Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Dundee Home
On Easy Terms
This Is a 7-room, 2-story modern home,
having brick fireplace and beamed ceil
ings in living room and dining room. Full
cemented basement, lurnacc heat and fin
ished attic. Located on south front lot,
50x135 ft., which lays high and sightly,
affording & fine view to the south and
west; close to this home where high-class
developments are taking place. Price,
$4,300; terms. 500 cash, balance munttily.
Liberal riiM-ount for n!l cash.
George & Company
Mi-ll City Mavu-,i::il Bank BiJg. :
I hone Douglas 756.
SALE Price $4.00 to $8.0) per acre. Lo
cation: Near Grand Bay, Satsuma, Cal
vert and Mobile on railroad. WHY PAT
BROKERS, 4o to $5u per acre? Buy di
rect, save middle man's profit. Address
Y 142. Be.
GRIDLEY Irrigated colony land at $75
to $150 per acre; good land, plenty of
water; thickly settled district, with good
schools, adjoining town of 2,000. ' Easy
terms. Write for illustrated booklet.
Homeseekers' Irrigated Land Co.. arid
ley, California,
HAVE 80 acres, San Luis valley, Irri
gated land, near Alamosa, Colo., for $25
per acre, for land and fully paid water
right. All irrigable; good drainage and
I no alkali. 35 Baldwin block, Council
Bluffs, la.
A LITTLE cash will buy contract 160
acres best irrigated land in San Luis
Valley, Colo. Discount will raise one crop
and crops will meet all future payments
and buyer gain some money and land
worth $160 to $260 per acre. No. 35 Bald
win Block, Council Bluffs, la.
160-ACRE farm for sale; well Improved;
10 miles from R. R. town; terms. Ad
dress owner, J. L. Thompson, Burlington.
Colo. !
PARTIES desiring to locate In Florida
can save money and secure better land
by making their wants known to me.
I have lived in Florida eighteen years
and know conditions. C. J. Jewell, 916
Hogan street, Jacksonville, Fla.
Traversed by the
Lands adapted to the widest range of
crop. All tne money crops of the south
plentifully pioduced. For literature tieat,
ing with this coming country, its soil,
climate, church and school advantage,
General Passenger Agent,
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm is to insert a small want ad
In the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir
culation in tha state of Iowa, 43.UO0 daily.
The Capital is read by and believed in by
the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re
fuse to permit any other paper In their
homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a-day; $1.2$
per line per month; count six ordinary
words to the line. Address Des Moines
Capital, Des Moines, la.
Northern Louisiana, the land of sun
shine, 20 feet above overflow, the richest
truck farm land in U. S. Price $20.00 to
$60.00 per acre. One-tenth cash, It years
time on balance. Agents wanted. A.
Bellinger, Immigration Agent, Arkansas,
Louisiana & - Gulf Ry. 637 Broadway,
tjouncu .tsiurrs, la.
1 Minnesota.
Write for our Minnesota booklet "C;"
special rates.
103, Bankers Life Bldg.,
Lincoln, Neb.
A BARGAIN for some one, 280 acres
unimproved land In Ottertall county,
Minn. 150 acres light brush land, 35
acres meadow, balance scattering timber,
consisting of maple, oak and poplar,
enough wood on land to pay for it No
sand, swamps or hills, land la nice and
level and all clay' soil, good water can
be had from fifteen to twenty feet Land
is on good state road with rural' route
and telephone line. One quarter mile (to
school, eight miles from Wadena, a city
of 5,000 inhabitants and county seat of
Wadena county. Price $22.50 per acre;
$2,000 cash, balance good terms. JOHN
70,000 acres Carey land open to entry
on Valler-Montana project. Canal sys
tem completed. Payments extend over
fifteen years. Section famous for grain,
forage and vegetables. Write, Clinton,
Hurtt & Co., Box 16, Valler, Mont.
Do you want a farm in the Judith
Basin whore winter wheat yields forty
bushels per acre? Excellent openings for
all lines of business In new towns. For
particulars write 3, S. Endslow, asst
secy., Judith Basin Development League,
Hobson, Mont.
NO agricultural section evidences more
progress and prosperity than eastern Cus
ter county. Our soil is of the rich loam
that produces wonderful yields. I have
lands to sell from $10 to $25 per acre. J.
L. Barstow, Baker, Montana.
To close an estate, within the next
thirty days, we axe offering two Douglas
County farms, one of 100 acres and one of
160 acres, away below their actual value
and below what adjoining land Is held at
They are both highly Improved, well lo
cated and are special bargains at the
price asked. If you are looking for a
farm either for, a home or as an in
vestment It will pay you to investigate
these. ,
483 Brandels ' Bldg. Omahai Neb.
, -PLATTE county farm for sale; ii
miles from Monroe; rolling land; fair
improvements; good neighborhood; price.
$16,000. Address William Webster, Colum
bus, Neb.
2S0-ACRE choree improved farm, close
In, $11,000. Will rent for $700. 160-acre
Improved farm 2 miles out $8,500. Will
rent for $450. Terms. James Pearson,
Jioorefleld, Neb.
FOR BALE 160 acres good farm land,
Hayes county, Nebraska, for $800, half
cash. 25 Baldwin Block. Council Bluffs,
Iowa. ,
WILL sell any part or all of 1,700 acres
best farm land in eastern Colorado for
$6 to $9 per acre. Level; blacK soil, good
as Kimball and Cheyenne counties, Ne
braska. Wheat threshing 20 to 40 bush
els. Corn is fine. Baldwin block,
Council Bluffs, la.
A Splendid proposition of 1,440 acres,
300 cultivated, Improvements worth $6,000;
best of land and a genuine bargain at
$25 per acre; easy terms but no trade.
Send for description. Claude A. Davis,
Ord, Neb. '
Death Dakota.
FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land:
40 acres broke, balance all tillable; I
miles from Dallas and 5 miles from
Coloroe, Price, $40 per acre, payable
$1,500 cash. $i,500 March 1, 191$; $2,4W
March 1. 1S17. Address Box 186, Dallas,
b. D.
A BARGAIN tO acre wild land in
Hyde Co.. South Dakota, rear'e.
E. of S. W. f4 of 10-110-72; good soil,
Prie fl.2.00: toOo.OO cash, $M0.00 Dec. 1st
and $500.00 March 1st D. Herberts,
Stevensvllle, Mont v
Many Holders of Wheat are Inclined
to Reduce Their Lines,
The Oats Market .Materially Helped
by the Firmness la Corn and
the Export Sales lie.
Ins Recorded.
OMAHA. Aug. 27, 1912.
The Liverpool wheat market opened
fettle lower. Reports of clearing
weutner for the United Kingdom, coupled
with the ik-a.-i&h figures given out late
yesterday on the Russian yields tor the
r suggests about 250,000,000 bushels
surplus f0f export, which will no doubt
have a somewhat bearish effect on the
Chicago trade this week, Early messages
report temperatures as low as 35 in the
Canadian northwest, but tuere is no
claim of frost Injuring the wheat. If the
spring run to the northwest markets be
gin to enlarge very fast this will be an
additional bearish feature. It was noted
that many holders were Inclined to re
duce their lines in the September option
yesterday, but the wheat was well taken
on resting orders. Regardless of the less
helptul news for buyers, there is a con
servative bullish feeling among leaders
in the trade. One of the largest wheat
exporters yesterday said that it was
easier to sell wheat for export than to
buy it Yesterday 320.000 bushels of wheat
were sold to be shipped to England. Cash
wheat unchanged.
