Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1912, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1912. 7 , OFFEREE FOR SALE MawaUnil inUra lunula. r035-ifiari' Tearine Omaha will sell their iubgia.ut;, awest-ianed, hantlaumt nrnlmpumy jib ii'lmvcaril paum; bean uoefl twcB ytuiKF.; in Treuy "teat enudttinn. M B& Bee. 3EH2JT tram the niBnuiIarttciper eiaect 8 dllrw txiK-wrtler.. 8 niirnfim. MM. Timrai Duuitt 28m. Tie -Ctosa- Typu- REAL LSTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR S U.K. TTP27WZITE&S isr rent 3 msmtim Jo. UKrrrsj i-jTxnmteir HMhaiss. CUT SAFES. E OUGHT. TOT Tinaa W. FOE SAXtE-Two poet sod one bOllard tables, com and batllj. two bowling leyr. Tbesa are snap. It. B. 12 Lohr- TUle. Ise. &APE-Ovxt4iKed with eecpod-bana tola: aQ sizes and - main; bargain. Aznericaa Koppejr co mi trmmua at. VCR RALBr-t lMtim Monitor wire paznpUet stitchers. No. 2. in first clajw cauUiJos; power puueya aresmfn. Aypsy to ttia omaca Bee. r FOK SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Toe ferunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 7-4ia B. 10th street DESKS, safes, scales, show cases, shelv ing, etc; see us first. Omaha Fixture and supply CO., 414-16-18 s. 12th. Doug. zm. ( FOR SALE Fancy Pouter pigeons at reasonable prices. Call at 237 N. id fct. South Omaha CYLINDER press bargain; am install ing new press; first check for $175 gets the old Potter cylinder; a big bargain; how printing our paper and doing a good Job. The Pioneer, Ida urove, iowa. PERSONAL Children to board in country. D. 79834. Massage. Mrs. Rittenhouse. 3us Boston B'd IM A ftXTTTTTn treatment. E. Brott, 710 S. 16th. 2d floor. I). 6829. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- bf clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4126 and 1ANNAH.MAEKS ?K nam. Dayidge biock. Apt 8. Red 7539. YOUNG womu coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit toe xoung Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look lor pur travelers' aid at the union station. MASKAflrY! Swedish movement. Ap t iu-o-oo-aum 2i mi parnam. i. em Body Massage, 222-3 Neville B)k. D. 776JL BATHS. Swedish massage. Mrs. Snyder. No. 3, The Dunsany. 10th & Pierce. D. 4m I CAN remove that CORN in two mln utes, 26c; without pain or blood. Why suffer? Pay me a visit today and your PORN troubles will be a thing of the past. DR. EDWARDS, CHIROPODIST, iKoom 327 Old National Hank Bldg., South 13th. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bezten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. M A SH A fJ-TT! Expert treatment, Mrs. lVLa.DD-a.VJ.Cj gteelei jog g 13 st R 325, MASSEOTHEEPYrM! Allen of Chicago, 109 S. 17th, 1st fl. D. 7666 VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Anna t). Fisher, 401 Ware block, Sum 6. 15th. 1 . - REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1220 Farnam St OMAHA property and Nebraska lands, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Broa. bao CITY LOANS. Bemis-Carlberg Co. id 0-312 Brandeis Theater Biug. fiCO to $10,uu0 mad promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. LOANS on farms and Improved city property, 5 pet. to 6 pet ; no delay. J. H. Dumoni & Son, 1603 Farnam St, Omaha. U anted, larm loans. Kloke Inv. Co.,Oma. GARVIN BEO&ffll fofiiVE jkiUNEY lu iuaq on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $500,00. W. H. 1'iiOMAb, 503 Mrst Nat'l Bank Bldg. WAN TED City loans. Peters Trust Co. VAKifclJ TO BUY. Household gds, clothes & shoes. D3V71 Bll DOLUuFF 2d-hd. store pays biggest prices lor furniture, clothes, snoes. W. ibJt. WANTED To buy pool hall; give full particulars in tlrst letter. P. O. box 213 Grand junction, la. H'la goods, clothes, shoes. 2620 Cum. D.7DU2. ttia'i' puces tor scrap iron, brass, rut, bottles, uau mkelstein. Doug. 7610. T'lrP second-hand household goods. WANTED TO RENT YOUNG couple wishes room and board with private laniliy. Address J 501, Bee, REAL ESTATE-VVANTED SELL your projerty quickly for cash, ho, matter where located; particulars free. Heal Estate Salesman Co., desk 21, Lin coin, Neb. ' 10K SALE OR EXCHANGU HIGH-GRADE auto touring car, with limousine boay; will exchange for city or farm property or good mortgage, c ft2, Bee. WILL exchange improved 1,360-acr Gartieid county, Neb., ranch for other property. Preier Omaha. Value $10,0uo, equity $S,0u0. 'ii Baldwin Block, Council ibiuits. la. REAL ESTATE Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of flee Ir. Nebraska. 1906 Brandeis TneaUr. UllLDEUh' IMFUUMA11UA. Ideal Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming St. Fuchs, eon & Blind, oalnticc.decoratlng. OMAHA CITY LOT. This lot fronts south on Amen avenue; Is the second lot Iwest of 36th, St; has cement walk; Is graded and on grade; right on car lln Kvith five-minute car service. Twelve new houses and new grocery store built in this block this year, balance of block will soon be built ud; $060 if taken at once. Phone Douglas 2066. 1117 Farnam ttreet. ACREAGE tiAKGAirvfi near Utnana. Onn K Merrill. IT.S City Kat. Bank Bldg. Atrbmks. , PLATTE county farm for sale: 2Vi miles Horn Monroe; roiling land; fair mprovements; goou nelgnborhood; price, flu.ouO. Address William Webster, Colum- Dae, ..tD. Bungalow Home On Easy Terms A new, 6-room, strictly modern bunga low at 2346 S. 35th St. Can be sold on very easy payments. Be sure to see this. 2535 N. 19th St is ft, good 6-room, mod ern except heat, house. Is in fine repair. Price is reasonable and can be sold on very easy payments. 4132 Izard St., 8-room, modern, com plete house, close to three car lines; $600 cash and balance monthly. 2921 S. 24th St, a 6-room partially mod ern house, close to Vinton St car barn. $300 cash and balance monthly. 2113 Elm St, a 6-room house on easy payments. 372S Lake St., a 4-room house on easy payments. CREIGH, SONS A COMPANY, 'Phone Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. 38th and Davenport Two long squares north of Farnam; paved street; large corner lot; house strictly up-to-Jate;, 4 rooms and hall flownstalrs: includes maid's room off kitchen; 4 rooms, bath and plenty closet road; 16 acres of timber; plenty of water: space up-'airs; full brlck foundation, I $n per acre; easy terms. A. C. Robinson, launary, u-x water neai, tusn, u&i- ance to be arranged. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. . Douglas 2162. Evenings, H. 2842 or H. 5134. TO BrXT, SELL OK K K N T. I KST !EB JOHN W. BOBBINS. IMS XAJiNAM MX. Trackage with Build ings fun lots wlti double traekase. fine n3c with KaJe; i-rxxrca dwelling house, lrn and shed; located on Belt line. 4Sd d I Mchola So. month. BIBKETT & TEBBENS, 3 Bee B1J& XXms. CiL SOMETHING NICE Beven rooms and large sleeping porch, house but 1 year old; dandy location, near Bemis Park; south front lot, nicely sodded and set out in shrubbery; strictly modern in every detail. Owner leaving city anxious to sell. Payment down, bal ance monthly. BEMIS-CAELBERG CO. 310-312 Brandeis Theater. A REAL SNAP. An all modern. 5-room cottage; hot water heat; nicely situated: half block from car line; to make thi place go price $3,000.; only $1,300 cash necessary. 'Phone Webster 3408. REAL ESTATE FARM H 45C1I LANDS FOR SALE SB(h Dakota. FOR SALE 15 acres good farm land. 49 acres broke, balance all tillable. 7 rt.Bt from DaDa and i miles from Colome. Price. $40 per acre, payable $1,509 cash. CSDO Marrh L 131 S. $2,404 March 1. 1S17. Addreas Box IS. Dal lao. & D. Tvxa. 15.353 acres, 1000 under cultivation, 10.000 acred tillable, $50,000 Improvements, fifteen flowing well, one large reservoir. $20.00 an acre. No trading. W. H. GRAHAM, . Cuero, Texas. FOR SALE 2677 Evans St, 6-room. new, modern, oak finish, alanine norch. Call Owner, Webster 73L NEW 6-ROOM We offer the 6-room. fullv mndorn. naif finished home; south front lot on paved street, half block from car. Price, oniy $3,750. SMALL CASH PAYMENT, BAL ANCE MONTHLY. ODen for insnectlon 2430 SARATOGA ST. F. C. BEST. DOUG. 3944. TWO 6-room bungalow, all modern, hot and cold water in basement; half block trom car line. 3217-3219 Charles St Har ney 3848. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 8-room house at aacrlftnn: hnt water heat. 3724 N. 24th St. Webster 3899. FOR SALE cheao 6-room house. Dartlv modern. Phone Webster 29970. 12.200 A GOOD business lot with 10-room house, partly modern, small house in the rear, with plenty of room to build a store. Easy terms. Anton Trlska, 2224 S. 16th St, downstairs. Red 6418. RANCH FOR SALE. One of the oldest small stock ranches In Laramie county Wyoming. 1,320 acres of deeded land nearly all under ditch and in alfalfa and 6,000 acres of leased land and good cpen range joining ranch, has good apple orchard and buildings, 8,400 head of heep, small bunch of cattle and horses, sold with ranch if desired. Will sell half or all to suit party. For prices and terms, etc.. address W. F. Macfarlane. Macfarlane, Wyo. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET More Friendly Feeling Created on Buying Side of "Wheat COM EESERvTS NOT SELLING Practically o Headway I Made (or Some Time la Forelnir a Lower Level In the Oat LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship liva stock to South Omaha. 6av mileage and shrinkage. Your consign, menu receive prompt and careful aiuit Hon. Live Stock Commission Merchant Clay, Robison A Co., 200 Exchange Bldg. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 322 Exchange Bldg. Martin Brow & Co.. Kxch. Bldg. LEGAL NOTICES. FRUIT FARM. MILE FROM TOWN. 40 acre, 1 mile from town, 4-room house, good cellar, well. barn, corncrib. nthnr outbuildings, 8 acres In fruit, 1,000 grape vines. Vt acre cantelouDes. 7 acrna alfalfa balance garden truck and corn; price right UAtilAUlrltlK It NELSON, 483 Brandeis Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. THREE cottages on 99x132 levfel cround 11,800; $600 down, balance any time; two two-story houses on S. 16th, close In, $4,600; rent $60 per month: $1,600 down, bal ance any time; lovely cottage, large lot one-half block car and school, $1,000; one half cash, balance time. F. R. SILTZ. 2442 8. 19th. Sleeping Porch Nice Lawn $2,300 Good 6-room. modern, steam heat. laundry, lawn, cement walks. 1706 N. 86th bt. mono owner. Web. 6266, B-1773. ALL MODERN 8-room house on U3d and Myrtle Ave., price low and terms to suit Central Realty Co., 680 Brandeis NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. To All Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Kimball Irrigation District has declared its intention to sell and will sell thirty thousand dollars $3J, two), par value, or any smaller amount, of Its bonds heretofore issued, dated July 1, 191L at the office of said board on the corner of First and Chestnut street in Kimball, Kimball county, State of Ne braska, on Wednesday, the 4th day of September, A. D. 1912. at the hour of twelve o'clock noon. Sealed proposals will be received by the board at ti.elr said office for the pur chase of said amount of bonds or any part thereof untli tne day and hour named heietofore, at which time the said board will open the proposals and award the purchase of trie bonds to tne highest responsible bidder or bidders, the board nowever. reserving the right to reject any or all bids. Dated August 12. 1912. By order of the Board of Director. THE KIMBALL IRRIGATION DIS TRICT. . (feai) by I. S. WALKER. President Attest: Fred R. Morgan, Secretary. A12d21t A BARGAIN. Lot 60x130 feet, on paved street: all specials paid. 22d and J streets. South umana; vm.w; easy terms. R. J. Watts, us r. mm si., umana. PERU," NEB., RESIDENCE. Beautiful location. Good 9-room house and four blocks of ground near State Normal. Owner has left state. A rare bargain at H'Xil if token at once. Write c. a. vveiaen, feru. rveD. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Canada. FOR SALE. CANADIAN LAND-J20.000 wouia nanaie a tract oi lb.ouu acre or the best wheat lands In one of the most fertile districts in western Canada, ad joining main line of transcontinental rail way; settlers now coming in large num bers. Price reasonable: owner will accom pany intending purchaser to Inspect land. Appiy lor iuu particulars. Address X 132, Bee. . coiurttuv. 120-ACRE relinquishment: one-half uni1 North Sterling ditch and reservoir, sys tem cumpieiea, water nowing in reser voir; 4 n miles of small town, U. P. rail road. Place can be homesteader) unrinr 3-year law which requires only 7 months resiaence eacn year, trice $a6 cash for short time. MORTON & WALDO. 109 S. 3d St Sterling. Colo. " Ueorgla. