2-D JHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 25, 1912. i i V I ,1 C C X . t r T - i' V 11 i - a If n It lr fr J et p( et bi tr w y ib popular v:iTf. -$pj ins? r-;;: V I ) ' ; V f ' : -t yy , J : ' ;- j ISs - V I and there la aometblDB doinc all the time. Aa for music and other detail, the production. It Is said, contains enough material to atock at least a dozen similar enterprises. Matinees as usual every (Jar and the ladies' will be admitted (or a dime. T wloe Dally Week Starttor Sun. Sept 29 I $Jm and Ctes.TuzkQ D hssi Q Carrie Ssje Ak-Bar-Ben Vueuu Weak Sam Howe's "Love Makers" When Sam Howe's Lots Makers come to the Oayetty theatre the week of September 29, it Is not at all unlikely tbat patrons ol that house will get the Impression that they are In the wrong place . For, according to advance an nouncements, the popular Hebrew come dian has this season gone the limit In providing a show that will measure up with the best standards set in the higher price theaters in the country. Mr. Howe has had an entirely new travesty writ ten, which he calls "The Marriage Car nival,", and he is said to have produced It with live superb sets of scenery of the kind that has hitherto been seen oDly In the big Broadway productions of musical comedy. Moreover, the cos tuming of the show Is described as the limit in expensive finery and to Include gowns of every known country, from the dignified train to the chic, saucy apparel of the boulevards In Paris: Among the other Bplendld scenes, there is one that represents the harem In the Twice Bally Week Startor Sun. Aug 25 . Clark's "Runaway Girls" 1 A good show Is always looked for iwben Clark's Runaway Oirls Is an nounced at the popular dayety theatre. This company with a lot of new up-to-date ideas will be here this coming woek. Tills staaon Manager Clark claims to have the newest, freshest, most Artistically and thoroughly equipped ex travagance1 organisation on the road. He backs his claim and arrests the pub tolo attention by presenting an original musical comedy in two acts, the "Maid 'of Montesuma,". It is said that the show has more laughs thart any other, popular price musical attraction on the I road. There Is no time lost in meaning less dialogue and Instead there Is a rapid succession of funny scenes which keeps the audience In a constant uproar. The chorus numbers twenty-flvs ladies well trained after the manner of the rollick- ling Broadway SS;ow Girls. The chorus iof the Runaway Girls is conceded to be the best' ever seen out of Greater New Tork. The production , Is most elabo rate and one of the best ever given jby the Runaway Oirls, as Mr. Clark hs .Introduced some new ideas In electrical ieffects and the scenlo mounting Is out ,of the ordinary. This comedy , caste Is 'headed by the Burke Brothora. Charley and John. Don't you remember how funny they were? Haven't seen them for ten yearsT That's right. They'vs been playing the vaudeville theaters sepa rately, but they're together again this M.nn clavlnic with: Peter'. Clark's ! "Runaway Girls" Co. Burel The Burke i Brothers always wers with a good show, and you know the pretty girls 'Manager Clark engages, all Broadway broilers. Let' go have a good look and a good laugh. There'll be a ladles' dims matl i nee every week day. v LOT TIB BLACKFORD , vtiii dU7 Wsskfttarttef Sun. Sept 1 tion. Mr. Cooper ("a coupla thou"), who is the star of the organization, Is tho roughly well known through the work he has dona In the Jersey Lilies company In pant sca-Tona, and It Is said that In the now show Mr. Cooper Is funnier than ever before. He retains the character of Gus Oroutch, but It has been entirely re written for the new play. Throughout the two acts , of "The' Blue Rose" there are said to be Innumerable scenes and situations that are Irresistibly fun- ,ny, and the musi cal numbers, which are original compo sitions, are de scribed a being in keeping with the traditions of the musical stage, which Insures plenty of lively music of the kind that is so popu lar nowadays. Mr. Cooper has surrounded himself with such well known performers as Luola .Cooper, Leslie Claire, Dolly Webb, Lottie Blackford, Tom McRae, Rob ert Algter, Billy Walsh and Frank Lynch, and these talented entertainers also ap pear in an attractive x and diversified vaudeville bill. Walsh, Lynch ft Co, will be seen In their famous act called "Huok Ins Run," In which they have been emi nently successful In all ot the larga vaudeville houses of the country. James" B. (Blutch) Cooper and Lucia Cooper will contribute their well