Seldom in the history of the Chicago
corn trade has there been such a cleanup
of grain In the elevators as at present
Leaders in the cash trade seem to feel
that the worst of the squeeze In the cash
and September contracts is over. This,
together with the very favoratle weather
map, started the trade selling the new
crop months a little too freely yesterday.
Before the close the December had a
sharp recovery of c and there were
many who believed that It would go to
a much greater premium over the May.
This is oo the theory that the first de
livery month for new corn Is at an un
reasonable discount under the level at
which the old corn crop will go out in
September. Of late, there has developed
a friendly feeling for the buying side
of the new crop month on depressions.
Cash corn unchanged to Wc higher.
The oats market is helped by the firm
ness in corn and tha enormous export
sales. Whatever the export business Is,
It is so small compared with the total
crop this year that selling pressure will
come very soon. Cash oats unchanged
to hio higher.
Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to
36,000 bushels; corn, 36,000-bushels; oats,
9,000 bushels.
Liverpool close: Wheat, d to d lower;
corn, d to d lower.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,137,000
bushels and shipments 1,617,000 bushels,
against receipts of 800,000 bushels and
shipments of 535,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 548,0.0 bush
els and shipments 31.000 bushels, against
receipt of S5S.0J0 bushels and shipment of
601,000 buhels last year.
I'rlmary oats receipts were 1.26S.O0O bush
els and f-hlpments 754,000 bushels, against
receipts of 715,000 bushels and shipment of
itN.wv bushels last your.
The following cash rales were reported:
Wheat: No. 2 hard, winter, 1 car, SS'ic; 4
car. SSc; 7 cars, No. X hard, win
ter, 1 car, S7c; 7 cars. 87'4o; 4 cars, 874c;
1 car, 87c; No. 4 hard, winter, 1 ear. Bic;
1 car, SSV:; no grade, hard, winter, 1
car, SSc; 1 car, 7Sc; No. S mixed, 1 car,
S7e: No. 4 mixed. 1 car, 80c; 1 car, 85c.
OaU: No. i white, 1 car, SIW--, U cre
Sl4c; No. 4 white, S care. 31Vc; 9 cars.
3le; 3 cars. 30c; no grade, 1 car. hot.
29V4c. Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car, 75.c,:. No.
S white, 1 car, 7EV: s cars, '75c; No. 4
white, 2 cars, 73c; No. 3 yellow. 3 cars,
74c; No. S yellow, 2 cars, 74Vc; 7 cars.
74.c; 1 car, 74c; No. 2 mixed. 1 car, 74c;
No. $ mixed, 1 car. 74c; 4 cars, 73c; 2
csrs, 73Hc; No. 4 mixed, S cars, 72Vic: 1
cr. 75c.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 57ttc: No. 3
hard. NVsV4c; No. 4 hard. S7c.
CORN-No. 2 white, 75Hc; No. $ white.
7E7iV, No. 4 white, 727So; No. I yel
low, UhifiUe; No. J yellow. 7414c:
yellow, 72H7Sc: No. 2. 74c; No. 8, 710
74c ; No. 4, 7ig72Hc- . .
OATS-N.i. 2 wnite, 3liSS2c; standard.
SUWmfcc: No. 8 white. Mii,u0
White, 8(Wlr3H4c: No. 3 yellow. S031Ko.
BARLEY Malting, 60g66c; No. I feed,
RYE No. 2. 6062c; No. S, 6760c.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
, 81
, 91
Minneapolis .
Kansas City
St. Louis ....
Features of the Trading- and Cloetnsi
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Aug. 27,-Bellef that United
States wheat exports would be larger
than ever before helped the market to
day to rally. The close was strong tt to
W above last night's close.
A group of large houses were lined up
in stalwart fashion on the buying side
of the market, and this checked ear y
selling, because the predicted frosts old
not happen In Canada. December
advance. - That option ranged from 93 to
94c and closed at the last named fig
ures, a gain of o net
Corn had a firm tone throughout. Ex
hausted stocks furnished the .'ncfntlv .
Ing strong at the top Point o
sion lc over lasi nigm.
were in active demand. No. 2 yellow was
quoted at W80c.
enouVh cars mTde' Tat. f frm! Outsido
I price. L touched for Septemb ww.
and SiW, wiin me ""' '"i -
advance of Vic, . , . .,!,
Hard spots in the provision market
brought profit-taking on the part of the
stock yard longs. In the end .action
were off ft" around-pork and lard 7V4 to
12S4c and ribs 5 to 10c.
The leading iucurea ipcct
18,383 acres
1,000 under cultivation,
10.C0O acres tillable,
$50,000 improvements,
fifteen flowing wells.
One large reservoir,
$20.00 an acre. No trading.
Cuero, Texas.
Ship live tock to South Omaha. Bave
nlleage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments reooive prompt and careful atteu
Jon. . - -
Live Stock Commiulon Merchants.
BYEBB BROS. A CO. Strong, reliable
Clay, Robixon (k Co., 200 Exchange BldgT
Artlclel Open. I High-I Low. Close. Yes'y.
May. 9697
May. Oats.
Sept Oct..
17 90
18 05
19 15
11 10
10 85
10 77V4
10 95
10 1714
94Vi 93V41
94S 93
3S98V4l 96
74Vil T2Vi'
BH4 54H
32i 32
83V4 32
354 34
17 92-95 17 75
18 05 17 92V4
19 20 19 07Vj
11 00-02 10 92V4
1112H 1100
10 85 10 Vhi
10 77V W 72V4
10 97H 10 87H'
1103H 10 9214
1017V 10 12K
94 93T4
94 9SV4
98 97(4
73 72.
55tt 64ig
82 82
83tt 82
35V4 m
17 80 17 87V4
17 92 IS 00-02
19 07 19 20
10 92 1102
ill 00-02 U 02
10 77 10 85
10 72 10 80
10 87 W 97
10 92 11 00-02
10 15 10 20
CLIFTON Com. Co , 322 Exchange Bldg.
Martin Bros, -fe Co., Exchange Bldg.
Snyder-Malone-Coffman Co.. 159 Ex. Bldg.
LAVERTY BROS.. 138 Exchange Bldg.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given tnat the Board
of Directors ol the Kimball Irrigation
District has declared ita intention to sell
and will sell thirty thousand dollars $3a
wo), par value, or any omaller amount
of Its bonds l.eretofoie Issued, dated July
t, 1911, at the otflce of said board on the
corner of Fust and Chestnut street ia
Kimball, Klmbali county, State of N,
braska, 011 Wednesday, the 4tb -jay of
September. A. D. 1912, at the hour of
twelve o'clock noon.
Sealed proposals will be received by tne
hoard at tiielr said office lor tha bur.
cnase of said amount of bonds or any
part thereof until tne day and hour
named heretofore, at which time the said
board will open tne proposals and awara
the purchase of tne bonds to tne hlgaest
responsiDie oiaaer or uiaaers, me board,
However, reserving the right to reject
any or all bids.
