Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1912, Page 16, Image 16
t, 16 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1912. 10 DESIfiNATETAXI LEVEES City Officials Will Take a Hand in j; Claim-Jumping War. HOTEL MEN OPPOSE STANDS Strife That Haa Bern on Bct-re- Chaaffeare for the Ist Setr - rrnl Weeks Reaches Its -V" Crisis Last Ere. ;Mayor Dahlman and Police Commis sioner Ryder have been empowered by the City council to designate places where taslcabs may stand on the streets. Hotel proprietors and other citizens appeared to protest against chauffeurs "Tiangln? mit In front of hotels" and other busi ness houses. palph Kitchen of the Paxton said taxis had caused all sorts of Incon venience at his place and suggested that the council do more than order them out of the block between Fifteenth and Six teenth on Farnam street. ' John C. Drexel was also in conference with the commissioners. Several owners of taxicab lines were present, but made no protest against the resolution passed giving the mayor and the police com missioner power to handle the situa tion. '. ' ' ..'M ! o'clock In the afternoon Mr. Byder held a consultation with taxicab drivers and owners of taxicab lines re SiTdlng the enforcement of the order. The question of what districts should be Included in the order against the taxis was discussed, : - , I : Agreement Is Beached. By agreement between Mayor Dahl inan, - Commissioner Ryder and repre Jwntatfves of the taxicab lines each taxi cab company was assigned one station and Instructed to see that no more than wo cars were standing at this station at -onetime.-" rThia rule applies to all taxicab com Jpanles and Individual drivers with the exception of the Omaha Taxicab com pany; which was given the Rome and the Loyal hotel stands. The majority of the stands, which were stated In the agree pient, are In front of the hotels and be fore certain other establishments. Metcalfe Says He i Would Not Have Any ? Political Office & 4 I- Richard It. fcletcalfe of Lincoln made Bis best effort to end the talk of his be coming the bull moose candidate for gov. rnor of Nebraska when he visited In Omaha yesterday. 'Asked what he had to say about the report that he might become the bull noose gubernatorial candidate, Mr. Met calfe said: , . "So far as I know there Is nothing to it. Nobody has said anything to ny about it I wouldn't take the place . If it were offered to me. I wouldn't take any office from any political party. 1 am through running for office." Sailors Practicing Wireless Operation 1 A wireless telegraph transmitter has "been received at the local naval recruit ing station by L. Jackson, who expects to put In some of his spare time learning Ihe operation of the Instrument " 8om. of the men stationed at the recruiting office are proficient In operating the wire less, and they are helping one another. The possibility of eventually establishing & wireless station at the federal building .lias been discussed among the boys of the recruiting station. Council Approves t Gas Compromise - fey resolution passed In the city council yesterday the gas compromise agreed upon by a committee from the council and President Hamilton and W...T. Dout htrt of the gas company was approved, All legal proceedings will be dropped. The council will pay the gas company 31st, 337.90 for the gas used in the last six years, Interest being paid at i per cent. NEW CASTELLAR SCHOOL ACCEPTED BY BOARD a Members of the Board of Education Thursday accepted - the ' new Castellar building, Which will be opened for school purpose September 9, and the contrac tors were formally assured that it was prdperly constructed. '- .' This building cost $S2,500, Is of beauti ful design and is finished with Interior rna'er'.al and workmanship of the very best It Is constructed on the