787814c; No. 3. 77677140: No. 1 vhlta. 77c; No a 76a OATS Unchanged to Ue hlrhor- Nn 1 white, S3HW614c; No. 3 mixed, S3S314c n'Biiis pnees 01 tuiures: WHEAT September. 89T4(Sn; nmm. ber, 8914c; May, 9393Hc. JCORN-September, 71c; December, 6OH0; May, 6014c OATS September. 33rS23U nnk 33'4c; May. S64c RTK-71S73C. HAY Steady: choice ilmnthv 14.00; choiee prairie, 310.5ftyil.00. BITTTER-Creamery, J4e; firsts, 22c seconds. 20c; packing stock. Xime. rAjuo-riStras, zzc; Firsts. 21c; seconds, Xf i?kr vi . 1 . t' .... .... ,.-,. . . net juiuv, Aug. a, ine mosi coii iSjjicuous i.guic ot todu's htocn muiKcl 101 tue gieatere peart ot the session wa iu mwe.ijiiy bi.c.ij.... in iace u peiSiSleiii aim i-avy stuin. P.essu.e cn.e.t;- laigel uiuu.iu jxamn and .iiiieu bta.ea .-leei, but t ui u.u nut p.e veiit tue .alter tioin eotab..Miin Us us. price ui tue year. Dea.ingj m u,e stucku nu.ned oveisnad oweu an oti.ers in voiuj.c, i.m unu inn loaues, tui wu a..i coiul's tiutl ai-ecu'uuvu ia'. o.ntB khomug le.u llve ntgiei-t. in ii.e iate ou4tnvaB mil away vvitu irtUcia perioua Oi. ULler siagnat uu, Lui uiioiuer sciilutf movement entuiu kuoitiy leioie tne ccae which leui. many itaulng usues a puini or moie uiu.t-i ium proceiiig uay s f.nai figurts, gieateM weakness beuig uisplaytiu by cfi.oii r'atit.c, Leulgii Valley ana Amai sanmteu copper. trotuip aitnUuted much of the selling of comers 10 leaning out 01 town inter ests, a rev.vai of icvoits mat m lntei state comrneice tomiiiiax.ou is soon to rciiuer uu lnipoiiant luwis.on affect ing t.twe properties. Xne roaos emoraved in tile caiidautn group weie unuer le fetialnt aa a lesait ot advices trom Can aua inaicating increasing govei nmental opposmcn 10 canaaUn Racine's proposed capital increase. AulBvllie and Nashvllie and Atlantic Coast line weie strong on lignt dealing in connection with the approacmn meeting oi tue dliectois 01 tr.e fir.i namea, at whicn oeve.opments lavoiao.e to siiarehoiueis ar expected. Koc islana issues, Erie first preieired and Great Noithern Ore anu other blocks ot a more miSv.eilaneous cnaracter shares in the eariy use, only to fail back towaru the close. ixmuon was a purchaser here on bal ance, tailing moderate amount of stee Amalgamated anu union Racine. Firm ness maikea the uay in Pa.U, with acUv. uy ana suongtn in teniu. Lotai banks suffeieo another drain oi cash, with a l,3uu,W gold shipment to Canada. A silts 'it stufeiiing of tong ma turities was reported. Number of tales anu zeauing quotations on stocks were as loiiows: Stlas. Hlfh. Low. CiuM. Cash quotations were as follows; FLOUR Firm; winter patents, 34.av4 $3400 e,nllhu- H-a; bakers; RYE No. 2, 70c. UARLBY-Feed or mixing. 4Sfi60c; fair to choice malting, ogiwc. , $Tlmothy' iT5. Clover, pROyisjoNS-Mees pork, tl7.8714OT.00. n Uerce. hort ribs (loose), Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 743.000 bu. Primary receipt were 1.410.000 bu.,' compared with 984,000 bs the corresponding day a year ago Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 11,400 too 10.KOO 1,100 loo MOO iUO . 400 100 400 4,100 In 40 lis tl u u Mi 100 io 1.400 141)4. 1.400 mj, 00 2C1 7, tuO 46 1,00 109 17 ttt lit 61H H 11 n a S7(4 103 121 144 45 1M 2,100 147 146 ww ion 1.100 - 41 1,000 i 1 11,400 J77 176 1.200 2 u O0 8 2 W0 1 1 1,800 107 . 108 H 300 lit lg 4.600 1 1,400 141 146 1,000 16 16ft 97 M 3 400 183 112 1,700 140 1119 600 44 46 20 . it 121 1 . 14 'ft ; 'a ' 7914S0c; 32V4(ff33c; Amalsunatwl Coppsr . Amrlca Arlcultural Amerion Beet ougu. Amcrlcu Ca Amerlcia Cn pti American C. A '....,,., American Cotton Oil..!! Am. lc SwurltiM , Americui Liuttd American Louamotlve . , , American S. A It ; Am. I. R. pfd,,, Am. Susar Rerinlng American T. t American Tobacco v,.'.., Anaconda Ulning Co.... Atchiion Atchison pti Atlantle Coast Lino Baltimore A Ohio Bethlaham steel ,. Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclflo Central Leather Cheaapeake k. Ohio Chloao O. W Ctileaio, M. gt. p.,'., Chicago ft N. W Colorado P. ft I... Conaolldated Oas ).. C"ora Products 'Delaware 4 Hudson.... Denver ft Rio Grande D, R. O. ptd Dlatlllera' gecuritles , 1,600 Kris let ptd 300 Brie Id pfd General Blectrlo ....... Great Northern pfd Great Northern Or etfi. Illinois Central Inter boroua-n Met Inter. Met. ptd Inter.' Hanreaier ctfe... Inter-Marine ptd International Paper .... InUraatlonal Pump .... Kanaaa lily Southern... Laclede Ga Labich. Valley Louisvill ft Nuhrille.. M., at. P. ft S. s. M... Mlaaourl, K. ft T MlMouri Pacific , National Blwuit ........ National Lead N. 1L R of M. id ptd.. Nw York Central N. Y., 0. ft W Nertolk ft Western Ninth American Northers Paciflo Pacific Mail Ptnnirlvanle People's Ga P., C. C. ft Bt. L...... Plttahurgh Coal 1,000 ii So 16 Prewed Steel Car 7 Pullman Palace Car 100 171 .170 170 Reading U.toO 171 170 170 Republic. I. ft 8 300 18 . 