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed bv th ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC tlAlLitVJAU. Lands adapted to the widest nnn Af crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, it soil, climate, church ana school advantage, write W. B. LEAHY, DEPT. K. General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA, GA. THE easiest way to find a buyer foi your larui la to uassrt a small want aa in the Des Molae Capital, Largest cir culation In the state ot lows, a,uuu daily. xue vaviiai la reau ujr auu ueiicvou la 01 tbe suouyatna-s of iowa, woo siinpiy r (use to permit any otuer paper lu limit aumea, itaws, 1 eU( a Woiu oy; tun par Uu pi mouin, vouui wiuiu&ry Wwrua u ut two. AUiUbm 4a wiwuisj J,,,.,, tjm fuumas, la. FOR SALE 40-acre farm 3tt miles to city of ,vw, geutiy roiuug upi&na, wen lUiproveu, uuumugs m Line snape, & acres In cultivation, balance in pasture and fine limner, cose to school, a line home, rnce, uu per acre; can make good terms. Box v& dUshouii Vane, in. J1U1UUU, TEN thousand dollar buy best south east Missouri quarter section larm and home. - particulars, owner, Elmer Garey, wnite cnurcn, no. Aioala&a. SEVENTY thousand acres Cars land open to entry on Vaiier-Moniana project. Canal system completed. Pay ments extend over xuteen years. Sec tion iataous tor grain, xoiage and vegu- taoies. write cuowii, iiurtt &. Cam. lauy, Box Io, until; Montana." KAJ CHEo $20,ioO to $iuu,JW. Send for list bnopen oc Co., Danun Dealeis, uuiaha, xko. NEBRASKA'S GREATEST LAND AUC- TION-6.0U0 ACRES. The most gigantic auction sale of high class corn, wneat and alfalfa lands ever held In America; 80-acre tracts, iik)-acra tracts. 160-acre tracts, 24o-acre tracts, i!iO- acre tracts and 640-acre tracts. AH In dividual larms having their own indi- vlaual improvements, consisting of houses, barn and outbuildings, an fenced. To be tuld on August iv and n. at auction, at Havelock, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Easv terms. Lrng time, uw rate oi Interest For further information ad dress Farmers' Land Company, 417-18-19-20, First National Bank Bldg., Lincoln. Neb. Colonel Z. S. Branson, auctioneer; H. K. FranU. clerk. NEW YORK jTOCK MARKET Dealings All Day of Singularly Confusing Character. FAVORITES IN NARROW LIMITS Continuance of I'pward Movement In Share of Some Southern Trans portation Lines and In Gonld Gronp, NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-Deallng in tsocks today were of a singularly con fusing chaiacter. At no time was the.e marked strength In those Issues which constitute a potential speculative force. For the greater part of the session favor ites like United States Steel and the Harrlman and Hill issues moved within narrow limits, when not under restraint while Reading and Lehigh Valley were obviously under pressure. There was a continuance of the up. ward movement In shares of such south ern transportation liens as Louisville and Nashville and Atlantic Coast Line. . Unusual strength also was manifested by Denver and Rio Grande common and prefered Missouri Pacific. Coppers and General Electric as well as Southern Railway prefered were very active at higher prices In the final hour, the mar- Li,havln8a alrly 8tron8 c'ose. after J?" spell of weakness In the anthra- issues nd othr Proninent General news Included advices from liulit enters pointing to unabated "VviainLlUM III I MU 1 1 1 U r I 'QnAHl,., -'T "iumiu coupiea with an ex. ceUent annual statement by that system. E.?'ia, weJle Regular, with a sharp decline In St. Louis and San Franclscb !imoJ5vJ&LBea par value were? KcrFangel atclSn80Vernment bD3,i were18?, qU0tall0n$ Am.lgam.ted Copper. ... wb MH Wt Amarlcwi Agriculti.r.1.. 1,800 40 5914 io America Beet 8ug.r... J.soo- nu ?v 5 American Can iMS US T" ncn car & Market. OMAHA. Aug. 13, 1911 The stubbornness of the wheat market around the 92-cent level for the active months and the failure of the trade to force a 90-cent level during the early heavy marketing period of winter wheat and the successful finish of the big north west crop, at the same time, have created a more friendly feeling on tha buying side. Even those who are supporting the mar ket and buying on breaks fall to see any thing that suggests an active bull cam paign.. Wet weather over the north, if sufficient to delay or Injure the harvest might give the market a strong turn. The decrease In the Chicago stocks and the absence of any soft wheat supplies are very encouraging to buyers. The situation contains enouirh Important fea tures to make It a go4 trading market Cash wheat, unchaneed to Wo lower. No one cares to take the aggressive side on the selling of September corn, because oiu corn ia in light supply and cash prices are so to 7C over tne early montns. rue country is not selling reserves, es was expected, in view of th favorable crop conditions. The weather map is good for forcing the corn aheHd. showers ana ris ing temperature being reported all over the belt Primary wheat receipts were L238.000 bushels and shipments l,499,ouo busneis, against receipts of 863.000 bushels and shipments of 1,166,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipt were 398,000 bush els and shipments 366,000 bushels, against receipts of 454,000 bushel and shipments of 272.000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.355,000 bushels and shipments 445,000 bushels, against receipts of 777,000 bushels and hlDments of 426.000 bushels last year. Regardless of this outlook there is anmR nervousness among short trader even In the later months, which makes it look as the entire market irom September to May was somewhat over sold. Drevlous to the recent rally. Per feet weather should bring a return of selling pressure on the bard spots in tne late months. Cash corn, Ho to 2c higher. The feeling is very bearwh In the oats trade. Practically no headway has been made for some time in forcing a lower level. Traders ant selling oats on bulges for they say the mantel cannot go up in face ot the enormous crop, casn oats, c lower. . Clearances were 21,000 bushels of corn 6,000 bushels of oat and wheat and flour to 476,000. Liverpool close Vsd lower on wheat and uncnanged to w nigner on corn. The following cash sales were itporled: Wheat: No. 2 hard, winter 1- car, 87c; No. 3 hard, winter, 1 car, dark, 87V4o; 2 cars, 87c; 3 cars, 86c; 4 cars, 86toc; No. 4 hard, winter, 1 car, Soc. Oats: No. i white. 