Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 10

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' Bs
: Will Divide Time of Society With
,Brides-to-BeJor'a Time.,
V Many Atractir "Venn; Women Are
Zi VUttln l Omaha Many
' Omihmi Coming and Go-
v Ba; to Reer.
Social Calendar.
y MONDAT-Mr. Will Guild, luncheon for
Miss Hewlett. Benedict; Kappa Alpha
J Theta fraternity meeting with Mist
, Marts Hodge; matinee dance at Field
' club.
TUESDAY Mr. and Mra B. H. Dunham,
". dinner at Happy Hollow for Miss Mar
v jorte Clark of Columbia, Tenn.: Mrs.
W. U I'nslker, luncheon at Field club;
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Miller, dinner at
; Happy Hallow; matinee dance at Happy
7 Hollow, dinner-dance at Happy Hol-
- low; ladles' day at Field club.
w WEDNESDAY Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
t Robinson, dinner for Miss Luciie
T Schraubstodter and Miss Emma Allen
i of St. Louis; Mrs. Dexter Buell, bridge
- for Mlaa Mary Cleaver of Chicago; din
l ner-dance at Field club; dinner-danca
: at Country club. . '
THt'RSDAY Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hyin.
dinner at Happy Hallow; vaudeville at
Happy Hollow for Midwest Tennis play
ers; lsdies' day at Field club.
FRIDAY-Dlnner-dance at Beymour Lake
Country club.
- EATURDAY Mr. and Mra. E. C. Bene-
am Annrr tnr Erla-erlv-Benedlct wed-
i . dtn narty; dinner-dance at Field, V
Happy Hollow, Country and Rod and
. Gun cluba.
The season of the debutante! and the
'brides U nearat hand and prdrrtlsS -to
1 ?"jbe a gay one with weddings and coming
. out parties and all the "complimentary,
4 festivities attendant. Interest centers
I especially on the debutantes, hot only be-
csute there will ba at least nlna eharm
Ing young women Introduced this sea-
son, but because from their ranks tha
,a queen of Ak-Sar-Sen will probably be
$ chosen. . V. . ''"if
One oof the debutantes-to-be Js. Mist
Caroline Congdon, daughter of Mr. and
Aira, Isaac Congdon arid granddaughV?,
; -of , the Late L H, - Congdon on pi,
; Omh'l plo"eersa Miss Congjolv radif-;
ated from vassar college last apnng.
Another debutante will be Miss Car
i mellta Chase, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs.
v Clement Chase and granddaughter ' of
the late. Champion 8. Chase another
'.y, Omaha pioneer. " Mlsa Chase graduated
',;from Bryn Mawr college last spring,
?; and Is na of the best women athletes
5ln the city.
Three young women who attended
Y school at Ely Court. Greenwich, Oonn.,
t : together last year will add to tha list
': of tha season's buds. They are Miss
Bertha Dickey, daughter of Mra, J.
4" ,'J. Dickey; Mlsa Daphne Peters, daugh-
? ' ter of Mr. and Mra. M. C. Peters, and
f- Katherlne Thummel, daughter of Mr,
. " and Mrs. George H. Thummel,
Two ' young women who had expected
t,;.to make their debuts last season, but
postponed this event, will he Introduced
In society this year. One of these la Miss
J: 'Margaret Greert Baum. who gave up her
, debut In order to have another year of
; study abroad. She has studied In schools
y, at Paris and Florence for two years,
The Bauma have bought a new home on
vf.Thirty-slxth street and the debut and
-other festivities will no doubt take place
b, there. Mlsa Pauline Bourke, daughter of
: Mrs. JohnjO. Bourke., did not enter so-
i clety last, year oni H)t4neof;the death
" ftf h rnrtmnifti'.ifW 'Jnhn Horbach.'
?8h has' studied; Viad' iraveled -piueW
, abroad. Sh11h Europe tiewwlttf her
' . mother and, sisters, but will be home
f next month. ' ' ' ' ' "
x Miss Mary Burkley, daughter of Mr,
f Frank V. Burkley, 'who finished "at; St
? Mary's academy, Notre" Dame, Ind., last
June, and Miss Dorothy Hall who went
? to Inglesida,: New? Mllfbrd, (Conn,,, "Will
' aweir the list of attractive' young da-
: butantea. (" 1 - ..-
Misses Frederick and Anna Bell Keep
of Los Angeles,1 who are guests of Mr.
and Mra. A. W. Carpenter; Miss Ruth
Burdal of Three Rivers. Mich., who is
lsltlng her aunt, Mrs. D. D. Arnold, and
uncle. N. .H. Loomis;. Mlsa Helen Willi
of San Diego, who is the guest of Mrs.
