Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1912, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1912. OFFERED FOR RKXT REAL ESTATE FARM A BAJfCH LANDS FOR 8 A LB Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed bv the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crop, au tne money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, Its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write W. B. LEAHY, DEPT. K. General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA, GA. Iowa. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm is to Insert a small want ad In the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In tho state of Iowa, 43,000 dally. The Capital is read by and believed In by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper In their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; $1.25 per line per month; count six ordinary words to the line. Address Dos Moines Capital, Des Moines, la. Idaho. WOULD like to hear from some young man that would like to take up a home stead In Idaho next spring, as I am going to ship from Omaha; would like to share a car. Address, F 594, care of Bee. Missouri. TEN thousand dollars buys tost south east Missouri quarter section farm and home. Particulars, owner, Elmer Garey, White Church, Mo. Montana. "SEVENTY thonsand acres Carey land open to entry on Valier-Montana project. Canal system completed. Pay ment extends over fifteen years. Sec tion famous for grain, forage and vege tables. Write Clinton, Hurtt & Com pany, Box 16, Valler, Montana." Nebraska. BARGAININ NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA 4S0-acre farm, all choice rich valley land, good set improvements; orchard, fine grove at buildings; 100 acres in crop, 130 acres in pasture, balance as fine hay meadow as you ever see, cuts i tons to acre; brings a larger revenue with much less labor than $100.00 acre land that is cropped with grain. Owner getting old and Is retiring. 40 an acre, good terms. W. W. Mitchell, 414 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Not Likely that Aggressive Buying Movement Will Start in Wheat. COM WEAKENED BY OFFERS There la a Conservative Feeling Oats and There la Xo Desire to Oversell and Force Lower Prices. OMAHA, Aug. 15, 1911 The bearlshness in wheat In the last two days was largely due to the Increased run trom the new crop to the northwest markets. Brokers are of the op;n on that the offerings around bottom prices went into strong hands. Grain men think it well to take into account the less lavor abie crop news from the other side of me ocean, the strong cables, the largo s 4d; new Aaierkun kiln dried, 7s 3d. Fu tures, easy; September, 5s Id; December, 4s 10d. W1?VJ VflD" 0TAP17 MUDITT i from alove ytrday New York 11 Li II IU1UY UlUUft. MftlliUjl closing. Canadian Pacific wu firm ani CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feature of the Trading and Closing Prices on Board of Trade, CHICAGO, Aug. 15.-Qran, with the ex ception of September corn, snowed moder ate gains today. Wheat was large. y in fluenced by cash demand and reports of rain, closing steady. UHc higher. Early advances in wneat, stimulated in part by stronger staples, were met by lighter loielgn demand and weaker nortu. western markets, causing a larger falling off. Northwestern millers reported sales of much flour and millets' demand slack ened. A steadying Influence was the cash de mand, wuleli was piincipa ly nut by com. ml.-slon seMng. September fluctuated be tween SoMiWc, clowns sSjiHc up, at SHHfcMUc. December touched 93v.(i93Vc and dropped down to 920, finishing a hc higher, at 92ic. Prospects of laiger leceipts had a bear- ruuh Kmu..,auu is...irt w.T. ion eutci uii oeiueniuur oi ii aim ecu- side limits for December were itc and 63c, closing iigures being tofcWc nigger, at 5414c No. 2 yellow wai quoted at 774 &77e. Export demand of good proportion and lighter arrivals gave oats a firm under tone. The Ciose was steady at near the the poor chance for an accumulation of grain in public elevators in the near fu ture. These are supporting features, but not 1 kely to start an aggressive buying movement. Tiad.'i mink ii win be dif ficult to hold temporary swells In the! lace of a big spring wheat movement, if hlih.r M"",Bue' 8UO' top. December ranged from 32V32c and More liberal country offerlnirs of corn ;Of fc timer, at S;VS.:a rr tmiVwT. , ,2 ..ri?. Provisions showed moderate advances, yay had to do tthth". SSE 11 , enlng started months. tavored of tho September option laid this ." ,; viri!r ...,,-. vtnoi a g'l-'eral Bt'lliiir lor the late .,, n,;.v... ,..... twit us lsvr Tho woath.T cmditions havej3g25 2c hlgnei . ,ard loo'ixv, ribs, tn croi recently. Some very muiu 7n PLATTE county farm for sale; $V miles from Monroe; rolling land; fair improvements; good neighborhood; price, $16,000. Address William Webster, Colum bus, Neb, NEBRASKA o GREATEST LAND AUC TlO.-6,00 ACRES. The most gigantic auction sale of high class com, wutat and alfalfa lands ever held In America; 8u-acie tracts, 120-acr tiacts, 160-aoie t.acts, 240-acre tiacts, 320 acie tracts and t40-acie tracts. An in dividual laima, having tnelr own inul vldual improvements, consisting of houses, bains and outbuildings, all fenced. To be sold on August 2o and ii, at auction, at HavelocK, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Easy terms. Long time. Low rate of Interest. For further intormation acdress J? aimers' L&nci com pany, 417-1S-19-&', Flist is atonal Bank jiidg., Linco.n, Aeb. colonel 54. a. Bran gun, auctioneer; H. K. Fi'antz, clerk. FOR SALE 320-acre tarm, seven miles from Randolph and three trom McLean, Neb. Write J. E. Tharnlsh, General De livery, Bloux City. la. New York. FARil! for sale in Otsego Co., N. Y., consisting of las acres; a good hop and uairy ano poultry tarm, 4 ra.. fro.n rail road;. 16 acres of timber; plenty of wauu'; 11 per awe: ea-,y terms. A. C. Robinson, state Hospital, Mladietown, N. Y. South Dukota. 