10 THE BEE: 'OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1912. WANT ADS : Want ads received at anj time, but x to Insure proper classification must be presented before 12 o'clock m. for "-the evenlns edition and before 7:30 . p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Wans adfe receiTed after sucb - noun will bare their first insertion under the heading "Too Ite to ' CUs-ify." CASH RATESFt)R WAM ADS, REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Ona . Insertion Mk cento per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent . consecutive insertion. Each inter , Uon made on odd days 1 H cent per ' word; $1.50 . per line per month when nd is ma without change o copy. . ( DEATHS AKD t'ONEBAL SOTICES, DONA HUE Chief J. J., aged 65 years. Funeral Saturday morning. August 24, 191S. at a. m.. from family residence, 135 South Thirty-fifth street to St Peter's church at :30 a. m. Remains to be placed in receiving vault at Holy Bepulcher cemetery. - .. f MARRIAGE LICENSES. 'The following marriage licenses were issued: ,v Name and Residence Age. '' Harry A. Sterling. Minneapolis 26 ';' Laura M. Erlckson, Omaha - 28 ' Mike Polack, Omaha Sania Kobrln, Omaha .-a Paxton C. Stoddart, Lincoln..... . 21 - Helen M. Fair, Hardy v Valentl Malyzcsskl, South Omaha 28 Franceska Bienlass, South Omaha.... ..32 ' j y ' ' V ' BIRTHS AM DEATHS. ' a ' Births Joe and Mary Anderson, 2611 Davenport street, girl: Charles and Pa llna Janes, 251S Davenport street, girl; : Charles F. and Ethel I. Brlnkman. 3863 '- Seward street girl; LeRoy and Nellie 'Rends, 1916V South Nineteenth street, boy; A. J. and Louise Cooley, 819 North Forty-first avenue, boy; M. F. and Alma Fitch, 1516 South Twenty-fourth street, girl; Hubert P. and Elizabeth Ryner, 1911 - South Twenty-eighth street, boy. ' - Deaths-Bedella Blnkley, 66 years, 1215 California street; John Casey, 46 years, 1919 Oak street; John O'Keefe. 41 yearc, hospital; H. J. Roberts, 47 years, hos-fr- pltal; Mrs. Harrison Wright 6 years, . Hospital; Harry White, 36 years, 1207 . Dous-las street: Sanford Young. 1 years. hospital. BULDIXG PERMITS. "''"Caroline Garrison. 2511 Fort street ""frame dwelling, 2,000; James Whelan, 2I Paul street, repairs, 9500. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and !nles women. FIRST-CLASS salesman and sales woman In- silk' dep't. Apply superin tendent, Brandels Stores. ' WANTED Lady, 26 to 35 years of age, v.'lo travel with staple line; permanent po. . sltlon; give telephone number if possible. ' Address Y 144. Bee. Factory and Trades. , ' "ft APPRENTICE girl to learn halrdresslng. 'Oppenhelm parlors, 2d Fl. City National. WAITRESS wanted, Oregon restaurant, 1409 Harney St Oil Is to lnm millinery trade. 627 Paxton. Housekeepers and Domestics, ;', THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM , -. SOLVED-The Bee will run a Servant ,, Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get ft he desired results. This applies to residents . of Omaha, South Omaha and Council ' Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office cr telephone Tyler lOuu. ' ' COMPETENT girl for general house "work; no washing. Apply, 1004 Qlenwood Ave. Tel. H. 187. OIRL for general housework; three in family; one-story house. 3822 Capitol Ave, 'Phone Harney SK6S. OIRL for general housework: ti per -week; no washing or Ironing. 118 N. mil, WANTED Girl for general housework; .j In family; good wages. 2029 Dodge. WANTED Girl for general house work; must - understand cooking; only three in family. Apply 332 Harney. WANTED Girl to take care of 2-year-old child; must be experienced. Apply 3228 Harney. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 115 8. 42d. YOUNG girl to assist with housework; no washing or cooking. 'D. 5899. YOUNG girl to assist with light house keeping work, to go home nights. Doug- .j las 321a, - - WANTED Housekeeper by widower on fsrm; no children. State age and wages. K, L, Morirtox. I'oiad, Neb. BbWftu cook, one cnnurmra. Appiy Manager Omaha General hospital. WANTED Young rtrl for general housework, without washing. H. 741. 1304 So. S5th. GOOD girl or middle-aged woman tor general housework. 2123 Cass. WANTED A competent girl to do gen eral housework on a ranch in Wyoming; beautiful modem house; no washing; will pay good wages to girl bringing good ref erences. Apply between 1 and 4 at No. &15 So. 37th St. ' " WANTED - First-class house keeper, man and wife, employed downtown; no ( children; must have best of references; ood wages; good home for right party. tall Harney 3084.' .'""COMPETENT girl for general house work; good wages. Mrs. C, L. Gould. . Phone Harney 2965. ' WANTED At once, girl for general ' . housework; family of three. Phone Har tley 908. - WANTED Girl for general housework; mrnall family. Phone W. 2321. .' Mtscellaoeoaa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa .'' strangers are Invited to visit the Young - Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St. where : they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otnerwise asaistea. L-ooX for ""r travelers' guide at the Union station. HELP WANTED MA'liE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. ' 20WANTErv-Jt. Men of good moral character, over the age of 21, to solicit In Omaha and South Omaha. A good proposition for the right parties; must furnish references. Call at Room 610, Paxton Bldg. Office hours from I to 12 a. m., and f to I p. m. J. A. Bchroeder, National Director. '-' WANTED Salesman to sell chewing gum to dealers on commission; (rood job '. lor the tight mat:; don't answer unless vou mean business. Dock Parks. 