Dated August 12. 1912.
By Trier of tne Board of Directors.
TEtlCT (Seal) By L S. WALKER. President
Attest: Fred R. Morgan, Secretary.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUfC-Steady: winter patents, $4.3Cf
. 11 av!m at' nrin natente.
$4.35ffl5.70; straights, $4.004.25, bakers,
RYE No. 2, 7070c.
BARLEY Feed or mixing, . 350c; fair
to choice malting, 576c. ,..
SEEDS-Timothy. $3.7x&4.75; clover,
'pRcSvisiONS-Mess pork. $17.8718.00;
i.Sifin tierces). $1492; short ribs
I (loose), $10.87. . .t . .ntlr
Tota clearances 01 wuov ."""
were eaual to 171,000 bu. Primary re
ceipts were L137.0CO bu.. compared with
806,000 bu. the corresponding ilM a y
ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow:
Wheat 270 cars; corn, 308 cars; oats, 41
cars; hogs, 26,000 head.
Chicago casn prices
Wheat- No. t red, 5l.061.06; No. 8
red 95c$1.04; "No. 2 hard. 95gflc; No.
ihardfSW: No. 1 northern, 9sp8c;
Nc? 2 : northern. 496c; No. 8 northern,
nOSEo; No. 2 spring, 9497c; No. 3 spring.
9M95C No. 4 spring, 8&34c; velvet chaff.
mIxo? durum, 90$6e. Corn: No. 2. 79
80c No J white, 8181c; No. t ytl
&w 80S0c; No. 8, 7980c; No. 3
wWte, tSSuttte; No. 3 yellow. 7980c;
No 4, 7W9c; No. 4 white. 7980c;
No. 4 yellow, 7979c. Oats: Ko. 2,
8232c; No 2 white, 31H35c; No. S
white. 3234c: No. 4. 32c; No. 4 white.
3232c; standard. 33(534c. Rye: No 2
7oS70c Barley: 40g?70c. Timothy, $3.76
4.75. Clover: $10.08)16.50.
BUTTER-Steady; creameries, 2225c;
dairies, 2123c.
EGGS-Steady; receipts, 10,007 cases; at
mark, cases included, 17c; ordinary
firsts, 18c; firsts 20c. ...m,.iiJ.,
CHEESE Steady daisies, lSlBHc;
twins, 1415c; young Americas, 15f
15c; long horns, l616:14c.
POTATOES Weak; receipts, 50 cars;
Minnesota. 4550c; Wisconsin, 45a5c.
POULTRY Firm: turkeys, 13c; chick
ens, 13c; springs, 17c.
VEAL-Steady, 9sj13c.
from a Bona Spavin, Ring Bone,
Splint, Corb, Side Bone or similar
trouble and gets bocse going sonnd. Does
not blister or remove the hair end
horse can be worked.. Pan if InpanphM
with each bottle tells bow. $2.00 a totals
delivered. Horse Book 9 B free.
ABSORBING, JB., liniment for man
kind. Bemoves Painful Swelllnii, Bnlrgnd
Olands. Goitre, Wens, Bnuset, Varicose
V.ln. TKrinnaltlaa. Old flnrnL AllSTtPalD.
Will tU yon mora if yoo writ. 11 and ri s boule
at dealera or deUrercd. Manufactured onljbj
W.F.YOUNfi.P.O.r, IM Tens' St., Slrlnrdeli, Majs,
Ship Your Stock
to South Omaha
For List of Reliable Commftsiub
Merchants Seo Our Classified
, List of MeirhanU. ,
atuehromt wtta Cora lUrrMrtM
an! tbrowt in pllis ob br-
i-r or wlnrowi. Mas n4 horia
cuts and ihocki ayuil wliti a Cors Dtndar. gold
tn erer? state. Prlc. t20.00. W. H, BUXTON,
of Johnstown, Ohio, wrltaa: "Th Nanreater haa
prona all 70a claim for It; th Harr attar wrad
m 0Tr Itt In labor laat yaar'a cum cutting. I
eut arer toe thoelu: will raaJt 4 buahala com to t
hock." Taatlmoniala and aatalog frw, showlnj
Bloturra of hanreatar. Aifdna
SIW PK0C2S3 xra. CO., SaUaa. Xan.
When You Own
First Mortgage Bonds
You Own Actual
The value of the bondi se
cured by a million dollar
property in actual operation
means a good investment to
This Issue Small.
Pays 7 Interest.
For complete information
Call or Write
1126-27 City Nat'l Bank
Omaha, Neb.
"ll' hi ,',
aii..eai.'artaiiiiYiaiaiiiiii iwirawaiaajeia niia
Don't be satisfied with a small, rate of INTEREST on your morey
when the man who borrows it frequently makes tremendous PROFITS. 1
When vou loan your money by buying Bonds or Mortgages, the man
who borrows it puts It into a ' Producing Industry," where it makes a
fortune for him.
OWN THE INDUSTRY YOURSELF and make your money earn big c
profits for YOUHSOLiir insteaa or ior me omer ieiiow. 1
This is a legitimate, high-class opportunity rarely, If ever, offered to
get In at the start In a live, proven enterprise, with the element of chance
Dractieally eliminated.
A GREAT NATURAL INDUSTRY, which draw from nature's nwn
inexhaustible storehouse, the Industry which has earned greater profits '
for its investors and made more men rich than any other on earth - '
YOU CAN INVEST ANY AMOUNT from- $100.00 upwards and have
exactly the same advantages and protection aa all other owners.
INVESTIGATE NOW Prompt action necessary It will cost you
noimng, involve no onuniion 10 nave convince you By mail that a 1
oner space or ume. ,
Write today for booklet describing proposition fully,
B. S. CHAFMA2T, Fiscal Agent,
411 Central national Bank Bnildicg. gj, touis Mo.
Favorable Influences Rule During
the Day's Trading.
United States Stee-I Rises to Best
Quotation of Year and All To
bacco laanfi Gain Three
Points or More.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2S.-The congres
sional record, further confirmation of the
brilliant crop outlook and unabated de
mand for steel and copper were the chief
lactors which Imparted general strength
to today's stock market. London's high
range for American securities was also
a favorable influence, albeit the better
inquiry for Americans at that center
probably had its orig n In the local mar
ket. Opening prices showed gains in all the
standard Issues, with 1 and J-point ad
vances, respectively In St, raul and
Canadian Pacific, the latter being espec
ially strong abroad on buying attributed
to Berlin. Harriman and Hill Issues, as
well as the entire granger group, mani
fested an upward tendency.
Atpong the Industrials. United Stites
Steel mounted to its bet price of the
year and practically all the tobacco
Issues rose Z points or more. Later
there came a demand for various, minor
specialties, including Colorado Fuel com
mon and preferred, with a 30-point gain
lhe Iaiter; Amertcan Beet Sugar,
Pittsburg Coal, American Can. M.xio.n
Petroleum and the local tractfons.
London bought moderately here of
Amalgamated and Steel, but its sales of
Paclf.cs probably offset these purchases.