6 cars. 32c; 1 car. 3ic; 2 cars, 314c; No. 4 white, 1 car, 8iyo; No. 8 yel- low, 1 car, 31Vic Corn: No. 1 wnus, 3 cars, 75c; No. 3 white, 3 cars, 7i'4c; No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 73c; 4 cars, 72c; No. a yellow, 1 car, 73c; 1 car, 72Hc; 1 car, 72o; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, WVc; No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 72c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 72c; 2 cars, 71c; no grade, 2 cars, 14c. Omaha Cash , Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard, 86SSttc; No. 3 hard, 86S'87ttc; No. 4 hard, 7Wij8c. CORN-No. 2 white. 75c: No. 3 white, 7414&74V4c; No. 4 white. 72VfcS73c; No. i yellow, 7Wpi3c; jno. yeuow, izwioc; no. 4 yellow, 7(Kij70c; No. 2, 72c; No. 8, 72c; No. 4, 6970c; no grade, 60g61Vic. OATS-No. 2 white, 32V4c; standard. 31iW32c; No. 3 white, 8131c. BARLEY Malting, 60&70C; No. 1 feed, S545e. RYE No. 2, 6062c; No. 8, 57060c. Carlot Receipt.. Wheat. Corn. Oats. mark, cases Included, 16c; ordinary first. 16; firsts, ISc. BUTTER Steady; creameries, 21334c: dairies, IKjSe. CHEESE .steady; daisies, loXSlSV; t1ns, H(fl6c; young Americas, 15"tf 154e; lon horns, lSdlS'iC POTATOES -steady; receipt. 66 cars; Kansas and Missouri, TjCHJc; 1 lbs., tft$ SSc; Minnesota, ifj'TOc bu. POULTRY Live, steady; turkeys, I2c; chickens, 13c; springs, 17c VEAL-Steady. 8lSe. NEW YOHK GENERAL MARKET 368 ... 185 ... 63 ... 152 ... 2i5 ... 223 178 22 37 441 10 3 142 P 1 im juuencan cotton Oil.... 400 America Ice Securities 1,000 American Llnteed 100 American Locomotive .. 1,400 - o. a k 6.200 19,800 2.100 120 1 mil 1 54 14 45H 86 0 14 44 American 8. A H. km ' . 8Tu.rir'n m m 0 M 28 IS 8 107 American Tel. & Tel American Tobacco Anaconda Mining Atchison Atchlaon pti Atlantic Coast Line'..'.'.! Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel ,'. Brooklyn Rapid Tr.naii" Canadian Pacific ! Central Leather Cluaapeake & Ohio Chicago Great Wertern.. C, M. St. P C. & N. W Colorado Fuel A Iron. Consolidated Gas a.Tnn imta Corn Product. imii uS ,1 soo 24.700 1,900 200 38 (5 Delawar. 4k Hudson Uenw & R. o Denver ft R. O. pfd... Distiller.' Securities .. Brie jr,l Srie lt pfd Brie 2d pfd General Electrlo Great Northern pfd... Great Northern Or. ctfs, Illinois Central Interhorough-Met loo Interborouch-Met. nfd... lorn international Harvester . Inter. Marin, pfd.. International Paper ... International Pump .... K. C. Southern Laclede Gas Lehigh Valley Louisville A Nhvllt 41., Bt. P. ft B. St.. M 200 15J K. A T 1,100 29 Missouri Paclflo j.700 it 800 146 145 145 'W 43 42 43t im iuvi 109 400 101 102 102 2.900 148 148 147 .2W io 108 108 SS 38 1,700 93 92 92V 7,200 279 J78 179 8,200 29 88 29 J.ew 18 17 18 8.200 108 107 108 U00 H3 142 142 H4 ll'i 148 15 100 171 171 169 K 29 21 2J 27 S It 14 44 38 33 37 (5 4H 2,800 188 mvt it) 3,700 142 142 142 M 44 44 44 WO 131 131 181 iv 10 20 BVV wu BUV 123 123 100 19 19 18 ,M ..... - - l"u 11 U If ZW 2 r 2,500 27 28 27 iiw ivi im loe 38,800 174 172 172T4 3.900 169 147 168 3 29 1.100 137 100 31' 4.100 119 300 34 1,600 119 WILL sell 160 acres good farm land. Chase county. Neb., for $760. Only $23u cash. Box 92. Council Bluffs, la. Aew York. FARM for sale In Otseao Co.. N. Y.. consisting of 128 acres: a good hoo and aairy ana poultry larm, 4 mi. from rail State Hospital, Mtddletown, N. Y. bouik Uakuta, 320 ACRES of land for sale close to Winner, county seat of Tripp county. So. Dak.; all good plow land; good terms; 160-acre farm close to Winner a bargain. G. f . Kara. Winner, So. Dak. U8 1)8 32 11,400 131 180 131 31 4,300 124 124 124 117 1.100 110 10 109 12.900 24 23 24 5,600 37 87 87 509 18 164 185 52.908 172 171 172 l,i0 28 28 27U National Biscuit National Lead K. Ry. of M. 2d ofd.. New York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A western ... North American Northern Pacific raclflc Mall Pennsplvanla People'. Ga Pitts.. C. C. A St. L.. Pltuburgh Coal Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car ... Reading ; Republic Iron A Stal.. Republic I. A 8. pfd.. Rock Island Co . Rock Island Co. pfd.... St. L. A B. P. 2d pfd. Seaboard Air Line .... Seaboard Air Lln. pfd.. Sioss-Sheffteld 8. A I.. Southern Pacific ; southern Railway Southern Railway pfd.. Tennessee Copper Texss A Pacific Union Pacific Union Pacific pfd..., I'nlted States Realty United States Rubber United State. Steel . I'nlted States Steel pfd Utah Copper Virginia-Carolina Chem. Wabash Wabash pfd Western Maryland Western Union WeKlnghotiae Electric... Wheeling A Lake Erie. Total Mies tor the a, 44, 300 (hares. 38 181 214 118 32 152 29 88 JSt 59 33 117 32 100 too i.'ioo 1.100' 1,000 400 1.900 113 i 7.200 30 1,800 K 800 42 1,000 22 16,300 174 200 91 89 26 h" 24 54 87 89 I 52 35 14 54 56 1,000 41,800 52 73 9 26 35 " 23 53 57 112 113 28i 30 80 80 49 42 32 22 178 173 91 10 33 53 12 72 Tl 600 112 112 112 600 63 62 8 100 200 (00 1,109 800 4.200 48 4 111 97 82 IS 48 4 14 56 81 86 48 4 14 57 31 37 Chicago Minneapolis . Omaha Kansas City. St. Louis Winnipeg .... CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. chthago. Aue .13. Activity of shorts seeking to cover, notable In September holdings, strengthened a lUtless market today, ana neia wneat pnce near tne top at the finish. Closing figures were from c to e higher. Cash demand which absorbed 143.000 bushels of wheat. much of which was regarded as aes tlned for export disturbed September hnrts and hurried them to cover. Trad ing, which began with prices unchanged. to c lower, stuieneo towara tne ena, with advances In all futures. Continued favorable reports on new crop weather conditions In the north west and weaker cables failed to exert sufficient force to stay the advance. The close was firm throughout at practically top prices. September touched c over December's high point and lc abovo last prices, finishing at 93c. December ranged from 92c to 934c with final sales c higher at 93c. Corn presented much the same feature as wheat and a strong cash demand, coupled with September congestion toned up the market. September fluctuated between from 6914c and 71c, finishing at the high point igMc. December ranged from 64c to 55c, the last sales being a shade higher bie. Number 2 yellow was quoted at 77ffr78c. Strength displayed by the major grains was reflected In oats, which developed a moderate advance after a spiritless day. The close was steady. December ranged from 32 and 32 with final prices quar ter cent higher at 3232c. An advance of 5 cents to 10 cents in live hogs gave Impetus to provision prices. Final pr.ces on October products were, pork, $18,02418.06, 10124c up; lard, $10,874, 74 cents higher; ribs, $10,824. 