new uni form plan used by the board. A big auditorium has been finished tn tills building and will be used for social !enter purposes, according to the plans .jOt President Holovtchlner and the mem bers of the board who are attempting jto nave all schools where there are audl-n-kim or assembly rooms opened to pub lic gatherings. . , GOVERNOR OF WYOMING THANKS COMMERCIAL CLUB f - - i This letter from Governor Joseph M. Carey of 'Wyoming was received by the Omaha Commercial club, as a direct re sult of the recent good roads trip from Omaha to Salt Lake City, made by H. E. Fredrtckson, chairman of the club's Country reads committee:: , - I write this letter to tell you that w appreciate -what you did in having the Wyoming part of the transcontinental ato route gone over. The marking let the route- will be a great convenience to those traveling over the road, and I find tn traveling Is already considerable. Much Interest is being taken In the mat ter of good roads throughout the state ' and we hope to accomplish much more In the near future. : . - EASTERNERS INSPECT THE :'- CITY ASPHALT PLANT (Colonel W. V. J ud son, one of the three commissioners of the city of Washington, P. C, and 0. E. McComb, an engineer employed by the commissioner, are In specting the city asphalt plant here to oure Information tor use in establishing a stavllar plant In Washington. They will visit several western cities before re turning. Colonel Judson Is an army en gineer, the commission law of Washing ton specifying that at least one of the three commissioners, who are appointed by the president, shall be an engineer. liable Threatened by croup, coughs or colds are soon re lieved by the Ube of Dr. King's New Dis covery. Sue and $100. For sale by Beaton Vh)s Co. , "" Ad J i j Great Sale :of Wash Dresses on Page 8. A New York Manufacturer's Show Room Samples and Surplus Stock of Fine Grade Women's Neckwear Many Worth Up to 50c at 12 l-2c Each Dainty, new designs in crochet and .Venise lace land embroid ered Dutch collars, real Princess lace jabots, lace ja bots m cro chet effects, also lace cas- trarc Ji, - m mm mm cades and sMe frills, i made to sell up to 50c each,; at, each. . 12ic Women's 75c, $1, $125 Neckwear, 49c Beautiful lace and net fichus, collar and cuff ' sets, yokes, jabots and cascades lace trimmed ' " andfinely embroidered new creations in many unusual effects. ; - ,' Women's $1 Long Silk Gloves at 69c Pure Milanese Silk 16-button length, in white Women's 50c Lon Lisle Gloves, 39c Pr. Fine mercerized lisle gloves in 16-button lengths white, black and colors. ' Special Sale of Ribbens, Werth 25c, 15c Yd. All Bilk taffeta ribbons good colors fancy - striped messaline ribbons, the right shades for . millinery 5 purposes fancy striped ribbons in . pluia and novelty colorings and ' fancy warp priuts in pretty floral designs. Women's 75c Thread Silk Boot Hose, 39c . ' Pure thread Silk Hosiery with lisle soles, double heels imd toes white, tan and colors. . ? Women's 25c Lisle & Cotton Hosiery, 12ic Silk finished Lisle and Cotton, plain, drop stitch and lace effects double soles, heels and toes black, tan' aijd fancy colors. r Women's & Children 15c Hosiery at 6c Mercerized Cotton and Lisle Hosiery in plain . and lace- effects tans,. .brown and fancy colorg- NW omen's & Children's Summer Underwear Kayser's Italian and V enetian Silk Vests-plain and embroidered French band or beading top$ in pink, sky and white up to $4 values at ..$1.98 Women's Vene tian Silk Bloom-ers-an excellent quality silk in sky and pink colors--$3.5Q val u e s a t, the pair ...'...$2.39 Women's -fine cotton and lisle union suit s-" Swiss or fine rib bed cuff and um brella knee-values up to 75c, at, the suit . . . ; .35c Infant's All -Wool Vests- Infant's Cotton Sleeveless all sizes, worth to 75c, at, Vests all sizes, worth to each 39c J 15c, at . . ... . . . . ... . 