Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1912, Page 7, Image 7
"S5" THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1912. 6 Ever! Department la nager is Hammering; Don Prices During Our August Clearance Sale Glassware Special FOR SATURDAY OXLY, ISngravcd Water Glasses, lor 25f Fancy Berry Bowls, each 54 Sauce Dishes in different patterns, 6 for 154 2-qt. Glass Pitcher, with cover, each . . 754 Atlas Jelly Glass, something new in a jelly, per dozen at 254 Atlas B. S. Quart Jars, per dozen.. 1,00 Atlas E. S. Pint Jars, per dozen Soh Ladies' Summe: Neckwear 6 Handkerchiefs 50c Fancy Crochet Bows .v 85o 50c Lace Jabots 25c $i.OO Lace Dutch Collars 4o li)c Embroidered Handkerchiefs 80 15c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs To S5c Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs ISHo 2.00 Chiffon Auto Scarfs 89o SATURDAY SPECIALS. 25c 811k Hair Bow Kibbon 100 35c Fancy Satin Striped Ribbon 19c $1.00 Embroidered Center Pieces 490 $1.00 Embroidered Dresser Scarfs 49c 35c Rope Shopping Bags ' 19o Em mi in iihihi whiiii um iMJSwrPswwB11 1 ggtarfiW .s .i.AtL&&Lil Anr Straw Hat 69c Saturday Straw Hats MUST GO And tc assure us of. this, it's yoar unrestricted choice of any Straw Hat in Our Entire Stock. S3 Soft and Stiff Hats $ FOR SATURDAY ONLY " WE OFFER 1,200 MEN'S SOFT AND STIFF HATS, All Early Fall Novelties, All Colors, Worth $3.00 for $1.00. . BlIlS t ' 1 i-Wew Stamina Barer MinWomen'sReady-to Jf Wear Garments JUST RECEIVED FOR OUR AUGUST SALE. WILL BE OFFERED SATURDAY IN OUR LADIES' SUIT DEPARTMENT 4 Manufacturer's Stock of Ladies' Wash Dresses in pretty styles, sent on by our buyer, now in New York. They come in white lingerie, allover embroidered Swisses, pretty Dimities, Ginghams, linens and tissues. . Made in dainty summer styles, there are dresses in this lot that were made to sell up to $15.00. Saturday, Your Choice for : MANUFACTURER'S STOCK of WAISTS t KJ VV ICOCOj yjL Vit T $2.98 $2.75 LADIES' TAFFETA SILK AND EARLY FALL CLOTH DRESSES In variety of new designs, sent on by our cloak buyer; made to sell up to $18.00 and $20.00, Saturday, at ..$6.95 One Lot" Ladies' and Misses' Summer - Coats, formerly sold up to $5 and $6 Saturday, choice at $1.95 Fine Lingerie, ' Marquisette and Em broidery Waists, high and low necks, all sizes, splendid values up to $5.00, Satur day, choice at $1.45 ALL CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES, Saturday at HALF FORMER PRICES. CHILDREN'S COLORED WASH DRESSES Ages 1 to 14 years, pretty styles, in lawn and gingham, . worth up to $1.50, Sat- CO urday, choice for, JVC LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS, $1.95 In cream serges, colored whipcords, cheviots and fancy weaves, good values to $5 and $6, Saturday, choice, 1,95 Ladies Long Crepe Kimonos, light and , dark shades, worth to $5.00 and $6.00; Saturday, choice for $1.95 500 CHILDREN'S COATS AT $1.00 Come in light weight wool, silk and poplins, pongee and linen; ages l to 6 years, in large assortment of col ors; splendid values, Saturday, choice fori lU of Our Lawn Dressing Sacques, Saturday HALF FORMER PRICES Ladies9 New Fall Suits Continue to Arrive Saturday we offer choice of 100 Ladies' Fall Sample Suits, serges, cheviots and fancy weave suitings; maaVin handsome new fall models; were intended to sell up to $25.00, Saturday, your choice for ...... , , $14.95 200 More New Crown Jewel Suits-Just received, selected and forwarded by our buyer now in New York; suits in this lot equal to any offered in Omaha at $35.00; best in America ,r r An ; for . . ; . . .7 ... .1:.. :;. v . . . .;t ....... jZD.UU Manufacturer' s Surplus Sale of Shoes For Men and Women at About The Regular Prices On account of the advanced prices a certain factory had a surplus of shoes which had been cancelled HAYDEN BROS. Bought the Lot Mens Goodyear Welted Shoes, in all leathers and ff-f QQ styles, values to $3.50, .at f-W Closing out the women's oxfords all kinds and all styles values up to $3.50 and $4.00 52.50, $1.98, $1.50, $1.00 Infants' and Child's fancy top patent leather shoes, one-fifth and five-eighths . hQ on sale, at TUt All the Crossett $4.00 and $4.50 Oxfords $3.00 Misses' and Child '8 Gun Metal and Vici Kid, button or lace, worth up to $1.75 ''. , if on sale, at. ". . . . ...... . . . . . . . ;. . .iPl . W 1 j i Queen Quality and Grovtr Shoes for Women. Stetson and Crossett Shoes for; ; Men. 50c Norfolk Belts, 25c Norfolk Belts with "buckles or t buttons,-black, white and red, worth 50c, Saturday, at' c. 25 $2.00 HANDBAGS, 98c. All Leather, Tan, Leather Lined Handbags, with fancy metal frame and coin purse, worth $2.00, Saturday at. . . -984 $1.00 HANDBAGS, 49c. This is an extra large Handbag with metal frame and coin purse, worth $1.00, Saturday at 49 $5.00 IRISH CROCHET HANDBAGS, $1.98. Sample Pieces of Irish Crochet Handbags, beautiful pat terns, worth $3, $4 and $5, on sale Saturday $1,98 FALL MILLINERY All the new fall styles of nobby styi ish street hats in felts, silks, satins and two toned felts, to be seen in Omaha, are at Haydens' Millinery Department. Call and inspect them. J Porch Furniture Half Price Saturday $16.00 Hammock Swings, steel frame, at $9.75 $15.00 4-Passenger Gliding Swing only ; $8.50 Rockers, Swings, Settees, Chairs, Etc., Must all be Closed Out Today for One-Half Price. 15 patterns Hall Trees one day, half price. $18.00 Kitchen Cabinets, on sale . . $12.50 $25.00 Kitchen Cabinets, on sale. . $17.50 $20.00 Kitchen Cabinets, zinc top . .$14.50 Five odd patterns Buffets $19.00 Bed Davenport, full size $25.00 Sanitary Couch, on sale . . . . $2.00 Drug Specials for Saturday Only Four tars of Ivory Soap for 1M 15c pkg. 20 Mule Team liorax for So 10c Jap Rone or Palmollve Soap, at I for 18o 10c Mhlnoia Shoe Polish.. 9e $1.00 Dr. Hlnkles' Cascara Tablets for BOo $1.00 bottle of Peroxide of Hydrogen for 85o S6c size Sanltol or Peroxide Paste or Powder. ., ,184c 2uc size Williams' Violet or Carnation Talc for. . . . XOc $1.50 Oriental Cream... 980 60c Java Rice or Pojixonl's Face Powder for .850 Large sine Pompelan Man sage Cream for 49q Crank's Pink Blush Mas sage Crenm for 49a 25o Pond's Liquid Tooth Paste for ........... .100 25c rixe Sanltol, Peroxide or Pond's Cream, for 18 Ho 10c size Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap for So 10c Chamois for So 60c bottle of Bay Rum SSo Large assortment of Toilet Waters to be closed out at 85o Our Full Line Car pets, Rugs and Linoleums for fall now. on show. .We haye the strongest, lines ever shown. 9x12 Extra Axminster Rugs . if 19.08 9x12 five frame Body Brussels Rugs.. 25.00 9x12 Seamless Wilton Rugs $28.60 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs . . . .;. . . . $16.08 9x12 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Hugs $12.08 8-3x10-6 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, at . . . . $10.08 7-6x9 Seamless Tapestry Brussels. Rugs $8.08 6x9 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs $6.08 Water color Window Shade, '7 ft.- long . .23c Ull opaque Window Shades, 7 ft. Jong . . 80c 27x54 extra heavy velvet Rugs at; .... $1.30 Let us measure your house for shades and give you an estimate as to cost. Exclusive handlers of hand made Opaque Cloth and Hartshorn Rollers. 75 dozen boys' and children's hats, worth $1.50 ' Saturday 49c and 69c Ladles' $1.60 Silk Hose, in black and colors 69c Ladies' Silk Boot Hose, In black and all colors ...... 49c, 35c and 880 26c Ladles' Gauze Lisle Hose, black and tan 25c Children's Hose, in fine ribbed, black and tan 15c Saturday's Hosier Sale Ladies' Mercerized Hose, double top ana sole, high spliced heel, in all colors, pair 35c; 3 pairs for. .. 91.00 Children's School Hose, In Drummer Boy and Bear Brand; special Satur day, pair - l8o Infants' Silk Lisle Hose, in black, tan and colors, pair 85o (Haven's Grocery Dept. Saves the People of Omaha 25 to 50 I Our aim is the people, not the trust, i m.Fii v..i... .... ,, bio Picture Sale August Clearance All .our, $1.50, . $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 pictures in gilt frames, 14x18, 16x20, 14x 28," 16x28, go on sale iT4 Satuday, at .71 There are hundreds of wonder ful subjects to select from. Come early Saturday. We will do picture fram ing at off the regular prices during this sale. Cut Your Traveling Expenses at the Start Our entire stock of Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags, specially priced at 25 to 30 lower than else where. Trunks.;.. $2.50 to $45.00 Suit Cases . ;$i.25 to $25.00 Bags . ... . .