15 cents advance. Closing quotations on futures were: Articlel Open.l High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat! 8ept. Dec. May. Corn. Sept. Dec.. May. Oats. Sept. 9244 934 .6914! I. 934!2(S924j 934 92 9641 . 96, 71 65 64 64 644 93 S3 96l 71 64ti ..I. 92 m 96', 694 6'a" 644 314 32 I SZlm 31 Dec. I3241 32 32 32S24 May.344! M 344 34 34 PSep't.l 17 87 18 00 '17 85-4 18 00 ' 17 85 OCt.J 17 VlftM OO-OI If DO 1S 04-001 IV KZft Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-FLOUR Steady ; spring patents. $5.HW5.46; winter straights, $4.o0ft4.60; winter patents, Jl.MXjAS; spring clears. $4.504i,4.$0; winter extras. No. 1, 54.104.20; wlntflr extras. No. 1 $l.00f4.10; Kansas stralRhts. $4.304.60. Ry flour, quiet; fair to good, $1.004.10; choice to fancy. $4.15i&4.25. CORNMKAL-Steady; fine, white and yellow, $l.65j1.70; coarse, $1.60?jl6; kiln dried. $4.05. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 75c, c. 1. f., Buffalo. BARLEY Steady; malting. 70dj0o. e. I. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT-Spot market, firm: new No. S red. $1,064 c. I. f. track and $1.09 f. o. b. float to arrive; No. 1 northern Duluth, new, $1.04 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market closed V'o net higher. September closed, $1.01; December, $1.00. CORN Spot market steady; export. 82c, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. OATS Spot market unsettled; new standard white, 61 o on track; No. 2, nominal; No. 3 and No. 4, 51o; new natural white, ISJi'Slc; new whit clipped, 63$ 56c. HAY-Steady; prime. $1.36; No, 1, $1: No. $1.1591.80, No, , 96cii"i:$1.05. HIDES Steady; Central America, 25 Bogota. 244(ii254c. LBATHER-FIrm; hemlock firsts. 23 (T27c; second, 2426c; thirds, 2122c; re jects, lao. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, $19.75 ff 20.26; family. $2O.0(Wf21.O0; hort clears, $19.50S 21-00. Beef, firm; mess, $15.OO15.50; family, $18. 0t6 18.50; beef hams. $-S.00 31.00. Cut meat, firm; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, $11.50(ii 13. pickled hams, $13.2514.00. Lard, steady; middle west, prime, $10. 85 10. 95; refined, steady; conti nent. $11.25; South America, $11.70; com pound, $.s.25ifS.50. BUTTER-Weaker; receipts, 15.269 tubs; creamery, extras. 204t264c; creamery, firsts. 25j'254c; creamery, seconds, 234 244c; creamery, thirds, 2123c. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 6.618 boxes; state whole milk, white and colored, special. 15(S16c; state whole milk. Whites, average fancy, 164c: state whole milk, under grades. 13&154c: daisies, new, best. lQlu4c; skims. 34813c. EGGS Firm; receipts, 18,251 cases; fresh gathered, extras, 24(f2oc; fresh gathered, extra flrots, 2223c; fresh gath ered, firsts. 204Q314c; fresh ' gathered, seconds, 1920c; fresh gathered, thirds and poorer, 174jlS4c; frern gathered dirties. No. 1, 18c; fresh gathered dirties, No, 2, 16451"Vc; fresh gathered- checks, good to fine, 154li4c. POULTRY Dressed, Irregular; fresh killed western broilers, lSfSSc; fowls. II 16c; turkeys, 16fi?l"c. St. Loo Is General Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo Aug. 18. WHEAT Strong; track. No. 2 red, $l,021.04; No. i hard, 90495c. CORN-Hlgher; track, No. 2, 79tS0c; No. 2 white, 80c OATS-Strong; track, No. 2, 3043lc; No. 2 white, 324c Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Higher; September, 92c; De mber, 934c. CORN-Higher; September, 714c; De cember, 53c. OATS Higher; September, 30c; De cember, 32432c. RYE Lower; 70710. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4.60714.75; extra fancy and straights, $4.05l.40; hard winter clears, $3.00(33.35. SEED Timothy, $10.00. CORNMEAL $3.60. BRAN Steady ; sacked east track, 93c $1.02. HAY Firm ; timothy, $12.0018.00; prai rie, IU.00tfil6.00. PROVISIONS-Pork, unchanged; Job blng, $16.50. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $10,32410424. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra short, 11c; clear rib, 11c; short clears, llc. Bacon, higher; boxed extra shorts, 12c; clear ribs, 12c; short clears, 124c POULTRY- Weak; chickens, 12oj springs, 15c; turkeys, lii25c; ducks, 94 12c; geese, 6 104c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 23426c. EGGS-Hlgher; 18c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 13.000 10,000 Wheat, bu 2il6,000 187,000 Corn, bu 37,fiO0 18,000 Oats, bu 143,000 61.0IW Kansas City Grain and Provision KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 13.-WHJEAT Cash: Hard lc up; soft 4lo down; No, 2 hard, 87441 91c; No. 3, 8G90c; No. i red, 98&984C; No. 8. 96G39640. CORN-Steady; No. 3 mixed. 75476c No. 3. 7446P75c; No. 2 white, 77774o; No. 3. 754S.764C. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 36364e No. 2 mixed, 84tf35e. Clodnif Drlces of futures: , WHEAT-September, 88ff884e; Decern- ber, 874c; May, 91c CORN September, 704c; December, I 52M.C: Mav. 62&524o. OATH September, stc: uecemDer, 32c. RYE-72(it73c. IIAY-Strong; choice timothy, $13.50 14.00: choice prairie. IB.MKB9.75. BUTTER Creamery, 24c; first, 22c seconds, 20c; packing stock, 20c. EGGS Extras, 204c; firsts, 19c; sec onds. 14c. Receipts. Shipments, ,...152,000 263,000 22,0 14,000 8,000 r 8.0W OMAHA LJYE STOCK MARKET Best Beef Steers and Feeders Axe Strong1 Cows Lower. HOGS AVERAGE ABOUT STEADY Sheep and I-samba Very Slow and Weak, wit la the Teadrncy Lower Aevonat Vntarorable Adrteea Irons Kaaltro Point. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. IS. 1912. Receipts wore: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Official Mondavy 7.787 Estimate Tuesday .... (.400 3,909 10,800 15.103 9,500 Two day thla week.13.167 14.709 24,(v3 Same day last week.. ,190 13.924 24.311 Same days 2 wka. ago. 6,491 13,580 24,632 vSame days 3 wka. ago. 7,734 14,787 12,42 Same days 4 wka. ago. 6.374 17,119 17,725 Same days last year.. 13,070 9,443 28,951 The follow! ng table show th receipts of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last year: 1912. 