10c LJ MsVHMHH BRANDEIS STORES Fssi al learan e Iff ir AUTOMATICS.GO OUT RAPIDLY ' , Eorence Office of Independent Tele phone Company Closes. SOUTH OMAHA FOLLOWS SOON Trle-iaoBea Are Betas; Takra Oat syt Ike Ril si 300 a Day and 'Look List of Removal ' Order Ar on Haad. The Florence office of the Independent Telephone company is now (closed and all the Independent telephones of that town are out of service. This Is Oie.result of the rspld dlacontlnutnce of these 'phones since the property -gs sold to the No braska Telephone company. At the Ne braska .telephone office it is said the South Omaha office, of, the Independent would probably be closed about Septem ber 1. . ,( . . . t Telephones "are being taken out of resi dences and business places at the rate of about 200 per. day. A, long list of ordeis for removal constantly awaits the work men. It is estimated .tnere are only about 3,000 Independent telephones still in use in the sone formerly served , by this company here. ; : Of ' these, many are on the list of those ordered out - It Is , ex pected that by September I. the number still in service' in Omaha wUI be greatly reduced, and that. it will not be long after that until the two offices In Omaha will be closed." The Nebraska Telephone company will then sell the four build ings. ' ' ' ' . . 1 ' Contracts Allowed to Die. Although there ' were some business houses tn the city that had long term contracts with the Independent for tele phone service at the time the property . . . . . i . . was a.old by the receiver, July 1. they made no effort to have the contract made good, but many of these were among the first to order their telephones out. The Hcnshaw hotel was the first to, order out the automatic telephone when it was announced that the federal Judge had confirmed the sale. The city of Omaha followed directly after the Hen shaw with an order for removal. Other orders have been pouring in from that date to the present time. Municipal Picnic to Be Held August 31 All municipal employes will picnio Sat urday. August a, the place and the man ner of picnicking to be decided by a com mittee consisting of Commissioners Hum mel,, Huge! and Wlthnell. Commissioner Ryder Introduced a reso. lutlon fixing the date of the picnic. On that day all employes will be given a holiday all day. Mayor Dahlman will be chief marshal of the occasion and City Clerk Flynn will be assistant marshal and chief her ald. Other officers will be named by the committee. ; The program for the day will include races, games, contests and recreations of all kinds. Mayor Dahlman will b presiding officer In addition to the honor of being chief marshal and wtll direct the a.porta,.y..:.. .' , KRUG IS REDECORATED- TO OPEN SEASON SUNDAY For the last two weeks decorators, painters and' carpenters have been en gaged in preparing the Krug theater for the opening of the season on Sunday, August 18 The entire house has been Men's Clothing, Furnishings, Panis and Hats Hen's Suits " ; Every fancy suit in the house, which formerly sold to $16.50, all - $H7C pure worsteds, Vfi ' v. final price. . . 945 The Last Days of Our Great Clearance .Sale Reduced without regard for cost. 2 great lots Saturday. The ; very finest, . teady-to-wear, suits are in this lot" formerly sold up to $27.50, y 1 final nrirD B Men's Trousers Your purchases in our Trouser Department tomorrow will net you a splendid saving. All of our light and medium weight trousers reduced to, about half their real worth. Trousers formerly selling at $2.50 up to $5.00, at $1.65, $2.50, $2.65 Men's Furnishings Sratst0Ck Balbriggan and mesh union suits standard $1.00 value, at. ... . .. . Fine silk neckwear, Cheney and Silk' Knits 50c values, at. : Pure Silk Hose, lavender green and gray only at, pair..... Final clearance sale of young men's ami 39c 25c 17c ri pep; f. Tin ' 'Here. AT MONEY SAVINS PRICES nandisei Items That Point the Way to Economy PATENT MEDICINES .