$2.00 to $25.00 Sole " agents Indestructo Trunk. The world 's best. $22.50 to $45.00 onutiauuns or comDinatlons. 19 lbs. Best Granulates Sugar il.oo 1Lbre Leno, Heat "Em ,AH or Diamond C Soap ; jj5o 48-lb. sacks Best H'lgh Grade DIanVond H Family Flour makes the finest bread, per sack 81.25 iu. oesi wnite or Yellow Cornmeal for .174o 8 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines 85c Jell-O, Jellycon or Advo Jell, pkg..7Ho McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb 13He 4 lbs fancy Japan Head Rice 85c New Honey, per rack.. 17V4o 40 varieties fancy Sweet Cookies, lb. 10c E. C. or Oriole Corn Flakes, pkg 60 16-oz. cans Condensed Milk 6c 14-oz. best Domestic Macaroni 7kc 8 cakes fancy Toilet Soap 85c 1-lb pkg Corn Starch 4o Large bottles Worcester Sauce Pickles. Pure Tomato Catsup or Olives. bot.S'.sO The Best Fancy Queen Olives, quart. 35c The Best Tea Sittings, lb loo Golden Santos Coffee, lb 35c BUTTEB, CHEESE AND SOO SPECIAL Fancy Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, Per lb ago Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per lb ; s5o Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, per lb....83o The best fresh Country Kggs, doz...80o Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, per lb.lSo Market basket Cucumbers for pickles 85c Full Cream Tlrl. u rhuu ih mo Neufchatel Cheese, each.'. ........... .3o THB OBIATEST VEGETABLE MAB KET Zir THE WEST. 6 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Kadishes or Onloni . . . . .80 6 heads fresh Leaf ' ettuce 60 Large Egg Plant, each. ........... .7Ho Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb 18V40 tancy Wax or. Green Beans, lb .6c z heads Cabbage.;, So Fancy Sweet Corn, dozen , . . .loo Fancy Denver Green Beans, quart. .7V4o 2 stalks fresh Celery 6o 4 Cucumbers for. ,5o Large Denver Head Lettuce, head...8Vfeo 4 bunches Rhubarb 6o 4 bunches fresh Parsley 5o 3 Summer i'quash . ...100 3 large hewls Red Cabbage 10c Yellow Denver Cooking Onions, lb..84o Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 8 Vic Fancy Arizona Muskmelons, each. 7Ho, 8V0, and loo Hew Potatoes, IS lbs. to peck 20o PUT V9 PEACHES, PLUMS, PEABS A WD JELLT PLUM3 NOW. 4-basket crates Elberta Freestone Peaches 65o Bushel boxes Bartlett Pears. .$3.10 Large market basket Crabapples 85o Large basket Goose Plums 174o REMEMBER TI1V IlflUnPllfel Fin&T IT ALWAYS I III IIHIUCH d riliOl pa PAYS Six Bed Spnad Specials Saturday HIGH OBADE X.ZITEV DEPABTKEWT 17.60 Marseilles Imported Bed Spreads, fring ed, cut corners, each $6.00 Fringed Marseilles Bed Spreads, full (I ft M.98 Hi.R. each 13.26 Fringed and Scalloped Bed Spreads, tj CA each ......'' Fringed and Scalloped Bed Spreads Cf OO ; each $2.25 Fringed and Henmed Bed spreads, Cf KQ each 51.76 Fringed and Hemmed Bed Spraads, Cf flfl each i.vw Saturday's Specials in the Wash Goods Dept. 25c French Organdies, fine and sheer good as sortment of patterns, at, yard 15 BOc satin faced Poplins, all colors, at, yard Bengaline Rep, all colors, regular 60c grade, at, yard 394 39c dotted silk Novelty, a full line of shades, at i....;,.i.v.;v25t hardware is Cheapest at hayden's Kitchen Items. Fry Pans, special sale any size. 10c Sheet Iron Drips and Bread Pans any size-r at l...: 10c Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons one day only 69c Sad Iron Handles 5c Clothes Pins, 120 for. 10c Full size double zinc wash board lOo Goodel's Apple Peelers. . .854 Largo fancy Japanned Flour Can, worth $1.00, at , : T94 6-ft. high grade Skirt or iron ing Board, worth 85c, at 59 Folding Ironing Boards, worth $1.35 98tf Big Sale on Tools . Saturday No. 68 Stanley Folding Rules, at , 5 Maydole Hammers . ... . 49 6-in Nickel Plated Combina tion Pliers; every plier war ranted, worth 50c,:at. .29c 26-ln. Henry Disston 8aws, D8 grade 81.25 10-inch genuine Stlllson WrencheB 59 No. 110 Stanley Block Plane, at ................ 