Samuel Rees, Jr.; Misses Sophia Fayman
and Evelyn Toub of St. Joseph; Who
are with Mr. and Mra. T. T. Jacobs.
Mrs. F. J. Boyce of Oedar Rapids. Ia.,
guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Durkee, will
leave Thursday. Misses Cella Craig 'and
Vera Clark of Kearney, visiting Mrs.
John W. Battln, return home today.
Miss Adabooth Dolman of St Joseph,
who visited local Phi Beta Phis, haa gone
to Lincoln to visit sorority sister. Miss
Gladys Slmpkins of Fairbury, Neb., who
visited Miss Elsa Haarmann, left yester
day. Miss Agnes Murray of Chicago
leavea today for Hastlnga to spend a
week and will return to visit Mlsa Ann
Misses Mary Sunderland of Chicago and
Helen Murphy of Sioux City will remain
another week aa guests of Mlsa Helen
Murphy. Mrs. John Gregory and Miss
Ethel Gregory of Willlamsport, Ind..
are the guests of Mr. and Mra. H.' D.
Bertsch. Mrs. Ratoh Crandall and ehll-
ren of Chapman, Neb., are with Mrs.
Crandall's sister. Mrs. Frederic ? w.
Clark. Mra. G. P. Whitman of Chicago
la vistlng her daughter, Mrs. Warren 8.
Blackwell. Mrs. J. H. Thatcher of Ruth
ven, la., la the guest of her sister, Mrs.
George C. Young. Mra. Mary Gerard
Andrews of Minneapolis, formerly of
Omaha, la at the Rome and visiting
among friends. , v- " ',
Mlsa Edward ,Shllckof .York, Neb., will
arrive 'early "this' week to visit Mr and
Mrs. J. M. Lowe. Mrs. Adama Vanden-
broch of 'Chicago 'and':;Miss Frederlcka
Goken of.: New Yorlft Crcy-fwill come Hhis
wek$o.,Yialt Mra. C. AMelcher of South
Diih Qlub Gives DaneiB
The "tiet Club gqveUheir Regular danc
ing party Thursdky evening at their Club
Carter . lake. Those present
i Misses ju
weref- '
R. Padmore. : . AlfieW rinson,
Nettle Schooley, Irene Migoy, , y.
Rose Houska, Roe Fratner. ;
nna Rewlnkle, ' Margaret 1 ,
Bertha De Vaughn, Anna Rowley. ,
Flo Ware, Ella Scbueman.- '
Gertrude Koeper, : Wllheimia Arrnorusi,
Ida Stewart, ; v J' Lula Norgaard,-,; ,
Bees Hereon of nna -e. v-
Fremont, vMrie waoier, ji
B. Newman. Ttmn wickio, ,
Marie Norgard, v Edna De Vaughn,
Marsaret Lelk. . -Katnenno muwoj,
Beatrice Disbrow, Beman,
Weeding- Plani Under Way.
Competing with the debutantes for so-
,clalhonora will be the, brides, of ,wh9m
there will be an, unusual bevy this tall
The wedding plana are all under way-
florists and caterers are being consulted
and the dressmakers are busy with bridal
outfits. October Is the favorite month
for, this fall's brldea-to-be, and most, of
the Weddings will, occur at the homes.
The first of the fall weddings will be
that of Miss Catherine Mllroy, daughter
of Dr. and Mrs, W. F. Mllroy,, and Mel
Vhl. Jr.. which' will take place the last
part of September, and, unlike most of
the fall weddings, will be solemnised lit
church. It will be held in the First
fresbyterlan church with Rev, Edwin
Hart Jenka officiating.
Then come the October weddinga. That
of Miss Agnes Burkley, daughter of Mr.
Frank V, Burkley, and McMillan Harding
will take place at the Burkley home about
the middle of the month. That of Miss
Jasmine Sherraden, daughter of Dr. anl
Mrs. William H. Sherraden, also will take
place at home. The wedding of Miss
, Louise Stors, daughter of Mr. and Mra
Gottlieb Stori. and Herr Karl H. Lody
of Berlin probably will be held In the
btautlful Store residence on West Farnam
street Tne marriage of Miss Elisabeth
Sweet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
A. Sweet, and Lieutenant G. W. Whlttn
will take place In church, which one Is
not yet decided, next October.
The wedding of Miss Ruth Hammer.
daughter of Mr. and Ar. George L. Ham,
mer, and Mr. Harold Prltchttt will be
celebrated In November, but it Is not de
elded whether at church or at the Ham,
mer home. ,,
There probably will be another late fall
marriage of two well known young Oma
hans. Both attended the University of
Nebraska and are members of prominent
fraternities. The young woman ia promt
sent In the Association of Collegiate
Alumnae and Pan-Hcllenio association
and is now traveling abroad. Tha young
maa has but recently come to Omaha and
belongs to the prnlkroa club.