23 21 Republic 1. ft 8. pfd.... 100 1 1 W Rock laland Co I.OOO 24 - 211 24 Rock laland Co. ptd 1,100 61 62 St. L. ft 8. r. 3d pfd.. 200 , 84 , 116 Seaboard A. a L. 200 14 24 Seaboard A. U pfd 400 (2 63 8 lose-Sheffield 8. ft I. Southern Pacific , 400 111 Southern Railway 4.100 20 80. Railway pfd 300 Tenneue Copper ....... 400 Texas ft Paciflo 300 Union Paciflo 21,100 I'nkm Paciflo pM United State Realty. United Bute Rubber. United States Steel... U. 8. Steel ptd....... Utah Copper ' V a. -Carolina Cbemlcai .. 100 Wabaeh Wabaao pfd 100 14 Weatern Maryland Weatern Union 200 WMtlnghous Kleotrlc ..,1,300 Wheeling ft U .... ToUl ahares for th 4 ay, 324.400 ahara. 00 20 1,200 0 200 121 100 1- 400 1 , 200 27 300 17 10,700 171 1,700 1M 100 162 ' 200 700 38 200 140 700 40 iii KM) 27 too ut: 100 88 ' 4,200 129 700 32 37 6l) 74 40 11 1 4 24 13 46 87 102 128 144 246 46 108 102 146 107 107 40 40 M 274 2 83 1 1 141 32 146 16 J 21 18 34 44 182 138 44 131 iT4 120 II 14 . 17 26 107 18314 10 147 147 Boston Stock Slarket. BOSTON, Aug. 2S.-losing Quotations on stocks were as follows: Alioue 47 Mohawk t Amal. Copper 47 Nevada Con 42 A. Z. L. ft 8 11 Nlplaalng Mine ... Arizona (Jam. I North Butt 33 B. ft C. C. ft 8. M. 7 Mirth Lake 6 Cal. ft Artuma 82 Old Dominion 40 5..0 Oaceola 117 22Qulncy 30 Shannon 14 13 ' Superior : 47 11 Superior ft B. M.... 1 St, Tamarack 43 67 U. 8. 8. R. ft M... 44 10,4 do Bfd 49 iale Hoyal Copper, liifuh Copper Co 46 Kerr Lake S13 rtah Copper Co 46 Like Copper M 4 Winona 6 La Salle Copper.... 6 Wolverine 107 Miami Copper 2H New York Mining- stocks. NEW YORK, Ausr. 28. -Closing quota tion on nilninc stocks were: Com. Tunnel itock.. 10 Mexican Cal. ft Hecla. Ontennlal Cop. Renge C. C. Eaat Butte C. M... frranklln Clroux Con. Granby Con Greene Cananea .. AHIXUX I TVT 0TAf7 UIDIiTT!181 tew davs. Shippers 'opened the mar UMAllA LlllJ ulUUl juAilAljl i.ket nd P-1 P"l" genetahy steady for Killing Cattle Steady to Strong and Feeders Slow and Lower. HOGS ABE GENERALLY STEADY Fat Sheep and Lambs, as Well as Fee-dins; Stock, la Good De mand at Steady to Stronp; Prices. ' T bond li Con. Cal. ft Va.... 64 Iron silver 160 Leadvllle Con I Little Chief ... ... 1 Offered. Ontario Ophlr Standard Yellow Jacket ...274 ..160 .. H ...100 .. 40 London Stock Market. LONDON, Aug. 28. American securities opened steady and a fraction higher to day. Prices advanced under the lead of Canadian Pacific during trie first hour and at noon the market was steady and from !4114 higher than yesterday's New York closing., 1 . Bank Clearing. OMAHA, Aug. 28. Bank clearings for toaay were IZ,3iiZ,fl67.18 and for the cor. responding day lrst year V.IU.2H.. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 77. 191A Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 8,521 . 2,2i!7 39,783 uiticiai Tuesday 6.284 7,34 tstimate Wednesday.. 2, WO 7,i0u Three days this w'k.17,106 17,091 tame days last week..lfi,9o 18 666 game cays 2 wks. ago.17.8u8 2',177 37.0&: Same days 3 wks. ago.13.iS2 13.274 i.2,354 o w nn.m. ttgu. 3,ai; JJ.I99- Q,J9i t g ft jSO jear. .io,iva -itf,Vi itu,ss 47 ,.t66 The following table shows the receiuti 1 253 of cattle, hogs and sheep at fcuth omatia j M for- the year to date as compared with J 6 last year: ' laia is-,: inc. r,. ! No. 18... 62... 78... 70... 23,C4: (41... ... 76,178 !. .d5t) I hegs that lust sul ed tnem. As the ship ping demand has not improved any over recent aays, snippers were again small buyers and in consequence did not cut a very big figure in the trade. Packing interests were represented on the market a little later In the morning and most order filled on packinr account were at aoout steady prices. Tnere were a rew instances, however, where some heavy grades sold a little weak when compared with yestei day's mat ket Trade .was fairly active throughout, as practically everything wag taken out of first hands by 10:30 o'clock. Reve al loads of the best hogs on tale told as 1 Is 1 a 13.50, a nickel oeiovt ttie top price yesterday c. j 48., At. ,...303 ...110 ...211 ...244 ,...277 ...244 ...2 ...217 ...307 ...24 ...2M ...248 Sh. 120 200 120 140 650.404 679.B47 Hogs ..2,217,994 1,754,370 463,424 Sheep 1.318.4J36 1,144,087 173,919 129.643 1 .. I 80., ! 11.. 64... Pr. t 16 I 20 ( 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 ... 122 ... t 22 100 I 26 10 ( 26 8 26 t 26 3 26 ...202 160 8 26 ...271 ... 126 ...143 ... I 16 ...284 400 1 25 ...221 40 I 26 ...M2 .1. 126 .264 40 I 26 No. 61.. .. 76.. 42.. 43.. 78.. 31.. At.. Sh. Pr. ...311 ... 110 ....266 80-1 20 ...207 240 I 30 The following table thowc the range of 37 248 240 I 26 last few days with comparisons: prices for hogs at South Omaha for the 81 213 ..208 ..2S8 f6 286 49 273 46 278 Date. I l:il2. 19U. 1?1Q. llaw. :iWs. 1107. jl906. 44. I tl.. 162 28 38' 140 40 81 114 37 111 84 UK 128 31 11 168 28 33 140 10 iii" 17 us 84 i,300 124ta 124 124 MO 118' 118 16 100 110 110 103)4 62 85 23 62 64 11144 80 80 43 12 , 1,400 64.200 111 80 80 43 22 112 171 171 91 83 " 76 113 46 47 4 tl II 18 1 80 44 22 41 11 76 74 1,600 118 113 7.2O0 44 46 47 47 14 82 87 32 88 Chicago Cah Price Wheat, No. 1 rd tLW&lM-t,; No. t red, JWci&il.Oo: No J hard. Walc; No. 3 hard. Mhu- v f northern. 