Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1912, Image 8
1 nWANT ADS , . , Aant ads received at any tuno, but " td insure proper classification moat be presented before 12 o'clock in. for . tke evening edition and before 7 : 30 .,.p, ta. for morning and Sunday edU ".. tions. Want ad received after aucb feor will have their Tirst insertion fndf.r the heading "Too late to CUsaifj.H ; CASH RATES FOR WANT AD9. ' IlEGULAll CLASSIFICATION Ons insertion 1 centa per word and J cent per word for each subsequent , consecutive insertion. Each iiuer t- tion made on odd days 1 Hi cent per word; IJM per line per mouth when ad ia nut without change ot . ' py. - T-sU.rfsr HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen nnri Solicitor. WANTED Bright men with a little cash to take active Interest In estab lished wholesale house. Address L 290, Bee. . ' WANTED Experienced salesmen in the harness and saddlery line to travel In Northern Nebraska and part' of South Dakota. Address Schulxe Bros. Co.. Duluth. Minn. WANTED Three vacuum cleaner sales men. Wo sell wholesale to consumers. Jaeger Bros. Mfg.. 607 Brandels Theatw. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Clerical and Office. MA NAGER Collection Deot 1123.00 OFFICE CLERK Good at figures..! 60. STfiHUU. AND BOOKKEEPER....! 65.00 BILLING CLERK AND TYPIST.$ 60.00 TRAVELING SALESMAN. Cigars. .1100.00 Experienced Express Billing Clerk.. $ 85.00 WESTN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, Originators or the Reference Business, 752 Omaha National Bank Bldg. , '" Slrtba-E. 1 and Mlnr.l Acker, 1627 Maple, toy; A. V. and Florence Hecht, botu'.tal. girl; Thomas and Koe Keens, South Omaia, girl; Robert and Margaret l-0-,tti Pierce, girl; A. W. and Odella Milts, 833 Larlmore avenue, Co-; Ralph nr.rt Alice Mills, 3109 Ohio, girl; James and OH? illller, Pierce, boy; 11. and " Mario FleeUac. SIS South Twenty-eev nt!i. girl; UviWa and Mary Lothrge, iteeee, boy; W. C and B. B. Raynor, ' . 314 Nicholas, boy; K. C. and Addle M. "Thomas, 1755 South Ktrbteeoth, girl. .-, Doaths-Cbarlotto M. Bell, 66 years, 4322 . North Thirty-third; James Crandell, 34 years. :i North Fifteenth,; Auston Davis, 47 years, 90S South Twer.ty-seventh; D. R ; ntab, 75 years, IS South Twenty-fifth avenue; Wayne Hlbbard, 2 years, hospt . tal; Frances W. Hedberg, 1 day, 2717 Nr;b . Twenty-socond; Andrew J. Len- " ' surf. tS years. 3712 North Twenty-fourth Harry L Leland. 44 years, 1HS North. .Twenty-thlrf; Agnes A. Johnson, 8 years, hospital; Frank Masar, lit years, tax ,'toenth and William; C. 1L Hand ell, 63 . year, 2411 Lake; Mrs. K. C. Tlgh, w7 years, hospital. 3IARRIAG3 LICENSES. The following marriage Hoeuses were tissued: "VI Name and Residence. Age. ' lOaetano Cam poena, Omaha............. ,21 j Guisepplna Di Fillppo, Omaha... ....IS , Uphraici D. Allyn, Omaha.. ............ ..26 , JKorlana J. Samuelson, Omaha...., 26 VJohn F. Kelly, South Omaha... ....26 Josephine Annonde, South Omaha 21 - Harold H. Ehwth, Manila. P, l .....27 .-' illeen McCrann, Omaha 24 Clarence H. Hendrlckson, Wayne........ 30 y:jMrtna Auser, wayji.. jn Charles A. Blombetg, Omaha...... ...... .47 ' Julia A. Uanderholm, Omaha ,...41 ,' .Frank Gowing, Shenandoah, Is... SI sAddiv Spungle, Shenandoah, ia.. ...26 1: , C. H. Seghers, 2139 Evans, frame dwell inf $2,500; T. It. Nelson, Twenty-fourth and Hickory, frame dwelling, $5u0; Paul N. Meisner, 142 North Thirty-fifth, frame oweiung, 3,wu; cringes, Hoye ft Co., S 2561 Farnam, store building, $14,001); xnages, noye ae co., zi4-2i eouta jrour -v teenth, alterations, 16,000. - . ; ; HELP WANTED FEMALK . 'jifi i Clerical and Office. r .WANTED-GIrl to answer pihone. 3 a i WeeK. K3 raxton B1K, ,-,? STENOGRAPHER Want lady who Is thoroughly experienced and neat in ap- pea ranee; state experience and salary ex- peciea. u am, nee. - , WANTED Lady bookkeeper, good pen man and experienced; good chance for ; light party; please snswer in own hand- ,5 wilting. W 6i, Bee. Factory and Trades. J -APPRENTICE girl to learn hairdresslng. 'j Oppenbelm parlors, id Fl, City National, i'XTTIs to learn millinery trade. fc7 Paxton. ; ; - Uonnelierpers and Domestic, .T,HE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM ,,' SOLVED The Bee will run a Bervartt ",..GIrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the I,. i sired results. This applies to retilclents ; ' of Omaha, South Oroahs and Council ''Wm. Bring your od to The Bee office Of telephone Tyler 1(100. too men. 20 to 40 years old. wanted at once tor elecirto railway motormen and conductors;-Jw to S100 a month: no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address Y 114, Bee. ,.ti.WANTED Experienced cook. 618 8. Kth Ave. Douglas 217. Mrs. Geo. Prinx. WANTED-Good girl for general house c 'work. 4ftj3 Dodge 8t , -. . '.GOOD girl for. general housework; ' Cferman or Sw'ulsii preferred; KMMi, pleasant borne. 2U1 Ithrop. Call Web- ' str 67S2. .,, , GOOD girl for general housework; small family, r.o washing. Mrs. Earnest , veuey, ai iaanderson. Webster 1W, MIDDLE-AGED girl for general house. work; small family; references ' required. , Inquire Sio 8. S2d Ave. ," WANTED Girl for general housework; COMPETENT girl for general house- work. Mrs. W. D. Hosford, G2D Eo. S7th X WANTED Two sisters or a competent girl for general housework. Telephone Harney 3174. Keeldence at 8821 Cuming 8t. . also second girl; small family, good wages. Harney 4042. 