394 14-inch Bailey Jack Plane at 81.59 Marshalltown Plastering ; -Trowels 81.40 5 ft. Zig-Zag Rules, white or yellow, . .194 Guaranteed high grade Bench Hatchets 69 Nickel plated, high grade, fully warranted Lath Hatchet, at 89 Saturday Specials in Domestic Room St. Regis full, sized hemmed bed spreads, good patterns, medium weights, $1.25 values at v.v-854 Large size mercerized Pattern Table Cloth, size 63x72, good, heavy weight, $1.25 values- at ........ -V...V.85 Snowflake ready-made sheets, size 81x90, good' quality of muslin," 65c values . . 484 Sterllrfg . Pillow Case,' size 45x36, jood quality of muslin, ,15c value A2rf 20x40 Imported German huck towels, fancy borders, 19c val" ueB 124 -a MANY, MURPHIES MURDERED itabled to Death by the Bushel as . ... . '- Otnr-ifina tn t .IPHTHlncSS. , yUAVJbUlVV wv w IiEAKES AS IDEAL PEN WIPER Aim mitcnr Siatliitlenn rignres Out tliut Hotels in Omaha Assassi nate Twenty-Five Uoshel Each' Mnntk . ':-.o:ims the ruthless n-.urder of potatoes by of repeated stabs fwith ink- ::n.earcil pens could be Btspped in Ou a!ia as well a& In other cities, the jisice of potatoes at least might not have soared quite so hl:-.'h last winter, and at the present time they might sell for at leat-t a nickel a bushel cheaper. In 'the hotels of Omaha alor.e an aver fcge of ..twenty-five bushels of potatoes aro thus' destroyed each month. It Is this way: Hotel people, have long ago discover.-d that a potac has certain properties" that make It a desirable cushion Into which to Jt b the pen when the (jveRts have registered. It Is soft enough io that It does not Injure the pen olnt. and lias a certain acid or other property that in a measure keeps the pen clean and free from rust. Some hotels still keep the socket near the ink well filled with bird sliot for this purpose, but many hotel clerks now hold that this Is a vulgar and out of date scheme as the shot often clings to the pen and when a drummer In great haste to register yanks the pen over the pages of the register the shot drops off and makes a very unsightly blot. ;.ayman Does Some Flsnrina;. Thus It Is that the much beloved and costly potato has come to be regularly sacrificed, for the sake of clean hotel registers. There are fifty-eight hotels In Omahu. The bureau of statistics In the state of Nebraska Is so Illy managed thai It has as yet no record of the number ot fine mealy 'ipuds" that are slain by the pen In these hotels. Yet a layman may do a little figuring. Granting that eight of these fifty-eight hotels are still so benighted as to use bird 'shot Instead of the more elegant potato, there 'are stlh left fifty hotels using "Murphies." Fred Demherst, clerk of the Her Grand hotel, Is authority for the statement that these potatoes are changed twice a day. Two potatoec are alwayr put In the sockets at a time. Four potatoes are used In a day at-every hotel. The size of the socket is such that the potato that fits it weighs Just four ounces. Four potatoes a day per hotel then make ex actly a pound. In thirty days or one month a hotel uses a half bushel of thirty pounds. Fifty hotels thus assas sinate twenty-five bushels per month. When for a long period last winter potatoes were worth $1.65 per bushel, the hotels thus butchered $41,23 worth of them per month, or at the rate of $495 worth per year. Even thus do we see statistics in the making. Here is a good starting point for any commission appointed to look into the causes of , the high cost of living, be that commission bull moose, Wllsonitebr straight republican. Wakefield Roonters Make Tour. WAKEFIELD. Neb., Aug. 16.-( Spe cial.) Twenty-five automobiles all loaded with Wakefield boosters left on a trip this morning for the purpose of adver tising the Wakefield carnival and base ball tournament to be held August 29. 