$1.00 Wine of Cardui for. . 89c Rexall Kidney Cure, 45c and 89c $1.00 Lydia Pinkham's Com pound, at 80c Rexall "3" Hair Tonic 50c-$l Rexall Orderlies, 10c, 25c, 60c $1.00 Hostetter's Bitters for 89c Scott's Emulsion. . 45c and 8Uc Spruce Pepsin Tablets, 50c $1.00 CUT PRICES ON" ALL TOILET ; . . GOODS " ' ". : ' 25c Eskp.y's Cream fof . .. .14c 25c Frostilla for ......... 12c 60c Pompeian Massage Cream for 39c 50c bottle Bay Rum. .., 25 5 cakes Ivory or Wool Soap 19c 39c Pinaud's Soap . . . . . . 19s 50c Violet Cream . , . 19c 25c Yelk Egg Shampoo . . . . 14c Victor's Violet Talcum .... 152 William's Violet Talcum. . , ,15c REFRESH YOURSELF these summer days at the Sodo-' asis, or ' the Owl's Nest. r The most delicious drinks with pure fruit flavors. Just try, our foun-; tains once. ;" , ; - EIRE'S ROOT BEER 25c size ... .v, ...... 14c One bottle makes five gallons. Dole's pure Hawaiian Pineapple Juice, Yi. pint .......... lOc 15c, 25c 50c Vi Pint 1 pint . .1 quart CIGAR SPECIALS Cubanoid, box of 25 : . . . $1.50 Abrogar, Porto Ricana, box of 50 $2.00 Colon Cervantes, box of 50 $2 OO Manila Media Regalia, box of 50 $1.45 Box Of 100 ............ $2.80 The w eiiall Stofes SSEBMAS 6 .SScOOSTITEU DSVa CO., 16th ana Bodg-s. OWL DJtVQ CO., 16th aud Harnsy. XiOTAXi PH ASM ACT, Loyal Hotel. BART ABO PKABKAOT, 34th and rarnam. Seconds Mark Time In Telephone Operating This Company assumes that every telephone message is urgent and important. Witlj a highly trained and well-disciplined operating force, we are handling calls which, by actual test, show a remarkable degree of effi ciency. ' Hundreds of . tests revealed the following results: , Average time of. operator jn answering calling subscriber.- 4.0 seconds Average time of subscriber in answering . 15.6 seconds Calls perfectly handled 98 per cent NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. Drexel's Clearance Sale of High Class Oxfords Including Hanan and Clapp for men Hanan, Foster and -Armstrong for women. Only a few days more of this great sale. Do not wait; you will miss an opportunity of a lifetime. ,. Specials for Saturday' km PRICES' FOR MEN. " $6.00 and $6.50 Hanan and Clapp Oxfords,. Alt sale price, pair. PTJ $5.00 and $5.50 McDonald, Klley & Forbush Oxfords, an extra special, v dJO QC at, per pair . . . . ; P 0J $4.00 and $4.50 Howard & Foster and Tilt Oxfords, to sell them quick- dQ QA ly, ftU'at, pair, JPA.SU $3.50 ' Oxfords, : miscellan eous lot, Satur- d0 CC day at. a pair. . PpO 100 pairs Men's : OxfoMs, broken , lots in small siies, regular $4.00 values, in tan and patent colt, AC at, pair ..jPi.frO BOY SCOUT SHOES. ... . The real shoe for the boy In summer. ; ' $2.50 grade at, . per pair. ...... $2.00 grade at, per pair. . . . ... , Boys', , Youths1 and Little Gents' ' Oxfords, in Russia and gun metal calf and pat- r........,20;0fl Misses', Children's and . Young Ladies' Low Oxfords,' Pumps and Roman .Sandals, 'T.....:29m. 200 pairs of Misses' , Strap Sandals and Pumps, patent and tan, $2.00 and $2.50 values, sale price QC per pair .' . 2DC $1.85 $1.55 $4.50 PRICES FOR WOMEN. $6.00 Women's Oxfords, Ha nan and Foster, . ( a pair. $5.00 and $5. 50, Hanan, Fos ter, Wright &" dQ QC - Peters, pair. . .'. P500 $4.00 Armstrong's' Oxfords, twenty complete QA lines, pair. . .' . . .pjJ $3.50 Kippendorf Selby Ox fords, in the new shapes, fif teen lines, at. J0 CC per pair.', u)m00 $3.00 Miscellaneous lines, welt soles, all 0 O C go at. a pair. . . $u mu Women's High Grade White Canvas, in button; '. $4.00 values, $2.90; dQ CC $3.50 values.... Vb'-OO $4.00 Two-Btrap White Nu- buck Pumps, at, f QA a pair. . . . , &ttJ) $5.00 broken lines Bronze pumps at, a ' (jj'QC pair........ ... Dla70 $5.00 and $4.00 Gray Suede Strap Pumps A rr and Oxfords, at.. jj 1 UU 100 pairs 'women's' genuine white sea island duck but ton oxfords and high but ton, $3.50 and'di QQ $4 values,' at. . D 1 UO 500 pairs Oxfords, broken lines, small sizes, $4.00 and $5.00 values, patent colt, Russia- and gun metal calf, .tan kid, ex ceptional val ues at, a pair $1.00 DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnkm Street Free land information You can learn the facts about any section of the country through The Twentieth Cen tury Farmer's Free Land Information Bureau, which is maintained for the benefit of our readers. Gimatic conditions, land laws, best lands for any particular crop, best sections for fruit growing, stock raising and general fanning all such facts may be had if you will simply send postage for reply, and address . Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer , Omaha, Nebraska. Over 100,000 farm families read ft. J 1 . AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. FREE . ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK - Tn Trebort,' Magic, and Illusions, and Howard as CawpbaU, Sensa-: tional Gymnaats, perform In the open air each afternoon and evehlnj. rv HIGH CXiASS KOTXHO KCTUKES STSB7 STXITINO. BATHHTO, BOATXHO, SAHCXHa AHS VAST OTHEK ATT iACTIOKS. COKOTO TO MAHAWA HBXT WEEK The Famous Patrick Conway's Band f : . .: of Hew York, with C MISS JOSEPHEITE OWTEE, sopbaxo. ". A Baad of rorty ArtUti, la th Clan with Soma's and Ellery'i. Opening with matinee Sunday, August 18, concert each afternoon and evening:, as follows: 2:30 to 3:30, 4:30 to 5:30, 8 to 9 and 10 to 11. Clos ing concert Friday evening-, August 23. v ' Tlio Ortest Band to Visit This Part of the Country la i Tears Don't Tall to Hear It. Bsll System decorated ' In creanx and old gold. The lobby Is now one, of the most beautiful In the city. Repairs have been made on the stase. In the orchestra circle and In the first balcony. Several thousand dol lars have been spent In the work. Tuo opening attraction will be "The Jard!n de Paris Girls." ; NEGRO IS BOUND OVER - FOR ATTEMPTING ROBBERY Walter Wililam, colored, was bound over to. the district court under $2,500 bonds on the charge or -grand larceny and highway robbery. Williams ' attempted to steal a bag of gold containing io0 from the First National bank last Tues day afternoon. The police say William stole $1,800 from a Kansas City bank in the same manner some time ago, but succeeded in escap ing arrest. ; 1 INJUNCTION IS ASKED - ' ' . ON WEIGHT MEASURE Upon his own behalf and that of KM other peddlers Samuel Altschuler went into district cou: t and started an Injunc tion suit to restrain the pity from putting Into effect its ordinance requiring that produce be sold by weight Instead of by measure. The case wilt core up for hear ing next week. It is alleged the ordi nance is unconstitutional WiYS. J. BOEKHOFF, - Stall Scalar. Phnrpi Doa' n, rnuces tod A.ati. $1,000 in Gold will be paid to the party or par tita who will show that there la a restaurant la Omaha that serves . as rood food, properly e o o k d. and prepared in a perfectly ventilated and strictly sanitary place, at the prices, aa the BEX.KOST BXSTATJBANT. 1516 Dodge St. a H. Ball Prop. OPEH AU WIGHT. Half block from Post Office Look for large electrio sign RIVER EXCURSIONS TO FLORENCE AND RETURN Boat Leaves Dock Foot ; of Douglas Street at 2:30 P. M. and 8:30 PvM. Returning at 5:30 P. M. arid 11:30 P.M. Dancing Free -Round Trip 25c (RUG THEATER Sunday, flue. 18 Jardin Be Paris Girls BOX OPTXCB BOW OPZIT. Base Ball OMAHA vs. TOPEKA Rourke Park Ang. 18, 17, 18,' 18. Saturday, Ana;. 17, a ramaa, 1st. fl p. m. Btutday, Aug. 18, 9 ftaines, 1st. p. m. Monday, Aug. 19, Ladles' Day. Games C ail 3d 3:30, , .