605 Park Ave EXPERIENCED girl for general house- yrlt- Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 2SQ8. WANTED A young girl or woman with " child to assist with . general housework. ; Webster 2W2. ' - - -. -. '5 ""WANTED-A' neat, capable white girl, German or. Dane preferred, for general i housework; small family; call evenings, i )S13 Lathrop Kt.; Sherman Ave. car. WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family; good wages; apply at once. 2724 paldu.g fit. Phone Webster WANTED Girl for general housework. 101 So. 30th 8t H. 1730. GOOD home for girl who will assist -wish housework, Call H. 3723. .WAN TED An experienced white girl for general housework; family of two. Telephone Harney 3S29. r WANTED A second girl; experience and references required. 426 N. 38th 8t. WANTED Experienced girl for general Jou work; family of two; references re quired. Tel. Harney 2247. WANTED A young girl to assist In housework, Mrs.W. Iv. Foote, 1SU So. i,th St H, 2114. WAii ED Position In a good home to work fonnoons tor room and board. 'm Gs ns Ave. .Address H. 677. WAftVED-Housekeeper, cook; must be experupwd; good wages. Mrs. .N. A., f iesberier, 3SW Farnam St. . I i'-'A.S I'ED-1.19 Binncy.jjt., girl for geu- -al ! ouscwork. ' i .lUcellaafania, J .TOrXG women coming to Omaha as . tjnt,ers are Invited to visit the Young ' Avonieus (.'hristlau association building . 8t, 1st. Mary s Ave. and 17lh St., where tluy will be directed to suitable boarding piaues or otherwise assisted. Look for 3 oujr travelers" guide at the Union station. HELP WANTEDMALE A scat. SHlFsmca and . Solicitors. 2O-WANTED-20. Men of good mora) character, over the ce of CI, to solicit In Omaha and South '--nana. A good proposition for the right u-s; mut furnish references. Call at j.n C$,rrtoa Bliig. Office hours n 8 to 12 a. tn., and to 8 p. m. J. A. m Ur.. National Director. ' 'ANTED Exierlene;d --Furnishing' o saltrsman. Call at once. Palace ;'tiitrgC9-, 14th and DouglaB Sts. i-'EC.lALTY calesmen; Have 'several near-by territorlee open; .want a who can show paK experience as "iR'ty men; expenses advanced. Room 4. Hci Loyal. W. D. Peterson. WANTED Young man to work In ship ping department of manufacturing con cern. A good chance for advancement for bright, energetic party. Give age, experi enco and references. Address G 693, Omaha Bee. BOOKKEEPER and Stenographer. Splendid chance for wide-awake young man with push. Don't apply unless you are experienced and can furnish good references. Will pay fsG-SlOO to right party. -wfi, nee. - - .. ANNOUNCE3IENTS EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKIN8. 314 8. 15TH. UPSTAIRS. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 882. EL CONTENTO HA B ANA CIGAR. Box 60, postpaid. $2.76; try half dozen; if not satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON DRUG CO.. 1601 FSrnam. Omaha. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L ts., South Omaha 8. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 1768. 131 Farnam. Guanantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 837 Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co- Upholstering, piano, turn, rep. 2804 Far. OMAHA POSTING SERVICE. Advertising "What Is Sunshine?" NORTHRLP LETTER DUPLICATING Co., 60S Paxton Blk.; circular letters, any quantity; oldest established, company; ex- KODAKS S2?rn. t!; complete finishing department In the west. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. 1S13 Farnam street and 208 So. 16th Street 2S18 N. 19th Ave.. S-room modern, newly Cellar digging and grading. Call W. 64.0, Muslo teachers' teaching system, $36; cash or time; personal help on keyboard har mony; information free. MUSIC TEACH. ERS' TRAINING SCHOOL, 612 Paxton. FUXJj dress suits and party dresses for saio; aino tor rent, to a night. JUim S ELUftlAN, 20S N. 17th. D. 8128. Factory and Trades. Drue stors (snap) Jobs. Knlest fie Bldg WANTED Three first-class coat mak ers, must be sober and steady. - Steady work, Juster Brothers, Aberdeen, 8. D. WANTED Meat cutter with some ex perience in the grocery line, inquire, 822 Douglas St WANTED-ExDerlenced driver for freight wagon. Give age, experience and references. Steady lob for right man. Address H ($2, Omaha Bee. MEN wanted to learn barber trade. You can't appreciate our offer without our catalogue. Mailed free. Moler Barber Col legs. 110 a 14th St. WANTED-Saddlemakers to work on Etook saddles. Dodson-Flsher-BrockDscn Company, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED Collarmakers and ooluir cutters. Dodson-Flsher-Brockmann Com pany, Minneapolis, Mtnn. WANTED Harnessmakers to work on team harness. Dodson-Fisher-Brockmann Company, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED A first-class telephone man that can do alt kinds of telephone work; slso automobile work. Address Cherry County Telephone Co., Valentine, Neb. MtscelianeoDS. GOVERNMENT lobs open. Write for list Franklin Institute, Dept. 214 R, Rochester, N. Y. - WANTED Bright, energetic young man ss city dell very man lor large wholesale house, uive age and references. Ada. ess, K fiW, umana Bee. s .... CHESAPEAKE CAFE and lunch room now open. J. G. Dennis, Manager. ATTRACTIONS f)M ATT A FTT.MF.Y lth and - Douglas. Motion picture machine and film bargains AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND f White Steam cars, late models, flat cununion. ani twi. Murphy Did It REPAIRING, TRIMMING, PAINTING, Industrial Garage REPAIRING AND Mfiinc On 20th between Harney and Howard Sts, TIRE REPAIRING',: "''- o iuu9 lumu aimosc as goon as new. Nothing but highest priced and new '""' se. aii work guaranteed. Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co.. 2020 Far- REBUILT , ' STQjODABD-DAYTONS 7 L. 7-passenger. ........ ,...,,,..