Discounts hardened abroad again, with
further Intimations of an early advance
n the bank rate. Firmness was reflected
In prices on the Paris and Berlin ex
changes. The local bond market was l.r.-gular.
Total sales, par value. U.WO.00O. United
'irutes government bonds registered 2s
advanced Vi Per cent on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
..... Salat. Hlsb. U. Cloaa.
Amalgamated Copper .... M,100 aiu (I sjvt
American Asrtcultural ... 300 M4 l3
American Bt Sugar.... 14.JO0 12 75V
Am.rtoan oao t.tOO 41 n u
American Can pti too 11914 llu m
American & r 1.600 -J ,
Amerlcaa Cotton Oil 1O0 44, uu mJ
Am. lea 8wurltla J, loo fca. jji, .4
Amerlcaa UnaMd . Ju
Amarioan LocomotWa ... too ( ii' a
Amartcsn S. R 300 1 n W
Am. B. a R. pfd loj
Am. sugar Refining a.700 121 121
Amarioan T. A T too 146 144 14'
American Tobacco 1,940 tlt ya W
Anaconda Mining Co.... ,uo 4i ib 45 n
Atchlaon 3,101 loss 101 1CW'
Atchlton pti , joi(j
Atlantio Coaat Una too ui l46Vk 6Vi
Baltimore a Ohio 500 lot 1071a lot
Batbleham S'eal l,oo 41 i0 tn
Brooklyn Rapid Tr X,O0t U H4 114,
Canadian Pacltle a,:oo yt 211 Vt
Cfntral Uathar l,7o 2 it
t-baaapaaka a Oblo 1.40,1 12 n U
Chicago O. W 1,000 18 l u
Cblcago, M. a 6t, P.... 1,400 111 lo. IN a,
Cbioago tc N. W 100 141 1S 141
Colorado T. a I i.too uvi 31Vi i
Unaolldated Oas 400 14a 5 14s 146
Corn Products 400 la1 la It
Dataware a Hudaon 100 171 17 J 171
Danver Ik. Klo Oranda.... loo U in it
V. aV R. 0. ptd M
Ulatlllers' gecurltlaa .... (00 WVt 3'i II
Brio .000 i H
Hrla lat pfd H
Krla id pid 100 4( 4i 4i
Oanaral Wtcirlo 1.HO0 lM;i ni W
Oreat orlUarn ptd t.loO lui' lis i no
Uraat Northern Dra etta.. 1,300 45 v, i6 6Vfe
UllDcta central luo Ul lai lMn
Interborougn Mat S.700 10 U W
inter. Mat. pld i.W W H 6kK
Intar. Harveaiar ctla ttl
tnter-Marlna pfd 100 ll l U
International Paper o0 laia W l
lutafnaiioual Pump 100 J l y
Iowa Central 100 il ft X
Kanaaa Uty Southern IOi
Lacleda Oa 0i
Ueblgh Valley I,00 170 1H lW
Loulavllla a Naabvllla... 00 W Ui in
M., 81. P. 8. 8. id,,,. 1,400 ll laO
MDeourl, K 11 a00 i
M.. K. T. ptd 0
Mleaourl Paclllo W 140V, 10 140
National Blaoult 1.400 bo '4 6H tut,
National Lewd
Now York Central WO lltVi 114. U
N. y., o. a w 7uo 7 i n
Norfolk A Waatem. M U ut in
lortb Amerlcaa JO0 u W W
orthan Pacittq t.W Ut U W
Pacific Mall 400 HIV) ) W
Pwnayivania two 1M 14 Un
people Oaa JJ
P., C, C. a Bt. U too 111 110 Ho
Plttaburgh Coal 4.1o0 ai 14 X
PriaeM btaal Car l S W w
Pullman Palace 4Jar WW 171 170 110
Raadlns l",li
Kepubl Steal ) i HJj
Republic Btoal ptd 0o 1 tl HI
Hock iiland Ce 36
Hock laland Co, pfd loo 61 M 61
at. 1, as. r. id id... aw wi
Haaboard Air Llna.
StrSd A U pfd MO M W W
Sera pclfto WO Ut 110 Ul Railway 1.W0 W i0 lu
. Railway pfi. JOO JO W
vSZ rJSSrv. . "
Union Pactfio pfd J
VSZ Vtl liW 4
U. 8. SW.I pfd I. IU IW
Utah Coppar ;j "
Va.-Oaroltna Cberoical .. W0 4?
Wabaah 200 ,, J
Wabaab pfd "
Waatam Maryland MH MV
W-tlnghoua. Klectria .. 1.700 . Mfc W
Vaatoru Union M M
Wheeling a I E
Slo.a-8hatfl.ld B. a J m
Total aalaa for tha day. bre.
Kew York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. I7.-MONc.Y-On
call steady, 2'3 Pf nti rulln rate-
per cent; closing bid, t per cent;
offered at 3 per cent, 'lime loans,
Stronger. S(4 per cent; 90 days. ti
J?Tp? cent; six months. S per cant
tier cent; sterling exenange, steadywlth
actual business in banker s bill, at M.kW
toi - S-day bills and M8735 for demand ;
commercial Mils, H.MM.
BILiVEH Bar, Wic; Mexican dollars.
BONDS-aovernment, firm; railroad, ir.
closing quoUUons on bonds today were
S8 iirt.Wii rag -WO- C. So. raf. U M
do COUDOB O. (mv. w am..
U S ta;rag MS U a N. unl. ...... r7
do coupon WJ M. K ft T. lat 4a 4
,o nl(4 f,B. 4Vkt W
do coupon UlM.Mo. Padfla 4a 70
Panama la, coupon. .101 do eonr. la 14
i.T-C (a ctfa.. U pi R R of M 4a. HO
Amir Ai 6a WlN. Y. C g. !....
Am.' Tobacco I....U1 NV T. N. H. H.
Armour A Co. 4a. W cv la ,
AtXwn gan. 4a.. WV. W. let a. 4a.
to T. 4a U60 106 do . 4 1
L 6 10 No. Pacific 4a 17
A O. U IX ds... do la M
Bat ft Ohio 4a 17 0. S. L. rfdg. 4a... M
do la P- IV." T
Brook. Tr. or. 4a... 11 do eon. 4.... 1M
C, of Oa. ta W Beading gan. 4a.... M
C. Uathar la.... 5HS. It A 8. F. tg. 4a n
Oaa. ft Ohio 4.. do gen. 6a M
d" oonr. 4. M4St. L. 8. W Wft
Chicago ft A. 4Mi8. A. L. adl. la... 7
C k ft Q. 1. 4a.. M So. Pae. col. 4a... M
do gen do c 4a W
T al aV f r BV f 7T W an t -
C R. 1. ft F... 4a.88o. Railway a....l0
do rfg. H oo s".
G ft S r. ft 4sMTJntoB Pacific 4a ... H
O. ft H. ct 4S....I7 da a. H..........1M
D ft R. O. raf. Is. IH do lat ft raf. 4a.. H
Dlatlllara' V. S. Rubber aa ..l04
ajri, I, U MU. S. Steel Id la.. .101
do Sen. 4a 77Va.-Cr. Chom. la, M
da ev. 4a, aw. B tlWab. let ft es. 4a. 7
III. Con. lat raf. 4a M Waatam Md 4a...
ail II IX Uh, r BB. . 06
inter mm, " : . -..7
Inter. M. V. ..., MVVla. Central .