30 and 21. During the trip Al len, Concord, Dixon, Laurel, Wayne, Wlsner, Pender, Thurston and Emerson will be visited. The members of the Commercial club making the trip were all dressed In white unlforns and a band was taken along tc furnish music. Persistent Advertising la the Rood to Elg Returns. MOVIES ORDINANCE PASSED Will Not Affect the Controversy at Twenty-Third and Davenport. PROTESTS CLOSING STREET Updike Objects to Dodcre Street Be ins; Closed to Traffics-Glade Wante Pay for Chlekenc Drowned. The movies ordinance forbidding moving picture theaters to locate within 3CC feet of a church or school was passed by the city council yesterday. This ordinance will not be retro active and will therefore be of no avail to the members of the Swedish church U Twenty-fhird and Davenport streets, who were the principal factors In securing Its adoption. It will prevent the establishment of such a theater at Fortieth and Cuming streets, near St Cecilia's church, the pastor of which Joined In the protest against the encroachment of the .movies. Commissioner Butler suggested an amendment to Include hospltalr uc well Vaa Vi 1 i o AnH ...hi...!. diuI 1 1 V, an amendment may be passed. City Council Notes. Commissioner Hummel presented 'a resolution Instructing the legal depart ment to inform the council Just what "public property" meant. The board of surveys was Instructed to appraise an automobile belonging to the city engineering department. It will be sold, If possible, at the appraised value. ' Contractors sent In a protest against the city holding 6 per cent reserve fund on work for which contracts are let. These contractors will be given a hearing Xlonday befora the committee of the whole. The t'pdike Lumber and Coai company, objected to the proposed closing of Dodgo street near the viaduct, which Mr. Up dike said the Missouri Pacific would re quest. He said he would be damaged several thousand dollars. The protest was placed on file as the Missouri Pacific had not made such a request. Frank A. Glade has filed a claim of 132! with the council for damages he al leges he sustained on North Sixteenth street near Ames, where property he owns was flooded because the dyke built about Carter lake allowed watei' to seep throw. Among other damages he declares thirty-five chickens, valued at t'iO, were drowned. REPUBLICANS PROGRESSIVE A .Sudden Colin pe 0l stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels !s must surelj prevented with Electric Bli ters, the safe regulator. 50c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. So Declares Bull Moose Booster in Regard to Nebraska Conditions. BUBBANK, MAY ;. SEEK- OFFICE Says He t'onaidera Manning fjr Con gress ' on the Ilnll Momc 'Ticket Against Uow rd BaldrlKe. Byron G. Burbank, his frlenda are say ing, will be a candidate' on the bull moose ticket for congressman from the Second district.' Mr. Bur bank, himself ad mits that "he has the matter under con sideration," , but "has , not decided. ; Colonel John f). Yelser, , chief of the bull moosers,. Is stronfffy' opposed to any thing like this. ' He advises republicans to vote ' the entire ticket In . Nebraska straight. . , ; . V ' . . Howard Baldrige, republican candidate for congresa from the Second district, meets the approval of . Colonel Telser "because, he is progressive."- ' "In fact," said the colonel, "the re publican party In Nebraska is' progres sive and 'we should unite on the ticket from top to bottom. "I am for the bull moose party In other states, but for the republican party in this state. The republican party In tc! state is progressive and its. conventlorf was In their control. We should be satis fled. Only those drunk with power woulds attempt to do more and it would weaken progressive strength to attempt to carry out a' wlder: program." ;A . ' r3 Comrrove C. Calloway.. .t, . FAIRBURY, .Neb.,; Aug. - 16.-(Special.V Corgrave C. Calloway died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Calloway, two miles northwest of Falr-5 bury- after an extended Illness. The de ceased was born near Fairbury In 183 and was raised in this county. . About eight years ago he toek a position as locomotive engineer on the .Union Pacific; running between Sidney, :Neb., andj Cheyenne. Five years, ago, h wa mar-n ried to Miss Bertha Henderson of thist city. To this union, ; two children were; born. . For the past two ysars he has traveled extensively In the hopes of re- cuperating his health. Funeral services were held from, the home Thursday. . The Persistent , and Judicious X'se of Newspaper Advertising Is the . Road to Business Success.. .;,.. (