$ 700 , . V. 7-passenger., 1,200 K. Limousine ., 2,100 ' 9 A. 6-passenger 00 SEVERAL OTHER MAKES OF CARS AT REDUCED PRICES. J. J. DER1GHT COMPANY 181$ Farnam St ' Omaha. Neb. YOU CAN EARN MORE MONET In the automobile business;, chauffeurs. repairmen, demonstrators, are In big de mand and command large salaries; pre' pare yourself In our large training shops. where you learn how to operate, repair ana sen all maites or cars. ' National Auto Training Assn !S14 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you bv the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training In our school. Practice on.R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars, II. B. Boyles, Pies, Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Deputies, Benevolent Pro tectlve Order of Camels, 621 Paxton Bldg. WANTED-Vlolinlst to play for dances in nearby town; guarantee iJJ a wees; all expenses. Address I !, ilea. TRAIN auditors are now on about thirty railroads. Would you like such position? Railway experience unneces sary; good salary. For application blank send stamp and name of this paper. Fos ter, Llbbey & Co., 811 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago. 26c night rooms. Carey Hotel, 422 S. 18th. HELPiCall Omaha Em. Bureau. D 1112. HELP WANTED MA 1,13 AM) FN MAI, K. MEN and , women wanted for govern ment positions, $.so month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 217 R., Rochester, N. Y. . ANY Intelligent Person may earn aood Income corresponding for newspapers: experience unnecessary. Address Press Correspondence Bureau, Washington, D. C. . $5 to $10 a day for reliable men and women agents; sample and complete out fit free, credit given, easiest fastest, best sellers ever offered: a sale for cveiy call, Ats of Mollne, 111., averaged near $1 an hour; Wlcht of St. Paul, Minn., working only part of the time, averaged $125 a month for' six months; Still of Latexo, Tex., made $12.50 tn eight hours nd says ' anyone willing to work can make IS U $10 a day." 400 per cent profit for you; full details free. Address Dow Sales Co., Dept. 93, Topeka, Kan. WANTED SITUATIONS BUNDLE washing, HO cents a dozen. rough dry, 25 cents a doxen. Web. 218.S. Washing and lace curtains done. H. 3a.. FAMILY and Bundle washing W. 3422. YOUNG girl wants work of any kind. D. SC56. V PLACE wanted for man and wife on farm, by month or year, raised on farm, used to getting out and bustling. Ad dress A 6S4, Bee. - YOUNG Hungarian gtrL two years ex- perience as domestic, wants position in small family; speaks English well. rts 1& Grant. Ad- WANTED By young colored man. a Job ss porter or janitor; is willing to work. Address L 689, Bee. POSITION as chambermaid In good re spectable place, where 1 can come horns nights. Douglas 2679. ANNOUNCEMENTS TO LOAN-LOW rate. In sums to uu. siv uee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 104. UNION IXAN CO. MONEY Walhalla tor vacation. Ask Beal. D. 4171. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. M4. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. 1. 8. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenaer Blk. N. P. Swanson, Undertaker We are now la our new bulldine and have one of the most up-to-date under taking etttahltthtnents In the city. 1U22 Cuming. D. lOt Large chapel in con- ectlon. . - ' ALL will be forgiven. Mary, if you will meet me at the feign of the Crown and the tlolden Stairs on Itth and Douglas streets. That Is where BRODEGAARD sells those lucky wedding rings. Watches, Clocks rcraird. 1617 Cuming. Plumes Rnovatedm1i.f,"tn DELIGHTFULLY cool, downstairs soda. water rooms. "KOIMJASIS," 16th ard Dodge; -owls Nest," Kth and Hamoy. Sherman & McContiell Drug Co., props. AN i"EI Experltnced newspaper so i ' h if s to work at county and state fairs, uiaitive proposition; salaried men pre l red. send references; Inquiries confi '"I'sL Write Circulation Manager, Ne raoka Farm Journal. S'.4 Chamber of ' """"t'rC9 Big-, Omaha. , I LL send you PKKPAirf a big set of iifiing MAIL ORDER PLANS on AP 1 KUVAL; if accepted 2 covers total cost, uthe-wis reiurn; Include ;c maJiing cosl Utkt.r. Lux lw, Kew i'orit. General connecting, painting and ta. perhsnging. Baker 2107 Clark. Web. (XSX. ANOIOR FENCE CO. Iron and : wire fences rheaper than wood; last a lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. GRANDMAS Wild Cherry Phosphate, cheajier than lemonade; all grocers. Alfred C. Kennedy, ance. JOJ First Net Bk. B!dg. Doug. 72S. Stevenson, carpenter, com. Both 'phones. SWIMMING Learn now nt the Metropolitan. No bet ter pool In United States, Filtered run ning water. Classes' and swimming par. ties for men, women and children. Tele I'lioris Douglas 417, v ' FOR HALE "Wnkih" n0.h,.r..r,n.r i-iaenger touring car wittt the follow Ing equipment: Mohair top, windshield, Jones' speedometer. . demountahU ,lnu Klason bora and Presto-O-Llte tank. Ttos tar ia in ursi-ciass condition and a bar gain. First cash ffer ot $1,200 takes It Address, Van Brunt Auto Co., Council fu.iB, JB, .... .". Your TIRE EXPENSES cut In two. Expert tire recalrlnc: vork m,.,.,,,. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO.. 1922 Farnam. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES FOR . PALE One automobile rumble seat, one storage battery, cheap. Box to, run vriwn, ieo. MY Thomas Little Six, In excellent shape; cheap; am buying new car. E 680 Bee. -, .... i. ' Motorcycle. Harley-Davidson and used motor eycles. Vlotor H. Rous. 2703 Leavenworth. BUSINESS CTIANCES Ed Rothery, Business and Real Estate Exchange Co., Room 8l MoCague B!jg. TO set in or nut nf ttl!naa al! am GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 24 J. FOS SALE Good meat market In town of 1,600: two shops In town; good fixtures; 100 toils of Ice;- good reason for selling. Addruta Y 127, Bee. FOR 8ALE-$1 8,000 stock hardware, furniture and buggies, established on paying basis, - In a county . seat town: large territory of as wealthy farmers and good lands as can be found In the state of Nebraska, where crops never fall; good location cneap rent: must nave cash. Address Y 124, Bee. FOR SALE Lumber and coai yard in good county seat town of 1,600 population. Address Y 129, Bee. , WANTED Man with small capital for motor delivery or transfer business. Ex perience not necessary. C. P, Latta, 626 S. 17th Ave. Tel. Red 6708. If you have $1,000 to $10,000 you can triple your , money in a few months. For interview, write H-502 Bee. ' Itooutlpa Houses lor Kale. , 1711 DODGE. V. block west of bostofflce. 