Japan 4a M
Bid. OtfeTW.
York Mlalna Stocks.
NEW YORK, Aug. 27.-Closing tjuota-
ai.,na or. mlnlnr atnrka were:
Com. Tunnel stock.. M Mexlean J7J
aa. Vwv. . u Ontarle 160
Con. Cal. ft Va M Ophlr
Iron Sliver ...o -aianaaro
LaadTllla Con I Yellow Jacket 40
Utile Chief I
Condition of Treaanry.
WASHINGTON. Aug. J7.-At the berln-
ning of business today the condition of
tne tinned nates treaeury ithf. worn
Ing bnlsnce In trpasury offlcs, t02 006,4!;
In banks and Philippines treasury, H4.
;t6."84: total of the general fund. P.WI.94
274.- Receipts yesterday were $1,002,348;
disbursements, h.iot.ioo. Pericit to date
this fiscal year. $2,233,771 as against a
deficit of $22,089,018 at this time last year.
These figures exclude Panama canal and
public debt transaction.
Hoatoii Stut'k Market.
BOSTON. Aug. 27.-;iosing quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Allouei H Mokawfc U
Amal Copper bNivada Con t-
A. Z. L. .v t U MiilaalOf Mlnea ... I
Arliona Com I North Butte 14
B. ft C. C. tlH 7 North Lake I
Cal. ft Artjona U0d Dominion
Cal. A Hecla Ul OKeola '
Centennial U gulncy u I!
Cop. Range C. C... ao shannon 'S
Eaat Butte C M... W V Superior 47
Krank:in 11', Superior ft B M. . . I
llroui Con 67 Tamarack 44
til an by Con MV. 8. S. R. ft M... H
Uraene Cananaa .... 10 do rtd
hit Royale toppar. S6ltah tn 11
hair Uka :ltah Copper Co
Lake Coppar K Winona I
La Sella Copper t Wolverine 10
Miami Coppar 19
Bask of Knalund Htaiement.
LONDON, Aug. 31. American securities
opened steady today. Fair buying orders
were executed during the early trading
and prices advanced front (a over yes
terday New York closing- Canadian
Pacific was supported by New York and
Berlin and gained 3 points.
Quotations of the Day on Various
NEW YORK. Aug. 27.-FLOUR-Flrm;
spring patents, $5.10S5.15; winter straights,
4.60ij4.i: winter patents. 4.SOji.ia;
spring clears, KBO&H.kU; winter extras.
No. 1. I4.1O10U); winter extras, No. 2. J4.U0
$4.10; Kansas straights, .;)iH.50.
WHEAT Spot market, firm; new No.
3 red. Jl.06 c. I. f. track and $107 f. o. b.
atloat; No. 1 northern Duluth $1.04: f. o.
b. afloat. Futures market closed He to
lc net higher. September, $1.034: De
cember, $1.01(ftl.01 5-16; May, $1.0u.
CORN ilpot market, steady; export
corn. 6Uo f. o. b. afloat December and
OATS Spot market, easy; new standard
wliite, $9c; No. 2 Hc; No. . S9c, and
No. 4, 38c, all elevators; natural white,
MUfdlo track; new white clipped, 41tjH4o
HAY Firm; prime, $140; No. 1, $1.36;
No. , $1.2001.26; No. 3, c(ttV05.
HIDES Firm; Central Ameilca, S5c;
Bogota, 24H25Ho.
LiEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 2rVH
27c; seconds, 242tic; thirds, 2223c; re
jects, 10c.
PROVI8ION8-Pork, mess, $20.00S22.00;
family. $2O.O0S21-O0; short clears, $19.. btf
22.00. Beef, firm; mess, 16.00qtf 16.50; fam
lly. $18.W& 19.00; beef hams, $2S.0Oil.iW.
Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14
pounds, $ii.Ouji4.C0; pickled hams, $13,509
14.00. Lard, firm; middle west, $il.lotf
11.28; refined, firm; continent, $11.6o;
South America, $12.20; compound, $8.25
TALLOW-Flrm; prime city, hhds., Vc;
country, 686c; special, THo.
BUTTER Firm; receipts, ll,66i tubs;
creamery, extra, i6'4S2Ho; firsts, 250
CHEESE Firm; receipts, 8,639 boxes;
state, whole milk, white, specials, lii
ItiUc: same, colored. MVic; skims. 3t!t3c
(3GS-lrregular; receipts 19,544 cases;
refrigerator firsts, season's atorage
charges paid. 22V4t23Vio; seconds, 2021c;
third, 18(flc; western fresh gathered
Whites. 24Jf27o.
POULTRY Dressed, fresh killed- west
ern chickens, 1524c; Jowls, 14416c; tur
keys, 16l7c. .
St. Louis General Market.
ST. J LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 27, WHEAT
Cash, weak; track. No. 2 red, $1.01 V4
1.05; No. 2 hard, 9296o.
-CORN-Higher; track, No. 2, 78Va7lc ;
No. 2 white, 81HC
OATS-Hlgher; track, No. 2, 31H32Hc;
No. 2 white. 34',c.
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT-Hlgher; fceptember, 94Hs; De
cember, M-c.
CORN-Hlgher; September, 73tt; De
cember, 62VbC.
OATS-Higner; September, SlVsc; De
cember, 32o.
ti i h, Unchanged, 12e.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents,
$4.75(5.05; extra fancy and straight, $1.15
dj4.5; hard winter clears, $3.50ia3.80.
BEED-Ttmothy, $10.00
BRAN Firm; sacked east track, 11.00
HAY-Steady; timothy, H8.00oj20.00;
prairie, $12.00016.00.
PROVISIONS Pork unchanged; Job
blng, $16.60. Lard, unchanged: prime
steady, $10.65&10.70. Salt meats, . un
changed; boxed extras shorts. $11.00! Short
dears, $11.25. Bacon, unchanged; boxod
extras shorts, $12.00; clears ribs, $12.0;
short clears, $12.25.
POULTRY - Firm; chickens, llttc;
springs, 16c; turkeys, 17&19c; ducks, VWd
110; geese, 610c.
BUTTER Dull; creamery, 2326c.
EGGS--Firm, 18c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 11,000 11.000
Wheat, bu. .....219,000 219,000
Corn, bu 20,000 62.000
Oats, bu 88.000 60,000
Kanaaa City Grata aad ProTlalona,
Cash, unchanged to c lower; No. 2
hard, W&ttc; No. $, 87($91c; No. 2 red,
8c$1.02; No. , 92c$1.01.
CORN Unchanged to lc lower; No. 2
mixed, 78784c; No. 8, 77igfl7Vsc; No. 2
white, 78c; No. 8, 77a
OATS Unchanged to He lower; No, 8
white, 84H36c; No. 2 mixed, 3a&33Hc
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT September, 89c; December,
sbc; May,
CORN September, 71c; December,
JIHc; May, H4c.
OATS-December, 34c; May, 3535!4c.
rtYE 7172c.
