THE OMAHA SUNDAY .BSE: AUGUST 18, 1912. 5-B The 1913 l MM 77 ' . 1 , ,,, , , .. J1 linn fi- 'ir nfl'i iiiiiiiMin"i vmtntta'tmtmHwmdmkimtmiitoytm The Complete Equipment of the 1913 I . Completely Equipped iiUlii It's a Better Cair Too! 40,000 Cars Per Year Makes This Value Possible The price of the Overland car has decreased as tlie number manufactured and sold. have, increased, because the manufac turers realize that lower prices mean, more cars sold and are w&l satisfied to make a smaller margin of profit per car as long as the quality of the output is maintained to its former reputation of being the best quality car at the most reasonable cost. Includes Self Starter 30 Horse Power 5 passenger Touring Car Center Control UO-inch Wheel Base Timbkin Bearings Prestolite Tank , $50 Remy Magneto $50 Warner Speedometer , $50 Mohair Top and -$25 Gear Vision Wind shield: All Brighi Parts Nickel Plated : Every opportunity to ; make Better Cars are grasped by the manufac ; turers ;pf - the 4 Overland Car sp- that you'll -find : the 1913 style to be the best car. for . the least; money, on the marketH The Overland has satisfied thpusands; and 1913 buyers will not be disappointed. an jysk iLfr 44f 41 Aet fl A supers B i II ff I'f II H Ii H H is f! H H fli H H 11 n Ail if M ft R II It Ii 9 IJJP II wm x&-u i viii v v juw Council Bluffs, IB Iowa. VI 3U5 Fourth Street Distributors try Omaha Agency 309 South 19th Street . :; At the Piayhouses ; - R EAL burlesque in Its ' truest ! form, chock full of the latest comedy, ringing with good music,-: gorgeous dressing. magnificent scenery and. elec trical 'effect,' humor fresh ana wholesome, will be the line of at traction on th Empire circuit which are promise it the Khig theater this aeason, commencing with a matinee today. The Opening attraction, the Jardin de Paris girl is the first of the newer, or der of shows, and 1 a musical comedy In two. acts entitled, , "At the Beech." The rlrst eV Is the interior of the Brighton Beach hotel and the entertainment is worthy of its name as far as swift com' dy, . catchy songs, nimble dancing and hnmorous scenes are . concerned. Far tiq'ular, attention has-en paid to the coBtuming and mounting, r AH In all, the performance will give pleasure and satis faction,; .The. east, is, a notable -one, Including 1ao Stevens, - Joe Madden, Tom Nolan, Lydta Jospy. Stella GO more, . the Tlern'ey; Four, . Rosalie. Rose, Helen Marvelle and a chorus of thirty girls that can sing and dance. Between the first and second acts a splendid, olio is presented and includes the famous Tierney Four, a quartet par ex cellence. Rosalie Rose, character eome diari, - and living art stud'es by famous artists. . .,. ."v. -- . The Oayetys summer season had to be terminated in order that various Improve ments can be made in the theater before the .opening of the regular season of vaudeville and high class extravaganza wft.'ch starts, on Sunday. August 25, 'with Clark's ' "Runaway Girls." Thousands in whom an appetite for popular price vaudeville was created will not have long to wait until they can see even a better entertainment consisting of the best, of moving pictures and vaude ville, as' the policy of the Hlpprodrome (fdrmerly the American theater) will be not unlike that which maintained at tne Giyety all summer, except that a much more attractive program wllj be offered the advance sale of seats for the Gyety's opening attraction will start next Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. i MWirii mm' k. sir-" fJ ! s 'A SJ . tfi v- 4":.- .