Viators Enliven Society.;
,(Tbs viafting women -continue, to come
and go and keep society stirring. Although
no large alfalra- are . planned for the
guests this week, a number of Informal
pariea of, one kind and another: will be
Riven ;4 v ; " '
Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dunham
wJMr.give a dinner party at Happy Hollow
for Miss, Marjorle Cla,rk of Columbia.
Tenn., wfte 1 la . visiting their daughter,
Miss Helen Dunham,
Mr. and Mrs."W- T. Robinson will give
a dinner at their home -Wednesday for
, their guests. Miss Emma Allen of St
Louis, who arrived last week, and Miss
Luciie Schraubstadter of St. Lpuls, who
"his been here several weeks. Wednesday
Mrs. Dexter Buell will entertain at an
afternoon party for her sister, Miss Mary
' Cleaver of Chlaago. who, has arrived to
Among the recent arrivals among the
VI tors are Mra Fred W. Wing of Chi
cago. who came Saturday to visit her
Messrs ,
Russell Evans,
Clarence Hall,
Earl El sen hart, i
Fred Evans, '
Frank Spellman, '
Al Blsufuss.
Jim Flannlgan,
Ie Gregg.
H. J. Arena of ,
C. 8. Anderson, '
Robert Nelson, ,
V. Stewart,
W, Glover,
R. V. Martin.
O. C. Slaughter,
H. De Bolt.'
R. E. Connell,
C. Dodge, 1 .
Paul 8klnner,
Sol guard.
Henry Bock,
Mr. and Mrs. wnarew Aooorwn
Mr. and Mrs. W.. H. Plainer.
4Mr. and Mrs. George jonnson.
Mr. and Mrs. i. arr raim.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred tlebush.
Mf. and Mrs. HarJowiIyere.
Dr. Hayes Gsantner,
Dr. F. C. Lege,
Dr. W. A. Cox.
A. L. Lelk. ;
Guy Walker. t
U G. Griffith,
J. Newman, k1,
Percy GwynneVi
Freeman Bradford,
L. W, Knight,
J. M.' Tanner. ( !
L. M. Devlne, ,f
A. n Nelson, '
E. H. Hogiand, ..
Henry Lags, ,
C. E. Ahlqulst.
W. F, Sehollman,
H. R. Cronk, 5,
J. F. McMllllan,
Fred Armbruat, Jr.;
F. Cornwall. ,: i
Popular Girls Who Are Visiting in Omaha
Jr' Mir "VcO V'.
- - ..... ' .. . : ?
W - V h " ' f i ...A
et Mi- t Bt v X v
b .jy. ' v. -. ' - 1
k---...... . .
I ' C - V 1 I
,' - ' ' '
' '
' . .. Xisu ' , - ,
' ' '
tfue&t cf JJiSS Helen SDusiaja
" ift-r -n n 1 11 1 Jfftiii n-r 11 1 if
Minneapolis, formerly of Omaha, Pres
ent were!' - " '
Mary G. Andrews,
C. W. Hayes,
Draper Smith, .,
Charles R. Daniels
' of David City,
Mary n. Newton,
John Haarmann,
T. R. Wardj.
- Kdward PheJan,
C. Vincent, . ,
R. E. McKelvy,
C. If. Townend,
Clara Burbank, .
H. P. Jensen.
jasep& fuestcfltrsXT.Jdcols
Allyn-Samaehon Wedding. '3
The wedding of Mlsa Korlnn SamueW-
son, daugnter 01 air. ana mrm. . ,a.
8arnelan, to Mr. E. D. Allyn, took, placej
saturaikv gmnni n u "
South. Twenty-eighth street, Rov. Nath-
anlel McUirun ot tne ujw viau x r-
byterlan church officiating. 't i '
l 1 . ... .-...1.
The house was oecoratea jii p nu
white 'rtiaes and the ceremony . was lerTl
formed In front of a bank of white roses.j
Mlsa Inei Bloom playeJ "3, I'rom'.tj
Me." and he I)hengrin wedding march.
Only the Immediate members of the fam
ily were present. - . .
The bride's gown was aiiover taoe,
raped ovar white aatin, and 'aha carried
, shower bouquet of bride rose. Mrs.
H H. Knapp, matron of honor, wore
hitMiover Dink sattii and carried pink
rosea. Mr. J. ,W. Samuetson, brother of J
the bride, was best man.