1911. Ino. Dec. Cattle 504,777 SS6.462 81,675 Hogs J.140.M5 1,689,080 461,77$ Sheep 1.121.013 972,460 148.55$ Th following table elicw the rang ot price for hoats at South Omaha tor th. last few day a with comparison: Date. 1912. ;i&ll.US10.I'J09,ll8. 11907. UW. Aug. $ Aug. 4.. Aug. 6. Aug. .. Aug. 7. Aug. 8. Aug. ., Aug 10. 7 sSTa 8 03H 7 98,! 7 90 7 83V4 7 8SH 7 96 76! 7 751 7 Ml 6 831 6 33 6 2 7 70 7 621 6 381 I 6 $J 7 04 7 7 6l 8 SSI 5 93i I T 711 7 6S 461 6 85 7 161 j ? 591 361 6 77 6 T 28 7 90 I 30 6 7l 6 11 7 27! 7 791 7 491 80 1 $0 7 23 7 811 7 41 1 6 40 6 85 IS 85 Auar 11.1 I 7 211 7 8)1 7 341 liioOt I 6 a Aug. 12.1 8 03l 7 111 7 9,') 7 421 0 411 5 Ml Aug. 18.) I $ 0S 7 47 6 2l 5 S3 6 91 'Indicate Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at to Union Stock yards, South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at S p. ni. yesterday: RECEIPTS-CARLOADS. Cattle Hogs sneep. M r s C. M. A St P 12 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 1 .. 1 Union Pacific 56 28 30 10 C. & N. W east.... 6 12 1 C. & N. W west.... 63 42 1 C. St. P. M. & O.... 8 1.... C. B. Q., eaat.... 8 1 C. B. st Q., west 81 12 t 1 C. R. I. & P.. east..' I T 1 1 Illinois Central .... S C. G. W II.... Total receipts.. .235 138 40 16 DISPOSITION HEAD. Omaha Packing- Co Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Schwarts-Bolen Co Morrell Pack ins Co Rosenstock Itros Baker, Jonea A Smith.. Benton, Vansant & L.. Hill & Son F. B. Lewis... Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla L. Wolf MoCreary & Carey S. Werthelmer .... H. F. Hamilton.... Lee Rothschild .. Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.... 118 Other buyer 1,151 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep 423 757 16 103 15 140 897 800 40 296 88 ...12 255 154 192 75 L345 677 1.733 2,8(i 189 421 1,638 2, OSS 1,672 1,379 Wheat bu. Corn, bu. Oats, bu. Jan. Lard. Sept. Oct. Jan. Ribs. Sept Oct Jan.. 18 52j 18 7741 18 624115 76-77) 18 60 J. I 10 77-801 10 70 10 8741 10 80 10 65-571 10 50 10 724110 77-801 10 824 10 8241 10 874 10 80 10 50-52110 56-67 10 60 10 70 I 10 824110 67-701 10 K41 M 67 10 70 10 8241 10 70 I 10 824 j 10 67 8 85 I 9 80 9 8Z4 w 8 824 rash Quotations were as follows: FLOUR-Steady; winter patents, $4.20 4.70; straights, $4.w4.tN spring patents, $4.606.90; straights, $4.604.60; bakers, $4.00uA3tt. RYE-NO. Z, 70C. BARLEY Feed or mixing. 4550c; fair to choice malting, 6070o. SEEDS Timothy, $.uo; ciover, 16.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, $17.87418 00. Lard (In tierces), $10,374- Short ribs (loose), $10.2610.874. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 476,000 bu. Primary receipts were 1,238,000 bu., compared with 863.000 bu the corresponding day a year ago. F.sti mated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. 274 cars; corn, 149 cars; oata, 278 cars; hogs, 25,000 head. Chicago Cash Price: Wheat: No. 2 red, $1.1001.(4; No. i red, 98c$1.02; No. 2 hard. 9445 96c: No. i rlrd. 9240944c: No. 1 northern, $1.00(3)1.06; No. 2 northern, 97c 1.03;No. 3 northern, 96c41.02; No. 2 spring, 85c$l.oz; No. 1 spring. 4cg$l.0l, No. 4 spring, 89c1.00; velvet chaff, 2c $1.00: durum. 949c. Corn: No. 1. 76l "6e; No. 2 whit. 774c784c;' No. 1 yel low, 77a78c; 0. 8, 75WT7c; No. 8 Whit, 77raT74c; No. 1 yellow, 77G774c; No. 4, 744?754c: No. 4 white, 753754c; No. 4 yel inw rv.uana.j.t Data ww lnii.. xr. new, 32(Q33c; No. 2 white, new, 314a33c, old, 3J4f33c; lio. l wnite. new, sitjjsic; oi", azc; no. 4 wnite. new, (gr.Btte. RYE NO. 1, 70704C BARLEY 4O70c. SEEDS-aover, $10.00 15.00; Umothv. $4.00(6.00. EGGS Dirm, receipt iu,ou cases; at Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 13. WHEAT September, 92c; December, 9298c; May. 97c. .Cash: No. 1 hard, $1,064; No, 1 northern, $1.06; No. 2 northern, $1.04; No. 3. 11.00l.oz; close. September, 8P! December. 927A(393c: Mav. 7o. BRAN In loo-pound tacks. ii9.oopi9.50. FLOUR For the leading local patents n wood t. o. 0. Minneapolis. ia.oont.36 other patents, $4.766.jO; tlrst clears, $3.50 63.75; second clears, iii.tufjiz.7u. r iaa si.m. BARLEY-3766c. Mllwankre Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Aug. 13. WHEAT No- 1 northern, $1.07&1.Q74; No. 1 north ern, $1.04l.i6; No. 2 haM winter, 92tf94c; Bi'PtemDer, vzw. uecemoer, c corn no. b yeuow. 77c: n i. i wn te. 8vic; No. 3, 76c; September, 714c; De cember, 5j4'8'5o4c OATS standard, 3Z4S3c. BARLEY Malting, o(S80c. A ' 1 1 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 11 BUTTER. uuiet, uncnanged. EGGS Firm and 30c per case higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, f. c, $6.90 per case; current receipts, f. c, $6.156.30; western first?, f. C, $8,W; current receipu, Mo;g(s,30. CHEESE Firm and unchanged. 4 . . Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 13.-WHEAT-Spot. steady: no. a Manuona. tb. na. Futures easy; October, 7s. 4d.; December, 7a, 2),a. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, old, 78. 3d.; new American kiln dried. 7s. Id. Futures, steady; September, 6s. 40.; uecemoer, 4s. va. Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., Aug. 1$. CORN-lo higher; No. 4 white, 74c; No. 2 mixed. inw. no. i yeuow, 76o; Na I mixed. 764c No. 3 mixed. 764c; sample. 7273c. OATS 4o lower; No. 2 white, 82o; tan- aara, 3140; no. i wnite, sic; no. 3 red, 30c. Dnlath Grain Market. DULUTH, Aug. 13. WHEAT No. 1 hard. $1.06; No. 1 northern, old. $1.04: No. 2 northern, old, 99c; September, 94c, asked;' December, 934c. OATS-On track. J2c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, lL90c: middling gulf, 12.15c. No sales. Cotton futures closed steady. Closing bids: August. lL19c; September, 11.19c; October, U.35c; November, U7c; Decem ber. U.39c; Janua'T, lL33c; February. 11.40c; March. 11.47c: May, lVJtc. i Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Aug. ll.