8fia9!c: N'o. j nonhm No. northernsiswcj No. 2 spring, mm: .o. 3 spring, rjc; No. 4 spring. 6fHc' velvet chaff. 1ms: durum. Ja5c. Com' No. 2, 0WiiV4-: No. 2 white! W&te No. 2 yeilow. 8l!&4c; No. 1. mmc: Na S -white, mme; No. I yellow, tmihio .No. 4 7HfeWic; No. 4 white, Ssi: No. yellow. 6.6Sic. Oa; No. i n SlPtc; No. 2 white, SciCNo. I 1 No. I white, 33V84c; jfj ISc. Wheat' bu.... Corn, btt Oats. - bu Receipts. ... m.m ... 7,X ... 14.090 Shipments. 160,000 2fi,0W X-r Onods Market. NFW TOP.K. Aug. 2S.-PRT OOODft Small repeat orders from the Jobbers on various lines of cotton goods were th feature of the primary maf ket. No chana-en were made in the cost of finished goods. A fairly good nuanttty of 27-Inch brown drills was sold for October-Decem. ber delivery o under recent market quotations. , Grar goods of print cloth construction . ruled quiet and steady. Hosiery and nnderwear were active for prompt de!lvry. Cotton yearns were quiet and fairly steady. , Feorln Market. PEORIA, ItL. Aug. ZS.-CORN-Un-changed; No. I white. 7Jc: No. t ystlow, 79c; No. I yellow, 7Scc; No, t mlrced. TSc; No. t mixed. 7Sc, OATS Unchanged to s higher; No. t white, tsfitw, standard. HPtc; No. 5 white, 3IHtS2ic: No. S mixed, 31Hc. rtitladelpltta Prodace- Marker. PKILADRLPHIA, Au. 23.-BlTTTE7t-Flrm: unchanged. KOOS-PIrm; unchanged. CHEESE-Unchanged, Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 2S.-MONEY-6n call, tseady at 2f&3 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing dig, 2 per cent: of fered at 8 per cent. Time loans: Sixty days, 33?4 per cent: ninety days, 44 4Mi per cent; six months, 4'ti47(i !r cnt. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-65 pe,r cent. ' STERLING EXCHANGE - Irregular, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8425 for sixty-day bills and 14.8736 for demand; commercial bills, 14.83 it. SILVER Bar, 614c; Mexican dollars, 48Hc. BONDS Government, Irregular; rail road, irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. t. rel. 2a, rgHH Japan 4s K do coupon 100 K. C. 80. ret. (a. 8 V. S. 2a, rig 10S L. 8. deb. 4 1231.. 13 do coupon 102 L. ft M unl. 41.... 87 V, S. 4a. r 113 M. X. ft T. let 4 3 do ooupon v 118 do gen. 44 8 Panama la, coupon. .101 Mo. Paciflo 4 71 K.-C. lat 6 ctf.. 31 do con. ta 84 Amor. Ag. U M0 N. R. R. at H. 4 "Am. Tobacco 4a.. .131 N. T. C. g. la.., 86 A. T. T. cv. 4a. .114 ' Mo deb. 4a 82 Am.-, Tobaece 4...121 N. Y. N. H. ft H. Armour ft On. 4. 50 ev. 1 Kl Atchlaoa gen- 4.... MHN. ft W. it , M do T. 4 180.. ...1 to t. 4.- 117 w Cao. Paciflo 41. : dO Is ei !Iu- u rtd- ' .!? r", r- Wls- M . t 4o eon. 4., ...... 102 Iteadlng gen. 4.... H . U ft B. r. fg. 4 78 . do gea. t 24 wst. U S, W. e. 4a at ... 78 do e. 6 A. C. L. lt 4a... . Bal. ft Ohio 4.... do l ........... Brook. Tr. ev. 4.. Ota. of O. .... On. Ueather la.... ChM. ft Ohio do coot. 4a Chicago ft A. !. C. B. ft Q- i- 4.. do jrea. . 84 ( lo 18 .102 S. A. L. adj. 8a so. Pac. col. 4 do ev. 4a CMIP" 4J4.1 do lat tel. 4.... CM r. . 4. Mg. Railway ta.... do rfs. 4.. ........ 37 do gen. 4a....... C 8. r 4a Vntoa Paclfl 4t.. D. ft H. ct. 4a.... M do ot. 4 D. -ft R. O. ret. a. e'de let ft ret. 4a N niatlllert' '4ilV Rubber U....l4 Brie p. I. 4 - V. S. stool 3d 6...10? 10 gen. 4 77 V. -Car. Ctiem. .. do et. 4. r. B?Wab. lat A . 4. 7 111. Cen. let ret. 4a M Wentern U4. 4a..... M Inter. Met. 4..... tttiWest, Blee. er. I.. 5 Inter. M. M. 4is... 44wia Central 4 l Bid. "Klftered, OMAHA GENERAL" MARKET. BUTTER No. J, 1-lb. cartons, 27c; No. 1, In 60-lb. tubs, 27c; No. 2. 2ic; pack Ing, 25c. CHEESE Imported Swiss, 33c; Ameri can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 24c; twins, 174c; daisies, 18c; triplets, 18c; Young Americas, 19c: blue label brick, lSiic. limberger, 2-lb., 20c; 1-lb., 22c. POULTRY Broilers, 3540c per !b.; hens, 15c; cocks, SfclOc; ducks, 18c; geese, 15c; turkeys, 23c; pigeons, per dos., $1.50. Alive: Hens, iftjfllc; old roosters, 5; stags, 6c; old ducks, full feathered, tie; geese, full feathered, 6c;. turkeys, 12c; p geons, per dos., 90c; ' homers, $2.50; squabs, No, 1, $1.60; No, 2. 50c. v . '- Beef Cut Prices-Ribs, No. 1, ZlMc; No. 2, 15c; No. 3, 10-ic. Loins: No. 1, 24c; No. 2, 164c; No. 8, 12c, Chucks: No. 1, 10c; No. 2, 8K0;, No. 3, 7c. Rounds: No. L 13Hc; No. 2, ll?4c; No. 3, 10c. Plates: No. 1, 8c; No. 2, Sc; No. 3, 5c. FISH (fresh) Pickerel, 9c; white, ISc; pike, 15c; trout, 14c; large crapples, 129 15c; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, 19c; had docks, luc; flounders, 13c; green catfish, 15c; rose shade, 800 each; shad roe, per pair, 46c; saimon. 15c; halibut, 8c; yellow perch, 8c; buffalo, 8c; billheads. 8c. KRUITS, ETC-New apples la bbls.. $3.50. (Spanish onions, per case, $1.60; Strawberries, per case 24 qts., $4.00. Bananas, fancy select, per bunch, $2.25 2.50; Jumbo, per bunch, Ji 75-8 3. 