known and highly amusing skit, "The Misfit Postman," and the Webb sisters will appear In a charm ing singing and planologus specialty. Others In the organisation have effeotive parts to play, and there is a large care fully chosen chorus of twenty-four pretty girls. From descriptions that have pre ceded this show it may be taken for granted that a performance of unusual merit and enjoyment may be anticipated, A feature popular with the women of Omaha will be the dime matinee every week day. , f Al Reeves 1 Al Reeves' "Big Beauty Show" comes to the popular Gayety theater week be ginning Sunday, September 1. Mr. Reeves always baa succeeded In presenting an entertainment of , an unusually higlworder, and according to the present season's announcements he has apparently ex celled any of bis previous efforts. , Ills company Is undoubtedly the best that :be has ever bad, including, as It does, such well-known people as Andy Lewis, a comedian of splendid abilities, who for several seasons was at the head of his own organisation and whose popularity is almost as great as tbat of Reeves him self; George Scott, who hss a fins record of successes to bis credit baa been iden , titled with some ot the most Important productions that have been mads In this country; Zelia Russell, the beautiful piano soloist; Annetta, a graceful toe dancer and all around clever vocalist and per former, Lucille Mannlon and Blanche Martin, who are firmly established among th best leading women in extravagansa. Al Reeves Is a host in himself, but when he oomes surrounded with such an organ isation of genuinely talented entertainers. a performance of rare enjoyment may confidently be looked forward to. Mr. i Beeves has always made a special point j of securing an extraordinary assemblage of pretty girls for bis chorus and dancing . ballet and In this particular be Is said to have excelled bis best previous efforts In this respect This forecast ot Mr. ifieevet' offering Is a dear Indication of .the efforts which he baa and Is making ,to improve the tone of this form ot en- itertalnment so that It may appeal to all .classes of theater goers, and the forth coming performance will be watched with i all the more Interest on tbat account iThe "Four American Belles" will be a ,blg added feature. This act created a .furore In Europe. Sisters De Graff will ,be seen In a new specialty. There will be ,a holiday matinee on Labor day and a .ladles' 'dime matinee each week day , thereafter. Vwles Sally WeekaHartlng Sun. Sept 15 famous "Knickerbockers." This season this superlative organization comes to Omaha for the week starting Sunday matinee, September 23, the initial week of the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities, and with so good a show in Omaha that week as Is the Roble company,, it will cause that week to be even more enjoyable than customary and should do much toward Increasing the enjoyment ot Omaha's visitors. That surpassing comedian, Roger Imhof, whose "Casey, the Piper" is a veritable Celtic classic, la still with the Knicker bocker Another always acceptable en tertainer Is John E. Cain, who will be- seen as "The Goekwar of Caroda" In the travesty to be presented by this admir able organization. Mr. Roble has always prided himself on the feminine contingent of his attraction and by no means will this season be an exception to his In variable rule. He has secured a beauty chorus o freal beauties. Still another feature will be the original Lingerie girls from the Theater Marlgny, Paris, whose dancing wll be found to be the Ideal of grace and posture. Earl Flynn, Nettle McLaughlin, Max Fahrman, Mar- celle .Ooreene and Gertrude Lynch are among the principals who have Important roles to portray during the action of the travesty to be presented. Each day dur ing the engagement there will be a ladles' dime matinee. ' Week Starting Sun. Oct 6 The Trocaderos "The t Dukes," .a Merry Milltaire Musicals satire comes to the popular Gayety week of September 15. Manager Charles H. Waldron has set a pace this season with bis hew Trocadero company, whlcfc will make merry going for all those Tianageri who wish to breast the tape with him in the race for popularity in the' extravaganza field. He has a sure winner in the Trocaderos and patrons of the Gayety theater may anticipate one ot the greatest treats In the shape of a musical entertainment ever presented at popular prices. Man ager Waldron has simply transported an entertainment to the stage, whioh Is In every way eligible for presentation before the most critical