117 lth . M., Denver, Colo. " I'LL send you PREPAID a big set of winning mail. ukukk pians on AP PROVAL; if accepted $3 covers total cost otherwise return; include 7c mailing cost 1A.-.CA. UUA IUTK, - EXPERIENCED side-line salesmen; good commissions. Nassau Knitting Co., un Auaouc Are., Brooklyn, N. X.' AGENTS Free sample, a "live- seller. 'Work two hours a day, $7 a day regular. .vry loxnuy needs. (J lairs Supply nJu-Avt, Topeita. Kan. HELP WANTED MALE Aa-enta. Salesmen and Solicitors. LIQUOR SALESMAN. We wnt a man to represent our old established line in Nebraska. Don't apply unless you are experienced and know the trade in the state. Address N 645, Bee. CIGAR SALESMAN who has made good;, western Iowa territory; state ex perience tn first letter. Address D 644, Bee. Boys. WANTED Office boy; good chance for advancement; state age and experience; also salary expected. Only lire boys need apply. Address C 567, Bee. Clerical and Office, FULL dress suits and party dresses for sale; also for rant 1100 to 11-60 a night JOHN FELDMAN, 206 N. 17th. D. 3128. WANTED Office clerk: state age, ex perience and salary wanted: good chance tor a live young man. 1) few, Hee. AUTOMOBILES. DRUMMOND 2 White Steam cars, late models, fins condition. WOO snd 3650. Your TIRE EXPENSES cut in two. Export tire repairing; work guaranteed. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO., 1922 Farnam. Industrial Garage REPAIRING AND STORAGE. On 20th between Hamey and Howard Sts. Murphy Did It REPAIRING, TRIMMING, PAINTING. Factory and Trades. Dreg store (snap) Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. FOR SALE "WELCH" fiO-hnrmmower 7-passenger touring car with the follow ing equipment: Mohair top, windshield, Jones' speedometer, demountable rims, Klaxon horn and Presto-O-Lite tank. The car is In first class condition and a bar gain. First cash offer of $1,209 takes it Address Van Brunt Auto Co., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED 1 harness makers at once, Des Moines Saddlery Co., Des Moines, la, CARPENTER-wanted. W. 741. WANTED Bv western packing plant first class sausage maker who thoroughly understands manufacturing all kinds o( sausaaes. boiled hams, etc.: capable of taking full charge of department. Address, stating salary required, Y 141, Bee. Mlsvelianroas. GOVERNMENT lobs open. Writs for list Franklin Institute, Dept 214 a Rochester, N, T. WANTED Night watchman for stable. middle seed man nreferred. Must give good references. Apply at once. Address H 642, Bee. YOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY In the automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are In big de mand and command large salaries; pre pare yourself in our large training shops. where you learn now to operate, repair and sell all makes of cars. National Auto Training Assn. 2814 K. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you bv tho Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training in our school. Practice on It R. wires. Ad dress for particulars, 11. B. Boyles, Prea Boyles College, Omaha. Neb. (00 men. 20 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; .460 to flOO a month; no ex perience necessary; fins opportunity; no strlks; write Immediately for application blank.. Address Y 114, Bee. HELPICall Omaha Em. Bureau, D ln2. HELP WAATED MALE AND FEMALE. $5 TO $10 a day for reliable men and women agents; sample and complete out fit free; credit given; easiest fastest best sellers ever offered; a sals for every call. Alti of Molina, 111., averaged near $1 an hour; Wlcht of St. Paul, Minn., working only part time, averaged $135 a month for six months; Still of Latexo, Tex., made $12.50 In eight hours and says anyone will ng to work can make 15 to $10 a day." 400 per cent profit for you; full details free. Address Dow Sales Co., Dept. 93, Topeka, Kan. ' - MEN and women wanted lor govern ment positions, $80 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 217 R., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men and women Dressers. Pantorlum, 1515 Jones.' WANTED SITUATIONS BMNDMH whln M eanta dnun. rough dry, 25 cents a doxen. Web. 'OXi. Washing and lacs curtains done. H. FAMILY and Bundle washing W. 6422. WANTED Position as cleaner . and preaser; seven, years' experience; no booie fighter. Address Y 140, Be. I am experienced in the management of a nousehold: superintending of help; and the cars of Invalids. My references ar first-class. I deslr a situation In either of the above capacities. Terms will be reasonable. Address D. $49 ea or Tel. Harney J4l. , ' . ANNOUNCEMENTS N. P. Svranson, Undertaker Ws ar now tn our new buildlnc and have one of the most up-to-date under taking establishments In the city. 1821 Cuming. D, 1060. Largs chapel In con nection. Alfred C. Kennedy, a x ance. 209 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 721. TO. LOAN-LOW rate, in sums to u t. 110 Dm R da Phnn. rni i OA. UNION LOAN CO. . MONEY: Walhalla for vacation. Ask Beat D. 4171, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. Hi GET your diamonds st Brodegaard'a. D. S. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frnsr Blk. A I.I. will h. fnrirtvan Kt I meet me at th Sign of the' Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas streets. That ! vk. ntinnirni i un em mose tucsy weoaing rings. DKI.IOHTWtU.I.V -...