320 ACRE3 of land for sale close to 'Winner, county seat of Tnpp county, S. D.; ail good plow , land; good terms; 16o-atre farm clooe to Wlnnei, a bargain. U., W inner, S. l. fcV I 1 J ttAT.K-.1AA Bit,.. DiW. f.nn Ian4- 40 acies broke, balance ail tillable; h miles irom Dallas and 6 miles from ioome. Price, $40 per acr, payable l,6Xf cash, Ji.aOO March 1, 1913; $4400 inarch 1, 191.. Aduress Box 1&6, DaiiaJ, fc. D. : good private est.matis ure larger than1! the recent official figures on the crop. There is an active element in the trade which regards the selling as overdone tor all months until the crop is more nearly made. Regardless - it this, the marset looks like a sale on bulges in the new crop months, so long as the weather map Is favorable. Cash torn, unchanged to he lower. Eastern buying of oats is enormous, and some export business is being done at the present prices. There is a con servative feeling in the trade, with no desire to oversell in forcing lower prices. Hie enormous supply for the year and the big movement will make it d.ff.cuit to secure more than temporary rallies. Cash oats unchanged to c lower. Liverpool closed with wheat unchanged to 4d higner and corn Vtd higher to W lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1,023,000 bu. and shipments 1.142,000 bu., against receipts of 892,000 bu. and shipments of M3,tOj bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 375,000 bu. and shipments 264,000 bu., against receipts of 436.0UO bu. and shipments of 330,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were C78.C00 bu. and shipments 618,000 bu., against receipts of 642,00.) bu. and shipments of 82,000 bu. .ast year. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 3 cara, (Tic: 1 car, 87toe; 1 car, 87c; No. 3 hard win ter, 1 car, 86c; 1 car, 8c; wo. it nnxea, 1 car, 87c. Oats: Standard. 8 cars, 82c; No. 3 white. 7 cars, 32c; 2 cars, 314c; No. 4 white, 1 cr, 32c; No. 3 yellow, l car, 81Vc. Corn: No. 2 white, 8 cars, 75c; No. 8 white, 2 cars, 74c;. No. 4 white. 1 car, poor, 68&c; No. 2 yellow, 2 cars, 73c; No. 3 yellow. 4 cara, 72kc; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 70Hc; No. 3 mixed, 3 cars, 72c; No. 4 mtxed, 3 cars, 70c; 1 car, 68Hc; no grade, 1 car, 66c. Omaha Cosh Price. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 8789c; No. 3 hard, 85(88c; No. 4 hard, 79HSbV4c CORN-No. 2 white, 76c; No. 8 white, 74y74V4c; No. 4 white, 68V472c: No, 2 yellow, 73c; No. 3 yellow, 72H72Hc: No. j 4 yellow, 707OVc; No. 2, 72i472c; No. 3, I lohifilWc: No. 4. 6a7014c; no grade, U OATS-No. 2 white, 3232tt: standard. 3232i4c; No. 3 white, 3iVCi no, white a suae. BARLEY Malting, 070c; No. 1 feed. 35$ 45c. RYE No. 2, 0062c; No. 3, S70o. Curlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 110.K2W. 2ttc up. The eladlng futures closed as follows: Article! Open.l Htgh. Low. Close. Yen y. Wheat! 8ept.WH Dec May . Corn. Sept. Oats. Sept. Pork. Sept. Oct.. Sept. Oct.. Dec. Sept. Oct.. Jan.. mi 69H70 64-5 31H 32HW 84H 18 15 18 25 13 75 10 86-87, 10 97V4 10 SO 10 80 10 87-901 10 90-92 93' mm 97VsGl4 70 54 M 32 32 34' 18 17 18 25 18 90 10 95-97 U 06 10 82Mr 10 80 10 92V4 10 24-96 10 00-02! 10 07HI 93 I93H 93 92 m m 31 32 24Vs 18 00 18 10 18 72-75 I 10 82 10 92 10 70 10 82 10 85 93 92 92 96 96 6970 64 6464 5S54I53(S 31 31ff 82 S2 34(ij!iS44( 18 17 18 25 18 90 10 96-97 11 05 10 72-751 10 83j 10 76 10 80 10 87 10 92 10 06-07 18 06 18 12 18 80 10 85 10 96 Market Drags by Season of Liquida tion and Some Short Selling. CANADIAN PACIFIC GOES HIGHER Final Prices on Most of the Lines tow Enonvh to Wipe Out Gains Made Early In the Day. NEW YORK. Aug. 15. More liquida tion and short seulng of the better known issues figured importantly In to day's operations on the stock exchange. The tone was reactionary when not ab solutely heavy, particularly in the Hill shares, Union Pacific. St. Paul. New York Central and United States Bteel. Canadian Pacific repeated its perform ance of making a iu-w high record. Tne minor issues In the railway list were quite featureless, excepting Missouri Pa cific, which followed the general trend. Only the Copper and kindred shares manifested Kenuine strength and these yielded In the final hour when the sell ing attained larger proportions. The In creased heaviness was concurrent with advices from Washington to the effect that further uncertainty was felt there regarding the outcome of the pending tariff revisions. Final pneej not only obliterated all early gains but left a number of ma terial net louses. The bank of England strengthened its liabilities reserves and total reserve while building up Its holdings by about $6,000,000. London's monetaj-v situation pointed to greater ease. lionds were lrrcaular excont Watvuh's 4s, which were buoyant. Total saJss ur value amounted to 31,911.000. United States government bonds were unchanged on call. Number of and leadiiiar ciuntatlnns on stocks today were as follows: 8a!. Hlfh. Low. Clou, 10 70 10 87 10 87-90 9 95i97 Texas. 16,382 acres, 3,000 under cultivation, lO.OOu acred tillable, 35u,uu0 Improvements, flrteen flowing wells, one lai'te reservoir, 120,00 an acie. No trading. W. H. GRAHAM, Cuero, Texas. Wyoming. RANCH FOR BALE. One of the oldest smaa stock ranches in Laramie county, Wyoming; l,32u acres of deeueu lanu, nearly an unaer ditcn and in aifalfa anu o,wi acres ot leased land anu good open range ranuu; has good apple orchaid anu buiiaings, 0. 400 nead ot sheep, sinail ounch ot cat- 1. e ana horses, boid wau iancn it de tliea. Will sell half or all to suit party. For prices ana te. ins, etc, aadress w. '. nactariane, Maciai.ane, Wo. Miscellaneous. UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD COMPANY LANDS. OVER 60.000 ACRES. For Sale On 10 Years' lime. 1-lOtn Casn. Interest at 6 Per Cent. Per Per Acre. Acre. Nebraska, price range from 6.oo to 310.00 Colorado, prices range from- 4.00 to 40.00 rwyoming, prices range irom iM to lo.oo Kansas, prices range from. . 'i.W to 20.00 toUJf NOW The wonderful crops of 1912 will surely inert a tne value of western lands. SAMPLE SNAPS M'PHEiiSON COUNTi', NEB. Price Per All Sec. 2;, Twp. 17, R, 32, W. MO.uo $ b.0 CriiS VENAE COUNTY, NEB. S Sec. i, Twp. 13, K. 61, W. 323.26 i.00 SKOliWltK COUNTY, COlO. All Sec. iU, T. 11, N'.