10 or 20-room rooming house; rooms all full. FOR SALE Rooming and boardlna house, making good profits. Wife sent nome in. excellent location: no tran sient; new stuff; low rent; must sell; big; sacruice. wee. NEWLY furnished modern 10-room flat. BUSINESS PERSONALS BUSINESS PERSONALS MONEY TO LOAN alary and Chattels. Farnaces and He pa Ira. REPAIRS mi every make of Klv. Range, Furnace. Steam and Hot Water TTfYVfTT' T1AW fYl Heaters. -New Furnacea and Tank ilUJixi uvyxui w. ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-1 Most reasonable rates in the city, writ Douglas St, Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Tyler or Phone D. 123). a I ivi - - cia. va a nAAa. mil jo-u rtrnitui ni.t x. a, xKtiffmon -rsv- A MIINROF, tor Gale'sburg . CHATTEL LOANS, $6 to $100. SALARY iUUXVVjrv, Hot B)aft furnace. I LOANS. You can get It today of Estimates gladly given. D. 4068. 408 S. 18th. btak loan CO., 01 Paxton jbiock. Hospital. PRESBYTERIAN Hospital. 1240 So. 10th St. OFFERED VOK RENT , Board aad Rooms. O. M. K. baiiTs trunks. D. U. A-2S11. Nurseries aad Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. lth. CAN accommodate a few mjre table borrders; meat tickets If desired. 701 Geoigla Ave. Phone Harney 3389. 618 S. 19TH St. Modern rooms: excel lent board; business center. Douglas 1208. Moving, Storass ana Cleaning, V rrr . 2024 WEBSTER, board ornon rireproot warenoute and van house; price reasonable. .v. lurniture tiacaing, piano moving. umce zis . ltn Bt uoug. 394. ' and ' rooming PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex. press, 1616 Capitol Ave. D. 670, A-3937. 1824 board; WEBSTER, $5.00 week. modern room and 302 No. 20th, first-class room and board, Furn. Moving; 2 men, $1 per hr. W. $741 Pafeatt. H A. KTTTRfJTS twvlatarail . United States and foreign patents. 611 BAGGAGE k ... Furnished Itoon. . - 1920 Capitol, young couple 'has neatly lurmsnea room; private. - D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. ',: ' 4nticisja. . - B. F. Wurn. fitting and rep'g. 443 BrandeK messenger service and llaht haullna: nromnt rvire;rea!onaoie rates Auto Del, & Mes. Co., 1715 Douglas St. Tels. P. 3946: A-3496. NEWLY furnished rooms. 412 N. 22d Bt. ! I'hotoaratfhers. 1701 Davenport. Large cor. room. Mod ern. uentleman preferred. Rlnehart. photographer. 18th Farnam. 1712 CALIFORNIA, furnished with board; $6.00 week. room, Printing;. I ROOMS, furnished, for lia-ht hnna- Keeping, near car line. Red 7674. Lew W RaW Printer Telephone 1S10 CAPITOL-Singli UCW iv.ltauerrillier, Uouf; 10li strictly modern. nca iii.uu. r,ni-KAKUfi ON COURT. e or double room ; '-N 717 NORTH 20th, nicely furnished room Rels-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. nth. Ind. A-3624. modern, man preferred SUPERIOR (1RADR ns- pniKTivn TrT,fc, m. 1 m ........ . . "n t.. iiiuMrnoH, Webster 3197. irau mb Anaia.i, , OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 822. ' 2208 DOUGLAS, modern south parlor ana sleeping room. - 713 NORTH 20th, nicely furnished room, I modern; gentleman preferred. - Tranks aad Knit cases. Frellng A Stelnle. 1803 Farnam St. 124 Douglas, finely furnished rooms: large yard, modern. t Osteopathy. " - 1919 CASS. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg. I one to four. THREE rooms' strictly modern. Price reasonable. 316 No. 20th. Double parlors. Suitable Katl fryn Nickolas, 684-6 Brandels The. 2203 Douglas Strictly modern, front par- Stcnoaraphere and Court Report ere. mr, soutn exposure. .- rr t 602 25th-Neatly furnished, strictly tx.-n.Kii, ,u man. me. 1 moaem rooms. corinne Miner, zat Brand. Thea. Doug. 96. 2221 Dodge-Neatly furnished, all mod Steel Tank and L.lveri i:.n.nin. ern' pnee reasoname, 111 H. Slth6ffHrn . naiailv 1i.T-.nrv . . . . . . . I . nnonnattA anu jowa uteei Tang com. rooms; pnees reasonable. pany, mn and Nicholas. Doug. im. furnished Store aad Off leo Fixtares. WE BUY and sell anvthlno-. avarvthtnv In fixtures. Omaha Klxt vu., ma nowara. u. -ill. See us first. $14 N. 23d, modern furnished rooms. price reasonable. 2126 Douglas, two-rooms, modern., newly ouiit; gentleman. - POOL tables, store, restaurant rlTtiiraa. bought, sold. Levy. 2610 N, 80. Omaha. 2040 FARNAM Modern rooms, perma nent or transient. , -.'-. Wines and Liquors. N. 18TH ST.. 412 Rooms for housekeeping. Phone Doug. 7239. light 111 NflRTH 1QTH mrul.rn mnm m,lh niiiLun aorinri enunr. eivara iiavatorv. aanuwiunes. Aiex jetes. 601-s 8. uu st VIRGINIA DARK mtnn fEn a larva Hnl. tie. Klein Liquor House. 522 N. 18tb St EDUCATIONAL , Famished Ilonses. . 1 6-ROOM modern house furnished, corner. ims b. aitn Bt U.- 7711. BOYLES COLLEGE niV iXrn XTTmirn cnnnnT Weil Farnam district Phone fun jLAvjrxxi. Djijju 4113 or Douglas 297. ALL THE YEAR FURNISHED or unfurnished, modern. $ rooms, $46 per month. No objection to cnnuren; adapted to subletting x rooms, Harney Comnleta caUrsa in Rimnau Rmi,. keeping. StenoaraDhv. TelearaDh'v. Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue is ireo tor tne asKjng. can, wnte or pnone tor 11 at- once. Address If. B. Boyles, President, - Boyles College, uniana. iMCDraska Elegantly furnished 6-room apartment in west Farnam district to reliable cou ple. : Convenient to cars. Phone Harney FURNISHED or unfurnished house for rerft Or for sale. Webster 4877. 1411 Pink ney St. - NICE FURNISHED HOUSE. Seven rooms, every convenience; good location; house is nicely furnished. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. Famished Honaekeeplna Hooass. MODERN two4 room suite,, well fur- Mosher-Lampman College. Unsurpassed coursea - F1nt nuartprs. Graduates are guaranteed arood tiositions. Work for board. Address, Hosher-Lamp- nmii, ioio rarnam bt., umaha. Neb. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL nlshed. 2024 California. TRAINS STKNflflRAPHfPfli ah!, 612 N. 26th. modern housekeeping rooms: Founded 1891. En)o s the patronage of I Price reasonable. I me ub-eaucateQ ana most itoairahlA ojo, nnnnir link, i,n..i,unin. ..,.. - ""y"' """ j are Teierrea price reasonable, to any one of LOGO frrarlimt.. . .o man who employs stenographers Write I 1144 No. 23d, clean housekeeping rooms. ivr vaittiosi. - a Wead Building, ( Omaha, Neb; .-. Hotels and. Apartments. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. LITE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. DODGE HOTEL, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at reasonable prices. ROOMS, cheap. Harney told. Snaps in Buggies delivery wagons and 'several chc fgy and carriage bargains. , DRUMMOND Apartments aad Flats.. t-ROOM. modern apartment. Web. 6975. I delivery wagons and 'several choice LrB'1 movl"g vn' a Der nour' D- 3H- TWO new flats, nicely decorated, sinks. gas, toilet and water. 2418 Leavenworth, J. I, Kemp, 2513 Leavenworth. Doug. $88, lnd. A-1988.' OFFERED FOR RENT Honsea nnd Cettares. FOR RENT 7-rcom house, modern, large yard and shade; $23 per month. Appiy mis itnrop Bt v . . DUNDEE Strictly modern 10-room house, east front Call Benson 683 W. ur m 6-room cottage; modern except heat; 33d and Webster. 'Phone Harney H.- . ..... - 2618 Davenport, I rooms, close In, $10. 649 S.25th Ave., 4 rooms, close In, $1L 601 S. 26th Ave., 4 rooms, close in, $1L 432 8. 24th, 6 rooms, modern, $30. 8407 Jackson. 7 rooms, all modern.' I2S . 5 2823 N 16th, 8 . rooms, ' modern except neat, ai. . 334 .JJ. 41st, 9 rooms, all modern (fur U1BI1CU, 9U. 117 8. 25th Ave., 9-r., all modern, $50,. 417 N. ISth, 6 rooms, all modern, $35. THE BRYON REED COMPANY. Phone Douglas 297. 212 8. 17th St.1 8-room all modern bouse, 2611 Pierce St $25. - , ? ; - - 6-room, modern except heat, 2613 Spencer street, jau. - - - , , 4-room cottage. 4.104 Cainden Ave.. IS. 8-room flat with -bath, 2132 North 28th street, siv.&u. room flat with bath, 2131 North 28th street. P.ou. ' O. C. OLSEN. Douglas 1051 Room 108 McCague Bldg. Nice large 6-room cottage, modern ex. cept neat Z406 North 26th street. 6-ROOM house on the boulevard, modern put furnace. Phone Harney 3644. 2212 California, 8-r. brick, modern, for roomers. .- 207 8. 30th, 8-r. brick, 1 floor. $26.50. 115 8. 30th. new, 8-r. brick. 2305 Dewey, 6-r. brick, near In, $30. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Bk. Tel. Doug. 2152. Eve.. H. 5134. $5 per mo., 2 to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2107. $10.00 6-r. cottage, city water, gas, 3334 Manderson: key at 3324 SDauldtng. $12.50--r. and bath (not connected); good : pump and cistern. 452$ Burdette. $16.00 7-room house,- electric lights, city . water, half block 10 car line; 122 ' Wler Ave.. Benson. ' $18.00 6-room cottage, new, partly mod- ern, U16 S. 48th St. $21.00-6-room cottage, all modern; a snap; key first door east. 3312 Martha. $20.006-room cottage, modern except heat; 2S66 Maple St. I. N. VOGEL, 415 Karbach Block. 842 S. 22D ST.,' 7-r., all mod., $32.50. 1508 Ohio St. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. $15. 1109 Brlggs, 4-r., city water 'and gas, $13. 8215 N. 25th St.. TVr.. mod. ex. heat $20. 1129 N. 17th, 8-r., gas and city water, $12. 1920 N. 36th. 6-r., for colored, $10. 4818 Underwood Ave., 8-r.,. all mod., hot water heat, $40. -In Dundee.- 2668 Sabler St.. 6-r.. city water and gas. $16. -. . 2521 Burdette, S-r city wt ter, $7. 1012 Pacific, 10-r., mod. ex. heat, $35. BIRKETT & TEBB 2NS. 423 Bee Bldg. ? Phone Douglas 4764. WEST FARNAM SPECIAL. " Near Joslyn's. Eight rooms and hall. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 318 NO. 19TH 7 ROOM All modern flat, close In, $60. : ' ' ". 8004 Sprague St., 6-room, modern, $16. 3010 Sherman Ave., 9-r .flat, mod., $36,00. Arthur J, McShane4 : . 319 First National Bank Bldg. " 'Phone Douglas 1575. 6-R. Mod., close, 1504 N. 81st St., $17. 6-r., mod., close, 1612 N. 31st St., $16. 12-r. mod, close, 1161 N. 18th St., $35: 9-r. mod., 2712 Caldwell, bargain, $22. 1 RUSSELL St McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney. St. FJNE modern 7-room borne, near car line, call Harney 2469. $16.XMi-r., 412 S. 27th Ave. $27.60-6-r. flat. 1616 Howard St.. modern except heat; ' - - $27.60--r., 4518 Florence Blvd., modern $.10.00-6-r., 2803 Burt St., modern. y $30.O0-7-r., 211 S. 42d St., modern. ' - $37.60-7-r. flat 619 8. 16th St.. modern except heat, fine repair.' , , $37.oO-6-r. apartment, 620 Park Ave. ' $45.00-7-r.. 414 N. 39th St., modern. $47.50-7-r. flat, 620 S. 16th St.. modern. heat furnished. $55.00-7-r.. 524 8. 16h St.. modern, heat furnished.' ..' ' GEORGE & COMPANY, 902-12 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 756. ' COMPLETE house, modern, new fix tures and furnace, everything like new. 3616 Howard St.