Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1912, Souvenir Supplement, Image 12

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    National Association of Stationers and Manufacturers
, . .
Omaha'i Competitor Year Ago Will
Entertain Stationers in 1913.
Dinaer aai Dftca Ar Features of
Fvm Speecaaaalftaa; and Toasta
Proa-ram for Thla
Errata c.
Sprlarflld, Mass., was selected by ths
National Association of Stationers and
Manufacturers (or the next annual con
vention, yesterday afternoon.
..That city was aJready picked for ths
next year's convention before the dele
gate assembled at Omaha. When Omaha
received the honor a year ago in Buffalo
after maktnc a campaign against
Springfield and many other cities, It was
understood that Springfield should be
host tor the assemblage In 1913.
Xn the campaign this time for the next
contention were Indianapolis. Ban Fran
cisco, Cleveland, Holyoke, New Orleans
and Springfield. Tha other cities were
given little encouragement because of
the promises to Springfield a year ago.
At Happy Hollow club the visitors
were entertained with a dinner and
dance last night More than 200 men
and 100 women attended. There was no
speechmaking following the dinner, the
guests leaving the tables and going di
rect; to the dance ball
SpccchaaaJiinar for Tonight.
, The speakers were reserved for the
tig banquet at the Field club this even
ing. ' Mayor Dahlman, A. W. Jefferls and
Charles A. Alden will be the principal
speakers, James Logan, mayor of Wor
cester, Mass., and a director of the
United States Envelope company, will
be the toastmaster.
Among those who probably will be
called upon to respond to toasts are
Ralph S. Bauer of Lynn, Mass., the as
sociation's auditor; J. H. Hodgklnson,
the pencil sharpener king of New York
City; E. J. Wels .of Monroe, Mich., and
Uncle Oeorge A. Olney.
Olney Is called "uncle", by his fellow
'Stationers. He Is probably the; best
known and most popular man at the
convention. He It 7S yean old and has
been a traveling salesman for fifty-two
years. He Is called the dean of station
cry salesmen.
At the present time Olney is repre
senting the Irving Pitt Manufscturing
company of Kansas City, selling loose
leaf devices. He began his career on
the road In 16, before the advent of
sleeping cars, when he traveled on
horseback and by stage. He has at
tended all the conventions of the na
tional association and never was known
to miss a banquet of stationers within
1,200 miles of where he was located when
first he heard about it
To do him honor at the national con
vention in Bt. Louis In 190 the associa
tion members gave him an album with
photographs of members from all over
the United States.
In honor of his fiftieth, anniversary on
the road his follow travelers presented
him with a loving cup filled with gold
money at the convention in New Orleans,
Auditor's Eeport
Shows Big Balance
The report of the auditor of the sta
tioners shows a balance of over $3,000 on
hand. The report says:
To the National Association of Sta
tioners and Manufacturers of the United
States of American In convention as
sembledTour auditor reports as follows:
Having examined the books of the sec
retary and treasurer, he finds that on
October t, 1911, there was a cash balance
of $2,395.80. The receipts for ten months
to date from all sources were $7,4S2.23,
making a total of 19,848.03. The expenses
for the ten months to date, as shown by
audited vouchers, amounted to f6,t74.40,
leaving a balance of 13,273.53.
This agrees with the treasurer's bank
balance on August 10, 1911 plus the addi
tional receipts since that date. Respect
fully submitted, R. S. BAUER,
To Cleaa Silver Articles.
Silver articles that have become tar
nished may, even if embossed or en
graved, U quickly cleaned by the use
of alum. Dissolve an ounce In a quart of
soapsuds and wash carefully, using a
brush for the carved part Rinse the ar
ticle several times, then dry with a soft
cloth and polish with chamois.
Ak-Sar-Ben Show is .