-R. 47, W. 04v.00 (.50 LARlMJfiR COUNT X, COLO. AU Sec. 1, T. 11, N.-R. 76, W. 640.38 J.25 ALBANY COUNTY, WYO. All Sec. 13, T- M, N.-R. 72, W. 6W.0O 4.00 SWEET WATiiH COUNTY, VVYO AU Sec. 7, T. 32, N.-R. 93, W. 634.84 3.26 SHERIDAN COUNTY, KAN. S Sec. 7. TP. 8, S.-R. 28, W. 310.97 13.00 (Improved.) Write or call on J. A. GRIFFITH, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. R Co., 109 Union Pacific Building, 15th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Nebraska. 150 176 4 62 260 198 68 Chicago Minneapolis ., Duluth Omaha Kansas City. St. "ouis Winnipeg NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET 127 22 60 157 LITE STOCK MARKET OP WEST chip live tock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchant. Clay, Roblson Co., 200 Exchange Bldg. CLIFTON Cora. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg. Mai tin Bros. A Co., Exchange 31dg. "BYERS BROS. & CO. Strong.-reliable. Telephone Your Want -Ad Tyler 1000 Quotations of the Ttmr en Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug. U.-FLOUR-teady; spring patents, 5.105.45; winter straights, 4.504.60; winter patents, 4.80ig5.25; spring clears, $4.504.80; winter extras, No. 1, $4.104.20; winter extras, No. 2, $4.0O4.10; Kunsfld straights. S4.aOfti4.60. Rye flour. fluiet; fair to good, J4.t0Q4.10; choice to fancy. 34.l6i9P4.26. CORNMEAL Bteady; fine, white and yellow, $1.651.70; coarse, $1.M165; kiln dried, $4.05. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western. 76c. c. 1. t, Buffalo. BARLEY Sttady; malting, 700o, e. L f., Buffalo. WHEAT Spot, firrn; new No. 2 red, 31.07, c. 1. f., track, and $1.08, f. o. b., afloat, to arrive; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.03. f. o b, afloat; futures closed c net higher; September closed, $1.0H4: De cember, $1.00; futures closed He net higher; September closed at $1.01H; De cember, $i.ooh. CORN Spot, nominal. OATS Spot, weak; new standard white, 40o delivered; No. 2, nominal; No. S and No. 4, 40c, delivered; new natural white, 3840c, delivered; new White clipped, 43g 4Sc, on track. FEED Steady; city bran, 100-lb. sacks, $24.00. HAi---steaay; prime,; no. i, si-w; No. 2, $U51.20. No. . 96c$1.05. HIDES Steady; Central America, 25 LEATHER Firm ; hemlock firsts, 23 p27c; seconds, 2426c; thirds, 21 22c; re jects, 15c. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess, $20.50; family, $2O.OO2L0O; short clears, $19.60 21.00. Beef firmer; mess, $; fam ily, $18.6019.OO. Cut meats, unsettled; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., 1214c. Lard, firm; middle west, $U.0011.10; refined firm; continent, $11.36; South America, $12.06; compound, firm. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 8,131 pkgs.; state whole milk, under grades, Hlac; daisies, new, best, 16Vic. EGGS Steady; receipts, 16,438 cases; fresh gathered, extra firsts, 22Hf234c; firsts, 21022c ; thirds and poorer, 1719o; fresh gathered dirties. Ho. 2, 1717V4c; In ferior, 1816c; checks, good, to fine, 16 17c; poor to fair. 1215Hc; state, Pennsyl vania and nearby hennery brown, 2J?27c; gathered brown, and mixed colors, 21$ 26c. BUTTER Steady; receipts, g,3: tubs; state dairy, good to prime, 23(fi.44'c; state dairy, common to fair, 2122Wi; process, seconds, 21g22c; factory, current make, firsts, ZZVfcc; factory, current make, seconds. 22c; packing stock, current lt'nk. No. 3. lStyS19c. ( POULTRY Dressed, irregular; fresh killed western broilers, 18iS25c; fowls, 14 17c; turkeys, ie17c. Alive, irregular; western broilers, 132Cc; fowls, 14c; tur keys, He. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 15.-WHEAT-Spo, steady; No. 3 Manitoba, 7s lld. Futures, steady; October, 7s5i4d; December, 7s 3d. CORN Spot, firm; old American mixed Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR-Steady; winter patents, $4.20 $4.70; straights, $4.004.60; spring patents, $4.6(i5.90; straights, H504.60, bakers, !4.00S4.30. RYE No. 2. 71c. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4048c; fair to choice malting. 60fip70c. .EEDS-Timothy, $6.00; clover. $10.00 16.00. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, $18.1018.12Vi; Inrd (in tierces), $10.90; short ribs (loose), $10.87. loial clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 675,000 bu. Primary re ceipts were 1,023,000 bu., compared with 892,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 220 cars; corn, 120 cars; oats, 198 cars; hogs, 14,000 head. Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, $1.08 1.05; No. 8 red, 97cft$1.02; No. 2 hard, 95tf 98c; No. 3 hard, tiiuc; No. 1 northern, $1.0iM1.05; No, 2 northern, 97c$1.03; No. 3 northern, 96c$1.02; No. 2 spring, 9699o; No. 3 spring, 939c; No. 4 spring, &iftoc. velvet chaff, J2tEi9ifc; durum, 9196c. Corn: No. 2. 76fnlV: No. 2 white, 77Sp78c; No. 2 yellow, 7778c; No. 3, 7676c; No. 3 white, T6H.&iVic; no. 3 yenow, iiwnw; No. 4, 73ft76c; No. 4 white, 7575V4c; No. 4 yellow, 7U(S76Hc. Oats: No. 2 white, new, SZ23c; No. 3 white, new, 31 iZV.o; No. 4 white, new; 3031c; stan dard, new, 32433c. No. 2 rye: ilc. Barley: 4070c. Tim othy seed: $4.006.00. Clover seed: $10.00 $15.00. BUTTER Steady; creameries, 2224c; dairies, 212Sc. 1 EGGS Firm; receipts, 8,819 cases; at mark, cases Included, WHc; ordinary firsts, 17c; firsts, 19c. CHEESE-Steady, daisies, 15415c; twins, 1416c; young Americas, 15H' 15c; long horns, 1515c. POTATOES Steady; receipts, 80 cars; Kansas and Missouri, 7SS575c. POULTRY-Allve, steady; turkeys, 12c; chickens, 12V4c; springs, ltfc. VEAL Steady; 918e. LEGAL NOTICES, NOTICE OF SALE OF IRKIOATION DISTRICT BONDS. To All Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given tnat the Hoard of Directors of the Kimbatl Irrigation Dlstiict has declared Its intention to sell and will hell thirty thousanu dollars vow, par v&.ue, or any smaller amount, of its bonds r.e.etofote ed, dated July 1, 1911, at the office of said board on the cornel of First and Chestnut ktrceta in Kimball, Klmbal. county. State" of .Ne braska, on Wednesday, the 