75. Dates, Ant.hor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In box. per box, $2.23. Dromedary brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, sj.10. t igs, Cali fornia, per case of 12' No. 12 pkgs.. 85c. per case of 34 No. 13 pkgs., $2.60; per cassv of 60 no. 0 pkgs., bulk, in 25 and 60-lb. boxes, per lb., 10c; new, Turkish, 3-crown, In 2o-lb. boxes, per lb., 15c; 6 crown, .In 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; 7 crown. In 30-lb. boxes, per lb., 17c. Lemons,' LImonlera, selected brand, extra funcy, 300-360 sizes, per box, $7.60; Loma Llmoneira, fancy,.: 300-360 sizes, per box, 26.50; 240-420 sizes, 60c per box less; Cali fornia, choice, 3u0-360 sizes, per box, $5.50. Oranges, California Elephant brand, extra fancy, 96-126 sizes, per box, $3.75: extra fancy, all sizes, per box, $4.25, Valencia oranges, all sizes, 44.00. Peaches, California, 85c. Wax beans, per basket, 75c; green beans, per basket, $1.00. Canta loups. California, 46 sizes, $3.00. Water melons, per lb., 1VC.' Peaches, Texas, 4 baskets, 65c; bu. baskets, $1.30. VEGETABLES Cabbage, home grown, per lb., lc. Celery, M.chigan, per dos., 35c. cucumbers, hot house, per dos., 60c Egg plant, fancy Florida, white, per dos.. lc Lettuce, extra fancy, white, per doz., itc. Onions, white, in crate, $1.00; yellow, per crate, 90c Parsley, fancy southerns, per doz. bunches, 675c. Potatoes, home grown, new, per bu., 75c. tomatoes, home grown, , per 4-basket carrier, 76c. - Metal Market. . NEW YORK, Aug. 28.-METALS-Cop-per, quiet but firm; standard spot to No vember, $17.25(817.50; electrolytic, $1776fji 17.87;- casting, $17.12&17.25 Tin, firm; suot, $46 40(f46.7.': August. $46.26S4i7o; September. $16.20ii46.75. Lead. firm. $4.W 64.75. Spelter, quiet, $7.10fi7.80. Antimony, quiet, cookson's. is.4o. 1 iron, nrm, un changed; exports this montn, 24,2 tons. London . copper, easy; spot, f79 10s; fu tures, 79 12s. London tin, firm;1 spot, 211 10s. Futures, 210. London leatl, 20 10s. London Spelter, 26 15s. Sales on the local exchange, (0,0)0 pounds. Iron, Cleveland wat rants, 63s 3d In London. 8T. LOUIS, Aug. 28 METALS Lead, firm; $4.57. Spelter, firm; $7.27tt., , Kansas City Live Stock Market; KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. 28. CATTLE Receipts, 10,000 head, Including 2,000 southerns; market steady, to strong; native steers, $6.7510.60; southern steers, $4.506.2s; southern cows and heifers. $3.25 Sf6.25; native cows a'nd heifers, $3.258.50; stockers and feeders, $4.608.00; bulls, $4.00 5.26; calves, $6.0058.50; steers, $5.50(59.00; western cows, $3.606.6O. HOGS Receipts, 5,000 head; market Pteady; bulk ot sales. $8.508.75; heavy, $8.50(38.55; packers and butchers, $8.60 8.75; lights, $8.5.80; pigs, $6.0O7.60. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 8,000 head; market strong to 10c. higher; mut tons, $3.505.50; lambs, $6.00ig)7.O0; -' range wethers and yearlings, $4.00(25.25; range ewes, 2.26QH.00. - . .. . . 1 . ' . ' l . Chlcatco 14ve Stock Market. CHICAGO, Aug. 28.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 14,600 head;' market steady to strong; beeves, $5.8u:0.60; Texas steers, $5.00 $.80: western Steers, $6.25S9.50; stockers and feeders, $4.30d7.40; cows and hellers, $2.7rp8.20; calves, $,60uil0.&0. HOGS Receipts, 18.000 head; market eteadv to shade lower; light, $8.3&,8.96; mixed, $8.108.95; heavy. $7.958.80; rough, $7..(t08.r; piga, Jii.utKflS.u; cum ot sales,: $8.Si.Vri8.75, ' .' I SHEEP AND IAMBS-Recelpts. 33.050 j head: market stradv to firm: native. $3.25 4j4.40; western, $3.2T4.!0; yearlings, $1.30 U.V; native lamb?, jt.svu-'.io; western 1 lambs, $4.60(6,7.25. . ! St. Lonla Lte Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Aug. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 3.0(H) head, including 300 Texan; market steady; native beef steers, JS.SO-ff 10.50; cows and heifers, $4.008.7S; stockers and feeders, $3.7&(P?.25; Texas and Indian steers, $4.50if-S.0; cows and heifers, $3.50 7.00: calves In carload lots, $5.508.50. - HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady; pigs and lights, $6.5009.06; mixed and butcher, 8.75!&9.6; good heavy, 8.T5 8.95. - - SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.500 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.75 $(6.00; lambs, $5.50($7.70. 8 WUi I 8 37; 7 iu: U 37! b S2I C a. Ht 1 ii ' I -j i ) W a j 8 u! 7 25 8 4X4941 7 15 S 1 7 06 7 1u 8 25 f 7 12 I T 13 8 54 8 651 7 63 8 64 7 62 8 70j 7 71 32 5 56i 6 W 6 66, 6 85 6 t7 6 86 15 Hi 32, 6 341 8 671 7 60i 6 3Hi S 77 8 69! 7 63 41! 6 77 6 So I 7 13, . 4b 5 75 5 80 Au, 20. Aug. 21. AUg. 2 Aug. Zi. Aug. 21. Aug. 26, Aug. IS. AUK. 27. Aug. 27. tlnrin v Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Htock yards, South Omaha, for the twenty-four uouis enuing at i p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. CnttlA 1 l.,vu lihun XT'. , Missouri Paclcif.... 2 Union Pacific 29 C. & N. W., east.. 1 C. & N. W., west.. 31 C, St. P., M. & O.. 2 C, B. & Q., east... 2 C, B. & Q., west.. 34 C, It. I. & p., east 2 C. R. I. & P., west ,. Illinois Central ., C. G. W Total receipts.... 