Decided Hit with
the Stationers
Concerning the surkls at Ak-Sar-Ben
den. Geyer's Stationer prints the follow
ing: The Mufti, a choleric old tnurderer.
with whiskers like an Astrakan muff,
lopes into bis harem bestride a paralytic
elephant and finds a bunch of booh
candidates rubbering at the darlings of
the harem. He bawls them out and calls
his executioners to shear their necks
crosswise, but Is deterred by the" song
of one of his councillors. After a few
songs and dances by some of his less
violent inmates, 'tire Mufti decides to
move his harem back to the dressing
room and leave the offending candidates
to the public speakers.
Special features were the falsetto duet
by Jack Brennan and S. P. Conover and
the Pink Lady reminiscence by Oscar
Lleben and Jack Brennan. The soloists
were Captain Hank Dunn, A, J. Alvord
and Joe Latsch.
During the comedy several hits were
made at the expense of the stationers,
and great shrieks of laughter resulted
when Charley Stevens was chosen as the
lover of the chief dancing gtrl-a six foot,
lanky man-and who turkey-trotted with
"her," and, as a special honor, was al
lowed to share a seat on the throne of
the Mufti.
The obligator then administered the
oath of the Ak-Sar-Ben to all present.
Prolonged applause followed the close
of the entertainment, and then F. L
Elllck, of the Omaha Printing company,
took charge, inviting to the stage,
Messrs. Fletcher B. Glbbs, C. A, Stevens,
Samuel Ward. R. D. Patterson, A. Pom
erants, Mllllngton Lockwood, E. D. L.
8 perry and R. B. Wilson, the first named
three. Mr. Lockwood and Mr. Wilson
making a few congratulating remarks.
Following a buffet luncheon the lont to
be remembered sight closed.
odern Stationery Office Supplies
Will Help Your Business
Yawman & Erbe Filing Cabinets
Allsteel Filing Cabinets
Montague Mailing Machinery
It Is fairly certain that the skirts next
winter will be wider considerably wider
for the big dressmakers are selling off
their very narrow models much cheaper
than they are the moderately wide ones.
- ,
and Novelty Co,
. .
-j Manufacturing
and Novelty Co.
306, 308, 310 and 350 Vn) 306, 308, 310 and 350
Broadway, New YM mi Broadway, New York
Wholesale, Distributing and Manufacturing
TOWERS is where to get everything in STATIONERY
TOWERS is where to get everything in FANCY GOODS
TOWERS is where to get the very BEST VALUES
TOWERS is where to get the very LOWEST PRICES
TOWERS is where to buy goods in ANY QUANTITY
TOWERS is where to get the very BEST SERVICE
CHICAGO, ILL. 323-325 West Adams Street, August 1 to Nov. 1;
W. H. Wallace, W. J. Cooghlie, Frei Goetz.
KANSAS CITY, MO. Savoy Hotel, E. 0. MpKeaa, August 1 to November 10.
SALT LAKE, UTAH Utah Hotel, July 1 to August 25. DENVER, COLO. Care Albany
Hotel, September 1 to October 10; Jno. N. Kleff. -PITTSBURGH,
PA. Colonial Building; M. H. Skadden, AVR. Straus.
MEMPHIS, TENN. P. D Wynne, till November 1.
ATLANTA, GA. Louis Gottheimer and Wm. Lewis, till November 1.
HOUSTON, TEXAS Southern Drug Co., till November 1.
We Bo
And Do It Right
Corey & McIC ensie Printing
1407 Harney St. Phone Douglas 2644
Have 1m M H IrSpf I
Slave You Ever Tried to Get the Orip? i
Manufacturing & Novelty Co.
306-308-350 Broadway, New York. '
SUEOPEAH OFFICE-8 Hetttter Straase, Dresden.
If not any reputable Business
House can get a sample of the
"Grip Individual File, Binder
and Perforator" (3 in one) for
Five Cents in stamps which
is the exact cost of postage.
213-215-217 Stouben Street
Drooklyn, H. Y.
Members of ths Rational Associatioa of Stationers and Manafactarers of tha Gaited States ted Canada