HAY-Steady; choice timothy, 1J.o0iB
14.00; choice prairie, $10.60(3)11.00.
BUTTER Creamery, 24c; firsts, 22c;
seconds, 20c; packing stock. 2O3210.
EOOS-Extraa 22c; firsts, 20H21c; sec
onds, 16c.
Receipts. Shipments.
"Wheat, bu 146,000 118,000
Corn, bu 16.000 ' 60,000
Oats, bu 14,000 6,000
Killing Cattle Steady to Lower and
Feeders Steady.
Sheep and Lambs in Large Receipt,
bat All Selllag Lambs Lower
Than Last Week, bat Sheep
About Steady.
Available Supplies of Grain.
NEW YORK, Aug. 27.-Bpeolal cable
and telegraphic communications received
by Bradstreet's show the following
ennnges in avaiiaoie supplies as com
pared with previous accounts:
Available supplies: Wheat. United
States, east of Rockies, increased 889.000
bushels: west of Rockies, Increased 200,
000 bushels; Canada, decreased 958.000
bushels; total. United States and Canada,
Increased 221,000 bushela Afloat for and
In Europe Increased 2.100.000 bushels.
Total American and European supplies
Increased 2.821,000 bushels. Corn, United
states and Canada, decreased 638,000 bush
els. Oats, United States and Canada, In
creased 1,103,000 bushsls.
The leading Increase and decreases re.
ported this week follow: Increases
Louisville, sm.wo Bunnell: Milwaukee, pri
vate elevators, ln.two tmsneis; Akron, ,
000 bushels; Dallas, 90.000 bushels: Chat
tanonga. 50.000. Decreases Nashville, 161,.
000 bushels; Manitoba. 88,000 bushels; Lin.
coin, 86,000 bushels; Cleveland, 60,000 bush
Mllvt-nukre Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Aug. 27.-
WHEAT-September, 9191e; Decern,
ber, 92ic; May, 97c. Cash: No. 1 hiird.
n.004; No. 1 northern. SJV.fWHe: No. 2
nonnern, saia.'jec; no. s. myvi:.
CORN No. 8 yellow, 77(rt77Hc.
OATS-No. 8 white, SOJJSOHc
RYE No. 2. 6384c.
BRAN In 100-pound sacks, $19.00.
FLOUR Leadllng local patents. In
wood, f. o. b., Minneapolis, $4.6604.95;
other patents, 84.6064.8fi; first clears. $3.50
$4.80; second clears, $2.502.90.
BARLEY 33362c.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
1 northern, 98i$994c; No. 2 northern, 98
97c; No. 2 hard winter, 94Q96c; September,
93c; December, Who.
CORN No. 8 yellow, 80c; No. 3 white,
80iAc; No. 8. 784c; September, 77Vc; De
cember. 6T5465Hc.
OATS Standard. &mi.
BARLEY Malting, 6076c.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, 111., Aug. 27.-CORN-Irreru-lar,
W-giHc higher: No. 2 yellow, 79c; No.
8 yellow, 781c; No. 4 yellow, 77c; No.
2 mixed, 78c; No. 8 mixed, 58c.
OATS-Bteady; No. 2 white, 33Sc; stan
dard. 33c; No. 8 white, 31'c; No. 2 white,
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 27.OOFFEE-Fll-tures
market closed firm at a net ad.
vance of from 10 to 15 points. Sales. 194,.
250 bags. Spot coffee, eteady; Rio 7s.
14c; pantoti 4s, l6Hc Mild, quiet; Cor
dova, 16l74c. ,
SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 27, 1912.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 8.921 2.227 S9.7W
EsUmate Tuesday .... 4,"i i.SuO 24,000
Two days this week.. 13,621 9.827 63,783
Same days Uvt week..U.9y5 ll.oSS A't,m
Saijie days I weeks ago 14,1'6 13,306 26,418
Same days 3 weeks ago. 9.1SW 13,24 24.3U
Maine days 4 weeks ago. 6.41 13.5o0 24.5.13
Sam days last year.. 16,645 8,&i9 Ti,i
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at iveuth Oman a
for the year to date m cou.pared with
last year; 1812. 1911. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 546,920 671,429 24.&U9
Hogs 2,210,730 1.752, 4C8.4tl
Sheep 1,305,641 1.101.S53 2UI.788
The following table shows the range of
price for hogs at South Omaha for the
last few days with comparisons:
Date. l:H2. 191).l10.l909.119Uit.l07.il30i.
Aug. 18. I 17 8 24 7 72 6 41 6 i
Aug l. a ODVai 7 W, i, 'i o. ii $ D
Aug. 2U. k 8 Si'l 7 (hi 6 ii 62, 6 Ui
Aug. 21. 8 0U 7-27, I 7 49 i 39 i 53 6 9i
Aug. 22.1 b w- i 2.11 S 64 lb 321 6 m i Ul
Aug. 23. ml 7 161 8 66 7 63 I 6 69, i 6i
Aug. 24. 8 lbVtl 7 06 S 64 7 02 6 32, 6 t7 6 D5
Aug. 26. 7 Jul 8 70i 7 71 S4 I 6 S
Aug. 2. 8 25 1 7 12, 8 i 7 W 6 3i 5 77j
Aug. 27. j 1 8 691 7 M 6 41 5 77 5 85
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union titook yaras, tSouth Omaha,
ior the twenty-tour nours ending at 8 u.
ui. yesterday:
Cattle. Hoais. hD. H'r'a.
mo. .Pacific Ky 2
Union Pacific Ry.. 66
C, & N. W. east.... 4
C. & N. W., west.. 43
C, St. P.. M, & O.. 4
C, li. tt Q., east.... 8
C. B. & Q.. west... 74
C, K. I. oc P., eaat. ..
C, R. I. & P.. west 2
Illinois Central Ry. ,.
C. G. W. Ry
Total receipts.
1 .. 1
33 66 1
88 24 1
6 1
17 3
1 ,. A.
107 $9 1
Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
Morris Packing Co 604 828 8,618
Swift and Company.... 681 1.741 3.054
Cudahy Packing Co.... 646 1,268 2,022
Armour UO 444
Schwarts-Rolen Co.,,
J. W. Murphy ..4
Cudahy, from country
Morrell 6
VV. B. Vansant Co 76
Benton, V. a & Lush.. 208
Hill Son 4M
F. B. Lewis 174
HuBton A Co 81
J. B. Root & Co 899
J. II. Bulla 77
L. F. Hubs 172
Mccreary & Carey 83
8. Werthelmer 42
H. F. Hamilton 66
Lee Rothschild 172
M. & Kan. -Calf Co.... 90
Kline & Christie.
Other buyers
Totals ,
... 100
5,764 7,862 29,498
CATTLE Cattle receipts this morning
were little more than half a large as
yeateiday, but tne total fur the two dayx
amounted to 13,t21 head, being a little
larger than last week, but smaller than
a year ago by 8,000 head.
Advices from other mat ket points have
not been very encoutaglng on beef caitl-j
tor some little time batk, Cnlcago having
slumped quite baaly last week. With lib
eral lecelpts yesterday and today packers
were accoidlngly veiy much diapised to
pound vaiues hard in an effort to get th
market uown to a point that womd be
according to their Ideas more nearly In
line with other points. As a result ths
market on beef steers this morning was
very slow and dun, with prices as much
as I0o lower in most cases.