103 1 2 .. .. 24 37 2 35 15 1 8 ;. 23 :; 1 ::' - 2 :: J. .109 62 1 HEAD. Morris & Company swiii ae uomnanv (Cudahy Packing Co... Armour & Company... Schwarta & Boien Co... Murphy r..,.. Morrell ,' Cudahy from K. C....! W. B. Vansant Co Benton V. H. & Lush.. Hill & Son F. B. Lewis. Huston & Company.;.. J. D, rtoot ex uo J. H. Bulla L. P. Huss .............. McCreary & Kellogg.... Wertheimer & Degen.. H. F. Hamilton Lee Rothschild Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.... Kosepstock Other buyers Cattle. Hogs Sheep. 172 287 416 328 8 35 375 76 64 342 24 38 , 121 335 , 63 24 96 63 661 J42 1,212 1,156 1,655 135 4t,3 2,3.2 2,124 2,291 2, 4 16 11,226 20,434 Totals 9 fids - e J9i?1l,7ivFor Wednesday receipts of cattle this morning were veiy rmail, only 112 cars being reported In. Besides being sma 1 in number the quauty of the cattle '' ws on an-average none too good, that Is, the most of the cattle were not fat enough for good killers. There were hardly enough beef steers In sight to really make a- market. The feeling was fully steady, and had there been any right good fat cattle on sale, they might have brought even a little stronger prices. The offerings of cows and heifers were also very small and anything at all at tractive In the way of killing cows was strong, while heifers were In active de mand at prices that were a little higher than yesterday. , , - . " .-, A largopioportioh of the receipts con sisted of stock cattle and' feeders. As speculators already had a good many cattle on hand carried over from yester day, they were not at all anxious for fresh supplies, unless they could get them at prices that would cheapen up the pur chases made earlier in the week. The attendance of country buyers was not very heavy and as a result the feeder market was slow and weak. A few of the best fleshy feeders of very good quality may have sold at prices that were about steady, but the general run was quite a little lower than on yesterday, or about 2536o lower than last week In fact, some kinds of cattle might be as much as 40c lower and in spots more than that While the trade was slow, as noted, - pretty much everything was Cleaned up In reasonable season. Quotations On native -ratla- r.nA t choice beef steers, $S.5010.35; fair to good sieera, . i.ouiw.oo; common to fair beef steers, $5.50r.60; good to choice heifers, JQ.00i2i7.25: good tn rhni .i $5.006.25: fair to good cows, u.mnk m' common to fair cows, $2.764.00; good to choice stockers and feeders, $6.008.0 fair to good stockers and feeders, $5.25 S?i,common t0 lllr tockers and feeders, $4.50(&o.25; stock cows and heifers, $4.25 6.50; veal calves, $4.O08.6O; bulls, stag, etc., $3.75(86.60. Quotations on range cattle: Good to choice beef steers, $7.SO9.60; fair to good -beef steers, $6.267.60; common to fair beef steers. . J5.00tfr6.2i. 1 'Representative sales: 28.... 36.... 48.... 64.... 101... 44.... 77.... 46.... 31.... 37.... 43.... 74.... 5.... 5. 67. 68. 3. 44. 46. 40. 67. 42. 68. It. 71. 48. ..26 ..287 ..274 3 28 40 I 26 140 1 15 40 I 26 140 1 25 ... 1 24 ... 8 26 .v 1 26 16 0 26 80 8 25 42.. 82.. 17.. SO.. 78.. 72.. 78.. 47.. 76.. 77.. 74.. 61.. 61.. 68.. 68 45 SO 8 30 1 10 1 30 3 30 8 30 1 30 1 10 I 20 3 36 I 36 1 35 1 35 ?3 .1:8 100 I 25 243 .237 .283 .203. .280 .251 .227 .257 ....272 ....267 ....281 ....238 ....262 40 8 25 80 1 26 120 3 20 1 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 8 10 1 30 1 10 1 30 1 30 Ml ..280 ... ..204,140 ..280 ... 20 212 ... ..261 ... ..137 ISO ...180 ... ..332 M ...260 . 40 ..239 ... ..221 60 ..m : ... ..221 140 1 15 ..237 140 ,.210" ... ..230 ... 1 35 ..255 220 I 15 ..20 10- 1 36 .171 ... 8 28 ....208 80 8 36 ....218 200 1 86 ....120 ... 1 36 ....115 ... 136 ....270 200 I 35 ....23 40 ....274 ... ....241 80 ....214 ... ....220 ....225 ....Jii6 ....273 267 228 200 14 40 (4.. 5!.. 65.. 44.. 41.. 41.. 75.. 41.. 45.. 64.. 74.. 44.. 8.. 42 42.. 48.. 66.. 80.. '.. 71.. 40.. 70.. 72... 64.. 70.. 48.. I 36 I 35 I 35 1 86 I 35 1 35 ... (36 160 1 35 ... 8 40 8 40 I 40 80 40 ....251 40 ....245 tO ....204 120 ....117 160 ....187 80 ....115 .... ,..,161 ... ....238 200 ....222 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 I 45 1 45 I 46 t 45 221 160 1 45 264 ... 1 45 0.......1M 100 8 50 '3 200 40 I 50 230 160 1 60 141 ... 3 60 71. 17. 80 160 40 I 10 ...244 160 1 80 ...247 140 8 10 ...281 80 I 10 ...234 80 1 10 ...232 140 8 30 ...228 ... 8 30 ...256 60 I 80 ... 