- - w( uutiusinilg SJISUB) water rooms. "SODOA8IS," 16th and imge; uwi s Kest," Mth and Hamey. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., props. Watches, Clocks repaired. 1617 Cuming. TMllTVtAa T7411lTrA4islRomi 42ft pAVtAll General contracting. Dalntln and m. perhanglng. Baker 2107 Clark. Web. tm GRANDMA'S Wild Char Phn.nh.f. cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. Stevenson, carpenter, cent. Both 'phones. Twenty per cent less than Omaha price. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Omaha. OMAHA POSTING SERVICE. ' Advertising "Sunshins Biscuits." AN(H0R4lCNCECa Iron and Wire fences " cheaper than wood; last a Ufa-time, 207 N. 17th. Phone Red-SH SWIMMING Learn now at the Metropolitan. No bet. ter pool In United States. Altered run ning water. Clavses and swimming parties tor men, women ana cnuaren. Telephone Douglas 417. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS, 216 a 15TH. UPSTAIRS. KODAKS Eastern goods, complete Avvixii-kj .toc, , Lara-em flnlshlna department In the west. , THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1813 Farnam Street and 141 a 15th Street. NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICAT1NO Co., 506 Paxton Blk.; circular letters, any quantity; oldest established company; ex perts of Multtgiaph and Neoatyl. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas $82. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Box 50, postpaid, $2.75; try half dosen; It not satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON DRUG CO., 1S03 Farnam. Omaha. 6. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 37t. 1316 Farnam. Quanante laundry. Flne work. D. 3373, Wedding announcements. Doug, ptg. Cot Upholstering, plan, turn. rep. 2804 Far, WANTED Bright mn with il.ti. cash to. take active Interest in estab lished wholesals house. Address L W, Bee. WANTED Three vacuum cleaner sales men. We sell wholesale to consumers. Jaeger Bros. Mfg.. 7 Brandels Thsater. WA.VTKI.Twa .ni-la,. wl" tween 39 and 45 years of ace, with sell--lng ability, good territory, money advan- , cii.' Hoom 224. Loyal hotel. S" , WAN 1 LD Young men make from $3 to , tit per day; experience not eces.sry. 573 'ranJeis- yidg. ' WAITED &perienced newspaper so- iicittirs to work at county and state fairs, attractive- proposition: salaried men pre- ffrred. Bend references. Inquiries- confi- dentiaL Write Circulation Manager. Ne- hiuskst Farm Jtmrnal. 334 Chamber of .'oimiirce Bidg., Omaha Music teachers' special bargain method for effectual teaching practice In key board harmony and publlo school muslo. Music Teachers' Training School, 61$ Pax ton bice. CHESAPEAKE CAFE and lunch room now open. J. Q. Dennis, Manager, resetting and mending springs. Distresses .!. l .. A A Jl.t-U htfl wiTsiOU vvvir. . susiiiat iviw svuuio. Cellar digging snd grading. Call W. 6433. ATTRACTIONS Fnit HA1 .VtttnT hnl1Hln 1 . , - - .iiu ywi nnll. rtsara tnhnpm rnnfMtlAn.pv r drinks, Tee cream, short order; part cash. a. i;orey, rtuuana, o. u. WANTED Partner in broom manufac turing niant. must have small ranitat and able to handle sales of same. Address Broom f actory, 1,63 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb. and OAfATTA FTTAf F. 1 t h Motion picture machine and film bargains WiNTr.n-Vnii tti Tlan C..U Ol ' September 10. 11 snd 12; th banner year. cessions, etc. Addrtss Leo C. Meier, Secy. AUTOMOBILES STUDEBAKER "30"-ll model, sub urban, style body for sale, $uO0l Car Is In perfect condition, a good hill climber ana speeay. Address - a sal ns R . ONE body only, in A-l condition, for 5-passenger touring car. Black silk mohair top and seat covers. Inquire at office of Arthur D. Brandes, Brandels Stores. TLRE REPAIRING Oon't thro,w " away your old tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work ruarantMul Arthur Store Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far nam. . 0 Motorcycles. Yale. Harlev-flavMann mnA ,a4 maIal wm". victor n. rtoos, zm Lavenworth. TWO Excelalnr motnrrvrl.. ion a fully equipped, good as new, $176. C. H.' Beck with, 4709 Franklin. Webster 7085. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, RlMfr!A ailtnmnKHa hltr hai-r.Jn Mm class condition. Innulra nf Uri Rpth Thtede, 1024 Douglas. BIJSINESS CHANCES V.A ftnl'hsai'V l4iiBln-.ai n .1 C ir.s-t. Exchange Co., Room 319 McCagus Bldg. FOR SALE Barber shop. cheaD: In western 8. D.; good homestead locations near town; run the shop and become owner of ranch. Inquire V. L. Roeder. Falrpolnt, 8. D. FOR SALE. Onnd pemant hlApk fiMnrv l.t.Mriiif ah- fit, with municipal cube mixer, in town of 2,000; am leaving town; must sell quick. iveun rv. aiaincwson, lavia Ulty, Neb. H'l 1 ant in nt i . i . .f K.i.ln... 1 1 - w ww. ... wuaiaivw bll OH GAXGKSTAD. 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. A PERMANENT, established manufaR. turing business that will pay for Itself before January 1 Price, $ti00.00. Output sold to banks and best merchants. Ad dress C 641, The Bee , WANTED Partner, silent or active to fo In on an opt.on on large tract of land arty must have from $10,000 to $26,000 and share. equally In from $100,000 to $125,000 profit - Deal will only require a few months. . Address J 624, Bee. MUST be sold at once: a fully eaulDDed steam laundry, centrally located In Du buque. Cheap. Chas. J. Forward, Du buque, la. PARTNER in land and brokerage himt- ness. $1,500 required. Address K 6 Bee. VARIETY store for sale. Town of 8 OrtV Up-to-date stock, good business. A 624 Bee office. - BIG snap in office desks (3) and chairs. 