A few cows som early to pretty gooJ
advantage, but as buyers became better
informed as to the number on sale and
conditions at other points the trade cania
to a sudden standstill and for a time buy.
ers were practically out of the market,
not trying to do any business. As a re.
suit the trade closed very slow with prices
tor or moie lower than yesterday.
Good leaders were in active dtmand this
morning. There waa a large attendance
of buyers from the country and the bet
ter grades of cattle changed hands very
freely at prices generally steady with
yesterday. Common and Interior stuff
did not move quite so fteely and tha feel,
ing on tnat k.nd wan, U anything, a littia
quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, $8.50gilO.S6; fair to good
beef steers, $7.50 8.60; common to fair
beef steers, $5.607.60; good to choice
heifers, $6.O0ifj,7.26; good to choice cows,
$5.006.25; fair to good cows. $4-O03$.C0;
common to fair cows, $2.76(84.00; good to
choice stockers and feeders, $6.0088.00;
fair to good stockors and feeders, $6.26
6.00; common to fair stockers and feeders,
$4.5005.25; stock cows and heifers, $4.2
6.60; veal calves, $4.00(98.00; bulls, stags,
etc, $3.756.60. .
quotations on range cattle: Good to
choice beef steers. $7.609.50; fair to
good beef steers, $6267.50; common to
fair beef steers, $5.00.S5.
HOGS Only a moderate supply of hogs
being on hand, buyers started early fill
Ing their orders at prices a nickel higher
and In spots possibly a dime above yester
day's market. The most advance Was
made on the best stuff, the highest
price, $8.55 being paid by a shipper for
good light hogs. The mixed and packing
kinds showed pretty generally the nickel
advance, though quite a few sales were
closed at only strong figures. There was
apparently a good demand for almoat
everything on sale and the offerings were
disposed of in a lively manner. There
were considerably more good hogs here
than yesterday, but shippers bought very
little more than on the last two or three
days back. Today's top price Is the high
est price paid for- a full load of hogs
since November, 1910, when $8.63 was top.
SHEEP With such a large supply of
sheep and lambs on hand yesterday,
trade was fairly active at one time, but
later on In the afternoon became slow
and drags?, the market closing weak and
In some Instances a little lower on lambs
when compared with the best time. As
the number of fat sheep was not so large
In proportion to lambs, very little change,
if any, was noticed In prices, values re
maining about the same as the close of
last week. Only about a dozen loads of
stuff were held over for today's trade.
The fresh receipts this morning, ac
cording to the first estimates, amounted
to about 89 loads, or around 22.250
head, being 8.200 short of a week ago and
about 8,760 head less than the arrivals
here on the corresponding day last year.
Quality was the same as recent ship
ments, there being a fair number of good
to choice ewes and yearlings among the
offerings. Today's large supply, fallow.
Ing the very heavy receipts yesterday,
naturally had a tendency to favor the
buying end of the trade. Everything was
very quiet early and It toon some little
time before buyers and sellers could come
to an agreement a ti prices. The gen
eral trade at other points held out little
hope tor an Improvement in prices. In
the end buyers and sellers got together
and a large part of the supply was
disposed of by mid-day. On the whole
both lambs and sheep were a little slow
to sell and at prices steady with yes
terday's close.
Considerable trading took place tn the
feeder division yesterday afternoon, with
feeding lambs showing a decline of W!)
15c below prices at the end of lattt week.
The volume of trade done In feeding
ewes, wethers and yearlings was very
limited, hence very little If any change
was noted.
Quotations on sheep hnd lambs: lambs,
good to choice, $6.606.76; lambs, fair to
k-ood. S6.30fi6.60: lambs, feeders, 85.5006.36;
yearlings, good to choice light. $4.S5.16;
yearllnars. heavy. H.504.S5: yearlings,
feeders, $3.9033.00; wethers, good to choice,
J4.0G84.2o; wethers, lair to good, w-wt
4 00; wethers, feeders, $3.304.00; ewes,
good to choice, $3.5094.00; ewes, feeders,
at. Louis Lire Stock Market.
ST. LOUia Aug. 27.-CATLE-RcelDts.
6,000 head. Including 2,600 head Texans;
market steady; native and shipping ex
port steers, $8.50(3)10.00; dressed and
butcher steers. J6.00p8.50; stockers and
feeders, $4.50ft6.75; cows and heifers, $4.00
JT8.76; canners, $2.75(f4.25; bulls, $4.0025.00;
calves, $6.00$'7.95; Texas and Oklahoma
steers, $4.50(S.50; cows and heifers, $3,509
HOGS Receipts, 5,600 head; market
steady: muttons. $3.25V?4.25: lambs, $5.50
7.26; culls and bucks, Jl.Wg3.2o; stockers,
Demand for All Kinds of Stock la
CHICAGO, Aug. 27.-CATTLE-Recelpte,
4.500 head; market slow, steady; calves,
25c higher; beeves, $5.7510.60; Texas
steers, $5.00f6.86; western steers. $6.2STd
9.60; stockers and feeders, $4.40(g'7.35: eowa
and heifers, $2.65(8.10: calves, JS. 7510.50.
HOGS Receipts. 12,000 head; market
steady; 60 lower; light, 88.3O&9.00; mixed.
$S.16fc9.0O; heavy, $S.OOf8.85; rough. $7.959
8.15; pigs, $6.508.20; bulk of sales, $8.30
8 80
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 32,009
head; market steady to 100 higher; native,
$.1.30ft?4.60; western, $3.354.50; yearlings,
J4.40fy.60; lambs, native, $4.507.15; west
ern. $4.50S7.25.
Kansas t'ltv Live Stock Market.
Receipts. 14,000 head, including 1.600 head
out herns; market steady to JOo lower; I
dressed beef and export steers, $8.7510.60; j
fair to good, $6.75ii.S,65; western steers, j
$5.60ffa.00; stockers and feeders, $4.757.85; ,
southern steers, $4.50Jt6.25; southern cows,(
$3. 25ft 6. 25; native cows, $3.20S.60; native!
heifers, $5.0038.50; bulls, $4.0O6.00; calves,
HOGS Receipts, 8,000 nead; maritet,
steady to 10c higher; lambs, 15c lower;
lambs, $6.006.86; yearlings, J4.50ijr8.10;
wethers, $4.004.35; ewes. $3.50(3.80; stock
ers and feeders, $3.20(3)3.50.
St. Jonoph I, Ire stock Market.
6T. JOSEPH. Aug. 27. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 1,600 head; market steady; steers,
$6. 75010. Oj; cows and heifers, $3.259.(W;, i.una.vv. ;
HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market'
steady to 6c higher; top, $8.75; bulk of.
taies, $8.458.70.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 4,000
head; maiket slow; lambs, $6.00(37.00.
Stock tn Slant.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 4.700 7,600 24,000
St. Joseph 1,000 6,000 4,000
Kansa Clsty 14.000 6,000 10,000
St. Louts 6,000 6.600 5,000
Chicago 4,600 12,000 32,000
Totals 80,200 17,200 76,000
BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb, cartons, To; No.