After an extended wedding trip in tne
west, Mr. and Mrs., Allyn will le at home
October 1 at 1819 Wirt street i;
At Seymour Uke ' Club.
Mr. ' H. Q. Brown of Council Bluffs
entertained at dinner 1 Friday evening
when hta guests were:
Misses v .-. ' ' : .
Ursula. . Bneriocit.
E. R. Sherlock, Angelas Gressula,
Taking oinner iuei"c ,,,-
Ing were the:
Misses- Misses- '
ITnderhlll. - Gladya Solomon, ,
Catherine Mathews, Seima Anderson.
Clare Brnes, ' .
Mr. BCOtt King gave uiihto; mum,
evening when his guests were:
Messrs- ' Messrt-
Fred King. Forest .lying.
pi.i. Klnir 11. H. King. '
Mr. Lnaries naeron
at dinner Friday evening.
Messrs M,Mr. .
F. B. Van Scoyer, corean mem,
R. E. Kenny, .Cecil Brighthall.
Other reservetlone for dinner were
made by Dr. R. B. Armstrong of Papll-
Hon who had two guests; I. (B. Edwards,
three; E. A. Rose of South Omaha, two.
,,Mr and Mrs.., A. H. Feitcra had a din
ner last evening when , their jruests were;
' Mi;, and Mrs. N. B. Harrlman, .,
Mr. and Mrs. K. C.' Twamley,'
Mr. and Mrs.' J.' R. McDonald. -'
Other reservations were made by H. B.
Morrelt, 'Wh6 had three 'guests;' Thomas
K. Kelly,' four; O. H.- Kelly, four; Edward
P. Murphy, two; G. W. Clabaugh, three;
G. A. Swanson, four; J. V, Foster, four;
W. H. Bucholx, two; W. S. Bavlnger,
two. ; ' ' ', '
At Sappy Hollow.
Reservations for dinner last evening
were few and the parties were small.
Among them were John W. Robblns, who
had three guests; T. B. Norrla, four; A.
I, Crelgh, four; Byron Clark, two.
Tuesday Mr. C. F. Miller will entertain
six guests at dinner and Thursday C. W.
Ryan six.
Mr. Mao Harding had a dinner party
last evening. '
i Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Howea entertained
at dinner last evening when their guests
were Mr, and Mrs. Robert Uhllg, Mr.
and Mrs. Hugo Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Zitfel and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Tracy. . , . ,
Mr. and Mrs. ,R., W. Hayward enter
tained, at dinner,. ast evelng In honor, or
Miss . Mary .Cleaver, of, Chicago, who is
the guest of Mr-, and Mrs. P. C. Buell.
.Their guests Jncljided Miss Mary Cleaver
and Mc Myron Hayward ' and 'Mf. "and
Mrs. D. C. BuelJ.,, I J -
Mr, and Mrs! A." W. ' Carpenter enter
tained' atdlnner lat . evening wfor, the
Misses Fredrlcka and Anna P.ell Keep of
Lob Angeles, Cal., who are her house
guests. Places were laid 5for:
Misses MisBes
Fredrlrka Keen, Anna'- Bell Keep,
Gilbert R. Carpetrtar..'
Mr. and Mrs,.V,' Carpenter. .
Thursday eVlpntng'airaude-vlIle,.'w411 be
given at the'club 4:fpr ; Uhe'i' Mid-west
Tennis players. (Mr. t- Roy Prl'ng " Will
Chicago the D. T. club gavn a picnic Sat
urday afternoon at Lake Man&wa. Those
who went were:
Georgia Howe,
Elsa Raapke,
Esther Nelson,
Klla Kunde,
Carol Kuenne.
Ella Schuemann,
Rosalie Kunz,
Dora Raapke,
Hulda Armbrust,
Harriet Kunx,
Llnnea Peterson,
Surprise Party. - -
A eurprlae party was given Thursday
afternoon -in honor of Mra. Thomas V.
Tully's birthday. . wuslo and cards were
the amusement -r Prlxes were won by Mrs.
O! Johnshn and Mr.-' Holme. Those
present were: ;
B. Holmes, A
R, Colton,
N. Johnson,
J. Musgrave,, f ,,
Madeline Tully,
Myrtle Mlckelaen,
May Johnson,
Mesdames - ;
G. Johnson,. ...
T. V. Tully, '
F. Mlckelsen,
'C. Olson. -
-; Misses- v " 'V
Olga Johnson,
Violet Mlckelsen.
At the Field Club.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Melcher of Souta
Omaha entertained at dinner last even
ing for Mr. and Mra Howard Meyer of
Los Angeles and their house guests, the
Mlssea Mae and Margaret Ruahe of At
lantic la- Place were laid for;
Misses Misses
May Ruane. ,. Margaret Ruane, '
Mrs. Jessie Caughey, South Omaha.