505 Bs Bldg. Rooming- Moasc for gal. ROOMING house for sale. 702 N. 16th. BUSINESS PERSONALS Bmm Maasfactarers. BEMI8 OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha. Neb. ..; Chiropodists. DR. ROY.' 1506 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Civil Eaglneer. E. E. Moore, 620 Paxton Blk. Doug. 3058. Clotalag Maaafactarers. Wear Ideal dress shirts, M. E. Smith Co. Coralc and Steel Celllags. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Creameries, Dairies aad Bappllea. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. Detective-. JAMES ALLAN 312 Nevlll nik. TCvt. denes secured In sll cases. Tyler 1138. - Omaha Secret Serv. 428 Paxton Blk. D. 131. W. LONQNECKER, 617 Karbach Blk. : Deatlats. Msch Mach, 3d floor Paton. D. Taft's dental rooms. 1517 Poug. D. HISS BAILEY th dentist City Nat'l. D. 2666. Preaasaak ln". 1 , Terry's Dressmaking college, 30th & Far. Anna Slatek, suits, cloaks, dresses, altera. uwna, retmire, na-9 yny rtn, bk. Lf. Bs. SEWIXO hv riav In .mill.. n..j - - - - j v ... Miuiitcn work guaranteed. Web. 4843, - 1-plece drwss special; reasonable. H 5S29. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 399. Everything for Women. I-ADIES Invited to call on th Western Millinery school. Inanaot mil wnrlr unH , - . - - w. av. v u Klivca. OKI X XUin 3IK. FOR sirxntiRV a.a.iita fx., m... rrayer, iru r arnam St., Megeath r. ..wmw. f ' ' . .full, uiu AIIU ior isii; requceq rates to noteis. U. Zixt, I make flowers for the vAk-Sar-Ben floral parade. 1 rices right. Itil8 Cass. Everything Electrical. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Granden Co., 1511 Howard. D. 681. All kinds electrical apparatus, new and 2d hand, and electrical repair. Lo Bron Electrical Wk 313 8. 13th, Omaha. t Feed Mills and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Olencoe Mills, 2332 IxarJ. FlorUts. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. HEP3 ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. L HENDERSON. Irt Farnam. D. 1258. Farna,r-a and Repairs. REPAIRS for every make of stove. range, furnace, steam and hot water heaters; new furnaces and tank heaters. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-8 Doug les St., Omsha, Neb. Pnon Tyler 20. A. MUNItOE, tEf-aS Estimates gladly given. D. 4068. 408 S. 18th. t ; . Foandrles. McDonald brass and - bronse foundry. aluminum, tin, lead casting. 1407 Jackson. Hospitals. PRESBYTERIAN Hospital. 124$ So. 10th St Movlnsj, Storage snd Cleaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Vani Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. ITurn. afovlna-: 1 man ti rw.r hr W 97aft. Office 2168. 17th St. Doua. 3s. FERRIN'S Van A Storage. Tyler 1200. W-2747. PIANO moving. Cola's storage and ex press. 1616 Capitol Ave. D. 670. A-8M7. McLaud 4t Son Van & S., $-hrse van, 2 men. $L35 hr., 2 hrs, $1 hr. D. 4S38, W. 541 BUSINESS PERSONALS Naraerles and Seeds, STEWART'S SEEDMAN. ltt N. 16th. Ontictana. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandels Patents. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. STURGIS registered attorney. United States and foreign patents. 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. 3469. Printing. Eew W.RaberTPrinter, sno0nil BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON, COURT. Rels-Hall Ptg. Co., 108 a 14th. Ind. A3524 SUPERIOR GRADE OF PRINTING. JOHN C. THOMPSON. Webster 8197. Photographers. Rlnehart photographer, 18th ft Farnam. Tents and Awnings, OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 822. Trnnka and Salt Cases. Frellng A Stelnle, 1803 Farnam St. Oi.teopathy. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Kstheryn Nlckolas, 634-6 Brandels The. Stenographers nnd Court Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelly. 748 Bran. The. D. 5682. Corlnne Miller, 228 Brand. Thea. Doug. 96. Steel Tank and Calvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 3869. Store and Office Flxtarea. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures. bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N. So. Omaha. WE BUY and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 12th and Howard. D. 2724. See us first. Wines and Llqaors. WTT.T.AW. fitnrlnira k. Unnnr Ato-ora sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 502-3 9.'l3t)i St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND. NIGHT SCHOOL FALL TERM SEPT. 2. Complete courses In Business. Book- Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the asking. Call, write or phone ior it at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President ' Boyles - College. Omaha, Nebraska. Mosher-Lampman College. Unsurpassed courses. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. Address, Mosher-Lamp man, Mia f arnam St.. umana. iseo. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. ' ; FOX STABLES. New location, first-class livery and boardfr.- 1814 Cuming. Tel. D. 1557. Snaps in Buggies 2 delivery wagons and several choice buggy and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney, BUGGIES, surries and runabouts at less than wholesale price to clos out J0HN8ON-DANFORTH CO., 10th and Jones Sts. 1ST class livery. Sherman. 24th A Clark, FRESH milch cow. 3546 N. 28th Ave. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day ar turned in and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. . OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANT. LOST Gray crochet bag. between Ben son and 24th and Cuming. Call South 2406. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Plies, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 43 Doug. Blk. Dr. Rac. specialist, 2323 Harney. D. 3943. , BOY JEE HONG HERB CO. Chinese herbs and herbal remedies for all troubles of the human system: cures rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart, dropsy and female trouble. Tel. D. 6793. 202 N. 19th. adlet, guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. DE MARS' whirling spray syringe, the most sanitary and practical on the mar ket $3: postage prepaid. Beaton Drug Co.. 1503 Farnam St., Omaha, MEN who are Hi', send for free booklet of chronic diseases; write fully and con fidentially; 60 years' experience. Old Uermsn Doctor, mil . bpringgarden Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN , Salary and Chattels. Money on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate or interest Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1356. HOME LOAN CO. Most reasonable rates in th city. Wrlta or 'phone D. 1235. 1623 rarnam St., R. 8, Patterson Blk. YOU have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, your children, yourself. Here is your chance to ob tain It In An Easy Way An fitrnfrnrav rtl anx-ia wapahAiisa -..-nr.. In fact anything of value or on your plain note, if steadily employed. Terms to cult Confidential. Reliable Credit Co. Third floor, 308 Paxton block, 217 8. 16th. rnone uougias tut ano A-141& OFFERED FOR RENT. Famished Room a. DOUGLAS ST.. 2864. Nicely furnished modern room. Electric light. $2.26 per week. Phone Harney 15S1. 619 N. 18TH Nicely furnished rooms; price reasonable. TWO neat furnished rooms, good neigh borhood, modern. 3127 Mason St. . OFFERED FOR RENT. - y Houses and Cottages. FINE MODERN SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. Shades, screens, storm sashes, built-in cliina cabinet; near car, $25. Phone Har ney 2459. 818 N. 42d St. 616 S. 19TH Neatly furnished front room, reasonable. LINNEHURST, 617 S. 18th; neatly fur nished rooms. 621 S. 18TH; nearly modern furnlBhed rooms. &!3 S. 19 Neatly furnished room, mod ern, reasonable. ' 1401 JACKSON Transit permanent fur nished rooms; reasonable. Furnished Houses. NEWLY furnished 6-room modern house; good location. Phone Webster 6TS9. 6-ROOM cottage, all modern, con veniences. 315 Reed St., Benson, Neb, Douglas 678 and ask for Mr. Berlo. Famished Housekeeping- Rooms. ' TWO rooms for llgiit housekeeping; all moa em. au mason at.- Hotels ssl Apartments. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. DODGE HOTEL,.' all requirements of a lirst-class hotel, at reasonable prices. Apartments and Flats. Large moving vans, $1.25 per hour. D. 394. 5 RMS, 1809 Farnam; modern; suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rms., etc., for tenants wish ing adjoining. Hail, 433 Raroge uiag. u. 74Ui, lnd. A-4406. ELEGANT steam heated 6-room, wall bed, electric laundry, walking distance. Tel. D. 4132. Ill N. 25th St. Hunter Realty Co. COSY 6-room modern brick flat, -$22. 2308 S. 24th. Rent free till September 1. Phon Webster 3J8. $30.00 Four-room partment in the Ivy Apts., corner Sherwood avenue and Sherman; janitor service, water and heat furnished. ARM STRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. - 210 S. 17th St. DUNDEE 5-room modern. Harney HUM." Hoasea and Cottages. MOVING, packing ana storing of house hold goods and pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Btorage Co., fireproof storage, 806 8. 16th, by the viaduct Branch office, 309 8. 17th St Tel. D. 4163; A-1559. 6-ROOM motein house, near depot Call DOUg. &4BZ. " WEST FARNAM New brick, 6 bed rooms and 2 baths. 315 N. 38th Ave. 2216 MASON ST., 6-room cottage; all modern except heat; rant, 120. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO., pauk, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 1196 or B-2428. HrmsoQ in all parts of the city. XAUUSt;sCrelgh, Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. HOUSEHOLD goods packed and tor warded; cheap freight rates; Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Doug. 394; office 216 8. 17th St A real home, pretty lawn, electric light, all modern, 9-r., $45. 725 S. 37th. W. 2690. DIAMOND LOANS at 2H and 5 per cent FLAUTAU. 1514 Dodge St. Tel. Red 5619. MONEY loaned salaried people and others on their own name; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tol- man. New Omaha National Bank Bldg. LOANS. You can get It today of ox ak iO an co., 601 Paxton Block OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. CAN secommndate a faw mur. tahla boarders; meal tickets If desired. 70) tieoigla Ave. phone Harney 3389. O. M. K. ha. Us trunks. D. 611. A-attt. 2824 FARNAM. remodeled, newlr deco- rated and furnished; modern rooms, single or en suite, with or without board; rates reasonable. DESIRABLE furnished rooms with board, modern. 12.. S. 2Sth Ave. DOUGLAS STREET, 2103. THE GRANADA AND ANNEX. EXCELLENT ROOMS AND BOARD. ROOMS and board, two: 34.50 each. 626 8. 19th. FERRIN'S Auto tor baggage. T. 1300; W. 2747. Maste, Art and Lansaages. Miss Peters, piano teacher. Wefcatar 106. Famished Room. RAfrfrAOF. messenger service and ' " ' ' "v . , ..... jlUlV lf.b Mes. Co., 1715 Douglas St Tela. D. 3946: A-6498. - FRONT room, suitable tor 1 o" 2 gentle men; references required. 