-J I -: - LJ ';'-,?sK I , ' & - , , 1 I " T , 4j I parties.. Lodges Sri holding their annual events in this convenient park. Many groups bring their basktt ilunches and, ,sty to enjoy riding the' roller coaster, circle swing and earry-us-all. There Is bowllrig,1, 'skating and free movlrig plo ;tures.:. The grand prise wait held last ! Tuesday iVa "--most successful and a similar innt will be announced Jn the near future; .' ' . , ; " Miss" Mary HodgTa singing- come dienne of mors than ordinary ability, who in the course, of her set makes several lightning changes,'.,w hea4, tho, piU nt the Airdome for the jxeek covnmencin tonight. In addition to Mlsa Hodge, M'SS Alma Huntley, who has jari herjsiflnt' popularity, will render the lktie'st songs with the illustrated slides. The Cot'e-lll sisters will futnlsh the mut e and'thuig will bs four new. reels of motion, feature Jllms every night. 'Ir' !! IMII t v-4-f--iA3' Persistent Advertising Is the Road to SlC Returns. ' jpave Lewis, that run-making comedian, will come to the Brandeis theater next f uhday matinee, and will be' seen during hlj four days' engagement In Campbell Casad's new play, "Don't Lie to Your Wtfe." This piece had a long run at the Whitney Opera house, Chicago, last year and was one of the most successful playing the various cities last s.-ason. During the action of the play, sever! veify catchy musical numbers are In troduced, which are noted for their con sistency, not being "dragged In," but very dellciously blended into the cimedw Mr. Lewis Is very capably supported by. a capable cast. A special ma'.liwe will be given on Wednesday. Ifi announcing theopenlng of the sea son, which event 'Is set for Just a week heoe, Sunday, August 23, the chronicler of 'events and exploiter of things to be at jthe cosy Orpheum Is prolific in prom ising the devotees of smart vaudeville msny of the good things that help make this rorm of entertainment so very popu lar. The -pretty playhouse has .rtceived careful attention in preparing It for the comfort of patrons and those who admire pulchritude.' A large force of artists and mechanics has been engaged on the work for the greater part of the summer. The decorations have been much enhanced. one painting In particular is noted, it is an allegorical picture by Fuchs done in oil on a canvas 28x45 feet which has been mounted on. the sounding boSrd por tion of the celling. Four new sets of scenery have been added and all of the old sets have been retouched In such a thorough manner that the entire Invest'. ture is now virtually new. The lighting of the entire theater has been Improved. Several thoutnd. candle-power has been added to the stags lighting fac'lltles a'.one, which It Is believed will' make the stage one of the best lighted in the country: New carpets have been laid and every thing made epic and span from pit to dome. fix days of ! treats for mualc lovers and for' the general public, w', while not claiming to be a connoisseur, jet admits enjoying the best In concert bands and symphony orchestras, open this aft ernoon at Manawa. Conway's band of forty pieces is scoring successes this, its tenth seftien,. and withi its soprano,' Miss Josephine Dunfee, will give concerts each afternoon and., evening.. :t Their- engage, ments usually last thres weeks, but this season It Is booked full. They are trying to satisfy the public and make . new friends by giving one week concerts In August and September. Chicago critics epeak of Conwajr as "The logical successor to Gllmore," and tt Is predicted that in this part of the west the aptness of. this llkeninc will bs readily recognized For this evening,tha program is; PART I-S TO " ; Overture, "Maritanns"'.. Wann Caprice, "Les Chanteou Hongrois" , Michlels v-oronei tsoio, -fantasia Brilliant"... Urban John Dolari. the ballet. "The Swan ....Tschsikowsky Suits from . Lake" . (a) Valse (b) Dance of the Swans. cj Csardns. March, "Father Rhine".... Intermission. PART TO a Scenes from "La Boheme". selection. 