Mr. Grace Ponnell, South Omaha,
Mr, and Mrs. Howard Meyer,-,
'Mr. and Mrs. A. U Scott. . '
jijUr. jE. R. Brando gave a dinner last
evening, when hi guests were:'
Misses Misses
Mabel flrlbllng. Margaret Strlbllng,
Mr .and Mr. H. J. Strlbllng.
Mr. and Mr. Harry Weller entertained
at dinner last evening for Mr. and Mrs,
C. F. Weller. who have returned from
their wedding trip. Places were laid for:
Mr. and Mr. John F. Flack, v' '
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Webster.
Mr. and Mr. C. F. Webster ;;''
Mr. and Mr. D. A. Baum , vl
Mr and Mr. H. 8. Weller.. ' , , -Mr
nd Mr. Robert Dempster,
Mr. and Mr. Harry WeUer., ; . . .
Mr. and Mra W. G. Nicholson enter
tained at dinner lat evening, when their
guest were: 1
"Mr. and Mrr. George W. Shields. ' '
Mr. and Mr. J. J. Belcher. ' ,.
, Mr. nd Mw..A-W. Gro
Mra. Lee Graceton.
Mr. H. Murray.
A dinner wa given lat evening in
come from St. J Joseph to vglve 5,pec!til
dances; eight Dundee' ladll will1-give a'
court cene. -They ,wlll'be:',,,-,i , .
Mesdames Mesdames '
John (). Yeifier, a V. C. I'.enoerlpsiigh,
F. I. Elllcfc,!-1 6W. R. Klioades,
John Moore, s v n; Hubbard, m.i
T. L. Combs ' Miss i Mary , Cooper,' j
The Misses Mildred Howes, Helen
Krower; Eileen Edwards wUlr give' spe
cial dance. Mlsa Elizabeth a Hamllng
will lng; Mr.. Ooar Lleben will ;ive
an act A skit will be given by Messrs.
Palrd and Mulvlhull, Mis Grace Me
Brlde will play a violin solo and D. Z.
D. Clark will sing and play the banjo.
At the Country Club. ;
Miss Katherlne Moorehead entertained
at dinner last evening for her sister,
Mra Fred M. Wing, of Chicago. Places
were laid for eight.
Wi A. . Johnson had six guesta'for
dlnneh'. last evening; J. M. Dougherty,
four; Lieutenant Muncaster, four.
Omahans Abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Stora are In
Stuttgart,' Germany.
Mr. and Mrs. Emtl Strauss of Chicago,
formerly of Omaha, are traveling abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank U Haller, since
landing at Liverpool, have motored
through England and are now In Gar
Mrs. C. H. Marple, and daughter, Jo
sephine, left Friday,, for the, east, and
will aall next Thursday on tha "ibernia
for a year abroad. They will go direct
to Lausanne, where they were before
their return from Europe last winter,
Miss Janet Hall will leave next month
with her aunt, Mis Ware, for an In
definite tay abroad. They will probably
be In Vienna' most of the time and Mis
Hall will atudy music and language
Mr. and Mrs. Shinker Surprised.
A surprise party wa given to Mr. and
Mra J. M. Shinker, M47 South Elgh
teenth street, Saturday evening. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Fpajv
berg, Mr. and J Mrs. John - Schindler,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cllnea, Mr. and Mrs
Michael Cllne. Mr. and Mr. William
Cllne,' Mr, and Mrs. Pat Cllne, Mr. and
Mr. Charles Crawford. Mr. and Mrs.
Moore, Mr. and Mra. Joe Novak, Mr. and
Mrs. Pat Mclntyr. Mr. and Mrs, Brlen
Mrj-and Mra. William Paddock, Mr.
and Mra J. M. Shinker, Mra Josephine
Cerny, Mr. Roger, Mra Joe Povar of
Bralnard; Misses Margaret Roger Hay
of Chicago. Mary Cllne, Catherine Cllne,
Elisabeth' nine, Elvina -CUruV. Margaret
Cllne, Blanche Novak, Delorla Posvar,
Florence Cenry', "Irene "Crawford, Mar
dalene Clair Cline, Spearman.' Mary Ann
Cllne; Mer.f John' Cemy.iRdy 'Carlon,
Pennl Cnne'. Frank Broadfleld Joph
and Virgil Mclntyre, Willie Cllne. Spear
man. Garner, FUrkey, Roy Carlin and
J. M. SWnkler. 'Jr. v
luncheon for Visitor!.