-$27.60. Wv T. Graham, nee uiag. MODERN 4-room new apartment, ez- I cept heat, In one-story pressed brick, elec- Buggies surries and runabouts at less trie light gas and gas heater; elegant 18th and Harney Sts. than wholesale price to close out JUUriSOXM-lANFORTH CO., 10th and Jones Sts. bath room, lawn, car. I at 2752 S. 10th. $20. 2744 S. 9th. Keys 1ST class livery. Sherman. 24th & Clark. LOST AND FOUND LOST Between Calhoun and Omaha, . UP-TO-DATE Modern, brand new. 6-rdfem apartment and bath near Crelghton University, bard- wood ilnish, nice lawn, good location; leather baa- containing .dvaVi.ii .7: "Hnary preparation now complete, ww. tar Flnrtr return t P.n. i.. ieiepnone xveu wi. " . - vv ... . w . j it, ,u,vo,HICUt vumpany; rewara, Three and 4-r. mod. apartments. 816 S. 22d, PERSONS bavins lost soma rtii NEW LORRAINE. 1 and 6-room. all would do well to call up the office of the I modern, with Janitor service. 17 ft Maple. Omaha in Council Bluffs Street Railway Doug. 8402. MENGEDOHT. Web. 3713. company m ascertain whether they leu Ts TiivmPnBT. fl n nnn 97 in iue sireeicars. l . , , v . Many articles each dav Pa. In 4-r. and hall down, and 4-r. up; hot and the company Is anxious to restore water heat, best lighting fixtures; bar- tnem 10 in righllUl owner. Call Dona- sain on mis ro permanent tenant, f.., las 4$. - ' . ... O'KEEFE REAL, ESTATE CO..:' OMAHA, & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET 1016. Omaha Nat. Bk. Tel. Doug. 2152. Bag Manttfactarer. - BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha, Net. - ; Chiropodists., . DR. ROT, 1505 Farnam Douglas 6497. Clothing" Mannfactnrers. Wear Ideal Jres shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Creaaie?? Uslrles and Sapalles. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Cornice and steel Ceiling. CARTER Sheet Metaf Works, Otnaha," Detectives. JAMFa AT.I.AM111 V.vllla nit dence secured la all cases. Tyler 1138. Ornana Beoret Serv. 4J8 Paxton Blk. D. 1319, L. W. LONGNECKER, 517 Karbach Blk. '.-.-....; Deatists. ...- Msch A Maeh, 3d floor Paxton. D. 106$. Taft's dental rooms. 1&17 Doug. D. 2186. - DressmaklaaT. . DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney $999. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th 4k Far. ANNA SISTEK. ladles' tailor. Remodel ing and repairing. 2oi City Nat Doug. 6969. 1-plec dress special; reasonable. H6929, Uverythtas fur Hesaen. LADIES invited to call on the Western Millinery school. Inspect our work and get our prices. S7 Pavton block. 1 - FOR SUNBURN A-de-ilte Crenu. Mm a. Frayer, 1421 Farnam St., Mec-th's. WDUAtW plumes made from old and new feathers. 2326 South 12th St Doug. 5566. ".'. ..-'...... Heavy blankets and light quilts cleaned for fall; reduced rates to hotels, D. 2733, Every" fc.taa; sllcctrical. P.leCtria llEhtlna- fix arknloatla m.A .,.11 Burgrss-Oranden Co., 1511 Howard. D. 681. Fed Mills nnd Storoa, Feed, all kinds. Glenroe Mills. 2332 Izard. .. FlorUt. Donsghue, 1W Far. D. 1001; A-10M HESS & SWOBODA, HIS Farnam St L. HENDERSON, 19 Farnam. D. 13ai Fonadrle. , McDonald brass and hrfnv fAimitrv. aluminum, tin. lead castlnga Ufffocksoj. LOST-rSunday a gold ring with ruby retting, between 35th and sxtn inn Davenport tits., on the sidewalk, if I fouod please return to this olflcs and re ceive a noerai rewara. . 8-R.. . close In; timers. Call D. 2152. 907 N. 17TH ST., ( nice rooms, $30. . RASP BROS., 106 McCague Bldg. Uostaes and Cottagres, ; . -- - . LOST-Gold cuff button, amethvst .. . MOVING, paehing and storing or house- ting, at Ak-Sar-Ben den. Monday even- n"d gooas ana pianos is our.. bUBiness. Ins: finder nleasa raturn Vn a ifr-i Omaha Van and Storage, Co.. fireproof . ... . " w.vwa , -a-.-y- v (VU O 14MV. k. KA nrl.... mn .-vaurornia. or 2203 Miami St; JThktSTSS. Stores and Offices, M'CAGUE BLDG. 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive offices; moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. 1606 Davenport U. B. Balcombe. FOR . RENT One-half store room, 411 8. 15th. Splendid location. Inquire 19th and Douglas. Remington Typewriter Co. PERSONAL. I CAN remove that CORN in two min. ' utes, 25c; without pain or blood- ' Why suffer? Pay me a visit today and your CORN troubles will be a thing of the past. DR. EDWARDS. CHIROPODIST. Room 327 Old National Bank Bldg., 20S South 13th. 68-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. MASSAOE Expert treatment Mrs. Steele. 208 a 13 St. R. 325. MASSEOTHERPY og Allen of Chicago. 109 S, 17tti. 1st tl T. 7665. VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Anna P. Fisher, 401 Ware block, 309 6. 15th. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co.. 1320 Farnam St OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. LARGE loans our specialty.. Stull Bros, fie? CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlbers; v Co. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. $100 to $10,900 made promptly. P. IX Wead. Wead Bldg., lth and Farnam. LOANS on farms and Improved city property, 6 pet to 6 pet; no delay. J. H. Dumont ft Son, 1601 Farnam St, Omaha. Wanted, farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co.,Oma. GARVIN BROS Loana-1500 " 1 Wanted farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co., Oma. MONEY to loan on business or raal dence properties, $L00O to $500,00. W. H. THOMAS. 603 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED-Clty loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED TO BUY. Household gds, clothes ft shoes. D3971 B195& DOLGOFF 2d-hd. store pays biKKest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. W. 1607.- WANTED To buy pool hall: give full particulars In first letter. P. O. box 212 Grand Junction. Ia. H'ld goods, clothes, shoes. 