4th day of September, A. D. 1912, at tho hour of twelve o'clock noon. fcealed proposals will be received by the board at tnelr said office for the pur chase of said amount of bonds or any part thereof until tne day and hour named he. etc fore, at which time the said loaid will oLen the proooeals and awaru ti.e purchase ef ti.e bonds to trie hignest responsible Dlaaer or Diqaeru, tne board, uowever. reserving the right to leWt any or all bids. UatMi AUKUSt IZ. 1SH3. By on er of t.u Board o' Directois. THE KIMBALL IRRIGATION DIS TR1CT, (tea.) hi I. S. WALKER, President Attest: Fred R. Morgan, Secretary. A12d21t OMAHA GKNKUAL MARKET. BUTTER No. 1, l-lb. cartons, J7c; No. I, in 60-lb. tubs, 27c; No. 2, 35c; pack ing, 25c. CHEESE Imported Swiss, 33c; Amerl can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 24c; twins, 17Hc; daisies, 13c; triplets, Use; Young Americas, 19c; blue label brick, lSfee; limberger. 2-lb., 20c; l-lb., 22c. POULTRY-BKilors, 354j40c ner lb., hens, 16c; cocks, D&lOc; ducks, 18c; geese, 16c; turkeys, 28c; pigeons, per doz, $1.50. Alive: Hens, lollc; old roosters, 5V4c; stags, 6c; old ducks, full feathered, 9c; geese, full feathered, 6c; turkeys, 12c; pigeons, per doz., 90c: homers, $-.50; squabs, No. 1, H-M; No. 2, 60c. BEEF CUT PRICEc No. 1 ribs, 21V4o; No. t, 16c; No. 3, llttc: No. 1 lolus, 2ic; No. i, liiic; No. S. 13c; :lo. 1 chucks, loftc; No. 2, fc?ic; No. i, (C; No. J lounds, 13vc; No. 2, Uc; Ao. a, 10c; No. 1 plates, be; No. i, He; No. 8, 6c. FISH- (Jreiii-l-iofc;ei, Sc; white, 13o; pike, 13c; nout, 14c; large crappies, 12 16c; bpanish mackerel, Uc; eel, Uc; had docks, 16c: flounaers, l.c; green catfish, lac. rose shad, &c each, snad roe, per pair, 45c; caimon, 15c; iialibut, 8c; yellow peien, 8c; buifalo, 8c; bullheads, Sc. FRUITS. ETC. New apples In Bbls., $3.50. Spanish onions, per cane, $1.60; btrawbernes, per case 24 qu., M-w. Bananas, fancy select, per bunch, $2.25 2.50; jumbo, per buuen. ii.'thtyi.'i'z. Datuk. Anchor brand, new. 30 l-lb. pkgs. In box, per box, $2.26; Dromedary brand, new, 30 l-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, $3 .00. Figs, Cali fornia, per case oi is iso. u PKga., sou, per case of 36 No. 12 pkgs., $2.50; per cast of 60 No. 6 pkgs., 2.0U; bulk, in 26 and bu-lb. boxes, pur lb., 10c; new Turklsn, 6-c own, in 20-ib. boxes, per lb., lie; crown, in 2o-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; V crown, in 30-lb. boxej, per lb., 17c. Lemons, Llmonlera, selected brand, extra tancy, 300-3OO tiztta, per box, $7.60; Loma Limonclra, fancy, 3O0-3t0 sizes, per bos, (6.50; 240-420 sixes, bu per box less; Cali fornia, choice, 3uo-'iu sizes, per dox, so.w. Oranges, California Liephant brand, extra fancy, 96-120 sizes, per. box,, $3.7i; extra fancy, all sizes, per box. $4.;'6; Valencia oranges, all sixes, $1.00. Peache., California, 85c Wax beans, per basket. 75c; green b&arn, per basket, $1.00, Canta loupes, Culliornla, 45 size, $3.00. Water melons, per lb., lo. Peaches, Texas, 4 baskets, 6ic; bu. baskets, VEGETABLES-Cabbago, home grown, per lb lo. Celery, Michigan, per dos., 85c. 'Cucumbers, hot house, per dox., 00c. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz., $2.00. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per dos., Uo. Letture, extra fancy, white, per doz., 23c, Onions, white, in crate, $1.00; yellow, per crate, 90c. Parsley, fancy southerne, per doz. bunches, 50i&7Sc. Potatoes, home grown, new, per bu., 75c. Tomatoes, home grown, per 4-basket carrier, 7,'n:. W1 41 64 USi 'it' 84 71 014 lit (4 M Amigmttd Copper ... IJTOD American Acrlcvltural .. tot American t)Mt 8u(r.... 1.000 Amerlcm Ota T.loO American Can ptd 100 American C. A P 1,400 American Cotton Oil 100 Am. lc StcurltlM 400 American Unml American Locomotive ... 1.J00 Amerloan S. A R 7,100 Am. S, at R. pt 100 Am. Sugar Refining 100 American T, & T 100 'American Tobecoo 400 !3H in anaconda Mining Co.,.. i,ioo 43 it Atchlaon K.SOO llu I0n Atchison ptd Atlantic Coaat Line 200 147 144 Baltimore eV Ohio 1,100 10S ln Bethlehem Steel 3,800 40 19 Brooklyn Rapid Tr 1,300 9 92V Canadian faoino 11,400 WJ Central Leather 3,400 10 Cheeapeake Ohio t,200 U Chicago O. W 400 Is- Chicago, M. & St. P.... 1,400 lOi Chicago N. W 1,100 144 Colorado F. I O0 12 Consolidated Uaa 1.100 14; Corn Product! i.iOO 1 Delaware Hudaon 600 171 171 Denver 4V Rio urande , D. & R. O. ptd 900 1 Dtatlileri' Securltlea .... 700 U Erie 1,700 88 Erie 1st ptd 1,100 M Erie Id ptd 400 4 ' General Electric 100 181 18! Oreat Northern ptd 4,700 141 141 Great Northern Ore ctfa.. 10,700 47 Illinois Central 100 111 Interborough Met 1.000 10 Inter. Met, pfd 1,000 40 International Harvester .. 400 113 Inter-Marine ptd 300 u Internationar Pump (00 18 Kansas t'ity Southern.... 1.100 17 Laclede Oas 100 107 Lshlsh Valley 1,100 173 Louisville Nt.hvlll... 1,100 1M 141 M , St. P. V I. 8. M... 0 1M 1U Missouri, K. T 1,100 IS Missouri Pacific 11,000 at National Biscuit X 187 National Lead 100 t N. R. R. of M. Id pfd New York Central 1,100 118 117 N. Y., O. A W 1,100 11 18 Norfolk & Western too lis North American K0 88 Northern Pacific U.000 131 Paciflo Mall 100 12 Pennsylvania People's Oaa P.. C, C. & 8. L.... Pltteburjh Coal Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palaoe Car.... Reading Republic I. c 8 Republic I. It 8. ptd... Rock Island Co stock Island Co. pfd Bt. L. 4 8 F. Id ptd. Seaboard Air Lin Seaboard A. L. pfd Rlnaa-8heffleid 8. !., Bouthern Paciflo 31,000 Southern Ra war .o Bo. Railway pfd Tenneasee Copper Teaa 4t Paolflc Union Pacific Union Paciflo pfd United fates Realty... United States Rubber... United States Steel U. 8. Bteel pfd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical . Wabash Wabash pfd Western Maryland Western Union f Weitlnghouse Electric Wheeling & U E Ei-dlvldend. Total sales far the day. 441.100 ehares. 84 71 40 111 (0 64 16 13 46 14 108 4S M 1HS UMs 144' 14T 171 41 10 lOlt 145 108 8 13 180 281 21 It 1H higher on the reported appiloatlon for permission to issue additional stock. f onittlton of Trcfixtirv. WASHINGTON. Aug. U.