Miss Grace Meyer gave a luncheon for
Mrs. Toby Jacobs' guest, Mis Sophia
Fayman. and Mis Evelyn Toub of .St.
Joseph, Mo., Saturday. Those present
. wore: "
daughter of Mr. and Mr. G. A. Denham,
to Earl David Murphy will take place
Tuesday, September 10 at the home of
her siBter, Mrs. -Charles Rise. 1128 South
Twenty-eighth street
4 , ' .mm ii
Dinner for Visiting Girl.
- Miss Ruth Koch entertained at dinner
'Saturday evening at her home in Bemls
Park iii honor of Miss Doris Koch of
Pekin, 111.
Those present were:
Misses- . 'Mleses-
Helen Sturges, -' Ioria Koch,
Pauline Trout Ruth Koch.
Messrs. . Messrs.
Devo Crane, ' Henry Hancox,
Justin William, Glenn Wallace.
Evenine Party for Guests.
Mr. and Mr. Herman Wilke entertained
at their home Friday evening in honor
of" Mr. and Mr. Walter Eayres, Jr., and
Mr. A. Braall of Providence, R. L Those
present were:
Pauline Frost,
Helen Wilke. -
Jr.; Mao Beck, '
Edward Eayres, Jr.; Thomas Eayre. jr.
Ralph Frost, .
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eayre.
' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eayre,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frost,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, , t
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilke.
Mra. A. Braail.'. . , , .
Kensintrton for IWtrs. Thatcher.
Mrs, George toung. of 2329 TWrty-sec-oi4
avenue gave a kenslngton Thurday
afternoon in honor of1 her etoter, Mrs. J.
H. Thatcher of Ruthven;Ia. Needlework
W.aa cmly a part of ' the entertainment
Each gueat performed a stunt ' Some
sang." some played the piano, ome"re
oiied. -Those present were:
Mesdames- ."""S?
S. H. Thatcher, ' A. to. Bradley,
v u -riwnfiri . . Ho N. Craig,
- . . y ' n tr--,.. , T1
. J.' O. Yelser.-
Nellie Eayre,
Zeda Eayre,
Walter Eayre,
Misses !
Sophia Fayman,
Bertha Newman,
Sarah Strauss,
Arnold Brewer,
Omaha Guest Entertained.
Mr.- ,W. .' E. McConnell of Council
Bluffs entertained at an Informal lunch
eon 'Saturday noon for Mr. Frank Boyce
of Cedar Rapids, Ia., guest of Mra G.
M. Durkee. Places were laid for Six.
parents, Mr, and Mra G. P. Moorhead; J hpaor of Mr. Mary Gsrald Andrew o
PiBnio for Viiitor. -
In honor of Mi Ella Schuemann of
Evelyn Toub,
Berale Zerbin,
Toby Jacob.
;G. C. Eagerly, .
J. W. Marsneu,
George Yoling, "
h- Misses '
Josephine, CralV-
i - Mi8e-r.
Olive MarhelL
South Omaha Party.
One of the large ocial affair of the
week in South -Omaha was the party
given by Miss Edith Finch at her home,
2004 I street, Friday evening. The grounds
were decorated with Japanese lantern.
Game and musio were enjoyed.
At Fort Crook.;
Colonel and Mr. Allaire are making a
tour. of the Great Lake. Captain and
Mrs. Nuttman are traveling in the east
rMmnialn and Mr. Chenowlth are in
f '
Wisconsin. Captain and Mrs. Tan Duyne
returned Friday from New Jersey.
To and From Summer Resorts.
Dr. and Mra C. C. Allison are at Colo
rado 'Springs.
Mrs. E. H. Howland returned yester
dayfrom Denver.
" Mr. F. NV Connor and her mother, Mrs!
Stebblns, have returned from Colfax.
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Connell have re
turned from a month at Atlantic City.
Mrs. Frank W. Bacon and Miss Lacile
Bacon are home from Cleat1 Lake, la.
Mr.,, and Mr. T. J. Kellyy have re
turned from a month at Mackinac with
Mrs. Charle Kountze. ' V "
Mr. A. C. Smith ha returned from
Wianno, Mass., where he ha teen for
some weeks with his wife and family.
Mrs. Warren'Blackwell and her mother,
Mrs. Whitcomb, returned Thursday from
the Yellowstone park and Colorado.
rado. ...'
Mrs. F. R. Cotton and Miss Halcyon
Cotton,, who have been at Lake Geneva,
111., all summer, are now occupying their
cottage at Lake Okoboji.,
' Malcolm Baldrlge is at Lake Sebago in
Maine on a -camping trip with a "?arty of
Andover boys, accompanied by their pro
fessor. They also have a camp at Long,
lake. ! v V
Mr. Robert Burns and his father, Mr.