-SUGAR-Raw, quiet; muecovado, 89 test, 1.55c; cen trifugal, 96 test. 4.05c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 3.30c. Refined, easy. Total 6,67$ S.823 9.093 CATTLE Thers w.p a very decent run of cattle here today as compared with receipts during recent weeks, so that th total tor the two days this week foot up 13,167 head, being a gain ot about 4,000 head aa compard with two weeka ago, but a falling off of about 6,000 heivj aa compared with a year ago. The supply of good cornfed beeves was very scarce and the market on desirable kind trong. One car of prim branded western sold at $10.35, the highest price ever paid on this mark.t. Grass beet was no better 'than steady and, if any thing, a little lower than yesterday, the trad being none too active and the feel- Ino- unlf. Cows and heifer were very slow and around 10Ji'15c Jower than yesterday In many case. As compared with th high time, the market i a big 5o lower. Htnrlc cattle and feeder were in actlv demand and anything desirable In that line sold very quickly at guua, suun prices. Quotations on native cattl: Good to choice beef steers. $s.50f 10.35; fair to good beef steers, 7.Wxa.M; common to fair beef steers, $5.5O8,7.50; good to choice heifers, $6.U)jm.OO; good to choice cows, $6,5046.1)0; lair to good grades, $4.254j5.60s common to fair grades, $2.754.8S; good to choice stockerB and feeders, $5,604(1.00; fair, to good Blockers and feeders. $5.00 5.50? common to fair stocksrs and feeders, $4,0(tt5.00; tock cows and heifer. $4,003 S.S; veal calves. $4.008.25; bulls, stags, etc, $3.765.00. . . Quotation on range cattle: Good to choice beet ateers, $7.6038.40; fair to good beef sUera, $d.25(&7.G0; common to fair bef steers, $5.(XXrt6.2 . HOGS Trade in hogs at the opening was mostly teady to strong and In spot 5c higher tor good light hogs that would do for shipping purpoaea. Aa re cently shippers bought aparingly and speculators were a little mor conserva tive In their operations than of late. After the bulk of the shipping orders were filled packers started in to do business and succeeded In satisfying their needa at prices generally steady and In casea possibly weak to a little lower. Early trade waa fairly active, but a the morn Ing wore aw v the mixed and packing grades seemed to sell less readily and the greater part of the really heavy packers were hard to move tven at slightly shaded figures. Although the market held pretty generally to a steady basis the demand was none too good for any class of hog on sale. Several cars of good light hogs were sold to shippers at $8.30. SHEEP The second day of the week brought out another large supply of sheep and lambs aa about forty loada or around 9,600 head wr reported In. The supply was shipped In almost ex clusively from range territory, consisting of twenty-nine car from Idaho, three loads of Wyoming ewea and lambs, five cars of Montana wether and a few con signments ot mixed natlvss. The general quality was fairly attractive, but not quite as good as on yesterday. Aa re cently aheep formed a comparatively small quota of the receipts. ' Buyers appeared on the market In a bearish mood thi morning due most probably to the weak and uncertain con dition of the trade at Chicago and other live stock centers. With the exception of one or two sales not much was doing during the first rounds although would be buyera carefully searched the receipts for any stock that would make the best killers. There was apparently a pretty fair demand for anything of the beat aort. The market continued practically Inac tive a good part of the forenoon and buyers and sellers were unable to eomc to any agreement as to price. With further discouraging advices from the eastern trade packer were not Inclined to bid any better than during th first hour and at one time ceased to make any bids at all. The market closed we.ili and 10ft25c lower. Quotation on sheep and lamb: Lamb. good to choice, $. 907.40; lambs, fair to good, $5.903.9O; lambs, feeders, $5.6O6.60; yearlings, light. $4.85426.25; yearlings, heavy. $4.6004.86: yearlings, feeders. $3,850 6.10; wethers, good to choice, $4.254.60; wetnera, rair to Rood, w. 664. 25; wethers, feeders, $3.2504.00; ewes, good to choloe. 33.16i8H.un; ewes, fair to good, $3.' to 10c higher; pigs and lights. $7.008.55; mixed and butchers, $&50&8.65; good heavy, ts.458.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts; 9.500 hfad; market 5c to 25c lower: muttons, $3.7534.75; lamb, $5.507.25; culls and bucks, $l.Wa3.25; Blockers, $10083.50. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Steady Hog II I sr her -Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Aug. 13. CATTLE Receipts, 4.600 head; market steady, strong: beeves. $5.7510.40; Texaa steers, $5.0VSi90; west ern steers. $.00i9.75; stocker and feed ers, $4.007.00; cow and heifers. $2.6563.15; calves. $6.ii9.76. HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head: market, mostly 6c up; light, $8.068.66; mixed. $l.60i&.60: heavy, $7.45.46; rough, $7.46tf? 7.70; pigs, $6,004(9.20; bulk of sales. $7.90 tj-S.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10,000 head; market slow, mostly 10c off; native. $3.20414.50: western, $3.40)4.60; yearlings, $4.40&5.50: lambs, native, $4.50)7.25; west ern. $4.60$7.23. Knnaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. IS. CATTLE Receipts, 16.000 head, including 700 southerns; market strong to 10c higher, others weak, calves 25c lower; dressed beef and export steer, $8.6010.40; fair to good, $6.6H8.50: western ateers, $5.75Qj9.26: stockers and feeders, $4.80fr7.75; southern steers, $5.00(86.50; southern cows, $3.50 5.50; native cow, $3.40g7.O0; natlv heifers, $5.corrj8.50; bulla, $4.00S,26; calves, $5.00 41 8. 25. HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head; market 10a higher; bulk of sales, $8.268.46; heavy, $H.&o8.40; packers and butchers, $8.25 t.474; lights. $8.25&S.50; pigs. $6.007.OO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 11,000 head; market, 25c to 40c lower; lambs. $5.O0ig.O0; yearlings $4.004.50; wethers. $3,754(4-.; ewea, $3.503.75; stocker and feeder, $2.2563.60. Stork in Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 6,400 10,800 9,500 St. Joseph 3.800 6,200 3,000. Kansas City 16.000 6.O0O 11.000 St. Loula 6,000 6,000 9,5003 Chicago 4,600 11.000 S0.O00J Total 36,700 39.000 63,000 i St. JoHtph ' Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Aug. 13. CATTLE Receipts. $.800 head; market, steady; ateers. $.7cfi9.50: cow and hlfers. $3.2662 9.16; csves. $4.6CS.76. hogs Receipts, fi.zuo head: market m 10c higher; top, $8.45; bulk of sales, $8.06 68.36. SHEEP AND IAMB8-Keclpt. 