71 ... i 60 PIGS. SHEEP Despite the large runs of sheep and lambs here on the first two days - of - the week, everything was cleaned up in pretty good snape yesterday afternoon. While the bulk of the offerings sold at about Bteady prices, . the closing sales early in the af ternoon showed a little strength. Con sidering the heavy receipts so far this week, prices have held up very well, This might be due partly to the fact that the supply at the other markets has not been overly large. Highest price paid for fat lambs yesterday was J6.4v and It took some pretty good feeding lambs to bring JK.Zj. Best ewes on sale brought $3.75 and some wethers were good enougn to sen at 54.10. Receipts this morning, according to early estimates, amounted to about forty loads or around 12,700 head, being only moderate in comparison with the arrivals here a week ago. Last Wednesday the supply footed up about 19,600 head. Ship ments were ' received chiefly , from Idaho, Utah, Nevada. Wyoming and western Nebraska.' Wyoming stock Is beginning to snow up in larger numbers. There was an apparently better . demand for both lambs and sheep as buyers seemed more anxious to fill their orders. - Trade began early and was fairly active. First business included a sale of three cars of heavy Wyoming ewes at $3.75 and some Wyoming yearlings at $4.75. A three car string . of feeding yearlings from . Idaho brought , $6.26. Trade continued active and It was not long before most of the holdings were picked up by buyers. There was a good firm tone, to the trade throuehout and prices generally on both sheep and lambs were as raucn as lwocioc Higher than yes terday's prices.. Quotations on Sheep and Lambs Lambs: good to choice, $6.406.66; fair to good, $6.3066.40; feeders, $5.506.30. Year lings: good to choice, $4.906.25; fair to good, $4.50&4.85; feeders. $3.2iti.25. Weth ers: good to choice,. $4.O0a4.25; fair to good, $3.5004.00; feeders, $36041,4.00. Ewe: good to cnolce, $3.604.0O; feeders, $2.76 Representative sales: ' No. 621 Utah wethers.. 47 Utah wethers, culls 235 Utah wethers 114 native lambs 20 native lambs, culls 496 Utah lambs. 45 Utah lambs, culls........ 634 Utah lambs 64 Utah lambs, culls 149 Wyoming ewes, feeders. 99 Wyoming ewes, feeders.. 23 Wyoming ewes, f'ders. culls 95 363 Wyoming ewes, feeders REPORTER BEATS DIPLOMAT Hugh S. Gibson, Charge d'Affain at Havana, Knocked Down. ASSAULTED ENTEEEJG HOTEL Secretary Selaes Mast Who Attack Victim from Behind As- sallant is Sent to Prison. ' Av. ...104 ...102 ...103 ... 72 ... 67 62 ... 62 ... 67 ... 69 ... 90 90 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. ,28.-COFFEE-Fu- turefl market closed net 9 points higher to 2 points lower. a'e, 82,750 bags. An. gust and September, 12SSc; October, 12.;.'; November, 12.93-; December, 12.9ic; .Janu ary, 12.990J February, 12.8&o; March, 13 03?; April. I3.c; May. I3urc: June. I3.ic: July, 13.04a Spot, quiet; Rio 7s, 1414c: fteers.... 1098 6 60 tantos 4s, lane; voroova, iKfliiic. 29 steers... .1141 8 85 14 hellers N. 1.... 4.,.. 4.... 1.... 1.... I.... 5.... I.... 10.... 3.... 1.... 1'..'.; 1..., 2.... 1.... 23.... 10. k. 5.... 1.... I.... 10.... 17...., 1.... BEEF STEERS. . . - , ' Av.- ft. - No. 35 4 60 12....;.... - - COWS. 780 t 00 ... 1 892 110 , , 4 " 335 1 35 . 4 " 840 4 00 11.. 1 ' 800 4 26 60.. K. t , HEIFKR& 482 4 60 ( 620 6 00 4 Tl I 15 11.... BULLS. 1186 4 86 1.... ......1436 4 45 I . , CALVES. 140 I 00 I.... 240 4 IS . - 1.... 150 1 75 r. a.... 30 7 08 . STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. Av. Pr. ...1344 1 40 ... 385 4 60 ...1106 4 80 ... 380 I 00 , ... 3616 10 ... 384 ( U ... 778 I 26 ... 412 6 26 ...1047 I H ...1200 4 70 184 T75 .120 I IS .175 I 60 3.10 I 10 U., .... 63 6 40 , 13.... .... 420 1 60 13.... .... 437 I 75 16.... .... 664 ( 75 ..,. .... 843 I 74 - 20.... .... 711 I 84 . I.... .... 488 I 10 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. v. trr. no. av 881 6 80 884 4 10 322 4 20 . 343 4 20 . 384 4 55 1020 4 45 .1071 T 00 No. w leeoers.. IJb 0 76 7 feeders., 482 6 15 8 feeders.. 897 5 70 17 cows 985 6 23 85 feeders.. 1120 7 36 10 heifers... 790 6 10 7 heifers... 840 6 40 62 steers. ...1234 7 06 20 cows..... 942 5 00 41 steers.. ..1217 7 00 14 feeders... 836 5 90 7 cs &hfrs.l030 6 30 101 steers. ..1090 6 CO 6 steers.. ..1174 (00 38 steers.. ..1196 6 00 ( cs.Ahf rs. 9C6 6 33 rin of TVenanrr. WAtffHINTJTON, Aujr. a.At the be ginning of butns tdiv the condition of tho TTnttrd states trsast-ry wrs: Work ing balance In treasury offices, $9'.738.W5, In bsnJts and Philippine treasury. $36, $18 $13. Total o fgeneral fund. $158,226,163. Receipts yerterdav war irioiti ri. bursements, $800,312. Deficit to date this l.ive-rnool fSratn Market. ' " LIVERPOOL. Aug. 28.-WHEAT-Stot. firm; No. 2 Manitoba, 8s 4Hd; No. Mani toba, xs sj; futures, strong; October, 7a ift: necemoer, ?s oa. CORN Spot, old American mixed, firm, 7 41:, new American, kiln dried, steady. 7 JVid; future.- strong; September, is SKd; December, 6s Ittd. , M4nnolli Crater Market. - MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 28. WHEAT September, SlHfisnic: December. 92iffl 92-ic: May, 97c. Ca: No. 1 hard. $1.0W; No. 1 northern, 8?Ji!'c: No. northern. 83T(f74c; NoS, 86T.4?93c ... w Sugar Market. .V:'-,". NEW YORK. Aug. 2S.-SUQAR-F1rm'; centrifugal, 98 test 4.17c; muscovado, 89 test, $.7c; molasses, 89 test, 142c; refined, firm. - - . v . " - r - r Wk1 Market. 8T. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug. 28.-WOOL-Steady; territory and western mediums, 30624c; fine mcdluma, 184jf20c; flnov.litJKc. 739 ' S I 3 heifers... ao 1 ta 13 feeders.. 630 6 60 36 cows 869 4 70 39 steers. ...1148 ( 75 13 feeders.. 641 6 75 11 feeders.. 101 $ 40 22 feeders.. yt) 6 40 60 feeders.. 1187 7 86 18 cows 958 5 20 11 steers.. ..1129 26 8 cows..... 884 5 00 66 steers.. ..1098' 6 t U steers. ...1171 00 43 steers.. ..1211 6 00 12 steers... .114 5 60 6 oows 980 4 60 C6 steers.. .4161 60 10 heifers... 702 t 0t 10 cows 1085 4 75 Lakeside Ranch Co. Neb 46 steers. ...1152 76 30 steers. ...12)6 20 S steers.. ..1123 8 75 ' ' 8and Hilts R. & C Co.-Neb. 47 steers.. ..1375 7 60 69 feeders.. 1260 7 68 48 he!fers...l0 C 35 -A.- I. Preston Neb. 26 feeders.. 1112 6 75 8 cows 808 515 F. A. Cord-Neb. 13 steers.. .J129 4 80 t cows 965 4 80 steers.. ..10836 90 . - , j . J. McComsey Neb. 12 steers. ...1020 6 73 5 cows 934 810 25 steers.. ..1103 7 10 , C. F. Coffee-Neb. ' 67 steers 1071 6 30 , IS cows...- 906 S 00 17 cows 9fl0 6 WESTERNS-WYOMING. 19 feeders.. 82 616 6 cows.... .1010 4 SS 26 feeders.. 765 6 90 SOUTH DAKOTA. '- . . IS feeders.. 814 6 00 -, HOGS There was a good run of hogs here this morning and although quality could not be descrite as gasd. yet It was very fair when compared with what has beta saowlcx up at the yards during- the 67 Wyoming ewes ,..105 375 Wyoming ewes 105 231 Wyoming ewes...,. 99 213 Utah ewes 112 2(6 Utah ewes....... 93 101 Utah ewes.. ...102 116 Utah lambs, feeders.. 63 10 Lta'h Iambs, feeders 60 209 Wyoming ewes, feeders..... 66 499 Wyomlns: wethers, feeders.. 96 545 Wyoming yearlings, feeders 82 167 Wyoming yearlings, feeders 87 426 Montana yearlings, feeders S6 274 Montana yearlings, feeders 86 193 Wyoming yearlings, feeders 73 527 Montana yearlings 86 332 Wyoming lambs, feeders 6HS Wyoming lambs, feeders . S53 Wyoming lambs, feeders . 137 Wyoming lambs, feeders . oi laano ewes 339 Wyoming ewes 216 Wyoming ewes 424 Idaho lambs S17 Idaho lambs , 33 Idaho lambs 362 Montana lambs 14S9 Wyoming ewes 44 Wyoming ewes, culls ... 210 Idaho ewes 62 Idaho lambs, feeders ... 65 Idaho lambs, fdrs, culls. 1006 Idaho lambs 19S Wyoming yearlings 259 Idaho yearlings ..... 48 Wyoming ewes 106 Wyoming ewes, culls 60 Wyoming lambs 204 Wyoming lambs ..... 68 Wyoming yearlings... 14 Wyoming yearlings . 519 Wyoming lambs 132 Wyoming ewes 250 Wyoming ewes , 63 .. 60 ..114 ..113 .. 94 .. 74 .. 66 .. 73 .. 63 ..122 .,102 .. 97 .. 66 .. 54 61 82 94 Ill .....101 ..... 60 64 79 81 .....63 78' 79. Pr. 4 10 335 4 10 6 00 6 00 16 I 500 . 6 40 6 65 100 3 00 2 75 300 8 70 $70 8 70 3 66 3 45 3 60 .6 70 6 65 ,3 85 3 95 476 466 460 4 60 4 80 4 65 6 25 6 26 6 10 6 10 8 28- 5 75 860 630 6 18 6 60 6 86 3 70 2 75 ,3 60 6 15 6 65 6 35 4 65 465 3 60 275 6 20 6 20 4 60 4 60 6 40 4 50 4 66 HAVANA, Aug. 28. Hugh S. Gibson the charge d'affaires of the American legation at Havana, while entering a hotel here tonight was assaulted by a Cuban newspaper reporter. Mr. Gibson was not seriously Injured. His assailant was arrested and the Cuban secretary of state personally expressed his regret to the charge d'affaires at the occurrence. Mr. Gibson was Just entering the hotel at which he habitually dines, when the man sprang upon him from behind aad knocked him down. While the charge d'affaires was lying on the ground his acsatiant jumped upon him. At this mo ment Edward Bell, the Becond secretary of legation, reached the scene and dragged off the assailant, saving Mr. Gibson from serious Injury. Aaaailant Captnred. The police upon arriving at the hotel took the man away" from Mr. Bell. Mr. Gibson promptly Informed the policemen that they must hold his assailant and telephoned to Chancellor Patterson of the Cuban state department, emphasizing his demand. Chancellor Patterson a short time afterward arrived at the hotel where the American charge d'affaires was dining and expressed his regret A few minutes later the Cuban secretary of state, Senor Sangullly, who had been roused from his bed. arrived at the hotel and expressed the official regret of tho Cuban government over the occurrence. The prisoner was consigned to Jail to await the official complaint from the le gation tomorrow. He had been forbidden entrance to the legation because' he had falsely attributed to Mr. Gibson certain statements purporting to pertain to the relations of the American legation with the Cuban government Apparently the assault was the out-' come of the charge d'affaires' attitude In calling the attention of the Cuban government to the various demands' of the Washington government and his In sistence this afternoon, despite the oppo sition of the Cuban" cabinet minister, on the payment in cash of the Rellly claims In the matter of the Clenfuegos water works contract Mail of Importance Not Held Up .by Law to Stop Sunday Work WASHINGTON, Aug. 28.