high class audi ences in the oountry. The words ','Bur lesque Show" cannot be applied In their accepted sense to this magnificent en- tertalnmrttt, which Mr. Waldron will give to the publlo at the popular prices. It Is a 13.00 show on the Gayety circuit and Is bound to create a sensation wherever It appears. It has all tbe merit necessary to Insure its success. The travesty Is not of a slap-stick, horse play, "ad Mb" style of skit tor years foisted on patrons: It Is a musical com edy with good plot, charming story, laughable situations, comedy Incidents, jingling musio, dainty girls, and all the accessories and settings that go to make stage pictures at all times Interesting and entertaining. No detail baa been slighted. A glance at the names of the principals alone shows the character of the company: Frank Finney, Bam J Adams, Minnie Burke, Norlne Holmes, Murray J. Simons, John P. Grlffltth, Edith Shaw, Elsie Leslie, George Bren i, Harry Mantell, Camilla Folardeaux, Corlnne Ford, and the famous Boston Beauty Chorus. There will be a ladles' dime matinee every week day. - 11-ni palace of the Khedive of Egypt This sumptuous apartment concerning which so much has been written, is said to have been reproduced with remarkable fidelity by Mr. Howe, actual photographs of the plaoa having been used by the naifitM in Vii nrV nf FADroduction. The those who have seen It Includes every detail of decoration that is In the or iginal with all ot Its Oriental splendor, Including the dim lights, tbe heavy tap estries and draperies, the massive couches and the rare exotics that are placed around In profusion. Another scene Is a perfect replica ot a famous cafe In Paris with a lively cabaret show going on. Mr. Howe is said to nave tne nest part that he has ever played. It Is that of a rich Hebrew who has married a celebrated French actress who cares only for his money. She has several "affairs" with other men and it is on account of these that Iky TJmsky encounters all sorts of difficulties, Intensely serious to him, but highly amusing to the spec tators. Miss Florence Bennett plays the actress and this charming , comedienne is said to shine more brilliantly in this character than In anything that she has hitherto done. There are many other widely known comedians and singers in the cast and a genuine "beauty chorus" ot twenty-four exceedingly vivacious girls. Among the former may be men tioned Vera Desmond, Stefl Anderson, Bessie Rosa, Harry Prescott Fred Nolan, Albert Marks, Billy Arlington and But ler Mandevllle. There will be a ladies' dime matinee every week day. On par ade days and nights the performance will start after the parades have passed the popular Gayety. CHARLES ROBINSON f flit Sally Week Starting Sun. Sept. 8 Twice SaOy Week Starting Sun. Sept 22 "Beauty, Youth and Folly" When James E. Cooper brings his "Beauty, Touth and Folly" company H T.l, Pohifi's Knickerbockers the popular Gayety An annual event at the popular Gayety. "Omaha's fun center," that has sufficient weight to crowd h theater the entire week la the comtnsT ot Louis Robte's f I f i i ii theater week of September I the patron) ot Omaha's f tn center will find mactk to admire In t ha perfwi marine anx fsv&o&osi. A nor rwo-aej trav . eety called "The "BLun Bus" will be cuen by a com pany of 'comedians an vncaltstB who ha"s achieved, dls tiicS success botn in vaudeville and extra vagansa ' and with a scenic and costume environment of th mc:t 7 .-with zad beautiful descrtp Chas, Robinson's Crusoe Girls ,flM ? V 2 4 & a..: ,..'V'-.-i 5' That'Manager Charles Robinson of the1 "Crusoe Girls" company, which Is to be the attraction at the popular Gayety theater week of October with the cus- ca's foremost com- inces, does not do things by halves is evident from the fact that this sea son as In the past he has surrounded bimself with tbe best talent avail able. He is sup rounded by a cast called :' from the cream of vaudeville and musical com edy and the salary list looms up tn conspicuous figures. In addition to Mr. Robinson, wtoo him self Is . recognised tomary dally mat es one of Amert- edlans, the production can boast of the services et James Francis Bulllven, late star of the "Prince of Pllsen" com pany; Ltbby Blondell, undisputed queen of extravagansa; Manny and Faloo, audevllle beadlin- ers; Frankle Mar tin, known famil iarly as the "Cab aret Doll Sou brstte"; Davs Rose, the Italian jester; May Bernhardt pocket edltolon of Eva Tanguay, and Freda Lehr, "The Girl with tbe Golden Vajce." Two capital satires are offered, namely, "In H 1 S