2520 Cum. D.780X BEST prices for scrap Iron, brass, rags. bottles. Call Flnkelsteln. Doug. 7610. IiOT second-hand Tel. S. 777. household goods. WANTED TO RENT YOUNG couple wishes room and board ' with private family. Address J 601, Bee. HOW about that house you have benn trying to rent? I -have clients for houses In all parts of the city. 1. N. Vogel, 418 Karbach Block, Phone Douglas 369L REAL ESTATE WANTED SELL your property quickly for cash. no matter where located; particulars free. Real Estate salesman Co.. desk 2L Lin coln, Neb. " : , HAVE you a 4 or 5-room house for sale? If so, will you take $200 down and bal ance monthly? I have clients for bouses in all parts of the city. L N, Vogel. 415 Karbach Block. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE HIGH-GRADE . auto tourlna car. with limousine body; will exchange for city or farm property or good mortgage, tl 582, Bee. - - - - - WILL exchange improved 1.3H0-.pra Garfield county, Neb., ranch for other property.' Preier Omaha. Value $10,000, equity $8,000. 35 Baldwin Block. Council Blufts."la. ; - V FOR SALE or exchange for : incoma property, 2,400 acres wheat land in east ern Washington. Also write us about smaller Irrigated tracts in southern Idaho. Fall Creek Sheep Co., Amesican Falls, Idaho. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME all kinds ot fruit, large lawn; splenalct for family of children. Can take , good place in exchange. ' W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE AliSTltAtJ'lS U' A'l'lXE. Reed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract nP. flee In Nebraska, 206 Brandels Theater. AlULlJtUtV 1AI FOMilAiiOA. Ideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming Sta STORE for rent, splendid location, near zttn ana Ames. xei. Webster ZS76. DESIRABLE OFFICES In Continental block. :-.- -. - -.- . ' Half suite on second floor.. $22. 60 Ful suite on third floor...... 30.00 . ALFRED C. KENNEDY, --206 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. OFFERED FOR SALE - - , . Fvrnltarc. ,-.- Am leaving town; must sel) out our en tire stock furniture, carpets, 2209 Cuming. COCKROACH and bedbug exterminator -Not-a-bug absolutely destroys all ver rnent, best 'Insecticide and disinfectant made., n troubled call, Nox-a-Bug, 605 8. 13th. D. 3266. ,v reward. MEJiiCAL Piles,-Fistula Cured WEST FARNAM New brick, i bed. rooms ana x oatns. sis a. itn Ava . MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO.. naolr mnva atrks-a. shnyl sKIn U U avfwwfei Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula I and pianos; no charge for return drive and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book eu rectal diseases with testimonials. PR. E. R. TARRY. Beo Bldg., Omaha. to office. Doug. 1496 or BS42& Houses ,ln u wrtn ot the city. AAVuaegCrelKh gona & CO t Bee E Bldg. SOY JEE HONG HERB CO. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for. warded; cheap freight, rates; Gordon riraprooi wsrenouse and van Co., Tel. Cblnese herbs and herbal remedies for f.l? iaaYyfnatC all troubles of the human system; I t)oug' 816 8- I7" rneumausm, aianey trouble, heart, dropsy BOARDING HOUSE ana temaie trouble. Tel. U. 6793. 2Q2 N. 19th. Large double house. 16 rooms, 2 baths; SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 42 Doug. blk. mP'e, floors and changes to suit, close r. c ""' v-re-S" v-o-. oiug. "VV iyVMllim aASa.S IIDI I1C. U, Ladles guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware bik. DB MARS' whirling spray syringe, the moat sanitary ana practical on the mar ket, . $3; postage prepaid. Beaton Drug eo., ions x a.nara St., umaha. - SIX-ROOM modern cottage, located at iw onerman Avenue, per month. - VINCENT D. DERMODY. Tel 786. 1514 City National Bank Bids, MONET TO LOAN Salary , and Chattels. YOU have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, your children, yourself. Here ia your chance to obtain Itt - , . ; - - -. '.;.': Easy:Way :v!: v-v-V-', on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts I 8-R., close in fact anything of value or on yourlH. 6134. plain note, it steadily employed. Terms to suit Confidential. - . FOR RENT. . No. 136 X. $7th St.. nearly new., modern 6-room dwelling, $30. no. 2013 Grace St.. modern 7-room house, hot water heat, $25. No. 1521 S. 29th St. 6-room house, mod. ern except furnace, large yard, $25. No. H02 S. 32d St., large modern housa. corner lot. both streets paved, barn, $45. ro. iizz s. sza St., large modern house, east front, paved street, car line, $50. AUTJUUU ikSilMMISUX, 1 209 First Nat. Bank Bldg. -. " r Telephone Douglas 722. .. FOR RENT An all mooern r.ew a-ranm cottage, floors and wood work oiled and varnished, v$22.80 per month. Owner iur. water rent 1418 Ohio St Apply lSiS'Lotu, rop st ' - . . , In; roomers. Call today. THREE-ROOM house. 131? B. 6th St. Reliable Credit Co. Third floor 308 Paxton Block, Ct So. 16th. Phone Douglas 1411 and- A 1416. MONEY loaned salaried people and oth ers on their own name; cheap rates, easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tolman, 603 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS at 2H and I per cent FLATAU. 1514 Dodge 8t Tel. Red 561s. Money on furniture, pianos and real estate at. n very low rate of Interest Nebraska Loan Co- - Douglas 13 nt-si ijx. . iXj 8-ROOM modern house: nr month. 3527 Charles St Also S-room cot tage, 8632 Hamilton St., $10 per month. Tel. D. 77 or D. 1017. IF you want your house rented list it with Crelgh. Sons ft Ce.. 608 Bee Bldg. - 672 -8. 28th. St . J rooms, completely modern; $32.50. Kail 4S) Ramge. D. ?40t; A-4406. " A real home, pretty lawn, electric light, all modern. 9-r.. $45. 726 S. J7tb, W. 3590. FIVE-ROOM cottage, (3 8. 