-Plans were perfected by 'Postmaster General Hitch cock today whereby the administration of the new law prohibiting the delivery of liiiall on Sunday , will have no serious ef fect upon the handling of important mail matter. ' Holders of lock boxes at first and sec-' ond class postoffices will have access to them- as usual, although no mail deliveries will be made by carriers on the Street or at postoffice windows. Mail for hotel guests and newspapers will be delivered to them through their lock raxes by a simple arrangement of having that mall sorted on the railway mall cars before it reaches- Its destination.. Such mall will be regarded as "transit mail" and will be distributed Immediately upon its arrival at the offices of destination, thus prac tically Insuring a speedier delivery to the addresses than heretofore has been the case. The prompt delivery of special de livery moll will affected. Thl distribution will require a minimum of Sunday work and the distribution of other mall received on Sunday will be made after midnight on Sunday, so that it may be delivered by the carriers on their first tour Monday. After all-day conferences with the ex perts of his department, Postmaster Gen eral Hitchcock tonight issued a' statement explanatory of his administration of the new law. His assurance is that there will be no embarrassment to the business . public and that through the arrangements he outlines urgent mall matter will reach its destination promptly. Orders neces sary to carry Mr. Hitchcock's plans into effect will be Issued immediately. - . J. O. Nelson Becomes Assistant Manager of " Western Union Lines St. Joseph Live Stock 'Market.' ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.800 head: market steady to 10c higher; stoera, $6.7o10.00; cows and heif ers. $3.25r3.0O: calves, $4.eMf8.50. HOGS-Recelpts, 6,000 head; market steady; top, $8.80; bulk of sales, $8.45 8.7TV SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,500 head; market slow; lambs, $6 .007 .00. Cotton -Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 28.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 11.20c; middling gulf, 11.60c. No sales. : Cotton futures closed very steady; Au gust, 10.64cr" September, 10.66c; Octobnr, 10.89c; November, 10.91c;' December, 11c; January, 10.86c; February, 10.3&; Marco, 11c; May, 11.07c. Mob Lynches Priest For Killing a Man - LISBON. Aug. 28. Dispatches received here today from the Portuguese town of Aldeia Obispo tell of the putting to death of a priest by- an infuriated mob. The - parish priest it is alleged, at tempted to conduct a funeral without the traditional burial rites and the authori ties and people of the town Objected. In the. scuffle . which ensued the priest Whose surplice was torn, beat an elderly man and was arrested. . On the pretext of ' changing his surplice before accom panying an officer, the priest wenjto the presbytery end procured a revolver with which he killed the policeman. The Inhabitants, infuriated by this act stormed the parsonage and Inched the priest Burial of the body, which was horribly mutilated, in the local cemetery was opposed by the angry crowd. . When the dispatch came from Detroit that W. B. Lloyd had been named as super- lntendent for the Western Union at Den--ver. It neglected to state that the vacancy out there had been occasioned by the ele vation of J. C. Nelson to be assistant to the general manager at New York. Mr. Nelson was transferred from Omaha to Denver two years ago, when the country was redlstricted and the di vision . headquarters were changed, but this did not lose him his Interest in Omaha, where he began with the Western . Union as a messenger boy, rising through. ' I he various grades of service until now he is next to the managing head of the great corporation. He is now one of the chief officers of the company, his Juris diction extending over all Its lines. ' WOMAN WHO CANT QUALIFY BREAKS RECORD FOR COURSE CHICAGO, Aug. 23. Miss Freda Werner of the Windsor club, Chicago, broke the; woman's record for the Hinsdale, golf course today in the annual tournament of the Western Woman's Golf associa tion when she finished the eighteen holes in 88. -'-..'.."'.'.':''' Miss Werner failed to qualify for the championship flight yesterday. In match play, second round, Miss Caro line Painter of Midlothian, title-holder, defeated Mrs. W. G. Brjwn of Hinsdale, 5 up and 4 to play. Miss Ines Clark of Waukegan defeated Mrs. H. S. Van Dyke of Los Angeles, 6 up and S to go. Miss Ruth Layman of Hinsdale was defeated by Mrs. E. R. Whitcomb of Milwaukee, 2 down. Mrs. C. L. Derlng, Midlothian, defeated Mrs. H. T. Pound. Skokle, 6 and 4. Mrs. F. S. Colburn, Glenview, defeated .Miss E. ' Hill, Evanston, 2 and t Miss Myra Helmer, Midlothian, defeated Mrs. F. G. Jones, Memph's, 6 and 4. Miss Ruth Chisholm, Cleveland, defeated Mrs. T. A. BrDchon, La Grange, 2 and t Miss A. Mitchell, Cincinnati, defeated Mrs. C. C. Raymond, Hinsdale. . 1 up. Ship Your Stock to South Omaha For list of Reliable) Commi'Miou Merchants See Our Classified List of Merchants. 1