1536 No. 18th. 31$ N. lTTH-Neatly furnished and mod ern room; clos; la; price r$aoabl. ' 10 ROOMS, modern, for $30.00 per month at 51a N. lid St. A good comfortable house easily heated; good sized rooms; might cut rent slightly for good perma nent tenant Harrison & Morton, 916 Omaha Natl. Bk. Tel. D. 314. - 8-ROOM modern house; $25.00 per month. 3K.7 Charles St. Also S-room cot tage, 3532 Hamilton St., $10 per month. Tel. D. 776 or D. 1017. - - IF you want your house rented list It with Crelgh, Sons 4 Co., 608 Bee Bldg. SIX-ROOM modern cottage, located at KU9 Sherman Avenue, iZ5 per montn. VINCENT D. DERMODY, Tel. 7S6. 1314 City National Bank Bldg. FIVE-ROOM cottage, 829 S. 24th St 6-ROOM bungalow, 2884 Binney St., completely modern. Hall Distributor Co., 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. - 6-ROOM house on the boulevard, mod ern but furnace. Phone Harney 3644. 672 AND 574 8. 28TH ST. -8 rooms, com pletely modern. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 7406, A-4406. Six-room house, modern. Harney 647. New 4-room' cottage, furnished com plete; 4031 Wirt St. Phone D-8308. HOUSES FOR RENT. 12-r. mod. ex. heat, 1151 N. 18th St., $35. 9-r. mod. ex. heat, 2712 Caldwell, $21.60. 6-r. mod. ex. heat, 1512 N. 31st St., $17.00. 4-r. part modern, 838 So. 23d St., $10.00. 6-r. part modern, 2727 Charles St., $16.00. 6-r. part modern, 2707 S. 14th St., $12.50. Russet & M'Kltrlck Co., 432 Rame. D. 867. FOR RENT An all modern new 6-room cottagevfloors and wood work oiled and varnished. $22.00 per month. Owner pays water rent. 1418 Ohio St. Apply 1818 Loth rop St. WEST FARNAM SPECIAL. Near Joslyn's. Eight rooms and hall O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. DUNDEE 10-room house, oak finish, hot water heat, hearth, two toilets, near cars. Phone Harney 2558. One 6-room cottage; modern except heat; 33d and Webster. Phone Harney 2362. ' 37TH ST., NORTH OF FARNAM. 4 rooms and hall down and 4 rooms up; hot water heat; best lighting fixtures; bargain In this to permanent tenant O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Tel. Doug. 1252. Evenings: H. 2842 or H. 5134. 716 No. 20th St, 10-r., good location roomers, $30. 3210 Burt St., 10-r., steam heat, 4 lots, $49. ' 2623 Seward, 8-r., excellent condition, $22.50. 18ti6 Maple, 8-r., mod. except heat, 816. 2011 Sherman Ave., 8-r.. all mod., $32.50. 408 N. 23d St, all modern, $33.s0. 4012 Nicholas, 7-r., mod. ex. heat $20. 2536 Hamilton, 6-r., newly decorated, $20. 819 N. 32d St., 3-r., city waftr, $7. 3110 Maple St. S-r.. city water, $8.50. F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam St 114 NORTH 25TH ST., 12-rootn, modern. 120 North. B5th, modern. 8 rooms, $35.0. JOHN N. FRENZER, t or. 15th and Dodge. 1ST class livery. Sherman, 24th & Clark. FOR RENT S347 Harney St, $35. S by, 1603 Farnam St A Good List to Select From 1121 Davenport S-r., close In. $11. 649 S. 25th Ave., 4-r., close In, $11. . 2643 Capitol Ave., S-r., close In, $15. 2126 N. 16th, 4-r., close In, partly mod ern. $16.60. 432 8. 24th, 6-r., all modern, $30. 417 N. 18th, 6-r., all modern, new, $35. 616 8. 24th Ave., 6-r., modern, $20. 3407 Jackson. 7-r., all modern. $25. 604 N. 20th St., 8-r., all modern. $47.50. 2S23 N. 16th, 8-r., modern ex. beat $20. 334 N. 41st, 9-r., all modern, furnished, $50 117 S. 25th Ave., 9-r., all modern, $50. 3161 Farnam, 11-r., all modem, $35. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Phone Douglas 297. 212 8. 17th St 8618 Mason, 10-r., all modern, $35. 2209 Leavenwortn. $-r., mod. ex. heat, $30. 1937 S. 2Sth St., 7-r., mod. ex. heat, $18. 1524 S. 2th St., 7-r., hot water heaf $23. 2023 Farnam St., 7-r. mod. ex. heat $. 1318 8. 29th St, 6-r., all modern, $25. 1416 Leavenworth, 6-r., fine repair, $20. 1209 William St., 5-r., city water, $11. 119 S. 29th St, 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $2L 406 S. 29th St., 6-r all modern, $30. 3906 a 14th St, 4-r., city water, $10. F. D. WKAD. 1801 Farnam St. 1608 Corby St -r., mod. ex. heat. $17.60. 3215 No. 25th St 7-r.. mod. ex. heat $20. 1013 Pacific St 10-r., mod. ex. heat $35. 1508 Ohio St 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $15. 2fi02 Chicago, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $22. 2521 Burdette, S-r., city water, $7.00. 1109 Briggs St.. 4-r.. C. W. and gas. $13. 1920 No. 36th St, 6-r. for colored, $10. 2568 Sahler St., C. W. and gas, $15. $610 Jones St.. 9-r., all mod.. t. 843 So. 33d St.. 7-r.. all mod.. $32.50. BIRKETT TEBBENS. , 423 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. -4754. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. Six-room brick house, almost new. with all modern conveniences. This house is of the latest design, with large living room and one specially large bedroom and In a very desirable, location. $45. Pos session September t ' J. H. DUMONT ft SON. Phone Doug. 690. 160$ Farnam St HOUSES FOR RENNT. 12-r., mod. ex. heat, 1151 N. 18th St., $33. 9-r., mod. ex. heat 2712 Caldwell. $21.6). ' 5-r., mod. ex. heat, 1612 N. 31st St., $17 00. 4- r., part modern. 838 So. 23d St, $10.00. 6-r., part modern. 2727 Charles St, $16.0. 5- r., part modern, 2707 So. 14th St, $12.5). Russel A McKltrick Co., 432 Ramge. D.ST7. BEAUTIFUL new 7-room all modern house. 2115 Burdette St Tel. Florence 192. 