24th St. 2311 No. ISth Ave., 8-room modern newly painted and aeeoratew, water paid; rent $26. McEachron Realty Co ; Wsb. HSU. ;- '.'.' Mnsical Inatrninenta. PIANO Family leaving dmaha will sell their high-grade, sweet-toned, handsome mahogany parlor grand piano; been used two years; in. very ,- best condition. M 6S8, Bee. - . - FOR SALE A new $200 Vlctrola; has iiever ceen usea. it interested ask for price, m zo7. nee ornce. ,: ' ..Typewriters, ,: ' RENT from the manufacturers' direct ino. j uiiver lypewnter, . months, 34.00. Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type- writer- cumpaiiy. - - . , . .TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months $5. central lypewnter f.xcnnnge. , Miscellaneous. . . OLD SAFES, DERIGHT. ISIS Farnam . FOR SALE Two pool and one' billiard tables, cues and balls, two bowling al leys. These ara snaps, L. B. 182 Lohr- vine, ia. SAFES Overstocked with second-hano safes; all sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1316 St FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. 1'fls Brunswlck-Baike-Collender Co., 407-401 fe. 10th street ' DESKS, safes, scales, show cases, shelv ing, etc; see us first' Omaha Fixture and Supply CO., 414-16-1S . 13th. DOUg. Z724. FOR SALE Fancy Pouter pigeons at reasonable prices. Call at 237 N. 23d St, South Omaha. PERSONAL Children to board in country. D. 79S34. Massage. Mrs. hittennouHe, HQs Boston aid MAflNTnTTfi treatment E. Brott, 714 AlAUMJli XXKj g. mK 2d floor. D. SS29. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast. off clothing; In fact' anything, you do not neeo. we eouect, repair ana seu at U4 N. Utb bt, for cost of collection, to tn vrorthy poor. 'Phone Douglas 4125 . and ANNA IL MAIiKS nam. Davidge Block. Apt. 1 Red 7529. YOUNG voimu coming to Omaha as strangers ara Invited te visit the Young Women's Christian association building st 17th and St Mary's Ave., where thy will be directed to suitable : boarding places, or otherwise assisted.. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. . MASSAGE tVrnD; tSof Body Massage, 222-1 Neville Blk. D. 77&L BATHS. Swedish massage. Mrs. Snyder. Nfe $, Tfet JjTiasajiy. lOUi ft Pieros, D. taft, Fuchs, Bon ft Blind, painting. decorating. 1 ' . s " A CH; A li l, S'tli kALb, invesSgate; 15 acres In the city of Florence, with? one nine-room house and one small cot tage: good barn, . wagon shed, corncrib. well, cistern and running water all year around; -300 to 400 fruit-bearing trees; 5 acres of grapes, one-half-acre blackber ries, one acre raspberries, 600 bushes of gooseberries and currants, two acres ot asparagus and rhubarb. This place must be seen to be appreciated; the price - is $9,000, or will divide and sell five acres with 9-room house- for $5,000; this house cost over $3,000 to build I want, to sell this inside of thirty days. Come out at once and Investigate. C. L. Nethaway, sole agent, -Florence, Neb. - '-. ACHEaUU Bargains near omaha. Orin iv Merrill. ViU City Nat Bank Bldg. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB New Ideal Bunga lows on Easy Terms $1,500 buys a fine S-room bungalow; has electric lights, water, fine neigh borhood; large lot with chicken - , house all fenced in; one half block to car line, schools and stores. $150 cash: balance like rent ' . $1,750 A 4-roombungalow, same descrip tion as aoove;- ootn are near 41st , and Grand Ave. and can be bought for $200 cash and balance easy terms. . $3,100Strictly modern, oak finish,-5-room oungaiow, near Bemis park; all on , one floor; nice attic; large base ment, with guaranteed furnace and - sink for tndry, purposes; nice shade; east from., nice neighbor hood; on paved street; handy to schools, stores snd car line; a few hundred cash; monthly payment On balauoe. $3,500 Three strictly modern, - 6-room bungalows in the best neighbor- hood -in Omaha; they have recep- . - tion ball, living room, with beamed . ceiling and built-in bookcase; din ing root?, with beamed - celling, built-in buffet and china closet and den all finished in oak; nice roomy kitchen. .Two bedrooms with large closets; also linen -closets; fine ' bathroom, all finished in white enamel with tile walls; two on north side and one near Bemis park; any of these can be bought on a cash payment down and the balance like rent; for further, in formation in regard to thsse prop positions call up ,or see. f . V ; SCOTT & HILL, !. ' Both Phones. , . 307 McCague Blk. ) - i iL New 6-Room House $500 Down Balance! Monthly- 3311-3917 and 4113 North 20th St. Boule- yard. Just completed and, everything con sidered, the best property in the city at the prices and terms. Each house is com- , pletely modern, having large IkIng room ana aining room nnisnea in oax ana beautifully decorated; built-in cupboard and cabinet In kitchen, three nice bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch; best of plumbing, first class furnace, heating plant, guaranteed; the latest design com bination lighting fixtures; full basement. cemented, laundry, sink, outside grade entrance. Beatuiful lot, large maple shade trees, no paving to pay in front of lot These houses are the last of 15 we have built In this district within the last year. All who have bought are sat isfied, because we have given them good . houses at reasonable prices. : We can sell eacb house at $4,000 on the terms stated. For half caish a reasonable dis count will be allowed. Keys at our of fice. Call us and we will show you . through st any time. ,-. , Payne? & Slater Co. V Both Phones. $07 McCague Bldg. i FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 8-room bouse at sacriflr; tint water heat, S724 N. 210t St. Webstar. 33991.