-At the bjgin ning of business today the condition of the t.'nlted States treasury was: Work ing balance in treasury offloa, $s5,i'..7SO. In tanks and Philippine treasury. $35,808, S02. The total of the genernl fund was. $16.,,0SS,3. Receipts yesterday were. $2,440, 166. lishuntements were. 9CO.S11. Surplus to date this fiscal year Is $19M62 as against a deficit of $23.3$,M2 at th's time last year. These figures exclude Pan.tma canai and public debt transactions. Mflsl Market. NEW YOKIC Aug. 15.-METAI-Cop-per quiet and easy; standard spot and August, $17.KVjn7.50; September. $17.00 IT. 25; October, $17.00?17.35; electrolytic. 17STro; lake. 17Hfll"c casting. I7(f ltc. Tin. dull; spot and Au gust, $45.6O(3l6.00; September, $5.?$ 445.75. Lead. $4.40(34.00; Spelter, o.uiet; $6.90g7.00. Antimony, quiet; Cookson's, $S.6. Iron, steady, unchanged. Copper arrivals at New York, 5S0 tons; export so far this month, 10,685 tons. London copper, dull; spot, 7$ Its M. Futures. 78 2s 6d. London tin. 207 l's for spot; 205 for futures. London lead, 19 7s 6d. London spelter. 26 10s. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 61s Had In Iondon. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Steers Generally Steady, with Cows Slow to Lower. MUTTON IS SLOW AND WEAK Good Shipping Hogs Little Stronger and Packers a Little weaker, Making General Market Abont Steady. t. t It. is. el. 15. U. 47. 1ft. 47. 10. 19 fl 10. 70. ! . i is 107 s43 13 1 3 33 U 46 44 131 10 ( 111 18 sat 107 173 11 194 (1 1.000 100 300 7,400 1,100 100 41,100 1,100 700 1,100 300 1,100 100 too (00 100 100 too , 2 J, OHO 1,000 1,000 68.500 1,400 100 100 600 1.400 t.ioo 1.400 11s 111 .111 17 37 lto 172 31 10 17 M 33 V 14 54 it si 19 107 143 81 146 170 It 33 Si w 112 141 4 lit 10 6 123 m 17 107 171 ur ua 11 it 114 61 H 117 M US UK 81 83 ISO 110 11 31 114 1U 110 16 37 114 117 100 16 87 146 184 170 171 17 10 17 81 36 14 63 61 Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, Aug. 1!.-HAY-New. No. 1. $H.iOial2.00; No. 2. $10.5011.60; No. t. $$.40 ft 10.00; No. 1 upland. $11,004 U.W; No. 1. 10.0001100; No. J. $S.00jji0.00; No. 1 low. land, $lft.thl0.S0: No. 2, $.0fto 10.00; No. , $7.(XVfi9 00; alfalfa. No. 1. $12 &o7lS.r.0: No. 2, $10.cV5rll.o0; No. 3, $8.00(510.00; straw, wheat, Jj.uOtjfi.Mi; outs and rye. $6.006.J). ) Cottnn Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 15.-COTTON-Srwt closed quiet: middling uplands. 12c; mid dling gulf. 12.25c. Sales, 100 bales. COTTON Futures ciosea stes.a. tins. Ing bids: August. U.sOc; September, ll.Stc; October, ll.RCc; November, 11.69c; Decem ber, 11.65c: January, 1158c; Februar;', 11.67c: March, 11.73c; May, U.Slc. Cotton Goods. NEW YORK. Aug. 15.-The cotton goods markets are steadier. Yarns are steady . and In light demand. Jobbing reports are a seasonaoie demand irom retailers in an departments. Minneapolis. Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. IS. WHEAT September, MTc; December, 92S.2Vc; May, 9HWo; cash. No. 1 hard, $1.06; No. 1 northern. $1.05H: No. 2 northern, $1.03T; No. S, 99T4ctf$1.01. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 16.-COFF EE-Fu tures closed barely steady, net one point lower to eight points higher, spot, easy; Rio 7s, 14c; Santos 48, uvfcc; Cordova, 1617C Dalnth Grain Market. DIXL'TH. Aug, 15.-WHEAT-NO. hard. $1.044: No. 1 northern, old. $1034: No. 2 northern, old, 9Sr; September, iavic Did; uecemtjer, wisjajvi old. OATS-On track, 81c. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 15, 1912. Receipts wrre: Cattle- Hogs. Sheep Official Monday 7.77 8.W9 16.UJ Official Tuesday ,SS9 WJ W.S16 Official Wednesday.... S,6i2 ,7l 11.644 Estimate Thursday. ... $.200 .W 9.73i Four days this week,. 20.001 M.2T7 46,sU Same days last week.. 15, 736 2D.702 3o,6tl Same days 2 wks ago..l).&42 26.7i6 44.9i2 haiii days 2 wks aio.. 11.46S JI.SU 28,1 0 Same days 4 wks ago.. 11, 153 u.417 3i,M S.imo days last year..2J,liS lS.JTs 46.111 Thd toiiuwing table snows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omahn for the year to date as compared with last year: 191?. 1311. Inc. Dec. tattle 511,618 (01.1S4 89.5 6 Hogs 2.16, 4-3 l,6i',3tW 46.043 8rte?p 1.143,223 W8.! 144,261 The following table ehews the range ot prices for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days with comparisons: liate. I i;2, !!WM.iUi.i!tf7.lii)0. Aug. 4, Aug. 7 Aug. 8.. Aug. .. Aug 10. Aug 11. Aug. 12. Aug. 1J. Aug. 14. Aug. 16. 7 WHI " 17 71 ;w 7 16 7 SS'i t 23 7 7 SKi, I 7 7 7 7,1 7 231 7 U 7 4MeJ 7 ; 7 21 7 e3 7 U 6 461 6 85i 20 7 Ml I' 6 771 ( 21 I S 80 5 741 6 11 7 49 I 5 801 80 7 Ul 40 1 5 85 1 5 93 ! 7 'Ml ihj I 5 J I 67.... I 61.... !.... j 61.... I 41.... j (0,... 0.... 41.... tl.... 61.... tl.... M.... 14.... 47.... .... U.... I II... 0.. . 4t . . 45.. . 41 .. U... 71 ... 41.. . 14. O t. TO. a. Tl. 81. 44. 4. 8 0:iV 7 Ul 7 951 7 421 411 6 861 8 OSVkj I 8 05 7 471 2'; 5 Ml ( 91 8 US 7 10! 7 4Si 17) 6 74! I $1 I 7 00j 8 16 I I M t 72 t U Indlctes Sundays. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yarts, South Omaha, tor the twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. yesterday; KECE1PTS-CARLOAD8. Sngnr Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 15,-SUQAR-Flrm: muscovado, 89 test. t.ESc: centrifugal, 96 test, 4.06c; molasses, w test, s.joc. Re fined, steady. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 1J.-WOOL Steady; territory and western mediums, 20tj24o; tine medium?, ltxzoc; tine, 13191 (a Knnena ritv .ve Stnek Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 15. CATTLE Receipts, 4.700 head, including 800 south erns; best steady, other weak; dressed beef and export steers, $8.50iT10.40; fair to good, $6.508.40; steers, $6.600.20; Block ers and feeders. $4.507.75; southerns, $4.5o4.60; southern cows, $3.26(84.60; native cows. ji-.Sifgv. w; native heifers, lo.oo.w; nuns, n.iDi.iD; caives, o.wn.i. HOGS-RecelpU, 4,00 head; market steady to strong; bulk of sales, I8.8O&&60; heavy, $8.25(gi8.3o; packers and butchers, S.3(tS8 B8; lights. $S.3CiiQ8.&S: pigs. $4.00(7.