6-ROOM cottage, partly modern, near car. 1522 Ohio St. Tel. WebsteQtt. $5 per mo.. 2 to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2107 MODERN 7-room house, 1507 S. 2Sth, $25. Stores and Offices. ' FORRENT New Building in Automobile District, 25th Avenue and Farnam Street. - A new modern 2-story basement build ing, now under construction. Arrangements can be made for the store rooms either 29, 40 or 69 feet front age, all 120 feet deep with full basement and steam heat. Apartment on 2d floor, 18 rooms, with hot and cold water in every room. See us for terms. In Powell Building ."600" V On 16th St.. just south of the new Union Outfitting building, two fine store rooms, each 22x60 feet; full basement, lectric light, beaver board celling, new floors and very attractive new store fronts. Rental, $60.00 per mo. for Inside apart ment In very best of repair, with electric light, new plumbing, etc.; $37.50 per mo. 15th Street Storeroom 422 So. 16th St.. near Orpheum theater. This room Is 22x'4-eet has Just been overhauled and decorated store front painted, etc.; steam heat is furnished. Rental. $85.00 per month. - In City National Bank Bldg. Two fine store rooms fronting 16th St., just south of the Illinois Central office. These rooms can now be leased, together, making a fine location for ladles' read-to-wear goods, or similar line. See us at once for terms. Near 15th and Harney Streets Building 33x120, 4 stories and basement Reasonable terms. ' On Farnam Street Automobile salesroom and garage. 2024 Farnam St : 22x188. feet, 6-room apart ment 2d floor, steam heat On lower Farnam St., some very desirable Zd ana 3d floor ssnce GEORGE & COMPANY, 902-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone D-756. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Bt OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. RcL CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberc u Co.. 310-312 Brandels Tr.eater Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Wanted farm loans. Kloke-Inv. Co., Oma. LOANS on farms aad Improved city property, 5 pet. to 6 pet ; no delay. J. ti. Dumont & Son, 1603 Farnam St, Omaha. GARVIN BROS. & up. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to J50.CO9. W. H. THOMAS, m First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co , WANTEDTO BUY. Household gds, clothes & shoes. Doug. 3971 H'ld. soodsi. clothe.', shoes. 2S20 Cum. D7802. DOLGOFF 2d-hd. store pays biggest prices for fu-.niture, clothes, shoes. W. 1607. BEST prices for scrap iron, brass, rags, bottles. Call FlnkeUtein. Doug. 7610. WANTED TO BUY A cottage or a 7 or 8-room house, to be moved on a lot; must be within 15 blocks of 24th and Clark e.ts. Telephone Red 4201 after 6 p. m. 2D-HAND rattan baby buggy, in good shape. Phone W. 2321. for saTeor EXCHANGE 440 acres, W, miles from Ericson, Neb. 100 acres under, cultivation, balance pas ture and hay land: will take part In trade. Frank Vanhorn, Ericson, Neb. 800 ACRES good ranch, 200 acres under cultivation, balance hay land and pasture; good improvements, running water through farm; 80 rods to school. Will take part trade or will sell on good terms for cash. 8 mll from Ericson. . Frank Vanhorn, Ericsoii, Neb. TO EXCHANGE Half section of im proved land and one and a half mile from Tulla, Swisher county, Texas, for imple ment or hardware stock or Minnesota land. W. O. Nelsen, Volln. S. D. reaiTestate ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. BUILDERS- INFORMATION. Ideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming Sts STOREROOM for rent In splendid loca tion: party has lease on his hands and ll-. .1.1 . . D.mlnrtnn Typewriter Co., 19th and Douglas Sts. GARAGE FOR RENT. Rrlck sraraa-e. 1906 Capitol avenue, ce ment floor, room for four cars. $15.00 per month. . v GEORGE & COMPANY. Phone D. 766. 902-12 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. LODGE rooms. F. D. Wead. lqpl Far nam St. SEE F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam, for de sirable suite In Baldrige block. - 1605 Davenport. U. B. Balcombe.- M'CAGUE BLDG., 15th AND DODGE. Attractive offices: moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. DESK room, use of phone; choice. 736 Brandels Theater Bldg. STORE ROOM or shop. 1809 Farnam; steam heated: fronting alley: merchan dise entrance: full glass front. Hall, 433 Ramge. u. 7406, Ind. A-4406. Warehouses. WAREHOUSE storage space, several floors of S.OOO'square feet each with ele vator service, .water heat and light also well lighted Sample floor and office space. On Union Pacific tracks In heart of wholesale district. ' Kingman Plow Co.. 9th and Jones Sts.. Omaha, Neb. OFFERED FOR SALE Farnltare. Am leaving town: must sell out our en tire stock furniture, carpets. 2209 Cuming. FOR SALE New, up-to-date mission sideboard, china cabinet and dllilng table; oak bookcase mahogany table, cabinet and chairs. 615 South ath st. Maalcal Instruments. J PIANO Must be sold immediately, as we will not store it. standara make, ana tn excellent condition. Cash or even small payments. J -609, Bee. : Typewriters.:. RENT from the manufacturers direct No. 8 Oliver Typewriter, 3 months, $4.06. 'Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer company. Typewriter Inspection Bureau, 1805 Far- TYPEWRITERS for sale, $ months $S Central Typewriter Exchange. Miscellaneous, OLD SAFES, DERIGHT, 1813 Farnam 8t FOR SALE Coal and building material business, well established. Owner wishes to retire. Address A 632, Bee. DESKS, safei, fcales, show ca-es. shelv ing, etc.; see us fir.-t Omaha Fixture and supply uo., 414-16-is a. mn. Doug. iiu. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 407-409 S. 10th street. SAFES Overstockea with second-hand safes; all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co. 1310 Farnam St. FOR SALE Launch Mlna. one of the fastest on Carter lake. Larson's Landing. Doug. 5595. RIVER MINNOWS &, FROGS.. Doug. 8615. PERSONAL CORNS REMOVED 25c Pav me a Visit today and your, corn troubles will be a thing of th past. T. EDWARDS, CHIROPODIST. Room 327 Old National Bank Bldg., 208 South 13th. Children to board In country. D. 79834. Massagei Mrs. Rtttenhouse 308 Boston Bid. f A A fW.Swedlsh movement Ap't MAOOii-Urj lm ,rarnam. D. 62r9. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- off clothing; In fact anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell , at J34 N. 11th St. for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. 'Phone Douglas 4123 and wagon will call. ANNAH. MARKS icie.nt1 nam. Davidpe Block. Apt. 3. Red 7E29 YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places, or -otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. BATHS. Swedish maage. Mrs. Snyder. No. 3, The Dunsany, 10th & Pierce. DAWK MAGNETIC healing, over 710 8. 16th. MASSEOTHERPY Jilr Allen of Chicago. 103 8. 17th. 1st fl. D. 76a VITAL massage, vital b'ath. Dr. Anna D. Fisher, 401 Ware block. 309 S. 16th. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. MASSAGE Jrgg-fc REAL ESTATE LOANS FIRST mortgages on new dwelunra. bulit for homes, are the safest securities in the world. We usually have on hand these mort gages for sale In denominations of from $500 to $I,50 at ( per cent and 6 per cent interest. American Security . Company, v 309 S. 17th St CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. West Davenport Two long squares north of Farnam i paved street; large corner lot; 4 rooms and hall downstairs; 1 Includes maid's room off kitchen; 4 rooms, bath and plenty of closet space upstairs; laundry; hot water heat; $1,500 cash;' balance monthly. O'Keefe Real Estate Co, 1016 Om:tha Nat'l. Bank. ' Tel. Doug. 2152. Evenings: H. 2842 or H. 6134. PERU, NEB.. RESIDENCE. ' Beautiful location. Good 9-room houss and four blocita of ground near Stat Normal. Owner has left state. A rare bargain at MJO) if tsken at one. Writ C. R. Welden. Peru. Neb. A Real Bargain 1 in South Omaha A 6-room house at 40th and T Sts.; has city water and gas, eta; on full 50-ft lot, all fenced In, with plenty of out buildings for chickens, etc; non-resident owner offers this home for; $1,600.00; only $600.00 cash, balance $11.00 per month. ' C. SUNDELL & CO., , 217 McCague Bldg. Douglas 3298. $100 Cash, $10 Per Month. Dundee Lots ' Price $1,000 each. Easy terms. Interest 6 per cent on deferred pay ments. Street being paved. Fine location, , - George & Company Phone b. 756. 902-12 City Nat'l. Bnk. Bldg. '.New;-., 5;Room Cottage South Side $276 down, balance about the same as . rent House 2303 8. 14th St, Just south of Dorcas. Has city water, sewer, gas, bath, electric light and . full basement where two or more rooms could be fin ished; also two rooms can be finished in attic. Close to churches, school, stores and car line. HASTINGS & HBTDEN, 1614 Harney St. Hanscom Park 6 Rooms New $3,350 Completely modern, flnlahait in nab- only two blocks from the park. It's a beauty and the price Is right Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. 210 S. 17th St $4,250 Buys 2005 Spencer St, H0U8e hjU vefrtthula Antranna 1a-ar. 1 (ta in E l-nom. (ilnln-f iv.nm r11 ,.... nrwt , acs vvaaat ! Ska A CVllSSSVa kitchen on the first floor and three bed rooms and bath on second floor. The tiring room ana oining room are finished In allfirtar.aawat nob- XJa i plumbing and heating throughout. A splendid location, close to boulevard, ter raced lot; olose to school and churches; has garage large enough to hold two cars: look at thi hnn inj,. v.... not bother the tenant Owner is making tun piite i'jr quica sale. UAH UN US & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St RECEIVER'S SALE. The building at No. 1218 Far nam St., will be offered for sal at public auction, at 2:30 p;'n., Tuesday, August 27, 1912, l"4he receiver of the Farmers ar Mer chants Insurance Co. Said sal will be held on the premises and will be for cash to the) a ghest bidder subject th eahOrcaa tlon of the court the. right M reject any bid being -vprauO reserved. The. property to be offered Is a thie-Btory brick building lo cated on the west one-third of lot six (6), in block one hundred twenty one (121), In the City of Omaha, Neb., having a frontage on Farnam St of twanty-two (22) feet and a deptlt f one hundred thirty-two (132) feet A statement of the Income from this property will be fur n shed upon application to th receiver. This sale offers ah opportunity . to the investor to acquire J highly desirable piece of busi ness property on Farnam St la th retail district For any additional Information desired address CHARLES T. KNAPP, Receiver of the Farmers and , Merchants Ins. Co. -Office F. ti IS. Bldg., Lincoln Neb. Sleeping Porch Nice Lawn $2,300 Good 8-room. modern, steam heat laundry, lawn, cement walks. 1706 N. 30th St 'Phone Owner, Webster 6266, B-1773. ( WANTS clear land for equity in hia 2-room. all modern Omaha home; mort gage, $6,509. O'Keefe Real Estate Co, . 1014 Omaha Natoinai Omaha. $2.400 Good corner business lot with S-roem, partly modern house; barn in rear; plenty of room to build store. Anton iriska. 2 o. iux su, aownstaira. Red 7 A L- X. 0 i J