7.000 head; market steady, lambs, $6.2fr&7.50. St. Login Lire Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 13.-:aTTLE Re ceipts, 6,000 head. Including 400 Texans; market steady to strong: native ahlPDlnz and export ateers, S8.BOalO.16; dressed and butcher steer, ss.txxqtg.w; stocxera ann fender. $4.0(Kfi6.5O: cows and heifers. $4 0 8.75; canners. $2.75g3.50; bulls, $4.006.E0; calves, ftf.009.75; Texaa and Oklahoma teers, $4.5068.25; cowa and helfera, $3-50 r.,50. HOGS Receipts, 6.000 bead; market, 6c New York Money Market. . NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-MONEY-OH3 call, steady; 243 Pr ent; ruling ST. per cent; closing bid, 2c; offered at 1 per cent. Time loans, steady; 3403 per cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; six months, 44 per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-55J per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4450, for sixty-day bills and at $4.8710 for de mand. Commercial bill, $4.83. SILVER Bar, 614c; Mexican dollar,' 48c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. i Irregular. in closing quotations on txmds today ware aa follows: a 0. a. rsf. 3a, ra"lOH K. C. I. rat. Is.. 18)4 i 4o coupon 10014 L. I. d.b. is (1131).. tltt- V. S. ts. rsg 103 ML, N. no. 4... ft 4. coupoa IDS M K. a T. 1st 4s 34 I). 8. 4s r.f 1134 do aan. 44a ...... 4 da coupon 113VmMo. Pso. 4s 70 , Pan. a, coupon 1014 do conv. 6. 36 J Allls-Chal. 1st ..6s 44 N, R. ol U. 4Hs.. 83 , Am. A- 8. N. Y. C. (sn. 34 4 A T. T. cr. 4..-1H4 do d.b 4. 334- im. Tob, ta 120 N. T., N. H, AH. ' Armour Co. 44-. 31 oo 8Vi. tl Atchison an. 4s... WK. W. 1st a, 4... 37 . do e. 4. (I0)..loe4 do ct. 4i 1174'-; do ot. ts IDS' No. Paclflo 4a........ 384' At. C. L. Ut 4a.... M'4 do 3s (t - B. s 0. 4a 37HOr. 8. L. rfd. 4s.. 824' do SHs l4Fsnn. cr. 84s (1818) 374 a Br. Tr. or. 4s 33 Mo con. 4s .lOSttj C. of Oa. 6. 104 RosdiDf .n. 4..,.. 4 ' Osn. Loath. 8s 16 8t. L. A 8. F. If. 4a 784 C. AO. 44s 384 do fsn. (. 844 do coa, 4Vs 88 St. L. a. W, oon. 4s 80Vs C. A. 84 a. A. L. adj. (a 784 C. B. A Q 1. 4. 84480. Paclflo ool. 4a 39 do ten. 4s 84 do or. 4s US ,. C. H. 8 P. c. 44 1084. do 1st rat. 4. 844 C, R, 1. & P. 0. 4.88 Bo. Ry. 8s 107 . do rff. 41 W4 do f.n. 4 78 , C. - r. a .. 44i 8 Union Paclflo 4.....1004 D, a H. or. 4a.... 88 do cr. 4s 10-1' D. R. 0. r. 4... 834 to st A r. 4s.. 884 '' 8. ...... 734, U. . Rubbsr ....10Vi : Erl. pr. lien 4s... M V. S. SUol 3d 8s.. 102 ; do a. 4s 7T4va.-Car. Cbsm. 8... 884 do cr. 4s Mr. B . 734WaKa.h 1st 4 .. 4s. 814 ' III. Cm, 1st rat. 4. 864Wsst. Ud. 4. :. 84 " Int-Mct, 44. "11 WW, El. or. 8s.. 81 . . let M. M. 44...-- 8! Weat. 1. cv. $.. 83 ' Japaa 4 314 Wis. Can. is 314 , Hld. Offrd. ., Boston Stock and Bond. BOSTON. Aug. 13.-Closlng quotation ' en atocka were aa followa: Alloura 48 Mohawk 884 Amal. Coppar ...... 854 Narad. Oon. 11 A. Z. U .,.... 30.. Nlplaaln Ml dm .. 4 Arlinna Com 84 Korth Butt. 304 B. C. C. 8. M. 74 North Lai 84 - Calurr.t Arlsna,; 7H Old Pom !o Ion fi Calumet A HecU.... 1.14 Osoeol. ....17 Osnt.nnlal 224 Qulney . 834 ' Coppar Ban. C. Co. 884 Shannon ,'. V . Eaat Butt. C. M.. 184 Buparlor 44 Franklin 1 Sup. A Bos. Mln... 14 Olroui Con. ., it Tamarack ( 48 Cranby Con. ....844U. 8, S. R. M. 48 Orosns CananM .... V, do pf - 434 I Ial. Royall. 384T7Uk Con 114 Krr Lak. 14 fuh Coppar ...... 824 I Lak. Coppar ........ 38 4 Winona 84 La Sail. Coppar .. 84 Wolwia ....... ...W7 Miami Coppar 234 l i Bid. I - Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. .-Prlcea held firm on large tranaactlona In the local wool mar- 1, J.tnv 1, s I a , Annfailnna r-- ranged as follow; Wisconsin ana Missouri, V three-eight blood. 28428c; one-rourtn ; blood, 28-flc. Scoured basis, Texas fine, . , ixto eight months, 6366c; fine twelve HAifTfinn. fna full iRXflo. TftrritnrV. fin staple, 68a70c; fine clothing, (ICtfCc: fine medium clothing, 58S69o; half blood tl combing. 6264c; three-eighths blood comb In. K71Afi.' nnA.fnnrth hlnnd r-nmhlnar. 53 , i6oc; pulled fine A., 63tiOc; A supers, " w?'c. . . BT. LOU18, AUg. W- WUUJ-Dteauy ; ,,; ; t.rritnrv anil watrn mediums. 204124c: ., fine mediums, 1820c; fine, 1317c. . Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 18. METALS Copper steady; standard spot to October, $17.2517.50; electrolytic, - $17.24; lake, 17.624; casting, $17.0017.12. Tin easy; spot, $45.65046.00; August,' $46.60S46.B0i "1. September, 84o.684S.. ieaa, nrm, (94.60. Spelter, easy; $6.907.XU Iron,"1 firm; No. 1 northern, $l.25fcl6.60; No. 3 northern. $15.7516.27; No. 1 southern and;;; No. 1 southern soft $16.0016.50. Anti-, mony, quiet; Cookson', $8 60. Copper ex-v ports this month 7,788 ton. London copper, steady; spot and futures, 78 12 6d. London lln, steady; spot, 207; fu- tures, f206. London lead; fl9 7s 8d. Lon-' don spelter, 26 6s. Iron, Cleveland war- rants, 60s 10d In London. ' New York Mining Stock. , . Vtrrw VfinK. Auar. 13. Oloalnsr auota'J Hon on mining stocks were: .. Com. Tunnel stock.. 10 wuioaa ............saq do bonds ........ 15 Ontario 184 Coa. Cal. A Va..... 88 Oplr, suit, pd 08 Iron Stiver 180 Standard 1C4 - LaadYtll. Con 10 T.llov Jaokat ...... 48 LHtl. ChlsJ 8 I.., Off.re4. ... SeldomlSee a big knee Ilk this, bnt your bone may bars a buBch or bruise on bis Aakie, ' Hoek,StiSa,KoMorIaroat. ifh will clean them off without larlns ttm" " boras no. No blister, no hair a-one. . 3JS.00 per bottle deliTered. Deacrlb. rour eel. tut -paet&l Instruction, and Book 8 E free. ABSOHUINE, JK.,UnliDntfor mDktnd. Eo snovaa Painful Swelling., Halsrf.d Glsnd,i Goitre, Weaa. BnUsoa, Vsricoae Vole a vsrlooalttaa, , , Old Sore Allay. PlB. Price 11 and St bottle s4 . nuurlst. or dellrerod. Msnuf aotured only by W.F.YOUN0.P.O.F, 104 Tseils St, Man, hip Your Stock to South Omaha For List of Reliable Commlsalou . Merchant See Our Classified List of Merchants. - J CORN HAKVESTER with Blnoar AtUch-" mnt cuts and throw, la r1' n bar- ' retter or wtarow. Mas ;ad aan. outs and ahfuilra MH.I .I.K - mm. Dl,, ii..ld In .vary at. Price 310.00. W. H. UUXTO.V. ? if Johnstown, Ohio, writes: ' Tlia Uarvrstar has . :tven all you ilalm lor it; the Harrntar aava4 .lie orer 126. 90 to labor last rear, win cutllaj i ut over 600 shocks: will make 4 auahels turn to . I shock1 Testimonials and catnlagua fra, snow. In picture of harvester. Addresj KW Pi; a- , JESS MFO. CO.. 8AUNA. KANSAS. 7