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.500 head; market steady to 15c lower; lambs, r5.60fi6.76; yearlings. $4.0034.75: wethers. S3.604.25; ewes, $3.253.75; stockers and teeaers, iz.was.oo. Ill 114 10 10 It 43 11 1.4 II 41 21 173 17 81 it 1 62 I 16 I 29 63 (7 113 10 II 42 tl 178 St. IauIu Live Stt-ek Market. ST. LOmS, Aug. 16. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,500 head, including 400 Texans; market, lOo to 16c lower; native shipping and export steers, $8.60(10.00; dressed and butcher steers. 16.tK&8,50: stockers and feeders, $4.006.50; cows and heifers, $4.0$ fcs.oo; canners, iz.T5iB3.50; buns, 4.gots-50; calves, $6.0012.75; Texas and Indian steers, J4.60tfi8.25: cows and heifers, H.50fiS-75. HOOB-Recelpts, 5,400 head; market steady: Diss and rghts, $7.704j.75; mixed and butchers, $8.40(88.70; good heavy, $8.40 t8.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,900 head; market steady; muttons, W.74.76; 88 It 72 83 62 78 Ul 111 113 44 81 13 48 4 1 68 88 87 13 61 74 48 4 15 68 M 87 to 1 Iambs, $5.5007.25; culls and Ducks, 8.25; stocKers, li.wm.w. 48 4 H 66 14 87 5 KmiftRa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 15. WHEAT Cash, unchangd to lc higher; No. 2 hard. SWitgMttc; No. 2. 8790Vsc; No. 2 red, &4l 99c; No. 3. 9497c. CORN Steady. No. 2 mixed. 76c; No. 3, 75c; No. 3 white, 78c; No. $, 77c. OATS-Unchanged; No. 2 white, SV31 35c; No. 2 mixed, 34V435c Closing prices of futures: WHEAT September, $9c; December, Kli&S'fcc; May. 91'(j9lHc. CORN September, esS'ic; December, 50e; May, 61 mc OATS September, 22',4c; December, 32c. RYE 72076s. HAY Steadv; choice timothy, $13.50 14.00; choice prairie, $9.539.75. BCTTER-Creamery. 24c; firsts, 22c; sec onds, 20c; packing stock, 20c. EOOS-Extras, 204c; firsts, 19c; sec onds, 14c. DU1 Wheat, bu 260.0W vh.vw Corn, bu 22.000 H.OOO Oats, bu 13.0W u.wj reorla Market. PEORIA. Aug. 15.-CORN-Unchanged: No. 2 yellow, 77c; No. 3 yellow, 77c; No. 3 mixed, 77n. OATS-Vic higher; No. 2 white, 32Kc; standard, 31c; No. 8 white, 31 He; No. 4 white. &&30sc; sample, 29c. V . . ..... New York Money Market. NEW. YORK, Aug. 16. MON E Y On call, steady, 23 per cent; ruling rate, 2(4. Der cent; closing bid, Fk per cent, offered at i per cent. Time loans, easier; slxtv days, VaMi per cent; ninety daysi 4 per cent six months. 4V44 Per cent PRIME MERCANTILE APKK-o t Sterling EXCHAjaaE-steady. with actual business In banners Mils at $4.84H for sixty-day bills, and at M.W for de mand. Commercial bills. $4.83. SILVER-Bar.x 6ilc; Mexican dollars, bONDS-Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. ... Closing quotations on onda today wer as follows: 0, I. ret. 2, m.-.KXW'K. C. 80. ret. 6a.. II to coupon . I0L. 8. deb. 4s 1181.. 12 1 s. la, res 1 LAN. unl. 4s.... 18 4o coupon 101 M. K. T. 1st to.. 14 U. S. 4s re( Ill ds n. 4s 84 do coupon til to Mo, Paolllo 4s 70 Fan. 3s, coupon 101 do conv, 6s 86 Allia-Chal. 1st 6e.. 44 N R R of M 4s.. 81 Am. As. 6s U1N. y. C. f. 3s... U A T. T. cv. 4s.. 114 do deb. 4s M eAm. Tob. ts 120 "N. If. N. H. H. Armeur 4V Co. 41.. 81 cv. ls 10 Ateblson gn. 4s..... MN. & W. 1st 0. 4s . 17 do ov. 4s ll80 104 do cv. 4S 117 do cv. 6s 110 No. Patlflc is 18 A. C. L. 1st 4s do la t Bel. & Ohio 4s i0. 8. L. rfd. 4s.... 11 eao ls 81 Perm. ov. ts 1116.. 17 Brook. Tr. cv. 4s.... 93 ed0 Mn. 4, m Oen. ot G. 8s 1W Reading gen. 4s M Cen. Leather s M8. L. 4 8. F. t(. 478 echea. a. Ohio 4a. 88 do (en. 6s 84 it, conv, 4 HSt. U 8. W. e. 4s.. W Chlrago 4c A. 2s.. e5'jeg. A. u m). ts.... 78 C. B. ft Q. i- 4S.... so. Pao. col, 4s 62 do sen. 4s do T. 4s 6 C M & 8 f cv 4s. .l0i, 1st rel 4 te C. R. I. t- w 'So. Railway (i 107 do Xt. 4s 8JJI do ft 4s 71 C. & 8. r. ft e. 4s 88 Union Pacific 4s 100 D. 4 H. cv. 4s.... 18 do cv. 4a 103 ep, aV R. O. ret. 6t 83 do 1st A ret. 4s... 84 Distillers' 6t 'r. 8. Rubber 4s... .104 Erie p. I. w,kU. 8. Steel Id 6s,...101X d,i fen. 41 "lVs.-Cer, Chem. (e. 18 do ct. 4s, ser. B.. 78Uwsbah 1st ft ex. 4s tl III. Cen. in rei. . western Ml. 4s t Inter. Met. 4s 82 west. Elec. cv. ts.. IS Inter. M. M. 4s.. 45 wis. Central 4s 11 Jspan 4a II Bid. Offered. Bank of Bntrlaad Statement. LONDON, Aug. 15.-The weekly state ment of the Bank of England ithows the following changes: Increase, Total reserve 1.661,000 Circulation S.OflO Bullion 1,186 3rd Other securitlon 628,000 Other deposits 2.412.000 Public deposits '2M.00O Notes reserve 1,698,000 Decrease. Government securities unchanged. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week ts 49.82 per cent; last week It was 48.81 per ceDt. Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO, Aug. 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,500 head; market, steady to 10 20c up; beeves, $5.75d'l0.40; Texas steers, $5.00(86.86; western steers, $6.260.00; stockers and feeders, $4. 2o37. SO: cows and heifers, $2.65&S.15; calves, $6.t0S9.75. HOGS Receipts, 15,000 head; market, weak; light, $8.1O8.70; mixed, $7.70(84.70; heavy, J7.BOtj8.65; rough, $7.55(97.80; pigs, $6.0OS.25; bulk of sales, $7 95(96.46. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 20.000 head; market, steady to 15c off; native, $3.)ff4.3?; western, 3.0gi.25; yearlings, $4.30026.50; lambs, native, I4.4tt$7.15; west ern, $4-50ff7.15. St. JuHepU Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 15. CATTLE Re ceipt', 2,0W head; market slow: steers, ta.7,&y.G0; rows and heifers, $lM2.uu; calves, $4.508.76. HOGS Receipts, 7,000 head; market steady to 5c higher; top, $8.55; bulk of rales, $3.2038.60. 8HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,O0l head; market weak; lambs, $6.007.00. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin- South Omaha Bt. Joseph .. Et. Louis Chicago .. Totals Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 3.500 8.500 10,750 2,600 5,200 2.600 1,500 6,400 6,900 3,000 (.600 6.6T0 15,000 24,000 2,600 24,600 49,600 60,660 Nap Under Wagon Results in Death of Employe of Circus WAHOO,- Neb., Aug. 15.-(8peclal.) William Schwarts, an employe of the Hagenbeck-Wallace shows, met death here last night immediately after the night performance, when he went to sleep under one of the large property wagon. He got his head In the path of one of the wheels. The driver came and hitched to the wacon and started to drive awav. when he heard screams and found that j """ one of the wheels had passed over t'.'