Son's Place," and "Cob en and tbe Oay Widow." Some time ago prediction was made tbat extravagansa, as offered by mana gers ot the present day was on the decline. There seemed to be some; ground for this Impression in view ot the poor shows presented, but the line of comparison was apparently only confined to the in ferior productions' where vulgarity and horseplay formed the only redeeming features. Vlsijtors to the "Crusoe Girls" entertainment will be given an oppor tunity to see tor themselves Just what a good show, modelled after the style of performance given by Lydia Thomp son, really la The company ' is com posed of fifty talented people Including a champion beauty chorus of twenty-five captivating damsels. Mr. Robinson Is still the leading comedian and bis ef forts to gather the best supporting cast In the circuit has been rewarded- In ample fashion. Two travesties, pretentious and tunny enough to pass muster even "on Broadway, and entitled, 'In Hla Son's Place", and "Cohen and the Gay Widow", respectively, will be presented. The pieces move at a lively rate of speed v LIBBIH BLONDELL BLUTCH COOPER, t'1 ,n?'i(M'fiS?asn r7 t t -mmk1 'issjua.' vm- spsjBBBFeF- WWr 1 I -11 u , J mmm u ) WEEK OF SUN., AUG. 25 &AST SSASOSrS B3SOOBS X0XJKB8. CLARK'S COHPAPiY P. S. CTCASX AMTGTJEMEHT CO., Xno, P. S. Clark, MffT. A Classy, Screaming, Funny Musical Comedy in Two Acts THE iAIO OF SIMJTEZM Featuring the Funniest Comedians in Extravaganza Xennlted After Tea Tears John Burke Broo. Chas. jjfs a oseat stnnpoBTnra oast nrozdrsiira buck abtzsts as Carrie Bastedo ' Violet Rio Harriet Carter JoeOpp ' Antony Cortelli James Moran Joe Mack Tommy Cullen 30 Real Broadway Girls, 30 WEEK OF SUN. SEPT. 1 XOTiZDAT KATOOaB LABOB BAT. Hail To the King And His Big Beauty Show GJRL8-'''99' Introducing the Incomparable Comedian ANDY LEWIS . Belasco Production and Cast Presenting the Quintessence of Refined Extravaganza A Boauty Chorus Without a reer WEEK OF SUN., SEPT. 15 Charles Waldron's "Deluxe Edition" THE mmm I BURLESQUED Smiling Beauty Chorus AS AKEBZOA'S XDEA& SOLDIER B0T3 THE FAMOUS WEST POINT CADETS EXrarBXTEfcT, BXQUlSlTiiiiT COSTUKBD in FBJUTX mnrST'S ' NEW MUSICAL MH.ITAIRE COMEDY THE THREE DUKES BWTFT AS 8ZT SOCKETS WITH POUTK OT JULT StJKBASS ALL STAR CAST Trank TlnneT, SClnnle Bnrke, Samuel T. Adams, Edith Bhaw, stnrray T. Simon da, IToriso Holms. John P. Crrtffltn, OamiUo Folardeaux, (Horge Bresman, Jessie Btnart, Kaxry MCaatell and Corlnne Ford. , The last word In Color, Form, Beauty and Oraoe. TRX 8ROW TOV CAST BBOrO TOUB SCOTKSft TO SEC . WEEK OF SUN. SEPT. 22 I' 1 ROBIE'S BIG SHOW mclcerfiock ers WITH ROGER IROHOF As "CASEY, the PEPEB," ( and JOHN E. CAIN As "The) Gaekwar of Caroda" THE LINGERIE GIRLS DIRECT FROM THE THEATRE MARIGST, PARIS EARL FLYIIII $1000 Butr NETTIE McLflUOIILIN QertradB Lynch Marcelle Ooreene MaxFehrman And Beauty Chorus Of Roal Beauties WEEK OF SUNDAY, SEPT. 29 AK-SAR-BEX PARADE WEEK SAH HOWE'S s THE LIVE WIRE SHOW In h Snappy. Gln(ry, Twe-Aet Mu.leal Shower Vtm WEEK OF SUNDAY, SEPT. 8 7 Blutch Cooper's New Show oily auty, vouiii an WITH- OH F,1 Ml as "SM as liitxaTagaiiza's Greatest; Exponent of Genuine Comedy. Filled to (he Brim With Fun, Music, Sonp, Dances. Specialties and Plenty of Pretty and Lively Girls COSTDMIRQ GORGEOUS STAGIKG ELABORATE Including SAM HOWE. " - Besse Eosa Vera Desmond Stefi Anderson Billie Arlington Fred Nolan Harry Prescott Albert Maria. Butler Mandevllle T And FLORENCE DENNETT A SURPRISE See the Great Big Novelty Features ; Owtsia will rise after the rarades Iiave paeseA tbe OeJety, aftemooa aa STentiis;. WEEK OF SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 pm UTVXV OT TBS FATOSXTB QOWMBlfa ' harles Llobinson . A2TD BXS rAJCOVS BLUTCH COOPEB EOBT. ALOTJEE " BILLY WALSH FRAUK T. LYNCH LUCIA COOPEE DOLLY WEBB LESLIE CLAIEE LOTTIE BLACEFOli) , AND - 1 30 - Die Beauty Chorus - 30 SHOW GIELS, MEDIUMS AND PONTES. -No Expense Has Been Spared to Make TMs the Biggest and Best Show inMnsieal ExtraTstnza. v. EXTSA ATTEACTION Walsh, Lynch & Co, in "HUcmNS' ;eun".- - (.0 l Hn JTrw Tils Tsar Bid -ttm Bfl BtrgRAMTsra sMJtcxa IH HIS SON'S PLACE in Cohen and the Gay Widow aTsta fh maBwtf Vtstr Chart: jjjstbs pjLwra itrxxxTAJr Ths Famous XbsIobI Ocund7 Star UBBT BIiOSTIXEUJa, The Qumi of BxtraTatraasa. Ham aa4 MX CO. Xa "Haaxly a ChmnSUvt.9 TBJtMMXB KAATHT, The Cabaret DoU BoubrstU. and . BAVB BOIB, The Great Italian Jester. MAT BEB3THABST, Bra Taarnar of EztraTaffaasa PEDA LEU The Qolden Toios Xagenve CHARLES ROBINSON QXKXS XV EZTU.TAXM3SS. .VTEB.TJOi 3EA