Samuel Burns, have returned from Mack.
Inae. Mr. Frank Wllhelm also came ba' k.
from' a ; two week.' stay at Mackinac,
Mrs. Wllhelm and son will remain a few
weeks longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest , Richardson and
family and Mrs. Richard Carrier re
turned Friday from Pine Crest, Colo-,
where they have been summeriM!. Mrs.
Carrier has taken ari apartment at the.
New Hamilton. '. '
Mf. C. H. Picken ba spent, the last
week at Elkhart Lake In Wisconsin with
his daughter. Mlsa Elizabeth, -who with
her aunts, the Misses Doyle, has been at
the lake all summer. They will all re
turn home tomorrow,
fe. B. Bruce, accompanied by hi daugh
ters, Misses Margaret, and Elizabeth
Bruce, left Friday evening for Chicago,
where they took the water trip across
the great lake and down the St. Law
rence,; their destination .beta New York
City. .V'VV ;V -'
Inlaid Out of the 3ee ve : i
filSfk- A. L, Reed leaVesy todayr Bos-
ton. ,.- " . . '. i"T
Dr. T. E. Dailey Is back from hi vaca
tion In Colorado.
Mis Marjorle McCord- fca retornefl
from St. Joseph, Mo, : -
Mlsa Anna Peterson l vWtlnf her
sister in Evanston, 111 ;
Mr. and Mr. A. Dreyfoos have moved
to 8313 Farnara street-
Mis Agne -Burkley v left Friday to
spend a few days in Norfolk.
Mr. and Mr. Gerrit Fort went to Chi
cago last evening for a few days... '.
.. Mr. George W. Hart left laat nlght for
an extended trip through the east
Mr. and Mra H. P. Hamilton will leave
Tuesday for a month In CaUforriia.
Mr. John U Kennedy and Children wlU
return from California 'jnejet week.
q. L. Alleman and wife .left last night
for New York City for a two week'; visit
John F. Flack WlU go to Oakland,- Neb.,
tomorrow to give ah address on 'Banking
Mrs. Ros Towle 1 visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mr. DeWeese,, at Canon
City, Colo. ; . " ' .
Miss Mary Burkley Is spending' the
week at Dr. C. C. Allison' farm in Cal
houn, Neb.
Mr. William Jackson, who lias Ibeen In
town this week at the Omaia cltTb,' re
turned to Chicago.
Miss Florence HIHer Is In Chicago
visiting her sister and friends at the
Chicago' Beach hotel.
Dr. and Mr. O. 8. Hoffmann returned
this morning from five' week at New
York and Atlantic City. ' '"' . 1
jLsa Ellxabeth McCartney expects to
leave about the first pf October for Los
Angeles' to stay a year.
Mrs. Joseph R. Campbell ha returned
from Chicago, where ehe was visiting' her
daughter, Mrs. Ralph W. Moody.
Senator and Mrs. Norris Brown and
their daughter have taken the house at.
Forty-eighth and Davenport street.
Miss Ellen Crelghton . 1 spending two
week at "Rosemere," the summer home
of Dr. and Mr. Allison near Calhoun.
Dr. and' Mrs. R. C. Moore have returned
from several months in California and
are in their apartment at the Clarlnda.
Mr. James L. Paxton is home from hi
ranch at Spalding, Neb., but his wife
'and children will remain another two
Mra cnarles A- Tracy is expeete home
next Tuesday from, Saj brook. 'IU , Vhere
he was called by 'the illness of her
Mrs. Fara "McRann and son returned
Saturday morning from a month' visit
with tier brother,, Mr. C. Moore of
The Misses Myrtle and 'Blanch Burke
arrtvel home yesterday from a five
week' trip through the Black Hi Us and
Wyoming. . -
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Morton and son.
James, Jr., have returned . from a two
week' automobile trip -to "Minneapolis
and St Paul. - .:''
Mra E. W. Nash, who ha been visiting
her daughter, Mr. . Crofoof t' Mount
Desert Is now in Dubuque with Mr; "and
Mri. George Myers. ' :
Mr. and Mra John A Dempster, who
spent the last six weeks In the Black
Hills, will return to Omaha this evening
from Hot Springs, 8. D. .- -
Mr. and Mrs.: Wilson Austin, who iiave
been abroad on their wedding trip for
two months, , sailed yesterday on the
"Lusitanta" for New York. - i
Mr. and Mrs.. J. M. .Sarbaob are ex
pected home about September 1 and will
make their home at 13 Farnam .street
with Mr., and Mrs. A Dreyfoo. . .,,,
Mr- Harry Doorly will go to ,CWcago
to meet Mrs. Dooriy, who arrive. Tues
day from a month in Washington,; D. C,
with her parents, Mr.. and .Mr...0r M.