.'.'.'.'. C, M. ASt. P. Ry.. $ 6 Wabash Ry I t Mo. Pacific Ry 5 t Union Pacific Ry.. 14 18 C. A N.-W eaat.... 2 14 C. A N.-W., west.... 21 22 C, St P.. M. A O.. $ 14 C. B. A Q., east.... 1 6 C, B. A Q west.. $4 20 C, a I. A P., east. 4 6 Illinois Central 6 C Q. W. Ry Total reoelpts 88 119 82 DISPOSITION HEAD. Morris Packing Co.. swift co Cudahy Packing Co. Armour A Co Krey Packing Co Murphy W. B. Vansant Co... Hill A Son V. B. Lewis J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla U V. Husi tl McCreary A Kellogg.... 42 werthelmer A Degen., 10 H. F. Hamilton Lee Rothschild 103 Mo. A Kan.-Cal. Co.... 104 Other buyer 284 260 859 347 $21 64 128 15 103 26 11 1.7S4 1019 2,176 63 874 1,442 1.998 1.875 841 180 181 m 171 1(1 1st IS! m 171 soo ....Ml 271 Ml ;m :a ii 171 ..160 17ti .MR ..1(4 ,.M4 ..218 ..1!6 ..187 .260 ..160 ..111 . 251 .268 ..!S7 ..:.n .141 . IS ,.m . ..m . . ...184 ....114 ....IKS ....147 ...111 ....251 ....! 80 1M Ih. well, the extreme close of the market be lng very slow and lower. Kepi eseiitu tne sale-: No. A. 6h. Pr. No. 7 87 10 4.810 (- Totals 2.776 1,289 10,567 CATTLE Catt.e receipts were very light this morning, there being only eighty-four cars reported in, which was not enougn to make a very active or in teresting market. For tne week receipts toot up au.uw nead, being only a little over 3,000 head smaller tuan for the same four nays a ear ago. A compare J w.tii recent weeks tne arrivals tin week have been very much larger. There were not enough beef steers in sight to really test out the market, but tiie feeling was tnat really desirable cat tle would have commanded about steady pi-ices. Cows and heifers constituted a large part of the receipts, but unfortunately the demand was by no means brisk and the market was slow and dull from start to finish. Some ot tue best cows may posaibiy have sold pretty nearly as well as yesterday, but the general market waj lower. Tnere wer only a few tookr and feeder In tight, but the fseilmr was steady on anything deelrabi. WuutAituil un iii.i.! t.4.lLJ! flntiA In cnoic beef steers, $s.&ogi0.36; fair to good ueei steers, n.ucjj!.uu; common to tair beef steers, $8.007.50; good to cholo neuers. ittuotff.tjo; good to choice cow. e.8UU.O0; fair to good gl.tdes, 4.2itjift.-o common to fair grades, $L74.2$; good to cnoice iiocKers and teeuern, $5.507.00; lair to kood stockers and teeders. iKxn t.W; common to fair ttooker and teedars. t4,lKK&6 w; stock cows and heifer. I4uim 6.26; veal oalve. $4.0$.00; bulls, stags. uuoiauons on range catu: Uood iii choice beet steers, i.oug; 4u: fair to gooJ beef steers, $ti.2Vi)7,60; common to fair beet steers, o.uu,2 Representative sales: BEEF 6TEER8. Ne. ... Af. rr. No. 841 ( 18 II... COVv S. At. .1181 I 40 ,840 8 It tta i te 1. s e til . tut .1071 . t07 .1170 . 8 .1076 . 716 . 181 . lit . Mt . HO .1011 . Ill . 44t . 8M . 621 . Ill . 700 I 60 1 M I 46 400 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 16 416 4 It 4 M 4 10 4 M HEIFKRS. I.. it ii."!!! i.. 4 60 4 80 4 70 4 16 4 71 4 74 444 4 Tl 681 4 71 tit 4 M 1.. 10.. 14.. 4.. 13.. 4.. 24. , U.. iri 4 1 ...10M 4 71 ...lot 4t ...IM I N -..1141 4 11 888 4 84 ...not i io ...ion no ...1040 IM ...ion I u .1114 I It ...1042 I 44 ...111 I SO ... 610 I M ...1011 lit .171 IN) .. ITI I 00 .. 110 IM 780 II -. 801 I 10 .. Ill 110 ..Ml I 80 .1081 I II 4 40 4 4 60 BULLS. 1... It... 4... 11... 14... 1060 1106 WO m 4 ts 1110 4 60 1411 4 60 140 4 60 1100 4 60 1410 4 60 1110 4 40 ..... 160 4 1 1 I.. Ul it) uo 8 to 108 t 00 no t oo 110 I 16 800 I II 111 4 M 160 IM 12 1 71 1st I Tl CALVES. I..., 14.7.' 1.. WIN .. 10 4 70 .. 710 4 70 ..1110 4 78 ..1460 4 M ..701 IH ..1161 4 II .1680 M ..UOt u ..1S04 I 10 .1110 I 40 ..180 11 .. 186 T 10 101 T 10 ..14 T 60 .. U0 T 10 .. 180 7 71 .. 141 IM .. 110 I 00 ..141 I 00 140 10 11 . STOCKERS AM) FEEDKRS. Dunk Clearing. OMAHA, Aug. 15 Bank clearing for today were $2,725,137.10 and for the cor responding day last year $2,294,718.90. London Slock Market, LONDON, Aug. 16. American curltie opened steady and a traction higher to day. There was a fair demand for stocks during the first hour and price ranged j Schwartz's head cutting It nearly In two. Death wa instantaneous. Coroner Blggerstaff took charge of the body and the man parents, living at Canton. O., were notified. The show company left money to pay the burial and shipping expenses. Woman Working in Field Injured When Team Euns Away PIERRE. S. D.. Aug. 14,(Speclal Tele gram.) Mrs. Edd Walker wa brought from Sansaro today with the flesh of one of her legs badly cut from the hip down, as the result of having been thrown In front of a disc cultivator, sh wa working when her team isn away. He son had Juut been taken home fmr.i the hospital, where h had ')een taken following a kick by a horse, which crushed a portion of hi skull. .. 104 I II .. 747 I 50 .. Ill I 10 T8T I II ..Ml I II .. 787 I 00 ..841 I 00 ..1014 111 .. 844 (U ..lot I II ..1120 T 10 ...1014 ... 896 ... 97$ ...1128 6 50 6 40 6 25 7 26 III I 10 21.. 480 I 10 10... 170 IM ... 840 I It ... 411 I 8 17... 410 I 40 I... 144 I 41 14... Ill II I... 118 160 17... 771 I M 11.,. IT.... Ml I IS 16... 11 887 IK , M NEBRASKA. ( heifer. .1080 ( 80 JS cows steers.. ..1095 5 90 J steers 18 steer.... 787 6 60 15 cow 16 cow 934 4 70 23 steer HOOS-In the hog division this morning opening trade ruled generally teady to strong and possibly In om cases 5c higher for good light bogs, packers, speculator and shipper ail buying of that kind. While the number of hog showing quality wa In fairly liberal up. ply, on th whole trade In them wa fairly active a long a It lasted. Qual Ity wa an Important feature In th mar ket and th beat hog almost Invariably old at a premium over ether kind Under such circumstances mostly all the common grades were left by buyer to sell a little later. In the morning at prices weak to a shade lower, and In some In stances So lower than yesterday. Busl nes at and near the close was slow when compared with the opening, yet a very fair clearance of all offering wa made In good season. Several shipment of KXrtl light hog brought th highest price, $8.Si, Identical with yesterday's top figure. A few scattering load, perhaps a half desen that did not happen to f nd favor la buyer' eye and that wer to coqs quence left until th last, did not far so Pr. 1 10 7 80 70 104 ... I 10 7 M 68 104 10 I 10 . 