'The Pink Lady soprano solo, ( ..Llncke ..Puccini ... rrvll 'La Prlmevera" 5 ; Strauss jis .losepnine .uunrte. Fsntasla 'The Shamrock. Rose and Thistle '. ...Baetens xnat the .' Summsr.Park" has oroeurad for-Itself a high place In the esteem of those seeking amusement and outdoor rec reation. Is evidenced by the large crowds entertanea at Krog Park and the unin terrupted patronage during "the summei. Fraternal organisations have bsen hold ing their annual outings at this pic turesque place. Many bring their family basket lunches to enjoy the day, the fresh breeses and cool shaded places. Lovers of dancing are taking advantage of coel evenings. They find a rare treat extended by excellent music and largs new floor in the open air hal!. Cool mnlnga. excellent music anil the large floor in the open Ir hall at Court land Beach eomblne to offer . dancers a splendid opportunity to enjoy themselves. A chance to enjsy all kinds ef summer recreation. On the lake front are giol facilities for boating, swimming and fish Irg. Fresh' breezes and ' shaded lawns havs charms that are ittcactlng picnic, OVERLAND 1913 CAR REACHES THIS MARKET Overland 1913 ihodeh are now on the market fresh from the Willys-Overland factory at Toledo and deaters in all pins of the country expect to be kept b'is within the next three wee!is supplying the early demand , The new car is equipped with a self- starter, mohair top and boot. .Warner speedometer, windshield, prestolite tank, five black and nickel lamps, tlre-lront. robe rail, foot rest and tool kit. The wheel , base la 110 inches and afforJs ample leg room In both seats. The threu quarter floating rear axle is another Im portant feature. THE FAMOUS PATRICK COnWAYS BiflD 40 ARTISTS With Miss Josephine Dunfee: Soprano - .... ' " '-f.'.i .1 tun ' -f . .. .'" ,. . sa i WILL SLN0 WITH BAUD AT LAKE ',1 MANAWA THIS WEEK. 7 ' ' 4" i ;.:' 4 t ' 1 X i,-. 4 " ' i ' i i ii i t-i ' i ii -ir i- I msffrjfc TODAY, AUG. 18th and the Next Five Days Commencing with a Matinee today,' Concerts will be given each afternoon and evening, as follows 2:30 to 3:30, 4:39 to 5:3, 8 to 9 and 10 to 11 Farewell Concerts Friday Evening The Greatest Band that has visited this part of the country for years. In the class with SOt'SA'S and ELLERVS. DON'T FAIL TO HEAR IT Phones Doug. 404. Ind. A-1494. 'Advanced Vaudeville Opens Sunday August 25 TirVet9 An RoU ' ' ' H s vaww vs w swssjatjv Tuesday August 20 BRANDEIS THEATRE 4 DAYS, COM. NEXT SUNDAY XXOVIAB XATIVXrS. ' TKB rOPUlA OOXSOXAV. DAVE LEWIS , In, the lanflsUds of tnn - "Don't Lis To Your Wife" , A Oirlis long Tares. Bests Wsdnssdsy. ' "X THEY'RE OFF FOR THE SEASON Matinee Today 2:30 Tonight 8:30 BEST SEATS 50c I: E PHH1S igRLS JAIiOirJ 0! THE PICK OF THE BEAUTY CROP " Ladies' DjHj Dime Matinee all Season RIVER EXCURSIONS TO FLORENCE AND RETURN Boat Leaves. Dock Foot of Douglas, Street at -2:30 P. M. and 8:30 P. M. Returning at 5:30 P. M. .. and 11:30 P. M. Dancing Free-Round Trip 25c AIRDOME Farnam andrTwenty-fiftb Sts, Vaudeville and Pictures, i Adults 10c Children 5c. ase all i i.ifwwSi. w.ijumi OMAHA vs. TOPEKA Rourke Park ' . Aug. 16, 17, 18, 19. Bstnrday, Aug. 17, a g-mes, 1st. 9 p. m. Bun!y, A-ag. 18, a g-aiffsa, 1st. a p. m. Monday, A3. 19. Ladles' Dy. Oameg Callsd 3:30. 1IIS3 JOSEPHINE DUNJf'Efi. Krug Park Omaha's finest Resort. Dancing Every Evening to Httster's Orchestra. Old JieA Mill, lMp-the-Dipo Penny Arcade, Merry-Go-Round nilliard Tarlo , and Msny Otlier Attra t ons. Moving rictnre Everf Evening Free. MarquetTe Club 6t Benson Picnic Saturday, August 24. SOURTLAFID BEACH "Dancing Every Evening to Lamp's Orchestra. Bathing, B6at!ng, Fishing. Big Poller Coaster, Carry I's-All, Roller Rink, .Cowling Jlleys, Etc t Free Moving Pictnrej Every Evening. EAGLES' PICXIO ! Saturday, August 24. -i ,''.'".' Telephone Your Want -Ad Tyler 1000 'i ' ' . ' '