1. in 60-lb. tubs, 27c; No. 2, 25c; pack
Ing, 25c.
CHEESE Imported Swiss, S3c: Ameri
can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 24c; twins,'
I7fcc; daisies, ISc; triplets, 18c; Young
Americas, 19c; bluo label brick, WHO
llmbergrr, 2-lb., 20c; 1-lb., 22c.
POULTRY-Brollers, 3SS40Q per Ib.j
hens, Mc; cocks, V&lOo; ducks, 18c; geese,
16c; turkeys, 23c; pigeons, per dos., $1.60.
Alive'. Hens. iiKfllc; old roosters, 6Vic;
stagt, tc; old ducks, full feathered, tto;
gees, full feathered, 5c; turkeys. 12a;
p geons, per dos., 90c; homers, $2.60;
squaDS, no. 1, ai.ou; no. i, sue.
Beef Cut Prices-Ribs. No. 1, 21c; No.
1, 16e ; No. 8, 10o. Loins: No. 1, 24c;
No. 2, W4tf; No. 8, 12c. Chuoks: No. 1,
10c; No. 2, 8fco;, No. 8, 7Uc. Rounds:
No. L 134e; No. 2, llfcc; No. 2, 10c. Plates:
No. 1. 8c: No. 2. 6U0: No. 3. SUc.
FISH (fresh)-Plckerel, 9c: white. 13c.
pike, 15c; trout, 14c; large crappies, 12
16o; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, 19c; had'!
docks, 16c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, j
16c; rose shade, 85o each; shad roe, perj
pair, 45c; salmon, loo; halibut, 8c; y allow,
perch, 8c; buffalo, go; bulheads, 8tte. 1
FRUITS. ETC.-Nsw apples In bbls..'.
$3.50. Spanish onions, per case, $1.60; 1
Strawberries, per case 24 qts., $4.00.1
Bananas, Uncy select, per bunch, $3.26(91
2.60; Jumbo, per bunch, Jl2.76Si.Tj. Dates,
Ani.hor brand, new, 80 1-lb. pkgs. In box.'
per box, $2.25. Dromedary brand, new, 10,
1-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, $3.10, Figs, Call-1
fornla, per case of 12 No. 12 pkgs., 85c
per case of 86 No. 12 pkgs, $2.50; per case;
of 60 No. 6 pkgs., $2.00; bulk. In 25 and1
60-lb. boxes, per lb., 10c; new, Turkish.,
6-crown, in 2u-lb. boxes, per lb., 16o; 6-;
crown, In 80-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; 7
crown. in 80-lb. boxes, per lb., 17a.!
Lemons, Llmonlera, selected brand, extra
fancy, 8G0-3ti0 sites, per box, $7.60; Loma
LImoneira, fancy, 300-300 slses, per box,,
$6.50; 240-420 sises, 60c per, box less; Cali
fornia, choice, 200-360 sizes, per box. $5.60.1
Oranges, California Elephant brand,;
extra fancy, 96-126 sizes, per box, $3.76; ;
extra fancy, all slses, per box, $4.26; ,
Valencia oranges, all slses, $4.00. Peaches,:
California, 860. Wax beans, per basket,!
76c; green beans, per basket, $1.00. Canta-i
loups, California. 46 sizes. $3.00. Water
melons, per lb., Peaches, Texas, 4
baskets, 6601 bu. baskets, $1.80. ,
VEGETABLES Cabbage, home grown,
per lb., lc. Celery, Michigan, per dos., 1
oic. Cucumbers, hot house, per dos., 80C
Egf plant, fancy Florida, white, per dos.,'
15o. Lettuce, extra fancy, white, per dosi
26c. Onions, white, In crate, $1.00; yellow, j
per crate, 90c. Parsley, fancy southerns, 1
per dos. bunches, 6075c. Potatoes, homai
grown, new, per bu., 75o. Tomatoes, '
home grown, per 4-basket carrier, '5a
Dry Goods Market. ' '
Numerous small orders frequently re
peated were received by mill agents of,
all kinds of bleached and colored cotton I
goods, napped goods were called for
Suite freely, while the best goods of.
ress ginghams were In fairly good de
mand. There were no further downward
revltiions on print cloths. , The jobbers!
continued to do a good house trade.
Some numbers of yarns were dropped Ho,
a pound. Men's wesr woolens and wor
steds were in good demand until fall and
spring season '-
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 27. METALB-Coni
per, easy; standard, spot to October, $17.25
17.50; electrolytic, iu.imo'; laaa,
7.75(&17.87iA: casting. $17.124(317.25; ex
ports this month, 22,801 tons; London;
sales of standard. 76 tons; market.
firm: sDOt 79 15s futures 79 17s 6d. Tin.
easy; spot, $46.10tg4U.6O; August, J46.12H
46.50; September, 4.O0iS46.5O; London, dull;
spot, 210 6s; futures, 209; sales Of tin
on the local exchange, 60 tons. Lead,
firm. 84.8(iiS4.7&: London, zo ga. 6peiter.
quiet; $7.10:3)7.28; London, 26 16s. Anti
mony, nun; uooKson s, iron, iirm;
unchanged; London, Cleveland warrants,
62s 10&d.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Aug. 27.-WOOL Manufact
urers have come Into the local market
for wool during the past week to a con
siderable extent. Buying has been prin
cipally by the largest operators. Values
are firmly maintained and prices are
tending upwards. The goods market Is
strong and several manufacturers have
withdrawn standard lines, having sold
up to capacity. Ohio fine unwashed cloth
ing fleeces sold at 23c and 24c aad ter
ritory wools at 23o to 25c.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 27.-WOOL-Steady:
territory and western mediums 2024c;
fins mediums, 18420c. fine, 1317o.
1 Wool Market. i
BOSTON. Aug. 27. WOOL-Prlces have
held firm on the local market during th
last week with 'an upward tendency, t
Quotations follow. Mlrsourl, three-eightha
scoured basis, Texas fine, 6 to 8 months,
blood. 28iS29c: quarter blood. 2814B29c:
63&55c; southern, 474iic; fall free, 46&47o;
Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple, btxirwsc;
eastern clothing. 60c; valley. No. 1, iuc.
Llrerpool Grata Market.
steady; No. 2 Manitoba, 8s 4Hd; No. S.
Manitoba. s 3d; lutures, wean; octoDer.
7b 7d; December, 7s 4d.
CORN spot, steady; American mixed.
old. 7s 8d; new American, kiln dried,
7s 2V4d ; futures weak; September, 6s 2d;
vecemoer, is mta.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 27,-COTTON-Spot,
closed quiet; middling uplands, 11.30c:
middling gulf, 11.66c. Sales 100 balsa
Oils and Rosin.
TINE Firm, 39H49i$.c.
ROSIN-Firm: types F. and Q., $6.65.
Sugar Market. '
" NEW YORK. Aug. 27.-SUGAR-Raw,
firm; centrifugal, 96 test, 4.17c; musca
vado, 89 test, 3.67c; molasaes, 89 test, 3.42c;
refined, firm.
Death from Blood PoUon
was presented by G. W. Cloyd, Plunk,"
Mo., who healed his dangerous wound
with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Only 25c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.'