Hitchcock. , . ,
Mr. E. H. BnraKtie exnecta to .ro to
Chicago, nex Thursday to, entey 'the
woman , western .goir tourney, hlch
opens the following, Monday at thaHlns
dale Counti-y, club. . . ,
,y, j. C. Buckingham, , manageT , jojv the
Guaranty. Fund Life associaflpn, has
started on a western trip to Inspect their
agencies in Seattle, Portland, , Los' An
geles and San Francisco.
Judge and Mr. Muttge'r are back
from an extended eastern trip' arid are
now (pending a' couple of days with Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Fowlor In' Fremont,
where they formerly lived. J"',-'
Miss Elizabeth 6weet returned i Ut
week from the east, ' where sh attended
a reunion at Smith college, Northampton:
Mass., and from there went to' Lake
Champlain, New York aqd-Chicago'. !
Hatch- a hd Minerva Fuller-ha gone to;
Lake View, ; la. where they wdD b the ,
guests of Mrs. Edward Johnsomajul jheB
daughter, Doris. -y . -
. Mr. and Mi A D. Peters, WhO Teeehtly
returned from De Molne. to rnake
Omaha their home a grain, are occupying?
the borne of Mr. and Mrs. C. Q, itose
water, who are In Minnesot -iiKti! :th ,
early part of September. ";
Dr. i E. Robertson and family ot
Concordia,' Kan., motored: to Omaha and
pent the week visiting his sister, t Mrs.
Clarence Myers. ' Master Norris1; Myers
will accompany them on their- return trip,
followed later by Mra Myers. ' -
Mr. Henry Hiller left fpr: Chicago,
where he wlU meet his wife, who 1
visiting her daughter, Mr. .'Lv .KJrsch
braun, and together they r win take ; the
lake trip through the Thousand Islands,
k returning to Omaha about September !.
Donald ; Bartlett of LouisviUe,.; Jdaho,
nephew of Harry O'Neill,' Is visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mra. V. H. Cole.
He and Fred Buchols. have been out on
Mr. O'Neill', ranch In western Nebraska
and came with him to , Ohjahaj., .Mr.
O'Neill is. at -the Omaha club for a' short
time. tj-; r -',?.."r a, :. t
Mra. B. IT. Marshall and her . daughter,
Margueriter left Friday, afternoon, Xpr a
visit in Rochester,. N.,-Y tint -.stopping
to visit Mr., and Mra. -T. A.. ,. Thompson
in Chicago., . Miss Margiierita. whft .grftdu
ated from Mis .Wolcott's, school, last
yea.r, will entere Univeralty, of Ne
braska thia fall.
Personal Gossip,
Mr. O. C Campbell, an old-time resident
f Omaha, who. haa been ill, is greatly im
proved. ' ' ' . " ' .!
Mr. : EE E. Balch, who has beerrrseri
ously 111 for several -week, is mucli: im
proved. '. : 1 ' - i- -,
Mr. Raymond Low, who wa hort Un an
automobile accident, is able to' be about
his home on crotches. ' " f
"I - if 'C ,
At'Trto tn tne TWoriifng-V'' '
The Jolly Fellow (to the man above,
who haa been dragged from til bed by
the wild ringing of hi "front door bell)
One of your window is wide open.
Mr. ' Dressing Gown Thank, awfully,
old man. Which one la it? .
The Jolly Fellow The one -have
your head out of. Ta, taW-Peareon's
Weekly. ' - i
Marriage Announcements, i
i ne mamaga fSl JMIHB J rum M mmmmmmmmmmm- - j i WTW Wi
Mm B
.miTH 16 th.
A Grand Faroweil Closing Out Event
All Our Highest Priced Suits ioiiig at
bnai.ivAiv the Last Suit Sale at This Store .
Mt " ' -.l nA c0n DTTrv f ifs ViTirl ihat ha:elrer been known in Omaha, Noth-;-;
Remaining highest priced suit nn tHe house at this ex. : ing reserred-eveiTtog, goes. . U
nL torv. woman in this territory , cleaif-up-and are- determined to sell every garment at
knows what ! this means. - It's the greatest; sale, event ; once.v( s
All the highest
tailored 8utfi-ViQur.?la8t;;
Greatest suit sale 5 here, i Youi
chance and they Jo Monday, ;at only
Don't ? forget that airother linos throughout tho
house are reduced to the lowest pricos ever known
si" is - .-
ari'd'F ar; ' t
haih -Half