83 64 IM 60 I 10 7 88 80 101 M0 I 10 7 6 61 2-17 A I 10 8 00 61 l 4) I 10 I 00 7' lit 40 1 10 I oo i :o ... li I 00 ii ! 41 10 I 00 H 101 ... I 10 8 M 13 lit M I 10 I 04 V.. . . 187 80 I 10 I 00 T. ... 184 IM 10 I 00 t!.. ...H? ... I 10 IM Tl 7.7 40 I 00 10.. .. )M ... 0 8 00 46 N4 10 It I 00 f 10 80 I 17 8 00 7 17 Ml. I 00 4: ;n IB I 14 1 00 it $i ... t 1 oih ; m so 1 n 1 ot it r.i 110 1 11 I 01 11 lit to I IS t 01 70 Ml M0 1 II I 05 10 164 80 I IS I 01 11 18 40 I II I 01 71 lit 80 I II I M tl 141 ... I I I 06 76 141 80 I 10 1 Ot 40 203 80 I M I OS 74 121 100 I 20 I 08 i .... J ... 1 l 1 ot Mil I 06 : .U 40 !! I 06 M V4 40 I II I 06 It ?H ... I I. 1 01 f,;.. . it 240 1 I Ot 11 ..141 ... I ! 106 I) ' ... I US 1 tv no 10 11 lot 11 r! ... I rj I 08 71 Ill ... lie I07, C4... . .140 ... IH I II Ii m ... I 5." I 10 41 US I tt I 10 tl Ill 80 I 10 1 10 M SIT Nil I i IH It 140 I 80 It Ill ... 8 10 71 lit ... I M 41 Ill ... I It M n ... It 17 Ill ... I 10 M Ml ... I II ti 141 lto I 10 71 108 ... I M 77 117 180 I 10 II 101 40 I 86 SHEEP-Alttiough the early trade in theep and lambs may have shown a littl life as compared with the slow draggy market yesterday, general condition sur rounding that class of stock wer vry little If any better than on any other day thl week. The first advices from east em point indicated price barely steady with yesterday trade, and in conse quence local buyer bought very tittle during the first rounds, apparently wait ing for a better understanding of tho genet al situation. A good demand, how ever, remain for really prim killers Of either sheep or lambs, but a relatively mail proportion of that ort ha been appealing in recent shipment. Among th salts made shortly after th opening wer fiv car of heavy Montana wether that brought $3.90 and a big string of Idaho lamb which sold at $6.65 Total receipt footed up about thirty nine load, or around 8,750 head, being the largest run for a Thursday tine April 25, but slightly smaller than on th cor responding day a year ago. While a few loads of pretty good stuff wer to be found among the offerings, general qual ity showed no noticeable improvement over yetidy. Lambs comprised th big nd of th receipt again touay and np holdings were comparatively small. Later In th morning sellers and buyer finally agreed and a good share ot tba supply wa disposed of before noon. Lambs wre steady to a dime lower than yesterday and though scarcely enough, sheep were here to properly teit values, majority of eller described th trade a stsody to a little easier. There wa a good, strong demand for feeders, but th bulk of sale thowed little Improvement In price. A seven-car shipment of Wyoming yearlings brought $4.15. being fully lOtjiSo higher. Quotation on sheep and Iambi: Lambs, good to choice, $6.907.40; lamb, fair to good. $5.904i,90; lamb, feeder, $6.606.0; yearlings, light, $4.a6.I5; yearlings, heavy, 14.5024.85; yearlings, feeders. $S-S&a $.10; wether, good to cholc, Kf4.0; wethers, fair to good, $3.C54.25; wether, feeder, $J.2SQ4.00: ewes, good to choice, $3.75Q4.00; ewes, fair to good, $1.00J.7J. Representative taiei No. 8 liatlv ewes I native lamb 422 Idaho Iambi, feeder, 249 Idaho lambs, feeder, 1804 Idaho lamb 1378 Idaho lamb 461 Idaho lamb 69 Idaho lamb 49 Idaho lamb, 670 Idaho lamb 882 Montana wether 623 Montana wether cuiis "!.'"!." Av. ...US ... 78 ... 6$ ... 51 ... (4 ... 61 56 54 60 120 m Pr. ITS 40 626 625 16$ 75 tt 6 66 5 60 666 8 90 $90 Printers Vote Down Measure Extending Terms of Officers CLEVELAND, Aug. 15.-No out and dried proceeding serve to render the convention of the International Typo graphical union dull and tedious. Several tiuoetloni that have arisen have indicated ; harp party lines jn the organisation and contests between th progressive and the administration faction. Victory, an a rule, ha fallen to th administration force, but today the progressives scored a fall. Strenuous opposition to an administra tion measure to amend the bylaw to make the term ot th International of ficers four year wa led by C. A Burton of Fort Worth, Te., who declared that the measure was an attempt to, perpetuate the national officers in office. The fall of President Lynch' gavel ' failed to stop th disturbance when ha Itarted to announce that ft vlv voce . voU teemed to show a majority In favor of th resolution. Th antl-sdmlnlstra-tlonlsts forced a vote and th measure was defeated. A substitute motion, mak ing the term two year, ft at present, nd only two successive term possible, u also defeated. Edward L. CahiU of Lynn, Ma., of fered th amendment to the) bylaw. President James J. Freel of th Inter national Ptereotypers' union addressed the convention .on th strike ot Chicago pressmen, explaining that th charter of the Chicago local of hi organisation wa suspended because of the illegal ac tion of the Chicago body In going on strike in violation of contracts with th Chicago newspaper. Ill exposition ot th matter sustained President Lynch Tn hi contention that th Chicago . union wa not entitled to recognition in tho person ot it president L. B. Straube on the floor of th convention. . Master Butchers Select Officers DETROIT, Aug. 15. At today (essoin of the convention of th United Master Butcher' of America,, the following offi cer wer chosen: President, John T. Russell, Chicago: first vice president, Henry O. Rese, pitta- burgh; second vie president. A. C. Blulter, Flushing, N T.; secretary, Emll ! Prlebe, Milwaukee; treasurer, Edward O . Jahrsderfer, Brooklyn. , y&ZTz , ,i!,'m , j Ship Your Stock to South Omaha For List of Reliable CotnmijsiKti Merchant Sc Our Clajslfled -list of Merchant.